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BACKGROUND: The DNA replication checkpoint ensures that mitosis is not initiated before DNA synthesis is completed. Recent studies using Xenopus extracts have demonstrated that activation of the replication checkpoint and phosphorylation of the Chk1 kinase are dependent on RNA primer synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha, and it has been suggested that the ATR kinase-so-called because it is related to the product of the gene that is mutated in ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) and to Rad3 kinase-may be an upstream component of this response. It has been difficult to test this hypothesis as an ATR-deficient system suitable for biochemical studies has not been available. RESULTS: We have cloned the Xenopus laevis homolog of ATR (XATR) and studied the function of the protein in Xenopus egg extracts. Using a chromatin-binding assay, we found that ATR associates with chromatin after initiation of replication, dissociates from chromatin upon completion of replication, and accumulates in the presence of aphidicolin, an inhibitor of DNA replication. Its association with chromatin was inhibited by treatment with actinomycin D, an inhibitor of RNA primase. There was an early rise in the activity of Cdc2-cyclin B in egg extracts depleted of ATR both in the presence or absence of aphidicolin. In addition, the premature mitosis observed upon depletion of ATR was accompanied by the loss of Chk1 phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: ATR is a replication-dependent chromatin-binding protein, and its association with chromatin is dependent on RNA synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha. Depletion of ATR leads to premature mitosis in the presence and absence of aphidicolin, indicating that ATR is required for the DNA replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad-3-related) is a protein kinase required for survival after DNA damage. A critical role for ATR has been hypothesized to be the regulation of p53 and other cell cycle checkpoints. ATR has been shown to phosphorylate p53 at Ser(15), and this damage-induced phosphorylation is diminished by expression of a catalytically inactive (ATR-kd) mutant. p53 function could not be examined directly in prior studies of ATR, however, because p53 was mutant or because cells expressed the SV40 large T antigen that blocks p53 function. To test the interactions of ATR and p53 directly we generated human U2OS cell lines inducible for either wild-type or kinase-dead ATR that also have an intact p53 pathway. Indeed, ATR-kd expression sensitized these cells to DNA damage and caused a transient decrease in damage-induced serine 15 phosphorylation of p53. However, we found that the effects of ATR-kd expression do not result in blocking the response of p53 to DNA damage. Specifically, prior ATR-kd expression had no effect on DNA damage-induced p53 protein up-regulation, p53-DNA binding, p21 mRNA up-regulation, or G(1) arrest. Instead of promoting survival via p53 regulation, we found that ATR protects cells by delaying the generation of mitotic phosphoproteins and inhibiting premature chromatin condensation after DNA damage or hydroxyurea. Although p53 inhibition (by E6 or MDM2 expression) had little effect on premature chromatin condensation, when combined with ATR-kd expression there was a marked loss of the replication checkpoint. We conclude that ATR and p53 can function independently but that loss of both leads to synergistic disruption of the replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mec1-Ddc2 protein kinase (human ATR-ATRIP) initiates a signal transduction pathway in response to DNA damage and replication stress to mediate cell cycle arrest. The yeast DNA damage checkpoint clamp Ddc1-Mec3-Rad17 (human Rad9-Hus1-Rad1: 9-1-1) is loaded around effector DNA and thereby activates Mec1 kinase. Dpb11 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cut5/Rad4 or human TopBP1) is an essential protein required for the initiation of DNA replication and has a role in checkpoint activation. In this study, we demonstrate that Dpb11 directly activates the Mec1 kinase in phosphorylating the downstream effector kinase Rad53 (human Chk1/2) and DNA bound RPA. However, DNA was not required for Dpb11 to function as an activator. Dpb11 and yeast 9-1-1 independently activate Mec1, but substantial synergism in activation was observed when both activators were present. Our studies suggest that Dpb11 and 9-1-1 may partially compensate for each other during yeast checkpoint function.  相似文献   

