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High concentration (1.0 M) of KSCN, but not of NaSCN, induced lysis of slightly halophilic Vibrio alginolyticus and moderately halophilic Vibrio costicolus, and the decrease in absorbance of the cell suspension was complete after 30 min at 25 degrees C. Replacement of K+ with Na+ effectively prevented the lysis by SCN-.K+ salts of NO3-, Br- and I-, however, induced no significant lysis. In electron micrographs, a prolonged exposure of the cells of V. alginolyticus to 1.0 M KSCN displaced the nucleoplasm to maintain close contact with the cell membranes. After 40 min of interaction, 50% of the cellular protein, 96% of RNA and 94% of DNA were recovered in the lysed cells. In contrast to lysis in hypotonic conditions, the lysis induced by KSCN is due mainly to a partial release of protein from the cells. V. costicolus was more susceptible to SCN- than V. alginolyticus, whereas nonhalophilic Escherichia coli was resistant to 1.0 M KSCN. Thus, lysis by SCN- is characteristic of halophilic bacteria and cell membranes of more halophilic bacteria are more susceptible to chaotropic anions. The protective effect of Na+ observed here was considered to be manifested by specific interactions of Na+ with components of cell membranes, thereby rendering their structures resistant to the action of chaotropic anions.  相似文献   

[背景] 溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)能够感染鱼、虾、贝等海洋经济动物,给海水养殖业带来了严重的经济损失,对公众健康及食品安全也构成较大威胁。[目的] 通过研究乌梅(Fructus mume)对溶藻弧菌的抑菌效应及其机理,为乌梅在水产养殖中的进一步开发利用提供理论依据。[方法] 采用试管二倍稀释法测定乌梅提取物(Fructus mume Extract,FME)对溶藻弧菌的最小抑菌浓度(Minimal Inhibitory Concentration,MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(Minimum Bactericidal Concentration,MBC),电导率仪检测溶藻弧菌的相对电导率,分光光度法分析溶藻弧菌的核酸泄露和呼吸链脱氢酶活性及生物膜抑制率,蛋白质电泳检测溶藻弧菌的蛋白质合成情况,扫描电子显微镜观察溶藻弧菌的亚显微结构。[结果] 乌梅提取物对溶藻弧菌的MIC和MBC分别为1.953 mg/mL和3.906 mg/mL;乌梅提取物显著增加了溶藻弧菌的相对电导率和核酸泄露,明显降低了溶藻弧菌蛋白质的合成能力,对于弧菌的亚显微形态产生了较大影响。同时乌梅提取物显著抑制了溶藻弧菌生物膜的形成和呼吸链脱氢酶的活性。[结论] 乌梅提取物通过增加溶藻弧菌细胞膜通透性及显著抑制生物膜的生成、呼吸链脱氢酶活性及蛋白质的合成,实现抑制及杀灭溶藻弧菌的目的。  相似文献   

随机采集江苏省各地区的超市和农贸市场鲜活水产样品252份,参考国家标准中副溶血性弧菌的检验方法,采用形态特征观察、生化特性测定并结合特异性基因测定的方法对溶藻弧菌进行分离鉴定。结果显示,252份样品中共有198份分离鉴定出溶藻弧菌,其分离率为79%。其中,淡水产品的检出率为76%,海水产品的检出率为81%。淡水鱼中的溶藻弧菌检出率低于淡水虾贝类产品和海水产品;沿江地区的又高于沿海地区和内陆地区,农贸市场的高于超市。结果表明,海水产品与淡水产品中溶藻弧菌的携带情况非常普遍。  相似文献   

