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Female egg-laying behaviors and male amplectic clasping behaviors in the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa) are similar in that animals clasp an object. In the case of egg-laying, females clasp submerged inanimate objects, whereas in amplexus, males clasp conspecific females. Considering these behavioral similarities and differences, we investigated the possibility that gonadal steroids and vasotocin (AVT) interact to control egg-laying behaviors, as has been shown for the control of amplexus in Taricha males. Intact, gravid T. granulosa females injected ip with AVT, unlike those injected with saline, exhibited egg-laying behaviors and oviposition. In ovariectomy-steroid-implant studies, no saline-injected female exhibited egg-laying behaviors, whereas AVT-injected ovariectomized females exhibited egg-laying behaviors if implanted with estradiol (E2), testosterone, or dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and not if implanted with empty capsules. When given a choice between clasping aquatic vegetation or other females (amplectic clasping), following an AVT injection, unoperated and sham-operated control females and ovariectomized females with E2 implants did not preferentially clasp aquatic vegetation over other females. In contrast, AVT-injected ovariectomized females with DHT implants preferentially clasped other females. Thus, exposure of Taricha females to estrogens or androgens appears to determine whether the AVT-induced clasping is egg-laying or amplectic clasping.  相似文献   

The ability of an animal to respond with appropriate defensive behaviors when confronted with an immediate threat can affect its survival and reproductive success. In the roughskin newt (Taricha granulosa), exogenous corticosterone (CORT) rapidly blocks and vasotocin (VT) enhances reproductive behaviors (mainly clasping behavior). Electrophysiological studies have shown that pretreatment of male Taricha with VT counteracts the inhibitory effects of CORT on neuronal activity in the medulla. To test whether similar interactions between VT and CORT influence reproductive behaviors in Taricha, we recorded the time spent and incidence of clasping in males injected with VT or vehicle at 60 min and then CORT or vehicle at 5 min before presentation of a female. This study found that clasping behavior is suppressed in males that received vehicle and then CORT, but is not suppressed in males that received VT and then CORT. Considering these results and the possibility that the performance of clasping behaviors might cause increases in endogenous VT activity, we tested whether the suppressive effects of CORT administration on clasping behavior would occur in males that had recently clasped females. The study found that, in contrast to males that had been isolated from females, CORT administration did not suppress clasping behavior in males that had been allowed to clasp females for 60 min prior to the hormone injection. Our results suggest that, at least in this amphibian and perhaps in other animals, the neuroendocrine regulation of alternative behavioral responses to threats involves functional interactions between corticosteroids and VT-like peptides.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the role of male-male vocal communication in the reproductive repertoire of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Six male and two female call types were recorded from native ponds in the environs of Cape Town, South Africa. These include all call types previously recorded in the laboratory as well as one previously unidentified male call: chirping. The amount of calling and the number of call types increased as the breeding season progressed. Laboratory recordings indicated that all six male call types were directed to males; three of these were directed to both sexes and three were directed exclusively to males. Both female call types were directed exclusively to males. The predominant call type, in both field and laboratory recordings, was the male advertisement call. Sexual state affected male vocal behaviour. Male pairs in which at least one male was sexually active (gonadotropin injected) produced all call types, whereas pairs of uninjected males rarely called. Some call types were strongly associated with a specific behaviour and others were not. Clasped males always growled and clasping males typically produced amplectant calls or chirps; males not engaged in clasping most frequently advertised. The amount of advertising produced by one male was profoundly affected by the presence of another male. Pairing two sexually active males resulted in suppression of advertisement calling in one; suppression was released when males were isolated after pairing. Vocal dominance was achieved even in the absence of physical contact (clasping). We suggest that X. laevis males gain a reproductive advantage by competing for advertisement privileges and by vocally suppressing neighbouring males.  相似文献   

Male rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) exhibit an increase in sexual behavior (amplectic clasping) following intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH 1–39), ACTH 4–10, or melanocyte-stimulating hormone (αMSH). In contrast, intraperitoneal (IP) administration of ACTH 1–39 or corticosterone significantly decreases the incidence of sexual behavior in male newts. These results suggest that a corticotropin-like peptide acts centrally to enhance sexual behavior and that systemic ACTH acts on the interrenal tissue to inhibit sexual behavior by stimulating the release of corticosterone.  相似文献   

