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Motivated by a layout design problem in the electronics industry, we study in this article the allocation of buffer space among a set of cells. Each cell processes a given part family and has its own revenue-cost structure. The objective of the optimal allocation is to maximize the net profit function (total production profits minus total buffer allocation costs). According to the flow pattern of jobs, the cells are categorized into two types. A type 1 cell is modeled as a Jackson network; a type 2 cell is modeled as an ordered-entry system with heterogeneous servers. Both models have finite waiting room, due to the buffer capacity allocated to the cells. We show that under quite general conditions, the production rate of each cell of either type is an incresing and concave function of its buffer allocation. Exploiting this property, a marginal allocation scheme efficiently solves the optimal buffer allocation problem under increasing concave production profits and convex buffer space costs.  相似文献   

Cooperation plays an important role in the evolution of species and human societies. The understanding of the emergence and persistence of cooperation in those systems is a fascinating and fundamental question. Many mechanisms were extensively studied and proposed as supporting cooperation. The current work addresses the role of migration for the maintenance of cooperation in structured populations. This problem is investigated in an evolutionary perspective through the prisoner's dilemma game paradigm. It is found that migration and structure play an essential role in the evolution of the cooperative behavior. The possible outcomes of the model are extinction of the entire population, dominance of the cooperative strategy and coexistence between cooperators and defectors. The coexistence phase is obtained in the range of large migration rates. It is also verified the existence of a critical level of structuring beyond that cooperation is always likely. In resume, we conclude that the increase in the number of demes as well as in the migration rate favor the fixation of the cooperative behavior.  相似文献   

Appearance of a lag period dependent on pH in the expression of the catecholase activity of a polyphenoloxidase extracted in a latent state from Airen grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries, is revealed, suggesting the hysteretic nature of the enzyme. The lag time was independent of enzyme concentration, indicating that slow pH-induced conformational changes in the protein must occur during assay. Results obtained by varying substrate concentration show that the system presents hyperbolic or cooperative kinetics depending on the pH of the assay.  相似文献   

A major problem in the evolution of maternal effects is explaining the origin and persistence of maternally induced phenotypes that lower offspring fitness. Recent work focuses on the relative importance of maternal and offspring selective environments and the mismatch between them. However, an alternative approach is to directly study the origin and performance of offspring phenotypes resulting from mismatch. Here, we capitalize on a detailed understanding of the ecological contexts that provide both the cue and the functional context for expression of maternally induced offspring phenotypes to investigate the consequences of environmental mismatch. In western bluebirds, adaptive integration of offspring dispersal and aggression is induced by maternal competition over nest cavities. When nest cavities are locally abundant, mothers produce nonaggressive offspring that remain in their natal population, and when nest cavities are scarce, mothers produce aggressive dispersers. However, a few offspring neither disperse nor breed locally, instead helping at their parent’s nest, and as a result these offspring have unusually low fitness. Here, we investigate whether females produce helpers to increase their own fitness, or whether helpers result from a mismatch between the cues mothers experience during offspring production and the breeding environment that helpers later encounter. We found that producing helpers does not enhance maternal fitness. Instead, we show that helpers, which were the least aggressive of all returning sons in the population, were most common when population density increased from the time sons were produced to the time of their reproductive maturity, suggesting that the helper phenotype emerges when cues of resource competition during offspring development do not match the actual level of competition that offspring experience. Thus, environmental mismatch might explain the puzzling persistence of maternally induced phenotypes that decrease offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Li K  Gao Z 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):87-90
In the world, great natural disasters frequently occur. Along with these disasters, large-scale cooperative searches for missing persons are exigent. Because of the lack of experiments to reproduce the disaster rescue processes, our understanding of how to regulate the collective cooperative searches is still elusive. Here we use an improved Lévy walk model to simulate the rescuers' movements in which direction choice is considered. In our study, we systematically analyze the diffusive mechanism of rescuers' movements, and find that the search pattern shows a high degree of spatial order which displays some inherent features. Our results also indicate that cooperative search promotes rescuers' movements to disperse determinately.  相似文献   

在以往的工作中讨论了对单细胞的基因开关系统噪声如何诱导连贯切换.在此,对多细胞的基因开关网络系统研究各种噪声(包括细胞内噪声和细胞环境噪声)对同步切换的影响.发现:细胞内基因调控过程中的合成率和降解率的随机涨落以及细胞内的附加噪声均能够诱导群体基因开关系统的同步切换,而且存在一个最优的噪声强度,它使得这种同步切换的效果最佳.另一方面,细胞环境的随机涨落所导致的噪声(即环境噪声),不但能诱导上述同步切换,而且当细胞内噪声不足以诱导细胞群体的同步切换时,它通过压制内部噪声来达到增强群体系统的协作行为.最后,还分析了受噪声影响的信号分子的扩散率对细胞群体切换行为的影响.  相似文献   

