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We investigated the effects of the cholesteryl ester (CE) transfer protein inhibitor anacetrapib (ANA) on plasma lipids, lipoprotein subfraction concentrations, and lipoprotein composition in 30 healthy individuals. Participants (n = 30) were randomized to ANA 20 mg/day, 150 mg/day, or placebo for 2 weeks. Changes in concentration of lipoprotein subfractions were assessed using ion mobility, and compositional analyses were performed on fractions separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation. ANA 150 mg/day versus placebo resulted in significant decreases in LDL-cholesterol (26%) and apo B (29%) and increases in HDL-cholesterol (82%). Concentrations of medium and small VLDL, large intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), and medium and small LDL (LDL2a, 2b, and 3a) decreased whereas levels of very small and dense LDL4b were increased. There was enrichment of triglycerides and reduction of CE in VLDL, IDL, and the densest LDL fraction. Levels of large buoyant HDL particles were substantially increased, and there was enrichment of CE, apo AI, and apoCIII, but not apoAII or apoE, in the mid-HDL density range. Changes in lipoprotein subfraction concentrations and composition with ANA 20 mg/day were similar to those for ANA 150 mg/day but were generally smaller in magnitude. The impact of these changes on cardiovascular risk remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) has a profound effect on neutral lipid transfers between HDLs and apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins when it is expressed in combination with human apoA-I in HuAI/CETP transgenic (Tg) rodents. In the present study, human apoA-I-mediated lipoprotein changes in HuAI/CETPTg rats are characterized by 3- to 5-fold increments in the apoB-containing lipoprotein-to-HDL cholesterol ratio, and in the cholesteryl ester-to-triglyceride ratio in apoB-containing lipoproteins. These changes occur despite no change in plasma CETP concentration in HuAI/CETPTg rats, as compared with CETPTg rats. A number of HDL apolipoproteins, including rat apoA-I and rat apoC-I are removed from the HDL surface as a result of human apoA-I overexpression. Rat apoC-I, which is known to constitute a potent inhibitor of CETP, accounts for approximately two-thirds of CETP inhibitory activity in HDL from wild-type rats, and the remainder is carried by other HDL-bound apolipoprotein inhibitors. It is concluded that human apoA-I overexpression modifies HDL particles in a way that suppresses their ability to inhibit CETP. An apoC-I decrease in HDL of HuAI/CETPTg rats contributes chiefly to the loss of the CETP-inhibitory potential that is normally associated with wild-type HDL.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the transfer of HDL cholesteryl ester to triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL). This study aimed to determine the effects of CETP inhibition with torcetrapib on TRL composition and apoB-48 metabolism. Study subjects with low HDL cholesterol (<40 mg/dl), either untreated (n = 9) or receiving atorvastatin 20 mg daily (n = 9), received placebo for 4 weeks, followed by torcetrapib 120 mg once daily for the next 4 weeks. A subset of the subjects not treated with atorvastatin participated in a third phase (n = 6), in which they received torcetrapib 120 mg twice daily for an additional 4 weeks. At the end of each phase, all subjects received a primed-constant infusion of [5,5,5-(2)H(3)]L-leucine, while in the constantly fed state, to determine the kinetics of TRL apoB-48 and TRL composition. Relative to placebo, torcetrapib markedly reduced TRL CE levels in all groups (≥-69%; P < 0.005). ApoB-48 pool size (PS) and production rate (PR) decreased in the nonatorvastatin once daily (PS: -49%, P = 0.007; PR: -49%, P = 0.005) and twice daily (PS: -30%, P = 0.01; PR: -27%, P = 0.13) cohorts. In the atorvastatin cohort, apoB-48 PS and PR, which were already lowered by atorvastatin, did not change with torcetrapib. Our findings indicate that CETP inhibition reduced plasma apoB-48 concentrations by reducing apoB-48 production but did not have this effect in subjects already treated with atorvastatin.  相似文献   

Although the transport of model proteins across the mammalian ER can be reconstituted with purified Sec61p complex, TRAM, and signal recognition particle receptor, some substrates, such as the prion protein (PrP), are inefficiently or improperly translocated using only these components. Here, we purify a factor needed for proper translocation of PrP and identify it as the translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex. Surprisingly, TRAP also stimulates vectorial transport of many, but not all, other substrates in a manner influenced by their signal sequences. Comparative analyses of several natural signal sequences suggest that a dependence on TRAP for translocation is not due to any single physical parameter, such as hydrophobicity of the signal sequence. Instead, a functional property of the signal, efficiency of its post-targeting role in initiating substrate translocation, correlates inversely with TRAP dependence. Thus, maximal translocation independent of TRAP can only be achieved with a signal sequence, such as the one from prolactin, whose strong interaction with the translocon mediates translocon gating shortly after targeting. These results identify the TRAP complex as a functional component of the translocon and demonstrate that it acts in a substrate-specific manner to facilitate the initiation of protein translocation.