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SSR-based linkage map with new markers using an intraspecific population of common wheat 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Torada A Koike M Mochida K Ogihara Y 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2006,112(6):1042-1051
Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are valuable molecular markers in many plant species. In common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which is characteristic of its large genomes and alloploidy, SSRs are one of the most useful markers. To increase SSR
marker sources and construct an SSR-based linkage map of appropriate density, we tried to develop new SSR markers from SSR-enriched
genomic libraries and the public database. SSRs having (GA)n and (GT)n motifs were isolated from enriched libraries, and di-
and tri-nucleotide repeats were mined from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and DNA sequences of Triticum species in the public database. Of the 1,147 primer pairs designed, 842 primers gave accurate amplification products, and
478 primers showed polymorphism among the nine wheat lines examined. Using a doubled haploid (DH) population from an intraspecific
cross between Kitamoe and Münstertaler (KM), we constructed an SSR-based linkage map that consisted of 464 loci: 185 loci
from genomic libraries, 65 loci from the sequence database including ESTs, 213 loci from the SSR markers already reported,
and 1 locus of morphological marker. Although newly developed SSR loci were distributed throughout all chromosomes, clustering
of them around putative centromeric regions was found on several chromosomes. The total length of the KM map spanned 3,441 cM
and corresponded to approximately 86% genome coverage. The KM map comprised of 23 linkage groups because two gaps of over
50 cM distance remained on chromosome 6A. This is a first report of SSR-based linkage map using single intraspecific population
of common wheat. This mapping result suggests that it becomes possible to construct linkage maps with sufficient genome coverage
using only SSR markers without RFLP markers, even in an intraspecific population of common wheat. Moreover, the new SSR markers
will contribute to the enrichment of molecular marker resources in common wheat. 相似文献
Construction of a genetic linkage map in tetraploid species using molecular markers 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
This article presents methodology for the construction of a linkage map in an autotetraploid species, using either codominant or dominant molecular markers scored on two parents and their full-sib progeny. The steps of the analysis are as follows: identification of parental genotypes from the parental and offspring phenotypes; testing for independent segregation of markers; partition of markers into linkage groups using cluster analysis; maximum-likelihood estimation of the phase, recombination frequency, and LOD score for all pairs of markers in the same linkage group using the EM algorithm; ordering the markers and estimating distances between them; and reconstructing their linkage phases. The information from different marker configurations about the recombination frequency is examined and found to vary considerably, depending on the number of different alleles, the number of alleles shared by the parents, and the phase of the markers. The methods are applied to a simulated data set and to a small set of SSR and AFLP markers scored in a full-sib population of tetraploid potato. 相似文献
Construction of a molecular linkage map of pepper and a comparison of synteny with tomato. 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
A molecular map of pepper (Capsicum sp.) totalling 720 cM has been constructed in an interspecific F2 cross with restriction fragment length polymorphisms and isozymes. Nineteen linkage groups were formed from 192 molecular markers. Twenty-six markers showed no linkage to any others. Twenty-eight markers showed significant deviation from expected Mendelian ratios and clustered in the genome. Two quantitative trait loci controlling the number of flowers per node were mapped to linkage group 10. The order of markers in at least 228 cM (31.7%) of the pepper genome is conserved with respect to the tomato genome, with a minimum of 15 chromosome breakage events postulated to have occurred since their divergence from a common ancestor. Comparisons of meiotic recombination in 14 conserved intervals indicates that tomato has a higher rate of recombination than does pepper in the crosses studied. Evidence suggests that centric fusions and resulting chromosome breakage events are mechanisms for genome evolution in the Solanaceae. 相似文献