Rather recent experimental results demonstrate the non–negligible role of mechanical stress in the growth of a multicell spheroid. In this paper we discuss a theoretical framework for volumetric growth suitable for modeling the growth of soft tissues exhibiting the properties of a solid. After a proper kinematic decomposition, balance equations for mass, momentum and energy are discussed together with constitutive relationships. The mathematical model is then applied to avascular tumor growth. We show by numerical simulation that, under assumption of spherical symmetry, the mathematical model is able to reproduce the experimental data with a satisfying qualitative agreement.  相似文献   

Salt-mediated multicell formation in Deinococcus radiodurans.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The highly radiation-resistant tetracoccal bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans exhibited a reversible multi-cell-form transition which depended on the NaCl concentration in the medium. In response to 0.8% NaCl addition into the medium, the pair/tetrad (designated 2/4) cells in a young culture grew and divided but did not separate and became 8-, 16-, and 32-cell units successively. In exponential growth phase, the cells divided in a 16/32 pattern. Potassium ions were equally effective as Na+ in mediating this multicell-formation effect; Mg2+, Li+, and Ca2+ also worked but produced less multiplicity. This effect appears to be species specific. This-section micrographs revealed that in a 16/32-cell unit, eight 2/4 cells were encased in an orderly manner within a large peripheral wall, showing five cycles of septation. Our results suggest the presence of a salt-sensitive mechanism for controlling cell separation in D. radiodurans.  相似文献   

Cultural transmission and the evolution of cooperative behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sociobiological theory predicts that humans should not cooperate with large groups of unrelated individuals. This prediction is based on genetic models that show that selection acting on variation between large unrelated groups will generally be much weaker than selection acting on variation between individuals. Recently, several authors have presented related models of human evolution that integrate cultural and genetic transmission of behavior. We show that in such models group selection is potentially a strong force. Data on ethnocentrism is examined in the context of these results.  相似文献   

We consider an assembly line with m stations in series having finite-capacity buffers. Blocking occurs when buffers are full. There are M different types of products to be assembled, each with its own processing requirements. There is a production target set for each type. We give tight bounds on how long it takes such a system to reach steady state for a given cyclic schedule.  相似文献   

Using the Chinese hamster cell line B14 FAF28, several specific properties of the contact effect (CE) of radiation action in spheroids were investigated. CE was found to "protect" the spheroid cells against several types of radiation-induced cytogenetic misfunctions such as blockage in S and G2+M-phase, mutagenesis, and chromosome damage. However, repair of DNA strand-breaks was the same in monolayers and spheroids. Furthermore, CE is a property of the single cell and does not depend on the proliferative status (cycling or non-cycling) of the cells. We conclude that CE is the result of a physiological modification of the cells occurring during growth in the three-dimensional spheroid matrix and requiring metabolic cooperation and cyclic AMP for its induction.  相似文献   

 We studied the influence of noisy stimulation on the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model. Rather than examining the noise-related variability of the discharge times of the model – as has been done previously – our study focused on the effect of noise on the stationary distributions of the membrane potential and gating variables of the model. We observed that a gradual increase in the noise intensity did not result in a gradual change of the distributions. Instead, we could identify a critical intermediate noise range in which the shapes of the distributions underwent a drastic qualitative change. Namely, they moved from narrow unimodal Gaussian-like shapes associated with low noise intensities to ones that spread widely at large noise intensities. In particular, for the membrane potential and the sodium activation variable, the distributions changed from unimodal to bimodal. Thus, our investigation revealed a noise-induced transition in the Hodgkin-Huxley model. In order to further characterize this phenomenon, we considered a reduced one-dimensional model of an excitable system, namely the active rotator. For this model, our analysis indicated that the noise-induced transition is associated with a deterministic bifurcation of approximate equations governing the dynamics of the mean and variance of the state variable. Finally, we shed light on the possible functional importance of this noise-induced transition in neuronal coding by determining its effect on the spike timing precision in models of neuronal ensembles. Received: 19 September 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 4 March 2001  相似文献   

The migration of cells in multicell tumor spheroids   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A mathematical model is proposed to explain the observed internalization of microspheres and 3H-thymidine labelled cells in steady-state multicellular spheroids. The model uses the conventional ideas of nutrient diffusion and consumption by the cells. In addition, a very simple model of the progress of the cells through the cell cycle is considered. Cells are divided into two classes, those proliferating (being in G1, S, G2 or M phases) and those that are quiescent (being in G0). Furthermore, the two categories are presumed to have different chemotactic responses to the nutrient gradient. The model accounts for the spatial and temporal variations in the cell categories together with mitosis, conversion between categories and cell death. Numerical solutions demonstrate that the model predicts the behavior similar to existing models but has some novel effects. It allows for spheroids to approach a steady-state size in a non-monotonic manner, it predicts self-sorting of the cell classes to produce a thin layer of rapidly proliferating cells near the outer surface and significant numbers of cells within the spheroid stalled in a proliferating state. The model predicts that overall tumor growth is not only determined by proliferation rates but also by the ability of cells to convert readily between the classes. Moreover, the steady-state structure of the spheroid indicates that if the outer layers are removed then the tumor grows quickly by recruiting cells stalled in a proliferating state. Questions are raised about the chemotactic response of cells in differing phases and to the dependency of cell cycle rates to nutrient levels.  相似文献   