Intact, adult male Xenopus laevis were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and tested with intact HCG-primed females. Under these conditions, males displayed high levels of sex behavior (clasping of females). By 2 weeks after castration, these males had ceased clasping. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone reinstated clasping in male castrates. Following removal of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone pellets, castrated males ceased to clasp. No male was ever observed to clasp following estradiol implanted in pellets or in silastic capsules. In experiments on castrated, adult, female Xenopus laevis, both testosterone and testosterone propionate pellets reliably produced male sex behavior in the form of clasping. The clasping of testosterone-implanted female and male castrates was very similar in form and duration. The behavioral effectiveness of testosterone in both sexes and the ineffectiveness of estradiol in eliciting clasping is paralleled by autoradiographic localization of sex steroids in brain where the distribution of testosterone-concentrating, cells is the same for males and females, but different from the distribution of estradiol-concentrating cells.  相似文献   

Male Xenopus laevis frogs have been observed to clasp other males in a sustained, amplectant position, the purpose of which is unknown. We examined three possible hypotheses for this counter-intuitive behavior: 1) clasping males fail to discriminate the sex of the frogs they clasp; 2) male-male clasping is an aggressive or dominant behavior; or 3) that males clasp other males to gain proximity to breeding events and possibly engage in sperm competition. Our data, gathered through a series of behavioral experiments in the laboratory, refute the first two hypotheses. We found that males did not clasp indiscriminately, but showed a sex preference, with most males preferentially clasping a female, but a proportion preferentially clasping another male. Males that clasped another male when there was no female present were less likely to “win” reproductive access in a male-male-female triad, indicating that they did not establish dominance through clasping. However, those males did gain proximity to oviposition by continued male-male clasping in the presence of the female. Thus, our findings are consistent with, but cannot confirm, the third hypothesis of male-male clasping as an alternative reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

Cyproterone acetate was administered either orally or intraperitoneally to intact, adult male newts, Taricha granulosa. The number of males that exhibited the courtship behavior of clasping when tested with nuptial females was not altered by the antiandrogen treatments. In males which were unresponsive to nuptial females, the occurrence of clasping was not evoked by injections for 4 days of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or 11-ketotestosterone. Further, the incidence of clasping was not significantly elevated by injections of prolactin and/or testosterone for 30 days. The effect of sexual activity on testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels in male newts was determined by radioimmunoassay of plasma collected from males which were: (1) isolated from females; (2) allowed to clasp a female for 2 min; or (3) allowed to clasp a female for 1 hr. The testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels were unchanged during this period of clasping. In February and again in June, plasma androgen concentrations were measured in males which differed in their propensity to initiate courtship when paired with females. Androgen levels were similar for males that clasped a female and males that never attempted to clasp a female. Plasma androgen levels in the male newt are apparently not correlated with sexual responsiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper I review some aspects of neural and endocrineinteractions in the control of reproductive behaviors of frogsand song birds. In Xenopus laevis, we have shown that castrationwill eliminate a male sex behavior, clasping, and that thisbehavior can be restored by the administration of exogenoustestosterone or dihydrotestosterone but not by estradiol. Thisdifference in hormone action is paralleled by differences inthe locations of androgen and estrogen concentrating cells inthe CNS of Xenopus. Certain brain regions contain autoradiographicallydemonstrable labelled cells only after the administration oftritiated testosterone; others only after estradiol injection.The possibility that label in a third group of nuclei, whichcontain radioactive steroid after either hormone, is due tometabolism of testosterone to estradiol is discussed. Studiesin other anuran species have demonstrated that regions of hormoneuptake are also involved in neural control of frog sex behavior.The song of oscine birds represents another hormone sensitivereproductive behavior whose neural control is probably inlluencedby the activity of hormone concentrating CNS cells. Some ofthe brain nuclei which comprise the efferent pathway for controlof song in the canary have been shown to concentrate tritiatedandrogen in autoradiographic studies on song birds. The uptakeof androgens by medullary motor neurons involved in the controlof reproductively important vocalizations is common to anuransand oscine song birds. Whether this feature of hormone actionon the CNS represents a special feature of the frog and birdbrain or whether the phenomenon may also be present in othervertebrate groups awaits further investigation.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed to evaluate a possible opioid involvement in the regulation of sexual behavior (amplectic clasping of a female) in intact adult male rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) during the breeding season. It was found that an ip injection of bremazocine, a kappa-receptor opiate agonist, can markedly reduce sexual activity and that an ip injection of naloxone can reverse this inhibition in a dose-dependent fashion. In contrast, in male newts that were sexually inactive before treatment, injections of naloxone failed to induce sexual behavior, suggesting that opioid mechanisms do not normally exert a tonic inhibition of amphibian sexual behavior. In addition, an injection of ethylketocyclazocine (another kappa-receptor agonist), but not morphine (a mu-receptor agonist) suppressed sexual behaviors of male newts. These results indicate that opioid mechanisms that include kappa-type opioid receptors may contribute to the regulation of sexual behavior in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