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine kinase consisting of two catalytic α/α′ and two regulatory β subunits. Expression of CK2 is highly elevated in tumor cells where it protects cells from apoptosis. Accordingly inhibition of CK2 is known to induce programmed cell death, making it a promising target for cancer therapy. In the present study we investigated apoptosis induction by the CK2 inhibitor 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBB) in prostate tumor cells. In contrast to PC-3 cells LNCaP cells respond to CK2 inhibition with apoptosis. Most interestingly we found the mitochondrial pathway induced in LNCaP as well as in PC-3 cells as monitored by down-regulation of bcl-2 and subsequent cytochrome c release. In both cell lines activation of caspase 9 was not detected. Instead, an activation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response in LNCaP cells after treatment with the CK2 inhibitor TBB was found. We show that this ER stress response led to an up-regulation of the death receptor DR5 and subsequent apoptosis in LNCaP cells.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the impact of testosterone deficiency and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) expression on lipoprotein metabolism and diet-induced atherosclerosis. CETP transgenic mice and nontransgenic (nTg) littermates were studied 4 weeks after bilateral orchidectomy or sham operation. Castrated mice had an increase in the LDL fraction (+36% for CETP and +79% for nTg mice), whereas the HDL fraction was reduced (-30% for CETP and -11% for nTg mice). Castrated mice presented 1.7-fold higher titers of anti-oxidized LDL (Ox-LDL) antibodies than sham-operated controls. Plasma levels of CETP, lipoprotein lipase, and hepatic lipase were not changed by castration. Kinetic studies showed no differences in VLDL secretion rate, VLDL-LDL conversion rate, or number of LDL and HDL receptors. Competition experiments showed lower affinity of LDL from castrated mice for tissue receptors. Diet-induced atherosclerosis studies showed that testosterone deficiency increased by 100%, and CETP expression reduced by 44%, the size of aortic lesion area in castrated mice. In summary, testosterone deficiency increased plasma levels of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins (apoB-LPs) and anti-OxLDL antibodies, decreased LDL receptor affinity, and doubled the size of diet-induced atherosclerotic lesions. The expression of CETP led to a milder increase of apoB-LPs and reduced atherosclerotic lesion size in testosterone-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Development of the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitor, torcetrapib, was halted after the ILLUMINATE trial revealed an increase in both all-cause mortality (ACM) and major cardiovascular events (MCVEs) associated with its use. We now report that the harm caused by torcetrapib was confined to those in the 10 mg atorvastatin subgroup for both ACM [hazard ratio (HR) = 2.68, 95% CI (1.58, 4.54), P < 0.0001] and MCVEs [HR = 1.41, 95% CI (1.14, 1.74), P = 0.002], with no evidence of harm when torcetrapib was coadministered with higher doses of atorvastatin. In the atorvastatin 10 mg subgroup, age, prior heart failure and stroke were significantly associated with ACM, independent of torcetrapib treatment, whereas low apoA-I, smoking, hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, and stroke were independently associated with MCVEs. After adjusting for these factors, the HR associated with torcetrapib treatment in the 10 mg atorvastatin subgroup remained elevated for both ACM [HR = 2.67, 95% CI (1.57, 4.54), P < 0.001] and MCVE [HR = 1.36, 95% CI (1.10, 1.69), P = 0.005]. Thus, the harm caused by torcetrapib was confined to individuals taking atorvastatin 10 mg. The harm could not be explained by torcetrapib-induced changes in lipid levels, blood pressure, or electrolytes. It is conceivable that higher doses of atorvastatin protected against the harm caused by torcetrapib.  相似文献   

There are several reports describing participation of small heat shock proteins (sHsps) in cellular protein quality control. In this study, we estimated the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced response of Hsp27 and alphaB-crystallin in mammalian cells. Treatment targeting the ER with tunicamycin or thapsigargin induced the phosphorylation of Hsp27 but not of alphaB-crystallin in U373 MG cells, increase being observed after 2-10 h and decline at 24 h. Similar phosphorylation of Hsp27 by ER stress was also observed with U251 MG and HeLa but not in COS cells and could be blocked using SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 MAP kinase. Other protein kinase inhibitors, like G?6983, PD98059, and SP600125, inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), p44/42 MAP kinase, and JNK, respectively, were without major influence. Prolonged treatment with tunicamycin but not thapsigargin for 48 h caused the second induction of the phosphorylation of Hsp27 in U251 MG cells. Under these conditions, the intense perinuclear staining of Hsp27, with some features of aggresomes, was observed in 10%-20% of the cells.  相似文献   