A F2 population of two celery cultivated types (Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum and A. graveolens L. var. secalinum) was used to construct a linkage map consisting of 29 RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), 100 RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA), four isozyme, one disease resistance, and one growth habit markers. The map contains 11 major groups and 9 small groups and has a total length of 803 cM with an average distance of 6.4 cM between two adjacent loci. Ten percent of the RAPDs segregated as codominant markers and their allelic homologies were tested by Southern hybridization. One-quarter of the dominant RAPDs were linked in repulsion phase, whereas the majority of them were linked to either codominant or dominant markers in coupling phase. About 10% of the markers showed significant segregation distortion. The detectable level of duplications in the celery genome was relatively low. 相似文献
Construction of a genetic linkage map of the model legume Lotus japonicus using an intraspecific F2 population. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M Hayashi A Miyahara S Sato T Kato M Yoshikawa M Taketa M Hayashi A Pedrosa R Onda H Imaizumi-Anraku A Bachmair N Sandal J Stougaard Y Murooka S Tabata S Kawasaki M Kawaguchi K Harada 《DNA research》2001,8(6):301-310
Among leguminous plants, the model legume Lotus japonicus (Regel) Larsen has many biological and genetic advantages. We have developed a genetic linkage map of L. japonicus based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), simple sequence repeat polymorphism (SSRP) and derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (dCAPS). The F2 mapping population used was derived from a cross between two L. japonicus accessions Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20. These parental accessions showed remarkable cytological differences, particularly with respect to size and morphology of chromosomes 1 and 2. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with BAC clones from Gifu B-129 and TAC (Transformation-competent Artificial Chromosome) clones from Miyakojima MG-20, a reciprocal translocation was found to be responsible for the cytological differences between chromosomes 1 and 2. The borders of the translocations were identified by FISH and by alignment toward the L. filicaulis x L. japonicus Gifu B-129 linkage map. The markers from the main translocated region were located on linkage groups 1 and 2 of the two accessions, Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20, respectively. The framework of the linkage map was constructed based on codominant markers, and then dominant markers were integrated separately in each linkage group of the parents. The resulting linkage groups correspond to the six pairs of chromosomes of L. japonicus and consist of 287 markers with 487.3 cM length in Gifu B-129 and 277 markers with 481.6 cM length in Miyakojima MG-20. The map and marker information is available through the World Wide Web at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/lotus/. 相似文献
R. L. Sebastian E. C. Howell G. J. King D. F. Marshall M. J. Kearsey 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2000,100(1):75-81
Genetical maps of molecular markers in two very different F1-derived doubled-haploid populations of Brassica oleracea are compared and the first integrated map described. The F1 crosses were: Chinese kale×calabrese (var. alboglabra×var. italica) and cauliflower×Brussels sprout (var. botrytis×var. gemmifera). Integration of the two component maps using Joinmap v.2.0 was based on 105 common loci including RFLPs, AFLPs and microsatellites. This provided an effective method of producing a high-density consensus linkage map of the B. oleracea genome. Based on 547 markers mapping to nine linkage groups, the integrated map covers a total map length of 893 cM, with an average locus interval of 2.6 cM. Comparisons back to the component linkage maps revealed similar sequences of common markers, although significant differences in recombination frequency were observed between some pairs of homologous markers. Map integration resulted in an increased locus density and effective population size, providing a stronger framework for subsequent physical mapping and for precision mapping of QTLs using substitution lines. Received: 5 February 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 1999 相似文献
An integrated genetic linkage map for eucalypts using RFLP,RAPD and isozyme markers 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
M. Byrne J. C. Murrell B. Allen G. F. Moran 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,91(6-7):869-875
