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It is shown that in nembutal anesthetized cats, a single stimulation of motor cortex (MC) causes a response in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The development of this response had a conditioning effect on the LGN response evoked by stimulation of the contralateral superior colliculus (SC), markedly inhibiting it. The degree of this inhibition depended on the time interval between the cortical conditioning stimulation and the tectal test stimulation. A single conditioning MC stimulation did not noticeably change the LGN responses evoked by a light stimulus, but markedly inhibited visual responses from deep SC layers (those regions which on stimulation gave rise to LGN responses). From the results, it is suggested that the MC monitors the execution of tectal influences on LGN function at the tectal level rather than the geniculate level, and it is precisely by this means that it regulates saccadic suppression of LGN function, in the realization of which, as presumed earlier, the SC takes part.A. I. Karaev Institute of Physiology, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Baku. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 4, July–August 1992.  相似文献   

The effects of ageing on the turnover of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in the lateral geniculate nucleus and the visual cortex were evaluated, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. Compared to adult animals, aged rats showed more changes in the visual cortex than in the lateral geniculate nucleus, with dopamine turnover decreased in both structures and noradrenaline turnover unaltered. Changes in serotonin turnover were witnessed only in the visual cortex. A decrease in the monoamine oxidase-A to -B ratio was also observed with increased age for both the lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins strongly affect visual system development and plasticity. However, the mode of delivery and targets of neurotrophin action are still under debate. For instance, cortical NT-4/5 (neurotrophin 4/5; Ntf4/5) was shown to rescue lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) neurons from monocular deprivation-induced atrophy suggesting a retrograde action on thalamic afferents. It is still unclear whether LGN neurons respond to NT-4/5 and other neurotrophins during development in animals with normal vision. We now show that infusions of NT-4/5 and NGF (nerve growth factor) into visual cortex at the onset and the peak of the critical period accelerated LGN neuron growth. BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) was ineffective. The effects of neurotrophin on LGN development were clearly dissociated from the effects at cortical level because soma growth of cortical layer IV and VI neurons was strongly promoted by BDNF. NT-4/5 was only effective at the onset, but no longer at the peak of the critical period suggesting a switch in neurotrophin dependency for these cortical cell classes. To dissociate retrograde and anterograde effects of the TrkB ligands, we analyzed the stratum griseum superficiale (SGS) of the superior colliculus, a target of visual cortical efferents. Indeed, TrkB-expressing inhibitory SGS neurons responded to cortical NT-4/5 infusion with somatic growth. Strikingly, the TrkB-expressing excitatory tectothalamic calbindin neurons in the SGS did not respond. This demonstrated for the first time a selective cell type-specific anterograde action of NT-4/5 and suggested for the LGN that anterograde as well as retrograde effects contribute to soma size regulation. Strikingly, cortical infusion of the cytokine LIF, which affects development of visual cortex neurochemical architecture, transiently inhibited growth of neurons in LGN, cortical layer IV and VI and SGS. In summary, the study presents three important results. First, central neurons regulate soma size development in an age-and ligand-specific fashion. Second, NT-4/5 and NGF accelerate LGN development in rats with normal vision while LIF delays growth. Third, anterogradely transported NT-4/5 effectively promotes neuronal maturation. These differential actions on subcortical neurons may contribute to the different effects of neurotrophins on visual system development and plasticity.  相似文献   

Moore BD  Kiley CW  Sun C  Usrey WM 《Neuron》2011,71(5):812-819
Compared to the developing visual system, where neuronal plasticity has been well characterized at multiple levels, little is known about plasticity in the adult, particularly within subcortical structures. We made intraocular injections of 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB) in adult cats to block visual responses in On-center retinal ganglion cells and examined the consequences on visual responses in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus. In contrast to current views of retinogeniculate organization, which hold that On-center LGN neurons should become silent with APB, we find that ~50% of On-center neurons rapidly develop Off-center responses. The time course of these emergent responses and the actions of APB in the retina indicate the plasticity occurs within the LGN. These results suggest there is greater divergence of retinogeniculate connections than previously recognized and that functionally silent, nonspecific retinal inputs can serve as a substrate for rapid plasticity in the adult.  相似文献   

Reppas JB  Usrey WM  Reid RC 《Neuron》2002,35(5):961-974
We studied the effects of saccadic eye movements on visual signaling in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), the earliest stage of central visual processing. Visual responses were probed with spatially uniform flickering stimuli, so that retinal processing was uninfluenced by eye movements. Nonetheless, saccades had diverse effects, altering not only response strength but also the temporal and chromatic properties of the receptive field. Of these changes, the most prominent was a biphasic modulation of response strength, weak suppression followed by strong enhancement. Saccadic modulation was widespread, and affected both of the major processing streams in the LGN. Our results demonstrate that during natural viewing, thalamic response properties can vary dramatically, even over the course of a single fixation.  相似文献   

