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Two potent inhibitors (compounds 1 and 2) of malarial aspartyl protease, plasmepsin-II, were evaluated against wild type (NL4-3) and multidrug-resistant clinical isolate 769 (MDR) variants of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) aspartyl protease. Enzyme inhibition assays showed that both 1 and 2 have better potency against NL4-3 than against MDR protease. Crystal structures of MDR protease in complex with 1 and 2 were solved and analyzed. Crystallographic analysis revealed that the MDR protease exhibits a typical wide-open conformation of the flaps (Gly48 to Gly52) causing an overall expansion in the active site cavity, which, in turn caused unstable binding of the inhibitors. Due to the expansion of the active site cavity, both compounds showed loss of direct contacts with the MDR protease compared to the docking models of NL4-3. Multiple water molecules showed a rich network of hydrogen bonds contributing to the stability of the ligand binding in the distorted binding pockets of the MDR protease in both crystal structures. Docking analysis of 1 and 2 showed a decrease in the binding affinity for both compounds against MDR supporting our structure-function studies. Thus, compounds 1 and 2 show promising inhibitory activity against HIV-1 protease variants and hence are good candidates for further development to enhance their potency against NL4-3 as well as MDR HIV-1 protease variants.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody 1696, elicited by HIV-1 protease, inhibits the activity of both HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteases with inhibition constants in the low nanomolar range. The antibody cross-reacts with peptides derived from the N-terminal region of both proteases. The crystal structure of the recombinant single-chain Fv fragment of 1696 complexed with an N-terminal peptide from the HIV-2 protease has been determined at 1.88A resolution. Interactions of the peptide with scFv1696 are compared with the previously reported structure of scFv1696 in complex with the corresponding peptide from HIV-1 protease. The origin of cross-reactivity of mAb1696 with HIV proteases is discussed.  相似文献   

We have recently described an IFN regulatory factor 3-mediated antiviral gene program that is induced by both Toll-like receptor (TLR)3 and TLR4 ligands. In our current study, we show that activation of IFN/viral response gene expression in primary macrophage cells is stronger and prolonged with TLR3 stimulation compared with that of TLR4. Our data also reveal that the cytoplasmic tails of both TLR3 and TLR4 can directly interact with myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88). However, although Toll/IL-1 receptor homology domain-containing adaptor protein/MyD88 adaptor-like is able to associate with TLR4, we were unable to detect any interaction between Toll/IL-1 receptor homology domain-containing adaptor protein/MyD88 adaptor-like and TLR3. By using quantitative real-time PCR assays, we found that TLR3 expression is inducible by both TLR3 and TLR4 ligands, while TLR4 expression is not inducible by these same stimuli. Furthermore, using cells derived from mice deficient in the IFN-alphabetaR, we show that both TLR3 and TLR4 require IFN-beta autocrine/paracrine feedback to induce TLR3 expression and activate/enhance genes required for antiviral activity. More specifically, a subset of antiviral genes is initially induced independent of IFN-beta, yet the cytokine further enhances expression at later time points. This was in contrast to a second set of genes (including TLR3) that is induced only after IFN-beta production. Taken together, our data argue that, despite both TLR3 and TLR4 being able to use IFN-beta to activate/enhance antiviral gene expression, TLR3 uses multiple mechanisms to enhance and sustain the antiviral response more strongly than TLR4.  相似文献   

The structure of a crystal complex of recombinant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease with a peptide-mimetic inhibitor containing a dihydroxyethylene isostere insert replacing the scissile bond has been determined. The inhibitor is Noa-His-Hch psi [CH(OH)CH(OH)]Vam-Ile-Amp (U-75875), and its Ki for inhibition of the HIV-1 protease is < 1.0 nM (Noa = 1-naphthoxyacetyl, Hch = a hydroxy-modified form of cyclohexylalanine, Vam = a hydroxy-modified form of valine, Amp = 2-pyridylmethylamine). The structure of the complex has been refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.169 at 2.0 A resolution by using restrained least-squares procedures. Root mean square deviations from ideality are 0.02 A and 2.4 degrees, for bond lengths and angles, respectively. The bound inhibitor diastereomer has the R configurations at both of the hydroxyl chiral carbon atoms. One of the diol hydroxyl groups is positioned such that it forms hydrogen bonds with both the active site aspartates, whereas the other interacts with only one of them. Comparison of this X-ray structure with a model-built structure of the inhibitor, published earlier, reveals similar positioning of the backbone atoms and of the side-chain atoms in the P2-P2' region, where the interaction with the protein is strongest. However, the X-ray structure and the model differ considerably in the location of the P3 and P3' end groups, and also in the positioning of the second of the two central hydroxyl groups. Reconstruction of the central portion of the model revealed the source of the hydroxyl discrepancy, which, when corrected, provided a P1-P1' geometry very close to that seen in the X-ray structure.  相似文献   

