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Recently, plant–pollinator networks have been found to be highly structured in a nested pattern in which specialists interact with generalist species. This structure is often assumed to be particular to mutualistic interactions in opposition to the compartmentalized pattern expected for antagonistic networks. We investigated the presence of asymmetric specialization in a data set assembled from the literature of 20 highly resolved plant–insect herbivore networks and compared them with 24 plant–pollinator networks. Our results indicate that these two types of networks differ, but not in the way it is generally assumed. Asymmetric specialization is present in plant–herbivore networks even if it appears less frequently than in plant–pollinator networks. Indeed, mean and median percentages of species showing asymmetric specialisation in herbivory webs are 33% and 14% respectively, compared to 57% and 60% in pollination webs. Furthermore, the amount of asymmetry is linked with species diversity and not to connectance in plant-pollinator networks whereas the opposite pattern is found in plant–herbivore networks. Our results offer promising perspectives for understanding both the mechanisms that structure ecological communities and their impact on community dynamics depending on the type of interaction.  相似文献   

Most flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce. Thus, evaluating the robustness of plant-pollinator assemblages to species loss is a major concern. How species interaction patterns are related to species sensitivity to partner loss may influence the robustness of plant-pollinator assemblages. In plants, both reproductive dependence on pollinators (breeding system) and dispersal ability may modulate plant sensitivity to pollinator loss. For instance, species with strong dependence (e.g. dioecious species) and low dispersal (e.g. seeds dispersed by gravity) may be the most sensitive to pollinator loss. We compared the interaction patterns of plants differing in dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability in a meta-dataset comprising 192 plant species from 13 plant-pollinator networks. In addition, network robustness was compared under different scenarios representing sequences of plant extinctions associated with plant sensitivity to pollinator loss. Species with different dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability showed similar levels of generalization. Although plants with low dispersal ability interacted with more generalized pollinators, low-dispersal plants with strong dependence on pollinators (i.e. the most sensitive to pollinator loss) interacted with more particular sets of pollinators (i.e. shared a low proportion of pollinators with other plants). Only two assemblages showed lower robustness under the scenario considering plant generalization, dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability than under the scenario where extinction sequences only depended on plant generalization (i.e. where higher generalization level was associated with lower probability of extinction). Overall, our results support the idea that species generalization and network topology may be good predictors of assemblage robustness to species loss, independently of plant dispersal ability and breeding system. In contrast, since ecological specialization among partners may increase the probability of disruption of interactions, the fact that the plants most sensitive to pollinator loss interacted with more particular pollinator assemblages suggest that the persistence of these plants and their pollinators might be highly compromised.  相似文献   

Interactions with pollinators underlie the structure and function of plant communities. Network analysis is a valuable tool for studying plant-pollinator interactions, but these networks are most frequently built by aggregating interactions at the species level. Interactions are between individuals and an advantage of individual-based networks is the ability to integrate inter-individual variation in traits and environmental context within complex ecological networks. We studied the influence of inter-individual variation on pollinator sharing among foundation shrubs and cactus in a desert ecosystem using plant individual-based pollinator visitation networks. We hypothesized that the traits that alter attractiveness of plants to pollinators will also influence an individual plant's role within the visitation network. Foundation plants growing with higher densities of nearby blooming shrubs had higher pollinator visitation rates and had greater access to the conspecific mating pool, suggesting widespread and diffuse pollination facilitation within this community. Further, shrub density influenced the role of betweenness centrality and the effective number of partners (eH). Floral display size also influenced the effective number of interaction partners but did not directly influence the centrality measures for individual plants or other measures of network structure despite increasing visitation rates. The individual-based visitation networks were significantly modular and module membership was predicted by species identity and pollinator visitation rates. Ecological and individual context mediate the outcome of pollinator-mediated interactions and are fundamental drivers of whole community structure. This study shows that the density of immediate neighbours can influence the overall structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks. Exploring the contribution of intraspecific variation to community interaction networks will improve our understanding of drivers of community-level ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

