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The concept of “prion-like” has been proposed to explain the pathogenic mechanism of the principal neurodegenerative disorders associated with protein misfolding, including Alzheimer disease (AD). Other evidence relates prion protein with AD: the cellular prion protein (PrPC) binds β amyloid oligomers, allegedly responsible for the neurodegeneration in AD, mediating their toxic effects. We and others have confirmed the high-affinity binding between β amyloid oligomers and PrPC, but we were not able to assess the functional consequences of this interaction using behavioral investigations and in vitro tests. This discrepancy rather than being resolved with the classic explanations, differencies in methodological aspects, has been reinforced by new data from different sources. Here we present data obtained with PrP antibody that not interfere with the neurotoxic activity of β amyloid oligomers. Since the potential role of the PrPC in the neuronal dysfunction induced by β amyloid oligomers is an important issue, find reasonable explanation of the inconsistent results is needed. Even more important however is the relevance of this interaction in the context of the disease, so as to develop valid therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrPC) is subjected to several conserved endoproteolytic events producing bioactive fragments that are of increasing interest for their physiological functions and their implication in the pathogenesis of prion diseases and other neurodegenerative diseases. However, systematic and comprehensive investigations on the full spectrum of PrPC proteoforms have been hampered by the lack of methods able to identify all PrPC-derived proteoforms. Building on previous knowledge of PrPC endoproteolytic processing, we thus developed an optimized Western blot assay able to obtain the maximum information about PrPC constitutive processing and the relative abundance of PrPC proteoforms in a complex biological sample. This approach led to the concurrent identification of the whole spectrum of known endoproteolytic-derived PrPC proteoforms in brain homogenates, including C-terminal, N-terminal and, most importantly, shed PrPC-derived fragments. Endoproteolytic processing of PrPC was remarkably similar in the brain of widely used wild type and transgenic rodent models, with α-cleavage-derived C1 representing the most abundant proteoform and ADAM10-mediated shedding being an unexpectedly prominent proteolytic event. Interestingly, the relative amount of shed PrPC was higher in WT mice than in most other models. Our results indicate that constitutive endoproteolytic processing of PrPC is not affected by PrPC overexpression or host factors other than PrPC but can be impacted by PrPC primary structure. Finally, this method represents a crucial step in gaining insight into pathophysiological roles, biomarker suitability, and therapeutic potential of shed PrPC and for a comprehensive appraisal of PrPC proteoforms in therapies, drug screening, or in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A nine-octapeptide insertion in the prion protein (PrP) gene is associated with an inherited form of human prion disease. Transgenic (Tg) mice that express the mouse homolog of this mutation (designated PG14) spontaneously accumulate in their brains an insoluble and weakly protease-resistant form of the mutant protein. This form (designated PG14(Spon)) is highly neurotoxic, but is not infectious in animal bioassays. In contrast, when Tg(PG14) mice are inoculated with the Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) strain of prions, they accumulate a different form of PG14 PrP (designated PG14(RML)) that is highly protease resistant and infectious in animal transmission experiments. We have been interested in characterizing the molecular properties of PG14(Spon) and PG14(RML), with a view to identifying features that determine two, apparently distinct properties of PrP aggregates: their infectivity and their pathogenicity. In this paper, we have subjected PG14(Spon) and PG14(RML) to a panel of assays commonly used to distinguish infectious PrP (PrP(Sc)) from cellular PrP (PrP(C)), including immobilized metal affinity chromatography, precipitation with sodium phosphotungstate, and immunoprecipitation with PrP(C)- and PrP(Sc)-specific antibodies. Surprisingly, we found that aggregates of PG14(Spon) and PG14(RML) behave identically to each other, and to authentic PrP(Sc), in each of these biochemical assays. PG14(Spon) however, in contrast to PG14(RML) and PrP(Sc), was unable to seed the misfolding of PrP(C) in an in vitro protein misfolding cyclic amplification reaction. Collectively, these results suggest that infectious and non-infectious aggregates of PrP share common structural features accounting for their toxicity, and that self-propagation of PrP involves more subtle molecular differences.  相似文献   

The hallmark of prion disease is the accumulation of mis folded protein PrPsc, which is toxic to neuronal cells. The proteasome system is responsible for the rapid, precise, and timely degradation of proteins and plays an important role in cellular protein quality control. Increasing evidence indi cates impaired activity of proteasomes in prion diseases. Accumulated PrPsc can directly or indirectly affect prote asome activity. Misfolded protein may influence the assem bly and activity of 19S regulatory particle, or post translational modification of 20S proteasome, which may adversely affect the protein degradation activity of protea somes. In this review, we summarized the recent findings concerning the possible regulation of proteasomes in prion and other neurodegenerative diseases. The proteasome system may enhance its degradation activity by changing its structure, and this activity can also be increased by related chaperones when neuronal cells are subject to stress. When the proteasome system is inhibited, degradation of protein aggregates via autophagy may increase as a compensatory system. It is possible that a balance exists between the prote asome and autophagy in vivo; when one is impaired, the ac tivity of the other may increase to maintain homeostasis. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the relation ship between the proteasome system and autophagy.  相似文献   

