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Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful method for quantifying chemical shifts of excited protein states. For many applications of the technique that involve the measurement of relaxation rates of carbon magnetization it is necessary to prepare samples with isolated (13)C spins so that experiments do not suffer from magnetization transfer between coupled carbon spins that would otherwise occur during the CPMG pulse train. In the case of (13)CO experiments however the large separation between (13)CO and (13)C(alpha) chemical shifts offers hope that robust (13)CO dispersion profiles can be recorded on uniformly (13)C labeled samples, leading to the extraction of accurate (13)CO chemical shifts of the invisible, excited state. Here we compare such chemical shifts recorded on samples that are selectively labeled, prepared using [1-(13)C]-pyruvate and NaH(13)CO(3,) or uniformly labeled, generated from (13)C-glucose. Very similar (13)CO chemical shifts are obtained from analysis of CPMG experiments recorded on both samples, and comparison with chemical shifts measured using a second approach establishes that the shifts measured from relaxation dispersion are very accurate.  相似文献   

The main metabolic pathways in Methanospirillum hungatei GP1 were followed by using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, with 13C-labeled acetate and CO2 as carbon sources. The labeling patterns found in carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids, and nucleosides were consistent with the formation of pyruvate from acetate and CO2 as the first step in biosynthesis. Carbohydrates are formed by the glucogenic pathway, and no scrambling of label was observed, indicating that the oxidative or reductive pentose phosphate pathways are not functioning at significant rates. The pathways for amino acid biosynthesis are the usual ones, with the exception of that for isoleucine. The tricarboxylic acid pathway is incomplete and operates in a reductive direction to form alpha-ketoglutarate. The phytanyl chains of lipids are synthesized from acetate via mevalonic acid.  相似文献   

The effects of 18O isotopes on 13C NMR chemical shifts of peptide carbonyl carbons were found to be 0.028 ppm for glyclyglycine and 0.029 ppm for glycylproline at 50.31 MHz.  相似文献   

The need for the structural characterization of proteins on a genomic scale has brought with it demands for new technology to speed the structure determination process. In NMR, one bottleneck is the sequential assignment of backbone resonances. In this paper, we explore the computational complexity of the sequential assignment problem using only 13C chemical shift data and C (i,i–1) sequential connectivity information, all of which can potentially be obtained from a single three-dimensional NMR spectrum. Although it is generally believed that there is too much ambiguity in such data to provide sufficient information for sequential assignment, we show that a straightforward combinatorial search algorithm can be used to find correct and unambiguous sequential assignments in a reasonable amount of CPU time for small proteins (approximately 80 residues or smaller) when there is little missing data. The deleterious effect of missing or spurious peaks and the dependence on match tolerances is also explored. This simple algorithm could be used as part of a semi-automated, interactive assignment procedure, e.g., to test partial manually determined solutions fo uniqueness and to extend these solutions.  相似文献   

Purified insoluble elastin samples labeled with [1-13C]valine, [1-13C]alanine, and [1-13C]-lysine were prepared from chick aorta in culture. The molecular mobility at the labeled sites was investigated using 13C-1H magnetic double-resonance spectroscopy. Linewidths, T1, and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) values of the labeled carbons alone were obtained from dipolar decoupled difference spectra. Analysis of these parameters together with signal intensity measurements showed that essentially all the valyl residues, ca. 75% of the alanyl residues, and ca. 60% of the lysyl residues were characterized by rapid backbone motions having τ = 65 nsec. Resonances due to the remaining alanyl and lysyl residues were detected in cross-polarization experiments, which enhance the signals of motionally restricted carbons. Since lysyl and alanyl residues are found in the crosslink regions of elastin, whereas valyl residues are not, we conclude that crosslinks rather than secondary structures in the extensible region of the protein are the main source of motional restrictions in the protein. Elastin chain mobility was monitored by linewidth measurements over the range ?90 to +70°C. When the swelling solvent (0.15M NaCl) was fixed at 0.6 g/g of elastin, a rapid monotonic reduction in chain mobility was observed as the temperature was lowered from 50 to 5°C. Liquidlike mobility was completely lost at 5°C. In contrast, the same sample in contact with excess solvent retained its liquidlike molecular mobility until ?13°C, where it abruptly became rigid. The molecular mobility of this sample was temperature insensitive in the physiologically interesting range, 20–40°C, as a consequence of the opposing influences of temperature and swelling. Taken together these nmr data indicate that under physiological conditions, elastin is a network of mobile chains whose motions are strongly influenced by protein–solvent interactions.  相似文献   