Pollination network studies are based on pollinator surveys conducted on focal plants. This plant-centred approach provides insufficient information on flower visitation habits of rare pollinator species, which are the majority in pollinator communities. As a result, pollination networks contain very high proportions of pollinator species linked to a single plant species (extreme specialists), a pattern that contrasts with the widely accepted view that plant–pollinator interactions are mostly generalized. In this study of a Mediterranean scrubland community in NE Spain we supplement data from an intensive field survey with the analysis of pollen loads carried by pollinators. We observed 4265 contacts corresponding to 19 plant and 122 pollinator species. The addition of pollen data unveiled a very significant number of interactions, resulting in important network structural changes. Connectance increased 1.43-fold, mean plant connectivity went from 18.5 to 26.4, and mean pollinator connectivity from 2.9 to 4.1. Extreme specialist pollinator species decreased 0.6-fold, suggesting that ecological specialization is often overestimated in plant–pollinator networks. We expected a greater connectivity increase in rare species, and consequently a decrease in the level of asymmetric specialization. However, new links preferentially attached to already highly connected nodes and, as a result, both nestedness and centralization increased. The addition of pollen data revealed the existence of four clearly defined modules that were not apparent when only field survey data were used. Three of these modules had a strong phenological component. In comparison to other pollination webs, our network had a high proportion of connector links and species. That is, although significant, the four modules were far from isolated.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of flower opening and closure within a day are known as Linné's floral clock. Time of flower closure has been explained mainly by light in the traditional botanical literature. We show with a set of experiments that Asteraceae flower heads can close within three hours after pollination, whereas un-pollinated flower heads stay open until the late afternoon. This suggests that closing time strongly depends on pollinators. Using plant-pollinator interaction webs we further demonstrate that the daily pattern of flower opening and the rapid response to pollination can impose strong temporal dynamics on interspecific interactions within a single day. We observed pollinator species turnover and changes in facilitation vs. competition among plants. Our results show for the first time that pollination induces rapid flower closure on the community level. This causes imprecision in Linné's floral clock with far-reaching consequences for plant-pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Although research on plant volatiles and pollination ecology has grown explosively over the past 15 years, there remains little dialogue between these fields. Here I examine the historical and cultural reasons for this impasse, focusing on the ways that questions in each field are addressed, and the potential for productive cross-talk. The specialization–generalization debate in pollination has cast doubt on the importance of sensory biology in mediating plant–pollinator interactions on the community scale. However, chemical 'filters' of volatile or nectar-borne repellents are likely to explain the absence of specific interactions in plant–pollinator webs. In addition, the omission of plant volatiles from path analyses measuring the relative impacts of herbivores and pollinators on plant fitness may be one reason for large unexplained variance terms in such models. Floral scent functions in concert with visual and gustatory cues by attracting pollinators from a distance, increasing approaches and landings, and mediating outcrossing rates through changes in visitation frequency and duration. All dimensions of floral chemistry, including ontogenetic and diel variation in scent emissions, have the potential to respond to balancing selection between herbivores and pollinators. The available data reveal that chemical aspects of floral phenotypes are important across the specialization–generalization spectrum, and thus are widely applicable to mainstream pollination ecology.  相似文献   

Generalist pollinators are important in many habitats, but little research has been done on small-scale spatial variation in interactions between them and the plants that they visit. Here, using a spatially explicit approach, we examined whether multiple species of flowering plants occurring within a single meadow showed spatial structure in their generalist pollinator assemblages.We report the results for eight plant species for which at least 200 individual visits were recorded. We found that for all of these species, the proportions of their general pollinator assemblages accounted for by particular functional groups showed spatial heterogeneity at the scale of tens of metres. This heterogeneity was connected either with no or only subtle changes of vegetation and flowering species composition. In five of these species, differences in conspecific plant density influenced the pollinator communities (with greater dominance of main pollinators at low-conspecific plant densities). The density of heterospecific plant individuals influenced the pollinator spectrum in one case.Our results indicate that the picture of plant-pollinator interactions provided by averaging data within large plots may be misleading and that within-site spatial heterogeneity should be accounted for in terms of sampling effort allocation and analysis. Moreover, spatially structured plant-pollinator interactions may have important ecological and evolutionary consequences, especially for plant population biology.  相似文献   

