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Purified Na+, K(+)-ATPase was phosphorylated by [gamma-32P]ATP in a medium containing dimethylsulfoxide and 5 mM Mg2+ in the absence of Na+ and K+. Addition of K+ increased the phosphorylation levels from 0.4 nmol phosphoenzyme/mg of protein in the absence of K+ to 1.0 nmol phosphoenzyme/mg of protein in the presence of 0.5 mM K+. Higher velocities of enzyme phosphorylation were observed in the presence of 0.5 mM K+. Increasing K+ concentrations up to 100 mM lead to a progressive decrease in the phosphoenzyme (EP) levels. Control experiments, that were performed to determine the contribution to EP formation from the Pi inevitably present in the assays, showed that this contribution was of minor importance except at high (20-100 mM) KCl concentrations. The pattern of EP formation and its KCl dependence is thus characteristic for the phosphorylation of the enzyme by ATP. In the absence of Na+ and with 0.5 mM K+, optimal levels (1.0 nmol EP/mg of protein) were observed at 20-40% dimethylsulfoxide and pH 6.0 to 7.5. Addition of Na+ up to 5 mM has no effect on the phosphoenzyme level under these conditions. At 100 mM Na+ or higher the full capacity of enzyme phosphorylation (2.2 nmol EP/mg of protein) was reached. Phosphoenzyme formed from ATP in the absence of Na+ is an acylphosphate-type compound as shown by its hydroxylamine sensitivity. The phosphate radioactivity was incorporated into the alpha-subunit of the Na+, K(+)-ATPase as demonstrated by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography.  相似文献   

Using the compartmental analysis the unidirectional Na+ fluxesin cortical cells of barley roots, the cytoplasmic and vacuolarNa+ contents Qc and Qv, and the trans-root Na+ transport R'have been studied as a function of the external Na+ concentration.Using the re-elution technique the effect of low K+ concentrationson the plasmalemma efflux co of Na+ (K+-Na+ exchange) and onR' was investigated at different Na+ concentrations and correspondinglydifferent values of the cytoplasmic sodium content Qc. The relationof the K+-dependent Na+ efflux coK+-dep to Qc or to the cytoplasmicNa+ concentration obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. This isconsistent with a linkage of co, K+-dep to K+ influx by a K+-Na+exchange system. The apparent Km corresponded to a cytoplasmicNa+ concentration of 28 mM at 0·2 mM K+ and about 0·2mM Na+ in the external solution. 0·2 mM K+ stimulatedthe plasma-lemma efflux of Na+ and inhibited Na+ transport selectivelyeven in the presence of 10 mM Na+ in the external medium showingthe high efficiency of the K+-Na+ exchange system. However,co, K+-dep was inhibited at 10 mM Na1 compared to lower Na1concentrations suggesting some competition of Na1 with K1 atthe external site of the exchange system. The effect of theNa+ concentration on Na1 influx oc is discussed with respectto kinetic models of uuptake.  相似文献   

The kinetics of pyruvate kinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied at 25 degrees C and pH 6.2 as a function of the concentrations of ADP, phosphoenolpyruvate, Mg2+ and either NH4+ or K+. The data were analysed by the exponential model for four substrates, obtained by extension of the model described by Ainsworth, Kinderlerer & Gregory [(1983) Biochem. J. 209, 401-411]. On that basis, it was concluded that NH4+ binding is almost non-interactive but leads to the appearance of positive interaction in the velocity response to increase in its concentration because of positive interactions with phosphoenolpyruvate and Mg2+. The data obtained with K+ lead to the same conclusions and differ only in suggesting that NH4+ is bound more strongly to the enzyme than is K+. Both data sets are used as the basis for a discussion of the substrate interactions of pyruvate kinase and it appears therefrom that the heterotropic interactions accord with what is known of the events that take place at the active site during catalysis. The paper also reports a determination of the dissociation constants for the NH4+ complexes with ADP and phosphoenolpyruvate and an examination of the simultaneous activation of pyruvate kinase by K+ and NH4+ ions.  相似文献   