An integrated genetic linkage map for E. nitens was constructed in an outbred three-generation pedigree. Analysis of 210 RFLP, 125 RAPD and 4 isozyme loci resulted in 330 markers linked in 12 linkage groups covering 1462 cM (n=11 in eucalypts). The 12th linkage group is comprised of only 5 markers and will probably coalesce with another linkage group when further linked loci are located. Co-dominant RFLP loci segregating in both parents were used to integrate linkages identified in the male and female parents. Differences in recombination frequencies in the two parents were observed for a number of pairs of loci, and duplication of sequences was identified both within and between linkage groups. The markers were distributed randomly across the genome except for the RFLPs in linkage group 10 and for some loci showing segregation distortion, which were clustered into three regions of the map. The use of a large number of co-dominant RFLP loci in this map enables it to be used in other pedigrees of E. nitens and forms a basis for the detection and location of QTL in E. nitens and other eucalypt species. 相似文献
Jian-Yong Zhang Wei-Ji Wang Jie Kong Qing-Yin Wang 《Russian Journal of Marine Biology》2013,39(2):136-142
Genetic linkage maps of Fenneropenaeus chinensis were constructed using a “double pseudo-testcross” strategy with 200 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers. This study represents the first SNP genetic linkage map for F. chinensis. The parents and F 1 progeny of 100 individuals were used as mapping populations. 21 genetic linkage groups in the male and female maps were identified. The male linkage map was composed of 115 loci and spanned 879.7 cM, with an average intermarker spacing of 9.4 cM, while the female map was composed of 119 loci and spanned 876.2 cM, with an average intermarker spacing of 8.9 cM. The estimated coverage of the linkage maps was 51.94% for the male and 53.77% for the female, based on two estimates of genome length. The integrated map contains 180 markers distributed in 16 linkage groups, and spans 899.3 cM with an average marker interval of 5.2 cM. This SNP genetic map lays the foundation for future shrimp genomics and genetic breeding studies, especially the discovery of gene or regions for economically important traits in Chinese shrimp. 相似文献
T. Debener L. Mattiesch 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,99(5):891-899
A segregating population of diploid rose hybrids (2n = 2x = 14) was used to construct the first linkage maps of the rose genome.
A total of 305 RAPD and AFLP markers were analysed in a population of 60 F1 plants based on a so-called ”double-pseudotestcross” design. Of these markers 278 could be located on the 14 linkage groups
of the two maps, covering total map lengths of 326 and 370 cM, respectively. The average distances between markers in the
maps for 93/1–117 and 93/1–119 is 2.4 and 2.6 cM, respectively. In addition to the molecular markers, genes controlling two
phenotypic characters, petal number (double versus single flowers) and flower colour (pink versus white), were mapped on linkage
groups 3 and 2, respectively. The markers closest to the gene for double flowers, Blfo, and to the gene for pink flower colour, Blfa, cosegregated without recombinants. The maps provide a tool for further genetic analyses of horticulturally important genes
as, for example, resistance genes and a starting point for marker-assisted breeding in roses.
Received: 22 September 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999 相似文献
R. O. Nodari E. M. K. Koinange J. D. Kelly P. Gepts 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,84(1-2):186-192
Summary Two genomic libraries were established to provide markers to develop an integrated map combining molecular markers and genes for qualitative and quantitative morpho-agronomic traits in common bean. Contrasting characteristics were observed for the two libraries. While 89% of the PstI clones were classified as single-copy sequences, only 21% of the EcoRIBamHI clones belonged in that category. Clones of these two libraries were hybridized against genomic DNA of nine genotypes chosen according to their divergent evolutionary origin and contrasting agronomic traits. Eight restriction enzymes were used in this study. PstI clones revealed 80–90% polymorphism between the Andean and Middle American gene pools and 50–60% polymorphism within these gene pools. However, under the same conditions only 30% of the EcoRI-BamHI clones showed polymorphism between the Middle American and Andean gene pools. Hybridization with PstI clones to EcoRI-, EcoRV-, or HindIII-digested genomic DNA resulted in a cumulative frequency of polymorphism of approximately 80%. Hybridizations to BamHI-, HaeIII-, HinfI-, PstI-, and XbaI-digested genomic DNA detected no additional polymorphisms not revealed by the former three enzymes. In the PstI library, a positive correlation was observed between the average size of hybridizing restriction fragments and the frequency of polymorphism detected by each restriction enzyme. This relationship is consistent with the higher proportion of insertion/deletion events compared with the frequency of nucleotide substitutions observed in that library. 相似文献