Studies on pollination networks have provided valuable information on the number, frequency, distribution and identity of interactions between plants and pollinators. However, little is still known on the functional effect of these interactions on plant reproductive success. Information on the extent to which plants depend on such interactions will help to make more realistic predictions of the potential impacts of disturbances on plant-pollinator networks. Plant functional dependence on pollinators (all interactions pooled) can be estimated by comparing seed set with and without pollinators (i.e. bagging flowers to exclude them). Our main goal in this study was thus to determine whether plant dependence on current insect interactions is related to plant specialization in a pollination network. We studied two networks from different communities, one in a coastal dune and one in a mountain. For ca. 30% of plant species in each community, we obtained the following specialization measures: (i) linkage level (number of interactions), (ii) diversity of interactions, and (iii) closeness centrality (a measure of how much a species is connected to other plants via shared pollinators). Phylogenetically controlled regression analyses revealed that, for the largest and most diverse coastal community, plants highly dependent on pollinators were the most generalists showing the highest number and diversity of interactions as well as occupying central positions in the network. The mountain community, by contrast, did not show such functional relationship, what might be attributable to their lower flower-resource heterogeneity and diversity of interactions. We conclude that plants with a wide array of pollinator interactions tend to be those that are more strongly dependent upon them for seed production and thus might be those more functionally vulnerable to the loss of network interaction, although these outcomes might be context-dependent.  相似文献   

Naug D  Arathi HS 《Biology letters》2007,3(6):635-637
Mechanistic models of animal signals posit the occurrence of biases on the part of receivers that could be potentially exploited by signallers. Such biases are most obvious when animals are confronted with exaggerated versions of signals they normally encounter. Signalling systems operating in plant-pollinator interactions are among the most highly coevolved, with plants using a variety of floral signals to attract pollinators. A number of observations suggest that pollinators preferentially visit larger floral displays although the benefit of this to either the plant or the pollinator is not always clear. We use a standard dual-choice experimental protocol to show that honeybees display a receiver bias for exaggerated size and colour contrast--two important components of floral signals--even when such signals do not indicate quality. We discuss the implications of this receiver bias for the evolution of floral displays and its possible exploitation by invading alien plants.  相似文献   

Plant-pollinator networks are systems of outstanding ecological and economic importance. A particularly intriguing aspect of these systems is their high diversity. However, earlier studies have concluded that the specific mechanisms of plant-pollinator interactions are destabilizing and should lead to a loss of diversity. Here we present a mechanistic model of plant and pollinator population dynamics with the ability to represent a broad spectrum of interaction structures. Using this model, we examined the influence of pollinators on the stability of a plant community and the relationship between pollinator specialization and stability. In accordance with earlier work, our results show that plant-pollinator interactions may severely destabilize plant coexistence, regardless of the degree of pollinator specialization. However, if plant niche differentiation, a classical stabilizing mechanism, is sufficiently strong to overcome the minority disadvantage with respect to pollination, interactions with pollinators may even increase the stability of a plant community. In addition to plant niche differentiation, the relationship between specialization and stability depends on a number of parameters that affect pollinator growth rates. Our results highlight the complex effects of this particular type of mutualism on community stability and call for further investigations of the mechanisms of diversity maintenance in plant-pollinator systems.  相似文献   

