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Protein stabilization and destabilization by guanidinium salts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
T Arakawa  S N Timasheff 《Biochemistry》1984,23(25):5924-5929
Preferential interactions of bovine serum albumin were measured with guanidine sulfate, guanidine acetate, and guanidine hydrochloride. The results showed an increasing preferential hydration with increasing salt concentration for the sulfate, positive preferential salt binding for the hydrochloride, and an intermediate situation for the acetate. These results correlate well with the known effects of the three salts on protein stability, namely, the stabilizing effect of guanidine sulfate and the denaturing effect of guanidine hydrochloride. Comparison of guanidinium and magnesium salts indicated that the substitution of guanidinium ion for Mg2+ decreases the preferential hydration and increases the preferential salt binding, suggesting that the perturbation by guanidinium ion binding of the surface free energy is greater than that by Mg2+ ion. It was concluded that guanidine salts are not a special class, but their activity toward proteins is modulated by the same fine balance between hydration and salt binding to protein as in the case of other salts, with the second factor being stronger in guanidine salts.  相似文献   

Dna helix-coil transition in th alkaline medium was considered theoretically and experimentally. On the basis of the theory and experimental comparison the DNA double-stranded form deprotonation was revealed.  相似文献   

The rezipping force of two complementary DNA strands under tension has been measured in the presence of Escherichia coli single-stranded-binding proteins under salt conditions ranging from 10– to 400 mM NaCl. The effectiveness of the binding protein in preventing rezipping is strongly dependent on salt concentration and compared with the salt dependence in the absence of the protein. At concentrations less than 50 mM NaCl, the protein prevents complete rezipping of λ-phage on the 2-s timescale of the experiment, when the ssDNA is under tensions as low as 3.5 ± 1 pN. For salt concentrations greater than 200 mM NaCl, the protein inhibits rezipping but cannot block rezipping when the tension is reduced below 6 ± 1.8 pN. This change in effectiveness as a function of salt concentration may correspond to salt-dependent changes in binding modes that were previously observed in bulk assays.  相似文献   

Although it is known that the hybrid male mouse is sterile just like any other animal’s heterogametic sex, the reason why only the male germ cells are impaired has yet to be discovered. TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay using a confocal fluorescence microscope and DNA fragmentation assay of hybrid testis indicated destruction of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) rather than the nuclear DNA. Previously we reported that maternal mtDNA inheritance is through selective sperm mtDNA elimination based on the sperm factor and two egg factors, and expression of these three factors was recognized in the hybrid testis. It was thereby assumed that mtDNA destruction caused by the expression of maternal mtDNA inheritance system in male germ cells is implicated in the hybrid male sterility of mice.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Schramm VL 《Biochemistry》2011,50(21):4813-4818
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferases (OPRTs) form and break the N-ribosidic bond to pyrimidines by way of ribocation-like transition states (TSs) and therefore exhibit large α-secondary 1'-(3)H k(cat)/K(m) kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) [Zhang, Y., and Schramm, V. L. (2010) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 8787-8794]. Substrate binding isotope effects (BIEs) with OPRTs report on the degree of ground-state destabilization for these complexes and permit resolution of binding and transition-state effects from the k(cat)/K(m) KIEs. The BIEs for interactions of [1'-(3)H]orotidine 5'-monophosphate (OMP) with the catalytic sites of Plasmodium falciparum and human OPRTs are 1.104 and 1.108, respectively. These large BIEs establish altered sp(3) bond hybridization of C1' toward the sp(2) geometry of the transition states upon OMP binding. Thus, the complexes of these OPRTs distort OMP part of the way toward the transition state. As the [1'-(3)H]OMP k(cat)/K(m) KIEs are approximately 1.20, half of the intrinsic k(cat)/K(m) KIEs originate from BIEs. Orotidine, a slow substrate for these enzymes, binds to the catalytic site with no significant [1'-(3)H]orotidine BIEs. Thus, OPRTs are unable to initiate ground-state destabilization of orotidine by altered C1' hybridization because of the missing 5'-phosphate. However the k(cat)/K(m) KIEs for [1'-(3)H]orotidine are also approximately 1.20. The C1' distortion for OMP happens in two steps, half upon binding and half on going from the Michaelis complex to the TS. With orotidine as the substrate, there is no ground-state destabilization in the Michaelis complexes, but the C1' distortion at the TS is equal to that of OMP. The large single barrier for TS formation with orotidine slows the rate of barrier crossing.  相似文献   

