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A constitutive model based on the continuum mechanics theory has been developed which represents interlamellar cohesion, regional variation of collagen fibril density, 3D anisotropy and both age-related viscoelastic and hyperelastic stiffening behaviour of the human cornea. Experimental data gathered from a number of previous studies on 48 ex vivo human cornea (inflation and shear tests) enabled calibration of the constitutive model by numerical analysis. Wide-angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy provided measured data which quantify microstructural arrangements associated with stiffness. The present study measures stiffness parallel to the lamellae of the cornea which approximately doubles with an increase in strain rate from 0.5 to 5%/min, while the underlying stromal matrix provides a stiffness 2–3 orders of magnitude lower than the lamellae. The model has been simultaneously calibrated to within 3% error across three age groups ranging from 50 to 95 years and three strain rates across the two loading scenarios. Age and strain-rate-dependent material coefficients allow numerical simulation under varying loading scenarios for an individual patient with material stiffness approximated by their age. This present study addresses a significant gap in numerical representation of the cornea and has great potential in daily clinical practice for the planning and optimisation of corrective procedures and in preclinical optimisation of diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   

This paper presents an anisotropic analysis model for the human cornea. The model is based on the assumption that the fibrils in the cornea are organised into lamellae, which may have preferential orientation along the superior-inferior and nasal-temporal directions, while the alignment of lamellae with different orientations is assumed to be random. Hence, the cornea can be regarded as a laminated composite shell. The constitutive equation describing the relationships between membrane forces, bending moments, and membrane strains, bending curvatures are derived. The influences of lamella orientations and the random alignment of lamellae on the stiffness coefficients of the constitutive equation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at the definition of a constitutive formulation of ankle ligaments and of a procedure for the constitutive parameters evaluation, for the biomechanical analysis by means of numerical models. To interpret the typical features of ligaments mechanical response, as anisotropic configuration, geometric non-linearity, non-linear elasticity and time-dependent behaviour, a specific fibre-reinforced visco-hyperelastic model is provided. The identification of constitutive parameters is performed by a stochastic–deterministic procedure that minimises the discrepancy between experimental and computational results. A preliminary evaluation of parameters is performed by analytical models in order to define reference values. Afterwards, solid models are developed to consider the complex histo-morphometric configuration of samples as a basis for the definition of numerical models. The results obtained are adopted for upgrading parameter values by comparison with specific mechanical tests. Assuming the new parameters set, the final numerical results are compared with the overall set of experimental data, to assess the reliability and efficacy of the analysis developed for the interpretation of the mechanical response of ankle ligaments.  相似文献   

After many years of research, the mechanisms that generate a periodic pattern of repeated elements (somites) along the length of the embryonic body axis is still one of the major unresolved problems in developmental biology. Here we present a mathematical formulation of the cell cycle model for somitogenesis proposed in Development105 (1989), 119-130. Somite precursor cells in the node are asynchronous, and therefore, as a population, generate continuously pre-somite cells which enter the segmental plate. The model makes the hypothesis that there exists a time window within the cell cycle, making up one-seventh of the cycle, which gates the pre-somite cells so that they make somites discretely, seven per cycle. We show that the model can indeed account for the spatiotemporal patterning of somite formation during normal development as well as the periodic abnormalities produced by heat shock treatment. We also relate the model to recent molecular data on the process of somite formation.  相似文献   

Published data on the mechanical performance of the human lens capsule when tested under uniaxial and biaxial conditions are reviewed. It is concluded that two simple phenomenological constitutive models (namely a linear elastic model and a Fung-type hyperelastic model) are unable to provide satisfactory representations of the mechanical behaviour of the capsule for both of these loading conditions. The possibility of resolving these difficulties using a structural constitutive model for the capsule, of a form that is inspired by the network of collagen IV filaments that exist within the lens capsule, is explored. The model is implemented within a rectangular periodic cell. Prescribed stretches are imposed on the periodic cell and the network is allowed to deform in a non-affine manner. The performance of the constitutive model correlates well with previously published test data. One possible application of the model is in the development of a multi-scale analysis of the mechanics of the human lens capsule.  相似文献   