Several close analogues of the noncovalent H(+)/K(+)-ATPase inhibitor SCH28080 (2-methyl-3-cyanomethyl-8-(phenylmethoxy)imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine) have been screened for activity and examined in the pharmacological site of action by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. TMPIP, the 1,2,3-trimethyl analogue of SCH28080, and variants of TMPIP containing fluorine in the phenylmethoxy ring exhibited IC(50) values for porcine H(+)/K(+)-ATPase inhibition falling in the sub-10 microm range. Deuterium NMR spectra of a (2)H-labeled inhibitor titrated into H(+)/K(+)-ATPase membranes revealed that 80-100% of inhibitor was bound to the protein, and K(+)-competition (2)H NMR experiments confirmed that the inhibitor lay within the active site. The active binding conformation of the pentafluorophenylmethoxy analogue of TMPIP was determined from (13)C-(19)F dipolar coupling measurements using the cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR method, REDOR. It was found that the inhibitor adopts an energetically favorable extended conformation falling between fully planar and partially bowed extremes. These findings allowed a model to be proposed for the binding of this inhibitor to H(+)/K(+)-ATPase based on the results of independent site-directed mutagenesis studies. In the model, the partially bowed inhibitor interacts with Phe(126) close to the N-terminal membrane spanning helix M1 and residues in the extracellular loop bridging membrane helices M5 and M6 and is flanked by residues in M4.  相似文献   

The pH-dependence of selected 13C chemical shifts reflects the state of ionization of the imidazole ring in both imidazole and L-histidine. Titration of the amino and carboxyl groups of histidine also perturbs the shifts. The coupling constants 1J (13C(2),H) and 1J (13C(5),H) for both compounds also vary with pH, but in L-histidine these constants are relatively insensitive to the titration of groups outside the imidazole ring.  相似文献   

31P and 15N chemical shifts and 31P-15N bond lengths have been measured with solid-state NMR techniques in two inhibitors of thermolysin, carbobenzoxy-Glyp-L-Leu-L-Ala (ZGpLA) and carbobenzoxy-L-Phep-L-Leu-L-Ala (ZFpLA), both as free lithium salts and when bound to the enzyme. Binding of both inhibitors to thermolysin results in large changes in the 31P chemical shifts. These changes are more dramatic for the tighter binding inhibitor ZFpLA, where a approximately 20 ppm downfield movement of the 31P isotropic chemical shift (sigma iso) is observed. This shift is due to changes in the shift tensor elements sigma 11 and sigma 22, while sigma 33 remains essentially constant. We observed a similar pattern for ZGpLA, but only a approximately 5 ppm change occurs in sigma iso. The changes in the 15N chemical shifts for both inhibitors are small upon binding, amounting to downfield shifts of 2 and 4 ppm for ZGpLA and ZFpLA, respectively. This indicates that there are no changes in the protonation state of the 15N in either the ZFpLA- or the ZGpLA-thermolysin complex. NMR distance measurements yield a P-N bond length rP-N = 1.68 +/- 0.03 A for the tight binding inhibitor ZFpLA both in its free lithium salt form and in its thermolysin-ZFpLA complex, a distance that is much shorter than the 1.90-A distance reported by X-ray crystallography studies [Holden et al. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 8542-8553].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods have been applied to a study of the structure and metabolism of the triacylglycerols from rat epididymal fat pad adipocytes. Complete NMR signal assignments are provided for adipocytes, the extracted triacylglycerols, and methyl esters of the derived fatty acids. 13C NMR yielded rapid, nondestructive, quantitative analysis of the amounts of unsaturation of the fatty acyl chains; in cells from rats given ad libitum access to a standard laboratory diet the predominant fatty acids were found to be palmitate (29.9%), oleate (27.9%), and linoleate (34.1%). These results agreed with gas chromatographic separation of the derived methyl esters of the extracted lipids. Lipid dynamics were examined in situ and showed a substantial restriction of motion of glyceride-glycerol as compared with free glycerol; the nuclear magnetic spin-lattice relaxation times for free glycerol of 2.52 +/- 0.12 (C1,3) and 4.37 +/- 0.21 (C2) s decreased to 0.15 +/- 0.009 and 0.21 +/- 0.013 s, respectively, upon esterification. Segmental motion of the chains, monitored by relaxation time measurements, increased progressively from the alpha-carbon (nT1 = 0.70 s) to the methyl ends of the chains (nT1 = 9.63). The incorporation of C-13-labeled substrates ([1-13C]glucose and [3-13C]lactate) into the glycerol moiety of triacylglycerols was monitored in real time, in the presence of insulin. Lactate (10 mM) inhibited the incorporation of glucose (5.5 mM) into glyceride-glycerol. Lipolysis at the natural abundance level of 13C was measured in the presence of 10 microM isoproterenol. Simultaneous lipogenesis and lipolysis were found to occur in situ and were measured with the aid of [1-13C]glucose and isoproterenol; the labeling pattern of medium glycerol versus extracted triacylglycerols was significantly different from that found using natural abundance glucose. Our results indicate that 13C NMR is a useful new method for the real-time monitoring of lipid structure and metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