Courtship clasping, a reproductive behavior in male roughskin newts (Taricha granulosa), is rapidly blocked by an action of corticosterone (CORT) at a specific neuronal membrane receptor. The CORT-induced impairment of clasping in behaving newts appears to be mediated partly by an elimination of clasping-related activity in medullary reticulospinal neurons. Previous studies of rapid CORT actions in Taricha have focused on the brain, so existence of CORT action in the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system has not been assessed. The present study used newts with a high cervical spinal transection to examine potential spinal or peripheral CORT effects on clasping by the hindlimbs in response to pressure on the cloaca. Spinal transection causes clasps elicited by cloacal stimulation to be very sustained beyond the termination of the eliciting stimulus. In spinally transected newts, CORT caused a dose-dependent depression in the duration as well as quality of the clasp that appeared within 10 min of injection. CORT selectively impaired the usual sustained maintenance of a clasp after termination of cloacal stimulation, but not clasp elicitation during stimulation. These effects were not produced by dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid that binds poorly to the CORT membrane receptor. The CORT effect on clasp maintenance but not clasp elicitation implies selective action on an intraspinal generator for clasping but not on sensory or efferent neuromuscular aspects of the response. These results indicate the presence in the newt spinal cord of the CORT membrane receptor that exerts functional effects distinctly different from those on the brainstem.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to characterize sex behaviors of female South African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis, and to explore the behavioral effects of endocrine manipulation. The responses of females to clasp assaults by sexually active males were observed. Two patterns of female responses predominated. In one, females exhibited extreme leg extension and ticking vocalizations when clasped (unreceptive behaviors). In the other, females responded to being clasped by adduction of the thighs and increased flexion at the knee; ticking vocalizations were absent (receptive behaviors). When the female was unreceptive, clasps by males generally lasted less than 1 min. With a receptive female, on the other hand, amplexus could last up to 2 days. In intact females, injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) into the dorsal lymph sac results in significant increases in receptivity. These hormones do not promote receptivity in ovariectomized females. Neither estradiol (E) nor progesterone (P) when administered alone was effective in restoring receptivity to ovariectomized females. In combination, E + P increased sexual receptivity. The releasing hormone, LHRH, when given to ovariectomized, E + P-treated females, further increased receptivity and led to the prolonged amplexus otherwise observed with an HCG-injected intact female. The behavioral effects of LHRH may be independent of action on the pituitary since they are not mimicked by gonadotropin.  相似文献   

