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Starch biosynthesis and degradation was studied in seedlings and mature plants of Euphorbia heterophylla L. and E. myrsinites L. Mature embryos, which lack starch grains in the non-articulated laticifers, develop into seedlings that accumulate starch rapidly when grown either in the light or the dark. Starch accumulation in laticifers of dark-grown seedlings was ca. 47 and 43% of total starch in light-grown controls in E. heterophylla and E. myrsinites, respectively. In light-grown seedlings, starch was present in laticifers as well as parenchyma of stems and leaves, whereas in dark-grown seedlings starch synthesis was almost exclusively limited to laticifers. In 7-month-old plants placed into total darkness, the starch in chyma was depleted within 6 d, whereas starch in laticifers was not mobilized. The starch content of latex in plants during development of floral primordia, flowering, and subsequent fruit formation remained rather constant. The results indicate that laticifers in seedlings divert embryonal storage reserves to synthesize starch even under stress conditions (darkness) in contrast to other cells, and that starch accumulated in laticifers does not serve as a metabolic reserve. The laticifer in Euphorbia functions in the accumulation and storage of secondary metabolites yet retains the capacity to produce, but not utilize starch, a primary metabolite.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls expand considerably during cell enlargement, but the biochemical reactions leading to wall expansion are unknown. McQueen-Mason et al. (1992, Plant Cell 4, 1425) recently identified two proteins from cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) that induced extension in walls isolated from dicotyledons, but were relatively ineffective on grass coleoptile walls. Here we report the identification and partial characterization of an oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptile wall protein with similar properties. The oat protein has an apparent molecular mass of 29 kDa as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel eletrophoresis. Activity was optimal between pH 4.5 and 5.0, which makes it a suitable candidate for acid growth responses of plant cell walls. The oat protein induced extension in walls from oat coleoptiles, cucumber hypocotyls and pea (Pisum sativum L.) epicotyls and was specifically recognized by an antibody raised against the 29-kDa wall-extension-inducing protein from cucumber hypocotyls. Contrary to the situation in cucumber walls, the acid-extension response in heat-inactivated oat walls was only partially restored by oat or cucumber wall-extension proteins. Our results show that an antigenically conserved protein in the walls of cucumber and oat seedlings is able to mediate a form of acid-induced wall extension. This implies that dicotyledons and grasses share a common biochemical mechanism for at least part of acid-induced wall extensions, despite the significant differences in wall composition between these two classes of plants.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - CM carboxymethyl - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - DTT dithiothreitol - Ex29 29-kDa expansin  相似文献   

Styloid-calcium-oxalate-crystal-containing idioblasts possess an interior cell-wall layer which has a lamellar ultrastructure. Idioblasts were isolated by centrifugation of an Agave americana leaf homogenate through 2M sucrose. The aliphatic monomers of the polymeric material from an idioblast fraction were primarily -hydroxy acids (32%) and dicarboxylic acids (35%), with C18:1 dicarboxylic acid being the most dominant monomer (25%). Nitrobenzene oxidation of the idioblasts yielded syringaldehyde and vanillin in a ratio of 0.46:1. The major class of wax associated with the idioblasts was free fatty acids (34%). A major homologue of both the fatty acid and fatty alcohol fractions of this wax was C22. The hydrocarbon fraction of the wax had a broad chainlength distribution with a large amount of even-numbered (47%) and shorter-chain homologues. The ultrastructure, the composition of the aliphatic and aromatic components of the polymeric material as well as the composition of the wax show that the idioblast cell wall is suberized. The wax and cutin polymer of the epidermis of A. americana leaves were chemically characterized for comparative purposes.Scientific paper No. 6115, Project 2001, College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA  相似文献   