We have constructed an extensive database of 13C C and C chemical shifts in proteins of solution, for proteins of which a high-resolution crystal structure exists, and for which the crystal structure has been shown to be essentially identical to the solution structure. There is no systematic effect of temperature, reference compound, or pH on reported shifts, but there appear to be differences in reported shifts arising from referencing differences of up to 4.2 ppm. The major factor affecting chemical shifts is the backbone geometry, which causes differences of ca. 4 ppm between typical - helix and -sheet geometries for C, and of ca. 2 ppm for C. The side-chain dihedral angle 1 has an effect of up to 0.5 ppm on the C shift, particularly for amino acids with branched side-chains at C. Hydrogen bonding to main-chain atoms has an effect of up to 0.9 ppm, which depends on the main- chain conformation. The sequence of the protein and ring-current shifts from aromatic rings have an insignificant effect (except for residues following proline). There are significant differences between different amino acid types in the backbone geometry dependence; the amino acids can be grouped together into five different groups with different , shielding surfaces. The overall fit of individual residues to a single non-residue-specific surface, incorporating the effects of hydrogen bonding and 1 angle, is 0.96 ppm for both C and C. The results from this study are broadly similar to those from ab initio studies, but there are some differences which could merit further attention.  相似文献   

Two oligopeptides, t-boc-LAWAL-OMe and t-boc-LALALW-OMe, were synthesized for the purpose of examining the sidechain dynamics of the tryptophan residue in hydrophobic environments by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy. In both peptides, the tryptophan sidechain was greater than 95% enriched with 13C at the C delta 1 position. Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and steady-state nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data were obtained at 50.3 and 75.4 MHz for both peptides in CD3OD, and at 75.4 MHz for t-boc-LALALW-OMe in lysolecithin-D2O micelles. We have adapted the model-free approach of G. Lipari and A. Szabo (1982, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104:4546) to interpret the 13C-NMR data. Computer-generated curves based on experimental data obtained at a single frequency demonstrate relationships between an effective correlation time for tryptophan sidechain motion (tau e), a generalized order parameter (sigma) describing the extent of motional restriction, and an overall correlation time for the peptide (tau m). Assuming predominantly dipolar relaxation, least-squares fits of the dual frequency relaxation data provide values for these parameters for both peptides. The contribution of chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), however, is also explicitly assessed in the data analysis, and is shown to perturb the predicted sigma, tau e, and tau m values and to decrease chi(2) values observed in nonlinear least-squares analysis of the data. Because of uncertainty in the contribution of CSA to the relaxation of the indole ring 13C delta 1 atom, nonlinear least-squares analysis of the relaxation data were performed with and without inclusion of a CSA term in the appropriate relaxation equations. Neglecting CSA, an overall peptide correlation time of 0.69 ns is predicted for t-boc-LAWAL-OMe in CD3OD at 20 degrees C compared with 1.28 ns for t-boc-LALALW-OMe. Given these tau m values and taking into account the effect of measurement error in the T1 and NOE data, the internal dynamics of the tryptophan residue of t-boc-LAWAL-OMe in this isotropic environment are described by a range of tau e values from 70 to 112 ps and sigma values between 0.22 and 0.36. Similarly, for t-boc-LALALW-OMe, 68 less than or equal to tau e less than or equal to 93 ps and 0.09 less than or equal to sigma less than or equal to 0.17. The Ch-terminal position of the tryptophan residue in the