A misfolded version of the prion protein represents an essential component in the pathophysiology of fatal neurodegenerative prion diseases, which affect humans and animals alike. They may be of sporadic origin, acquired through exogenous introduction of infectious misfolded prion protein, or caused by genetic alterations in the prion protein coding gene. We have recently described a novel pathway linking retention of mutant prion protein in the early secretory pathway to activation p38-MAPK and a neurodegenerative phenotype in transgenic mice. Here we review the consequences that mutations in prion protein have on intracellular transport and stress responses focusing on protein quality control. We also discuss the neurotoxic signaling elicited by the accumulation of mutant prion protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Improved knowledge about these processes will help us to better understand complex pathogenesis of prion diseases, a prerequisite for therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The study of prions and the discovery of candidate therapeutics for prion disease have been facilitated by the ability of prions to replicate in cultured cells. Paradigms in which prion proteins from different species are expressed in cells with low or no expression of endogenous prion protein (PrP) have expanded the range of prion strains that can be propagated. In these systems, cells stably expressing a PrP of interest are typically generated via coexpression of a selectable marker and treatment with an antibiotic. Here, we report the unexpected discovery that the aminoglycoside G418 (Geneticin) interferes with the ability of stably transfected cultured cells to become infected with prions. In G418-resistant lines of N2a or CAD5 cells, the presence of G418 reduced levels of protease-resistant PrP following challenge with the RML or 22L strains of mouse prions. G418 also interfered with the infection of cells expressing hamster PrP with the 263K strain of hamster prions. Interestingly, G418 had minimal to no effect on protease-resistant PrP levels in cells with established prion infection, arguing that G418 selectively interferes with de novo prion infection. As G418 treatment had no discernible effect on cellular PrP levels or its localization, this suggests that G418 may specifically target prion assemblies or processes involved in the earliest stages of prion infection.  相似文献   

The conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) to the β-rich infectious isoform PrPSc is considered a critical and central feature in prion pathology. Although PrPSc is the critical component of the infectious agent, as proposed in the “protein-only” prion hypothesis, cellular components have been identified as important cofactors in triggering and enhancing the conversion of PrPC to proteinase K resistant PrPSc. A number of in vitro systems using various chemical and/or physical agents such as guanidine hydrochloride, urea, SDS, high temperature, and low pH, have been developed that cause PrPC conversion, their amplification, and amyloid fibril formation often under non-physiological conditions. In our ongoing efforts to look for endogenous and exogenous chemical mediators that might initiate, influence, or result in the natural conversion of PrPC to PrPSc, we discovered that lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a component of gram-negative bacterial membranes interacts with recombinant prion proteins and induces conversion to an isoform richer in β sheet at near physiological conditions as long as the LPS concentration remains above the critical micelle concentration (CMC). More significant was the LPS mediated conversion that was observed even at sub-molar ratios of LPS to recombinant ShPrP (90–232).  相似文献   

This review examines recent attempts to advance the understanding of the mechanism by which neurones die in prion disease. Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are characterized by the conversion of a normal glycoprotein, the prion protein, to a protease-resistant form that is suggested to be both the infectious agent and the cause of the rapid neurodegeneration in the disease. Death of the patient results from this widespread neuronal loss. Thus understanding the mechanism by which the abnormal form of the prion protein causes neuronal death might lead to treatments that would prevent the life-threatening nature of these diseases.  相似文献   

