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The medaka, Oryzias latipes, has an XX/XY sex-determination mechanism. A Y-linked DM domain gene, DMY, has been isolated by positional cloning as a sex-determining gene in this species. Previously, we found 23 XY sex-reversed females from 11 localities by examining the genotypic sex of wild-caught medaka. Genetic analyses revealed that all these females had Y-linked gene mutations. Here, we aimed to clarify the cause of this sex reversal. To achieve this, we screened for mutations in the amino acid coding sequence of DMY and examined DMY expression at 0 days after hatching (dah) using densitometric semiquantitative RT-PCR. We found that the mutants could be classified into two groups. One contained mutations in the amino acid coding sequence of DMY, while the other had reduced DMY expression at 0 dah although the DMY coding sequence was normal. For the latter, histological analyses indicated that YwOurYwOur (YwOur, Y chromosome derived from an Oura XY female) individuals with the lowest DMY expression among the tested mutants were expected to develop into females at 0 dah. These results suggest that early testis development requires DMY expression above a threshold level. Mutants with reduced DMY expression may prove valuable for identifying DMY regulatory elements.  相似文献   

To investigate whether a female sex steroid, estrogen, acts as a natural inducer of female gonadal sex determination (or ovary formation) in the medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, the effects of an aromatase inhibitor and anti-estrogens on sexual differentiation of gonads were examined. We found that both drugs did not show any discernible effects on the genetically determined sex differentiation in both sexes. However, the aromatase inhibitor impaired the paradoxical effects of androgen (a male sex steroid), and the anti-estrogens inhibited the male-to-female sex reversal caused by estrogen. Treatments of the fertilized eggs with androgen disturbed the gonadal sex developments in both sexes, suggesting that sex steroid synthesis is detrimental to the gonadal sex developments in the medaka embryos. These results are consistent with the previous observation that sex steroids are not synthesized before the onset of gonadal sex differentiation, and suggest that ovary formation in the genetic females of the medaka fish is not dependent on estrogen.  相似文献   

The thymus is an organ for T lymphocyte maturation and is indispensable for the establishment of a highly developed immune system in vertebrates. In order to genetically dissect thymus organogenesis, we carried out a large-scale mutagenesis screening for Medaka mutations affecting recombination activating gene 1 (rag1) expression in the developing thymus. We identified 24 mutations, defining at least 13 genes, which led to a marked reduction of rag1 expression in the thymus. As thymus development depends on pharyngeal arches, we classified those mutations into three classes according to the defects in the pharyngeal arches. Class 1 mutants had no or slight morphological abnormalities in the pharyngeal arches, implying that the mutations may include defects in such thymus-specific events as lymphocyte development and thymic epithelial cell maturation. Class 2 mutants had abnormally shaped pharyngeal arches. Class 3 mutants showed severely attenuated pharyngeal arch development. In Class 2 and Class 3 mutants, the defects in thymus development may be due to abnormal pharyngeal arch development. Those mutations are expected to be useful for identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying thymus organogenesis.  相似文献   

A gonad is formed from germ cells and somatic mesodermal cells through their interactions. Its development is coupled with the determination and differentiation of the sex and sex-associated traits. We carried out a large-scale screening of Medaka mutants in which gonadal development is affected. Screening was performed on larvae at 8 days posthatching for abnormal abundance and/or distribution of germ cells detected by the in situ hybridization for olvas (Medaka vasa). We describe here 16 mutants of 13 genes, which are classified into four groups. Group 1, consisting of four mutants of three genes kon, tot) characterised by an increase in germ cell number. An adult tot homozygote fish has the characteristic feature of possessing hypertrophic gonads filled with immature oocytes. Group 2, represented by a single gene (zen) mutant characterized by a gradual loss of germ cells. Group 3, consisting of four mutants of distinct genes (eko, eki, sht, ano) showing irregular clustering of germ cells. Group 4, consisting of seven mutants of five genes (arr, hyo, mzr, hdr, fbk) showing fragmented clusters of germ cells. In some mutants belonging to Groups 1, 3 and 4, the expression level of ftz-f1 (sf-1/Ad4BP) in gonadal somatic cells significantly decreased, suggesting that interaction between somatic and germ cells is affected.  相似文献   