hexapeptide may account for its lower order parameter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A methyl-detected ‘out-and-back’ NMR experiment for obtaining simultaneous correlations of methyl resonances of valine and isoleucine/leucine residues with backbone carbonyl chemical shifts, SIM-HMCM(CGCBCA)CO, is described. The developed pulse-scheme serves the purpose of convenience in recording a single data set for all Ileδ1, Leuδ and Valγ (ILV) methyl positions instead of acquiring two separate spectra selective for valine or leucine/isoleucine residues. The SIM-HMCM(CGCBCA)CO experiment can be used for ILV methyl assignments in moderately sized protein systems (up to ~100 kDa) where the backbone chemical shifts of 13Cα, 13Cβ and 13CO are known from prior NMR studies and where some losses in sensitivity can be tolerated for the sake of an overall reduction in NMR acquisition time.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin-labeling of proteins whereby the spin-label methyl 3-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxypyrrolinyl)methanethiolsulfonate (SLMTS) is reacted with the -SH groups of cysteinyl residues incorporated into a protein by mutagenesis has been successfully applied to investigate secondary structure and conformational transitions of proteins. In these studies, it is expected that the spin-label moiety adopts different conformations dependent on its local environment. To determine the conformation of SLMTS in solution reacted with L-cysteine (SLMTCys) and bound in the active site of the Glu240Cys mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase, we have synthesized SLMTS both of natural abundance isotope composition and in site-specifically deuterated forms for electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies. ENDOR-determined electron-proton distances from the unpaired electron of the nitroxyl group of the spin-label to the methylene and methyl protons of SLMTS showed three conformations of the oxypyrrolinyl ring with respect to rotation around the S-S bond dependent on the solvent dielectric constant. For SLMTCys, two conformations of the molecule were compatible with the ENDOR-determined electron-nucleus distances to the side-chain methylene protons and to H(alpha) and H(beta1,2) of cysteine. To determine SLMTS conformation reacted with the Glu240Cys mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase, enzyme was overexpressed in both ordinary and perdeuterated minimal medium. Resonance features of H(alpha) and H(beta1,2) of the Cys240 residue of the mutant and of the side-chain methylene protons within the spin-label moiety yielded electron-proton distances that sterically accommodated the two conformations of free SLMTCys in solution.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies of sperm whale and horse deoxymyoglobin have revealed that both proteins exhibit a single, well defined, pH-induced structural change. The changes in hyperfine shifts are clearly observed not only at the heme peripheral substituents, but also at the proximal histidyl imidazole, which suggest that heme-apoprotein contacts are looser in the acidic than alkaline conformations. The hyperfine shift changes are modulated by a single titratable group with a pK of approx. 5.7 in both proteins. Oxygen binding studies of sperm whale myoglobin over a range of temperature and pH showed that, while the oxygen affinity was independent of pH at 25 degrees C, it increased below pH 7 at 0 degrees C and decreased below pH 7 at 37 degrees C. Hence, sperm whale myoglobin exhibits a small acid Bohr effect which most likely arises from the characterized structural changes in the deoxy proteins. While horse myoglobin failed to exhibit a resolvable acid Bohr effect between 0 and 37 degrees C, it did show a weak alkaline Bohr effect at 25 degrees C which disappeared at lower temperatures. Since the oxygen affinity changed smoothly over several pH units, this alkaline Bohr effect can not be associated with any well defined conformational change detected by NMR.  相似文献   

