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Auxin-regulated gene expression   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
During the 1960s a wide range of studies provided an information base that led to the suggestion that auxin-regulated cell processes--especially cell elongation--may be mediated by auxin-regulated gene expression. Indirect evidence from our work, based on the influence of inhibitors of RNA synthesis (e.g. actinomycin D) and of protein synthesis (e.g. cycloheximide) on auxin-induced cell elongation, coupled with correlations of the influence of auxin on RNA synthesis and cell elongation, provided the basis for this suggestion. With the availability of techniques for DNA-DNA and DNA-RNA hybridization, mRNA isolation-translation, in vitro 2D gel analysis of the translation products, and ultimately the cloning by recombinant DNA technologies of genomic DNA and copy DNAs (cDNAs) made to poly(A)+ mRNAs, we and others have provided direct evidence for the influence of auxin on the expression of a few genes (i.e. poly(A)+ RNA levels). Our laboratory has provided evidence for auxin's both down-regulating and up-regulating the level of a few poly(A)+ mRNAs out of a population of about 4 X 10(4) sequences that are not significantly affected by auxin. In our studies on auxin-regulated cell elongation, two cDNA clones (pJCW1 and pJCW2) were isolated which corresponded to poly(A)+ mRNAs that responded during growth transitions in a way consistent with a potential role of their protein products in cell elongation. These mRNAs are most abundant in the elongating zone of the soybean hypocotyl. Upon excision and incubation in the absence of auxin, these mRNAs deplete in concert with a decreasing rate of cell elongation. Addition of auxin to the medium results in both increased levels of these mRNAs and enhanced rates of cell elongation. These mRNAs do not deplete if auxin is added to the medium at the onset of excised incubation, and cell elongation rates remain high. We have isolated and sequenced genomic clones that are homologous to these cDNAs. Of the two genes sequenced, both genes are members of small multigene families. There are regions of high amino acid homology even though the nucleotide sequences are sufficiently different in these regions for cross-hybridization of the clones not to be observed. More recently others, especially Guilfoyle's laboratory, have shown that auxin selectively and rapidly influences the level of certain mRNAs and proteins. We have worked on other gene systems such as ribosomal proteins and possible cell wall proteins that are responsive to auxin; again the nature of regulation of expression of these genes is not known.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In vitro translation products of polyadenylated RNA from untreated and auxin-treated basal sections of soybean (Glycine max var. Wayne) hypocotyl were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Within one hour of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid treatment, the translatable messenger RNAs for at least twelve in vitro translation products are modulated upward. In vitro translation products of polyadenylated RNA from untreated, auxin-treated and Ethephon-treated intact soybean hypocotyl were also analyzed. Within two hours of treatment with either 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or Ethephon, the translatable messenger RNAs for a group of high molecular weight in vitro translation products are modulated upward. There is a particular set of translatable messenger RNA, encoding in vitro translation products in the 24,000 to 32,000 molecular weight range, that is specifically modulated upward by auxin treatment in intact soybean hypocotyl and in hypocotyl sections.  相似文献   

An improved cytokinin bioassay using cultured soybean hypocotyl sections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a modified soybean (Glycine max) tissue culture bioassay for cytokinins. Soybean hypocotyls were grown under sterile conditions and sliced into 1-mm sections. Sections were cultured for 5,9,13, or 22 days on a callus medium with zeatin or other cytokinins. The fresh weight of sections increased with the cytokinin concentration from 0.0005 to 1 mum zeatin; 2-fold concentration differences were readily distinguishable at 9 days. The assay should prove to have several advantages over the conventional soybean callus bioassay including convenience, lower variability between tissue samples, and improved resolution. Its specificity is comparable to that of the soybean callus bioassay.  相似文献   

The effects of kinetin on growth and RNA metabolism in excisedsoybean hypocotyl were investigated, and compared to the effectsof 5-fluorouracil. Kinetin inhibits auxin-induced growth, butnot control growth. RNA synthesis is also inhibited by kinetin,but in a differential fashion. Ribosomal RNA synthesis is almostcompletely inhibited, while TB-RNA synthesis is partially inhibited.D-RNA synthesis is apparently not affected. Base compositionanalysis of these fractions of RNA was carried out. The implicationsfor RNA-mediated auxin-induced growth are discussed. 1The research was supported by NIH grant GM-10157 from the U.S. Public Health Service. 2Purdue University AES Paper No. 3334  相似文献   