I Lotan  N Dascal  Z Naor  R Boton 《FEBS letters》1990,267(1):25-28
Effects of purified subtypes I, II and III of protein kinase C (PKC) on voltage-dependent transient K+ (A) and Na+ channels were studied in Xenopus oocytes injected with chick brain RNA. The experiments were performed in the constant presence of 10 nM beta-phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). Intracellular injection of subtype I (tau) reduced the A-current (IA), with no effect on Na+ current (INa). PKC subtype II (beta 1 + beta 2) and III (alpha) reduced both currents. PKC did not affect the response to kainate. Inactivated (heated) or unactivated (injected in the absence of PMA) enzyme and vehicle alone had no effect. Our results strongly suggest that INa and IA in vertebrate neurons are modulated by PKC; all PKC subtypes exert a similar effect on the A-channel while only subtypes II and III modulate the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

以200mmol/LNaCl处理耐盐小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)品种DK961和盐敏感小麦品种LM153d后,DK961叶鞘中Na^+含量和叶片中K^+含量均显著高于LMl5,这造成DK961叶片中Na^+/K^+比显著低于LM15。即DK961的叶鞘以其较LM15更强的限制Na^+、推动K^+向叶片运输的能力来保持叶片相对较低的Na^+/K^+比,即叶鞘在小麦抗盐性中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the physical nature of the Na+ and K+ forms of the Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase, thermal-denaturation studies were conducted in different types of ionic media. Thermal-denaturation measurements were performed by measuring the regeneration of ATPase activity after slow pulse exposure to elevated temperatures. Two types of experiments were performed. First, the dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate on Na+ and K+ concentrations was examined. It was found that both cations stabilized the pump protein. Also, K+ was a more effective stabilizer of the native state than was Na+. Secondly, a set of thermodynamic parameters was obtained by measuring the temperature-dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate under three ionic conditions: 60 mM-K+, 150 mM-Na+ and no Na+ or K+. It was found that ion-mediated stabilization of the pump protein was accompanied by substantial increases in activation enthalpy and entropy, the net effect being a less-pronounced increase in activation free energy.  相似文献   

The selectivity to K+ and Na+ of protoplast samples representing cytoplasm isolated from different regions of the hyphal filament of Aspergillus nidulans was investigated. Concentrations of both ions contained in successive protoplast fractions were measured. During lytic digestion, protoplasts were released first from apical regions and subsequently from progressively older regions of hyphae. A low K+/Na+ ratio was found in protoplasts containing primarily apical cytoplasm and a high K+/Na+ ratio was found in protoplasts originating from older regions of hyphae. The ratios were the same whether MgSO4 or mannitol was used as stabilizer. Absolute concentrations of both ions were higher in protoplasts of apical origin. Protoplasts stabilized in mannitol lost more ions than those stabilized in MgSO4 over an 8 h incubation period. Na+ losses were higher from apical protoplasts whereas K+ losses were higher from protoplasts liberated from older regions of hyphae. The addition of divalent metal cations (1.5 mM-Mn2+ or Mg2+) reduced losses of Na+ from protoplasts but did not affect loss of K+. Data obtained using protoplast samples were related to those obtained for intact mycelium. Absolute losses of both ions from mycelium were lower than for protoplasts but when compared on a protein basis the data suggested that protoplasts possess properties similar to those of intact mycelium in terms of K+ and Na+ selectivity.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that Na+,K(+)-ATPase can be phosphorylated by 100 microM ATP and 5 mM Mg2+ and in the absence of Na+, provided that 40% dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) is present. Phosphorylation was stimulated by K+ up to a steady-state level of about 50% of Etot (Barrabin et al. (1990) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1023, 266-273). Here we describe the time-course of phosphointermediate (EP) formation and of dephosphorylation of EP at concentrations of Mg2+ from 0.1 to 5000 microM and of K+ from 0.01 to 100 mM. The results were simulated by a simplified version of the commonly accepted Albers-Post model, i.e. a 3-step reaction scheme with a phosphorylation, a dephosphorylation and an isomerization/deocclusion step. Furthermore it was necessary to include an a priori, Mg(2+)- and K(+)-independent, equilibration between two enzyme forms, only one of which (constituting 14% of Etot) reacted directly with ATP. The role of Mg(2+) was two-fold: At low Mg2+, phosphorylation was stimulated by Mg2+ due to formation of the substrate MgATP, whereas at higher concentrations it acted as an inhibitor at all three steps. The affinity for the inhibitory Mg(2+)-binding was increased several-fold, relative to that in aqueous media, by dimethylsulfoxide. K+ stimulated dephosphorylation at all Mg(2+)-concentrations, but at high, inhibitory [Mg2+], K+ also stimulated the phosphorylation reaction, increasing both the rate coefficient and the steady-state level of EP. Generally, the presence of Me2SO seems to inhibit the dephosphorylation step, the isomerization/deocclusion step, and to a lesser extent (if at all) the phosphorylation reaction, and we discuss whether this reflects that Me2SO stabilizes occluded conformations of the enzyme even in the absence of monovalent cations. The results confirm and elucidate the stimulating effect of K+ on EP formation from ATP in the absence of Na+, but they leave open the question of the molecular mechanism by which Me2SO, inhibitory Mg2+ and stimulating K+ interact with the Na+,K(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