Prions cause transmissible neurodegenerative diseases and replicate by conformational conversion of normal benign forms of prion protein (PrPC) to disease‐causing PrPSc isoforms. A systems approach to disease postulates that disease arises from perturbation of biological networks in the relevant organ. We tracked global gene expression in the brains of eight distinct mouse strain–prion strain combinations throughout the progression of the disease to capture the effects of prion strain, host genetics, and PrP concentration on disease incubation time. Subtractive analyses exploiting various aspects of prion biology and infection identified a core of 333 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) that appeared central to prion disease. DEGs were mapped into functional pathways and networks reflecting defined neuropathological events and PrPSc replication and accumulation, enabling the identification of novel modules and modules that may be involved in genetic effects on incubation time and in prion strain specificity. Our systems analysis provides a comprehensive basis for developing models for prion replication and disease, and suggests some possible therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Danielle Beckman 《朊病毒》2016,10(2):131-142
The physiological properties of the native, endogenous prion protein (PrPC) is a matter of concern, due to its pleiotropic functions and links to neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. In line with our hypothesis that the basic function of PrPC is to serve as a cell surface scaffold for the assembly of signaling modules, multiple interactions have been identified of PrPC with signaling molecules, including neurotransmitter receptors. We recently reported evidence that PrPC may modulate monoaminergic neurotransmission, as well as depressive-like behavior in mice. Here, we discuss how those results, together with a number of other studies, including our previous demonstration that both inflammatory and behavioral stress modulate PrPC content in neutrophils, suggest a distributed role of PrPC in clinical depression and inflammation associated with neurodegenerative diseases. An overarching understanding of the multiple interventions of PrPC upon physiological events may both shed light on the pathogenesis of, as well as help the identification of novel therapeutic targets for clinical depression, Prion and Alzheimer's Diseases.  相似文献   

Studies of prion biology and diseases have elucidated several new concepts, but none was more heretical than the proposal that the biological properties that distinguish different prion strains are enciphered in the disease-causing prion protein (PrP(Sc)). To explore this postulate, we examined the properties of PrP(Sc) from eight prion isolates that propagate in Syrian hamster (SHa). Using resistance to protease digestion as a marker for the undenatured protein, we examined the conformational stabilities of these PrP(Sc) molecules. All eight isolates showed sigmoidal patterns of transition from native to denatured PrP(Sc) as a function of increasing guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) concentration. Half-maximal denaturation occurred at a mean value of 1.48 M GdnHCl for the Sc237, HY, SHa(Me7), and MT-C5 isolates, all of which have approximately 75-d incubation periods; a concentration of 1.08 M was found for the DY strain with a approximately 170-d incubation period and approximately 1.25 M for the SHa(RML) and 139H isolates with approximately 180-d incubation periods. A mean value of 1.39 M GdnHCl for the Me7-H strain with a approximately 320-d incubation period was found. Based on these results, the eight prion strains segregated into four distinct groups. Our results support the unorthodox proposal that distinct PrP(Sc) conformers encipher the biological properties of prion strains.  相似文献   

Prions, infectious agents causing TSEs, are composed primarily of the pathogenic form (PrP(Sc)) of the PrP(C). The susceptibility of sheep to scrapie is determined by polymorphisms in the coding region of the PRNP, mainly at codons 136, 154, and 171. The efficiency of in vitro amplification of sheep PrP(Sc) seems to be linked also to the PrP genotype. PrP(Sc) derived from sheep with V(136)R(154)Q(171)-associated genotypes can be amplified efficiently by PMCA in the presence of additional polyanion such as poly A, but there are no reports that cite ultrasensitive detection of PrP(Sc) derived from sheep of other PrP genotypes. We report here that sheep PrP(Sc) derived from ARQ and AHQ homozygotes was amplified efficiently by serial PMCA using mouse brain homogenate as PrP(C) substrate. ARQ/ARQ PrP(Sc) was detected in infected brain homogenates diluted up to 10(-10) after five rounds of amplification, and AHQ/AHQ PrP(Sc) was detected in samples diluted up to 10(-8) after four rounds of amplification. On the other hand, amplification of PrP(Sc) from VRQ/ARQ sheep seemed to be less efficient under the experimental conditions used. The interspecies PMCA developed in this study may be useful in the detailed analysis of PrP(Sc) distribution in classical scrapie-infected ARQ and AHQ homozygote sheep.  相似文献   

A diagnostics of infectious diseases can be done by the immunologic methods or by the amplification of nucleic acid specific to contagious agent using polymerase chain reaction. However, in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, the infectious agent, prion protein (PrPSc), has the same sequence of nucleic acids as a naturally occurring protein. The other issue with the diagnosing based on the PrPSc detection is that the pathological form of prion protein is abundant only at late stages of the disease in a brain. Therefore, the diagnostics of prion protein caused diseases represent a sort of challenges as that hosts can incubate infectious prion proteins for many months or even years. Therefore, new in vivo assays for detection of prion proteins and for diagnosis of their relation to neurodegenerative diseases are summarized. Their applicability and future prospects in this field are discussed with particular aim at using quantum dots as fluorescent labels.  相似文献   