Kassa Semagn Asmund Bj?rnstad Helge Skinnes Anne Guri Mar?y Yalew Tarkegne Manilal William 《Génome》2006,49(5):545-555
A genetic linkage mapping study was conducted in 93 doubled-haploid lines derived from a cross between Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell 'Arina' and a Norwegian spring wheat breeding line, NK93604, using diversity arrays technology (DArT), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The objective of this study was to understand the distribution, redundancy, and segregation distortion of DArT markers in comparison with AFLP and SSR markers. The map contains a total of 624 markers with 189 DArTs, 165 AFLPs and 270 SSRs, and spans 2595.5 cM. All 3 marker types showed significant (p < 0.01) segregation distortion, but it was higher for AFLPs (24.2%) and SSRs (22.6%) than for DArTs (13.8%). The overall segregation distortion was 20.4%. DArTs showed the highest frequency of clustering (27.0%) at < 0.5 cM intervals between consecutive markers, which is 3 and 15 times higher than SSRs (8.9%) and AFLPs (1.8%), respectively. This high proportion of clustering of DArT markers may be indicative of gene-rich regions and (or) the result of inclusion of redundant clones in the genomic representations, which was supported by the presence of very high correlation coefficients (r > 0.98) and multicollinearity among the clustered markers. The present study is the first to compare the utility of DArT with AFLP and SSR markers, and the present map has been successfully used to identify novel QTLs for resistance to Fusarium head blight and powdery mildew and for anther extrusion, leaf segment incubation, and latency. 相似文献
M. Paillard P. Lashermes V. Pétiard 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1996,93(1-2):41-47
A linkage map for coffee (Coffea canephora P.) totalling 1402 cM has been developed on the basis of a population of doubled haploids. Both RFLP markers and PCR-based markers (RAPD) were used to construct 15 linkage groups. Coffee genomic and cDNA clones provided the source of the probes. In total, 47 RFLP and 100 RAPD loci have been placed on the linkage map. A rather low DNA polymorphism rate (18% for RFLP markers and 29% for RAPD primers) was detected. Only 81% of RAPD markers and 85% of RFLP markers fit an expected 11 ratio (P<0.01). The availability of a molecular linkage map has many implications for the future development of the genetics and breeding of this commercially important crop species. 相似文献
Construction of a genetic linkage map in the wild plant Mimulus using RAPD and isozyme markers. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
As a first step to mapping quantitative trait loci for mating system differences, a genetic linkage map was generated from an interspecific backcross between Mimulus guttatus and Mimulus platycalyx. The linkage map consists of 99 RAPD and two isozyme markers. Eighty-one of these markers were mapped to 15 linkage groups, spanning 1437 contiguous centiMorgans, and covering 58% of the estimated genome. The genome length of Mimulus is estimated at 2474 +/- 35 cM; bootstrapping indicates that only ca. 40 markers are needed to give an accurate estimate of genome length. Further statistical analyses indicate that many RAPD markers cannot be ordered with certainty and that uncertain linkage groups tend to map nonlinearly even under commonly used mapping functions. Strategies for speeding up the mapping process for a wild species and possible applications of a partial linkage map in evolutionary studies are discussed. Key words : linkage map, mating system, Mimulus, RAPD. 相似文献
R. Freyre P. W. Skroch V. Geffroy A.-F. Adam-Blondon A. Shirmohamadali W. C. Johnson V. Llaca R. O. Nodari P. A. Pereira S.-M. Tsai J. Tohme M. Dron J. Nienhuis C. E. Vallejos P. Gepts 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1998,97(5-6):847-856
Three RFLP maps, as well as several RAPD maps have been developed in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In order to align these maps, a core linkage map was established in the recombinant inbred population BAT93×Jalo EEP558
(BJ). This map has a total length of 1226 cM and comprises 563 markers, including some 120 RFLP and 430 RAPD markers, in addition
to a few isozyme and phenotypic marker loci. Among the RFLPs mapped were markers from the University of California, Davis
(established in the F2 of the BJ cross), University of Paris-Orsay, and University of Florida maps. These shared markers allowed us to establish
a correspondence between the linkage groups of these three RFLP linkage maps. In total, the general map location (i.e., the
linkage group membership and approximate location within linkage groups) has been determined for some 1070 markers. Approaches
to align this core map with other current or future maps are discussed.
