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Plasmid pDB31 is a ColE1-compatible expression vector based on the p15A origin of replication. It is designed to express His-tagged fusion proteins in cells co-hosting a compatible expression vector. It was constructed by assembling the operator/promoter region plus the 6xHis and the multiple cloning site of pQE31 (QIAGEN) with the p15A origin of replication plus KanR of pGP1-2. The plasmid was found to be stable in Escherichia coli strains BL21 and DH11S. It was used to produce and purify the ferredoxin reductase component of Comamonas testosteroni B-356 biphenyl dioxygenase inside a clone hosting the remaining dioxygenase genes on a compatible plasmid.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the bphB gene of Pseudomonas putida strain OU83 was determined. The bphB gene, which encodes cis-biphenyl dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (BDDH), was composed of 834 base pairs with an ATG initiation codon and a TGA termination codon. It can encode a polypeptide of 28.91 kDa, containing 277 amino acids. Promoter-like and ribosome-binding sequences were identified upstream of the bphB gene. The bphB nucleotide sequence was used to produce His-tagged BDDH, in Escherichia coli. The His-tagged BDDH construction, carrying a single 6×His tail on the N-terminal portion, was active. The molecular mass of the native enzyme was 128 kDa and on SDS-PAGE analysis the molecular mass was 31 kDa. This enzyme requires NAD+ for its activity and its optimum pH is 8.5. Nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequence analyses revealed a high degree of homology between the bphB gene from Pseudomonas putida OU83 and the bphB genes from P. cepacia LB400 and P. pseudoalcaligenes KF707.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 is a polychlorinated biphenyl degrader. Multi-component biphenyl 2,3-dioxygenase (BphA) genes of RHA1 encode large and small subunits of oxygenase component and ferredoxin and reductase components. They did not express enzyme activity in Escherichia coli. To obtain BphA activity in E. coli, hybrid BphA gene derivatives were constructed by replacing ferredoxin and/or reductase component genes of RHA1 with those of Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707. The results obtained indicate a lack of catalytic activity of the RHA1 ferredoxin component gene, bphAc in E. coli. To determine the cause of inability of RHA1 bphAc to express in E. coli, the bphAc gene was introduced into Rosetta (DE3) pLacI, which has extra tRNA genes for rare codons in E. coli. The resulting strain abundantly produced the bphAc product, and showed activity. These results suggest that codon usage bias is involved in inability of RHA1 bphAc to express its catalytic activity in E. coli.  相似文献   

Previously we have cloned three ADP-ribosylation factor-like (ARL) genes from the parasitic protozoan Leishmania donovani: LdARL-3A and 3B, LdARL-1. LdARL-3A was previously purified as an active native form, which was able to bind GTP in vitro. In this paper, we have performed the production and the purification of Histidine-tagged (His-tagged) LdARL-1 recombinant protein by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) using expanded bed adsorption (EBA) technology. This protein was purified with more than 95% purity and could be successfully used for GTP-binding assay.  相似文献   

A series of silica-based bifunctional adsorbents containing both metal-chelating groups and epoxy groups for the concomitant purification and immobilization of His-tagged protein switch RG13, a potential bioreceptor for developing maltose biosensors, were prepared by controlling the ratio of iminodiacetic acid-conjugated silane (GLYMO-IDA) and silane (GLYMO) used for surface modification. The bifunctional adsorbent prepared with a [GLYMO-IDA]/[GLYMO] ratio of 0.2, containing a [metal chelating group]/[epoxy group] ratio of 1.42, was shown to exhibit a metal chelating capacity of 88.42 ± 15.91 μmole Cu2+/g, a protein adsorption capacity of 1.81 ± 0.19 mg/g and a superior selectivity over the other bifunctional adsorbents. Results of kinetic studies showed that selective adsorption and covalent bond formation at 4 °C were achieved in 1 h and 15 h, respectively, which allowed the sequential adsorption and covalent immobilization of protein switch RG13. A protein immobilization yield of 94.6 % and a global activity yield of 63.4 % were obtained, giving an immobilized protein switch RG13 with an enzymatic activity of 4.57 ± 0.19 U/g, under optimal conditions at pH 8.0 and 40 °C. In the repeated-batch operation, the bifunctional adsorbent-immobilized RG13 retained 91 % of the original activity after 20 cycles, 39 % higher than the counterpart prepared with monofunctional metal chelate adsorbent mediated solely by coordinate linkages.  相似文献   

