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Preservation of calcareous nannoplankton in surface sediment samples from the Southern Ocean south of Australia and adjacent to New Zealand record a single assemblage. The dominant species are Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa muellerae, Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri and Coccolithus pelagicus. The assemblage varies little in abundance and diversity with minor correlation to present-day overlying surface water masses and oceanic fronts. Increase in abundance of H. carteri and C. pelagicus in the region of the Subtropical Front may reflect higher nutrients associated with this front. The assemblage, although altered by dissolution, represents a warmer climatic interval than present-day with the presence of preferentially dissolved, warm-water species preserved as far south as the Polar Front. The presence of warm-water species under sub-Antarctic waters at the Polar Front is interpreted as a relic population from the Holocene climatic optimum of 10–8 ka. The absence of coccoliths in sediments poleward of the Polar Front suggests an equatorward shift of this front following the climatic optimum, resulting in increased productivity of siliceous phytoplankton associated with the colder waters and increased dissolution of coccoliths. Movement of the Subtropical Front for the same interval is not recorded in the preserved coccoliths. The more heavily calcified form of E. huxleyi which dominates the living assemblage north of the Subtropical Front is subject to dissolution in this region and is poorly preserved in the sediment assemblage.  相似文献   

A high resolution study of chlorophyll a and primary production distribution was carried out in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 1990–91. Primary production (14C assimilation) and photosynthetic capacity levels at frontal systems were among the highest recorded during the cruise (2.8–6.3 mgC·m–3·h–1, and 1.3–4.7mgC·mgChl a –1·h–1, respectively). Blooms at ocean fronts were strongly dominated by specific size classes and species. This suggests that the increase in biomass was probably the result of an enhancement of in situ production by selected components of the phytoplankton assemblage, rather than accumulation of cells through hydrographic forces. This hypothesis is supported by the high variability of photosynthetic capacities at adjacent stations along the transects. Blooms (ca 2.7–3.5 mg Chl a·m–3) were found at three oceanic fronts (the Subtropical, Subantarctic and Antarctic Polar Fronts) during the early summer. These were equivalent to, or denser than, blooms in the Marginal Ice Zone and at the Continental Water Boundary. Seasonal effects on phytoplankton community structure were very marked. In early summer (December), netphyto-plankton (>20 m) was consistently the major component of the frontal blooms, with the chain-forming diatoms Chaetoceros spp. and Nitzschia spp. dominating at the Subantarctic and Antarctic Polar Fronts, respectively. During late summer (February), nanophytoplankton (1–20 m) usually dominated algal communities at the main frontal areas. Only at the Antarctic Polar Front did netphytoplankton dominate, with the diatom component consisting almost exclusively of Corethron criophilum. An early to late summer shift of maximum phytoplankton biomass from north to south of the Antarctic Polar Front was observed. Spatial covariance between silicate levels and water-column stability appeared to be the main factor controlling phytoplankton production at the Antarctic Polar Front. Low silicate concentrations may have limited diatom growth at the northern edge of the front, while a deep mixed layer depth reduced production at the southern edge of the front.  相似文献   