A mechanical model of the human cornea is proposed and employed in a finite element formulation for simulating the effects of surgical procedures, such as radial keratotomy, on the cornea. The model assumes that the structural behavior of the cornea is governed by the properties of the stroma. Arguments based on the microstructural organization and properties of the stroma lead to the conclusion that the human cornea exhibits flexural and shear rigidities which are negligible compared to its membrane rigidity. Accordingly, it is proposed that to a first approximation, the structural behavior of the cornea is that of a thick membrane shell. The tensile forces in the cornea are resisted by very fine collagen fibrils embedded in the ground substance of the stromal lamellae. When the collagen fibrils are cut, as in radial keratotomy, it is argued that they become relaxed since there is negligible transfer of load between adjacent fibrils due to the low shear modulus of the ground substance. The forces in the cornea are then resisted only by the remaining uncut fibrils. The cutting of fibrils induces an anisotropy and inhomogeneity in the membrane rigidity. By assuming a uniform angular distribution of stromal lamellae through the corneal thickness, geometric arguments lead to a quantitative representation for the anisotropy and inhomogeneity. All material behavior is assumed to be in the linear elastic regime and with no time-dependency. The resulting constitutive model for the incised cornea has been employed in a geometrically non-linear finite element membrane shell formulation for small strains with moderate rotations. A number of numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed constitutive model and finite element formulation. The dependence of the outcome of radial keratotomy, measured in terms of the immediate postoperative shift in corneal power, on a number of important factors is investigated. These factors include the value of the elastic moduli of the stromal lamellae (dependent on the patient's age), the incision depth, the optic zone size, the number of incisions and their positions, and the intraocular pressure. Results have also been compared with expected surgical corrections predicted by three expert surgeons and show an excellent correspondence.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to provide a numerical approach for the investigation of the mechanical behaviour of the heel pad region. A visco-hyperelastic model is formulated with regard to fat pad tissue, while a fibre-reinforced hyperelastic model is considered for the heel skin tissue. Bone components are defined by means of an orthotropic linear elastic model. Particular attention is paid to the evaluation of constitutive parameters within different models adopted in consideration of experimental tests data. Preliminarily, indentation tests on a skinless cadaveric foot are considered with regard to fat pad tissue. Indentation tests on an intact heel pad of a cadaveric foot are subsequently adopted for the final identification of constitutive parameters of fat pad and skin tissues. A numerical model of the rear foot is defined and different loading conditions are assumed according to experimental data. A comparison between experimental and numerical data leads to the evaluation of the real capability of the procedure to interpret the actual response of the rear foot.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to provide a numerical approach for the investigation of the mechanical behaviour of the heel pad region. A visco-hyperelastic model is formulated with regard to fat pad tissue, while a fibre-reinforced hyperelastic model is considered for the heel skin tissue. Bone components are defined by means of an orthotropic linear elastic model. Particular attention is paid to the evaluation of constitutive parameters within different models adopted in consideration of experimental tests data. Preliminarily, indentation tests on a skinless cadaveric foot are considered with regard to fat pad tissue. Indentation tests on an intact heel pad of a cadaveric foot are subsequently adopted for the final identification of constitutive parameters of fat pad and skin tissues. A numerical model of the rear foot is defined and different loading conditions are assumed according to experimental data. A comparison between experimental and numerical data leads to the evaluation of the real capability of the procedure to interpret the actual response of the rear foot.  相似文献   

We present a new constitutive formulation that combines certain desirable features of two previously used approaches (phenomenological and microstructural). Specifically, we assume that certain soft tissues can be idealized as composed of various families of noninteracting fibers and a homogeneous matrix. Both the fibers and the matrix are assumed to follow the gross deformation. Within the usual framework of pseudoelasticity, incompressibility, homogeneity, and the continuum hypothesis, a pseudostrain-energy function (W) is proposed wherein W is expressed in terms of matrix and fibrous contributions. Unlike phenomenological approaches where a W is usually chosen in an ad hoc manner, the present approach can be used to postulate reasonable forms of W based on limited structural information and multiaxial stress-strain data. Illustrative applications of the theory are discussed for visceral pleura and myocardium. Concise structurally motivated constitutive relations result, wherein load-dependent anisotropy, nonlinear material behavior, finite deformations, and incompressibility are accounted for.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to constitutive modeling of viscoelastic soft tissues. This formulation combines an anisotropic strain energy function, accounting for preferred material directions, to define the elastic stress–strain relationship, and a discrete time black-box dynamic model, borrowed from the theory of system identification, to describe the time-dependent behavior. This discrete time formulation is straightforwardly oriented to the development of a recursive time integration scheme that calculates the current stress state by using strain and stress values stored at a limited number of previous time instants. The viscoelastic model and the numerical procedure are assessed by implementing two numerical examples, the simulation of a uniaxial tensile test and the inflation of a thin tube. Both simulations are performed using parameter values based on previous experiments on preserved bovine pericardium. Parameters are then adjusted to investigate the sensitivity of the model. The hypotheses the model relies upon are discussed and the main limitations are stated.  相似文献   