为研究溶藻弧菌Ⅲ型分泌系统VcrV基因的功能和生物学特性,采用同源重组技术成功构建了溶藻弧菌缺失株ΔVcrV,并用PCR检测其遗传稳定性。结果显示,缺失株遗传稳定;与野生株相比,生长和自凝集能力无显著变化;但生物膜形成能力降低,半致死剂量升高16.5倍;游动性和涌动性极显著升高,细胞粘附能力极显著降低(P<0.01),对H2O2和NaCl的耐受性降低;对头孢呋辛、麦迪霉素、克林霉素抗生素敏感度上升,对丁胺卡那、多粘菌素B抗生素敏感度降低;活性氧含量极显著降低(P<0.01),脯氨酸、肽聚糖、β-内酰胺酶、过氧化氢酶、超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶指标均极显著升高(P<0.01)。缺失株生物学特性表明,VcrV基因参与溶藻弧菌Ⅲ型分泌系统性的致病性和多种生物学功能。  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the basal bodies of the Vibrio albinolyticus flagellum revealed a four-disc structure. The diameters of the two discs localized closer to the cytoplasmic membrane proved to be about 2-fold shorter than those of the two others. In this respect the basal body of V. alginolyticus resembles very much that of V. cholerae described by Ferris and co-workers. The sequence of the V. alginolyticus ribosomal 5S-RNA showed that it is similar to those of V. cholerae, V. harveyi and some other vibriones. On the basis of the 5S-RNA sequences, a dendrogram of prokaryotes is presented. It confirmed the suggestion that V. alginolyticus is a typical representative of Vibrionaceae rather than a ‘monster’ greatly differing from other vibriones. Possible evolutionary relation of various bacterial species possessing the primary Na+ pumps is discussed.  相似文献   

嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila)、副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)和溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)是常见的鱼类致病菌,导致鱼类患出血性败血症、溃疡等疾病。大黄、金银花、甘草等中药因具有天然活性、不易产生细菌耐药性而有望替代抗生素抑制这些鱼类致病菌。回顾细菌的致病性和中药的药理活性,从蛋白质组学和基因转录水平阐述了中药抑制嗜水气单胞菌、副溶血弧菌和溶藻弧菌的分子机制。这些研究对人类了解和控制致病菌的感染、提高鱼类免疫力以及推广应用中药作为饲料添加剂具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The inhibition of membrane ATPase from the marine alkalotolerant bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus by DCCD, triphenyltin and venturicidin was studied. DCCD proved to be an irreversible inhibitor, while venturicidin and triphenyltin produced a reversible inhibitory effect. The DCCD-binding proteolipid was identified in the membrane preparations. The effect of the inhibitors on ATPase activity and ATP-dependent Na+-transport in V. alginolyticus subcellular vesicles is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of Na+ in Vibrio alginolyticus oxidative phosphorylation has been studied. It has been found that the addition of a respiratory substrate, lactate, to bacterial cells exhausted in endogenous pools of substrates and ATP has a strong stimulating effect on oxygen consumption and ATP synthesis. Phosphorylation is found to be sensitive to anaerobiosis as well as to HQNO, an agent inhibiting the Na+-motive respiratory chain of V. alginolyticus. Na+ loaded cells incubated in a K+ or Li+ medium fail to synthesize ATP in response to lactate addition. The addition of Na+ at a concentration comparable to that inside the cell is shown to abolish the inhibiting effect of the high intracellular Na+ level. Neither lactate oxidation nor Δω generation coupled with this oxidation is increased by external Na+ in the Na+-loaded cells. It is concluded that oxidative ATP synthesis in V. alginolyticus cells is inhibited by the artificially imposed reverse ΔPNa, i.e., [Na+]in > [Na+]out. Oxidative phosphorylation is resistant to a protonophorous uncoupler (0.1 mM CCCP) in the K+-loaded cells incubated in a high Na+ medium, i.e., when ΔpNa of the proper direction ([Na+]in < [Na+]out) is present. The addition of monensin in the presence of CCCP completely arrests the ATP synthesis. Monensin without CCCP is ineffective. Oxidative phosphorylation in the same cells incubated in a high K+ medium (ΔpNa is low) is decreased by CCCP even without monensin. Artificial formation of ΔpNa by adding 0.25 M NaCl to the K+-loaded cells (Na+ pulse) results in a temporary increase in the ATP level which spontaneously decreases again within a few minutes. Na+ pulse-induced ATP synthesis is completely abolished by monensin and is resistant to CCCP, valinomycin and HQNO. 0.05 M NaCl increases the ATP level only slightly. Thus, V. alginolyticus cells at alkaline pH represent the first example of an oxidative phosphorylation system which uses Na+ instead of H+ as the coupling ion.  相似文献   