Living calcareous nannoplankton in the region between Australia and Antarctica are distributed in five assemblages associated with distinct physico-chemical properties of surface and subsurface water masses. Temperature and salinity ranges for living assemblages were 2–15.7°C and 33.7–35.56‰, respectively, with maximum cell densities for austral summer 1994 found at 9.63°C and 34.44‰, and for austral summer 1995 at 12.8°C and 35.17‰. Nutrients (phosphate, silicate and nitrate) increase poleward and vertically from surface to depth. Abundance and diversity of calcareous nannoplankton decrease in a poleward direction with major shifts located across both the Subtropical and the Subantarctic Fronts. Higher cell densities were found below 50 m equatorward of the Subtropical Front and above 50 m poleward of this front. Poleward of the Antarctic Divergence coccolithophores are absent from all samples. Three different morphotypes of Emiliania huxleyi were identified, one of which has a distribution associated with the Subtropical Front. Of the subordinate species Syracosphaera spp, Calciosolenia murrayi and Umbellosphaera tenuis dominate equatorward of the Subtropical Front with Syracosphaera spp and Calcidiscus leptoporus dominant poleward of this front. A peculiar community of weakly calcified species is recorded for the first time outside the Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Summary Two cruises of the ARA/Islas Orcadas (late winter/early spring 1978 and late summer/early fall 1979) provided data which show that temporal variability of phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the oceanic wates of the Southwest Atlantic and Scotia Sea is insignificant when compared to the influence of geographical variability. Two bloom stations sampled during the late winter/early spring cruise had chlorophyll a concentrations and productivity values an order of magnitude higher than waters sampled from the same locations the following late summer/early fall. However, a comparison of 10 paired stations from the two cruises indicated no seasonal trend, as measured values of chlorophyll a and productivity from the first cruise were randomly larger or smaller than values measured during the second cruise. Consideration of individual stations from both seasons suggests the need to re-examine widely held notions regarding the effect of the Polar Front Zone and the island-mass effect on phytoplankton abundance and productivity. Higher-than-expected standing stock and productivity values at some open-ocean stations and at some stations within the Polar Front Zone indicate that looking for specific factors which promote localized enhancement or impoverishment of phytoplankton would be more useful than continuing with attempts to generalize Antarctic productivity data into broad seasonal or geographical patterns.In memory of Mary Alice McWhinnie (1922–1980)  相似文献   

Calcareous nannoplankton assemblages from a Late Quaternary deep-sea core (GC07; 46°09′S, 146°17′E) south of Australia provide information on regional palaeoceanography and palaeoclimate changes in the Southern Ocean, in particular the movement of the Subtropical Front for the past 130 ka years. Marine Isotope Stages 1–5 are identified through changes in calcareous nannoplankton assemblages, supported by 14C dates, and oxygen isotope and %CaCO data.Two distinct assemblages are recognised: a warm water assemblage with higher abundances of Calcidiscus leptoporus, Emiliania huxleyi, Helicosphaera.carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra, Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica and Gephyrocapsa oceanica; and, a cold water assemblage with higher abundances of Gephyrocapsa muellerae and Coccolithus pelagicus. Alternation between these two assemblages downcore in GC07 reflect movement of the Subtropical Front across the location and can be correlated to Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1–5. Sediments with a cold water assemblage indicate the position of the Subtropical Front equatorward of the site when transitional to sub-antarctic waters were overlying the site. Conversely sediments with a warm water assemblage indicate the Subtropical Front was poleward of GC07 when warmer, subtropical waters were over the site. MIS 1 and 5 are interpreted as warmer than MIS 3 (based on species composition) with the Subtropical Front more poleward than for MIS 3. During MIS 3 the Subtropical Front is interpreted as adjacent to or immediately poleward of GC07. Some species including C. leptoporus and C. pelagicus show negative covariance and are considered to be reliable species in identifying glacial and interglacial intervals in this region.Comparison with established biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannoplankton showed the datum event for the reversal between E. huxleyi and G. muellerae of 73 ka in transitional waters is not applicable in this region. The reversal between these two species occurs between 48 and 30 cm downcore in GC07 with a 14C date of 11 020 year BP at 49–48 cm, i.e. the reversal event is younger than this date.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton distribution patterns are still largely unknown for the Pacific region of the Southern Ocean. Pigment distributions were determined by HPLC on 40-m samples collected from the mixed layer during the ANTXII/4 cruise in March–May 1995 aboard RV “Polarstern”. A transect was covered (90°W, from 51°S to 70°S), crossing the Subantarctic Front in the north, the Polar Front, and the Southern Polar Front in the south. Coinciding with high concentrations of silicate, diatoms dominated in the Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. North of the Polar Front, silicate concentrations dropped to values less than 10 μM. In this area flagellates (Prymnesiophyceae and green algae) were the dominant phytoplankton group. Nutrient depletion of the surface waters near the Southern Polar Front indicated formerly enhanced productivity. These findings confirmed previous observations by the British Sterna expedition, which described locally elevated chlorophyll a biomass near the southern boundary of the Southern Polar Front. We propose a role for supply of bioavailable iron via the front, and emphasise the importance of frontal systems for phytoplankton productivity in the Southern Ocean. Received: 11 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 November 1997  相似文献   

