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Summary After fusion mediated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) plus dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) between rat and Drosophila melanogaster cells cultured in vitro, the phenomenon of premature chromosome condensation (PCC) induced by mitotic rat chromosomes was detected in Drosophila nuclei. Exceptionally PCC was induced in rat nuclei but only in the presence of a very high ploidy level of Drosophila mitotic chromosomes. This provides further evidence of the lack of species specificity and of the effect of dosage of the PCC inducing factors, even among very distant species.  相似文献   

The telomeric P elements TP5 and TP6 are associated with the P cytotype, a maternally inherited condition that represses P-element-induced hybrid dysgenesis in the Drosophila germ line. To see if cytotype repression by TP5 and TP6 might be mediated by the polypeptides they could encode, hobo transgenes carrying these elements were tested for expression of mRNA in the female germ line and for repression of hybrid dysgenesis. The TP5 and TP6 transgenes expressed more germ-line mRNA than the native telomeric P elements, but they were decidedly inferior to the native elements in their ability to repress hybrid dysgenesis. These paradoxical results are inconsistent with the repressor polypeptide model of cytotype. An alternative model based on the destruction of P transposase mRNA by Piwi-interacting (pi) RNAs was supported by finding reduced P mRNA levels in flies that carried the native telomeric P elements, which are inserted in a known major piRNA locus.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic procedure is described whereby a combination of polytene chromosome analysis and complementation mapping has permitted the unequivocal localization of ordinary sex-linked genes (those not covered by the Y-chromosome) in Section 20, the most proximal region of Bridges' (1938) map of the polytene X-chromosome. Thus far, eleven functional units in Section 20 distal to the bobbed locus, but none proximal, have been resolved. We suggest that the polytenized portion of Section 20, which heretofore has traditionally been considered as heterochromatic, corresponds, in fact, with the euchromatic portion of the mitotic X-chromosome.  相似文献   

Merte J  Nichols R 《Peptides》2002,23(1):209-220
FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) are expressed throughout the animal kingdom and regulate a multitude of physiological activities. FaRPs have an RFamide C-terminal consensus structure that is important for interaction with the receptor. The ease of genetic manipulation and availability of genomic sequences makes Drosophila melanogaster an important experimental organism. Multiple classes of FaRPs encoded by different genes have been identified within this species. Here, we review FMRFamide-containing peptides encoded by the D. melanogaster FMRFamide gene in order to review the data on the expression, regulation, and activity of these peptides as well as acknowledge further endeavors required to elucidate FaRP signaling.  相似文献   

Summary Mitotic recombination has been induced with X-rays in Drosophila melanogaster larvae and assayed later as twin mosaic spots on the adult tergites. With the use of the In(1)sc 4L sc 8R chromosome which lacks the nucleolar organizer and is marked with yellow (y) indirect evidence was obtained that mitotic recombination between ring and rod chromosomes results, in a majority of cases, in XO spots, bearing the rod-X only. This was concluded from the relative scarcity and small sizes of y NO- spots (uncovering the sc 4 sc 8 chromosome), compared to control sisters bearing an extra Y chromosome with its NO locus. Thus, dicentric chromatid bridges formed by mitotic recombination between the ring and rod chromosomes are probably eliminated at the next division.In In(1)sc 4 sc 8/f36a (rod/rod) females, no effect of the Y chromosome on the frequency and sizes of cross-over spots was observed. Either any dicentric chromatid bridges formed by recombination between inverted rod chromosomes fragment at division, with a centromeric piece going to each pole, or such bridges are not usually formed by recombination. The latter case would indicate that somatic pairing of homologues is not accurate in X chromosome inversion heterozygotes and consequently, that recombination yields aneuploid cells.Additional studies are cited which indicate that X chromosome heterozygotes for entire arm inversions may not pair in the typical loop at the time of mitotic recombination.Supported in part by U.S.P.H.S. Grant GM 17096 to J.R.M., and the Kredit zur Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses an der Universität Zürich to R.N.  相似文献   

