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(35S) methionine-labeled polypeptides synthesized by adenovirus type 2-infected cells have been analyzed by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Cycloheximide (CH) was added to infected cultures to accumulate early viral mRNA relative to host cell mRNA. This allowed viral proteins to be synthesized in increased amounts relative to host proteins after removal of CH and pulse-labeling with (35S)methionine. During the labeling period arabinosyl cytosine was added to prevent the synthesis of late viral proteins. This procedure facilitated the detection of six early viral-induced polypeptides, designated EP1 through EP6 (early protein), with apparent molecular weights of 75,000 (75K), 42K, 21K, 18K, 15K, and 11K. Supportive data were obtained by coelectrophoresis of (35S)- and (3H)methionine-labeled polypeptides from infected and uninfected cells, respectively. Three of these early polypeptides have not been previously reported. CH pretreatment enhanced the rates of synthesis of EP4 and EP6 20- to 30-fold and enhanced that of the others approximately twofold. The maximal rates of synthesis of the virus-induced proteins varied, in a different manner, with time postinfection and CH pretreatment. Since CH pretreatment appears to increase the levels of early viral proteins, it may be a useful procedure to assist their isolation and functional characterization.  相似文献   

The human adenovirus DNA genome contains a protein (CBP, or covalently bound protein) linked to each 5' terminus. To assess whether CBP is synthesized early, infected cells were incubated with hydroxyurea from 1 to 18 h postinfection, the hydroxyurea was removed, cycloheximide was added, and viral DNA was labeled with [3H]thymidine from 18 to 23 h postinfection. Removal of hydroxyurea at 18 h postinfection permits the synthesis of viral DNA, whereas cycloheximide maintains the block in late viral protein synthesis. Three lines of evidence are presented to show that viral 3H-labeled DNA prepared by this procedure was linked to CBP: (I) the DNA sedimented more rapidly than protein-free DNA (i.e., protinase treated) in neutral sucrose gradients containing guanidine hydrochloride; (ii) the DNA banded at a lower density than protein-free DNA in CsCl gradients containing guanidine hydrochloride; and (iii) neither the 3H-labeled DNA nor the end fragments produced by EcoRI digestion entered a 1.4% agarose gel during electrophoresis. These experiments are strong evidence that CBP is not a product of a late viral gene and is therefore the product of either an early viral gene or a cell gene. Experiments were performed to test whether CBP is attached to viral DNA synthesized in vitro by a soluble complex that synthesizes exclusively viral DNA as completed viral genomes in vitro. In vitro-labeled DNA was analyzed by velocity sedimentation, equilibrium sedimentation, and agarose gel electrophoresis as described above. Our results indicate that the majority of in vitro-synthesized DNA molecules were attached to CBP. These results, which indicate that CBP is synthesized early after infection and is attached to viral DNA labeled in vitro by a soluble replication complex, are consistent with the idea that CBP may play a role in viral DNA replication.  相似文献   

J Tal  E A Craig    H J Raskas 《Journal of virology》1975,15(1):137-144
Synthesis of cytoplasmic viral RNA was studied during infection of cultured human (KB) cells with adenovirus 2. At 6 h, before viral DNA synthesis began 5% of the poly(A)-containing RNA hybridized to viral DNA; by 12 h and at later times more than 80% was virus specified. At 18 h after infection, four major size classes of cytoplasmic viral RNA were identified among the poly(A)-containing molecules. These size classes migrated as 27S, 24S, 19S, and 12 to 15S in polyacrylamide gels. The three larger size classes could also be identified in denaturing formamide gels. Hybridization of the 27S, 24S, and 19S viral RNAs was not inhibited by RNA harvested from cells at early times in infection. Therefore, these three major RNAs must code for late viral proteins. Hybridization of the 12 to 15S RNA was partially inhibited by RNA from cultures harvested at early times, suggesting that in this size class some of the RNA labeled at 18 h codes for early viral proteins.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro synthesis of adenovirus type 2 early proteins.   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The synthesis of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-induced early polypeptides was examined in vivo and in vitro by a combination of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis alone and specific immunoprecipitation followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Analysis of total [35S]methionine-labeled polypeptides synthesized in vivo at 3 h postinfection allowed us to detect in infected cells at lease 13 distinct polypeptides that are either absent or less conspicuous in extracts from mock-infected cells. These Ad2-induced early polypeptides have molecular weights ranging from 72 x 10(3) to 10.5 x 10(3) and have accordingly been designated as E72K to E10.5K. Nine of the in vivo synthesized early polypeptides can be precipitated specifically from infected cell extracts by antisera with specificity against early adenovirus proteins. In vitro translation of mRNA extracted from mock-infected cells and from Ad2-infected cells was carried out in preincubated Ehrlich ascites cell extracts. All the early Ad2-induced polypeptides identified in the extracts from infected cells labeled in vivo were also detected among the polypeptides immunoprecipitated specifically from the in vitro reaction mixtures programmed by RNA extracted at 4 h postinfection from Ad2-infected cells.  相似文献   