In the present article, a novel fusion expression vector for Escherichia coli was developed based on the pTORG plasmid, a derivative of pET32a. This vector, named pT7MT (GenBank Accession No DQ504436), carries a T7 promoter and it drives the downstream gene encoding Metallothionein 2A (MT2A). There are in-framed multiple cloning sites (MCS) downstream of the MT2A gene. A target gene can be cloned into the MCS and fused to the C-terminal of the MT2A gene in a compatible open reading frame (ORF) to achieve fusion expression. The metal-binding capability of MT2A allows the purification of fusion proteins by metal chelating affinity chromatogralhy, known as Ni2+-affinity chromatography. Using this expression vector, we successfully got the stable and high-yield expression of MT2A-GST and MT2A-Troponin I fusion proteins. These two proteins were easily purified from the supernatant of cell lysates by one-step Ni2+ -affinity chromatography. The final yields of MT2A-GST and MT2A-Troponin I were 30 mg/l and 28 mg/l in LB culture, respectively. Taken together, our data suggest that pT7MT can be applied as a useful expression vector for stable and high-yield production of fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Expressing, isolating, and characterizing recombinant proteins is crucial to many disciplines within the biological sciences. Different molecular tagging technologies have been developed to enable each individual step of protein production, from expression through purification and characterization. Monitoring the entire production process requires multiple tags or molecular interactions, because no individual tag has provided the comprehensive breadth of utility. An ideal molecular tag is small and does not interrupt expression, solubility, folding or function of the protein being purified and can be used throughout the production process. We adapted and integrated a split-luciferase system (NanoBiT®, Promega ®) to perform the range of techniques essential to protein production. We developed a simple method to monitor protein expression in real time to optimize expression conditions. We constructed a novel affinity chromatography system using the split-luciferase system to enable purification. We adapted western blot analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and cell-based bioassay to characterize the expressed proteins. Our results demonstrate that a single-tag can fulfill all aspects needed throughout protein production.  相似文献   

An E. coli vector system was constructed which allows the expression of fusion genes via a l-rhamnose-inducible promotor. The corresponding fusion proteins consist of the maltose-binding protein and a His-tag sequence for affinity purification, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Smt3 protein for protein processing by proteolytic cleavage and the protein of interest. The Smt3 gene was codon-optimized for expression in E. coli. In a second rhamnose-inducible vector, the S. cerevisiae Ulp1 protease gene for processing Smt3 fusion proteins was fused in the same way to maltose-binding protein and His-tag sequence but without the Smt3 gene. The enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was used as reporter and protein of interest. Both fusion proteins (MalE-6xHis-Smt3-eGFP and MalE-6xHis-Ulp1) were efficiently produced in E. coli and separately purified by amylose resin. After proteolytic cleavage the products were applied to a Ni-NTA column to remove protease and tags. Pure eGFP protein was obtained in the flow-through of the column in a yield of around 35% of the crude cell extract.  相似文献   

In a recent paper we gave evidence by two-dimensional electrophoresis that, in man, the class II antigen associated glycoprotein p31 (also called Ii, In, M1, DRγ, XMl) is expressed not only in the membranes of B lymphocytes but also in those of muscle, liver and brain. It can therefore be assumed that the p31 is not really associated with the human class II antigens but is a ubiquitous molecule.
Here we demonstrate for the first time that the muscle membranes of cattle and pig contain corresponding polypeptides, with a molecular weight of about 31 kDa and an isoelectric point around 7.5, which comigrate in two-dimensional electrophoresis with p31 derived from the human muscle. Thus, in cattle and pig too, these proteins seem to be equivalent to the class II antigen associated p31, showing a tissue distribution wider than observed up to now. The molecules can be concentrated by ion-exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