The response mechanism of medaka xanthophores to light was examined at the cellular level. Innervated and denervated xanthophores of adult medakas responded to light (9,000 lux) within 30 sec by pigment aggregation, and this aggregation was not mediated through α-adrenoceptors on the cell membrane. Maximum sensitivity to light was at wavelengths of 410–420 nm, and the direct effect of light was reversible. Xanthophore responsiveness to light in summer was higher than that in winter. Ca2+ and calmodulin were not involved in the response, but rather, an important role for cAMP and phos-phodiesterase (PDE) was suggested. It seems likely that photoreception by visual pigment which is sensitive to light at wavelengths of 410–420 nm increases PDE activity, probably via a G-protein, such as occurs with visual cells in the retina, which causes a decrease in levels of cytosolic cAMP, in turn leading to pigment aggregation within medaka xanthophores.  相似文献   

We screened for mutations affecting retinotectal axonal projection in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. In wild-type Medaka embryos, all the axons of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) project to the contralateral tectum, such that the topological relationship of the retinal field is maintained. We labeled RGC axons using DiI/DiO at the nasodorsal and temporoventral positions of the retina, and screened for mutations affecting the pattern of stereotypic projections to the tectum. By screening 184 mutagenized haploid genomes, seven mutations in five genes causing defects in axonal pathfinding were identified, whereas mutations affecting the topographic projection of RGC axons were not found. The mutants were grouped into two classes according to their phenotypes. In mutants of Class I, a subpopulation of the RGC axons branched out either immediately after leaving the eye or after reaching the midline, and this axonal subpopulation projected to the ipsilateral tectum. In mutants of Class II, subpopulations of RGC axons branched out after crossing the midline and projected aberrantly. These mutants will provide clues to understanding the functions of genes essential for axonal pathfinding, which may be conserved or partly divergent among vertebrates.  相似文献   

The medaka, Oryzias latipes, is a very popular model in biomedical research, particularly for elucidating sex differentiation and determination mechanisms and effects of endocrine disruptors among others. These studies require a sensitive, accurate, rapid, and reliable technique for genetic sexing of eggs, larvae, and adults. In this study, we report a simplex polymerase chain reaction approach that uses a single pair of primers for simultaneous amplification of sex-specific amplicons. Males and females yield a single diagnostic band of 933 and 1,906 bp, respectively, in three different strains of medaka tested, permitting gender identification accurately of both immature and adult fish. This technique will be useful in both ecological and biomedical researches that employ medaka and rely on genetic sexing.  相似文献   

The forebrain, consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon, is essential for processing sensory information. To genetically dissect formation of the forebrain in vertebrates, we carried out a systematic screen for mutations affecting morphogenesis of the forebrain in Medaka. Thirty-three mutations defining 25 genes affecting the morphological development of the forebrain were grouped into two classes. Class 1 mutants commonly showing a decrease in forebrain size, were further divided into subclasses 1A to 1D. Class 1A mutation (1 gene) caused an early defect evidenced by the lack of bf1 expression, Class 1B mutations (6 genes) patterning defects revealed by the aberrant expression of regional marker genes, Class 1C mutation (1 gene) a defect in a later stage, and Class 1D (3 genes) a midline defect analogous to the zebrafish one-eyed pinhead mutation. Class 2 mutations caused morphological abnormalities in the forebrain without considerably affecting its size, Class 2A mutations (6 genes) caused abnormalities in the development of the ventricle, Class 2B mutations (2 genes) severely affected the anterior commissure, and Class 2C (6 genes) mutations resulted in a unique forebrain morphology. Many of these mutants showed the compromised sonic hedgehog expression in the zona-limitans-intrathalamica (zli), arguing for the importance of this structure as a secondary signaling center. These mutants should provide important clues to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying forebrain development, and shed new light on phylogenically conserved and divergent functions in the developmental process.  相似文献   