Little is known about whether cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) genetic variation may modify the effect of weight-loss diets varying in fat content on changes in lipid levels. We analyzed the interaction between the CETP variant rs3764261 and dietary interventions on changes in lipid levels among 732 overweight/obese adults from a 2 year randomized weight-loss trial [Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies (POUNDS LOST)], and replicated the findings in 171 overweight/obese adults from an independent 2 year weight-loss trial [Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT)]. In the POUNDS LOST, participants with the CETP rs3764261 CC genotype on the high-fat diet had larger increases in HDL cholesterol (P = 0.001) and decreases in triglycerides (P = 0.007) than those on the low-fat diet at 6 months, while no significant difference between these two diets was observed among participants carrying other genotypes. The gene-diet interactions on changes in HDL-cholesterol and tri­glyc­erides were replicated in the DIRECT (pooled P for interaction ≤ 0.01). Similar results on trajectory of changes in HDL cholesterol and triglycerides over the 2 year intervention were observed in both trials. Our study provides replicable evidence that individuals with the CETP rs3764261 CC genotype might derive greater effects on raising HDL cholesterol and lowering triglycerides by choosing a low-carbohydrate/high-fat weight-loss diet instead of a low-fat diet.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced cell death is normally associated with activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, which is characterized by CYCS (cytochrome c, somatic) release, apoptosome formation, and caspase activation, resulting in cell death. In this study, we demonstrate that under conditions of ER stress cells devoid of CASP9/caspase-9 or BAX and BAK1, and therefore defective in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, still undergo a delayed form of cell death associated with the activation of caspases, therefore revealing the existence of an alternative stress-induced caspase activation pathway. We identified CASP8/caspase-8 as the apical protease in this caspase cascade, and found that knockdown of either of the key autophagic genes, ATG5 or ATG7, impacted on CASP8 activation and cell death induction, highlighting the crucial role of autophagy in the activation of this novel ER stress-induced death pathway. In line with this, we identified a protein complex composed of ATG5, FADD, and pro-CASP8 whose assembly coincides with caspase activation and cell death induction. Together, our results reveal the toxic potential of autophagy in cells undergoing ER stress that are defective in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, and suggest a model in which the autophagosome functions as a platform facilitating pro-CASP8 activation. Chemoresistance, a common problem in the treatment of cancer, is frequently caused by the downregulation of key mitochondrial death effector proteins. Alternate stress-induced apoptotic pathways, such as the one described here, may become of particular relevance for tackling the problem of chemoresistance in cancer cells.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced cell death is normally associated with activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, which is characterized by CYCS (cytochrome c, somatic) release, apoptosome formation, and caspase activation, resulting in cell death. In this study, we demonstrate that under conditions of ER stress cells devoid of CASP9/caspase-9 or BAX and BAK1, and therefore defective in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, still undergo a delayed form of cell death associated with the activation of caspases, therefore revealing the existence of an alternative stress-induced caspase activation pathway. We identified CASP8/caspase-8 as the apical protease in this caspase cascade, and found that knockdown of either of the key autophagic genes, ATG5 or ATG7, impacted on CASP8 activation and cell death induction, highlighting the crucial role of autophagy in the activation of this novel ER stress-induced death pathway. In line with this, we identified a protein complex composed of ATG5, FADD, and pro-CASP8 whose assembly coincides with caspase activation and cell death induction. Together, our results reveal the toxic potential of autophagy in cells undergoing ER stress that are defective in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, and suggest a model in which the autophagosome functions as a platform facilitating pro-CASP8 activation. Chemoresistance, a common problem in the treatment of cancer, is frequently caused by the downregulation of key mitochondrial death effector proteins. Alternate stress-induced apoptotic pathways, such as the one described here, may become of particular relevance for tackling the problem of chemoresistance in cancer cells.  相似文献   

《Journal of lipid research》2017,58(6):1214-1220
Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of HDL cholesteryl esters for triglyceride (TG) in VLDL/LDL. CETP inhibition, with anacetrapib, increases HDL-cholesterol, reduces LDL-cholesterol, and lowers TG levels. This study describes the mechanisms responsible for TG lowering by examining the kinetics of VLDL-TG, apoC-II, apoC-III, and apoE. Mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects were randomized to either placebo (N = 10) or atorvastatin 20 mg/qd (N = 29) for 4 weeks (period 1) followed by 8 weeks of anacetrapib, 100 mg/qd (period 2). Following each period, subjects underwent stable isotope metabolic studies to determine the fractional catabolic rates (FCRs) and production rates (PRs) of VLDL-TG and plasma apoC-II, apoC-III, and apoE. Anacetrapib reduced the VLDL-TG pool on a statin background due to an increased VLDL-TG FCR (29%; P = 0.002). Despite an increased VLDL-TG FCR following anacetrapib monotherapy (41%; P = 0.11), the VLDL-TG pool was unchanged due to an increase in the VLDL-TG PR (39%; P = 0.014). apoC-II, apoC-III, and apoE pool sizes increased following anacetrapib; however, the mechanisms responsible for these changes differed by treatment group. Anacetrapib increased the VLDL-TG FCR by enhancing the lipolytic potential of VLDL, which lowered the VLDL-TG pool on atorvastatin background. There was no change in the VLDL-TG pool in subjects treated with anacetrapib monotherapy due to an accompanying increase in the VLDL-TG PR.  相似文献   

