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Aplysia limacina myoglobin lacks the distal histidine (His (E7)) and displays a ligand stabilization mechanism based on Arg(E10). The double mutant Val(E7)His-Arg(E10)Thr has been prepared to engineer the role of His(E7), typical of mammalian myoglobins, in a different globin framework. The 2.0 A crystal structure of Val(E7)His-Arg(E10)Thr met-Mb mutant reveals that the His(E7) side chain points out of the distal pocket, providing an explanation for the observed failure to stabilize the Fe(II) bound oxygen in the ferrous myoglobin. Moreover, spectroscopic analysis together with kinetic data on azide binding to met-myoglobin are reported and discussed in terms of the presence of a water molecule at coordination distance from the heme iron.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide and dioxygen were employed as resonance Raman-visible ligands for probing the nature of the heme-binding site in elephant myoglobin, which has glutamine in the distal position (E7) instead of the usual histidine. The distal histidine (E7) residue has been thought to be responsible for weakening carbon monoxide binding to hemoproteins. It is of interest to see how the His(E7)----Gln replacement affects such parameters as nu(Fe-N epsilon), nu(Fe-CO), delta(Fe-C-O), nu(C-O), delta(Fe-O-O), and nu(O-O) vibrational frequencies and relative intensities. Elephant myoglobin has a CO affinity approximately 6 times higher than that for human/sperm whale myoglobin (Mb). If this enhanced affinity were solely due to the removal of some of the steric hindrance that normally tilts the CO off the heme axis, one would expect the nu(Fe-CO) frequency to decrease and the nu(C-O) frequency to increase relative to the corresponding values in sperm whale Mb. However, the opposite was found. In addition, strong enhancement of the Fe-C-O bending mode was observed. These results suggest that the Fe-C-O linkage remains distorted. In elephant Mb, new interactions resulting from the conformational change accompanying ligand binding may be responsible for the increased CO binding. Similar spectra were obtained for elephant and sperm whale oxymyoglobin. This suggests that the interactions of bound O2 are not markedly affected by the glutamine replacement.  相似文献   

J Ramsden  T G Spiro 《Biochemistry》1989,28(8):3125-3128
The resonance Raman band assigned to Fe--CO stretching in the sperm whale myoglobin CO adduct shifts from 507 cm-1 at neutral pH to 488 cm-1 at low pH, in concert with a shift of the C-O stretching infrared band from 1947 to 1967 cm-1 (Fuchsman & Appleby, 1979), while the 575-cm-1 Fe-C-O bending RR band loses intensity. The pKa that characterizes these changes is approximately 4.4. The vibrational frequencies at low pH are well modeled by the protein-free CO, imidazole adduct of protoheme in a nonpolar solvent while those at high pH are modeled by the adduct of a heme with a covalent strap (Yu et al., 1983) which inhibits upright CO binding. It is inferred that the Fe-C-O unit changes from a tilted to an upright geometry when the distal histidine is protonated, because its side chain swings out of the heme pocket due to electrostatic repulsion with a nearby arginine residue. A different protonation step (pKa = 5.7), which has been shown to modulate the CO rebinding kinetics (Doster et al., 1982) as well as the optical spectrum (Fuchsman & Appleby, 1979), is suggested to involve a global structure change associated with protonation of histidine residues distant from the heme.  相似文献   

I Morishima  Y Shiro  S Adachi  Y Yano  Y Orii 《Biochemistry》1989,28(19):7582-7586
The kinetics of carbon monoxide (CO) binding to myoglobin (Mb) modified at the distal histidine (His) by cyanogen bromide (BrCN) has been studied. The CO association and dissociation rates of BrCN-modified Mb were obtained as 1.8 x 10(3) M-1 s-1 and 0.13 s-1, respectively (20 degrees C and pH 7.0). Thermodynamic parameters were obtained as well. These values are notable, compared with those for other hemoproteins, the slowest association and the fastest dissociation rates among various hemoproteins examined so far. On the basis of the available structural data obtained from the absorption, 1H NMR, and IR spectral measurements, these unique kinetic and thermodynamic properties were reasonably explained in terms of the steric restriction at the modified distal side.  相似文献   