Received: 10 March 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1998 相似文献
Genetic linkage map in sour cherry using RFLP markers 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
D. Wang R. Karle T. S. Brettin A. F. Iezzoni 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1998,97(8):1217-1224
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage maps of two tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L., 2n=4x=32) cultivars, Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) and Erdi Botermo (EB), were constructed from 86 progeny from the cross RS×EB.
The RS linkage map consists of 126 single-dose restriction fragment (SDRF, Wu et al. 1992) markers assigned to 19 linkage
groups covering 461.6 cM. The EB linkage map has 95 SDRF markers assigned to 16 linkage groups covering 279.2 cM. Fifty three
markers mapped in both parents were used as bridges between both maps and 13 sets of homologous linkage groups were identified.
Homoeologous relationships among the sour cherry linkage groups could not be determined because only 15 probes identified
duplicate loci. Fifty nine of the markers on the linkage maps were detected with probes used in other Prunus genetic linkage maps. Four of the sour cherry linkage groups may be homologous with four of the eight genetic linkage groups
identified in peach and almond. Twenty one fragments expected to segregate in a 1 : 1 ratio segregated in a 2 : 1 ratio. Three
of these fragments were used in the final map construction because they all mapped to the same linkage group. Six fragments
exhibited segregation consistent with the expectations of intergenomic pairing and/or recombination.
Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1998 相似文献
RAD sequencing was performed using DH962 and Jimian5 as upland cotton mapping parents. Sequencing data for DH962 and Jimian5 were assembled into the genome sequences of ≈55.27 and ≈57.06 Mb, respectively. Analysing genome sequences of the two parents, 1,323 SSR, 3,838 insertion/deletion (InDel), and 9,366 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) primer pairs were developed. All of the SSRs, 121 InDels, 441 SNPs, and other 6,747 primer pairs were screened in the two parents, and a total of 535 new polymorphic loci were identified. A genetic map including 1,013 loci was constructed using these results and 506 loci previously published for this population. Twenty-seven new QTLs for yield and fibre quality were identified, indicating that the efficiency of QTL detection was greatly improved by the increase in map density. Comparative genomics showed there to be considerable homology and collinearity between the AT and A2 genomes and between the DT and D5 genomes, although there were a few exchanges and introgressions among the chromosomes of the A2 genome. Here, the development of markers using parental RAD sequencing was effective, and a high-density intraspecific genetic map was constructed. This map can be used for molecular marker-assisted selection in cotton. 相似文献
Fukuoka H Miyatake K Nunome T Negoro S Shirasawa K Isobe S Asamizu E Yamaguchi H Ohyama A 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2012,125(1):47-56
We constructed an integrated DNA marker linkage map of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using DNA marker segregation data sets obtained from two independent intraspecific F(2) populations. The linkage map consisted of 12 linkage groups and encompassed 1,285.5 cM in total. We mapped 952 DNA markers, including 313 genomic SSR markers developed by random sequencing of simple sequence repeat (SSR)-enriched genomic libraries, and 623 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels) found in eggplant-expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and related genomic sequences [introns and untranslated regions (UTRs)]. Because of their co-dominant inheritance and their highly polymorphic and multi-allelic nature, the SSR markers may be more versatile than the SNP and InDel markers for map-based genetic analysis of any traits of interest using segregating populations derived from any intraspecific crosses of practical breeding materials. However, we found that the distribution of microsatellites in the genome was biased to some extent, and therefore a considerable part of the eggplant genome was first detected when gene-derived SNP and InDel markers were mapped. Of the 623 SNP and InDel markers mapped onto the eggplant integrated map, 469 were derived from eggplant unigenes contained within Solanum orthologous (SOL) gene sets (i.e., sets of orthologous unigenes from eggplant, tomato, and potato). Out of the 469 markers, 326 could also be mapped onto the tomato map. These common markers will be informative landmarks for the transfer of tomato's more saturated genomic information to eggplant and will also provide comparative information on the genome organization of the two solanaceous species. The data are available from the DNA marker database of vegetables, VegMarks (http://vegmarks.nivot.affrc.go.jp). 相似文献