Whole genome shotgun assemblies have proven remarkably successful in reconstructing the bulk of euchromatic genes, with the only limit appearing to be determined by the sequencing depth. For genes imbedded in heterochromatin, however, the low cloning efficiency of repetitive sequences, combined with the computational challenges, demand that additional clues be used to annotate the sequences. One approach that has proven very successful in identifying protein coding genes in Y-linked heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster has been to make a BLASTable database of the small, unmapped contigs and fragments leftover at the end of a shotgun assembly, and to attempt to capture these by blasting with an appropriate query sequence. This approach often yields a staggered alignment of contigs from the unmapped set to the query sequence, as though the disjoint contigs represent small portions of the gene. Further inspection frequently shows that the contigs are broken by very large, heterochromatic introns. Methods of this sort are being expanded to make best use of all available clues to determine which unmapped contigs are associated with genes. These include use of EST libraries, and, in the case of the Y chromosome, testing of male specific genes and reduced shotgun depth of relevant contigs. It appears much more hopeful than anyone would have imagined that whole genome shotgun assemblies can recover the great bulk of even heterochromatic genes.  相似文献   

The Quaternary has been described as an important time for genetic diversification and speciation. This is based on the premise that Quaternary climatic conditions fostered the isolation of populations and, in some instances, allopatric speciation. However, the 'Quaternary Ice-Age speciation model' rests on two key assumptions: (i) that biotic responses to climate change during the Quaternary were significantly different from those of other periods in Earth's history; and (ii) that the mechanisms of isolation during the Quaternary were sufficient in time and space for genetic diversification to foster speciation. These assumptions are addressed by examining the plant fossil record for the Quaternary (in detail) and for the past 410 Myr, which encompasses previous intervals of icehouse Earth. Our examination of the Quaternary record indicates that floristic responses to climate changes during the past 1.8 Myr were complex and that a distinction has to be made between those plants that were able to withstand the extremes of glacial conditions and those that could not. Generation times are also important as are different growth forms (e.g. herbaceous annuals and arborescent perennials), resulting in different responses in terms of genetic divergence rates during isolation. Because of these variations in the duration of isolation of populations and genomic diversification rates, no canonical statement about the predominant floristic response to climatic changes during the Quaternary (i.e. elevated rates of speciation or extinction, or stasis) is currently possible. This is especially true because of a sampling bias in terms of the fossil record of tree species over that of species with non-arborescent growth forms. Nevertheless, based on the available information, it appears that the dominant response of arborescent species during the Quaternary was extinction rather than speciation or stasis. By contrast, our examination of the fossil record of vascular plants for the past 410 Myr indicates that speciation rates often increased during long intervals of icehouse Earth (spanning up to 50 Myr). Therefore, longer periods of icehouse Earth than those occurring during the Quaternary may have isolated plant populations for sufficiently long periods of time to foster genomic diversification and allopatric speciation. Our results highlight the need for more detailed study of the fossil record in terms of finer temporal and spatial resolution than is currently available to examine the significance of intervals of icehouse Earth. It is equally clear that additional and detailed molecular studies of extant populations of Quaternary species are required in order to determine the extent to which these 'relic' species have genomically diversified across their current populations.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is widely used to study immune system function in insects. However, little work has been done in D. melanogaster on the effect of temperature on the immune system. Here we describe experiments that demonstrate that cooler temperatures enhance survival after infection and alter expression of immune-related genes in flies. This effect appears to be due not only to the fact that colder temperatures slow down bacterial growth, but also to the beneficial effects of cooler temperature on immune function. We explore the possibility that heat shock proteins, and in particular, Hsp83, may improve immune function at cool temperatures. We have long known that temperature can alter immune responses against microbial pathogens in insects. The approach described here allows us to determine whether this effect is due primarily to temperature-specific effects on the host or on its pathogen. These results suggest that both may be important.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of toxin resistance in animals has important consequences for the ecology of species and our economy. Pesticide resistance in insects has been a subject of intensive study; however, very little is known about how Drosophila species became resistant to natural toxins with ecological relevance, such as α-amanitin that is produced in deadly poisonous mushrooms. Here we performed a microarray study to elucidate the genes, chromosomal loci, molecular functions, biological processes, and cellular components that contribute to the α-amanitin resistance phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster. We suggest that toxin entry blockage through the cuticle, phase I and II detoxification, sequestration in lipid particles, and proteolytic cleavage of α-amanitin contribute in concert to this quantitative trait. We speculate that the resistance to mushroom toxins in D. melanogaster and perhaps in mycophagous Drosophila species has evolved as cross-resistance to pesticides, other xenobiotic substances, or environmental stress factors.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic variant in the LDH (l-lactate:NAD oxidoreductase, E.C. of Drosophila melanogaster was observed on starch (or polyacrylamide) gels. This variant was found to exhibit an identical isozymic pattern (three isozymes with a decreasing staining density) on starch gel and map position as the Adh locus. On the other hand, anodal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in crude extracts has shown LDH to consist of nine bands and ADH of four bands. We have shown that ADH (Alcohol:NAD oxidoreductase, E.C. also oxidizes l(+)-lactate or d(–)-lactate with the NAD, while LDH oxidizes ethanol. By using various genetic and biochemical techniques, we have shown that the observed Ldh electrophoretic variant was not a real one and could be attributed to the presence of ADH. We have called this phenomenon pseudopolymorphism, and the problem of enzyme specificity has been examined. The appearance of a band in an assay using lactic acid as a substrate is not sufficient evidence for the presence of LDH. Hence, caution is called for before characterizing an electrophoretic band on a gel as being equivalent to the presence of a genetic locus. Out of the nine electrophoretic zones of activity observed on polyacrylamide gel (or out of the six previously observed) using crude extract, only two (one major and one minor) belong to LDH, as revealed by purified enzyme preparations. Furthermore, purified LDH exhibits activity in two bands on starch gel (out of three observed in crude extracts), which appear in different positions as compared with those of ADH. Finally, one band which responds to the presence of d(–)-lactate but not to l(+)-lactate has been revealed.  相似文献   