Phenomena occurring in the heme pocket after photolysis of carbonmonoxymyoglobin (MbCO) below about 100 K are investigated using temperature-derivative spectroscopy of the infrared absorption bands of CO. MbCO exists in three conformations (A substrates) that are distinguished by the stretch bands of the bound CO. We establish connections among the A substates and the substates of the photoproduct (B substates) using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy together with kinetic experiments on MbCO solution samples at different pH and on orthorhombic crystals. There is no one-to-one mapping between the A and B substates; in some cases, more than one B substate corresponds to a particular A substate. Rebinding is not simply a reversal of dissociation; transitions between B substates occur before rebinding. We measure the nonequilibrium populations of the B substates after photolysis below 25 K and determine the kinetics of B substate transitions leading to equilibrium. Transitions between B substates occur even at 4 K, whereas those between A substates have only been observed above about 160 K. The transitions between the B substates are nonexponential in time, providing evidence for a distribution of substates. The temperature dependence of the B substate transitions implies that they occur mainly by quantum-mechanical tunneling below 10 K. Taken together, the observations suggest that the transitions between the B substates within the same A substate reflect motions of the CO in the heme pocket and not conformational changes. Geminate rebinding of CO to Mb, monitored in the Soret band, depends on pH. Observation of geminate rebinding to the A substates in the infrared indicates that the pH dependence results from a population shift among the substates and not from a change of the rebinding to an individual A substate.  相似文献   

N Agmon  W Doster    F Post 《Biophysical journal》1994,66(5):1612-1622
Heme proteins react inhomogeneously with ligands at cryogenic temperatures and homogeneously at room temperature. We have identified and characterized a transition from inhomogeneous to homogeneous behavior at intermediate temperatures in the time dependence of CO binding to horse myoglobin. The turnover is attributed to a functionally important tertiary protein relaxation process during which the barrier increases dynamically. This is verified by a combination of theory and multipulse measurements. A likely biological significance of this effect is in the autocatalysis of the ligand release process.  相似文献   

The accessibility of the s4U base in native tRNAVal from E.coli was monitored by studying the binding of various mercurials. The relative binding order HgBr2[unk]HgCl2CH3HgOAc[unk]CH3HgCl[unk]PCMB parallels approximately the steric requirements of linear HgX2 or RHgX compounds for SN2 displacement by sulfur, although other factors are operative. Para-chloromercuri-benzoate (PCMB) does not bind the thiolated nucleotide unless the tertiary structure of the tRNA is opened up by removal of Mg2+ ions and heating to 40°. Under these conditions, equilibrium dialysis measurements using 14C-labeled PCMB showed one binding site (n = 0.93) with an association constant, K1, of 9 × 104M−1.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific 2D methodology has been used to assign the 1H NMR signals for all active site residues in the paramagnetic cyano-met complexes of sperm whale synthetic double mutant His64[E7]-->Val/Thr67[E10]-->Arg (VR-met-MbCN) and triple mutant His64[E7]-->Val/Thr67[E10]-->Arg/Arg45[CD3]-->Asn (VRN-metMbCN). The resulting dipolar shifts for noncoordinated proximal side residues were used to quantitatively determine the orientation of the paramagnetic susceptibility tensor in the molecular framework for the two mutants, which were found indistinguishable but distinct from those of both wild-type and the His64[E7]-->Val single point mutant (V-metMbCN). The observed dipolar shifts for the E helix backbone protons and Phe43[CD1], together with steady-state nuclear Overhauser effect between the E helix and the heme, were analyzed to show that both the E helix and Phe43[CD1] move slightly closer to the iron to minimize the vacancy resulting from the His64[E7]-->Val substitution, as found in V-metMbCN (Rajarathnam, K., J. Qin, G.N. LaMar, M. L. Chiu, and S. G. Sligar. 1993. Biochemistry. 32:5670-5680). The dipolar shifts of the mutated Val64[E7] and Arg67[E10] allow the determination of their orientations relative to the heme, and the latter residue is shown to insert into the pocket and provide a hydrogen bond to the coordinated ligand, as found in the naturally occurring ValE7/ArgE10 genetic variant, Aplysia limacina Mb. The oxy-complex of both A. limacina Mb and VR-Mb, VRN-Mb have been proposed to be stabilized by this hydrogen bonding interaction (Travaglini Allocatelli, C. et al. 1993. Biochemistry. 32:6041-6049). The magnitude of the tilt of the major magnetic axes from the heme normal in VR-metMbCN and VRN-metMbCN, which is related to the tilt of the ligand, is the same as in wild-type or V-metMbCN, but the direction of tilt is altered from that in V-metMbCN. It is concluded that the change in the direction of the ligand tilt in both the double and triple mutants, as compared to WT metMbCN and V-metMbCN single mutant, is due to the attractive hydrogen-bonding between ArgE10 and the bound cyanide.  相似文献   