Summary Asclepias speciosa Torr, has latex-containing cells known as nonarticulated laticifers. In stem sections of this species, we have analyzed the cell walls of nonarticulated laticifers and surrounding cells with various stains, lectins, and monoclonal antibodies. These analyses revealed that laticifer walls are rich in (1→4) β-D-glucans and pectin polymers. Immunolocalization of pectic epitopes with the antihomogalacturonan antibodies JIM5 and JIM7 produced distinct labeling patterns. JIM7 labeled all cells including laticifers, while JIM5 only labeled mature epidermal cells and xylem elements. Two antibodies, LM5 and LM6, which recognize rhamnogalacturonan I epitopes distinctly labeled laticifer walls. LM6, which binds to a (l→5) α-arabinan epitope, labeled laticifer walls more intensely than walls of other cells. LM5, which recognizes a (1→4) β-D-galac-tan epitope, did not label laticifer segments at the shoot apex but labeled more mature portions of laticifers. Also the LM5 antibody did not label cells at the shoot apical meristem, but as cells grew and matured the LM5 epitope was expressed in all cells. LM2, a monoclonal antibody that binds to β-D-glucuronic acid residues in arabinogalactan proteins, did not label laticifers but specifically labeled sieve tubes. Sieve tubes were also specifically labeled byRicinus communis agglutinin, a lectin that binds to terminal β-D-galactosyl residues. Taken together, the analyses conducted showed that laticifer walls have distinctive cytochemical properties and that these properties change along the length of laticifers. In addition, this study revealed differences in the expression of pectin and arabinogalactan protein epitopes during shoot development or among different cell types.  相似文献   

D. H. Northcote  Robin Davey  Jim Lay 《Planta》1989,178(3):353-366
Antibodies to cellobiose, L-arabinopyranose, L-arabinofuranose, D-galactose, oligosaccharides containing 14 xylose, oligosaccharides containing 14 glucose, and oligosaccharides containing 13 glucose have been raised in rabbits. The antisera have been characterized to show the specificity of binding to particular polysaccharides. They have been used for immunocytology using the electron microscope to locate the polymers in dividing and differentiating cells of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) root, bean callus tissue and cells of Zinnia elegans L. in vitro. Arabinogalactans have been shown to be present in the cell-plate and primary walls but not in secondary thickening. Xylan as distinct from xyloglucan was found in the primary walls but not in the cell-plate. It was present in large amounts in the secondary thickening. Callose was found in the cell plate and also in the young growing wall. In the wall it was specifically located at the plasmodesmata. The use of the antibody against L-arabinofuranose enabled a specific organelle to be detected which was membranous and which occurred within the cytoplasm and also within the vacuole of the cells. Membranes carrying polymers containing L-arabinofuranose were also found in layers just under the plasmamembrane.Abbreviations L-Araf L-arabinofuranose - L-Arap L-arabinopyranose - BSA bovine serum albumin - Gal galactose - D-Galp D-galactopyranose - Glc glucose - Xyl xylose  相似文献   

The effect of auxin on cell wall mass in the epidermis of third internodes of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown in dim red light was investigated using epidermal peels, to determine whether epidermal peels reflect the behavior of the outer epidermal cell wall. In contrast to the outer epidermal wall itself, where auxin caused thinning in proportion to growth (M.S. Bret-Harte et al, 1991, Planta 185, 462–471), auxin promoted an increase in wall mass in epidermal peels from treated internode segments in the absence of exogenously supplied sugar. The percentage gain in mass was smaller than the percentage elongation, however, so mass per unit length decreased in peels from auxin-treated segments. Epidermal peels from auxin-treated segments gained more wall mass than control peels even when adhering internal tissue at the basal end of the peel was removed. Epidermal peels also had a gross composition different from that of the outer wall alone (M.S. Bret-Harte and L.D. Talbott, 1993, Planta 190, 369–378). These discrepancies can be explained by the observation that the outer wall makes up only 30% of the mass of the epidermal peel. It appears that the inner walls of the epidermis, and walls of the outer layer of cortical cells that remain attached to the epidermis during peeling, nearly maintain their thickness by biosynthesis while the outer wall loses mass as previously described (Bret-Harte et al. 1991). These results indicate that epidermal peels may not be a good system for examining the biochemical and physiological properties of the outer epidermal cell wall.I would like to thank Dr. Peter M. Ray, of Stanford University, for the use of experimental facilities, helpful discussions, and technical and editorial assistance, Dr. Winslow R. Briggs, of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, for helpful discussions and for the use of experimental facilities, Dr. Paul B. Green, of Stanford University, for financial support, and Dr. Wendy K. Silk, of the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, for financial support. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation grant DCB8801493 to Paul B. Green, and the generosity of Wendy K. Silk in the final writing.  相似文献   