【目的】研究萘啶酸、诺氟沙星、卡那霉素3种抗生素对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)SXT/R391元件ICEVal A056-1转移频率的影响。【方法】利用PCR检测溶藻弧菌A056中ICEVal A056-1的自我剪切、转移潜力。通过溶藻弧菌A056与大肠杆菌菌株VB111的接合实验,研究溶藻弧菌分别在含不同浓度萘啶酸、诺氟沙星、卡那霉素的LB培养基中培养15 min或30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率的变化规律。【结果】溶藻弧菌A056细胞中有环状形式的ICEVal A056-1分子存在,具有水平转移潜力;溶藻弧菌A056在含40μg/m L萘啶酸的LB中培养30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率是对照组的19.59倍;在含50μg/m L诺氟沙星的LB中培养15 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率是对照组的31.25倍;在含不同浓度卡那霉素的LB中培养30 min后,ICEVal A056-1转移频率与对照组没有显著差别。【结论】部分抗生素的使用可以明显促进溶藻弧菌ICEVal A056-1向大肠杆菌的转移,因此海洋环境中抗生素的滥用及随意排放很可能加剧ICEs(integrating conjugative elements)从溶藻弧菌到其他细菌的传播。  相似文献   

【目的】研究副溶血性弧菌(Vibrioparahaemolyticus,VP)和霍乱弧菌(Vibriocholera,VC)混合生物被膜的形成过程。【方法】在4、8、12、24、36、48、60、72 h测定单独条件下VP、VC及其混合后生物被膜的形成情况,通过结晶紫染色法、平板菌落计数法、测定胞外多糖、胞外蛋白,通过荧光原位杂交(FISH)观察混合生物被膜形成。【结果】虽然形成的混合生物被膜量介于VC和VP之间,但混合生物被膜在形成过程中,成熟期后生物被膜量的变化较小,对环境的抗性增强。混合生物被膜中拥有更多的活菌,混合生物被膜形成过程中胞外蛋白和胞外多糖的变化体现出其可能在对抵御不适应环境中起重要作用,通过FISH可观察到不同时期生物被膜的变化过程。【结论】VC与VP共同形成生物被膜的过程中,混合生物被膜总量虽然减少,但混合生物被膜中拥有更多的活菌,这可能引起更大的危害。研究混合生物被膜形成过程中被膜的变化,可为有害生物被膜的控制提供基础。  相似文献   

Respiration, membrane potential generation and motility of the marine alkalotolerant Vibrio alginolyticus were studied. Subbacterial vesicles competent in NADH oxidation and Δψ generation were obtained. The rate of NADH oxidation by the vesicles was stimulated by Na+ in a fashion specifically sensitive to submicromolar HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide) concentrations. The same amounts of HQNO completely suppressed the Δψ generation. Δψ was also inhibited by cyanide, gramicidin D and by CCCP + monensin. CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone) added without monensin exerted a much weaker effect on Δψ. Na+ was required to couple NADH oxidation with Δψ generation. These findings are in agreement with the data of Tokuda and Unemoto on Na+-motive NADH oxidase in V. alginolyticus. Motility of V. alginolyticus cells was shown to be (i) Na+-dependent, (ii) sensitive to CCCP + monensin combination, whereas CCCP and monensin, added separately, failed to paralyze the cells, (iii) sensitive to combined treatment by HQNO, cyanide or anaerobiosis and arsenate, whereas inhibition of respiration without arsenate resulted only in a partial suppression of motility. Artificially imposed ΔpNa, i.e., addition of NaCl to the K+-loaded cells paralyzed by HQNO + arsenate, was shown to initiate motility which persisted for several minutes. Monensin completely abolished the NaCl effect. Under the same conditions, respiration-supported motility was only slightly lowered by monensin. The artificially-imposed ΔpH, i.e., acidification of the medium from pH 8.6 to 6.5 failed to activate motility. It is concluded that Δ Na+ produced by (i) the respiratory chain and (ii) an arsenate-sensitive anaerobic mechanism (presumably by glycolysis + Na+ ATPase) can be consumed by an Na+-motor responsible for motility of V. alginolyticus.  相似文献   

Thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) is a possible virulence factor produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Although TDH has a variety of biological activities, including hemolytic activity, the biochemical mechanism of action remains uncertain. Here we analysed biochemical events, especially phosphorylation, caused by TDH in erythrocytes, and found that TDH caused significant phosphorylations of proteins on erythrocyte membrane. Phosphorylation of proteins was studied using γ-32P ATP and SDS-PAGE. A number of protein kinase inhibitors were tested, to determine which types of kinases were involved in the phosphorylation events. TDH induced the phosphorylation of two proteins on membranes of human erythrocyte that are sensitive to TDH. The estimated molecular weight of these proteins was 25 and 22.5 kDa. Interestingly, the 22.5 kDa, but not the 25 kDa protein, was phosphorylated on the membrane of TDH-insensitive (resistant) horse erythrocytes. Moreover, a mutant TDH (R7), which retained binding ability but lost hemolytic activity, also phosphorylated only the 22.5 kDa protein on human erythrocyte membranes. Among the protein kinase inhibitors used the protein kinase C inhibitors, (staurosporine and calphostin C) showed marked inhibition of phosphorylation of 25 kDa protein. In addition to phosphorylation, these protein kinase C inhibitors suppresssed hemolysis by TDH. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of the 25 kDa protein seems to be essential for the hemolysis by TDH after it binds to erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

【目的】研究调控子H-NS对副溶血弧菌T6SS1结构蛋白基因hcp1的转录调控机制。【方法】利用Western blot检测Hcp1蛋白在野生株(WT)和hns基因敲除株(Δhns)中表达水平的差异。提取WT和Δhns的总RNA,采用实时定量RT-PCR的方法验证H-NS对hcp1的转录调控关系。进而采用引物延伸实验研究hcp1的转录起始位点,并根据产物的丰度判断H-NS对hcp1的调控关系。PCR扩增hcp1的整个启动子区DNA序列,并纯化His-H-NS蛋白,通过凝胶阻滞实验(EMSA)验证His-H-NS对hcp1启动子区是否具有直接的结合作用。【结果】Western blot和实时定量RT-PCR结果显示H-NS能抑制hcp1的表达;引物延伸结果显示hcp1只有一个转录起始位点T(–62)(翻译起始位点为+1),且其转录活性是H-NS和σ54依赖性的;EMSA实验表明H-NS对hcp1的启动子区具有直接的结合作用。【结论】H-NS能直接结合到hcp1启动子区而抑制其转录表达。  相似文献   