An ultransensitive triple-column ion-exchange/fluorometric method was utilized to measure the levels of over 30 amino acids and related primary amino compounds in Long-Evans rat superior colliculus (SC), visual cortex (VC) and inferior colliculus (IC). Comparison of levels of amino compounds revealed distinctly different profiles for each region. Major constituents were the neurotransmitters and related compounds glutamate, glutamine, GABA, taurine, aspartate and glycine. Glutathione levels were also relatively high in all three regions. SC exhibited a significantly higher level of GABA and -alanine compared to both VC and IC. VC had significantly higher levels of glutamate and taurine. VC exhibited the lowest level of glycine and IC the highest. A time-course experiment using SC documented that levels of eleven of thirty-four compounds, including GABA, were subject to significant postmortem alteration in vitro. SC GABA stability experiments indicated that significant in vitro increases of free GABA levels between 1 and 4 min postmortem were associated with equimolar decreases of conjugated GABA levels.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic organization of the pars lateralis portion of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus is similar to that of other thalamic nuclei. There are four types of synaptic knobs (RL, RS, F1, F2). RL knobs are large and irregularly shaped, contain round synaptic vesicles and make multiple asymmetrical junctions. They are found primarily in synaptic islands making contact with gemmules, spines, small dendrites, and other synaptic profiles containing pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles (F2). Smaller RS knobs contain round vesicles and make asymmetrical junctions with the same type of elements as RL knobs, with the exception of the F2 profiles, but are seldom found in synaptic islands. F1 knobs contain flattened synaptic vesicles and form symmetrical junctions with F2 knobs, gemmules, spines, and small-medium dendrites in synaptic islands, throughout the neuropil, and on the proximal dendrites and soma of the largest type of neuron. F2 knobs are irregularly shaped, contain pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles and make symmetrical junctions primarily with gemmules and spines in synaptic islands. They are postsynaptic to RL and F1 knobs. Occipital decortication indicates that cortical terminals are of the RS type. Bilateral enucleation indicates that retinal terminals are of both the RL and RS type. The large amount of geographic overlap of retinal and cortical terminals on gemmules, spines, and small dendrites found in the neuropil outside of synaptic islands logically would maximize axonal sprouting between these two sources.We would like to thank Mr. Peter Rossetti for his excellent technical assistance on a major portion of this project, Ms. Judith Strauss for photographic assistance, and Ms. Nancy Wood for typing. Supported by grants NS 10579, NS 08724, 5 S01 RR 05402, and 2 T01 GM 00326  相似文献   

The receptive fields of cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) are shaped by their diverse set of impinging inputs: feedforward synaptic inputs stemming from retina, and feedback inputs stemming from the visual cortex and the thalamic reticular nucleus. To probe the possible roles of these feedforward and feedback inputs in shaping the temporal receptive-field structure of LGN relay cells, we here present and investigate a minimal mechanistic firing-rate model tailored to elucidate their disparate features. The model for LGN relay ON cells includes feedforward excitation and inhibition (via interneurons) from retinal ON cells and excitatory and inhibitory (via thalamic reticular nucleus cells and interneurons) feedback from cortical ON and OFF cells. From a general firing-rate model formulated in terms of Volterra integral equations, we derive a single delay differential equation with absolute delay governing the dynamics of the system. A freely available and easy-to-use GUI-based MATLAB version of this minimal mechanistic LGN circuit model is provided. We particularly investigate the LGN relay-cell impulse response and find through thorough explorations of the model’s parameter space that both purely feedforward models and feedback models with feedforward excitation only, can account quantitatively for previously reported experimental results. We find, however, that the purely feedforward model predicts two impulse response measures, the time to first peak and the biphasic index (measuring the relative weight of the rebound phase) to be anticorrelated. In contrast, the models with feedback predict different correlations between these two measures. This suggests an experimental test assessing the relative importance of feedforward and feedback connections in shaping the impulse response of LGN relay cells.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out with the aim to observe whether, in the rat, the electric activation of the projection form the cerebellar lateral nucleus (LN) to the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN) and to the reticulotegmental nucleus (RtTg) is capable to induce the c-Fos expression. In particular, we compared the effects of a continuous LN stimulation at low-frequency (tonic stimulation) with those induced by high frequency pulse trains (phasic stimulation). The observed results show that the stimulation of LN induces c-Fos expression in a significant fraction of neurons in the contralateral BPN and RtTg. It was also observed that phasic stimulation was slightly more capable in producing c-Fos expression with respect to the tonic stimulation. Furthermore, systemic injection of MK-801, a non-competitive antagonist of the NMDA receptor, reduced the LN-induced c-Fos expression in BPN and RtTg. In contrast, GYKI 52466, an AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist, did not change the LN driven induction of c-Fos in both BPN and RtTg.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on anesthetized cats it was shown that a single stimulation of the ocular muscles leads to unambiguous changes in the formation of the negative and positive components of the evoked response of the lateral geniculate nucleus to the presentation of a light stimulus. It was established that the nature of the muscular influences on the formation of these components of the evoked response of the lateral geniculate nucleus depends on the interval between conditioning muscular and test light stimuli.A. I. Karaev Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaidzhan Republic, Baku. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 451–455, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on rats it was shown that stimulation of the superior colliculus [correction of upper bimounding] leads to the formation in the contralateral lateral geniculate [correction of external geniculated] body of a colliculus-geniculate response. The nature of the changes in a considerable degree is determined by the fact, to which neurones of the lateral geniculate [correction of external geniculated] body, the effect of contralateral superior colliculus [correction of upper bimounding] is addressed.  相似文献   