Most plants are generalist in terms of pollination, with the potential for significant spatial and temporal variation in their pollinators. Few studies have investigated how variable pollinators are in a generalist pollination system or how this variation affects plant reproduction. We investigated the degree of variation in pollinators and resulting reproductive success among populations of a widespread generalist-pollinated herb, Trachymene incisa (Apiaceae). The European honeybee was unexpectedly absent from the pollinator assemblages, providing the unique opportunity to study the native Australian pollinators. Insect visitation rates and the taxonomic composition of the pollinator assemblage varied significantly across populations, indicating that populations of T. incisa are not equally serviced and are not equally generalist. This highlights that sampling one population would not characterize the extent of species generalization. There was no positive correlation between insect visitation rate and reproductive success, with the Agnes Banks population receiving the highest visitation rate but producing the lowest reproductive output, and the Myall Lakes population receiving the lowest visitation rate and producing the highest seedling emergence. This study shows that variation in pollinators can have measurable effects on populations of generalist-pollinated plants, therefore there is potential for large-scale change in all plant–pollinator interactions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 479–490.  相似文献   

合作的进化为研究植物–传粉者相互关系提供了新的视角。植物与传粉者通过"报酬换服务"建立种间合作关系。这一合作关系从建立、维持到解体面临着3个关键问题:(1)在植物和传粉者不了解对方质量信息时,双方如何选择出最适伙伴,进而建立合作关系;(2)合作方如何限制欺骗策略(比如,盗蜜和欺骗性传粉)的扩散以维持合作关系;(3)什么过程可导致传粉合作关系的解体。植物与传粉者间信号博弈或筛选博弈可促进二者合作关系的建立。面对欺骗策略,传粉者和植物分别采用伙伴选择机制和防御机制加以应对。合作者与欺骗者的稳定共存也有助于植物–传粉者合作的维持。从合作转向对抗、转向新的伙伴和合作放弃3个过程可导致植物–传粉者的合作关系的解体。植物与传粉者合作关系的理论预期已经得到了部分实验结果支持,深化了我们对植物与传粉者合作过程中关键机制的理解。在今后的研究中,需要进一步探讨以下问题:(1)传粉者对植物信号诚实性的选择作用和植物对传粉者的筛选作用;(2)植物与传粉者各自应对欺骗策略的可能机制及其相对重要性;(3)合作者与欺骗者稳定共存的机制;(4)植物与传粉者合作系统对全球变化的响应。  相似文献   

Pollination webs have recently deepened our understanding of complex ecosystem functions and the susceptibility of biotic networks to anthropogenic disturbances. Extensive mutualistic networks from tropical species-rich communities, however, are extremely scarce. We present fully quantitative pollination webs of two plant–pollinator communities of natural heathland sites, one of which was in the process of being restored, on the oceanic island of Mauritius. The web interaction data cover a full flowering season from September 2003 to March 2004 and include all flowering plant and their pollinator species. Pollination webs at both sites were dominated by a few super-abundant, disproportionately well-connected species, and many rare and specialised species. The webs differed greatly in size, reflecting higher plant and pollinator species richness and abundance at the restored site. About one fifth of plant species at the smaller community received <3 visits. The main pollinators were insects from diverse taxonomic groups, while the few vertebrate pollinator species were abundant and highly linked. The difference in plant community composition between sites appeared to strongly affect the associated pollinator community and interactions with native plant species. Low visitation rate to introduced plant species suggested little indirect competition for pollinators with native plant species. Overall, our results indicated that the community structure was highly complex in comparison to temperate heathland communities. We discuss the observed differences in plant linkage and pollinator diversity and abundance between the sites with respect to habitat restoration management and its influence on pollination web structure and complexity. For habitat restoration to be successful in the long term, practitioners should aim to maintain structural diversity to support a species-rich and abundant pollinator assemblage which ensures native plant reproduction.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Invasive plants are potential agents of disruption in plant–pollinator interactions. They may affect pollinator visitation rates to native plants and modify the plant–pollinator interaction network. However, there is little information about the extent to which invasive pollen is incorporated into the pollination network and about the rates of invasive pollen deposition on the stigmas of native plants.