Association and dissociation rate constants were measured for O2, CO, and alkyl isocyanide binding to a set of genetically engineered sperm whale myoglobins with site-specific mutations at residue 64 (the E7 helical position). Native His was replaced by Gly, Val, Leu, Met, Phe, Gln, Arg, and Asp using the synthetic gene and expression system developed by Springer and Sligar (Springer, B. A., and Sligar, S. G. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 8961-8965). The His64----Gly substitution produced a sterically unhindered myoglobin that exhibited ligand binding parameters similar to those of chelated protoheme suspended in soap micelles. The order of the association rate constants for isocyanide binding to the mutant myoglobins was Gly64 (approximately 10(7) M-1 s-1) much greater than Val64 approximately Leu64 (approximately 10(6) M-1 s-1) greater than Met64 greater than Phe64 approximately His64 approximately Gln64 (10(5)-10(3) M-1 s-1) and indicates that the barrier to isocyanide entry into the distal pocket is primarily steric in nature. The bimolecular rates of methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, and n-butyl isocyanide binding to the His64----Arg and His64----Asp mutants were abnormally high (1-5 x 10(6) M-1 s-1), suggesting that Arg64 and Asp64 adopt conformations with the charged side chains pointing out toward the solvent creating a less hindered pathway for ligand binding. In contrast to the isocyanide data, the association rate constants for O2 and CO binding exhibited little dependence on the size of the E7 side chain. The values for all the mutants except His64----Gln approached or were larger than those for chelated model heme (i.e. approximately 1 x 10(8) M-1 s-1 for O2 and approximately 1 x 10(7) M-1 s-1 for CO), whereas the corresponding rate parameters for myoglobin containing either Gln64 or His64 were 5- to 10-fold smaller. This result suggests that a major kinetic barrier for O2 and CO binding to native myoglobin may involve disruption of polar interactions between His64 and water molecules found in the distal pocket of deoxymyoglobin. Finally, the rate and equilibrium parameters for O2 and CO binding to the His64----Gln, His64----Val, and His64----Leu mutants were compared to those reported previously for Asian elephant myoglobin (Gln-E7), Aplysia limacina myoglobin (Val-E7), and monomeric Hb II from Glycera dibranchiata (Leu-E7).  相似文献   

H Prinz  A Maelicke 《Biochemistry》1992,31(29):6728-6738
We have studied by means of equilibrium binding and kinetic experiments the interaction of the membrane-bound nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nACHR) from Torpedo marmorata with [3H]acetylcholine and the fluorescent agonist NBD-5-acylcholine. In agreement with previous studies by others, we observed the preexistence, in the absence of ligand, of an equilibrium between two states of the nAChR, one with high affinity and the other with low affinity for agonist. As additional requirements for a minimal reaction scheme, we recognized (i) the existence of two ligand-binding sites, each of which may exist in two conformational states when occupied, and (ii) ligand-induced transitions between these conformations. Employing a special form of the allosteric model which considers these requirements, we then developed a suitable algorithm in order to simultaneously fit the whole set of equilibrium binding and kinetic data obtained for the two ligands. In this way we determined for a minimal model of the mechanism of action of the nAChR the complete set of rate constants and KD values involved. With these values available, we were able to simulate the rise and fall in the concentrations of individual receptor-ligand complexes and conformations occurring in the course of excitatory events at the electrocyte synapse. The membrane environment of the nAChR plays a decisive role with respect to the rates of conformational change of the nAChR occurring in the course of ligand interaction. Thus, artificial changes in membrane structure and composition can speed up by several orders of magnitude the rate of conformational change ("desensitization"). A proper structure of the surrounding membrane hence is a prerequisite for the physiological function of the membrane-embedded nAChR.  相似文献   