The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic agonists and antagonists on discharge of secretory product by the granular and mucous glands were examined in the red-spotted newt, Notopthalmus viridescens viridescens. Observations were made also on the South African clawed toad. Xenopus laevis, the grass frog, Rana pipiens, and the crested newt, Triturus cristatus. In contrast to the granular glands of the South African clawed toad and the grass frog, which were stimulated by alpha-adrenergic agents, those of the red-spotted newt discharge in response to acetylcholine, either in vitro when added to the Holtfreter's solution in which explants were incubated, or in vivo when injected subcutaneously. Granular glands of the crested newt were also dischared in response to subcutaneous injection of acetylcholine. Stimulation of the granular glands by acetylcholine was blocked by atopine but not by tubocurarie, indicating that the cholinergic receptors are muscarinic rather than nicotinic. The mucous glands of the red-spotted newt, on the other hand, did not discharge in response to either acetylcholine or to adrenergic agents.  相似文献   

This review focuses on research into the hormonal control of behaviors in amphibians that was conducted prior to the 21st century. Most advances in this field come from studies of a limited number of species and investigations into the hormonal mechanisms that regulate reproductive behaviors in male frogs and salamanders. From this earlier research, we highlight five main generalizations or conclusions. (1) Based on studies of vocalization behaviors in anurans, testicular androgens induce developmental changes in cartilage and muscles fibers in the larynx and thereby masculinize peripheral structures that influence the properties of advertisement calls by males. (2) Gonadal steroid hormones act to enhance reproductive behaviors in adult amphibians, but causal relationships are not as well established in amphibians as in birds and mammals. Research into the relationships between testicular androgens and male behaviors, mainly using castration/steroid treatment studies, generally supports the conclusion that androgens are necessary but not sufficient to enhance male behaviors. (3) Prolactin acts synergistically with androgens and induces reproductive development, sexual behaviors, and pheromone production. This interaction between prolactin and gonadal steroids helps to explain why androgens alone sometimes fail to stimulate amphibian behaviors. (4) Vasotocin also plays an important role and enhances specific types of behaviors in amphibians (frog calling, receptivity in female frogs, amplectic clasping in newts, and non-clasping courtship behaviors). Gonadal steroids typically act to maintain behavioral responses to vasotocin. Vasotocin modulates behavioral responses, at least in part, by acting within the brain on sensory pathways that detect sexual stimuli and on motor pathways that control behavioral responses. (5) Corticosterone acts as a potent and rapid suppressor of reproductive behaviors during periods of acute stress. These rapid stress-induced changes in behaviors use non-genomic mechanisms and membrane-associated corticosterone receptors.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old emaciated female South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) was euthanized because of chronic weight loss. At necropsy, there was no evidence of bacterial, fungal or viral disease; however, the histopathologic findings indicated a proliferative gastritis and the presence of numerous cryptosporidial stages throughout the intestinal tract. Crytosporidial oocysts were present in the water taken from the aquarium housing the infected frog and were likely shed by the sick frog; however, the exact source of the oocysts could not be identified. Water samples from other frog aquaria in the facility did not contain cryptosporidial oocysts. Some Cryptosporidium species are important zoonotic pathogens and, to our knowledge, this is the first report of disease associated with Cryptosporidium infection in a laboratory Xenopus laevis.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone concentrations change in response to social or environmental stimuli in many vertebrates. To test this phenomenon in an amphibian, we examined plasma androgen (A) and corticosterone (B) concentrations in male marine toads (Bufo marinus), a tropical species exhibiting intermale competition, amplectic clasping of females, and bouts of breeding behavior following rains. When males clasped females for 0, 1, 2, or 3 hr, plasma A concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with hours spent in amplexus. In field-sampled males, plasma A concentrations were higher in amplexing males than in single males. Among single males those found closer to breeding ponds had higher A concentrations than those more distant. These data support the hypothesis that sexual stimuli enhance plasma A concentrations in this amphibian. In 3-hr experimental tests and field-sampled males, B concentrations were higher in amplexing than in single males. Unlike some amphibians, short-term elevations of B apparently are not associated with decreased reproductive function. However, as in other amphibians in which high B concentrations are associated with stress-induced inhibition of reproduction, after 48-72 hr in captivity male toads showed high B concentrations and low plasma androgen concentrations. The bursts of sexual activities exhibited by B. marinus following heavy rains were associated with no changes in A concentration and with increased B concentration.  相似文献   