N A Dial 《Teratology》1978,17(1):83-91
Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) eggs were treated with 40, 60, and 80 parts per billion (ppb) methylmercuric chloride (MMC) for a period of 10 to 25 days in order to observe gross teratogenic and lethal effects caused by methylmercury during embryogenesis. Over the period tested, 40 ppb-treated embryos were less affected than other treated animals. Embryos treated with 60 ppb MMC showed greater effects in that there was a higher death rate and those which survived ranged considerably in size, degree of gross teratogenic defects, and behavior if development was normal enough for hatching to occur. Most did not hatch during the 25-day test period. Embryos treated with 80 ppb MMC were very abnormal in development, being stunted, poorly pigmented, and they showed various eye defects. None hatched in 25 days. Many did not incorporate the heart into the body. Methylmercuric chloride in trace amounts caused various defects and presents a potential hazard to development of embryos of aquatic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The metameric structure of the vertebrate trunk is generated by repeated formation of somites from the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We report the initial characterization of nine different mutants affecting segmentation that were isolated in a large-scale mutagenesis screen in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Four mutants were identified that show a complete or partial absence of somites or somite boundaries. In addition, five mutations were found that cause fused somites or somites with irregular sizes and shapes. In situ hybridization analysis using specific markers involved in the segmentation clock and antero-posterior (A-P) polarity of somites revealed that the nine mutants can be compiled into two groups. In group 1, mutants exhibit defects in tailbud formation and PSM prepatterning, whereas A-P identity in the somites is defective in group 2 mutants. Three mutants (planlos, pll; schnelles ende, sne; samidare, sam) have characteristic phenotypes that are similar to those in zebrafish mutants affected in the Delta/Notch signaling pathway. The majority of mutants, however, exhibit somitic phenotypes distinct from those found in zebrafish, such as individually fused somites and irregular somite sizes. Thus, these Medaka mutants can be expected to provide clues to uncovering novel components essential for somitogenesis.  相似文献   

We performed a systematic screen for mutations affecting the trajectory of axons visualized by immunohistochemical staining of Medaka embryos with anti-acetylated tubulin antibody. Among the mutations identified, yanagi (yan) and kazura (kaz) mutations caused specific defects in projection of the posterior lateral line (PLL) nerve. In yan and kaz mutant embryos, the PLL nerve main bundle was misrouted ventrally and dorsally or anteriorly. Medaka semaphorin3A, sdf1, and cxcr4 cDNA fragments were cloned to allow analysis of these mutants. There were no changes in semaphorin3A or sdf1 expression in mutant embryos, suggesting that the tissues expressing semaphorin3A or sdf1 that are involved in PLL nerve guidance are present in these mutant embryos. Double staining revealed that the mislocated PLL primordium and growth cone of the ectopically projected PLL nerve were always colocalized in both yan and kaz mutant embryos, suggesting that migration of PLL primordia and PLL nerve growth cones are not uncoupled in these mutants. Although homozygous yan larvae showed incomplete migration of the PLL primordium along the anteroposterior axis, ventral proneuromast migration was complete, suggesting that ventral migration of the proneuromast does not require the signaling affected in yan mutants. In addition to the PLL system, the distribution of primordial germ cells (PGCs) was also affected in both yan and kaz mutant embryos, indicating that yan and kaz genes are required for the migration of both PLL primordia and PGCs. Genetic linkage analysis indicated that kaz is linked to cxcr4, but yan is not linked to sdf1 or cxcr4. These mutations will provide genetic clues to investigate the molecular mechanism underlying formation of the PLL system.  相似文献   

The maintenance and growth of the horny processes of the medaka, Oryzias latipes , were investigated in vitro by organ culture of the anal-fin. Processes were induced in adult females by oral administration of ethisterone. On this day, anal-fins were removed and cultured with in media containing androgen. Early processes elongated in these media during six to eight days of culture, though they degenerated in androgen-free control media. They developed to nearly the same degree as those in intact fins in medium 199 and CMRL-1066, while they degenerated to various extents in Eagle's MEM and Dulbecco's modified EM. These results suggest that scleroblasts maintain the mass and secrete the horny substance in vitro in the presence of androgen and essential nutrients. Early processes developed on the fifth day of treatment.  相似文献   

Medaka, Oryzias latipes, has a firm XX-XY sex-determining system with the sex-determining gene, DMY, on the Y chromosome. However, previous studies have suggested that high water temperature might affect sex determination in Medaka. In the present study, the influence of high water temperature on sex reversal was examined. Fertilized eggs of two inbred strains of Medaka were developed at high water temperature (32 degrees C) until hatching. The hatched fry were kept at normal water temperatures (27 degrees C) until adulthood, and the phenotypic and genotypic sex was examined. As a result, 24% (N=105) and 50% (N=36) of XX fish developed a male phenotype in the Hd-rR and HNI inbred strains, respectively. These XX sex-reversed males had a normal testis and were fully fertile. On the other hand, all XY fish were male in the both strains. These results demonstrate that high water temperatures can induce XX sex reversal and that elevated water temperatures during the embryonic stage is a simple and useful method for getting XX males in Medaka.  相似文献   

