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This paper explores how concepts of hope, motherhood, responsibility, and science are mobilized and transformed in the marketing strategies of private cord blood banks in South Korea. Cord blood banking provides a useful case study of the “political economy of hope,” which emphasizes future expectations over current utility. In particular, appeals to hope are rendered natural as being applied in relation to various concepts of motherhood (e.g. “scientific motherhood” and “consumer motherhood”), thereby refiguring ideas of a mother's responsibility to her child. In South Korea, cord blood banks rely heavily on the discourse of “scientific motherhood,” which is based on certain gender norms and ideas about science, modernity, and “advanced society.” By exploring the discourse of scientific motherhood, this study reexamines the “political economy of hope” through the lenses of gender and transnationalism.  相似文献   

The terms “eustress” and “distress” are widely used throughout the scientific literature. As of February 2020, 203 items in the Web of Science show up in a search for “eustress,” however, there are almost 16 400 items found in a search for the term “distress.” Based on the reasoning in this article, however, it is believed there is no such thing as eustress or distress. The adaptation reaction of an organism under stress is not intrinsically good or bad, and its effect on health or performance depends on a plethora of other interactions of the body with the environment as well as on the history of such interactions. The vagueness of the terms “eustress/distress” has historically led to vast differences in the perception and application of the terms across disciplines. While psychology or sociology perceive eustress as something inextricably linked to positive perception and enhanced cognition, biomedicine perceives eustress as generally associated with better survival, health, or increased longevity, no matter how the event is perceived. In this paper, the authors review the current understanding of the term “eustress” in different fields, discuss possible implications of its misleading use, and suggest that the term may be replaced by “stress” only.  相似文献   

Throughout the recent history of research at the intersection of evolution and development, notions such as developmental constraint, evolutionary novelty, and evolvability have been prominent, but the term “developmental bias” has scarcely been used. And one may even doubt whether a unique and principled definition of bias is possible. I argue that the concept of developmental bias can still play a vital scientific role by means of setting an explanatory agenda that motivates investigation and guides the formulation of integrative explanatory frameworks. Less crucial is a definition that would classify patterns of phenotypic variation and unify variational patterns involving different traits and taxa as all being “bias.” Instead, what we should want is a concept that generates intellectual identity across various researchers, and that unites the diverse fields and approaches relevant to the study of developmental bias, from paleontology to behavioral biology. I point to some advantages of conducting research specifically under the label of “developmental bias,” compared with employing other, more common terms such as “evolvability.”  相似文献   

Various attempts to define the concept of “mental health” are examined. Value judgments permeate much mental health literature. Their use militates against obtaining an objective definition, capable of universal application. The acceptance of a definition including a value judgment implies taking an attitude toward a particular society and its social ideals.Present limits of competence only allow us to describe “mental health” conceptually. Such “untechnical” proposals are liable to be confused with “technical” (“scientific”) propositions. Multiple criteria are likely to be helpful in improving our concept of “mental health”.The intrusion of morals into the world of health is discussed as part of the contemporary intellectual dilemma of determined human behaviour versus human responsibility and the reality of moral values.It is suggested that “mental health” might consist simply of an individual''s possession of insight into his own personality, combined with an honest recognition and acceptance of his condition.  相似文献   

This paper combines Bourdieu’s Field Theory with the concept of “doability” to investigate an interdisciplinary scientific project, namely biosocial criminology. Biosocial criminologists seek to incorporate genetic and neuroscientific findings in criminology. Drawing on literature analysis and semi-structured interviews, I show how the doability of this interdisciplinary research project, which is mainly determined by considerations surrounding data and technologies, is a function of biosocial researchers’ position within the scientific field. This is made apparent at two different levels. First, the availability of genetic data, which is attributable to behavior geneticists’ “generosity” and inter-field exchanges, largely explains why biosocial criminologists mostly focused on genetic factors of crime and neglected neuroscience, a more costly area of endeavor. Second, the problem of doability prevents biosocial criminologists from performing any kind of genetic research. Because behavior geneticists’ generosity has its limits too, biosocial criminologists cannot resort to the most advanced methodological designs.  相似文献   

The Journal of Race Development [JRD], published out of Clark University in the United States between 1910 and 1919, aimed, in its founder's words, “to present … the important facts which bear upon race progress, and the different theories as to the methods by which developed peoples may most effectively aid the progress of the undeveloped”. Its basic premise was that scientific knowledge could harness racial or civilizational “evolution” and turn it into “development”. This article examines that project, the conceptual apparatus that the JRD's writers and editors brought to bear on it, and how racial ideas informed their conceptions of development and progressive social change through elite scientific and political intervention. Central to this project was an organic notion of “civilization” in which “nature” and “culture” did not so much overlap as flow seamlessly one into the other.  相似文献   