The influence of incubation and auxin (2,4-D) on polyribosome level in soybean hypocotyl was studied.  相似文献   

In vitro translation products of polyadenylated RNA from untreated and auxin-treated elongating sections of soybean (Glycine max var. Wayne) hypocotyl were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The levels of translatable messenger RNA for at least ten in vitro translation products are increased by auxin treatment. The induction by auxin occurs rapidly (within 15 minutes), and the amounts of the induced in vitro translation products increase with time of auxin treatment. Indoleacetic acid has the same effect on the population of translatable messenger RNA as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The auxin-induced in vitro translation products disappear rapidly when Actinomycin D is present during the last two hours of a three-hour auxin treatment.  相似文献   

Gibberellin response in lettuce hypocotyl sections   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Silk WK  Jones RL 《Plant physiology》1975,56(2):267-272
Excised lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) hypocotyl sections retain the ability to elongate in response to gibberellic acid (GA3) addition. In 48 hr at 30 C a GA3-treated segment more than doubles while a control segment elongates less than 50%. Auxin has no detectable effect on this system. Sensitivity to GA3 is not decreased by apex or root removal. Of the experimental variables tested, temperature, sucrose, and preincubation in water affect growth both with and without GA3. Blue and far red light inhibit growth without GA3; this inhibition is reversed by GA3. Potassium chloride stimulates growth of illuminated sections treated with GA3 but has no effect on control growth. When sections are incubated in the dark, KCl has a promotive effect on elongation.  相似文献   

Cytokinin-modulated gene expression in excised pumpkin cotyledons   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Comparison of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic maps of proteins isolated from benzyladenine-treated and untreated pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. cv Halloween) cotyledons showed that the expression of certain proteins is enhanced, induced, or suppressed by the cytokinin treatment. The amount of poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from cotyledons incubated with 10−4 molar benzyladenine for five days was about four-fold over the water-incubated control. The activity of hydroxypyruvate reductase prepared from purified cotyledonous microbodies and analyzed by native gel electrophoresis is proportionally enhanced by sequentially higher concentrations (10−9 to 10−4 molar) of benzyladenine. Ethidium bromide (1 microgram per milliliter) did not inhibit hydroxypyruvate reductase activity; thus, the enzyme synthesis does not appear to be controlled by organelle genes. Hydroxypyruvate reductase synthesis is inhibited by cycloheximide, cordycepin, and to a certain degree by actinomycin D. These data support the view of a close association between cytokinin action and gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were isolated seedling hypocotyls of soybean (Glycine max), and cultured in both liquid and agarose-solidified, modified K8P medium. Nuclear staining revealed that only 2% of protoplasts lacked a nucleus, 93% contained a single nucleus, and 5% contained more than one. Maximum protoplast yields and subsequent division frequencies, in liquid medium, were obtained from 5 days-old seedlings. Maximum division frequencies (54%) were obtained from hypocotyl protoplasts plated at a density of 5×104 ml−1. Using different osmolality reduction régimes for liquid cultures, hypocotyl protoplasts developed into green, nodular callus, similar to that which has previously given rise to shoot buds in perennialGlycine species. This tissue, however, did not produce shoot buds in soybean. N. H. was supported by a SERC CASE studentship and a postdoctoral fellowship from Shell Research Ltd., Sittingbourne, Kent, UK.  相似文献   