The salinity tolerance of naked amoebae collected from sites ranging from ca. 0‰ to 160‰ were compared in laboratory experiments. Amoebae were collected from hypersaline ponds around the perimeter of the Salton Sea, California, where salinities averaged 160‰, and directly from the shoreline waters of the Sea where salinities were generally between 44 and 48‰. Naked amoebae were also collected from the intertidal zone of a Florida beach, a habitat subject (on occasion) to salinity fluctuations within the range 6–85‰. From these combined sites, 6 clones of amoebae were isolated for salinity tolerance experiments (2 marine beach isolates, 2 Salton Sea isolates, and 2 hypersaline pond isolates). A seventh clone, Acanthamoeba polyphaga, a common freshwater/soil amoeba, was obtained from a Culture Collection. Laboratory experiments compared the effects of gradually changing culture salinity versus no salinity acclimatization. Growth rate and culture yield were used as indices of effect. Generally, amoebae were tolerant over a wide range of salinity conditions (in terms of growth and yield) and were not markedly influenced by pre-conditioning to salinity changes throughout the experiments. Overall, the freshwater amoeba Acanthamoeba grew between 0 and 12‰, the marine clones grew in the range of 2–120‰, and the Salton Sea clones reproduced between 0 and 138 ‰. The hypersaline clones were the most resilient and grew between 0 and 270‰ salt. The survival and activity of large populations of naked amoebae in sites subject to salinity fluctuations suggest that they should be considered in future studies to better understand their, as yet, undefined ecological role.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 located in the modern Subantarctic Zone, through the Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 34–29, between 1150 and 1000 ka. A previously developed age model and new biostratigraphic constraints provide a reliable chronological framework for the studied section and allow correlation with other records. Two relevant biostratigraphic events have been identified: the First Common Occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi, distinctly correlated to MIS 31–32; the re-entry of medium Gephyrocapsa at MIS 29, unexpectedly similar to what was observed at low latitude sites.The composition of the calcareous nannofossil assemblage permits identification of three intervals (I–III). Intervals I and III, correlated to MIS 34–32 and MIS 30–29 respectively, are identified as characteristic of water masses located south of the Subtropical Front and reflecting the southern border of Subantarctic Zone, at the transition with the Polar Front Zone. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a northward shift of the frontal system in the early Pleistocene with respect to the present position and therefore a northernmost location of the Subantarctic Front. During interval II, which is correlated to MIS 31, calcareous nannofossil assemblages display the most significant change, characterized by a distinct increase of Syracosphaera spp. and Helicosphaera carteri, lasting about 20 ky. An integrated analysis of calcareous nannofossil abundances and few mineralogical proxies suggests that during interval II, Site 1090 experienced the influence of subtropical waters, possibly related to a southward migration of the Subtropical Front, coupled with an expansion of the warmer Agulhas Current at the core location. This pronounced warming event is associated to a minimum in the austral summer insolation. The present results provide a broader framework on the Mid-Pleistocene dynamic of the ocean frontal system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, as well as additional evidence on the variability of the Indian–Atlantic ocean exchange.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton productivity in Antarctic waters of the eastern South Pacific Ocean and Drake Passage was estimated by direct counts and frequency of dividing cells (FDC). Total bacterioplankton assemblages were enumerated by epifluorescent microscopy. The experimentally determined relationship between in situ FDC and the potential instantaneous growth rate constant (μ) is best described by the regression equation ln μ = 0.081 FDC − 3.73. In the eastern South Pacific Ocean, bacterioplankton abundance (2 × 105 to 3.5 × 105 cells per ml) and FDC (11%) were highest at the Polar Front (Antarctic Convergence). North of the Subantarctic Front, abundance and FDC were between 1 × 105 to 2 × 105 cells per ml and 3 to 5%, respectively, and were vertically homogeneous to a depth of 600 m. In Drake Passage, abundance (10 × 105 cells per ml) and FDC (16%) were highest in waters south of the Polar Front and near the sea ice. Subantarctic waters in Drake Passage contained 4 × 105 cells per ml with 4 to 5% FDC. Instantaneous growth rate constants ranged between 0.029 and 0.088 h−1. Using estimates of potential μ and measured standing stocks, we estimated productivity to range from 0.62 μg of C per liter · day in the eastern South Pacific Ocean to 17.1 μg of C per liter · day in the Drake Passage near the sea ice.  相似文献   

