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In this paper, a class of rooted acyclic directed graphs (called TOM-networks) is defined that generalizes rooted trees and allows for models including hybridization events. It is argued that the defining properties are biologically plausible. Each TOM-network has a distance defined between each pair of vertices. For a TOM-network N, suppose that the set X consisting of the leaves and the root is known, together with the distances between members of X. It is proved that N is uniquely determined from this information and can be reconstructed in polynomial time. Thus, given exact distance information on the leaves and root, the phylogenetic network can be uniquely recovered, provided that it is a TOM-network. An outgroup can be used instead of a true root.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships may be represented by rooted acyclic directed graphs in which each vertex, corresponding to a taxon, possesses a genome. Assume the characters are all binary. A homoplasy occurs if a particular character changes its state more than once in the graph. A vertex is “regular” if it has only one parent and “hybrid” if it has more than one parent. A “regular path” is a directed path such that all vertices after the first are regular. Assume that the network is given and that the genomes are known for all leaves and for the root. Assume that all homoplasies occur only at hybrid vertices and each character has at most one homoplasy. Assume that from each vertex there is a regular path leading to a leaf. In this idealized setting, with other mild assumptions, it is proved that the genome at each vertex is uniquely determined. Hence, for each character the vertex at which a homoplasy occurs in the character is uniquely determined. Without the assumption on regular paths, an example shows that the genomes and homoplasies need not be uniquely determined.  相似文献   

Trees are commonly utilized to describe the evolutionary history of a collection of biological species, in which case the trees are called phylogenetic trees. Often these are reconstructed from data by making use of distances between extant species corresponding to the leaves of the tree. Because of increased recognition of the possibility of hybridization events, more attention is being given to the use of phylogenetic networks that are not necessarily trees. This paper describes the reconstruction of certain such networks from the tree-average distances between the leaves. For a certain class of phylogenetic networks, a polynomial-time method is presented to reconstruct the network from the tree-average distances. The method is proved to work if there is a single reticulation cycle.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to estimate a matrix of pairwise evolutionary distances from a codon-based alignment based on a codon evolutionary model. The method first computes a standard distance matrix for each of the three codon positions. Then these three distance matrices are weighted according to an estimate of the global evolutionary rate of each codon position and averaged into a unique distance matrix. Using a large set of both real and simulated codon-based alignments of nucleotide sequences, we show that this approach leads to distance matrices that have a significantly better treelikeness compared to those obtained by standard nucleotide evolutionary distances. We also propose an alternative weighting to eliminate the part of the noise often associated with some codon positions, particularly the third position, which is known to induce a fast evolutionary rate. Simulation results show that fast distance-based tree reconstruction algorithms on distance matrices based on this codon position weighting can lead to phylogenetic trees that are at least as accurate as, if not better, than those inferred by maximum likelihood. Finally, a well-known multigene dataset composed of eight yeast species and 106 codon-based alignments is reanalyzed and shows that our codon evolutionary distances allow building a phylogenetic tree which is similar to those obtained by non-distance-based methods (e.g., maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood) and also significantly improved compared to standard nucleotide evolutionary distance estimates.  相似文献   

N. Takezaki  M. Nei 《Genetics》1996,144(1):389-399
Recently many investigators have used microsatellite DNA loci for studying the evolutionary relationships of closely related populations or species, and some authors proposed new genetic distance measures for this purpose. However, the efficiencies of these distance measures in obtaining the correct tree topology remains unclear. We therefore investigated the probability of obtaining the correct topology (P(C)) for these new distances as well as traditional distance measures by using computer simulation. We used both the infinite-allele model (IAM) and the stepwise mutation model (SMM), which seem to be appropriate for classical markers and microsatellite loci, respectively. The results show that in both the IAM and SMM CAVALLI-SFORZA and EDWARDS'' chord distance (D(C)) and NEI et al.''s D(A) distance generally show higher P(C) values than other distance measures, whether the bottleneck effect exists or not. For estimating evolutionary times, however, NEI''s standard distance and GOLDSTEIN et al.''s (δ μ)(2) are more appropriate than other distances. Microsatellite DNA seems to be very useful for clarifying the evolutionary relationships of closely related populations.  相似文献   

A network N is a rooted acyclic digraph. A base-set X for N is a subset of vertices including the root (or outgroup), all leaves, and all vertices of outdegree 1. A simple model of evolution is considered in which all characters are binary and in which back-mutations occur only at hybrid vertices. It is assumed that the genome is known for each member of the base-set X. If the network is known and is assumed to be “normal,” then it is proved that the genome of every vertex is uniquely determined and can be explicitly reconstructed. Under additional hypotheses involving time-consistency and separation of the hybrid vertices, the network itself can also be reconstructed from the genomes of all members of X. An explicit polynomial-time procedure is described for performing the reconstruction.  相似文献   

