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The production dynamics of yessotoxin (YTX) by Protoceratium reticulatum and phosphate uptake in culture were investigated in relation to cell growth. The equations used were: the reparametrized logistic for cell production, Luedeking–Piret model for yessotoxin production and maintenance energy model for phosphate consumption. Thus, the YTX formation rate was proportional to producer biomass at the end of the asymptotic phase of culture as a secondary metabolite. Moreover, the equations proposed showed a high accuracy to predict these bioproductions in different experimental conditions and culture scales.  相似文献   

A solid-phase extract from Protoceratium reticulatum was partitioned between water and butanol and the two fractions purified on an alumina column. Fractionation was monitored by ELISA and LC–MS. Results indicate that while almost all yessotoxin (1) was extracted into butanol, large amounts of yessotoxin analogs remained in the aqueous extract along with lesser amounts in the butanolic extract. NMR analysis of selected fractions from reverse-phase chromatography of the extracts confirmed the presence of yessotoxin analogs, although structure determinations were not possible due to the complexity of the mixtures. Analysis of fractions with LC–MS3 and neutral-loss LC–MS/MS indicated the presence of more than 90 yessotoxin analogs, although structures for most of these have not yet been determined. These analogs provide a mechanism to rationalise the discrepancy between ELISA and LC–MS analyses of algae and shellfish.  相似文献   

温度和营养盐限制对网状原角藻生长与产毒的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网状原角藻(Protoceratium reticulatum)是能够形成有毒赤潮的海洋甲藻之一,所产毒素为虾夷扇贝毒素(yessotoxins,YTXs),该藻在全球很多海域中普遍存在,其生长与产毒特征表现出较强的海域差异性。以分离自我国北黄海海域的网状原角藻为实验对象,研究了温度和营养盐(N、P)限制对该藻生长与产毒的影响。研究发现:温度和营养盐限制对藻细胞的生长和产毒均有影响,但营养盐限制影响更为显著。较低的温度更适宜P.reticulatum的生长,15℃时无营养盐限制的L1-Si培养基中藻细胞生长最好。营养盐限制尤其是P限制能够显著降低藻细胞的比生长速率和细胞密度(P0.01),缩短藻细胞指数生长期和稳定期的持续时间。所有温度下N、P限制均有利于藻细胞内毒素累积,15℃P限制培养基中单个藻细胞中YTX毒素最高,达到92.6 pg/细胞,分别是相同培养温度下N限制和L1-Si中藻细胞毒素含量的3.8倍和7.1倍。温度变化对N和P限制下藻细胞毒素含量影响不同:在5—15℃范围内,随温度升高,N限制培养基中藻细胞YTX含量增幅逐渐下降,而P限制条件下反之。在所有培养条件下,滤液中毒素含量在稳定期后开始增多,与L1-Si相比,N、P限制不利于毒素的释放。高温能促进L1-Si培养基和N限制培养基中毒素的释放,但对P限制影响不显著。  相似文献   

The toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède & Lachmann) Buetschli is recurrently present in the Adriatic sea. It is the producing organism of yessotoxin (YTX) and some of its analogues and thus its presence in seawater often results in shellfish farm closure for long periods. However, molluscs become highly toxic also at the presence of low cell concentrations, due to the high YTX content present in most algal strains. As no data were available on the environmental conditions favouring growth and YTX production by Adriatic P. reticulatum strains, in the present work, we investigated the effect of nutrient limitation, salinity and temperature on growth and YTX content in P. reticulatum cultures. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) analyses were carried out to determine YTX production as well as the difference between the YTX amount retained in cells and that released in growth medium, in order to relate cell content to excretion mechanisms. The toxin content was determined in cells collected at the stationary phase, since both toxin production and release were found to be higher in this growth stage than in the exponential phase. As for nutrient-effect, a severe P-limitation strongly affected cell growth and favoured toxin accumulation, as consequences of both impaired cell division and lower toxin release. N-limited cultures, on the contrary, had a toxin content similar to controls and the highest percentage of release. P. reticulatum was confirmed to be tolerant towards salinity changes as it could grow at salinity values in the range of 22–42. The highest YTX production was observed at intermediate salinity values (32) whereas toxin release, expressed as percentage of the total amount produced, decreased as salinity increased. P. reticulatum growth was impaired in cultures kept at 26 °C in respect to those grown at 16 and 20 °C. YTX release decreased as temperature increased; however, cells kept at 26 °C displayed a very high YTX content. The environmental implications of these physiological behaviours highlight that farmed molluscs can become less toxic in colder waters at lower salinity values.  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish toxins produced by dinoflagellates are known to deter copepod grazing. Dinoflagellate species, including Protoceratium reticulatum, also produce disulfated polyether yessotoxins that were previously referred to as diarrheic shellfish toxins. However, the role of yessotoxins in predator–prey relationships is not yet clear. In the present study, the effects of purified yessotoxin (YTX) on feeding activities of Acartia hudsonica (Copepoda, Calanoida) were experimentally investigated. Polystyrene fluorescent microspheres (10 μm in diameter) colored bright blue or yellow-green were coated with cell extracts of P. reticulatum that do not produce yessotoxins. The bright blue microspheres were further coated with YTX, and the yellow-green microspheres were used as the reference. The microspheres were then given to the copepods separately or in combination to measure clearance rates and feeding selectivity. A. hudsonica was found to feed on the yellow-green microspheres without YTX at twice the rate of the bright blue microspheres with YTX. We also confirmed that microsphere color per se did not affect the feeding rates. The bright blue microspheres adsorbed 1.8–43.3 pg of YTX per microsphere, which is similar to the cell-specific yessotoxin content of toxic P. reticulatum found in natural environments. These results suggest that production of yessotoxin is advantageous for P. reticulatum by deterring predation by copepods.  相似文献   