Summary During late spring, 1987, observations were made of nitrate and ammonium uptake in two regions of the Greenland Sea, the Arctic Front and the Polar Front. In the area of the Arctic Front, mixed layers were relatively deep (generally below 100m), and the 1% isolume averaged 35 m. Ambient nitrate concentrations were always greater than 6 M, whereas ammonium levels were always less than 0.6 M. Surface nitrate and ammonium specific uptake rates averages 4.4 and 2.3×10–3 h–1, respectively. The Polar Front generally coincided spatially with the location of the ice edge, and vertical mixed layers were shallow (pycnocline depth ranged from 8–14 m), and the 1 % isolume averaged 37 m. Nitrate concentrations were somewhat lower than in the Arctic Front, but remained above 3 M at all times. Ammonium levels reached 1.2 M. Nitrate and ammonium specific uptake rates at the surface averaged 4.8×10–3 and 10×10–3 h–1, respectively. Integrated water column f-ratios for the Arctic and Polar Front regions averaged 0.63 and 0.31, and the ammonium relative preference indices at all depths within each study area were always greater than 8, indicating that ammonium remained the preferred nitrogen source for phytoplankton. New production in the two regions was approximately equal, but the Polar Front had a substantially greater amount of regenerated production, and hence total production as well. Irradiance (and not nutrient concentration) seems to be the most important environmental factor in controlling nitrogen uptake. The spatial variability observed within the Greenland Sea suggest that inclusion of this region in global carbon models will require increased spatial resolution of both the models and the data included.  相似文献   

Summary To compare the spatial and temporal (seasonal) distribution of dinoflagellates, vertical net hauls were taken along similar cruise tracks in the Scotia Sea, Weddell Sea and across the Polar Front Zone in the austral spring and the austral fall. Sixty-three species of armored dinoflagellates were identified and enumerated. Chisquare and hierarchical cluster analyses were performed to define spatial and seasonal patterns in genera and species assemblages. The dominant genera were Protoperidinium, Dinophysis and Ceratium. The Polar Front Zone was an important biogeographical barrier with Blepharocysta, Gonyaulax, Heteroschisma, Oxytoxum and Podolampas occurring mainly north of the Front. Species found primarily in the austral spring were Ceratium fusus, Ceratium lineatum, Dinophysis antarctica, Dinophysis simplex, Gonyaulax digitale, Protoperidinium pyriforme and Protoperidinium variegatum. Austral fall species included Dinophysis tuberculata and Protoperidinium elegantissum. Distribution of armored dinoflagellates in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean is influenced at the generic level by spatial considerations, particular with relation to the Polar Front Zone, whereas species composition can be effected by both region and season.  相似文献   

We present benthic foraminiferal assemblage data from an exhumed Miocene canyon and fan system from the Tabernas Basin (SE Spain). The presence of good indicator taxa and unique assemblages occupying specific environments allows the distinction of slope, canyon and fan environments within the Tabernas Basin by foraminiferal assemblages alone. Five assemblages are defined on the basis of the occurrence of the indicator taxa. Primary control on the distribution of these assemblages is consistent with trends of physical disturbance and consequent defaunation. Barren samples, which are predominantly found in high-energy parts of the proximal canyon, are recognized as representing recently defaunated substrates (i.e. early successional assemblages). High diversity assemblages containing a high abundance of agglutinated taxa are recognised in the undisturbed slope sequences as being the regional equilibrium (“climax”) fauna. Intermediate between these end-members are assemblages with low diversity, dominated by calcareous taxa typically found in the relatively low-energy canyon and fan environments, which are recognized as representing the middle phases of the ecological succession. Two further assemblages, a low diversity assemblage typified by Cassidulina laevigata and Bulimina costata and a very low diversity assemblage dominated (> 10% of all benthic tests) by Globobulimina spp., are restricted to low-energy parts of the canyon and fan, and are absent from the proximal canyon and slope. The composition of these assemblages indicate that nutrient supply/oxygenation is a secondary control on the palaeoecology of the canyon system. A conceptual model for the recolonisation of defaunated substrates in El Buho Canyon is proposed, in which either an oligotrophic climax assemblage or a eutrophic climax assemblage can be achieved at the completion of recolonisation of defaunated substrates, depending on environmental conditions.  相似文献   