Glassfrogs (family Centrolenidae) represent an exceptionally diverse group among Neotropical anurans, but their evolutionary relationships never have been assessed from a molecular perspective. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to develop a novel hypothesis of centrolenid phylogeny. Ingroup sampling included 100 terminals, with 78 (53%) of the named species in the family, representing most of the phenotypic diversity described for the group. Thirty-five species representing taxa traditionally associated with glassfrogs were used as outgroups. Gene sampling consisted of complete or partial sequences of three mitochondrial (12S, 16S, ND1) and three nuclear markers (c-myc exon 2, RAG1, POMC) for a total of 4362 bp. Phylogenies were estimated using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses for individual genes and combined datasets. The separate analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear datasets allowed us to clarify the relationships within glassfrogs; also, we corroborate the sister-group relationship between Allophryne ruthveni and glassfrogs. The new phylogeny differs significantly from all previous morphology-based hypotheses of relationships, and shows that hypotheses based on few traits are likely to misrepresent evolutionary history. Traits previously hypothesized as unambiguous synapomorphies are shown to be homoplastic, and all genera in the current taxonomy (Centrolene, Cochranella, Hyalinobatrachium, Nymphargus) are found to be poly- or paraphyletic. The new topology implies a South American origin of glassfrogs and reveals allopatric speciation as the most important speciation mechanism. The phylogeny profoundly affects the traditional interpretations of glassfrog taxonomy, character evolution, and biogeography—topics that now require more extensive evaluation in future studies.  相似文献   

海桑属(Sonneratia)植物的木材结构及其系统演化意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了海桑科海桑属(Sonnerotia)6种植物的木材结构特征,并与同科的八宝树属(Duabanga)、千屈菜科的紫薇属(Lagerstroemia)植物的木材结构进行比较。结果表明:1.射线高度和射线宽度可作为卵叶海桑区别于其它种类的鉴定特征或辅助特征;2.海桑属形成一单系的类群,并与紫薇属有更近的亲缘关系,而与同科的八宝树属的亲缘关系更远;3.导管数量特征的聚类分析可以推测海桑属植物沿两支进化,一支进化为水分输导效率高的种类(即导管直径宽和输导面积大,管孔密度小,如海桑和拟海桑),另一支进化为水分输导安全性高的种类(即导管直径窄、输导面积小,管孔密度大,如杯萼海桑、卵叶海桑、无瓣海桑、海南海桑)。  相似文献   

A symmetric stepwise mutation model with reflecting boundaries is employed to evaluate microsatellite evolution under range constraints. Methods of estimating range constraints and mutation rates under the assumptions of the model are developed. Least squares procedures are employed to improve molecular distance estimation for use in phylogenetic reconstruction in the case where range constraints and mutation rates vary across loci. The bias and accuracy of these methods are evaluated using computer simulations, and they are compared to previously existing methods which do not assume range constraints. Range constraints are seen to have a substantial impact on phylogenetic conclusions based on molecular distances, particularly for more divergent taxa. Results indicate that if range constraints are in effect, the methods developed here should be used in both the preliminary planning and final analysis of phylogenetic studies employing microsatellites. It is also seen that in order to make accurate phylogenetic inferences under range constraints, a larger number of loci are required than in their absence.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster and its close relatives are used extensively in comparative biology. Despite the importance of phylogenetic information for such studies, relationships between some melanogaster species group members are unclear due to conflicting phylogenetic signals at different loci. In this study, we use twelve nuclear loci (eleven coding and one non-coding) to assess the degree of phylogenetic incongruence in this model system. We focus on two nodes: (1) the node joining the Drosophila erecta-Drosophila orena, Drosophila melanogaster-Drosophila simulans, and Drosophila yakuba-Drosophila teissieri lineages, and (2) the node joining the lineages leading to the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups. We find limited evidence for incongruence at the first node; our data, as well as those of several previous studies, strongly support monophyly of a clade consisting of D. erecta-D. orena and D. yakuba-D. teissieri. By contrast, using likelihood based tests of congruence, we find robust evidence for topological incongruence at the second node. Different loci support different relationships among the melanogaster, takahashii, and eugracilis subgroups, and the observed incongruence is not easily attributable to homoplasy, non-equilibrium base composition, or positive selection on a subset of loci. We argue that lineage sorting in the common ancestor of these three subgroups is the most plausible explanation for our observations. Such lineage sorting may lead to biased estimation of tree topology and evolutionary rates, and may confound inferences of positive selection.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of unsupervised, growing, self-organizing neural network that expands itself by following the taxonomic relationships that exist among the sequences being classified. The binary tree topology of this neutral network, contrary to other more classical neural network topologies, permits an efficient classification of sequences. The growing nature of this procedure allows to stop it at the desired taxonomic level without the necessity of waiting until a complete phylogenetic tree is produced. This novel approach presents a number of other interesting properties, such as a time for convergence which is, approximately, a lineal function of the number of sequences. Computer simulation and a real example show that the algorithm accurately finds the phylogenetic tree that relates the data. All this makes the neural network presented here an excellent tool for phylogenetic analysis of a large number of sequences. Received: 14 May 1996 / Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

