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Highlights? Highlights of recent methods for enhancing natural product yields, activating cryptic clusters, and biosynthetic engineering of natural products. ? Advances in genomics have allowed identification of numerous cryptic biosynthetic clusters. ? Exploitation of regulatory pathways has led to cryptic cluster activation and increased natural product titres. ? Combinatorial biosynthesis, mutasynthesis and protein engineering have led to new derivatives of natural products with modulated biological activity.  相似文献   

Phosphonate natural products have proven to be a rich source of useful pharmaceutical, agricultural, and biotechnology products, whereas study of their biosynthetic pathways has revealed numerous intriguing enzymes that catalyze unprecedented biochemistry. Here we review the history of phosphonate natural product discovery, highlighting technological advances that have played a key role in the recent advances in their discovery. Central to these developments has been the application of genomics, which allowed discovery and development of a global phosphonate metabolic framework to guide research efforts. This framework suggests that the future of phosphonate natural products remains bright, with many new compounds and pathways yet to be discovered.  相似文献   

Microbial natural products among other functions they play a vital role in the disease prevention in humans, animals and plants. Pseudomonas parafulva CRS01-1 is a broad-spectrum antagonistic bacterium present in plants. However, no natural products have been isolated from this strain till date. Corresponding biosynthetic gene clusters to natural products is an effective method for bioprospecting, for which, genome manipulation tools are essential. We previously developed Pseudomonas-specific phage-derived homologous recombination systems for genetic engineering in four Pseudomonas species. Herein, we report the application of these recombineering systems in Pseudomonas parafulva CRS01-1, along with structural elucidation and bioactivity evaluation of natural products. The Pseudomonas recombineering toolbox established before in different four species is efficient for genome mining and bioactive metabolite discovery from more distant species.  相似文献   

Systematics and the natural history of staphylococci. 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Significant progress has recently been made concerning the engineering of deoxysugar biosynthesis. The biosynthetic gene clusters of several deoxysugars from various polyketides and aminoglycosides-producing microorganisms have been cloned and studied. This review introduces the biosynthetic pathways of several deoxysugars and the generation of novel hybrid macrolide antibiotics via the coexpression of deoxysugar biosynthetic gene cassettes and the substrateflexible glycosyltransferases in a host organism as well as the production of TDP-deoxysugar derivatives via one-pot enzymatic reactions with the identified enzymes. These recent developments in the engineering of deoxysugars biosynthesis may pave the way to create novel secondary metabolites with potential biological activities.  相似文献   

The use of proteomics for direct detection of expressed pathways producing natural products has yielded many new compounds, even when used in a screening mode without a bacterial genome sequence available. Here we quantify the advantages of having draft DNA-sequence available for strain-specific proteomics using the latest in ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry for both proteins and the small molecules they generate. Using the draft sequence of Streptomyces lilacinus NRRL B-1968, we show a >tenfold increase in the number of peptide identifications vs. using publicly available databases. Detected in this strain were six expressed gene clusters with varying homology to those known. To date, we have identified three of these clusters as encoding for the production of griseobactin (known), rakicidin D (an orphan NRPS/PKS hybrid cluster), and a putative thr and DHB-containing siderophore produced by a new non-ribosomal peptide sythetase gene cluster. The remaining three clusters show lower homology to those known, and likely encode enzymes for production of novel compounds. Using an interpreted strain-specific DNA sequence enables deep proteomics for the detection of multiple pathways and their encoded natural products in a single cultured bacterium.  相似文献   

Shao Z  Luo Y  Zhao H 《Molecular bioSystems》2011,7(4):1056-1059
We report a synthetic biology strategy for rapid genetic manipulation of natural product biosynthetic pathways. Based on DNA assembler, this method synthesizes the entire expression vector containing the target biosynthetic pathway and the genetic elements required for DNA maintenance and replication in various hosts in a single-step manner through yeast homologous recombination, offering unprecedented flexibility and versatility in pathway manipulations.  相似文献   