Mutation t467, belonging to the swi complementation group, and causing death in late prepupa, is located in the interval from 2B6 to the left part of 2B7-8. In this region puffing is absent in salivary gland chromosomes. In t467/t467 homozygotes intermoult early and early-late larval 20-OH ecdysone puffs do not differ from the controls. Mid-prepupal puffs are normal too with a few exceptions. However, all late larval and prepupal puffs are reduced or absent in the mutant. Both, hormone incubation of t467 glands in vitro and hormone injection have shown: i) 20-OH ecdysone in vitro does not restore the normal larval puffing pattern. ii) Withdrawal of the hormone from glands at PS6 causes premature appearance of late larval puffs, which, however, do not reach control sizes. It is concluded that the swi gene product is necessary for induction of late puffs. Thus in the 2B3-4—2B7-8 region three genes, affecting 20-OH ecdysone induction processes, have become known.  相似文献   

In 1976, Crump, Hoel, Langley, and Peto described how almost any dose‐response relationship for carcinogens becomes linear at low doses when background cancers are taken into account. This has been used, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA, as partial justification for a regulatory posture that assumes low‐dose linearity, as is illustrated by a discussion of regulation of benzene as a carcinogen. The argument depends critically on the assumption that the pollutant and the background proceed by the same biological mechanism. In this paper we show that the same argument applies to noncancer end points also. We discuss the application to a number of situations: reduction in lung function and consequent increase in death rate due to (particulate) air pollution; reduction in IQ and hence (in extreme cases) mental deficiency due to radiation in utero; reduction of sperm count and hence increase in male infertility due to DBCP exposure. We conclude that, although the biological basis for the health effect response is different, in each case low‐dose linearity might arise from the same mathematical effect discussed by Crump et al. (1976). We then examine other situations and toxic end points where low‐dose linearity might apply by the same argument. We urge that biologists and chemists should concentrate efforts on comparing the biological and pharmacokinetic processes that apply to the pollutant and the background. Finally, we discuss some public policy implications of the possibility that low dose linearity may be the rule rather than the exception for environmental exposures.  相似文献   

Aggregation of the amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) into toxic oligomers and amyloid fibrils is linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Mutations of the BRICHOS chaperone domain are associated with amyloid disease and recent in vitro data show that BRICHOS efficiently delays Aβ42 oligomerization and fibril formation. We have generated transgenic Drosophila melanogaster flies that express the Aβ42 peptide and the BRICHOS domain in the central nervous system (CNS). Co-expression of Aβ42 and BRICHOS resulted in delayed Aβ42 aggregation and dramatic improvements of both lifespan and locomotor function compared with flies expressing Aβ42 alone. Moreover, BRICHOS increased the ratio of soluble:insoluble Aβ42 and bound to deposits of Aβ42 in the fly brain. Our results show that the BRICHOS domain efficiently reduces the neurotoxic effects of Aβ42, although significant Aβ42 aggregation is taking place. We propose that BRICHOS-based approaches should be explored with an aim towards the future prevention and treatment of AD.KEY WORDS: Amyloid, Alzheimer’s disease, Protein misfolding, Chaperone  相似文献   