利用CoI基因序列对雀科鸟类的分子系统发育关系初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于线粒体DNA(mtDNA)中Col基因的部分序列(1300bp)对雀形目雀科(Fringillidae)36种鸟类进行系统发育分析.对数据集构建NJ树、Baycs树和ML树.对建树结果进行分析,发现铁爪鸦(Calcarius lapponicus)与鸦属(Emberiza)鸟类的亲缘关系比其他雀科的鸟类更近;支持蓝鹀(Latoucheornis siemsseni)隶属于鹀属的观点:证实了黄颈拟蜡嘴雀(Mycerobas affinis)与黑尾蜡嘴雀(Eophona migratorius)之间紧密的亲缘关系;发现长尾雀(Uragus sibiricus)和朱鸦(Urocynchramus pylzowi)之间亲缘关系很远,而与朱雀属(Carpodacus)有较近的亲缘关系:结果支持雀类与鸦类的亚科级分类水平.  相似文献   

Homoiologies are phylogenetically misleading morphological similarities that are due to nongenetic factors. It has been claimed that homoiologies are common in the hominin skull, especially in regions affected by masticatory strain, and that their prevalence is one reason why reconstructing hominin phylogenetic relationships is difficult. To evaluate this "homoiology hypothesis," we performed analyses on a group of extant primates for which a robust molecular phylogeny is available--the hominoids. We compiled a data set from measurements that developmental considerations and experimental evidence suggest differ in their likelihood of exhibiting masticatory-strain-induced phenotypic plasticity. We then used the coefficient of variation and t-tests to evaluate the phenotypic plasticity of the measurements. We predicted that, if the hypothesis is correct, the measurements of skeletal features that do not remodel and therefore are unaffected by phenotypic plasticity should be less variable than the measurements of skeletal features that remodel and are subject to low-to-moderate strains, and that the latter should be less variable than the measurements of skeletal features that remodel and are subject to moderate-to-high strains. Subsequently, we performed phylogenetic analyses on character state data derived from the measurements and compared the resulting phylogenetic hypotheses to the consensus molecular phylogeny for the hominoids. We predicted that, if the hypothesis is correct, agreement between the phylogenies should be best for the non-phenotypically-plastic characters, intermediate for the low-to-moderate-strain characters, and worst for the moderate-to-high-strain characters. The results of the coefficient of variation/t-test analyses were consistent with the predictions of the hypothesis to the extent that the moderate-to-high-strain measurements exhibited significantly more variability than the non-phenotypically-plastic and low-to-moderate-strain measurements. In contrast, the results of the phylogenetic analyses were not those predicted. The phylogeny derived from the moderate-to-high-strain characters matched the molecular phylogeny better than those obtained using the non-phenotypically-plastic and low-to-moderate-strain characters. Thus, our study supports the suggestion that mechanical loading results in phenotypic plasticity in the hominin skull, but it does not support the notion that homoiologies have a significant negative impact on hominin phylogenetics.  相似文献   

通过线粒体matR基因序列分析探讨了山茶科的分类学范围和系统演化关系。结果显示,传统山茶科的两个核心——山茶亚科(Theoideae或Camellioideae)和厚皮香亚科(Ternstroemioideae)不构成姐妹群关系,山茶亚科是一个支持率很高的单系类群,厚皮香亚科没有形成单系;山茶亚科下可区分出3个明显的分支,基部的分支由紫茎属(Stewartia)和舟柄茶属(Hartia)组成,木荷属(Schima)、美洲荷属(Franklirda)和美国大头茶属(Gordonia)构成第2个分支,该分支与由山茶属(Camellia)、核果茶属(Pyrenaria)、多瓣核果茶属(Parapyrenaria)、石笔木属(Tutcheria)、大头荣属(Polyspora)和圆籽荷属(Aptersperma)组成的第3个分支互为姐妹群。研究结果很好地支持了Prince和Parks等学者提出的的狭义山茶科(仅含山茶亚科)和狭义大头茶属的概念以及科下3个族(紫茎族Stewartieae、大头茶族Gordonieae和山茶族Theeae)的划分。但本研究更为清晰地揭示了科下3个族间的系统关系,即紫茎族是最基部的分支,山茶族与大头茶族间有更近的亲缘关系。同时,本文认为,厚皮香(亚)科是否为单系类群值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