Amphibians including the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, its close relative Xenopus tropicalis, and the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) are important vertebrate models for cell biology, development, and regeneration. For the analysis of embryos and larva with altered gene expression in gain-of-function or loss-of-function studies histology is increasingly important. Here, we discuss plastic or resin embedding of embryos as valuable alternatives to conventional paraffin embedding. For example, microwave-assisted tissue processing, combined with embedding in the glycol methacrylate Technovit 7100, is a fast, simple, and reliable method to obtain state-of-the-art histology with high resolution of cellular details in less than a day. Microwave-processed samples embedded in Epon 812 are also useful for transmission electron microscopy. Finally, Technovit-embedded samples are well suited for serial section analysis of embryos labeled either by whole-mount immunofluorescence, or with tracers such as GFP or fluorescent dextrans. Therefore, plastic embedding offers a versatile alternative to paraffin embedding for routine histology and immunocytochemistry of amphibian embryos.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to examine the effects of exogenous and endogenous prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the sexual behavior of female South African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis. Ticking and leg extension, which communicate sexual unreceptivity to males, were studied in intact, ovariectomized, and ovariectomized-oviductectomized females. The onset of the PGE2 behavioral effect occurs within 30 sec to 3 min of injection for intact and ovariectomized females; for ovariectomized-oviductectomized females, the latency period for the effect ranges from 10-20 min. PGE2 induced receptivity in doses as low as 0.03 microgram/frog. Injection of the prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, indomethacin and flurbiprofen (FBP), blocked chorionic gonadotropin- (HCG-) induced behavioral receptivity, suggesting that endogenous prostaglandin synthesis may have a role in regulating female sexual behavior. Flurbiprofen blockade of HCG-induced receptivity was reversed by PGE2 administration, suggesting that FBP's effects are PG synthesis-specific.  相似文献   

The effect of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) microinjections into the central amygdala (10 g in 0.5 1 into each side) on locomotor activity water intake and dominance behavior in a water competition test was investigated in male Wistar rats. TRH increased the general motility without altering the number of rearings. Intra-amygdaloid TRH injection to submissive rats resulted in a loss of subordinate position in these animals in the water competition test. A tendency to decrease dominance followed the injection of the peptide to the dominant animals. The effect of TRH in the dominance test does not appear to involve influence on the thirst drive as microinjection of the peptide did not change significantly the water consumption in thirsty rats.  相似文献   

To investigate whether arginine vasotocin (AVT) acts on target cells in the brain of Taricha granulosa (a urodele amphibian), the behavioral effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) and intraperitoneal (IP) injections of AVT were compared. Male newts exhibited the greatest sexual activity (amplectic clasping) following an ICV injection of 0.1 μg AVT. Another study showed that nanogram quantities of AVT, administered ICV, stimulated the behavior. An ICV injection of an antagonist to arginine vasopressin, d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP, or an anti-AVT immune serum significantly inhibited the sexual behavior. Intracranial implants of 17β-estradiol (E2) or 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in castrated males maintained the behavioral response to an injection of AVT. Another study found that an IP injection of DHT or E2 did not increase the incidence of newt sexual behavior during the 8 hours following the injection.  相似文献   

Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH) and its stable analogues CG3509 and RX77368 were injected directly into the nucleus accumbens, septum and striatum of the rat and locomotor activity was recorded. TRH (5-20 micrograms) caused a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity when injected into the nucleus accumbens. TRH (20 micrograms) also increased locomotor activity after administration into the septum but not when put into the striatum. Both the TRH analogues (0.1 and 1.0 microgram) produced closely related increases in activity when injected into either the nucleus accumbens or septum but CG3509 was more potent with a longer lasting effect. Also, in contrast with TRH (20 micrograms), both TRH analogues stimulated locomotor activity when injected into the striatum at a dose of 1 microgram but the effect was less marked and delayed in onset compared to the nucleus accumbens and septum response. Dopamine (100 micrograms) injected into the accumbens or septum also produced significant increases in locomotor activity. The locomotor effects of the peptides are discussed in relation to a possible dopamine-mediated mechanism which contrasts with the actions of TRH and the analogues on barbiturate anaesthesia.  相似文献   

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