Streptomyces, and related genera of Actinobacteria, are renowned for their ability to produce antibiotics and other bioactive natural products with a wide range of applications in medicine and agriculture. Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is a model organism that has been used for more than five decades to study the genetic and biochemical basis for the production of bioactive metabolites. In 2002, the complete genome sequence of S. coelicolor was published. This greatly accelerated progress in understanding the biosynthesis of metabolites known or suspected to be produced by S. coelicolor and revealed that streptomycetes have far greater potential to produce bioactive natural products than suggested by classical bioassay-guided isolation studies. In this article, efforts to exploit the S. coelicolor genome sequence for the discovery of novel natural products and biosynthetic pathways are summarized.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression of natural product biosynthetic pathways is of increasing interest in biotechnology and drug discovery. It enables the (over)production of structurally complex substances through transfer of the biosynthetic genes from the original producer to more amenable heterologous hosts, and provides the basis to generate novel analogs through biosynthetic engineering. Furthermore, the lateral transfer of 'silent' (not expressed under standard laboratory conditions) secondary metabolite pathways or metagenomic DNA into surrogate host strains is expected to yield new, potentially bioactive compounds. This review discusses recent reports on the heterologous production of natural products with emphasis on polyketide and nonribosomally biosynthesized peptide compounds.  相似文献   

Three different pathways lead to the synthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) in yeast, one of which is localized to the inner mitochondrial membrane. To study the contribution of each of these pathways, we constructed a series of deletion mutants in which different combinations of the pathways are blocked. Analysis of their growth phenotypes revealed that a minimal level of PtdEtn is essential for growth. On fermentable carbon sources such as glucose, endogenous ethanolaminephosphate provided by sphingolipid catabolism is sufficient to allow synthesis of the essential amount of PtdEtn through the cytidyldiphosphate (CDP)-ethanolamine pathway. On nonfermentable carbon sources, however, a higher level of PtdEtn is required for growth, and the amounts of PtdEtn produced through the CDP-ethanolamine pathway and by extramitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 2 are not sufficient to maintain growth unless the action of the former pathway is enhanced by supplementing the growth medium with ethanolamine. Thus, in the absence of such supplementation, production of PtdEtn by mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 1 becomes essential. In psd1Delta strains or cho1Delta strains (defective in phosphatidylserine synthesis), which contain decreased amounts of PtdEtn, the growth rate on nonfermentable carbon sources correlates with the content of PtdEtn in mitochondria, suggesting that import of PtdEtn into this organelle becomes growth limiting. Although morphological and biochemical analysis revealed no obvious defects of PtdEtn-depleted mitochondria, the mutants exhibited an enhanced formation of respiration-deficient cells. Synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins is also impaired in PtdEtn-depleted cells, as demonstrated by delayed maturation of Gas1p. Carboxypeptidase Y and invertase, on the other hand, were processed with wild-type kinetics. Thus, PtdEtn depletion does not affect protein secretion in general, suggesting that high levels of nonbilayer-forming lipids such as PtdEtn are not essential for membrane vesicle fusion processes in vivo.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin H2 displays at 500 MHz a detailed 1H-NMR in which all methylene groups are non-equivalent in C6D6 solution. The spectrum was assigned by analogy to isosteric structures. The dissymmetric perturbation and steric hindrance of the bicyclo [2.2.1] core caused by the side-chains provides a rationale for the selective fragmentations which PGH2 undergoes. Purified PGH2 is considerably more robust than previous literature accounts suggest. The following transformations were monitored by 1H-NMR: 1) O-O bond cleavage by Ph3P , 2) aqueous media fragmentation to PGE2 and PGD2, 3) base catalyzed fragmentation to ketoaldehydes , and 4) thermolysis attempts.  相似文献   

New chemical methods that use small molecules to perturb cellular function in ways analogous to genetics have recently been developed. These approaches include both synthetic methods for discovering small molecules capable of acting like genetic mutations, and techniques that combine the advantages of genetics and chemistry to optimize the potency and specificity of small-molecule inhibitors. Both approaches have been used to study protein function in vivo and have provided insights into complex signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Heterologous gene expression is one of the main strategies used to access the full biosynthetic potential of actinomycetes, as well as to study the metabolic pathways of natural product biosynthesis and to create unnatural pathways. Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is the most studied member of the actinomycetes, bacteria renowned for their prolific capacity to synthesize a wide range of biologically active specialized metabolites. We review here the use of strains of this species for the heterologous production of structurally diverse actinomycete natural products.  相似文献   

