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Rates of net photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E) and leaf conductance to water vapour transfer (gH2O) were measured on leaves of Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Ritson's and L. cosentinii Guss. cv. Eregulla throughout development and on flag leaves of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cvs Gutha, Gamenya and Warigal) after full expansion. Plants were grown in large containers of soil, in a naturally-lit, temperature controlled glasshouse. Throughout most of their life, lupin leaves had higher photosynthetic rates and leaf conductances than found for wheat. During leaf ageing in lupins, photosynthesis and conductance changed proportionately such that leaf intercellular CO2 concentration was maintained relatively constant at about 200 ppm. Under continuously cloudy conditions, leaf conductance at midday of lupins and wheat was higher than at similar photon flux densities at other times of day on cloudless days. On cloudy days the relationship between gH2O and photon flux density in lupins was very different from that derived from diurnal measurements on clear days. The potentially low water use efficiency under cloud, evident as decreases in the A/gH2O ratio, was rarely realised in practise due to a reduction in leaf-to-air water vapour concentration difference on cloudy days. The possible reasons for the high conductance on cloudy days are discussed.  相似文献   

陈静  陈欣  唐建军 《应用生态学报》2004,15(12):2388-2392
综述了大气CO2浓度升高条件下,植物根际土壤环境、根际土壤微生物和植物菌根形成的变化趋势等方面的研究进展,CO2浓度升高,运转到根系的碳水化合物增加,根际环境、根际微生物活性、微生物群落结构以及菌根共生体的形成发生变化.提出在CO2浓度升高条件下,根际微生物和菌根真菌群落的变化对植物群落和陆地生态系统碳动态的调节是今后的研究趋向。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith) on metabolic changes in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) under drought. Two cultivars, Tuxpeno sequia CO (drought sensitive) and C8 (drought resistant), were subjected for 3 weeks to water stress following tasselling (75–95 days after sowing). Fully expanded 7th or 8th leaves were sampled and assessed for levels of chlorophyll, sugars, proteins, and amino acids. Chlorophyll content was not altered either by water stress or the presence of mycorrhizae. Mycorrhizal plants (M+) had higher total and reducing sugars than nonmycorrhizal plants (M-) at the end of 3 weeks of the drought cycle. An increase in protein content was observed with drought stress in M + plants of the cultivar C0. Most of the amino acids showed a linear increase during the period of water stress in M+ and M- plants for both cultivars. Total amino acids increased by 40.6% and 43.7% in M- plants of C0 and C8, respectively. With the presence of AM fungus, amino acid levels increased by only 10.7% and 19.2% of leaf dry mass in C0 and C8, respectively. Alanine, asparagine, glutamine, and glycine accounted for 70% of the amino acid pool. Under drought, AM inoculation enabled the plants to retain considerable amounts of sugars and proteins, especially in the drought-sensitive cultivar C0. This may be of physiological importance in helping the plant to withstand moderate drought.  相似文献   

Sheng M  Tang M  Chen H  Yang B  Zhang F  Huang Y 《Mycorrhiza》2008,18(6-7):287-296
The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae on characteristics of the growth, water status, chlorophyll concentration, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence of maize plants under salt stress was studied in the greenhouse. Maize plants were grown in sand and soil mixture with five NaCl levels (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 g/kg dry substrate) for 55 days, following 15 days of non-saline pretreatment. Under salt stress, mycorrhizal maize plants had higher dry weight of shoot and root, higher relative chlorophyll content, better water status (decreased water saturation deficit, increased water use efficiency, and relative water content), higher gas exchange capacity (increased photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate, and decreased intercellular CO(2) concentration), higher non-photochemistry efficiency [increased non-photochemical quenching values (NPQ)], and higher photochemistry efficiency [increased the maximum quantum yield in the dark-adapted state (Fv/Fm), the maximum quantum yield in the light-adapted sate (Fv'/Fm'), the actual quantum yield in the light-adapted steady state (varphiPSII) and the photochemical quenching values (qP)], compared with non-mycorrhizal maize plants. In addition, AM symbiosis could trigger the regulation of the energy biturcation between photochemical and non-photochemical events reflected in the deexcitation rate constants (kN, kN', kP, and kP'). All the results show that G. mosseae alleviates the deleterious effect of salt stress on plant growth, through improving plant water status, chlorophyll concentration, and photosynthetic capacity, while the influence of AM symbiosis on photosynthetic capacity of maize plants can be indirectly affected by soil salinity and mycorrhizae-mediated enhancement of water status, but not by the mycorrhizae-mediated enhancement of chlorophyll concentration and plant biomass.  相似文献   