The marine dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum has been recently identified as a source for the disulfated polyether toxin, yessotoxin (YTX), and may pose a risk to human health, aquaculture development and coastal environments. The requirements of P. reticulatum for selenium, iron and cobalt were assessed in culture. P. reticulatum was grown in nutrient enriched seawater (1/10 GP medium) without selenium or with 0.003 and 0.0003 μM selenium added; without iron or with 0.076 and 0.0076 μM iron added; and without cobalt or with 0.008 μM cobalt added. Test flasks were monitored for growth rate, cell yield and YTX production. P. reticulatum was found to exhibit a strong requirement for both selenium and iron. Growth rate and cell yield in treatments without added selenium were significantly (P<0.05) reduced to 60.2% (μ=0.15 day−1) and 20.2% (4942 cell ml−1), respectively, of those with selenium added (μ=0.23 day−1 and 24, 387 cell ml−1). YTX production was significantly increased by addition of selenium in two of three transfers tested. Cells of P. reticulatum subjected to medium without selenium added showed morphological changes observable at the light microscope level which included enlarged cell size. The diameter of cells in medium without selenium added were significantly (P<0.05) enlarged to 36.7±0.90 μm compared to cells in the medium with selenium added, 27.5±1.25 μm. Growth rate and cell yield in treatments without added iron were also significantly reduced to 70.1% (μ=0.16 day−1) and 34.2% (8003 cells ml−1), respectively, of those with iron added (μ=0.23 day−1 and 23,416 cells ml−1). No significant effect on YTX production was measured. In contrast to selenium and iron, no limitation of growth or cell yield or differences in YTX production were observed for flasks without cobalt as compared to those with cobalt added. The possibility that harmful algal events of P. reticulatum may be influenced by selenium or iron in neritic waters is discussed.  相似文献   

Yessotoxin (YTX) was detected in an algal sample and two mussel samples (0.07–0.10 μg g−1) collected from Scripps Pier in La Jolla, California during a bloom of Lingulodinium polyedrum. Mussel samples collected from Monterey Bay, California also contained measurable YTX (levels up to 0.06 μg g−1) in samples obtained during a 6-month (weekly) sampling period. Gonyaulax spinifera and L. polyedrum were identified in background concentrations in Monterey Bay during the time of contamination. An algal sample from Washington coastal waters collected during non-bloom conditions also contained YTX, possibly originating from Protoceratium reticulatum.Three strains of L. polyedrum (CCMP1931, CCMP1936, 104A) isolated from southern California coastal waters and one strain of G. spinifera (CCMP409) isolated from Maine were tested for YTX production using two methods, competitive ELISA and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). The ELISA method detected YTX in the particulate phase in two of three L. polyedrum strains. The LC–MS method did not detect YTX in the particulate or dissolved phase of any of the strains.To our knowledge, this is the first study to test and confirm YTX in environmental samples from California and Washington coastal waters. It is highly likely that L. polyedrum was responsible for the YTX contamination in the southern California samples. Future research needs to conclusively determine the biological origin(s) of YTX contamination in central California and Washington coastal waters.  相似文献   