An excess of cholesterol and/or oxysterols induces apoptosis in macrophages, contributing to the development of advanced atherosclerotic lesions. In foam cells, these sterols are stored in esterified forms, which are hydrolyzed by two enzymes: neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 (Nceh1) and hormone-sensitive lipase (Lipe). A deficiency in either enzyme leads to accelerated growth of atherosclerotic lesions in mice. However, it is poorly understood how the esterification and hydrolysis of sterols are linked to apoptosis. Remarkably, Nceh1-deficient thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophages (TGEMs), but not Lipe-deficient TGEMs, were more susceptible to apoptosis induced by oxysterols, particularly 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-HC), and incubation with 25-HC caused massive accumulation of 25-HC ester in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to its defective hydrolysis, thereby activating ER stress signaling such as induction of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-homologous protein (CHOP). These changes were nearly reversed by inhibition of ACAT1. In conclusion, deficiency of Nceh1 augments 25-HC-induced ER stress and subsequent apoptosis in TGEMs. In addition to reducing the cholesteryl ester content of foam cells, Nceh1 may protect against the pro-apoptotic effect of oxysterols and modulate the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Estimation of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) using the Friedewald (FR) formula is often inaccurate when triglycerides are elevated or VLDL particle composition is altered. We hypothesized that LDL-C estimation by the FR formula and other measurement methods might also be inaccurate in individuals treated with a cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitor. An assay comparison study was conducted using pre and posttreatment serum samples from 280 of the 811 patients treated with the CETP inhibitor anacetrapib in the DEFINE study (determining the ef ficacy and tolerability of CETP in hibition with anac e trapib). After 24 weeks of treatment with anacetrapib, mean LDL-C values by FR formula, Roche direct method (RDM) and Genzyme direct method (GDM) deviated from that measured by the β-quantification (BQ) reference method by –12.2 ± 7.5, –10.2 ± 6.6, –10.8 ± 8.8 mg/dl, respectively. After treatment with anacetrapib, the FR formula and detergent-based direct methods provided lower LDL-C values than those obtained by the BQ reference method. The bias by the FR formula appeared to be due to an overestimation of VLDL-C by the TG/5 component of the formula. Evaluation of the clinical significance of these findings awaits comprehensive lipid and cardiovascular outcome data from ongoing Phase III clinical studies of anacetrapib.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin h (TRX h) functions as a reducing protein and is present in all organisms. As a new approach for inducing the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, TRX h (OsTRX23) was expressed as a secretory protein using the endosperm-specific glutelin GluB-1 promoter and a signal peptide. In transgenic rice seeds, the majority of the recombinant TRX h accumulated in the ER but some was also localized to the protein body IIs (PB-IIs). The rice grain quality was dependent on the TRX h accumulation level. Increased TRX h expression resulted in aberrant phenotypes, such as chalky and shriveled features, lower seed weight and lower seed protein content. Furthermore, the accumulation of some seed storage proteins (SSPs) was significantly suppressed and the morphology of the protein bodies (PB-Is and PB-IIs) changed according to the level of TRX h. SSPs, such as 13 kDa prolamin and GluA, were specifically modified via the reducing action of TRX h. These changes led to the activation of the ER stress response, which was accompanied by the expression of several chaperone proteins. Specifically, the ER stress markers BiP4 and BiP5 were significantly up-regulated by an increase in the level of TRX h. These results suggest that changes in the conformation of certain SSPs via the action of recombinant TRX h lead to an induced ER stress response in transgenic rice seeds.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is associated with neurodegeneration and various other pathologies. How specific cellular environments modulate the aggregation of disease proteins is not well understood. Here, we investigated how the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) quality control system handles β‐sheet proteins that were designed de novo to form amyloid‐like fibrils. While these proteins undergo toxic aggregation in the cytosol, we find that targeting them to the ER (ER‐β) strongly reduces their toxicity. ER‐β is retained within the ER in a soluble, polymeric state, despite reaching very high concentrations exceeding those of ER‐resident molecular chaperones. ER‐β is not removed by ER‐associated degradation (ERAD) but interferes with ERAD of other proteins. These findings demonstrate a remarkable capacity of the ER to prevent the formation of insoluble β‐aggregates and the secretion of potentially toxic protein species. Our results also suggest a generic mechanism by which proteins with exposed β‐sheet structure in the ER interfere with proteostasis.  相似文献   

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