Nonhuman animals are abused in many ways in farming but this arouses little disquiet in society where most people actively support the industry. A corpus of writing in a popular South African farming magazine was analyzed and found to contain, along with other discourses, one which may be described as a discourse of production. Within this discourse are “use terms” which portray nonhumans as having anthropocentric purposes or uses for their lives. This ideology of purpose or implicit use has significant implications for facilitating moral disengagement both in those working in the industry and those supporting it. These implied purposes may derive in part from an old but persistent ideology that the world is composed of greater and lesser beings with the “lesser beings” existing for the purposes and use of the “greater beings.” A scheme is proposed to show how these use terms may play a part in the facilitation of mass nonhuman abuse. Further investigation reveals that use terms are not confined to farming but are widespread and common in everyday speech. It is suggested that an awareness of such constructions and their ideological implications, combined with challenges in such areas as education and science, may contribute towards a re-examination by some people of their ideology concerning nonhumans, their supposed life purposes, and their condoned exploitation.  相似文献   

The concept of biological diversity has inspired important discussions throughout the history of ecology. Although its meaning and usefulness have been questioned, it is currently one of the key artifacts of ecology. One way to try to understand why such a concept has undergone so many discussions is to examine its emergence and history from the epistemology perspective. In the present work, we investigated how the emergence of mechanical objectivity (as an epistemic virtue) and trained judgment affected how ecologists address the concept of biological diversity. Thus, we employed the theoretical framework of objectivity (provided by Daston and Galison in Objectivity. Zone Books, New York, 2007) to analyze different periods of scientific literature in ecology (“initial period”: end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century; “intermediate period”: mid-twentieth century; “contemporary period”: from the second half of the 1980s). Our results showed that the emergence of mechanical objectivity and trained judgment affected biological diversity research. In particular, the ideal of objectivity behind the way in which the concept of biological diversity is addressed in different fields of contemporary ecology could not be the same.  相似文献   

Complex organisms thwart the simple rectilinear causality paradigm of “necessary and sufficient,” with its experimental strategy of “knock down and overexpress.” This Essay organizes the eccentricities of biology into four categories that call for new mathematical approaches; recaps for the biologist the philosopher's recent refinements to the causation concept and the mathematician's computational tools that handle some but not all of the biological eccentricities; and describes overlooked insights that make causal properties of physical hierarchies such as emergence and downward causation straightforward. Reviewing and extrapolating from similar situations in physics, it is suggested that new mathematical tools for causation analysis incorporating feedback, signal cancellation, nonlinear dependencies, physical hierarchies, and fixed constraints rather than instigative changes will reveal unconventional biological behaviors. These include “eigenisms,” organisms that are limited to quantized states; trajectories that steer a system such as an evolving species toward optimal states; and medical control via distributed “sheets” rather than single control points.  相似文献   

We suspect that there is a level of granularity of protein structure intermediate between the classical levels of “architecture” and “topology,” as reflected in such phenomena as extensive three‐dimensional structural similarity above the level of (super)folds. Here, we examine this notion of architectural identity despite topological variability, starting with a concept that we call the “Urfold.” We believe that this model could offer a new conceptual approach for protein structural analysis and classification: indeed, the Urfold concept may help reconcile various phenomena that have been frequently recognized or debated for years, such as the precise meaning of “significant” structural overlap and the degree of continuity of fold space. More broadly, the role of structural similarity in sequence?structure?function evolution has been studied via many models over the years; by addressing a conceptual gap that we believe exists between the architecture and topology levels of structural classification schemes, the Urfold eventually may help synthesize these models into a generalized, consistent framework. Here, we begin by qualitatively introducing the concept.  相似文献   

A great number of flavored grape varieties, of significant oenological potential, are traditionally cultivated in north-western Italy, besides the renowned “Moscato bianco” (syn. “Muscat à petits grains blancs”). Understanding their origin, besides its historical and scientific interest, would help to increase market appeal and consequently facilitate the commercial exploitation of these products. Twenty-four aromatic genotypes were investigated for their identity, kinship relations, and genetic origins through molecular markers (SSR and SNPs) supported by plant morphology and historical information. Flavored grape genotypes from other regions, possible ancestors, and reference cultivars of known pedigree were also included in the analysis. Kinship analysis used a likelihood-based approach (IBS, IBD, relatedness coefficients, and likelihood ratios) to achieve strong statistical support. The analyses revealed two possible leading genitors, in turn closely related by a parent/offspring relationship: “Moscato bianco” and “Malvasia aromatica di Parma,” a female grape cultivar that is today almost extinct. The outlined molecular and statistical approach could be applied for the investigation on the origin of ancient traditional cultivars of other vegetative propagated species.  相似文献   