The myogenic protein MyoD requires two nuclear histone acetyltransferases, CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300 and PCAF, to transactivate muscle promoters. MyoD is acetylated by PCAF in vitro, which seems to increase its affinity for DNA. We here show that MyoD is constitutively acetylated in muscle cells. In vitro, MyoD is acetylated both by CBP/p300 and by PCAF on two lysines located at the boundary of the DNA binding domain. MyoD acetylation by CBP/p300 (as well as by PCAF) increases its activity on a muscle-specific promoter, as assessed by microinjection experiments. MyoD mutants that cannot be acetylated in vitro are not activated in the functional assay. Our results provide direct evidence that MyoD acetylation functionally activates the protein and show that both PCAF and CBP/p300 are candidate enzymes for MyoD acetylation in vivo.  相似文献   

Cell division cycle 5‐like protein (Cdc5L) is a core component of the putative E3 ubiquitin ligase complex containing Prp19/Pso4, Plrg1 and Spf27. This complex has been shown to have a role in pre‐messenger RNA splicing from yeast to humans; however, more recent studies have described a function for this complex in the cellular response to DNA damage. Here, we show that Cdc5L interacts physically with the cell‐cycle checkpoint kinase ataxia‐telangiectasia and Rad3‐related (ATR). Depletion of Cdc5L by RNA‐mediated interference methods results in a defective S‐phase cell‐cycle checkpoint and cellular sensitivity in response to replication‐fork blocking agents. Furthermore, we show that Cdc5L is required for the activation of downstream effectors or mediators of ATR checkpoint function such as checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), cell cycle checkpoint protein Rad 17 (Rad17) and Fanconi anaemia complementation group D2 protein (FancD2). In addition, we have mapped the ATR‐binding region in Cdc5L and show that a deletion mutant that is unable to interact with ATR is defective in the rescue of the checkpoint deficiency in Cdc5L‐depleted cells. These findings show a new function for Cdc5L in the regulation of the ATR‐mediated cell‐cycle checkpoint in response to genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

CREB-binding protein and p300 in transcriptional regulation   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

Alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), damage DNA and activate the DNA damage checkpoint. Although many of the checkpoint proteins that transduce damage signals have been identified and characterized, the mechanism that senses the damage and activates the checkpoint is not yet understood. To address this issue for alkylation damage, we have reconstituted the checkpoint response to MMS in Xenopus egg extracts. Using four different indicators for checkpoint activation (delay on entrance into mitosis, slowing of DNA replication, phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein, and physical association of the Rad17 checkpoint protein with damaged DNA), we report that MMS-induced checkpoint activation is dependent upon entrance into S phase. Additionally, we show that the replication of damaged double-stranded DNA, and not replication of damaged single-stranded DNA, is the molecular event that activates the checkpoint. Therefore, these data provide direct evidence that replication forks are an obligate intermediate in the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

Tipin was originally isolated as a protein interacting with Timeless/Tim1/Tim (Tim), which is known to be involved in both circadian rhythm and cell cycle checkpoint regulation. The endogenous Tim and Tipin proteins in human cells, interacting through the N-terminal segment of each molecule, form a complex throughout the cell cycle. Tipin and Tim are expressed in the interphase nuclei mostly at constant levels during the cell cycle, and small fractions are recovered in the chromatin-enriched fractions during S phase. Depletion of endogenous Tipin results in reduced growth rate, and this may be due in part to inefficient progression of S phase and DNA synthesis. Knockdown of Tipin induces radioresistant DNA synthesis and inhibits phosphorylation of Chk1 kinase caused by replication stress, as was observed with that of Tim. Knockdown of Tipin or Tim results in reduced protein level and relocation to the cytoplasm of the respective binding partner, suggesting that the complex formation may be required for stabilization and nuclear accumulation of both proteins. Furthermore, both Tipin and Tim may facilitate the accumulation of Claspin in the nuclei under replication stress, whereas nuclear localization of Tipin and Tim is unaffected by Claspin. Our results indicate that mammalian Tipin is a checkpoint mediator that cooperates with Tim and may regulate the nuclear relocation of Claspin in response to replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