Summary An autolysin produced by young colonies ofPediastrum frees them from the vesicle in which they are formed within 12 hours of release of zoospores from the parent cell. The polysaccharide vesicle is derived from the inner wall layer of the parent cell. Refrigeration delays vesicle disintegration; boiling stops it completely. A purified, lyophilized extract of the vesicle fluid added to boiled vesicled colonies removes the vesicle in 2 hours with the release of reducing sugars and polysaccharides.Biogel P2 and P10 chromatography of the products following incubation of the enzyme preparation and wall showed no more than 1% oligosaccharides; the remaining carbohydrates had a molecular weight of several thousand daltons. Analyses of isolated vesicle wall material (70–85% of the dry weight) showed mannose accounting for approximately 50% of the dry weight, with none of the other neutral sugars present (fucose, xylose, galactose and glucose) representing more than 3%. Uronic acids account for 20–25% of the wall weight, and proteins less than 2%. Pediastrum colonies are thus freed from the vesicles in which they are formed by the action of an autolysin they produce. The autolysin acts on the vesicle wall material to generate reducing sugars and cause it to disintegrate into its constituent polysaccharides.  相似文献   

In CAM-plants rising levels of malic acid in the early morning cause elevated turgor pressures in leaf chlorenchyma cells. Under specific conditions this process is lethal for sensitive plants resulting in chlorenchyma cell burst while other species can cope with these high pressures and do not show cell burst under comparable conditions. The non-cellulosic polysaccharide composition of chlorenchyma cell walls was investigated and compared in three cultivars of Aechmea with high sensitivity for chlorenchyma cell burst and three cultivars with low sensitivity. Chlorenchyma layers were cut from the leaf and the non-cellulosic carbohydrate fraction of the cell wall fraction was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. Glucuronoarabinoxylans (GAXs) were the major non-cellulosic polysaccharides in Aechmea. The fine structure of these GAXs was strongly related to chlorenchyma wall strength. Chlorenchyma cell walls from cultivars with low sensitivity to cell burst were characterized by an A/X ratio of ca. 0.13 while those from cultivars with high sensitivity showed an A/X ratio of ca. 0.23. Xylose chains from cultivars with high cell burst sensitivity were ca. 40% more substituted with arabinose compared to cultivars with low sensitivity for cell burst. The results indicate a relationship in vivo between glucuronoarabinoxylan fine structure and chlorenchyma cell wall strength in Aechmea. The evidence obtained supports the hypothesis that GAXs with low degrees of substitution cross-link cellulose microfibrils, while GAXs with high degrees of substitution do not. A lower degree of arabinose substitution on the xylose backbone implies stronger cell walls and the possibility of withstanding higher internal turgor pressures without cell bursting.  相似文献   

The non-invasive technique of fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching was employed on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) root cells grown in suspension culture to examine macromolecular transport across plant cell walls. Using both fluorescently derivatized dextrans and proteins of graded size, a functional range of diameters for putative trans-wall channels was determined to be 6.6–8.6 nm. A mild treatment with pectinase apparently enlarged the channels, without adversely affecting cell viability, enabling significantly larger molecules to pass through the wall. Treatment of the cells with cellulysin or protease did not have this enlargement effect. It appears that the organization of pectic substances is a major control element in defining the sieving properties of the wall.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Fl-dextran fluorescein-derivatized dextran - FRAP fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching - kDa kilodalton  相似文献   

Elongation growth rate of stem cells of Impatiens balsamina was inhibited by the heavy metals Pb2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ due to their suppression on cell wall extensibility. Effective turgor was also inhibited by Pb2+ and Cd2+ but it played a secondary role in reducing the stem cell elongation growth rate. The major rate-limiting factor for cell elongation growth was the cell wall extensibility. Furthermore, Cd2+ was found to be more toxic than Pb2+, while Pb2+ was more toxic than Zn2+.  相似文献   