Polyamines participate in numerous cellular processes and are required for normal cell growth in Escherichia coli. In this study, we constructed a new polyamine-deficient E. coli mutant and investigated the physiological function of polyamines during normal aerobic growth conditions. We showed that the requirement for sulfur-containing, branched chain, and aromatic amino acids, which was exhibited in the sodA sodB double mutant faced with severe oxidative stress, was also true of the polyamine-deficient mutant during normal aerobic cell growth. Sorbitol, sucrose, mannose, 1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonic acid (Tiron), an antioxidant that functions as an oxygen radical scavenger including z.rad;O(2)(-), and thiamine partially relieved the cell growth defect caused by polyamine depletion in a dose-dependent manner. As was the case for the cells treated with paraquat, the mutant had an elongated shape compared with the polyamine-proficient wild type. Decreased aeration also relieved the cell growth defect of the polyamine-deficient mutant. Finally, we confirmed that chloromethyl-2('),7(')-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (DCFH-DA), which is oxidized in a fluorescent product in the presence of various oxidants, also fluoresce in the polyamine-deficient cells. These results showed that abnormal growth of the polyamine-deficient E. coli mutant results partially from oxidative stress-induced damage and the mutant thus exhibits the requirement for antioxidant or specific nutritional amino acid during normal aerobic growth.  相似文献   

The same circular dichroism spectrum as that of DNA conformationally altered by UV irradiation is observed when native DNA is added to an enzymic system which produces an electronically excited triplet carbonyl compound.  相似文献   

When proteins fold in vivo, the intermediates that exist transiently on their folding pathways are exposed to the potential interactions with a plethora of metabolites within the cell. However, these potential interactions are commonly ignored. Here, we report a case in which a ubiquitous metabolite interacts selectively with a nonnative conformation of a protein and facilitates protein folding and unfolding process. From our previous proteomics study, we have discovered that Escherichia coli glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which is not known to bind ATP under native conditions, is apparently destabilized in the presence of a physiological concentration of ATP. To decipher the origin of this surprising effect, we investigated the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding and unfolding of GAPDH in the presence of ATP. Equilibrium unfolding of the protein in urea showed that a partially unfolded equilibrium intermediate accumulates in the presence of ATP. This intermediate has a quaternary structure distinct from the native protein. Also, ATP significantly accelerates the unfolding of GAPDH by selectively stabilizing a transition state that is distinct from the native state of the protein. Moreover, ATP also significantly accelerates the folding of GAPDH. These results demonstrate that ATP interacts specifically with a partially unfolded form of GAPDH and affects the kinetics of folding and unfolding of this protein. This unusual effect of ATP on the folding of GAPDH implies that endogenous metabolites may facilitate protein folding in vivo by interacting with partially unfolded intermediates.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand cross-links are usually formed due to bidentate covalent or coordination binding of a cross-linking agent to nucleotides of different strands. However interstrand linkages can be also caused by any type of chemical modification that gives rise to a strong local stabilization of the double helix. These stabilized sites conserve their helical structure and prevent local and total strand separation at temperatures above the melting of ordinary AT and GC base pairs. This local stabilization makes DNA melting fully reversible and independent of strand concentration like ordinary covalent interstrand cross-links. The stabilization can be caused by all the types of chemical modifications (interstrand cross-links, intrastrand cross-links or monofunctional adducts) if they give rise to a strong enough local stabilization of the double helix. Our calculation demonstrates that an increase in stability by 25 to 30 kcal in the free energy of a single base pair of the double helix is sufficient for this "cross-linking effect" (i.e. conserving the helicity of this base pair and preventing strand separation after melting of ordinary base pairs). For the situation where there is more then one stabilized site in a DNA duplex (e.g., 1 stabilized site per 1000 bp), a lower stabilization per site is sufficient for the "cross-linking effect" (18 - 20 kcal). A substantial increase in DNA stability was found in various experimental studies for some metal-based anti-tumor compounds. These compounds may give rise to the effect described above. If ligand induced stabilization is distributed among several neighboring base pairs, a much lower minimum increase per stabilized base pair is sufficient to produce the cross-linking effect (1 bp- 24.4 kcal; 5 bp- 5.3 kcal; 10 bp- 2.9 kcal, 25 bp- 1.4 kcal; 50 bp- 1.0 kcal). The relatively weak non-covalent binding of histones or protamines that cover long regions of DNA (20- 40 bp) can also cause this effect if the salt concentration of the solution is sufficiently low to cause strong local stabilization of the double helix. Stretches of GC pairs more than 25 bp in length inserted into poly(AT) DNA also exhibit properties of stabilizing interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