Goicoechea  N.  Antolín  M.C.  Sánchez-Díaz  M. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(2):261-268
The objective of this research was to study the effect of drought on nutrient content and leaf water status in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv Aragón) plants inoculated with a mycorrhizal fungus and/or Rhizobium compared with noninoculated ones. The four treatments were: a) plants inoculated with Glomus fasciculatum and Rhizobium meliloti 102 F51 strain, (MR); b) plants inoculated with R. meliloti only (R); c) plants with G. fasciculatum only (M); and d) noninoculated plants (N). Nonmycorrhizal plants were supplemented with phosphorus and nonnodulated ones with nitrogen to achieve similar size and nutrient content in all treatments. Plants were drought stressed using two cycles of moisture stress and recovery. The components of total leaf water potential (osmotic and pressure potentials at full turgor), percentage of apoplastic water volume and the bulk modulus of elasticity of leaf tissue were determined. Macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg) and micronutrient (Co, Mo, Zn, Mn, Cu, Na, Fe and B) content per plant were also measured. Leaves of N and R plants had decreased osmotic potentials and increased pressure potentials at full turgor, with no changes either in the bulk modulus of elasticity or the percentage of apoplastic water upon drought conditions. By contrast, M and MR leaves did not vary in osmotic and turgor potentials under drought stress but had increased apoplastic water volume and cell elasticity (lowering bulk modulus). Drought stress decreased nutrient content of leaves and roots of noninoculated plants. R plants showed a decrease in nutrient content of leaves but maintained some micronutrients in roots. Leaves of M plants were similar in content of nutrients to N plants. However, roots of M and MR plants had significantly lower nutrient content. Results indicate an enhancement of nutrient content in mycorrhizal alfalfa plants during drought that affected leaf water relations during drought stress.  相似文献   

The effect of increased Cd2+ concentrations in the watering solution on citrus physiology was studied by using two citrus genotypes, Cleopatra mandarin and Carrizo citrange. Cadmium content in roots and leaves was tested together with measurements of leaf damage, gas exchange parameters, and hormonal contents. Citrus roots efficiently retained Cd2+ avoiding its translocation to the shoots and Cleopatra mandarin translocated less Cd2+ than Carrizo. With increasing Cd2+ concentration all gas exchange parameters were decreased more in Carrizo than in Cleopatra mandarin. Cd-induced increases in abscisic acid and salicylic acid contents were observed in leaves but not in roots of both genotypes.  相似文献   

The effects of three soil temperatures on growth of spring barleys (Hordeum vulgare L.) and on their root colonization by vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi from agricultural soils in Montana (USA) or Syria at different inoculum concentrations were tested in soil incubators in the greenhouse. The number of mycorrhizal plants as well as the proportion and intensity of roots colonized increased with higher soil temperatures. VAM fungi from Montana, primarily Glomus macrocarpum, were cold tolerant at 11°C while those from Syria, primarily G. hoi, were heat tolerant at 26°C. Inoculum potential of Montana VAM fungi was higher than Syrian VAM fungi in cool soils. Harmal, selected from Syrian barley land races, had the highest colonization by mycorrhizal fungi of the cultivars tested.Journal Series Paper: J-2532 Montana Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Four-month old seedlings of pecan [Carya illinoensis (Wangenh) C. Koch] were either not flooded or flooded for 14 days, then transferred to well-drained conditions for 23 days. Water was withheld from one-half of the trees for 6 days, then trees were rewatered, and water was withheld from all trees. Leaf expansion, leaf dry weight, and the number of new leaves that developed were reduced by flooding, but not trunk or root dry weights. Evapotranspiration rates of flooded trees after transfer to well-drained conditions were initially higher than those of unflooded trees, but decreased to rates of control trees after 12 days. Flooding had no effect on photosynthesis after trees had been transferred to well-drained conditions for 23 days. Drought-stressed trees with leaf water potentials as low as − 1.93 MPa had lower leaf photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate (A), transpiration (E), and leaf conductance to CO2 (gL) as compared to wellwatered trees. Leaf internal CO2 concentration (ci) was reduced only by the most severe water-stress treatment. Water use rates and relative water content were lower at the permanent wilting point during a second drought stress when trees had been exposed previously to drought stress.  相似文献   