Human claspin is required for replication checkpoint control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Claspin is a newly identified protein that regulates Chk1 activation in Xenopus. In the present study we investigated the role of human Claspin in the DNA damage/replication checkpoint in mammalian cells. We observed that human Claspin is a cell cycle regulated protein that peaks at S/G2 phase. Claspin localizes in the nuclei, but it only associates with Chk1 following replication stress or other types of DNA damage. In addition, Claspin is phosphorylated in response to replication stress, and this phosphorylation appears to be required for its association with Chk1. Moreover, Claspin interacts with the checkpoint proteins ATR and Rad9. Given that both the ATR and Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 complexes are involved in Chk1 activation, it is possible that Claspin works as an adaptor molecule bringing these molecules together. Using small interfering RNA technology, we have shown that down-regulation of Claspin expression inhibits Chk1 activation in response to replication stress. More importantly, down-regulation of Claspin augments the premature chromatin condensation induced by hydroxyurea, inhibits the UV-induced reduction of DNA synthesis, and decreases cell survival. Taken together, these data imply a potentially critical role for Claspin in replication checkpoint control in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Fission yeast p56(chk1) kinase is known to be involved in the DNA damage checkpoint but not to be required for cell cycle arrest following exposure to the DNA replication inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU). For this reason, p56(chk1) is considered not to be necessary for the DNA replication checkpoint which acts through the inhibitory phosphorylation of p34(cdc2) kinase activity. In a search for Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutants that abolish the S phase cell cycle arrest of a thermosensitive DNA polymerase delta strain at 37 degrees C, we isolated two chk1 alleles. These alleles are proficient for the DNA damage checkpoint, but induce mitotic catastrophe in several S phase thermosensitive mutants. We show that the mitotic catastrophe correlates with a decreased level of tyrosine phosphorylation of p34(cdc2). In addition, we found that the deletion of chk1 and the chk1 alleles abolish the cell cycle arrest and induce mitotic catastrophe in cells exposed to HU, if the cells are grown at 37 degrees C. These findings suggest that chk1 is important for the maintenance of the DNA replication checkpoint in S phase thermosensitive mutants and that the p56(chk1) kinase must possess a novel function that prevents premature activation of p34(cdc2) kinase under conditions of impaired DNA replication at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that SNM1A is a multifunctional gene involved in both the DNA damage response and in an early mitotic checkpoint in response to spindle stress. Another member of the SNM1 gene family, SNM1B/Apollo, has been shown to have roles in both the response to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents and in telomere protection during S phase. Here, we demonstrate a novel role for SNM1B/Apollo in mitosis in response to spindle stress. SNM1B-deficient cells exhibit a defect in the prophase checkpoint. Loss of the prophase checkpoint induces an extended mitotic delay, which is due to prolonged activation of the spindle checkpoint. In addition, we show that SNM1B/Apollo interacts with the essential microtubule binding protein Astrin. SNM1B/Apollo interacts with Astrin through its conserved metallo-β-lactamase domain, and disruption of this interaction by point mutations results in a deficient prophase checkpoint. These findings suggest that SNM1B/Apollo and Astrin function together to enforce the prophase checkpoint in response to spindle stress.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, ATM and ATR are critical regulators of checkpoint responses to damaged and incompletely replicated DNA. These checkpoint responses involve the activation of signaling pathways that inhibit the replication of chromosomes with DNA lesions. In this study, we describe the isolation of a cDNA encoding a full-length version of Xenopus ATM. Using antibodies against the regulatory domain of ATM, we have identified the essential replication protein Mcm2 as an ATM-binding protein in Xenopus egg extracts. Xenopus Mcm2 underwent phosphorylation at Ser(92) in response to the presence of double-stranded DNA breaks or DNA replication blocks in egg extracts. This phosphorylation involved both ATM and ATR, but the relative contribution of each kinase depended upon the checkpoint-inducing DNA signal. Furthermore, both ATM and ATR phosphorylated Mcm2 directly at Ser(92) in cell-free kinase assays. Immunodepletion of both ATM and ATR abrogated the checkpoint response that blocks chromosomal DNA replication in egg extracts containing double-stranded DNA breaks. These experiments indicate that ATM and ATR phosphorylate the functionally critical replication protein Mcm2 during both DNA damage and replication checkpoint responses in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