During the EPOS leg 2 cruise of the RV Polarstern, carried out in late austral spring of 1988–1989, the composition of phytoplankton in relation to the distribution of hydrographic parameters was studied in four successive transects carried out along 49°W and 47°W, across the Weddell-Scotia Confluence (WSC) and the marginal ice zone (which overlapped in part). In all transects, a maximum of phytoplankton biomass was found in the WSC, in surface waters stabilized by ice melting. Different phytoplankton assemblages could be distinguished. North of the Scotia Front (the northern limit of the WSC) diatoms with Chaetoceros neglectus, Nitzschia spp. and (Thalassiosira gravida) dominated the phytoplankton community. This assemblage appeared to have seeded a biomass maximum which occupied, during the first transect, an area of the WSC, south of the Scotia Front. The southernmost stations of the first transect and all the stations to the south of the Scotia Front in the other transects were populated by a flagellate assemblage (with a cryptomonad, Pyramimonas spp. and Phaeocystis sp.) and an assemblage of diatoms (Corethron criophilum and Tropidoneis vanheurkii among others) associated to the presence of ice. During the last three transects, the flagellate assemblage formed a bloom in the low salinity surface layers of the WSC zone. The bulk of the biomass maximum was formed by the cryptomonad which reached concentrations up to 4×106 cells l–1 towards the end of the cruise. Multivariate analysis is used to summarize phytoplankton composition variation. The relationships between the distribution of the different assemblages and the hydrographic conditions indicate that the change of dominance from diatoms to flagellates in the WSC zone was related to the presence of water masses from different origin.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

Q-mode factor analysis (CABFAC) of 38 diatom species in 66 surface sediment samples from the Labrador Sea allowed the definition of six assemblages explaining 95.69% of the total variance. The first assemblage (40.12% of the total variance) is represented by Thalassiothrix longissima, a species characteristic of the Irminger Current and associated with the West Greenland Current. The second assemblage (34.52% of the total variance) is represented by Thalassiosira gravida (resting spores), a cold water species associated with the Labrador Current. A third assemblage (11.43% of the variance) represented by Chaetoceros spp. is concentrated in the northeastern section of the Labrador Sea and associated with upwelling and high productivity. The fourth, the fifth and the sixth assemblages, represented, respectively, by Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis, and Coscinodiscus divisus, and Nitzschia frigida, are less significant and account, respectively, for 4.95, 2.62 and 2.04% of the total variance. Transfer functions derived by relating factor assemblages to surface water temperature and salinity (August and February) give standard errors of estimate of ±0.93°C (August) and ±0.64°C (February) for temperature, and of ±0.58‰ (August) and ±0.45‰ (February) for salinity. High correlations between the measured and estimated parameters confirm the validity of the paleoecological equations for the reconstruction of the Labrador Sea paleoclimate.  相似文献   

1. Energy fluxes between ants and plants have been a focal point for documenting mutualistic behaviour. Plants can provide resources to ants through the production of extrafloral nectaries. In exchange, ants can fertilise plants through their nutrient‐ and microbe‐rich refuse. 2. Here, we test a potential facultative mutualism between the carton‐nesting canopy ant, Azteca trigona, and their host trees. Through observational and experimental approaches, this study documents how nutrient transfer provides a basis for this beneficial ant–plant relationship. 3. In a greenhouse experiment, fertilisation with sterilised refuse (i.e. nutrients only) increased seedling growth three‐fold, while the refuse with its natural microbial community increased growth 11‐fold. 4. Total root density was doubled in refuse piles compared with the surrounding area in situ. On average, refuse provides host trees and the surrounding plant community with access to a > 800% increase in N, P and K relative to leaf litter. 5. Azteca trigona preferentially nests in trees with extrafloral nectaries and on large, longer‐lived tree species. 6. Given the nutrient‐poor nature of the Neotropics, host trees probably experience significant benefits from refuse fertilisation. Conversely, A. trigona benefit from long‐term stable structural support for nests and access to nutrient‐rich extrafloral nectaries. Without clear costs to either A. trigona or host trees, it is proposed that these positive interactions are preliminary evidence of a facultative mutualism.  相似文献   