AFLP markers in a molecular linkage map of maize: codominant scoring and linkage group ditsribution 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Castiglioni P. Ajmone-Marsan R. van Wijk M. Motto 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,99(3-4):425-431
We exploited the AFLP technique to saturate a RFLP linkage map derived from a maize mapping population. By using two restriction
enzyme, EcoRI and PstI, differing in methylation sensitivity, both in combination with MseI, we detected 1568 bands of which 340 where polymorphic. These were added to the exitsing RFLP marker data to study the effects
of incorporation of AFLPs produced by different restriction-enzyme combinations upon genetic maps. Addition of the AFLP data
resulted in greater genome coverage, both through linking previously separate groups and the extension of other groups. The
increase of the total map length was mainly caused by the addition of markers to telomeric regions, where RFLP markers were
poorly represented. The percentage of informative loci was significantly different between the EcoRI and PstI assays. There was also evidence that PstI AFLP markers were more randomly distributed across chromosomes and chromosome regions, while EcoRI AFLP markers clustered mainly at centomeric regions. The more-random ditsribution of PstI AFLP markers on the genetic map reported here may reflect a preferential localisation of the markers in the hypomethylated
telomeric regions of the chromosomes.
Received: 22 December 1998 / Accepted: 25 March 1999 相似文献
Byung-Dong Kim Byoung Cheorl Kang Seok Hyun Nam Byung Soo Kim Nam Soo Kim Moon Hwan Lee Kwon Soo Ha 《Journal of Plant Biology》1997,40(3):156-163
Conclusion Although this research program is in the state of beginning, it seems like that the progress will be made more rapidly than
expected. The reason is because new techniques and facilities derived from human genome research and other advanced genome
program will overcome the current limitations and difficulties. Genome research cannot be accomplished by one or two research
groups. That is why the program should be well organized and planned by scientists in various fields with common interest.
Considering the tremendous amounts of time, money, and efforts required for performing genome research, the genome research
programs should aim at concrete goals, such as getting new solutions that cannot be obtained by conventional approach, rather
than remain as research for research is sake.
This paper was presented at the 11th Symposium on Plant Biotechnology entitled “Plant Genes and Genetic Resources” organized
by Gynheung An, held July 4–5, 1997, by the Botanical Society of Korea 相似文献
A molecular linkage map of cultivated oat. 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
L S O'Donoughue M E Sorrells S D Tanksley E Autrique A V Deynze S F Kianian R L Phillips B Wu H W Rines P J Rayapati M Lee G A Penner G Fedak S J Molnar D Hoffman C A Salas 《Génome》1995,38(2):368-380
A molecular linkage map of cultivated oat composed of 561 loci has been developed using 71 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between Avena byzantina cv. Kanota and A. sativa cv. Ogle. The loci are mainly restriction fragment length polymorphisms detected by oat cDNA clones from leaf, endosperm, and root tissue, as well as by barley leaf cDNA clones. The loci form 38 linkage groups ranging in size from 0.0 to 122.1 cM (mean, 39 cM) and consist of 2-51 loci each (mean, 14). Twenty-nine loci remain unlinked. The current map size is 1482 cM and the total size, on the basis of the number of unlinked loci, is estimated to be 2932.0 cM. This indicates that this map covers at least 50% of the cultivated oat genome. Comparisons with an A-genome diploid oat map and between linkage groups exhibiting homoeology to each other indicate that several major chromosomal rearrangements exist in cultivated oat. This map provides a tool for marker-assisted selection, quantitative trait loci analyses, and studies of genome organization in oat. 相似文献