A cell wall lytic enzyme (gamete wall-autolysin) and a polyclonal antiserum raised against one of the major cell wall glycopeptides ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii were used to study their cross-reactivities with the cell walls of variety of members of the Volvocales. Lytic enzyme was able to digest completely the cell walls of five species ofChlamydomonas (C. reinhardtii group), six species ofGonium and two species ofAstrephomene. The colonial structures ofGonium andAstrephomene were broken into individual cells by exposure to the enzyme and protoplasts were then formed. These organisms also showed a strong cross-reactivity with anti-cell wall glycopeptide by an indirect-immunofluorescence test. The cell walls ofChlamydomonas angulosa, Dysmorphococcus globosus, Pandorina morum, Eudorina elegans, Volvulina steinii, Pleodorina california andVolvox carteri all showed a strong cross-reactivity to the antibody, although they were insensitive to the lytic enzyme. Many other species ofChlamydomonas, Carteria crucifera, Chlorogonium elongatum, Polytoma uvella, Haematococcus lacustris, Lobomonas piriformis, Phacotus lenticularis, Pteromonas angulosa, Stephanosphera pluvialis, andPyrobotrys casinoensis had cell walls which were resistant to the enzyme and showed no or weak cross-reactivity with the antibody. Based on the results, a possible evolutionary sequence from a unicellular relative ofC. reinhardtii to the multicellular algae is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An antibody to the inner wall layer ofGloeomonas kupfferi was isolated and used in a developmental analysis of cell wall processing, secretion and extracellular assembly. The focus of the processing of this matrix layer is the endomembrane system, in particular the Golgi apparatus (GA) and contractile vacuole (CV). During interphase, inner wall materials are processed in the GA, packaged in trans face vesicles and transported to the CV, the final internal depository of wall precursors until release to the cell surface. During cell division, significant changes occur in the inner wall layer processing. Early on in cytokinesis, the GA does not label with our antibody, suggesting that other wall layers are being processed. In later stages of cytokinesis, the GA changes in morphology and begins to produce inner wall layer materials. These wall precursors are shuttled to the CV where they are released around the daughter cell protoplasts. The first wall layer that is formed around daughter cells is the crystalline median wall layer. Once assembled, the inner wall layer condenses upon the crystalline layer and grows in size.  相似文献   

The cell-wall polysaccharides from different parts of maize roots have been analysed. The arabinose, galactose and mannose contents are influenced by cell differentiation, whereas xylose, rhamnose and uronic-acid contents are not. In cap cells, the pectin content is low but rhamnose and fucose are present in larger quantities. The cell-wall polysaccharides from cells of the elongation zone and their respective regenerating protoplasts were also analysed. The walls of the protoplasts contained higher xylose and mannose levels and a much lower level of cellulose than the cells from which they were derived.  相似文献   

Mannan-rich plant cell walls were mechanically disintegrated and chemically extracted in order to ascertain their morphology and structure by electron microscopy and electron diffraction. For Acetabularia crenulata and Codium fragile, the cell-wall fragments were found to consist of alkali-resistant fibrillar mannan II encrusted with alkali-soluble granular mannan I. In the case of ivory nuts (Phytelephas macrocarpa) there is, in addition, a microfibrillar cellulose component which was also identified. The mannan I—mannan II polymorphism was also obtained when various mannan fractions were recrystallized from solution. In these recrystallizations, the occurrence of one or the other polymorph was found to depend on several parameters: the molecular weight of the mannan, the temperature of crystallization and the polarity of the crystallization medium.Abbreviations DP degree of polymerization - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Affiliated with the Scientific and Medical University of Grenoble  相似文献   