Sooty (Puffinus griseus) and short-tailed (P. tenuirostris) shearwaters are abundant seabirds that range widely across global oceans. Understanding the foraging ecology of these species in the Southern Ocean is important for monitoring and ecosystem conservation and management.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tracking data from sooty and short-tailed shearwaters from three regions of New Zealand and Australia were combined with at-sea observations of shearwaters in the Southern Ocean, physical oceanography, near-surface copepod distributions, pelagic trawl data, and synoptic near-surface winds. Shearwaters from all three regions foraged in the Polar Front zone, and showed particular overlap in the region around 140°E. Short-tailed shearwaters from South Australia also foraged in Antarctic waters south of the Polar Front. The spatial distribution of shearwater foraging effort in the Polar Front zone was matched by patterns in large-scale upwelling, primary production, and abundances of copepods and myctophid fish. Oceanic winds were found to be broad determinants of foraging distribution, and of the flight paths taken by the birds on long foraging trips to Antarctic waters.


The shearwaters displayed foraging site fidelity and overlap of foraging habitat between species and populations that may enhance their utility as indicators of Southern Ocean ecosystems. The results highlight the importance of upwellings due to interactions of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with large-scale bottom topography, and the corresponding localised increases in the productivity of the Polar Front ecosystem.  相似文献   

Middle Miocene (14.8–11.9 Ma) deep-sea sediments from ODP Hole 747A (Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean) contain abundant, well-preserved and diverse planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. A detailed study of the climatic and hydrographic changes that occurred in this region during the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition led to the identification of an intense cooling phase (the Middle Miocene Shift). Abundance fluctuations of planktonic foraminiferal species with different paleoclimatic affinities, and oxygen and carbon stable isotopes have been integrated in a multi-proxy approach. Reconstruction of changes in foraminiferal faunal composition and diversity through time were the basis for identification of three foraminiferal biofacies. The most prominent faunal change took place at 13.8 Ma, when a fauna with warm-water affinity (marked by high abundance of Globorotalia miozea group and Globoturborotalita woodi plexus) was replaced by an oligotypic, opportunistic fauna with typical polar characters and dominated by neogloboquadrinids. This faunal change is interpreted as the result of foraminiferal migration from adjacent bioprovinces, caused by modifications in climate and hydrography. A positive 2.0‰ shift in δ18O (interpreted as the Mi3 event) and a related positive 1.0‰ shift in δ13C (corresponding to the CM6 event) accompanied this faunal turnover. These are interpreted to reflect substantial reorganization of Southern Ocean waters, the northward migration of the Polar Front and a strong increase in primary productivity. The second faunal change took place at 12.9 Ma and was characterized by the gradual decrease in abundance of the neogloboquadrinids and the recovery of Globorotalia praescitula/scitula group and Globigerinita glutinata. A positive 1.5‰ shift in δ18O (interpreted as the Mi4 event) and a concurrent gradual negative shift in δ13C accompanied this faunal change, witnessing further modifications of the climate/ocean system. Variations in sea surface temperature, considered as the main factor causing changes of surface hydrography at the Kerguelen Plateau, seem to have been driven by obliquity and long-term eccentricity, thus suggesting a key role played by the astronomical forcing on the evolution of Southern Ocean dynamics during the Middle Miocene. Also an evident 1.2 Myr modulation of the δ13C record suggests a main control of the long-term obliquity cycles on the carbon cycle dynamics. Particularly, the Mi3/CM6 events exactly fit with a node of the 1.2 Myr modulation cycles. This confirms the key role played by orbital parameters on high-latitude temperatures and Antarctic ice volume, and indirectly on global carbon burial and/or productivity. This climatic transition was marked also by changes in surface hydrography. From 14.8 to 13.8 Ma an intermediate-strength thermocline controlled by seasonality developed just below the photic zone. Weaker seasonality characterized the interval from 13.8 to 12.9 Ma, when the thermocline became shallower and sharper and favored intermediate-water foraminifers. From 12.9 Ma, seasonality increased again and an intermediate-strength thermocline re-developed.  相似文献   