A large-scale mutagenesis screen was performed in Medaka to identify genes acting in diverse developmental processes. Mutations were identified in homozygous F3 progeny derived from ENU-treated founder males. In addition to the morphological inspection of live embryos, other approaches were used to detect abnormalities in organogenesis and in specific cellular processes, including germ cell migration, nerve tract formation, sensory organ differentiation and DNA repair. Among 2031 embryonic lethal mutations identified, 312 causing defects in organogenesis were selected for further analyses. From these, 126 mutations were characterized genetically and assigned to 105 genes. The similarity of the development of Medaka and zebrafish facilitated the comparison of mutant phenotypes, which indicated that many mutations in Medaka cause unique phenotypes so far unrecorded in zebrafish. Even when mutations of the two fish species cause a similar phenotype such as one-eyed-pinhead or parachute, more genes were found in Medaka than in zebrafish that produced the same phenotype when mutated. These observations suggest that many Medaka mutants represent new genes and, therefore, are important complements to the collection of zebrafish mutants that have proven so valuable for exploring genomic function in development.  相似文献   

Matsumoto Y  Fukamachi S  Mitani H  Kawamura S 《Gene》2006,371(2):268-278
A variety of visual pigment repertoires present in fish species is believed due to the great variation under the water of light environment. A complete set of visual opsin genes has been isolated and characterized for absorption spectra and expression in the retina only in zebrafish. Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a fish species phylogenetically distant from zebrafish and has served as an important vertebrate model system in molecular and developmental genetics. We previously isolated a medaka rod opsin gene (RH1). In the present study we isolated all the cone opsin genes of medaka by genome screening of a lambda-phage and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries. The medaka genome contains two red, LWS-A and LWS-B, three green, RH2-A, RH2-B and RH2-C, and two blue, SWS2-A and SWS2-B, subtype opsin genes as well as a single-copy of the ultraviolet, SWS1, opsin gene. Previously only one gene was believed present for each opsin type as reported in a cDNA-based study. These subtype opsin genes are closely linked and must be the products of local gene duplications but not of a genome-wide duplication. Peak absorption spectra (lambda(max)) of the reconstituted photopigments with 11-cis retinal varied greatly among the three green opsins, 452 nm for RH2-A, 516 nm for RH2-B and 492 nm for RH2-C, and between the two blue opsins, 439 nm for SWS2-A and 405 nm for SWS2-B. Zebrafish also has multiple opsin subtypes, but phylogenetic analysis revealed that medaka and zebrafish gained the subtype opsins independently. The lambda and BAC DNA clones isolated in this study could be useful for investigating the regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary diversity of fish opsin genes.  相似文献   

The pattern of adrenergic innervation to scale chromatophores of the wild-type medaka, Oryzias latipes, was examined by autoradiography with 3H-norepinephrine and found for the first time to be changed reversibly during prolonged background adaptation. In scales of the medaka, which was adapted to a black background for 10-15 days, a great number of melanophores and dense networks of varicose fibers were observed: many fibers built up a radial plexus around each melanophore. However, the dense distribution of varicose fibers disappeared with a decrease in the number of melanophores during long-term adaptation to a white background. As to the changes in the innervation pattern to amelanotic melanophores of the medaka, orange-red variety, a similar result was obtained. Although the increase in the number of leucophores was observed in the medaka adapted to a white background, no exact plexuses of labeled fibers were confirmed around leucophores. From these results, it is concluded that the density of chromatic nerve fibers changes in parallel with the variation of the number of melanophores during prolonged background adaptation.  相似文献   

The lf (leucophore free) locus was previously reported autosomal recessive in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). However, extensive linkage analyses in this study using various strains revealed that the lf locus was closely sex-linked. The recombination frequency between lf and the male determining factor (y) was 2.2% (10 recombinants out of 464 progeny). Because the lf/lf homozygous fish do not have visible leucophores, they are distinguishable from wild type in early developmental stages. In the Qurt strain with heterozygous sex chromosomes (X(lf)/X(lf) in females and X(lf)/Y(+) in males), we can predict sex of each embryo on second day after fertilization. The strain should be a very useful material for studying sex determination or differentiation mechanisms in the medaka fish.  相似文献   

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