The concepts of biocitizenship and biosociality, in many ways developed as a reaction to the former critique of genetification and fears of a return of eugenics, have gained a stronghold in much of the current debates on the social effects of modern-day genetics. In contrast to claims of a return to eugenics, the literature on biocitizenship highlights the new choice-enhancing possibilities involved in present-day biomedicine, underlining the break with past forms of biopower. In this analysis, hope becomes a life-inducing and vitalizing force, opening new avenues of civic participation and engagement. Most critics of this analysis have attacked the claims to novelty attributed to these concepts, arguing that more traditional forms of biopower remain as important as ever. In contrast, we argue that the biocitizenship literature underestimates the radical nature of this break with the past, ending up with a too narrow and one-sided interpretation of the ramifications of the new discourse of hope. On the basis of two different case stories, the “Portraits of Hope” campaign from California, USA and the “Mehmet Case” from Norway, we indicate an alternative “darker” reading of the new discourse of hope, arguing that its driving force is not so much future possibilities as present despair.  相似文献   

The categorization of individuals as “male” or “female” is based on chromosome complement and gonadal and genital phenotype. This combined genetic-gonadal-genitals sex, here referred to as 3G-sex, is internally consistent in ~99% of humans (i.e., one has either the “female” form at all levels, or the “male” form at all levels). About 1% of the human population is identified as “intersex” because of either having an intermediate form at one or more levels, or having the “male” form at some levels and the “female” form at other levels. These two types of “intersex” reflect the facts, respectively, that the different levels of 3G-sex are not completely dimorphic nor perfectly consistent. Using 3G-sex as a model to understand sex differences in other domains (e.g., brain, behavior) leads to the erroneous assumption that sex differences in these other domains are also highly dimorphic and highly consistent. But parallel lines of research have led to the conclusion that sex differences in the brain and in behavior, cognition, personality, and other gender characteristics are for the most part not dimorphic and not internally consistent (i.e., having one brain/gender characteristic with the “male” form is not a reliable predictor for the form of other brain/gender characteristics). Therefore although only ~1% percent of humans are 3G-“intersex”, when it comes to brain and gender, we all have an intersex gender (i.e., an array of masculine and feminine traits) and an intersex brain (a mosaic of “male” and “female” brain characteristics).  相似文献   

BackgroundIodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are crucial for proper growth and development of the human body. In particular, a great body of literature has been published on the link between thyroid hormones and brain development and functioning. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the iodine levels in the human brain. The aim of this work was to determine the brain iodine levels and to contribute to the establishment of “reference” levels for iodine in the different anatomical and functional regions of normal (i.e., subjects without neurological or psychiatric diseases) human brain.MethodsThe iodine levels were determined in 14 brain regions of 52 dead subjects without evidence of neurological or psychiatric disease (n = 728 samples). Iodine was extracted from brain samples using a standard procedure and determined by inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).ResultsFour subjects presented abnormally high brain iodine levels (26.0 ± 14.2 μg/g) and were excluded from the overall data analysis. The average brain iodine levels for the remaining 48 subjects was 0.14 ± 0.13 μg/g dry weight. Iodine showed very heterogeneous distribution across the different brain regions, with the frontal cortex, caudate nucleus and putamen showing the highest levels. Interestingly, these brain regions are closely related to cognitive function. Iodine levels also showed a tendency to increase with age. The high levels observed in four subjects seemed to be related to previous exposure to iodine-based contrast agents widely used in radiology and computed tomography exams.ConclusionsThis paper provides important data on iodine levels at different brain regions in “normal” people, which can be used to interpret eventual imbalances in subjects with mental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

In recent years, attempts have increasingly been made to connect neuroscience and law. Scientists and lawyers are imagining and actively fostering the realization of futures in which neuroscience will play a prominent role in the activity of courts. In this article I take these debates as my empirical object. I trace the emergence of neurolegal discourse, explore its focus on free will and lie detection, and show how expectations about the potential role neuroscience might play in the law are being embedded in new research programs and funding streams. In so doing, I analyze the role of particular “sociotechnical imaginaries” in stimulating, directing and restricting neurolegal discourse and highlight the ways in which new visions of law, science and scientists are produced in the process. Sociotechnical imaginaries are shown to be salient in structuring anticipatory discourse, and represent a key target for social scientific intervention in such debates.  相似文献   