Females of a wild-type strain of Drosophila melanogaster (Canton-S), and of several clock mutants (period), were able to discriminate between diapause-inducing short days and diapause-averting long days with a well-defined critical daylength. The critical daylengths of a short-period mutant (pers) and a long-period mutant (perL2) were almost identical, both to each other and to that of Canton-S. The critical daylength of an arrhythmic mutant (perol), however, was about 3 hr shorter than that of Canton-S, and that of per- was about 5 hr shorter. Exposure of Canton-S females to Nanda-Hamner experiments, consisting of a 10-hr photophase coupled to a dark phase varying between 4 and 74 hr, showed (1) that the photoperiodic clock in D. melanogaster measures nightlength rather than daylength, and (2) that photoperiodic time measurement is somehow based on (or affected by) constituent oscillators in the circadian system. Nanda-Hamner results for the period mutants all showed similar profiles regardless of genotype, or the presence or absence of per locus DNA. These results suggest that photoperiodic induction and locomotor activity do not share a common pacemaker in D. melanogaster, and that the per gene is not causally involved in nightlength measurement by the photoperiodic clock, although flies in which the per locus is missing (per-) or defective (perol) show an altered critical value.  相似文献   

Band  H. T.  Band  R. N.  Ives  P. T. 《Biochemical genetics》1984,22(5-6):551-566
LSP-1S is present in Michigan and Massachusetts Drosophila melanogaster natural populations. Its frequency, 10%, is significantly higher in an East Jordan, Mich. (latitude, 45.10° N), population than in East Lansing, Mich. (latitude 42.44° N), or Hadley, Mass. (latitude, 42.21° N), populations, where it averages 3% at each location. The average frequency of LSP-2S is more comparable, 6, 5, and 7% at East Jordan, East Lansing, and Hadley, respectively. LSP-1F variants are also present. A total of 342 single third-instar larvae was scored for LSP-1 autosomal variants, and 323 for LSP-2 variants. Each larva represented a newly established isofemale line from collections at East Jordan in 1981 and 1983, East Lansing in 1982, and Hadley in 1981, 1982, and 1983. Within localities, frequencies of hemolymph protein variants did not differ significantly between years. Proteins 9, 10, 11, and 15 correspond to the LSP-1, , and triplet and LSP-2 polypeptide in D. melanogaster. Our results together with those of Singh and Coulthart [(1982). Genetics 102:437] indicate that D. melanogaster populations in north temperate climates maintain considerable genetic heterogeneity for the larval hemolymph proteins.  相似文献   

Puffing patterns have been studied both in homozygotes t10/t10, a gene located in the area of the early ecdysone puff 2B5, and in a yellow (y) control stock, at the end of the third instar and during prepupal development. In mutants t10 at the end of the third instar puffing develops normally in general, however, 21 puffs (5 early and 16 late ones) underdevelop or do not develop at all, some larval intermoult puffs regressing slower. The next cycle of puffs (mid prepupal) in mutants t10 proceeds normally, but in the late prepupal cycle 21 puffs underdevelop again or are not formed at all. A model for the induction of early ecdysone puffs is proposed, assigning a key role to the 2B5 puff product in stimulating other early puffs. It is suggested that defects in the activity of early puffs in the mutant t10 may cause underdevelopment of late puffs.Dedicated to Professor W. Beermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

7-tricosene (7T) and 7-pentacosene (7P) are the major components of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster males. A chemical study of 16 isofemale lines of D. melanogaster sampled at the first and eighth generations in laboratory conditions showed the stability of chromatographical profiles. Then a large scale study of male 7T/7P polymorphism was performed with 85 populations of D. melanogaster and 29 of D. simulans collected all over the world. There were significant correlations of the values of the balanced ratio (7T − 7P)/(7T + 7P) with geo-climatic parameters, such as latitude, longitude, mean temperature, temperature range and vapour pressure. Parallel variations were also reported for the homologous linear alkanes (23 and 25 Carbon atoms) but not for the longer branched alkanes (27 and 29 Carbon atoms). No correlation was significant for the D. simulans populations studied. In this species a similar polymorphism of 7T/7P was found but restricted to a few populations from West Equatorial Africa. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Centrioles and basal bodies are MT based structures that present a highly conserved ninefold symmetry. Centrioles can be found at the core of the centrosome where they participate in PCM recruitment and organization, contributing to cytoplasmic MT nucleation. Basal bodies are normally located closely to the plasma membrane where they are responsible for axoneme assembly to form structures such as cilia or flagella. While it is well accepted that these organelles have important roles in cell and tissue organization, their contribution to certain phases of animal development is still not entirely established. Here we review the role of centrosomes and cilia in Drosophila melanogaster and briefly discuss the implications of these findings to other model organisms.  相似文献   

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