Checkpoints prevent DNA replication or nuclear division when chromosomes are damaged. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DDC1 gene belongs to the RAD17, MEC3 and RAD24 epistasis group which, together with RAD9, is proposed to act at the beginning of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Ddc1p is periodically phosphorylated during unperturbed cell cycle and hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage. We demonstrate that Ddc1p interacts physically in vivo with Mec3p, and this interaction requires Rad17p. We also show that phosphorylation of Ddc1p depends on the key checkpoint protein Mec1p and also on Rad24p, Rad17p and Mec3p. This suggests that Mec1p might act together with the Rad24 group of proteins at an early step of the DNA damage checkpoint response. On the other hand, Ddc1p phosphorylation is independent of Rad53p and Rad9p. Moreover, while Ddc1p is required for Rad53p phosphorylation, it does not play any major role in the phosphorylation of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p, which requires RAD9 and MEC1. We suggest that Rad9p and Ddc1p might function in separated branches of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway, playing different roles in determining Mec1p activity and/or substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The relationship between the DNA replication and spindle checkpoints of the cell cycle is unclear, given that in most eukaryotes, spindle formation occurs only after DNA replication is complete. Fission yeast rad3 mutant cells, which are deficient in DNA replication checkpoint function, enter, progress through, and exit mitosis even when DNA replication is blocked. In contrast, the entry of cds1 mutant cells into mitosis is delayed by several hours when DNA replication is inhibited. We show here that this delay in mitotic entry in cds1 cells is due in part to activation of the spindle checkpoint protein Mad2p. In the presence of the DNA replication inhibitor hydroxyurea (HU), cds1 mad2 cells entered and progressed through mitosis earlier than did cds1 cells. Overexpression of Mad2p or inactivation of Slp1p, a regulator of the anaphase-promoting complex, also rescued the checkpoint defect of HU-treated rad3 cells. Rad3p was shown to be involved in the physical interaction between Mad2p and Slp1p in the presence of HU. These results suggested that Mad2p and Slp1p act downstream of Rad3p in the DNA replication checkpoint and that Mad2p is required for the DNA replication checkpoint when Cds1p is compromised.  相似文献   

The large subunit of replication protein A (Rpa1) consists of three single-stranded DNA binding domains and an N-terminal domain (Rpa1N) of unknown function. To determine the essential role of this domain we searched for mutations that require wild-type Rpa1N for viability in yeast. A mutation in RFC4, encoding a small subunit of replication factor C (RFC), was found to display allele-specific interactions with mutations in the gene encoding Rpa1 (RFA1). Mutations that map to Rpa1N and confer sensitivity to the DNA synthesis inhibitor hydroxyurea, such as rfa1-t11, are lethal in combination with rfc4-2. The rfc4-2 mutant itself is sensitive to hydroxyurea, and like rfc2 and rfc5 strains, it exhibits defects in the DNA replication block and intra-S checkpoints. RFC4 and the DNA damage checkpoint gene RAD24 were found to be epistatic with respect to DNA damage sensitivity. We show that the rfc4-2 mutant is defective in the G(1)/S DNA damage checkpoint response and that both the rfc4-2 and rfa1-t11 strains are defective in the G(2)/M DNA damage checkpoint. Thus, in addition to its essential role as part of the clamp loader in DNA replication, Rfc4 plays a role as a sensor in multiple DNA checkpoint pathways. Our results suggest that a physical interaction between Rfc4 and Rpa1N is required for both roles.  相似文献   

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