Carol Moll  Russell L. Jones 《Planta》1981,152(5):450-456
The relationship between calcium ions and gibberellic acid (GA3)-induced growth in the excised hypocotyl of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was investigated. The short-term kinetics of growth responses were measured using a linear displacement transducer. Test solutions were added either as drops to the filter paper on which the hypocotyl stood (non-flow-past) or by switching solution flowing past the base of hypocotyl (flow-past), resulting in differences in growth behavior. Drops of CaCl2 added at a high concentration (10 mM) inhibited growth within a few minutes. This inhibition was reversed by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Drops of EDTA or ethyleneglycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-tetraacetic acid caused a rapid increase in growth rate. Growth induced by EDTA was not further promoted by GA3. A continuous H2O flow resulted in growth rates comparable to those in response to GA3. Addition of CaCl2 to the flow-past medium inhibited growth and this inhibition was reversed by a decrease in CaCl2 concentration. The growth rate was found to be a function of CaCl2 concentration. When a constant CaCl2 concentration was maintained by the flow-past medium, a shift in pH from 5.5 to 4.25 had no obvious effect on hypocotyl elongation. Gibberellic acid was found to reverse the inhibitory effect of CaCl2, causing an increase in growth rate similar to that found previously when GA3 was added to hypocotyls grown in H2O under non-flow-past conditions. We propose that gibberellin controls extension growth in lettuce hypocotyl sections by regulating the uptake of Ca2+ by the hypocotyl cells.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-tetraacetic acid - GA gibberellin - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Cell elongation and cell division in elongating lettuce hypocotyl sections   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The roles of cell division and cell elongation in the growth of sections excised from hypocotyls of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Arctic) were investigated. Elongation of sections incubated in the light is inhibited compared to dark-grown sections and this inhibition is reversed by gibberellic acid (GA3). The elongation of both dark-grown and GA3-treated, light-grown sections can be enhanced by 10mM KCl. Under all conditions of incubation, elongation growth is greatest in the uppermost quarter of the hypocotyl section while the basal quarter does not elongate. In darkness the two apical segments of sections marked into four equal parts grow at the same rate, while in light, growth of the apical segment exceeds that of the second segment. Cell division in cortical or epidermal cells, as measured by mitotic index or cell number, is not affected by illumination conditions nor by GA3 or KCl treatments. Although -irradiation and FUDR pretreatment eliminate or cause a marked reduction in cell division in the excised hypocotyl, sections from seeds irradiated with -rays or incubated in 5-fluorodeoxyuridine elongate in response to GA3 and KCl treatment as do sections from non-pretreated controls. Therefore, since neither GA3 nor darkness affect celldivision activity and since treatments which eliminate or significantly reduce cell division do not affect growth, we conclude that the effect of GA3 and darkness in this material is to increase cell elongation.Abbreviations FUDR 5-fluorodeoxyuridine - GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Uptake of potassium (K) and 86rubidiumlabelled potassium (86Rb) by sub-hypocotyl hook sections of Phaseolus aureus L. was inhibited by red light. The effect was reversible with far red light. Using short exposures of high irradiance the effect on 86Rb-labelled K uptake was observed after 5 min. The response showed no specificity for a particular anion. Uptake of 86Rb-labelled K by sections cut immediately below the cotyledons was enhanced by red light after 10 min incubation and was also far red reversible. These results are interpreted as a rapid phytochrome-induced change in membrane properties resulting in modified K uptake.Abbreviations P Phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of P - Pfr far red absorbing form of P - R red light - F far red light  相似文献   

High levels of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 10 µM) and sucrose (3%) are required for both the induction and maintenance of callus for somatic embryogenesis in sweetpotato. Newly inducted embryogenic callus lines in sweetpotato cv. White Star produce competent embryos that convert readily into plantlets. With age, these embryogenic callus lines produce a greater proportion of incompetent embryos with poor conversion potential. One hypothesis for this change is that auxin- and/or sugar-responsiveness may be altered with aging. A comparison of two older embryogenic lines (K592 and M892) to two new lines (K1194 and K195) addressed the relationship between extent of embryo conversion and relative abundance of mRNAs hybridizing with heterologous auxin- or sugar-responsive gene probes. The respective cDNAs utilized were the auxin-responsive pJCW1 and pJCW2 and the sugar-responsive Ivr2 and Sh1. Embryos from new callus lines formed more shoots, roots, and viable plantlets than embryos from older callus lines. In addition, new callus lines had greater relative levels of mRNAs hybridizing to auxin-responsive cDNAs. These sweetpotato mRNAs were themselves found to be 2,4-D-responsive in dosage analyses. In contrast, differences between young and old cultures were not evident for mRNAs hybridized to sugar-regulated genes. Our results support the suggestion that desensitization of auxin-responsiveness is a central feature of reduced embryogenic competence in callus lines following prolonged exposure to 2,4-D and elevated sucrose levels.  相似文献   