Conservation of 16 nuclear microsatellite loci, originally developed for Quercus macrocarpa (section Albae), Q. petraea, Q. robur (section Robur), and Q. myrsinifolia, (subgenus Cyclobalanopsis) was tested in a Q. infectoria ssp. veneris population from Cyprus. All loci could be amplified successfully and displayed allele size and diversity patterns that match those of oak species belonging to the section Robur. At least in one case, limited amplification and high levels of homozygosity support the occurrence of “null alleles” caused by a possible mutation in the highly conserved primer areas, thus hindering PCR. The sampled population exhibited high levels of diversity despite the very limited distribution of this species in Cyprus and extended population fragmentation. Allele sizes of Q. infectoria at locus QpZAG9 partially match those of Q. alnifolia and Q. coccifera from neighboring populations. However, sequencing showed homoplasy, excluding a case of interspecific introgression with the latter, phylogenetically remote species. Q. infectoria ssp. veneris sequences at this locus were concordant to those of other species of section Robur, while sequences of Quercus alnifolia and Quercus coccifera were almost identical to Q. cerris.  相似文献   

利用作者已测定的赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)线粒体全基因组序列和从GenBank检索到的鲸偶蹄类有代表性的长须鲸、河马、奶牛、绵羊、猪、羊驼6种动物的线粒体全基因组序列,按顺序分别连接各自的13个蛋白编码基因、13个氨基酸序列、2个rRNA基因和22个tRNA基因成一个氨基酸序列或核苷酸序列,用DNASTAR软件统计碱基长度和组成;分析奶牛、绵羊和赤麂两两之间蛋白编码基因的序列差异;用MEGA计算7种动物12S和:16S rRNA基因的遗传距离;基于连接在一起的13个蛋白编码基因的氨基酸序列,用NJ法构建系统关系树。结果显示:①偶蹄目反刍亚目牛科的绵羊和同亚目鹿科的赤麂先聚为一亚支,然后与该亚目牛科的奶牛并为一支;猪形亚目猪科的猪和胼足亚目驼科的羊驼并为一支;鲸目须鲸亚目须鲸科的长须鲸和偶蹄目猪形亚目河马科的河马并为一支。②赤麂与绵羊的亲缘关系更近。③推测赤麂与绵羊和奶牛的分歧时间分别约在14.7和16.0百万年前。  相似文献   

Species whose geographical distribution encompasses both mainland and island populations provide ideal systems for examining potential isolation and genetic divergence. This has also interest from a conservationist point of view, as it is important to protect “evolutionarily significant units”. We report a phylogenetic mitochondrial DNA analysis comparing the populations of the three Chalcides skink species from the Chafarinas Islands (NW Africa) with specimens of the same species from the nearest mainland. We tested for the potential genetic distinctiveness of the skink island populations. However, the results of the comparison of the genetic variability of the mitochondrial coding gene cytb were conclusive showing that the genetic divergence between continental and island Chalcides species was either non-existent or extremely low. We discuss how genetic divergence may be lower than expected if separation time of the islands with the mainland has not been long enough or if the island skink populations were currently communicated via ocean rafting with individuals coming from the mainland ones.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of a blue filamentous community from an alkaline thermal spring (79-83 degrees C) in Iceland revealed that the blue filaments were affiliated with the Aquificales. The dominant sequence type, pIce1, was most closely related to a sequence (SRI-48) found in a white filamentous community from a separate Icelandic thermal spring and the pink filaments (EM17) from Yellowstone National Park. Fluorescent in situ hybridization with clone-specific oligonucleotide probes showed that the sample analyzed was essentially a monoculture of a single phylotype.  相似文献   

Growth data from a number of species of Old and New World primates have been analyzed by calculating instantaneous relative growth rates. Species discussed are the New World species Saimiri sciureus and Saguinus nigricollis, and the Old World species Pan troglodytes and Macaca mulatta. The analysis of the perinatal growth data indicated that differences in relative growth rates are present during early periods of growth. More specifically, it was found that the closer taxonomically a species is to man the greater the deceleration of growth during the first postnatal year. It is suggested that this may be a general primate trend.  相似文献   

克隆得到2种缘毛类纤毛虫——钟形钟虫(Vorticella campanula)和螅状独缩虫(Carchesium polypinum)的胞质Hsp70基因部分序列,长度均为438bp,编码146个氨基酸。以细菌为外类群,利用最大似然法和邻接法构建包括其他5种纤毛虫在内的共26个物种的Hsp70基因氨基酸序列系统发育树,其拓扑结构显示:V.campanula和C.polypinum聚在一起,并与另2种寡膜纲的嗜热四膜虫(Tetrahymena thermophila)及草履虫(Paramecium tetraurelia)聚为姊妹枝,提示了缘毛类纤毛虫为单系,且隶属于寡膜纲的系统发育地位。  相似文献   

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