The mechanism of apoptotic cell volume decrease was studied in rat thymocytes treated with dexamethasone (Dex) or etoposide (Eto). Cell shrinkage, i.e. dehydration, was quantified by using buoyant density of the thymocytes in a continuous Percoll gradient. The K+ and Na+ content of cells from different density fractions were assayed by flame emission analysis. Apoptosis was tested by microscopy and flow cytometry of acridine orange stained cells as well as by flow DNA cytometry. Treatment of the thymocytes with 1 microM Dex for 4-5.5 h or 50 microM Eto for 5 h resulted in the appearance of a new distinct high-density cell subpopulation. The cells from this heavy subpopulation but not those with normal buoyant density had typical features of apoptosis. Apoptotic increase of cell density was accompanied by a decrease in cellular K+ content, which exceeded the simultaneous increase in cellular Na+ content. Cellular loss of K+ contributed to most of the estimated loss of cellular osmolytes, but owing to the parallel loss of cell water, the decrease in cytosolic K+ concentration was less than one third. Due to gain of Na+ and loss of cell water the cytosolic Na+ concentration in thymocytes rose following treatment with Dex (5.5 h) or Eto (5 h) by a factor of about 3.6 and 3.1, respectively.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase requires K+ for maximal activity; the enzyme exhibits 0.02% of maximal activity in its absence [Kayne, F. J. (1971) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 143, 232-239]. However, pyruvate kinase entrapped in reverse micelles exhibits an important K+-independent activity [Ramírez-Silva, L., Tuena de Gómez-Puyou, M., & Gómez-Puyou, A. (1993) Biochemistry 32, 5332-5338]. It is possible that the amount of water, as well as interactions of the protein with the micelles, can account for this behavior. We therefore explored the solvent effects on the catalytic properties of muscle pyruvate kinase. The enzyme exhibited an activity of 19.4 micromol x min(-1) x mg(-1) in 40% dimethylsulfoxide, compared with 280 and 0.023 micromol x min(1) x mg(-1) observed with and without K+ in water, respectively. pH activity profiles and kinetic constants for the substrates of pyruvate kinase in dimethylsulfoxide without K+ were similar to those in 100% water with K+, and differed from those in water without K+. The spectral center of mass of the emission spectrum of pyruvate kinase in 100% water exhibited a blue shift of 3.5 nm in the presence of Mg(2+), phosphenolpyruvate, and K+, ligands that induce the active conformation of the enzyme. The spectral center of mass of the apoenzyme in 30-40% dimethylsulfoxide coincided with that of the enzyme-Mg(2+)-phosphenolpyruvate-K+ complex in 100% water. The water relaxation rate enhancement factor and binding of phosphenolpyruvate to the pyruvate kinase-Mn(2+)-(CH3)4N+ complex in 30-40% dimethylsulfoxide were similar to those of the pyruvate kinase-Mn(2+)-K+ complex in water. The aforementioned results indicate that when muscle pyruvate kinase is without K+, 30-40% dimethylsulfoxide induces its active conformation.  相似文献   