Soybean exhibits markedly reduced growth and yields under flooding stress. To determine the functional roles of four soybean proteins in post-flooding recovery, the organ/stress specificity and time-dependency of their enzymatic activities were analyzed. Peroxidase activity decreased in root and hypocotyl exposed to flooding and cold stresses, but increased during the post-stress recovery period. In contrast, its activity increased in both root and hypocotyl under drought stress. Acid phosphatase activity was suppressed in root treated with flooding and cold stresses, and slightly increased during the recovery period; however, the opposite profile was observed in hypocotyl. In response to drought stress, it did not change in root, but was decreased in hypocotyl. Beta-ketoacyl reductase activity did not change in root under flooding conditions, but was decreased in hypocotyl, although the activity increased slightly during the recovery period. In addition, it was decreased in both organs under drought and cold stresses, but again increased during the recovery period. Nucleotidylyl transferase activity was increased in root under flooding and drought stresses, but was decreased in hypocotyl. It was decreased in response to cold stress, but exhibited a slight increase during the recovery period. Furthermore, the treatment with jasmonate and salicylate suppressed the activities of peroxidase and acid phosphatase in root and hypocotyl under flooding stress; however, the activity of acid phosphatase increased during the recovery period. Nucleotidylyl transferase activity in root was also elevated by treatment with jasmonate, but gradually decreased during the recovery period. These results suggest that jasmonate-induced changes in nucleotidylyl transferase activity may facilitate soybean root recovery after flooding stress.  相似文献   

1. Density-labelling with 99 atoms% of (2)H(2)O distinguished pre-existing from newly synthesized ribonuclease molecules in sections of developing hypocotyl tissue. 2. Activity profiles of enzyme extracted from the fraction pelletable at 100000g showed heterogeneity after isopycnic centrifugation in CsCl gradients. 3. Measurement of density shifts of the entire heterogeneous band shows that ribonuclease protein is synthesized de novo in both continuous far-red light and darkness. 4. A twofold increase in enzyme activity after irradiation was accompanied by band-broadening and a significantly faster rate of labelling than in darkness. 5. The conclusion is drawn from the experimental evidence and theoretical arguments presented that phytochrome regulates the synthesis of new enzyme molecules against a background of continuous (dark-rate) synthesis and degradation. 6. Further information has been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50033 (3 pages) at the British Library Lending Division (formerly the National Lending Library for Science and Technology), Boston Spa, Yorks. LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1973), 131, 5.  相似文献   

The incorporation of radioactivity into sterols by transmethylation of methionine-[14C-methyl] was studied in mung bean hypocotyl sections. Young hypocotyl sections (1 cm) synthesized 4 times more radioactive sterols than older sections (5 cm). The transmethylation reactions may be rate limiting in older tissues. Wounding has only a quantitative effect on sterol biosynthesis, as seen by incorporation experiments with MVA-[2-14C]. Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) stimulates sterol biosynthesis in both wounded surfaces and intact tissues of mung bean hypocotyl sections.  相似文献   

Tissue, homogenates, and purified cell fractions prepared from hypocotyls of a dicot, soybean (Glycine max), and meristematic tissue of a monocot, onion (Allium cepa), were examined critically for evidence of adenylate cyclase activity. Three assay methods were used: chemical analysis, isotope dilution analysis, and enzyme cytochemistry. In both crude extracts or whole tissue, as well as purified membranes, with or without auxin, no adenylate cyclase was detected by any of the three methods.  相似文献   

Metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid in soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] was investigated with [1-14C]- and [2-14C]-indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) applied by injection into soybean hypocotyl sections and by incubation with soybean callus. Free IAA and its metabolites were extracted with 80% methanol and separated by high performance liquid chromatography with [3H]-IAA as an internal standard. Metabolism of IAA in soybean callus was much greater than that in tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) callus used for comparison. High performance liquid chromatography of soybean extracts showed at least 10 metabolite peaks including both decarboxylated and undecarboxylated products. A major unstable decarboxylated metabolite was purified. [14C]-indole-3-methanol (IM) was three times more efficient than [2-14C]-IAA as substrate for producing this metabolite. It was hydrolyzable by β-glucosidase (EC, yielding an indole and D-glucose. The indole possessed characteristics of authentic IM. Thus, the metabolite is tentatively identified as indole-3-methanol-β-D-glucopyranoside. The results suggest that soybean tissues are capable of oxidizing IAA via the decarboxylative pathway with indole-3-methanol-glucoside as a major product. The high rate of metabolism of IAA may be related to the observed growth of soybean callus with high concentrations of IAA in the culture medium.  相似文献   

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