The magnetic shielding constant of the different 13C and 1H nuclei of a deoxyribose are calculated for the C2' endo and C3' endo puckerings of the furanose ring as a function of the conformation about the C4'C5' bond. For the carbons the calculated variations are of several ppm, the C3' endo puckering corresponding in most cases to a larger shielding than the C2' endo one. For the protons the calculated variations of chemical shifts are all smaller than 1.3 ppm, that is of the order of magnitude of the variation of the geometrical shielding produced on these protons by the other units of a DNA double helix, with a change of the overall structure of the helix. The computations carried out on the deoxyribose-3' and 5' phosphates for several conformations of the phosphate group tend to show that the changes of conformation of the charged group of atoms produce chemical shift variations smaller than the two conformational parameters of the deoxyribose itself. The calculations carried out for a ribose do give the general features of the differences between the carbon and proton spectra of deoxynucleosides and nucleosides. The comparison of the measured and calculated phosphorylation shifts tend to show that the counterion contributes significantly, for some nuclei of the deoxyribose, to the shifts measured. The calculated magnitude of this polarization effect on carbon shifts suggests a tentative qualitative interpretation of carbon spectra of the ribose part of DNA double helices.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the 13C chemical shifts in tristearin and methyl stearate has been investigated in both the melt and solution phases. Intramolecular conformational changes dominate the observed behaviour and there is little evidence for intermolecular interactions even in the melt phase of tristearin. The terminal methyl carbons of methyl stearate and tristearin and the C17, C2, and glyceryl carbons of tristearin exhibit a temperature dependence consistent with there being only two rotamers of significant population. The calculated enthalpy difference between the terminal methyl and C17 rotamers is of the same order of magnitude as would be expected for tt and tg± rotamers in hydrocarbon chains. For the glyceryl carbons the rotamer energy difference is very large and only one of the rotamers is significantly populated at room temperature. The remaining carbons (C16, C17, C15, C6, C4 and C3) show a general drift to high fields with increasing temperature but the observed temperature dependence requires the existence of more than two rotamers. In the absence of an acceptable mechanism for the chemical shifts of 13C nuclei in hydrocarbon chains it is not possible to use this data to investigate conformational changes along the hydrocarbon chain.  相似文献   

Saito K  Ishikita H 《Biochemistry》2012,51(6):1171-1177
Recent neutron diffraction studies on photoactive yellow protein (PYP) proposed that the H bond between protonated Glu46 and the chromophore-ionized p-coumaric acid (pCA) is a low-barrier H bond (LBHB) mainly because the H atom position was assigned at the midpoint of the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) bond. However, the (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shift (δ(H)) was 15.2 ppm, which is lower than the values of 17-19 ppm for typical LBHBs. We evaluated the dependence of δ(H) on an H atom position in the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) bond in the PYP ground state by using a quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach. The calculated chemical shift unambiguously suggested that a δ(H) of 15.2 ppm for the O(Glu46)-O(pCA) bond in NMR studies should correspond to the QM/MM geometry (δ(H) = 14.5 ppm), where the H atom belongs to the Glu moiety, rather than the neutron diffraction geometry (δ(H) = 19.7 ppm), where the H atom is near the midpoint of the donor and acceptor atoms.  相似文献   

The influence of self-complementary oligodeoxynucleotides on the chemical shifts of protons of the mutagenic acridine dye 9-aminoacridine has been measured. Upfield shifts indicative of intercalative binding are found in the cases of dG-dC, dC-dG, and dA-dT-dG-dC-dA-dT but not in dA-dT. Geometries for the complexes that are compatibile with the chemical-shift data and the X-ray structure of the complex between ri5C-rG and 9-aminoacridine determined by Sakore et al. [Sakore, T.D., Jain, S.C., Tsai, C., and Sobell, H.M. (1977), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 188--192] can be identified using recent theoretical estimates of shifts induced by nucleotide bases.  相似文献   

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