Horizontal distributions of coccolithophores were observed in sea surface water samples collected on the RV Polarstern between 27 February and 10 April, 2001, in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas). These samples were analyzed to gain information about the distribution of coccolithophores in relation to the oceanic fronts of the Southern Ocean. A total of fifteen species of coccolithophores were identified, showing cell abundances of up to 67 × 103 cells/l down to 63°S. Emiliania huxleyi was the most abundant taxon, always accounting for more than 85% of the assemblage. The second most abundant species was Calcidiscus leptoporus, with values lower than 7%. Cell density increases significantly in both the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts (155 and 151 × 103 cells/l, respectively), decreasing abruptly in the intervening Polar Frontal Zone and to the south of the Polar Front. Although temperature at high latitudes is the main factor controlling the biogeographical distribution of coccolithophores, at the regional level (Southern Ocean) the frontal systems, and consequently nutrient distribution, play a crucial role.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and four ultraphytoplanktonic (<10 µm) groups (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, pico- and nanoeukaryotes) was investigated by flow cytometry at three process stations located in three different sub-systems belonging to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current frontal zone and to the Southern Indian Ocean (60–66°E, 43–46°S; ANTARES 4 cruise, January-February 1999): the Subtropical Zone (STZ), the Convergence Zone and the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ). In each sub-system, short-term variability of cell abundance and flow cytometric parameters (right-angle light scatter and chlorophyll autofluorescence) was assessed through a times series of up to 24 h with a 2 h sampling frequency. The ultraphytoplankton vertical distribution exhibited a high spatial variability, with dominance of Prochlorococcus in the STZ (mean: 762.85×1010 cells m–2), whereas picoeukaryotes (<3 µm) were dominant in the PFZ (55.46×1010 cells m–2), a typically high-nutrient low-chlorophyll zone. Heterotrophic bacteria abundance was maximum (9.84×1013 cells m–2) in the frontal zone, between the Agulhas Front and the Subtropical Front. Nanoeukaryotes showed the largest (up to 80%) variations between two consecutive sampling periods (2 h). Abundance variations could not be assigned to the same water mass during the time series due to the highly variable hydrodynamics of the study area. Trends of short-term abundance variations were opposite between the PFZ (lowest at night) and north of the Subtropical Front (highest at night). The observed spatial and short-term variations illustrate the complexity of the water masses in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, and highlight the challenge of extrapolating discrete measurements over space and time for use in evaluating carbon budgets in such dynamic areas.  相似文献   

The paleoceanography of the Tasman Sea over the past 250,000 years was studied using benthic (>75 μm size fraction) and planktonic foraminifera (>149 μm size fraction) from three cores collected along 162°E traverse between 25°S and 30°S on the Lord Howe Rise. Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphy dates the cores between OIS 1 and 11. R-mode cluster and Q-mode factor analyses were carried out on benthic foraminiferal faunas, and Q-mode factor analysis and the modern analog technique (MAT) were used in analyzing planktonic foraminiferal faunas. Distinct benthic faunas across latitude from north (25°S) to south (30°S and 35°S) reflects the difference in primary productivity level in the overlying surface water. The MAT result is thought to express latitudinal shifts of the Tasman Front over the last 250,000 years with: (1) the Tasman Front at 35°S during the oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 1 (post-glacial period); (2) migration of the front nearby 25°S during the last glacial period (OIS 2–OIS 4) and slightly northward of its present position during the penultimate glacial period (OIS 6); and (3) a return of the front to near 35°S during OIS 5 and OIS 7. Based on time-series and spatial variations of benthic foraminiferal factor typified by Pseudoparrella exigua and Uvigerina peregrina and one variety, southern-winter mixing and convection along the Tasman Front may have strengthened during the interglacial OIS 7 in particular.  相似文献   

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