High level expression and efficient recovery of recombinant protein aretwo main critical factors that determine the use of transgenic plants asnaturalbioreactors to produce foreign proteins for industrial applications. Wedemonstrate here the potential of a new strategy involving chloroplasttransformation, GUS-fusions and affinity-tag based chromatography tooverexpressand purify a human therapeutic protein, interferon gamma (IFN-g) in tobaccoplants. Our results show that IFN-g accumulation reaches up to 6% of totalsolubleprotein when expressed as a GUS-fusion protein in tobacco chloroplasts.Additionof His-tag simplified the downstream process and the recombinant protein yieldswere considerably high (360 g/g fresh leaf tissue).Further we demonstrate the use of GUS-fusions to identify recombinant proteincontaining fractions very rapidly (< 5 minutes) through simple GUS assay, animportant consideration for those proteins that are highly labile duringlengthyand harsh downstream processing conditions. The chloroplast-produced IFN-g isbiologically as active as the same protein obtained through E.coli expression without any involvement of refolding procedure. Ourresults demonstrate that the new strategy has tremendous potential for largescale production of proteins from heterologous source, independent of theirphysio-chemical and biological properties, using plants as naturalbioreactors.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes strain POB310 degrades 3-and 4-carboxydiphenyl ether. The initial reaction involves an angular dioxygenation yielding an unstable hemiacetal that spontaneously decays to phenol and protocatechuate. We cloned a DNA fragment containing the gene encoding the initial, dioxygenase from an unstable, self-transmissible plasmid. Sequence analysis revealed two open reading frames encoding proteins with putative molecular masses of 46.3 and 33.6 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequences showed homologies to oxygenase and reductase subunits of aromatic ring-activating dioxygenases, and contained regions identical to consensus sequences that bind chloroplast-like and Rieske-type [2Fe2S] clusters suggesting that the initial dioxygenase is a class IA aromatic ring-activating dioxygenase system. Intitial dioxygenase activity was induced in bacteria grown in M9 minimal medium containing 3-or 40-carboxydiphenyl ether or phenol as carbon source, indicating that the regulation is dependent on the phenol pathway. The maximal specific activity was measured at the beginning of the exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cleft lip with or without cleft palate is the most common congenital anomaly in the craniofacial region. Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms behind normal lip fusion can contribute to better intervention and improved functional clinical outcome. Transforming growth factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) has been implicated in lip morphogenesis. Therefore, we hypothesized that TGF-beta3 functions during lip fusion through regulation of angiogenesis and mesenchymal cell cycle progression during early developmental stages. METHODS: To test this hypothesis we used the CL/Fraser mouse model, which has a high incidence of cleft lip. Lips isolated from embryonic day (ED) 11.5 mouse embryos were allowed to develop in serum-free organ cultures in the presence or absence of TGF-beta3. The lips that developed in these cultures fused in 2 days. RESULTS: During normal development, we detected positive immunoreactions for TGF-beta3 at the site of fusion. We also detected mesenchymal cells that were immunopositive for Flk-1 and CD31, which are markers for endothelial cell precursors. Exogenous TGF-beta3 accelerated lip fusion in culture. This enhancement was associated with an increase in the number of capillary blood vessels in the lips cultured in the presence of TGF-beta3, in comparison with controls. In tandem, TGF-beta3 increased the level of expression of both Flk-1 and CD31. Our data suggest that an elevated level of TGF-beta3 may promote angiogenesis in developing lips that is mediated by increased Flk-1 and CD31 expression. We also detected increased cyclin D1 expression (a marker for cell proliferation) in the presence of TGF-beta3, which suggests that TGF-beta3 promoted cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: TGF-beta3 promoted cell proliferation and angiogenesis in lip mesenchymal tissues. These events led to enhanced lip fusion in the presence of TGF-beta3.  相似文献   