The Ecosystem as a Multidimensional Concept: Meaning,Model, and Metaphor   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The ecosystem is a fundamental ecological concept that is not as simple as it first appears. We explore three key dimensions of the concept that make it both complex and broadly useful—its basic definition, its application via models to concrete or specific situations, and its metaphorical connotations as used in general communication within the domain of science and with the public at large. Clarity in identifying what the dimensions are and how they are related can help to maintain the rigor of the concept for specific scientific uses while also allowing enough flexibility for its use in the integration of scientific principles, as well as in public discourse. This analysis of the ecosystem as a multidimensional concept is likely to be generalizable to other important concepts in ecology. Received 28 February 2001; accepted 5 September 2001.  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes within UK South Asian populations has increasingly become the focus of health science discourse. Growing rates across the globe have been a public health concern for a number of decades. Diabetes discourse has focused on lifestyle and a generalized idea of “cultural” factors as contributory factors. These have become part of what I identify as a South Asian diabetes “risk-package.” This risk formulation is extended to an additional genetic discourse which generates new causal explanations for this heightened “risk.” South Asian groups are already the subject of discursive, racialized risk constructions, which positions them as active owners of “risky culture.” The mobilization of genetic arguments repositions them as additionally passive owners of “risky genes.” I argue that the use of racial categories in genetic diabetes science, despite the relative uncertainty and ambiguity of scientific knowledge claims, is problematic and requires critical re-situating.  相似文献   

Many complex behaviors are genetically hardwired. Based on previous findings on genetic control of mating and other behaviors in invertebrate and mammalian systems, I suggest that genetic control of complex behaviors is modular: first, dedicated genes specify different behavioral patterns; secondly, separable genetic networks govern distinct behavioral components. I speculate that modular genetic encoding of complex behaviors may in part reflect modularity in brain development and function. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays From songs to synapses: Molecular mechanisms of birdsong memory Abstract  相似文献   

Vasopressin regulates complex behaviors such as anxiety, parenting, social engagement and attachment and aggression in a species-specific manner. The capacity of vasopressin to modulate these behaviors is thought to depend on the species-specific distribution patterns of vasopressin 1a receptors (V1aRs) in the brain. There is considerable individual variation in the pattern of V1aR binding in the brains of the prairie vole species, Microtus ochrogaster. We hypothesize that this individual variability in V1aR expression levels is associated with individual variation in a polymorphic microsatellite in the 5' regulatory region of the prairie vole v1ar gene. Additionally, we hypothesize that individual variation in V1aR expression contributes to individual variation in vasopressin-dependent behaviors. To test these hypotheses, we first screened 20 adult male prairie voles for behavioral variation using tests that measure anxiety-related and social behaviors. We then assessed the brains of those animals for V1aR variability with receptor autoradiography and used polymerase chain reaction to genotype the same animals for the length of their 5' microsatellite polymorphism in the v1ar gene. In this report, we describe the results of this discovery-based experimental approach to identify potential gene, brain and behavior interrelationships. The analysis reveals that V1aR levels, in some but not all brain regions, are associated with microsatellite length and that V1aR levels in those and other brain regions correlate with anxiety-related and social behaviors. These results generate novel hypotheses regarding neural control of anxiety-related and social behaviors and yield insight into potential mechanisms by which non-coding gene polymorphisms may influence behavioral traits.  相似文献   

Early-stage professionals (ESPs) and senior scientists who want to transition from academia to the industry need support to develop new skills and know-how to endeavor this challenge. However, this topic is significantly underserved in the field of cell and gene therapy, slowing down ESPs' potential to make this step. The authors of this article, members of the ESPs in the South and Central America Subcommittee at the International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy, propose the concept of “scientific venturing,” which stands for the process by which scientists become entrepreneurs or part of a company. In our article, we provide key aspects to understand this concept, considering key personality traits that need to be developed and a discussion about the “innovation ecosystem.” Later, we consider how scientific venturing may result in an increase in difficulty in nascent innovation ecosystems such as Latin America, in comparison with those more advanced and mature in high-income countries. Finally, we provide key information for the ESPs and other professionals about the stages of private and public investment, including information about the resources needed for the sustainability of companies and startups. Understanding what scientific venturing involves for ESPs is key to taking advantage of the maturity of an innovation ecosystem, its network, and available opportunities.  相似文献   

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