CD19 is a transmembrane protein expressed on malignant B cells, but not in other lineages or other tissues, which makes it an attractive target for monoclonal antibody‐mediated immunotherapy. Anti‐CD19 antibody B43 was utilized in a bispecific T‐cell engager (BiTE) blinatumomab that demonstrated potency for the treatment of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia. To gain insight into the mechanism of action of the antibody, the crystal structure of B43 Fab was determined in complex with CD19 and in the unbound form. The structure revealed the binding epitope, explained the lack of cross‐reactivity toward non‐human species, and suggested the key‐and‐lock mechanism of antigen recognition. Most unexpectedly, the structure revealed a unique molecular topology of CD19. Rather than a tandem of c‐type immunoglobulin folds predicted from the amino acid sequence, the extracellular domain of CD19 exhibits an elongated β‐sandwich formed by two immunoglobulin folds by swapping their C‐terminal halves. This is the first structure of CD19, which has no sequence homologs.  相似文献   

Virtual screening of novel entry inhibitor scaffolds mimicking primary receptor CD4 of HIV-1 gp120 was carried out in conjunction with evaluation of their potential inhibitory activity by molecular modeling. To do this, pharmacophore models presenting different sets of the hotspots of cellular receptor CD4 for its interaction with gp120 were generated. These models were used as the templates for identification of CD4-mimetic candidates by the pepMMsMIMIC screening platform. Complexes of these candidates with gp120 were built by high-throughput ligand docking and their stability was estimated by molecular dynamics simulations and binding free energy calculations. As a result, five top hits that exhibited strong attachment to the two well-conserved hotspots of the gp120 CD4-binding site were selected for the final analysis. In analogy to CD4, the identified compounds make hydrogen bonds with Asp-368gp120 and multiple van der Waals contacts with the gp120 residues that bind to Phe-43CD4, resulting in destruction of the critical interactions of gp120 with Phe-43CD4 and Arg-59CD4. The complexes of the CD4-mimetic candidates with gp120 show relative conformational stability within the molecular dynamics simulations and expose the high percentage occupancies of intermolecular hydrogen bonds, in line with the data on the binding free energy calculations. In light of these findings, the identified compounds are considered as good scaffolds for the development of new functional antagonists of viral entry with broad HIV-1 neutralization.  相似文献   

HIV-1 use CD4 receptors to infect their primary targets, CD4+ cells, whereas CD8+ cells have a protective role against HIV-1. We recently isolated HIV-1-producing CD8+ clones from two AIDS patients. Here we show that although HIV-1 produced by CD8+ cells maintained the ability to infect CD4+ cells, these viruses were able to infect CD8+ cells independent of CD4. Evidence indicates that these viruses used CD8 as a receptor to infect CD8+ cells. First, expression of CD8 was downmodulated after infection. Second, anti-CD8 antibodies blocked viral entry and replication in CD8+ cells. Finally, resistant cells became susceptible after expression of CD8. Although these viruses used CXCR4 to enter CD4+ cells, it seems that infection of CD8+ cells was independent of CXCR4 or CCR5 co-receptors. Novel changes were observed in envelope sequences of CD8-tropic viruses. These results provide initial evidence that HIV-1 can mutate to infect CD8+ cells using CD8 as a receptor.  相似文献   

The alpha1beta1 (VLA-1) integrin is a cell-surface receptor for collagen and laminin and has been implicated in biological pathways involved in several pathological processes. These processes may be inhibited by the monoclonal antibody AQC2, which binds with high affinity to human alpha1beta1 integrin. To understand the structural basis of the inhibition we determined the crystal structure of the complex of a chimeric rat/human I domain of the alpha1beta1 integrin and the Fab fragment of humanized AQC2 antibody. The structure of the complex shows that the antibody blocks the collagen binding site of the I domain. An aspartate residue, from the CDR3 loop of the antibody heavy chain, coordinates the MIDAS metal ion in a manner similar to that of a glutamate residue from collagen. Substitution of the aspartate residue by alanine or arginine results in significant reduction of antibody binding affinity. Interestingly, although the mode of metal ion coordination resembles that of the open conformation, the I domain maintains an overall closed conformation previously observed only for unliganded I domains.  相似文献   