1,2-GG intrastrand cross-links formed in DNA by the enantiomeric complexes [PtCl(2)(R,R-2,3-diaminobutane (DAB))] and [PtCl(2)(S,S-DAB)] were studied by biophysical methods. Molecular modeling revealed that structure of the cross-links formed at the TGGT sequence was affected by repulsion between the 5'-directed methyl group of the DAB ligand and the methyl group of the 5'-thymine of the TGGT fragment. Molecular dynamics simulations of the solvated platinated duplexes and our recent structural data indicated that the adduct of [PtCl(2)(R,R-DAB)] alleviated this repulsion by unwinding the TpG step, whereas the adduct of [PtCl(2)(S,S-DAB)] avoided the unfavorable methyl-methyl interaction by decreasing the kink angle. Electrophoretic retardation measurements on DNA duplexes containing 1,2-GG intrastrand cross-links of Pt(R,R-DAB)(2+) or Pt(S,S-DAB)(2+) at a CGGA site showed that in this sequence both enantiomers distorted the double helix to the identical extent similar to that found previously for the same sequence containing the cross-links of the parent antitumor cis-Pt(NH(3))(2)(2+) (cisplatin). In addition, the adducts showed similar affinities toward the high-mobility-group box 1 proteins. Hence, whereas the structural perturbation induced in DNA by 1,2-GG intrastrand cross-links of cisplatin does not depend largely on the bases flanking the cross-links, the perturbation related to GG cross-linking by bulkier platinum diamine derivatives does.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the nephrotoxic effects induced by cisplatin were correlated to mitochondrial DNA damage. Comparisons were made with the liver since hepatotoxicity is rarely observed. Cisplatin doses of 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg were administered intraperitoneally to C57BL/6J mice. Mitochrondrial DNA was isolated from both the hepatic and renal tissues and quantitated by hybridization with a specific mitochondrial probe. Cisplatin caused differential effects on mouse hepatic and renal mitochondrial DNA. The 10 and 20 mg/kg dose caused an elevation in mitochondrial DNA levels in the hepatic, but no increase in the renal tissue was observed. This is the first study demonstrating an organ specific effect of cisplatin at the DNA level.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of apoptosis is the digestion of genomic DNA by an endonuclease, generating a ladder of small fragments of double-stranded DNA. We have examined the nature of the DNA breaks produced in mouse thymocytes triggered to undergo apoptosis by steroids or by stimulation of the T cell receptor. Whereas the typical ladder pattern of oligonucleosomal fragments was observed after agarose gel electrophoresis, numerous single-strand cuts were detected after electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Single-strand nicks were found to be very frequent in the internucleosomal regions, but also to occur in the core particle-associated DNA. An identical pattern of single-strand nicks was obtained when chromatin DNA was exposed to the single-strand cleaving deoxyribonuclease I. The nicked DNA fragments, extracted from apoptotic thymocytes, were sensitive to the action of S1-nuclease. We propose that DNA fragmentation induced during apoptosis is not due to a double-strand cutting enzyme as previously postulated, but rather is the result of single-strand breaks. This ensures the dissociation of the DNA molecule at sites where cuts are found within close proximity.  相似文献   

A comparison of the condensation of T4 phage DNA by spermidine and Co(NH3) at pH values between 5.1 and 10.2 has been made using quasielastic light scattering to determine translational diffusion coefficients and Stokes radii. Co(NH3) is more effective than spermidine in causing condensation at all pH, indicating that the differences observed in previous work were not due to pH effects, as might have been inferred from recent theories of intermolecular forces. The DNA particles collapsed with Co(NH3) are smaller than those obtained with spermidine. The hydrodynamic radius of spermide-collapsed structures decreases slightly with increasing pH, while the size of the Co(NH3)collapsed structures is almost independent of pH. These results confirm that there are specific ion effects in DNA condensation by oligocations, in addition to the dominant general polyelectrolyte effects.  相似文献   

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