A new fossil diatom, Stephanodiscus kusuensis sp. nov., is described from a diatomite deposit from the Kusu Basin, Oita Prefecture Japan. Radiometric age estimates of the strata in which the taxon occurs are 400–500 kyr. The new species is distinct from all other known species of Stephanodiscus because it possesses a highly pronounced double concentric undulation and two distinct arrangements of central strutted processes. Cladistic analysis is used to identify the phylogenetic position of this taxon with respect to other Stephanodiscus species.  相似文献   

After reconsidering the specific characters of Omphalia giovanellae and applying data from the sequences of the D1–D2 domain of the 28S rRNA gene and the ITS region of material collected in Italy and Spain, the species is ascribed to the genus Clitopilus. Considering the rather peculiar characters, especially the smooth spores, C. giovanellae is ascribed to the new section Omphaloidei sect. nov. The species is illustrated with drawings of fresh basidiomata observed in situ, as well as with SEM micrographs of the spores. Also based on DNA sequence data, O. farinolens, recently described from Spain, is shown to be a synonym of C. giovanellae.  相似文献   

In Chile, 90% of the fish farms and major natural shellfish beds are located in the region surrounding the Inland Sea, where over the last few decades harmful phytoplankton blooms have often been observed. The onset and recurrence of bloom events are often related to the resuspension and germination of resting cysts that have accumulated in the sediments. The degree of cyst settling, accumulation and germination is highly variable between areas and depends on physical and environmental factors. To learn how differences in oceanographic exposure, amount of river runoff and bathymetry affect dinoflagellate cyst deposition, we examined the diversity and abundance of dinoflagellate resting cysts from two hydrographically contrasting coastal areas (oceanic Guaitecas Archipelago and estuarine Pitipalena Fjord) of the Chilean Inland Sea in September 2006, seven months after a bloom of Alexandrium catenella, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxin. Cyst species diversity consisted of 18 taxa, including A. catenella and the noxious species Protoceratium reticulatum, both of which have caused blooms in the study area. Our results revealed significant differences between the two study sites in terms of the abundance and diversity of resting cysts, suggesting that in the specific case of A. catenella, only Guaitecas stations have potential for cyst accumulation and successful growth of cells. However, there was no evidence of long-term resting cyst beds of A. catenella at either study site.  相似文献   

Tetrahydroneotanshinlactone (TNT) and tetrahydronaphthalene-1-ol (TNO) derivatives were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for cytotoxic activity. The TNO derivatives were found to be a promising novel class of in vitro antitumor agents. The cyclohexene ring-A could dramatically affect the antitumor activity and selectivity. Compound 20 showed the highest potency with ED50 values of 0.7 and 1.7 μM against SK-BR-3 and ZR-75-1 breast cancer cell lines, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel alkaloid isolated from the roots of Adhatoda vasica has been characterized as 1,2,3,4,9,11 hexahydro pyrrolo (2,1-b) quinazolin-3,11 diol by chemical and spectroscopic methods. Vasicinone has also been isolated from the roots of this plant.  相似文献   

The predominant iron chelates, or siderochromes, produced by the fungus, Fusarium roseum during culture periods up to seven days are the ester type fusarinine compounds. During longer periods of incubation, the fusarinine compounds completely disappear from the culture medium and are replaced by a new siderochrome. The new compound has been isolated, purified, and its structure determined. It is a cyclic hexapeptide containing one residue of l-alanine, two residues of glycine and three residues of δ-N-hydroxyornithine. The hydroxylamino groups of the ornithine residues are acylated with 3 mol of malonic acid to form a negatively charged ferrichrome type chelate. The circular dichroism spectrum indicates that the stereochemistry about the iron is Λ-cis. This compound, which we name malonichrome, is not an efficient iron donor to F. roseum nor does it show growth factor activity towards Arthrobacter flavescens.  相似文献   

A Drosophila melanogaster mutant, fs(1)pyr Su(b) , carrying a mutation that maps to the tip of the X chromosome, has been isolated. The mutation, when present alone, does not confer a detectable phenotype. However, this mutation causes female sterility and reduces embryonic viability when combined with mutations which deregulate the pyrimidine and β-alanine pools. Embryos that are homozygous for the mutations fs(1)pyr Su(b) , r Su(b) [previously designated as Su(b)] and b, and originate from a female parent homozygous for the three mutations show severely reduced viability. Newly laid eggs begin development normally, but the majority of the embryos die just before the eggs are due to hatch. Received: 15 May 1998 / Accepted: 18 January 1999  相似文献   

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