At both early (3 h) and late (18 h) times after infection of KB cells with adenovirus 2, more than 90% of parental nuclear viral genomes exist as complexes which contain terminally linked proteins. Density shift experiments employing 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine indicate that these parental DNA molecules remain complexed with terminal proteins after DNA replication. The persistent linkage of proteins to the termini of intranuclear viral DNA suggests that these proteins have an essential role in adenovirus replication.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of adenovirus type 2 i-leader protein.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The i-leader is a 440-base-pair sequence located between 21.8 and 23.0 map units on the adenovirus type 2 genome and is spliced between the second and third segments of the major tripartite leader in certain viral mRNA molecules. The i-leader contains an open translational reading frame for a hypothetical protein of Mr about 16,600, and a 16,000-Mr polypeptide (16K protein) has been translated in vitro on mRNA selected with DNA containing the i-leader (A. Virtanen, P. Alestr?m, H. Persson, M. G. Katze, and U. Pettersson, Nucleic Acids Res. 10:2539-2548, 1982). To determine whether the i-leader protein is synthesized during productive infection and to provide an immunological reagent to study the properties and functions of the i-leader protein, we prepared antipeptide antibodies directed to a 16-amino acid synthetic peptide which is encoded near the N terminus of the hypothetical i-leader protein and contains a high acidic amino acid and proline content. Antipeptide antibodies immunoprecipitated from extracts of adenovirus type 2-infected cells a major 16K protein that comigrated with a 16K protein translated in vitro. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis by Edman degradation of radiolabeled 16K antigen showed that methionine is present at residue 1 and leucine is present at residues 8 and 10, as predicted from the DNA sequence, establishing that the 16K protein precipitated by this antibody is indeed the i-leader protein. Thus, the i-leader protein is a prominent species that is synthesized during productive infection. The i-leader protein is often seen as a doublet on polyacrylamide gels, suggesting that either two related forms of i-leader protein are synthesized in infected cells or that a posttranslational modification occurs. Time course studies using immunoprecipitation analysis with antipeptide antibodies revealed that the E1A 289R T antigen and the E1B-19K (175R) T antigen are synthesized beginning at 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 h postinfection, respectively, whereas the i-leader protein is synthesized starting at about 8 h postinfection and continues unabated until at least 25 h postinfection. The i-leader protein is very stable, as determined by pulse-chase labeling experiments, and accumulates continuously from 8 to 25 h postinfection, as shown by immunoblot analysis. The synthesis of i-leader protein does not depend upon viral DNA replication. Thus, the i-leader protein is a viral gene product of unknown function and high stability that is made in large quantities at intermediate times of productive infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A J Berk  F Lee  T Harrison  J Williams  P A Sharp 《Cell》1979,17(4):935-944
The studies described here demonstrate that the expression of many early adenovirus mRNAs is dependent upon the activity of a pre-early viral product. This viral gene product is defective in adenovirus 5 host range (Ad hr) group I mutants. Adenovirus 5 host range mutants were previously isolated by their ability to replicate in the adenovirus 5-transformed human embryonic cell line 293 and by their inability to replicate efficiently in HeLa cells (Harrison, Graham and Williams, 1977). The group I complementation class of host range mutants has been mapped by marker rescue between 0 and 4.4 units (Frost and Williams, 1978). We have used the S1 nuclease gel technique to examine the expression of early mRNA after infection of HeLa cells with Ad5 hr group I and II mutants. The Ad5 hr group II mutants stimulate the synthesis of a wild-type pattern of early mRNAs. In contrast, infection of HeLa cells with Ad5 hr group I mutants gives rise to only two early mRNAs. These mRNAs map from 1.5–4.4 units, or in the same region as the Ad5 hr group I mutations. Since infection of HeLa cells with Ad5 hr group I mutants was defective for synthesis of cytoplasmic mRNAs complementary to three early regions in the right half of the genome and to the early region 4.5–11.0 units, we also analyzed nuclear RNA from these cells by the S1 nuclease gel technique for the presence of precursor RNA chains. Nuclear precursors were not detected in Ad5 hr group I-infected HeLa cells, suggesting that the gene product defective in these mutants is required for synthesis of stable nuclear RNA from the three early regions in the right half of the genome and from the early region 4.5–11.0 units.  相似文献   

Early virus-specific RNA synthesized in KB cells infected with adenovirus type 7 and virus-specific RNA synthesized in rat embryo cells (71JY1-2) transformed by the adenovirus type 7 HindIII-I.J fragment (left-hand 8.1% of the viral genome) have been mapped on the viral genome. About 25% of the viral genome, four discrete regions, two on each strand of the viral genome, are expressed as "early" mRNA. Almost similar regions in the left-hand 8.1% of the viral genome are transcribed both in KB cells at early times after infection and in 71JY1-2 cells.  相似文献   