E. coli RNA polymerase was selectively labelled in the presence of promoters at a histidine residue of the beta-subunit by treatment with GDP beta-imidazolide and then with [alpha-32P]UTP (or [alpha-33P]UTP). Partial cyanogen bromide cleavage of the labelled polypeptide afforded a series of "single-hit" labelled peptides, the electrophoretic pattern of which suggested that the labelling site was His1237. This conclusion was confirmed by a similar pattern obtained with products of the cyanogen bromide cleavage of a radioactive peptide obtained by the limited trypsinolysis (C-terminal peptide consisting of 423 amino acid residues). Interpretation of our earlier results in favour of His1116 as the labelling point (Dokl. Acad. nauk SSSR, 1985, v. 281, p. 723) was incorrect due to the electrophoretic "compression" of three labelled peptide bands.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the fluoride derivative of Aplysia limacina ferric myoglobin has been solved and refined at 2.0 A resolution; the crystallographic R-factor is 13.6%. The fluoride ion binds to the sixth co-ordination position of the heme iron, 2.2 A from the metal. Binding of the negatively charged ligand on the distal side of the heme pocket of this myoglobin, which lacks the distal His, is associated with a network of hydrogen bonds that includes the fluoride ion, the residue Arg66 (E10), the heme propionate III, three ordered water molecules and backbone or side-chain atoms from the CD region. A comparison of fluoride and oxygen dissociation rate constants of A. limacina myoglobin, sperm whale (Physeter catodon) myoglobin and Glycera dibranchiata monomeric hemoglobin, suggests that the conformational readjustment of Arg66 (E10) in A. limacina myoglobin may represent the molecular basis for ligand stabilization, in the absence of a hydrogen-bond donor residue at the distal E7 position.  相似文献   

Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy has been utilized to characterize the change in coordination structure in native ferric sperm whale myoglobin upon cyanogen bromide-modification. Comparison of the MCD properties of the ferric high-spin state of cyanogen bromide-modified myoglobin (BrCN-Mb) with those of native ferric horseradish peroxidase and Aplysia myoglobin suggests that ferric BrCN-Mb is a potential MCD model for the pentacoordinate state of ferric high-spin histidine-ligated heme proteins. These five-coordinate heme proteins afford a relatively weak and unsymmetric signal in the Soret region of the MCD spectrum. In contrast, native ferric myoglobin and the benzohydroxamic acid adduct of ferric horseradish peroxidase show a strong and symmetric derivative-shaped Soret MCD signal which is indicative of hexacoordination with water and histidine axial ligands. Therefore it seems that MCD spectroscopy could be used to probe the presence of water ligated to the distal side of ferric high-spin heme proteins. The MCD spectra of the ferric-azide, ferrous-deoxy and ferrous-CO forms of BrCN-Mb have also been measured and compared to those of analogous native myoglobin complexes. The present MCD study has been extended to include new ligands, NO, thiocyanate and cyanate, which bind to ferric BrCN-Mb. With exogenous ligands such as CO, NO and thiocyanate, the coordination structures of the BrCN-Mb complexes are similar to those of the respective native myoglobin adducts. In the case of ferrous-deoxy and ferric-cyanate BrCN-Mb, however, the altered MCD spectra (and EPR for the latter) reveal changes in electronic structure which likely correlate with alterations of the coordination environment of these BrCN-Mb derivatives. Data are also presented which support the proposed tetrazole-bound structure for azide-treated BrCN-Mb (Hori, H., Fujii, M., Shiro, Y., Iizuka, T., Adachi, S. and Morishima, I. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5715-5719) and the inability of the distal histidine of BrCN-Mb to stabilize the ferric ligand-bound state.  相似文献   

Asn and Gln with an amide group at gamma- and delta-positions, respectively, were substituted for distal His-E7 of bovine myoglobin to establish a system where hydrogen bonding interaction between the distal residue and bound-ligand can be altered by changing donor-acceptor distance. Two mutant myoglobins showed nearly identical (1)H-NMR spectral pattern for resolved heme peripheral side-chain and amino acid proton signals and similar two-dimensional NMR connectivities irrespective of cyanide-bound and -unbound states, indicating that the heme electronic structure and the molecular structure of the active site are not affected by a difference in one methylene group at the E7 position. Chemical exchange rate of Asn-E7 N(delta)H proton in met-cyano myoglobin is larger than that of Gln-E7 N(epsilon)H proton by at least two orders of magnitude, suggesting a considerable difference in the strength of hydrogen bond between the E7 side-chain and bound-ligand, due to the differential donor-acceptor distance between the two mutants. Thus a comparative study between the two proteins provides an ideal system to delineate a relationship between the stabilization of bound-ligand by the hydrogen bond and myoglobin's ligand affinity. The Asn-mutant showed a faster dissociation of cyano ion from met-myoglobin than the Gln-mutant by over 30-fold. Similarly, oxygen dissociation is faster in the Asn-mutant than in the Gln-mutant by approximately 100-fold. Association of cyanide anion to the mutant met-myoglobin was accelerated by changing Gln to Asn by a 4-fold. Likewise, oxygen binding was accelerated by approximately 2-fold by the above substitution. The present findings confirm that hydrogen bonding with the distal residue is a dominant factor for determining the ligand dissociation rate, whereas steric hindrance exerted by the distal residue is a primary determinant for the ligand association.  相似文献   