The degree of pollinator sharing between the invasive plant Carpobrotus affine acinaciformis and the main co-flowering native plants was tested in a Mediterranean coastal shrubland. Pollen loads were identified from the bodies of the ten most common pollinator species and stigmatic pollen deposition in the five most common native plant species.

Key Results

It was found that pollinators visited Carpobrotus extensively. Seventy-three per cent of pollinator specimens collected on native plants carried Carpobrotus pollen. On average 23 % of the pollen on the bodies of pollinators visiting native plants was Carpobrotus. However, most of the pollen found on the body of pollinators belonged to the species on which they were collected. Similarly, most pollen on native plant stigmas was conspecific. Invasive pollen was present on native plant stigmas, but in low quantity.


Carpobrotus is highly integrated in the pollen transport network. However, the plant-pollination network in the invaded community seems to be sufficiently robust to withstand the impacts of the presence of alien pollen on native plant pollination, as shown by the low levels of heterospecific pollen deposition on native stigmas. Several mechanisms are discussed for the low invasive pollen deposition on native stigmas.Key words: Alien plant, Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformis, competition for pollinators, invasion, Mediterranean shrubland, plant-pollinator network, pollen loads, pollinator visits, stigma  相似文献   

It has been historically difficult to manipulate secondary compounds in living plants to assess how these compounds influence plant-herbivore and plant-pollinator interactions. Using a hemiparasitic plant that takes up secondary compounds from host plants, I experimentally manipulated secondary compounds in planta and assessed their effects on herbivores and pollinators in the field. Here, I show that the uptake of alkaloids in the annual hemiparasite Castilleja indivisa resulted in decreased herbivory, increased visitation by pollinators, and increased lifetime seed production. These results indicate that resistance traits such as alkaloids can increase plant fitness directly by reducing herbivore attack and indirectly by increasing pollinator visitation to defended plants. Thus, selection for production of secondary compounds may be underestimated by considering only the direct effect of herbivores on plant fitness.  相似文献   

Interaction webs, or networks, define how the members of two or more trophic levels interact. However, the traits that mediate network structure have not been widely investigated. Generally, the mechanism that determines plant-pollinator partnerships is thought to involve the matching of a suite of species traits (such as abundance, phenology, morphology) between trophic levels. These traits are often unknown or hard to measure, but may reflect phylogenetic history. We asked whether morphological traits or phylogenetic history were more important in mediating network structure in mutualistic plant-pollinator interaction networks from Western Canada. At the plant species level, sexual system, growth form, and flower symmetry were the most important traits. For example species with radially symmetrical flowers had more connections within their modules (a subset of species that interact more among one another than outside of the module) than species with bilaterally symmetrical flowers. At the pollinator species level, social species had more connections within and among modules. In addition, larger pollinators tended to be more specialized. As traits mediate interactions and have a phylogenetic signal, we found that phylogenetically close species tend to interact with a similar set of species. At the network level, patterns were weak, but we found increasing functional trait and phylogenetic diversity of plants associated with increased weighted nestedness. These results provide evidence that both specific traits and phylogenetic history can contribute to the nature of mutualistic interactions within networks, but they explain less variation between networks.  相似文献   

Mutualistic partners derive a benefit from their interaction, but this benefit can come at a cost. This is the case for plant-ant and plant-pollinator mutualistic associations. In exchange for protection from herbivores provided by the resident ants, plants supply various kinds of resources or nests to the ants. Most ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms are horizontally transmitted, and therefore, partners share an interest in growth but not in reproduction. This lack of alignment in fitness interests between plants and ants drives a conflict between them: ants can attack pollinators that cross-fertilize the host plants. Using a mathematical model, we define a threshold in ant aggressiveness determining pollinator survival or elimination on the host plant. In our model we observed that, all else being equal, facultative interactions result in pollinator extinction for lower levels of ant aggressiveness than obligatory interactions. We propose that the capacity to discriminate pollinators from herbivores should not often evolve in ants, and when it does it will be when the plants exhibit limited dispersal in an environment that is not seed saturated so that each seed produced can effectively generate a new offspring or if ants acquire an extra benefit from pollination (e.g. if ants eat fruit). We suggest specific mutualism examples where these hypotheses can be tested empirically.  相似文献   