Spike responses of single neurons in the primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate body to random presentation of local photic stimuli in different parts of the receptive field of the cell were studied in acute experiments on curarized cats. Series of maps of receptive fields with time interval of 20 msec obtained by computer enabled the dynamics of the excitatory and inhibitory zones of the field to be assessed during development of on- and off-responses to flashes. Receptive fields of all cortical and lateral geniculate body neurons tested were found to undergo regular dynamic reorganization both after the beginning and after the end of action of the photic stimulus. During the latent period of the response no receptive field was found in the part of the visual field tested, but later a small zone of weak responses appeared only in the center of the field. Gradually (most commonly toward 60–100 msec after application of the stimulus) the zone of the responses widened to its limit, after which the recorded field began to shrink, ending with complete disappearance or disintegration into separate fragments. If two bursts of spikes were generated in response to stimulation, during the second burst the receptive field of the neuron changed in the same way. The effects described were clearly exhibited if the level of background illumination, the intensity of the test bars, their contrast with the background, duration, angles subtended, and orientation were varied, although the rate and degree of reorganization of the receptive field in this case changed significantly. The functional importance of the effect for coding of information about the features of a signal by visual cortical neurons is discussed.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 622–630, November–December, 1982.  相似文献   

Alitto HJ  Usrey WM 《Neuron》2008,57(1):135-146
In addition to the classical, center/surround receptive field of neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), there is an extraclassical, nonlinear surround that can strongly suppress LGN responses. This form of suppression likely plays an important role in adjusting the gain of LGN responses to visual stimuli. We performed experiments in alert and anesthetized macaque monkies to quantify extraclassical suppression in the LGN and determine the roles of feedforward and feedback pathways in the generation of LGN suppression. Results show that suppression is significantly stronger among magnocellular neurons than parvocellular neurons and that suppression arises too quickly for involvement from cortical feedback. Furthermore, the amount of suppression supplied by the retina is not significantly different from that in the LGN. These results indicate that extraclassical suppression in the macaque LGN relies on feedforward mechanisms and suggest that suppression in the cortex likely includes a component established in the retina.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of tectal projections of two visual areas of the superior temporal sulcus (MT and MST areas) has been studied, in five Macaca fascicularis, by means of the autoradiographic method tracing the anterograde transport of tritiated aminoacids intracortically injected. 2. In all cases the ipsilateral superior colliculi (SC) were found labelled, whereas the contralateral ones were devoid of label. 3. The three brains injected in the MT area resulted in SC labels that involved the superficial gray layer (SGS), the stratum opticum (SO) and the intermediate gray layer (SGI), sparing the layers below SGI. 4. The collicular labels found after injections within the MST area exhibited their distribution over the deep SC subdivision, whereas they spared all the superficial layers but the deep part of the SO. 5. In two animals with large uptake zones, one in MT and the other in MST, the labelling within the SGI showed a cluster-like pattern. 6. The distinct found bulk of projections of MT and MST respectively to the superficial and deep subdivisions of the SC, along with a number of peculiar connections of the MST area as mentioned in the text, contribute to depict an overall neural network in which MST appears to be more strongly involved than MT in linking sensory visual with oculomotor attentive functions.  相似文献   

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