An improved 13C-density-labeling method was used to study cell wall synthesis in rapidly expanding, slowly expanding and recently mature internodes of Nitella translucens var axillaris (A.Br.) R.D.W. As cells matured, the rate of wall synthesis slowed and the deposition of cellulose microfibrils changed from a predominantly transverse direction in the primary wall of rapidly expanding internodes to a helicoidal array in the secondary wall of mature internodes. The secondary wall was characterized by relatively higher rates of cellulose synthesis and lower rates of pectin synthesis than the primary wall. The synthesis of xyloglucan also decreased markedly at the transition to secondary wall synthesis, while the synthesis of mannose-rich hemicellulose increased. Even though structural differences were striking between the primary and secondary walls of Nitella, compositional differences between the two types of wall were quantitative rather than qualitative. The authors appreciate the assistance of Martin Yousef with the electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Isolated wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Potam) aleurone layers have a high capacity to acidify their environment, and secrete hydrolytic enzymes (endoxylanase, glucanase, α-amylase, proteases, etc.) under the control of GA3. Acidic pH and xylanases are found to be essential for cell wall relaxation in growing tissues, but aleurone is a non-growing, non-dividing tissue. In this tissue, we studied the effect of these loosening factors on aleurone cell walls.Exposure to pH 3.0 caused the release of carbohydrates and calcium ions from the pericarp, and a small amount of carbohydrates, mainly polysaccharides, from aleurone layers from which pericarp tissue had been removed. 50 percnt; of the total sugars released into the incubation medium by these isolated aleurone tissue was arabinose, but no xylose, calcium ions, or phenolic compounds were found. Acid preincubation decreased by 30 percnt; the susceptibility of aleurone cell walls to degradation by exogenously-applied endoxylanase, and also modified the architecture of cell wall as observed by autofluorescence of phenolic groups. These findings suggest that acid treatment and endoxylanase action, rather than having a loosening effect on aleurone cell wall, can have an opposite effect, increasing the resistance of aleurone cell walls to loosening.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide structure of potato cell walls: Chemical fractionation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cell walls of potato tubers were fractionated by successive extraction with various reagents. A slightly degraded pectic fraction with 77% galacturonic acid was extracted in hot, oxalate-citrate buffer at pH 4. A further, major pectic fraction with 38% galacturonic acid was extracted in cold 0.1 M Na2CO3 with little apparent degradation. These two pectic fractions together made up 52% of the cell wall. Most of the oxalate-citrate fraction could alternatively be extracted with cold acetate-N,N,N-tetracetic acid (CDTA) buffer, a non-degradative extractant which nevertheless removed essentially all the calcium ions. This fraction was therefore probably held only by calcium binding, and the remainder of the pectins by covalent bonds. Electrophoresis showed that both pectic fractions contained a range of molecular types differing in composition, with a high arabinose: galactose ratio as well as much galacturonic acid in the most extractable fractions. From methylation data, the main side-chains were 1,4-linked galactans and 1,5-linked arabinans, with smaller quantities of covalently attached xyloglucan. Extraction with NaOH-borate removed a small hemicellulose fraction and some cellulose. The main hemicelluloses were apparently a galactoxyloglucan, a mannan or glucomannan and an arabinogalactan.Abbreviations GLC gas-liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - V0 void volume - MW weight-average molecular weight - DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - CDTA N,N,N-tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

An alkali-soluble polysaccharide was isolated from the purified mycelial walls of Coprinus lagopus. The hydrolysis products, optical rotation, and infrared spectrum indicate a -glucan. Hydrolysis of the glucan after permethylation gave only 2,3,4,6-tetra-, 2,4,6-tri-, and 2,4-di-O-methyl-d-glucose. These methylated sugars and their relative quantities reveal that the glucan is a polysaccharide containing -1,3-linked glucose units with about 14% of the sugars having 1,6-linked branch points. Partial hydrolysis of the product derived from Smith degradation of the glucan released laminaribiose and gentiobiose suggesting that the branches are generally longer than a single glucose unit.Adapted from a portion of a dissertation submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree in botany at the University of Connecticut under the direction of Dr. Ralph P. Collins  相似文献   

The free and N-acetyl glucosamine contents, serving as a measure of the amounts of chitosan and chitin respectively, were determined in the chitinase hydrolysates of the cell wall of a wild strain ofNeurospora crassa. Chitinase, obtained from cultures ofSerratia marcescens, could hydrolyse the cell wall completely apart from being capable of hydrolysing preparations of chitin and chitosan. The free and N-acetyl glucosamines, released by chitinase hydrolysis, were determined by a modified Morgan-Elson reaction carried out in the presence and absence of acetic anhydride. The method is capable of estimating chitin and chitosan contents in as little as 100 μg of cell wall material.  相似文献   

Cell-wall synthesis in Chlorella vulgaris, an autospore-forming alga, was observed using the cell wall-specific fluorescent dye Fluostain I. The observation suggested two clearly distinguishable stages in cell-wall synthesis: moderate synthesis during the cell-growth process and rapid synthesis at the cell-division stage. We used electron microscopy to examine the structural changes that occurred with growth in the premature daughter cell wall during the cell-growth and cell-division phases. The cell began to synthesize a new daughter cell wall shortly after its release from the autosporangium. A very thin daughter cell wall, with a thickness of about 2 nm, was formed inside the mother cell wall and completely enveloped the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the cell. The daughter cell wall gradually increased in thickness from 2 to 3.8 nm. During the protoplast-division phase in the cell-division stage, the daughter cell wall expanded on the surface of the invaginating plasma membrane of the cleavage furrow, accompanied by active synthesis of the cell wall, which increased in thickness from 3.8 to 6.1 nm. The daughter cell matured into an autospore while completely enclosed by its own thickening (from 6.1 to 17 nm) wall. Finally, the released daughter cell was enclosed by its own cell wall after the mother cell wall burst. The daughter cell with mature wall thickness (17–21 nm) emerged as a small, but complete, autospore.  相似文献   

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