哈维氏弧菌适配子的SELEX筛选及其亲和特异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈维氏弧菌是水产养殖中的重要条件致病菌,对其进行快速、准确地检测和鉴定是相关病害防治的基础和关键.适配子具有亲和力高、特异性强、稳定性好等优点,在微生物的检测和鉴定方面呈现出广泛的应用前景.本研究以哈维氏弧菌为靶目标,采用SELEX技术,即指数级富集配体的系统进化技术,筛选其特异性适配子.经15轮筛选后,随机ssDNA文库的亲和力从3.51上升到58.95,提高了15.8倍.筛选出的适配子富集库经克隆、测序后得到52条不同序列,根据同源性将这些序列分成8个家族,其中第1和第2家族的适配子数量最多,超过总数的50%.通过深入分析,筛选出6个对哈维氏弧菌有显著亲和特异性(P0.01)的高频适配子,其中5个高频适配子(S1、S25、S26、S27、S35)对哈维氏弧菌有较高的亲和力,相应的亲和常数Kd值分别为(32.6±7.1)、(45.3±10.1)、(24.7±5.8)、(34.8±5.6)、(12.9±4.0)nmol/L.本文还对高频适配子的产生机制及其应用价值进行了探讨.本文首次筛选出了对哈维氏弧菌具有较高亲和特异性的适配子,为后续利用适配子进行哈维氏弧菌的检测和鉴定奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Summary Improved Vibrio cholerae donors were constructed by introducing the ampicillin transposon, Tn1, into both the conjugative plasmid, P, and the bacterial chromosome to provide portable regions of homology. The resulting Tfr (Transposon-facilitated recombination) donors transferred genes at high frequency from origins specified by the chromosomally inserted Tn1 copies. Tn1 was transposed into the chromosome from a deleted P::Tn1 vector, which was eliminated from the cells by superinfection with a thermosensitive P::Tn9 (chloramphenicol) mutant plasmid. After eliminating the thermosensitive plasmid, the chromosomally resistant isolates were converted into donors with a P::Tn1 conjugative plasmid. Tfr donors were also obtained by isolating Tn1 insertion mutations in a gene for thymine biosynthesis. Chromosomal sites of Tn1 relative to bacterial genes were determined by measuring gene transfer frequencies and genetic linkage. In one case, linkage of the amp gene to the chromosomal genes that defined its location was demonstrated. Chromosomal transfer by Tfr donors was reversed by isolating P:Tn1 plasmids that contained Tn1 inserted in the opposite orientation.  相似文献   

【目的】探究副溶血弧菌群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)系统核心调控子AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的转录调控。【方法】提取特定条件下副溶血弧菌野生株(wild-type,WT)和调控子基因突变株(ΔaphA和ΔopaR)的总RNA,采用实时定量PCR (quantitative real-time PCR,qPCR)研究AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的转录调控关系以及mshH基因的时相依赖性表达特性;将mshH启动子区DNA序列克隆入pHRP309质粒β-半乳糖苷酶基因的上游,构建LacZ重组质粒,并将其转入WT、ΔaphA和ΔopaR中,获得LacZ实验菌株,再通过LacZ报告基因融合实验研究AphA和OpaR对mshH基因的调控关系以及mshH基因的时相依赖性表达特性;PCR扩增mshH上游启动子区DNA序列,并纯化His-AphA和His-OpaR蛋白,通过凝胶阻滞实验(electrophoretic mobility shift assay,EMSA)和DNase I足迹实验,研究体外条件下His-AphA和His-OpaR对靶基因启动子区DNA片段是否具有直...  相似文献   

The effect of choline iodide, bromide and chloride on the kinetics of the electrogenic sodium transport by the Na,K-ATPase was investigated in a model system of ATPase-containing membrane fragments adsorbed on the lipid bilayer membrane. The kinetic parameters of Na+ transport were determined from short circuit currents after fast release of ATP from its caged precursor. The falling phase of the current transients could be fitted by a single exponential with the time constant, τ 2. Its temperature dependence allowed an estimation of the activation energy of the rate-limiting reaction step, the conformation transition E1/E2. Choline iodide and bromide caused a decrease of the activation energy as well as the overall rate of the process expressed as the pre-exponential factor A of the Arrhenius equation. If choline iodide or bromide were present on the cytoplasmic and extracellular sides of the protein, the temperature dependent changes were more pronounced than when present on the cytoplasmic side only. These results can be explained by an effect of the anions on water structure on the extracellular surface of the protein, where a deep access channel connects the ion-binding sites with the solution. Chloride ions also caused a deceleration of the electrogenic transport, however, in contrast to iodide or bromide, they did not affect the activation energy, and were more effective when added on the cytoplasmic side. This effect can be explained by asymmetric screening of the negative surface charges which leads to a transmembrane electric potential that modifies the ion transfer.  相似文献   

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