Interactive effects of seven years of compaction due to wheel traffic and tillage on root density, formation of arbuscular mycorrhizae, above-ground biomass, nutrient uptake and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) were measured on a coastal plain soil in eastern Alabama, USA. Tillage and soil compaction treatments initiated in 1987 were: 1) soil compaction from tractor traffic with conventional tillage (C,CT), 2) no soil compaction from tractor traffic with conventional tillage (NC,CT), 3) soil compaction from tractor traffic with no-tillage (C,NT), and, 4) no soil compaction from tractor traffic with no-tillage (NC,NT). The study was arranged as a split plot design with compaction from wheel traffic as main plots and tillage as subplots. The experiment had four replications. In May (49 days after planting) and June, (79 days after planting), root biomass and root biomass infected with arbuscular mycorrhizae was higher in treatments that received the NC,NT treatment than the other three treatments. In June and July (109 days after planting), corn plants that received C,CT treatment had less above-ground biomass, root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae than the other three treatments. Within compacted treatments, plants that received no-tillage had greater root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae in May and June than plants that received conventional tillage. Corn plants in no-tillage treatments had higher root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae than those in conventional tillage. After 7 years of treatment on a sandy Southeastern soil, the interactive effects of tillage and compaction from wheel traffic reduced root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae but did not affect plant nutrient concentration and yield. ei]J H Graham  相似文献   

Quantification of the damaging effects of pathogens on diseased plants and inclusion of these damaging functions in crop simulation models is of great importance for a more complete understanding of yield response to diseases. In this study, the effect of Septoria tritici blotch (STB) on net photosynthetic and dark respiration rates of wheat flag leaves was quantified. Bastiaans' model: Y=(1-x)beta was used to characterize the relationship between relative leaf photosynthesis (Y, considering Ynet and Ygross) and STB severity (with x the proportion of the diseased area). The value of beta indicates whether the effect of disease on photosynthesis is larger (beta >1), lower (beta <1), or equal (beta =1) to the proportion of visible diseased area. In the experimental conditions used here, leaf nitrogen content (in a range from 0.18 to 0.24 mg cm(-2)), and leaf number (flag and second leaves) did not significantly influence the effect of STB on leaf gas exchange. By contrast, damage depended strongly on the developmental stages of the STB lesions. STB lesions had no effect on inoculated leaves before visible symptoms appeared. Chlorotic symptoms had less effect on leaf net photosynthetic rate than could be accounted for by the visible diseased area (betanet=0.81). The effect of necrotic lesions on the leaf net photosynthetic capacity was slightly greater than that accounted for by visible symptoms (betanet=1.35). Our results suggest that the effect of the necrotic symptoms on the net photosynthesis expressed by betanet >1 is due to a combination of a decrease in the gross photosynthesis (betagross still >1) and to an increase in the dark respiration rate (betagross相似文献   

Given future climate predictions of increased temperature, and frequency and intensity of heat waves in the tropics, suitable habitat to grow ecologically, economically, and socially valuable Coffea arabica is severely threatened. We investigated how leaf age and heat stress duration impact recovery from heat stress in C. arabica. Treated plants were heated in a growth chamber at 49°C for 45 or 90 min. Physiological recovery was monitored in situ using gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence (the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, FV/FM), and leaf nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) on mature and expanding leaves before and 2, 15, 25, and 50 days after treatment. Regardless of leaf age, the 90‐min treatment resulted in greater FV/FM reduction 2 days after treatment and slower recovery than the 45‐min treatment. In both treatments, photosynthesis of expanding leaves recovered more slowly than in mature leaves. Stomatal conductance (gs) decreased in expanding leaves but did not change in mature leaves. These responses led to reduced intrinsic water‐use efficiency with increasing heat stress duration in both age classes. Based on a leaf energy balance model, aftereffects of heat stress would be exacerbated by increases in leaf temperature at low gs under full sunlight where C. arabica is often grown, but also under partial sunlight. Starch and total NSC content of the 45‐min group significantly decreased 2 days after treatment and then accumulated 15 and 25 days after treatment coinciding with recovery of photosynthesis and FV/FM. In contrast, sucrose of the 90‐min group accumulated at day 2 suggesting that phloem transport was inhibited. Both treatment group responses contrasted with control plant total NSC and starch, which declined with time associated with subsequent flower and fruit production. No treated plants produced flowers or fruits, suggesting that short duration heat stress can lead to crop failure.  相似文献   