Physicochemical and functional analyses of the translation products of fiber mRNA in rabbit reticulocyte lysate suggested that fiber polypeptide chains (monomers) were capable of self-assembling in vitro, forming trimeric fibers (trimers) without direct intervention of any other adenovirus-coded protein or cell nuclear matrix component. Kinetic studies showed that trimer formation occurred at a rate six times lower than that of fiber polypeptide synthesis. Fiber assembly was found to be relatively inefficient in vitro, with only 25-30% fiber polypeptides trimerized after 4-h translation reaction. The rate constant for fiber subunit assembly, extrapolated from the kinetic curves of trimer formation, was found to be in the order of magnitude of 10(5) M-1 s-1, with a t 1/2 of 1.3 h at 30 degrees C. A latence phase of approximately 40 min in the appearance of the first detectable trimers indicated that fiber assembly did not occur co-translationally, suggesting the existence of rate-limiting intermediate step(s) during assembly.  相似文献   

The methylated constituents of early adenovirus 2 mRNA were studied. RNA was isolated from polyribosomes of cells double labeled with [methyl-3H]methionine and 32PO4 from 2 to 7 g postinfection in the presence of cycloheximide. Cycloheximide ensures that methylation and processing are performed by preexisting host cell enzymes. RNA was fractionated into polyadenylic [poly(A)]+ and poly(A)- molecules using poly(U)-Sepharose, and undergraded virus-specific RNA was isolated by hybridization to viral DNA in 50% formamide at 37 degrees C. Viral mRNA was digested with RNase T2 and chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea. Two 3H-labeled RNase T2-resistant oligonucleotide fractions with charges between -5 and -6 were obtained, consistent with two classes of 5' terminal methyl "cap" structures, m7G(5')ppp(5')NmpNp (cap 1) and m7G(5')ppp(5')NmNmpNp (cap 2) (Nm is a ribose 2'-O-methylation). The putative cap 1 contains all the methylated constituents of cap 1 plus Cm. The molar ratios of m7G to 2'-O-methylnucleosides is about 1.0 for cap 1 and 0.5 for cap 2, consistent with the proposed cap structures. Most significant, compositional analysis indicates four different cap 1 structures and at least three different cap 2 structures. Thus there is a minimum of seven early viral mRNA species with different cap structures, unless each type of mRNA can have more than one 5' terminus. In addition to methylated caps, early mRNA contains internal base methylations, exclusively as m6A, as shown by analyses of the mononucleotide (-2 charge) fraction. m6A was present in the ratio of 1 mol of m6Ap per 450 nucleotides. Thus viral mRNA molecules contain two to three internal m6A residues per methyl cap, since there is on the average 1 cap per 1,250 nucleotides.  相似文献   

The acid extraction of the adenovirus type 5 core proteins V, VII, and pVII (the precursor to VII) from infected cells and the subsequent electrophoresis on a 15% acrylamide-2.5 M urea-0.9 N acetic acid (pH 2.7) gel, revealed that peptide VII has a similar electrophoretic mobility to that of histone H1. The core proteins, which are coded by late adenovirus mRNA, continued to be synthesized late in infection when viral DNA synthesis was inhibited either by cytosine arabinoside in wild-type infections or by shifting adenovirus H5 ts 125-infected cells to the nonpermissive temperature (40 degree C). Only the initiation, not the continuation, of viral DNA replication was essential for core protein synthesis. The synthesis of viral core proteins continued for over 8 h after the cassation of DNA synthesis. This was in contrast to the rapid shutdown of cellular histone synthesis in the absence of cellular DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA synthesis in adenovirus type 2-infected HeLa cells was measured at various times from 0 to 24 h postinfection. Although viral infection effectively turned off host chromosomal DNA synthesis, mitochondrial DNA synthesis was not inhibited. These findings indicate a dissociation between the regulation of host and mitochondrial DNA synthesis after infection with adenovirus type 2.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 2 DNA was hybridized to early mRNA isolated from the cytoplasm of infected cells prior to the initiation of viral DNA synthesis. Resulting R loops were visualized in the electron microscope, and their positions were oriented with the help of DNA fragments generated by digestion with the restriction endonuclease BamHI. Early RNA was found to map (in order of relative R-loop frequency) with midpoints near positions 0.95, 0.80, 0.03, 0.65, and 0.09 on the conventional adenovirus map. The time of appearance of individual viral mRNA's was compared to the time course of viral protein and DNA synthesis. We present a refined map of adenovirus gene functions which is based on results documented in this and the accompanying study by Meyer et al. (1977), as well as on data published by other laboratories.  相似文献   

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