Prions are a novel form of infectivity based on the misfolding of a self-protein (PrPC) into a pathological, infectious isomer (PrPSc). The current uncontrolled spread of chronic wasting disease in cervids, coupled with the demonstrated zoonotic nature of select livestock prion diseases, highlights the urgent need for disease management tools. While there is proof-of-principle evidence for a prion vaccine, these efforts are complicated by the challenges and risks associated with induction of immune responses to a self-protein. Our priority is to develop a PrPSc-specific prion vaccine based on epitopes that are uniquely exposed upon misfolding. These disease specific epitopes (DSEs) have the potential to enable specific targeting of the pathological species through immunotherapy. Here we review outcomes of the translation of a prion DSE into a PrPSc-specific vaccine based on the criteria of immunogenicity, safety and specificity.  相似文献   

The pathogenic mechanism of prion diseases remains unknown. We recently reported that prion infection disturbs post-Golgi trafficking of certain types of membrane proteins to the cell surface, resulting in reduced surface expression of membrane proteins and abrogating the signal from the proteins. The surface expression of the membrane proteins was reduced in the brains of mice inoculated with prions, well before abnormal symptoms became evident. Prions or pathogenic prion proteins were mainly detected in endosomal compartments, being particularly abundant in recycling endosomes. Some newly synthesized membrane proteins are delivered to the surface from the Golgi apparatus through recycling endosomes, and some endocytosed membrane proteins are delivered back to the surface through recycling endosomes. These results suggest that prions might cause neuronal dysfunctions and cell loss by disturbing post-Golgi trafficking of membrane proteins via accumulation in recycling endosomes. Interestingly, it was recently shown that delivery of a calcium channel protein to the cell surface was impaired and its function was abrogated in a mouse model of hereditary prion disease. Taken together, these results suggest that impaired delivery of membrane proteins to the cell surface is a common pathogenic event in acquired and hereditary prion diseases.  相似文献   

Several fatal, progressive neurodegenerative diseases, including various prion and prion-like disorders, are connected with the misfolding of specific proteins. These proteins misfold into toxic oligomeric species and a spectrum of distinct self-templating amyloid structures, termed strains. Hence, small molecules that prevent or reverse these protein-misfolding events might have therapeutic utility. Yet it is unclear whether a single small molecule can antagonize the complete repertoire of misfolded forms encompassing diverse amyloid polymorphs and soluble oligomers. We have begun to investigate this issue using the yeast prion protein, Sup35, as an experimental paradigm. We have discovered that a polyphenol, (-)epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), effectively inhibited the formation of infectious amyloid forms (prions) of Sup35 and even remodeled preassembled prions. Surprisingly, EGCG selectively modulated specific prion strains and even selected for EGCG-resistant prion strains with novel structural and biological characteristics. Thus, treatment with a single small molecule antagonist of amyloidogenesis can select for novel, drug-resistant amyloid polymorphs. Importantly, combining EGCG with another small molecule, 4,5-bis-(4-methoxyanilino)phthalimide, synergistically antagonized and remodeled a wide array of Sup35 prion strains without producing any drug-resistant prions. We suggest that minimal drug cocktails, small collections of drugs that collectively antagonize all amyloid polymorphs, should be identified to besiege various neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Prion diseases in mammals are caused by a conformational transition of the cellular prion protein from its native conformation (PrPC) to a pathological isoform called “prion protein scrapie” (PrPSc). A molecular level of understanding of this conformational transition will be helpful in unveiling the disease etiology. Experimental structural biological techniques (NMR and X‐ray crystallography) have been used to unravel the atomic level structural information for the prion and its binding partners. More than one hundred three‐dimensional structures of the mammalian prions have been deposited in the protein databank. Structural studies on the prion protein and its structural transitions will deepen our understanding of the molecular basis of prion pathogenesis and will provide valuable guidance for future structure‐based drug discovery endeavors.  相似文献   

Intermediate states are key to understanding the molecular mechanisms governing protein misfolding. The human prion protein (PrP) can follow various misfolding pathways, and forms a soluble beta-sheet-rich oligomer under acidic, mildly denaturing, high salt conditions. Here we describe a fast conformational switch from the native alpha-monomer to monomeric intermediate states under oligomer-forming conditions, followed by a slower oligomerization process. We observe a pH dependence of the secondary structure of these intermediate forms, with almost native-like alpha-helical secondary structure at pH 4.1 and predominantly beta-sheet characteristics at pH 3.6. NMR spectroscopy differentiates these intermediate states from the native protein and indicates dynamic rearrangements of secondary structure elements characteristic of a molten globule. The alpha-helical intermediate formed at pH 4.1 can convert to the beta-sheet conformation at pH 3.6 but not vice versa, and neither state can be reconverted to an alpha-monomer. The presence of methionine rather than valine at codon 129 accelerates the rate of oligomer formation from the intermediate state.  相似文献   

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