A cooperative system of silicon transport in plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Trends in plant science》2015,20(7):435-442
Download : Download video (60MB)  相似文献   

New evidence has been presented from our laboratory that the gliding bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus, does not home by chemotaxis toward a nutrient source. Our experiments, those of others, and the theory presented here combine to suggest a model, called the Pied Piper model. It hypothesizes a gene that has a high mutation rate forward and back (say something in excess 10-4mutations per cell generation) which leads to switching between two motility states. Occasionally rare organisms become genetically, but reversibly, changed so that they move unidirectionally instead of mostly forward and back as do the bulk of the cells. When such a leader cell arises, it continues to move in its original orientation, and causes a cohort of cells to move together away from the bulk of the cells. That is, in the less common mutational state it counteracts the usual tendency to just move forward and backward achieving little net movement. The assumption of a genetic element that mutates in a reversible way is suggested by numerous cases of reversible switches now known in a wide range of bacteria serving a variety of functions. A second aspect of the model is that mechanisms exist that cause cells to move in the same direction as their nearby neighbors. This process results in a regular spacing of bands of cells to form mounds in the absence of a leader. The action of C-factor, a factor secreted by the cells which has been largely studied in the laboratory of Dale Kaiser, and extracellular fibrils, (rod-shaped protein and carbohydrate bodies) largely studied in the laboratory of Martin Dworkin, may be key elements in coordinating (or linking) the movements of neighboring cells. Based on the assumption of the absence of chemotaxis, computer simulations of pattern formation for gliding bacterial swarms and flares are consistent with observed behaviors and thus are additional evidence that chemotactic motility of the type exhibited by Escherichia coli, is not necessary for the group movements of M. xanthus. Some tests for this model are suggested.  相似文献   

Predicting the three-dimensional structure of proteins is a difficult task. In the last few years several approaches have been proposed for performing this task taking into account different protein chemical and physical properties. As a result, a growing number of protein structure prediction tools is becoming available, some of them specialized to work on either some aspects of the predictions or on some categories of proteins; however, they are still not sufficiently accurate and reliable for predicting all kinds of proteins. In this context, it is useful to jointly apply different prediction tools and combine their results in order to improve the quality of the predictions. However, several problems have to be solved in order to make this a viable possibility. In this paper a framework and a tool is proposed which allows: (i) definition of a common reference applicative domain for different prediction tools; (ii) characterization of prediction tools through evaluating some quality parameters; (iii) characterization of the performances of a team of predictors jointly applied over a prediction problem; (iv) the singling out of the best team for a prediction problem; and (v) the integration of predictor results in the team in order to obtain a unique prediction. A system implementing the various steps of the proposed framework (CooPPS) has been developed and several experiments for testing the effectiveness of the proposed approach have been carried out.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) and 5-thio-d-glucose (5TG) are glucose antimetabolites that are known to be selectively toxic to hypoxic cells grown as single cells or as monolayer cultures. These analogues were toxic to Chinese hamster V79 cells grown as multicell spheroids even under aerobic conditions. When spheroids, 500- to 600-μm diameter, were exposed to 7.5mm of these chemicals for 3 days, the number of clonogenic cells per spheroid dropped to 50% for 5-thio-d-glucose and 20% for 2-deoxy-d-glucose, relative to control values. Survivals were reduced to less than 1% when the experiment was repeated in glucose-free medium. Scanning electron photomicrographs of spheroids treated with 7.5mm of either analogue showed extensive damage to the outer cells. The cell killing observed was much more than could be predicted on the basis of the hypoxic fraction known to be present in these spheroids. The crowded tumor-like environment may make the cells vulnerable to the cytotoxic action of glucose analogues and other glycolytic inhibitors. Supported by the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, London Clinic.  相似文献   

Longtin A  Doiron B  Bulsara AR 《Bio Systems》2002,67(1-3):147-156
A recent computational study of gain control via shunting inhibition has shown that the slope of the frequency-versus-input (f-I) characteristic of a neuron can be decreased by increasing the noise associated with the inhibitory input (Neural Comput. 13, 227-248). This novel noise-induced divisive gain control relies on the concommittant increase of the noise variance with the mean of the total inhibitory conductance. Here we investigate this effect using different neuronal models. The effect is shown to occur in the standard leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) model with additive Gaussian white noise, and in the LIF with multiplicative noise acting on the inhibitory conductance. The noisy scaling of input currents is also shown to occur in the one-dimensional theta-neuron model, which has firing dynamics, as well as a large scale compartmental model of a pyramidal cell in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of a weakly electric fish. In this latter case, both the inhibition and the excitatory input have Poisson statistics; noise-induced divisive inhibition is thus seen in f-I curves for which the noise increases along with the input I. We discuss how the variation of the noise intensity along with inputs is constrained by the physiological context and the class of model used, and further provide a comparison of the divisive effect across models.  相似文献   

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