The relations between leaf age and polyribosome levels werestudied with dark-and light-grown maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings.In general, polyribosome levels decline with the period of growthin darkness. Light induces an increase in the polyribosome levelin dark-grown seedlings. The response can be detected after30 min exposure to light. Seven or eight-day-old dark-growncorn seedlings, used in the present study, have high levelsof polyribosomes when greened in the light. This is indicativeof healthy seedlings, competent in protein synthesis. The polyribosomelevels in iron deficient maize plants were significantly differentfrom plants grown under complete nutrient solution, while thereis no significant difference among plants suffering differentdegrees of iron deficiency. (Received November 18, 1977; )  相似文献   

Ploidy effects on anatomy and gas exchange of tall fescue leaves   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A growth chamber study was designed to interpret differences in CO2 exchange rate (CER) and leaf diffusive resistance among 4X, 6X, 8X, and 10X ploidy levels of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea, Schreb). Mesophyll cell size, stomatal density, number of major and minor veins, and bundle cap size of leaf blades were evaluated. Diffusive resistance tended to decrease and CER to increase with increasing ploidy level. Mean stomatal density decreased from 43.6 per square millimeter to 30.6 per square millimeter as ploidy level increased from 4X to 8X. The 10X ploidy level exhibited the highest stomatal density, 47.2 per square millimeter. Major veins decreased from a mean of 14.2 to 10.2, and minor veins increased from a mean of 4.2 to 6.6, per leaf blade as ploidy increased from 4X to 10X. Total number of veins decreased significantly from a mean of 18.4 to 15.7 as ploidy increased from 4X to 8X.  相似文献   

夏玉米叶片气体交换参数对干旱过程的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麻雪艳  周广胜 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2372-2383
目前已经开展了大量的干旱对作物叶片气体交换参数影响的研究,但关于作物叶片气体交换参数对干旱过程的响应及其关键阈值的研究仍较少。基于夏玉米七叶期开始的5个初始水分梯度的长时间持续干旱模拟实验资料,分析了不同强度持续干旱过程中夏玉米叶片气体交换参数(净光合速率Pn,气孔导度Gs,蒸腾速率Tr,胞间CO_2浓度Ci和气孔限制值Ls)的变化规律及其关键阈值。结果表明,玉米的净光合速率(Pn),蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)在干旱发生初期呈大幅度下降,但随着干旱持续会出现一定的适应性。利用统计容忍限方法确定了夏玉米拔节期Pn,Tr和Gs响应干旱的临界土壤相对湿度(0—30cm)分别为53%,51%和48%,对应的临界叶含水率分别为81.8%,81.3%和81.2%。夏玉米光合作用由气孔限制向非气孔限制转换的0—30cm土壤相对湿度均为44%±2%,对应的叶含水率均为77.6%±0.3%。研究结果可为夏玉米干旱发生发展过程的监测预警提供依据。  相似文献   

Three-years-old trees of Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu [Mak.] Marc.) cv. Okitsu were exposed to O3 fumigation during long term (one year) in open-top chambers. As a result of the treatment, chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange parameters were modified with respect to trees growing in O3-free conditions. Net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance decreased and intercellular CO2 concentration increased according to a reduction of the non-cyclic electron flow and a lower capacity to reduce the quinone pool. O3 also reduced the development of non-photochemical quenching preventing the dissipation of excess excitation energy and, therefore, generated several alterations in photosynthetic apparatus. All these effects were obtained in long-term exposure and higher O3 concentration. In O3 ambient conditions, the effects were minor.  相似文献   