The effect of imperatoxin A (IpTx(a)) on the ryanodine receptor type 3 (RyR3) was studied. IpTx(a) stimulates [(3)H]ryanodine binding to RyR3-containing microsomes, but this effect requires toxin concentrations higher than those required to stimulate RyR1 channels. The effect of IpTx(a) on RyR3 channels was observed at calcium concentrations in the range 0.1 microM to 10 mM. By contrast, RyR2 channels were not significantly affected by IpTx(a) in the same calcium ranges. Single channel current measurements indicated that IpTx(a) induced subconductance state in RyR3 channels that was similar to those observed with RyR1 and RyR2 channels. These results indicate that IpTx(a) is capable of inducing similar subconductance states in all three RyR isoforms, while stimulation of [(3)H]ryanodine binding by this toxin results in isoform-specific responses, with RyR1 being the most sensitive channel, RyR3 displaying an intermediate response and RyR2 the least responsive ones.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis studies have confirmed that the distal histidine in myoglobin stabilizes bound O2 by hydrogen bonding and have suggested that it is the polar character of the imidazole side chain rather than its size that limits the rate of ligand entry into the protein. We constructed an isosteric Val68 to Thr replacement in pig myoglobin (i) to investigate whether the O2 affinity could be increased by the introduction of a second hydrogen-bonding group into the distal heme pocket and (ii) to examine the influence of polarity on the ligand binding rates more rigorously. The 1.9-A crystal structure of Thr68 aquometmyoglobin confirms that the mutant and wild-type proteins are essentially isostructural and reveals that the beta-OH group of Thr68 is in a position to form hydrogen-bonding interactions both with the coordinated water molecule and with the main chain greater than C=O of residue 64. The rate of azide binding to the ferric form of the Thr68 mutant was 60-fold lower than that for the wild-type protein, consistent with the proposed stabilization of the coordinated water molecule. However, bound O2 is destabilized in the ferrous form of the mutant protein. The observed 17-fold lowering of the O2 affinity may be a consequence of the hydrogen-bonding interaction made between the Thr68 beta-OH group and the carbonyl oxygen of residue 64. Overall association rate constants for O2, NO, and alkyl isocyanide binding to ferrous pig myoglobin were 3-10-fold lower for the mutant compared to the wild-type protein, whereas that for CO binding was little affected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S Adachi  I Morishima 《Biochemistry》1992,31(36):8613-8618
The mechanism of N-tetrazole ring formation at the distal histidyl imidazole of sperm whale myoglobin (Mb) has been studied by nitrogen-15 (15N) NMR spectroscopy by utilizing 15N-labeled cyanogen bromide (BrCN) and azide ion (N3-). The 15N-NMR spectrum of BrC15N-modified Mb + N3- afforded two hyperfine-shifted 15N resonances, both of which are identical with the resonance positions of two of the three 15N resonances for BrCN-modified Mb + 15NN2-. This unusual spectral feature is due to the formation of the N-tetrazole ring attached to the distal histidyl imidazole and the scrambling of the labeled nitrogen originated from N3- or BrCN over the tetrazole ring upon coordination to the ferric heme iron. The ferric iron-bound N-tetrazole ring comes off upon reduction to the ferrous state, and the stable CO complex of tetrazole-modified Mb (tetrazole-Mb) is formed. Electronic absorption and 1H-NMR spectra of deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms of tetrazole-Mb are slightly altered from those of native Mb by the modification, while the most significant effect is exerted on the C-O stretching frequency of iron-bound CO. The C-O stretching band for tetrazole-MbCO is observed at 1966 cm-1 in contrast to 1945 cm-1 for native MbCO, suggesting that the geometry of iron-bound CO in tetrazole-Mb is relatively upright which is characteristic of the "open" conformer. This result corresponds to the 15-fold increase of the CO association rate constant by the N-tetrazole modification of the distal His. The oxy form of tetrazole-Mb is readily autoxidized to its ferric state, indicating that hydrogen bonding between the distal His and iron-bound oxygen is essential for stable O2 binding to the heme iron.  相似文献   

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