Climate change has led to phenological shifts in flowering plants and insect pollinators, causing concern that these shifts will disrupt plant-pollinator mutualisms. We experimentally investigated how shifts in flowering onset affect pollinator visitation for 14 native perennial plant species, six of which have exhibited shifts to earlier flowering over the last 70 years and eight of which have not. We manipulated flowering onset in greenhouses and then observed pollinator visitation in the field. Five of six species with historically advanced flowering received more visits when flowering was experimentally advanced, whereas seven of eight species with historically unchanged flowering received fewer visits when flowering earlier. This pattern suggests that species unconstrained by pollinators have advanced their flowering, whereas species constrained by pollinators have not. In contrast to current concern about phenological mismatches disrupting plant-pollinator mutualisms, mismatches at the onset of flowering are not occurring for most of our study species.  相似文献   

We analysed the dynamics of a plant-pollinator interaction network of a scrub community surveyed over four consecutive years. Species composition within the annual networks showed high temporal variation. Temporal dynamics were also evident in the topology of the network, as interactions among plants and pollinators did not remain constant through time. This change involved both the number and the identity of interacting partners. Strikingly, few species and interactions were consistently present in all four annual plant-pollinator networks (53% of the plant species, 21% of the pollinator species and 4.9% of the interactions). The high turnover in species-to-species interactions was mainly the effect of species turnover (c. 70% in pairwise comparisons among years), and less the effect of species flexibility to interact with new partners (c. 30%). We conclude that specialization in plant-pollinator interactions might be highly overestimated when measured over short periods of time. This is because many plant or pollinator species appear as specialists in 1 year, but tend to be generalists or to interact with different partner species when observed in other years. The high temporal plasticity in species composition and interaction identity coupled with the low variation in network structure properties (e.g. degree centralization, connectance, nestedness, average distance and network diameter) imply (i) that tight and specialized coevolution might not be as important as previously suggested and (ii) that plant-pollinator interaction networks might be less prone to detrimental effects of disturbance than previously thought. We suggest that this may be due to the opportunistic nature of plant and animal species regarding the available partner resources they depend upon at any particular time.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖影响植物-传粉者网络的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖宜安  张斯斯  闫小红  董鸣 《生态学报》2015,35(12):3871-3880
植物与传粉者间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。目前,以气候变化为主要特征的全球变暖对植物-传粉者网络的影响备受关注,概述了近年来这方面研究的几个主要热点问题及其进展,和相关研究方法。并在此基础上,提出了气温持续上升背景下,植物-传粉者网络未来的研究趋势。当前研究的主要热点问题有:(1)气候变暖使植物、传粉者的物候发生变化,并通过影响植物的开花时间和传粉者活动时间,导致两者在物候时间上的不同步。(2)气候变暖导致植物、传粉者的群落结构变化,促使其地理分布向更高纬度和更高海拔扩散,这可能潜在的导致两者空间分布的不匹配。(3)植物和传粉者通过增加或减少其丰富度来响应气候变暖,可能导致传粉网络结构特征发生变化。(4)面对气候变暖导致植物和传粉者间物候和地理分布错配所引发的互作改变、甚至解体,传粉网络可通过自身网络结构及快速进化来缓冲和适应。在今后研究中,以下几个问题值得探讨:1)气候变暖对植物-传粉者网络影响的大时空尺度变异模式。2)多因素协同作用对植物-传粉者网络的影响特征。3)全球气候变暖对植物、传粉者物候匹配性影响的机理。  相似文献   

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