Wang EJ  Yan Z  Cai J 《Carbohydrate research》2007,342(11):1530-1534
The crystal structure of the inclusion complex of cyclomaltoheptaose (beta-cyclodextrin) with 4-hydroxybiphenyl was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 150K. The complex contains two cyclomaltoheptaose molecules, two 4-hydroxybiphenyl molecules, one ethanol molecule and fifteen water molecules in the asymmetric unit, and could be formulated as [2(C(42)H(70)O(35)).2(C(12)H(10)O).(C(2)H(6)O).15(H(2)O)]. It crystallized in the triclinic space group P1 with unit cell constants a=15.257(3), b=15.564(3), c=15.592(2)A, alpha=104.485(15) degrees , beta=101.066(14) degrees , gamma=104.330(17) degrees , V=3,343.6(10)A(3). In the crystal lattice, two beta-cyclodextrins form a head-to-head dimer jointed through hydrogen bonds. Two 4-hydroxybiphenyls were included in the dimer cavity with their hydroxyl groups protruding from two primary hydroxyl sides of the cyclodextrin molecules. The guest 4-hydroxybiphenyl molecules linked into a chain via a combination of an O-Hcdots, three dots, centeredO hydrogen bond and face-to-face pi-pi stacking of the phenyl rings. The crystal structure supports the calculation results indicating that the 2:2 inclusion complex formed by beta-cyclodextrin and 4-hydroxybiphenyl is the energetically favored structure.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) B effects blood vessel formation by binding to VEGF receptor 1. To study the specifics of the biological profile of VEGF-B in both physiological and pathological angiogenesis, a neutralising anti-VEGF-B antibody (2H10) that functions by inhibiting the binding of VEGF-B to VEGF receptor 1 was developed. Here, we present the structural features of the ‘highly ordered’ interaction of the Fab fragment of this antibody (Fab-2H10) with VEGF-B. Two molecules of Fab-2H10 bind to symmetrical binding sites located at each pole of the VEGF-B homodimer, giving a unique U-shaped topology to the complex that has not been previously observed in the VEGF family. VEGF-B residues essential for binding to the antibody are contributed by both monomers of the cytokine. Our detailed analysis reveals that the neutralising effect of the antibody occurs by virtue of the steric hindrance of the receptor-binding interface. These findings suggest that functional complementarity between VEGF-B and 2H10 can be harnessed both in analysing the therapeutic potential of VEGF-B and as an antagonist of receptor activation.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase oxidatively cleaves heme to biliverdin, leading to the release of iron and CO through a process in which the heme participates both as a cofactor and as a substrate. Here we report the crystal structure of the product, iron-free biliverdin, in a complex with human HO-1 at 2.19 A. Structural comparisons of the human biliverdin-HO-1 structure with its heme complex and the recently published rat HO-1 structure in a complex with the biliverdin-iron chelate [Sugishima, M., Sakamoto, H., Higashimoto, Y., Noguchi, M., and Fukuyama, K. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 32352-32358] show two major differences. First, in the absence of an Fe-His bond and solvent structure in the active site, the distal and proximal helices relax and adopt an "open" conformation which most likely encourages biliverdin release. Second, iron-free biliverdin occupies a different position and orientation relative to heme and the biliverdin-iron complex. Biliverdin adopts a more linear conformation and moves from the heme site to an internal cavity. These structural results provide insight into the rate-limiting step in HO-1 catalysis, which is product, biliverdin, release.  相似文献   

SB-219383 and its analogues are a class of potent and specific inhibitors of bacterial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases. Crystal structures of these inhibitors have been solved in complex with the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from Staphylococcus aureus, the bacterium that is largely responsible for hospital-acquired infections. The full-length enzyme yielded crystals that diffracted to 2.8 A resolution, but a truncated version of the enzyme allowed the resolution to be extended to 2.2 A. These inhibitors not only occupy the known substrate binding sites in unique ways, but also reveal a butyl binding pocket. It was reported that the Bacillus stearothermophilus TyrRS T51P mutant has much increased catalytic activity. The S. aureus enzyme happens to have a proline at position 51. Therefore, our structures may contribute to the understanding of the catalytic mechanism and provide the structural basis for designing novel antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Recently, several broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bnMAbs) directed to the CD4-binding site (CD4bs) of gp120 have been isolated from HIV-1-positive donors. These include VRC01, 3BNC117, and NIH45-46, all of which are capable of neutralizing about 90% of circulating HIV-1 isolates and all of which induce conformational changes in the HIV-1 gp120 monomer similar to those induced by the CD4 receptor. In this study, we characterize PGV04 (also known as VRC-PG04), a MAb with potency and breadth that rivals those of the prototypic VRC01 and 3BNC117. When screened on a large panel of viruses, the neutralizing profile of PGV04 was distinct from those of CD4, b12, and VRC01. Furthermore, the ability of PGV04 to neutralize pseudovirus containing single alanine substitutions exhibited a pattern distinct from those of the other CD4bs MAbs. In particular, substitutions D279A, I420A, and I423A were found to abrogate PGV04 neutralization. In contrast to VRC01, PGV04 did not enhance the binding of 17b or X5 to their epitopes (the CD4-induced [CD4i] site) in the coreceptor region on the gp120 monomer. Furthermore, in contrast to CD4, none of the anti-CD4bs MAbs induced the expression of the 17b epitope on cell surface-expressed cleaved Env trimers. We conclude that potent CD4bs bnMAbs can display differences in the way they recognize and access the CD4bs and that mimicry of CD4, as assessed by inducing conformational changes in monomeric gp120 that lead to enhanced exposure of the CD4i site, is not uniquely correlated with effective neutralization at the site of CD4 binding on HIV-1.  相似文献   

Checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2), a ser/thr kinase involved in the ATM‐Chk2 checkpoint pathway, is activated by genomic instability and DNA damage and results in either arrest of the cell cycle to allow DNA repair to occur or apoptosis if the DNA damage is severe. Drugs that specifically target Chk2 could be beneficial when administered in combination with current DNA‐damaging agents used in cancer therapy. Recently, a novel inhibitor of Chk2, NSC 109555, was identified that exhibited high potency (IC50 = 240 nM) and selectivity. This compound represents a new chemotype and lead for the development of novel Chk2 inhibitors that could be used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer. To facilitate the discovery of new analogs of NSC 109555 with even greater potency and selectivity, we have solved the crystal structure of this inhibitor in complex with the catalytic domain of Chk2. The structure confirms that the compound is an ATP‐competitive inhibitor, as the electron density clearly reveals that it occupies the ATP‐binding pocket. However, the mode of inhibition differs from that of the previously studied structure of Chk2 in complex with debromohymenialdisine, a compound that inhibits both Chk1 and Chk2. A unique hydrophobic pocket in Chk2, located very close to the bound inhibitor, presents an opportunity for the rational design of compounds with higher binding affinity and greater selectivity.  相似文献   

All models of the RNA world era invoke the presence of ribozymes that can catalyse RNA polymerization. The class I ligase ribozyme selected in vitro 15 years ago from a pool of random RNA sequences catalyses formation of a 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage analogous to a single step of RNA polymerization. Recently, the three-dimensional structure of the ligase was solved in complex with U1A RNA-binding protein and independently in complex with an antibody fragment. The RNA adopts a tripod arrangement and appears to use a two-metal ion mechanism similar to protein polymerases. Here, we discuss structural implications for engineering a true polymerase ribozyme and describe the use of the antibody framework both as a portable chaperone for crystallization of other RNAs and as a platform for exploring steps in evolution from the RNA world to the RNA-protein world.  相似文献   

The CA domain of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag polyprotein plays critical roles in both the early and late phases of viral replication and is therefore an attractive antiviral target. Compounds with antiviral activity were recently identified that bind to the N-terminal domain of CA (CAN) and inhibit capsid assembly during viral maturation. We have determined the structure of the complex between CAN and the antiviral assembly inhibitor N-(3-chloro-4-methylphenyl)-N′-{2-[({5-[(dimethylamino)-methyl]-2-furyl}-methyl)-sulfanyl]ethyl}-urea) (CAP-1) using a combination of NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The protein undergoes a remarkable conformational change upon CAP-1 binding, in which Phe32 is displaced from its buried position in the protein core to open a deep hydrophobic cavity that serves as the ligand binding site. The aromatic ring of CAP-1 inserts into the cavity, with the urea NH groups forming hydrogen bonds with the backbone oxygen of Val59 and the dimethylamonium group interacting with the side-chains of Glu28 and Glu29. Elements that could be exploited to improve binding affinity are apparent in the structure. The displacement of Phe32 by CAP-1 appears to be facilitated by a strained main-chain conformation, which suggests a potential role for a Phe32 conformational switch during normal capsid assembly.  相似文献   

Yang  Jing  Li  Jiazhi  Wang  Jiuyu  Sheng  Gang  Wang  Min  Zhao  Hongtu  Yang  Yanhua  Wang  Yanli 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2020,63(4):516-528
Cas1 is a key component of the CRISPR adaptation complex, which captures and integrates foreign DNA into the CRISPR array,resulting in the generation of new spacers. We have determined crystal structures of Thermus thermophilus Cas1 involved in new spacer acquisition both in complex with branched DNA and in the free state. Cas1 forms an asymmetric dimer without DNA.Conversely, two asymmetrical dimers bound to two branched DNAs result in the formation of a DNA-mediated tetramer, dimer of structurally asymmetrical dimers, in which the two subunits markedly present different conformations. In the DNA binding complex, the N-terminal domain adopts different orientations with respect to the C-terminal domain in the two monomers that form the dimer. Substrate binding triggers a conformational change in the loop 164–177 segment. This loop is also involved in the 3′ fork arm and 5′ fork arm strand recognition in monomer A and B, respectively. This study provides important insights into the molecular mechanism of new spacer adaptation.  相似文献   

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