Aims: NanoSIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry) is a powerful technique for mapping the elemental composition of a variety of small-scale samples (e.g. in Material Research, Cosmochemistry and Geology). However, its analytical features are making it also valuable to address biological questions. We demonstrate the ability of the NanoSIMS 50 to map elements at subcellular lateral resolution (approx. 50 nm) within cyanobacteria (Anabaena sp. and Cylindrospermum alatosporum) and its feasibility to investigate the uptake of bromine-containing substances (NaBr and deltamethrin). Methods and Results: Elemental maps of O, N, P and S were obtained from semi-thin sections of different cell types (chemically fixed and resin-embedded heterocysts, akinetes and vegetative cells). NanoSIMS enabled the detection of various characteristic cell sub-structures and inclusions. A homogenous bromine distribution was detected following NaBr and deltamethrin exposure, at Br-concentrations of 0·05, 0·5 (NaBr) and 0·0025 mmol l−1 (deltamethrin). Conclusions: NanoSIMS allowed study of the mapping of common elements in cyanobacterial cells and the uptake of NaBr and deltamethrin. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results highlight the potential usefulness of NanoSIMS analysis for tracking elements within cell structures at the nanoscale and the ability to detect marker elements of xenobiotic compounds within exposed organisms.  相似文献   

Systematics and the natural history of staphylococci. 1   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Nature exploits biosynthetic cascades to construct numerous molecules from a limited set of starting materials. A deeper understanding of biosynthesis and extraordinary developments in gene technology has allowed the manipulation of natural pathways and construction of artificial cascades for the preparation of a range of molecules, which would be challenging to access using traditional synthetic chemical approaches. Alongside these metabolic engineering strategies, there has been continued interest in developing in vivo and in vitro biocatalytic cascades. Advancements in both metabolic engineering and biocatalysis are complementary, and this article aims to highlight some of the most exciting developments in these two areas with a particular focus on exploring those that have the potential to advance both pathway engineering and more traditional biocatalytic cascade development.  相似文献   

Cells are filled with biosensors, molecular systems that measure the state of the cell and respond by regulating host processes. In much the same way that an engineer would monitor a chemical reactor, the cell uses these sensors to monitor changing intracellular environments and produce consistent behavior despite the variable environment. While natural systems derive a clear benefit from pathway regulation, past research efforts in engineering cellular metabolism have focused on introducing new pathways and removing existing pathway regulation. Synthetic biology is a rapidly growing field that focuses on the development of new tools that support the design, construction, and optimization of biological systems. Recent advances have been made in the design of genetically-encoded biosensors and the application of this class of molecular tools for optimizing and regulating heterologous pathways. Biosensors to cellular metabolites can be taken directly from natural systems, engineered from natural sensors, or constructed entirely in vitro. When linked to reporters, such as antibiotic resistance markers, these metabolite sensors can be used to report on pathway productivity, allowing high-throughput screening for pathway optimization. Future directions will focus on the application of biosensors to introduce feedback control into metabolic pathways, providing dynamic control strategies to increase the efficient use of cellular resources and pathway reliability.  相似文献   

Directed evolution of enzymes and biosynthetic pathways   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Directed evolution is an important tool for overcoming the limitations of natural enzymes as biocatalysts. Recent advances have focused on applying directed evolution to a variety of enzymes, such as epoxide hydrolase, glyphosate N-acetyltransferase, xylanase and phosphotriesterase, in order to improve their activity, selectivity, stability and solubility. The focus has also shifted to manipulating biosynthetic pathways for the production of many naturally synthesized compounds, as well as the production of novel 'unnatural' compounds. A combined directed evolution and computational design approach is becoming increasingly important in exploring enzyme sequence-space and creating improved or novel enzymes. Fueled by recent breakthroughs in genomics and metagenomics, these developments should help expand the use of biocatalysts in industry.  相似文献   

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