Kiran Aslam 《朊病毒》2016,10(2):103-111
Among different types of protein aggregation, amyloids are a biochemically well characterized state of protein aggregation that are associated with a large number of neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an insightful model to understand the underlying mechanism of protein aggregation. Many yeast molecular chaperones can modulate aggregation and misfolding of proteins including α-Syn and the Sup35 prion. Hsp31 is a homodimeric protein structurally similar to human DJ-1, a Parkinson's disease-linked protein, and both are members of the DJ-1/ThiJ/PfpI superfamily. An emerging view is that Hsp31 and its associated superfamily members each have divergent multitasking functions that have the common theme of responding and managing various types of cellular stress. Hsp31 has several biochemical activities including chaperone and detoxifying enzyme activities that modulate at various points of a stress pathway such as toxicity associated with protein misfolding. However, we have shown the protective role of Hsp31's chaperone activity can operate independent of detoxifying enzyme activities in preventing the early stages of protein aggregate formation and associated cellular toxicities. We provide additional data that collectively supports the multiple functional roles that can be accomplished independent of each other. We present data indicating Hsp31 purified from yeast is more active compared to expression and purification from E. coli suggesting that posttranslational modifications could be important for Hsp31 to be fully active. We also compare the similarities and differences in activities among paralogs of Hsp31 supporting a model in which this protein family has overlapping but diverging roles in responding to various sources of cellular stresses.  相似文献   

Trichokirin-S1,a small ribosome-inactivating peptide recently purified from the seeds ofTrichosanthes kirilowii,has potential clinical applications because of its small molecular mass.Two stablestrains of hybridomas (1F11 and 2A5) that can secrete highly specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) againstTrichokirin-S1 have been developed using the hybridoma technique.The isotypes of these two mAbs,1F11and 2A5,were determined to be IgG_(2a) and IgG_1,respectively.The affinity constants,which were measuredby non-competitive ELISA,were found to be 2.3×10~8 M~(-1) and 2.8×10~8 M~(-1),respectively.An immunoaffinitymethod using 2A5-coupled Sepharose 4B was successfully developed to purify Trichokirin-S1.These twoantibodies have also been used to detect Trichokirin-S1 in Western blot.  相似文献   

抑制性免疫检查点PD-1或CTLA-4靶向治疗药物已用于肿瘤的临床治疗,但单一靶点药物会有耐药发生,联合使用同时封闭多个靶点可提高疗效,因此拟构建一个可封闭多个靶点的新型重组蛋白。首先设计并合成了一个由人类PD-1和CTLA-4两个受体的胞外功能域组成并且C端带6×His标签的分泌型重组融合蛋白rPC编码序列,插入真核细胞表达载体pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen1,稳定转染HEK293细胞,收集细胞培养上清,以亲和方法纯化重组蛋白rPC,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测多个人类肿瘤细胞系中PD-1配体PD-L1、PD-L2和CTLA-4配体CD80、CD86的表达,以选择相对高表达的细胞,利用细胞免疫荧光染色方法检验rPC与肿瘤细胞的结合能力,并用CCK-8法检测rPC是否对肿瘤细胞的生长有影响。结果表明,重组融合蛋白rPC可由稳定转染表达载体的HEK293细胞表达并分泌,纯化后的rPC可以与PD-1和CTLA-4配体表达相对较高的肺癌细胞NCI-H226结合,并且rPC处理对其生长并无直接影响,与预期一致。成功获得的重组融合蛋白rPC可用于进一步的体内外功能研究,也为今后研发新型多靶点肿...  相似文献   

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