Ecological theory predicts a positive and asymptotic relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem productivity based on the ability of more diverse plant communities to use limiting resources more fully. This is supported by recent empirical evidence. Additionally, in natural ecosystems, plant productivity is often a function of the presence and composition of mycorrhizal associations. Yet, the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on the relationship between plant diversity and productivity has not been investigated. We predict that in the presence of AMF, productivity will saturate at lower levels of species richness because AMF increase the ability of plant species to utilize nutrient resources. In this study we manipulated old-field plant species richness in the presence and absence of two species of AMF. We found that in the absence of AMF, the relationship between plant species richness and productivity is positive and linear. However, in the presence of AMF, the relationship is positive but asymptotic, even though the maximum plant biomass was significantly different between the two AMF treatments. This is consistent with the hypothesis that AMF increase the redundancy of plant species in the productivity of plant communities, and indicates that these symbionts must be considered in future investigations of plant biodiversity and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

 The individual and combined effects of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), Meloidogyne arenaria, and phosphorus (P) fertilization, (0, 25, 75, and 125 μg/g soil) on peanut plant growth and pod yield were determined in greenhouse studies. Best growth and yield usually occurred at 75 or 125 μg P regardless of inoculation treatment. Peanut growth and yield were generally stimulated by AMF development, and growth alone was suppressed by M. arenaria at 0 and 25 μg P. In challenge inoculations, VAM increased peanut plant tolerance to the nematode and offset the growth reductions caused by M. arenaria at the two lower P levels. However, VAM and added P increased galling and M. arenaria egg production/g root, thereby increasing peanut susceptibility to nematode attack. M. arenaria had only a minimal effect on root colonization by AMF and sporulation by the fungi. Accepted: 9 June 1995  相似文献   

Syvertsen  James P.  Graham  James H. 《Plant and Soil》1999,208(2):209-219
We hypothesized that greater photosynthate supply at elevated [CO2] could compensate for increased below-ground C demands of arbuscular mycorrhizas. Therefore, we investigated plant growth, mineral nutrition, starch, and net gas exchange responses of two Citrus spp. to phosphorus (P) nutrition and mycorrhizas at elevated atmospheric [CO2]. Half of the seedlings of sour orange (C. aurantium L.) and ‘Ridge Pineapple’ sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) were inoculated with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith and half were non-mycorrhizal (NM). Plants were grown at ambient or 2X ambient [CO2] in unshaded greenhouses for 11 weeks and fertilized daily with nutrient solution either without added P or with 2 mM P in a low-P soil. High P supply reduced AM colonization whereas elevated [CO2] counteracted the depressive effect of P on intraradical colonization and vesicle development. Seedlings grown at either elevated [CO2], high P or with G. intraradices had greater growth, net assimilation of CO2 (A CO2) in leaves, leaf water-use efficiency, leaf dry wt/area, leaf starch and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio. Root/whole plant dry wt ratio was decreased by elevated [CO2], P, and AM colonization. Mycorrhizal seedlings had higher leaf-P status but lower leaf N and K concentrations than nonmycorrhizal seedlings which was due to growth dilution effects. Starch in fibrous roots was increased by elevated [CO2] but reduced by G. intraradices, especially at low-P supply. In fibrous roots, elevated [CO2] had no effect on C/N, but AM colonization decreased C/N in both Citrus spp. grown at low-P supply. Overall, there were no species differences in growth or A CO2. Mycorrhizas did not increase plant growth at ambient [CO2]. At elevated [CO2], however, mycorrhizas stimulated growth at both P levels in sour orange, the more mycorrhiza-dependent species, but only at low-P in sweet orange, the less dependent species. At low-P and elevated [CO2], colonization by the AM fungus increased A CO2 in both species but more so in sour orange than in sweet orange. Leaf P and root N concentrations were increased more and root starch level was decreased less by AM in sour orange than in sweet orange. Thus, the additional [CO2] availability to mycorrhizal plants increased CO2 assimilation, growth and nutrient uptake over that of NM plants especially in sour orange under P limitation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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