This review updates our current knowledge on the regulation of Na+/H+ exchanger, Na+,K+,Cl- cotransporter, Na+,Pi cotransporter, and Na+,K+ pump in isolated epithelial cells from mammalian kidney by protein kinase C (PKC). In cells derived from different tubule segments, an activator of PKC, 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), inhibits apical Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3), Na+,Pi cotransport, and basolateral Na+,K+ cotransport (NKCCl) and augments Na+,K+ pump. In PMA-treated proximal tubules, activation of Na+,K+ pump probably plays a major role in increased reabsorption of salt and osmotically obliged water. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, which are highly abundant with intercalated cells from the collecting duct, PMA completely blocks Na+,K+,Cl- cotransport and decreases the activity of Na+,Pi cotransport by 30-40%. In these cells, agonists of P2 purinoceptors inhibit Na+,K+,Cl- and Na+,Pi cotransport by 50-70% via a PKC-independent pathway. In contrast with MDCK cells, in epithelial cells derived from proximal and distal tubules of the rabbit kidney, Na+,K+,Cl- cotransport is inhibited by PMA but is insensitive to P2 receptor activation. In proximal tubules, PKC-induced inhibition of NHE3 and Na+,Pi cotransporter can be triggered by parathyroid hormone. Both PKC and cAMP signaling contribute to dopaminergic inhibition of NHE3 and Na+,K+ pump. The receptors triggering PKC-mediated activation of Na+,K+ pump remain unknown. Recent data suggest that the PKC signaling system is involved in abnormalities of dopaminergic regulation of renal ion transport in hypertension and in the development of diabetic complications. The physiological and pathophysiological implications of PKC-independent regulation of renal ion transporters by P2 purinoceptors has not yet been examined.  相似文献   

In recent decades, evidence has confirmed the crucial role of albumin in the progression of renal disease. However, the possible role of signaling pathways triggered by physiologic concentrations of albumin in the modulation of proximal tubule (PT) sodium reabsorption has not been considered. In the present work, we have shown that a physiologic concentration of albumin increases the expression of the α1 subunit of (Na(+) + K(+))-ATPase in LLC-PK1 cells leading to an increase in enzyme activity. This process involves the sequential activation of PI3K/protein kinase B and protein kinase C pathways promoting inhibition of protein kinase A. This integrative network is inhibited when albumin concentration is increased, similar to renal disease, leading to a decrease in the α1 subunit of (Na(+) + K(+))-ATPase expression. Together, the results indicate that variation in albumin concentration in PT cells has an important effect on PT sodium reabsorption and, consequently, on renal sodium excretion.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing either purified or microsomal (Na+,K+)-ATPase preparations from lamb kidney medulla catalyzed ATP-dependent transport of Na+ and K+ with a ratio of approximately 3Na+ to 2K+, which was inhibited by ouabain. Similar results were obtained with liposomes containing a partially purified (Na+,K+)-ATPase from cardiac muscle. This contrasts with an earlier report by Goldin and Tong (J. Biol. Chem. 249, 5907-5915, 1974), in which liposomes containing purified dog kidney (Na+,K+)-ATPase did not transport K+ but catalyzed ATP-dependent symport of Na+ and Cl-. When purified by our procedure, dog kidney (Na+,K+)-ATPase showed some ability to transport K+ but the ratio of Na+ : K+ was 5 : 1.  相似文献   

We describe how cations, in the presence of ATP, regulate thephosphorylated form of 19- and 21-kDa nucleoside diphosphate kinase(NDPK; EC, a kinase controllingK+ channels, G proteins, cellsecretion, cellular energy production, and UTP synthesis. In apicallyenriched human nasal epithelial membranes, 10 mMNa+ inhibits phosphorylation ofNDPK relative to other cations. Dose response showed that, whereasK+ induces a fourfold greaterphosphate incorporation (EC50 10 mM), Na+ is inhibitory(EC50 10 mM) compared withrespective buffer controls. Cation discrimination is nucleotideselective (not seen with[-32P]GTP) and NDPKspecific (not seen with p37h, a previously characterized Cl-sensitivephosphoprotein). Na+ does notexert an inhibitory effect on NDPK phosphorylation directly but islikely to act via an okadaic acid-insensitive phosphatase. We speculatethat the ability of NDPK to discriminate between physiologicallyrelevant cation concentrations provides a novel example of cross talkwithin the apical membrane.


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