In many biomechanical studies, blood vessels can be modeled as pseudoelastic orthotropic materials that are incompressible (volume-preserving) under physiological loading. To use a minimum number of elastic constants to describe the constitutive behavior of arteries, we adopt a generalized Hooke's law for the co-rotational Cauchy stress and a recently proposed logarithmic-exponential strain. This strain tensor absorbs the material nonlinearity and its trace is zero for volume-preserving deformations. Thus, the relationships between model parameters due to the incompressibility constraint are easy to analyze and interpret. In particular, the number of independent elastic constants reduces from ten to seven in the orthotropic model. As an illustratory study, we fit this model to measured data of porcine coronary arteries in inflation-stretch tests. Four parameters, n (material nonlinearity), Young's moduli E? (circumferential), E? (axial), and E? (radial) are necessary to fit the data. The advantages and limitations of this model are discussed.  相似文献   

The periodontal ligament (PDL), as other soft biological tissues, shows a strongly non-linear and time-dependent mechanical response and can undergo large strains under physiological loads. Therefore, the characterization of the mechanical behavior of soft tissues entails the definition of constitutive models capable of accounting for geometric and material non-linearity. The microstructural arrangement determines specific anisotropic properties. A hyperelastic anisotropic formulation is adopted as the basis for the development of constitutive models for the PDL and properly arranged for investigating the viscous and damage phenomena as well to interpret significant aspects pertaining to ordinary and degenerative conditions. Visco-hyperelastic models are used to analyze the time-dependent mechanical response, while elasto-damage models account for the stiffness and strength decrease that can develop under significant loading or degenerative conditions. Experimental testing points out that damage response is affected by the strain rate associated with loading, showing a decrease in the damage limits as the strain rate increases. These phenomena can be investigated by means of a model capable of accounting for damage phenomena in relation to viscous effects. The visco-hyperelastic-damage model developed is defined on the basis of a Helmholtz free energy function depending on the strain-damage history. In particular, a specific damage criterion is formulated in order to evaluate the influence of the strain rate on damage. The model can be implemented in a general purpose finite element code. The accuracy of the formulation is evaluated by using results of experimental tests performed on animal model, accounting for different strain rates and for strain states capable of inducing damage phenomena. The comparison shows a good agreement between numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   



Cornea is the outermost part of the eye supplied mostly by aqueous humor (AH). Therefore, the comparison of the metabolomic compositions of AH and cornea may help to determine which compounds are produced inside the cornea, and which penetrate into cornea from AH for intra-corneal consumption. Keratoconus (KC) is the most common form of the cornea dystrophy, and the analysis of KC corneas can unravel the metabolomic changes occurring in AH and cornea of KC patients.


The work is aimed at the determination of concentrations of a wide range of metabolites in the human cornea and AH, the comparison of the metabolomic profiles of cornea and AH, and the comparison of the metabolomic compositions of samples taken from KC patients and normal donors (post-mortem).


The quantitative metabolomic profiling was carried out with the use of two independent methods—high-frequency 1H NMR spectroscopy and HPLC with high-resolution ESI-MS detection.


The concentrations of 71 most abundant metabolites in cornea and AH from keratoconus patients and from human cadavers have been measured. It is found that the concentrations of purines and organic acids in cornea are significantly higher than in AH. The KC corneas are characterized by the enhanced levels of acetate and citrate, and also by low values of GSH/GSSG ratios.


A significant difference in the metabolomic compositions of the human AH and cornea has been revealed. The concentrations of glucose and some amino acids in cornea are significantly lower than in AH, indicating their fast consumption inside the cornea. The high levels of organic acids, purines and GSH in cornea should be attributed to their production in the cornea. The enhanced levels of acetate and citrate as well as the low values of GSH/GSSG ratios in KC corneas are the indicators of the oxidative stress.

Collagenous tissues such as the aneurysmal wall or the aorta are multi-layered structures with the mean fibre alignments distinguishing one layer from another. A constitutive representation of the multiple collagen layers is not yet developed, and hence the aim of the present study. The proposed model is based on the constitutive theory of finite elasticity and is characterized by an anisotropic strain-energy function which takes the material structure into account. The passive tissue behaviour is modelled and the related mechanical response is assumed to be dominated by elastin and collagen. While elastin is modelled by the neo-Hookean material the constitutive response of collagen is assumed to be transversely isotropic for each individual layer and based on an exponential function. The proposed constitutive function is polyconvex which ensures material stability. The model has five independent material parameters, each of which has a clear physical interpretation: the initial stiffnesses of the collagen fabric in the two principal directions, the shear modulus pertaining to the non-collagenous matrix material, a parameter describing the level of nonlinearity of the collagen fabric, and the angle between the principal directions of the collagen fabric and the reference coordinate system. An extension-inflation test of the adventitia of a human femoral artery is simulated by means of the finite element method and an error function is minimized by adjusting the material parameters yielding a good agreement between the model and the experimental data.  相似文献   

The method of photonic band structure is used to calculate the frequencies of light that propagate in lattice models of the cornea and sclera of the mammalian eye, providing an explanation for transparency in the cornea that first properly accounts for multiple scattering of light. Each eye tissue is modeled as an ordered array of collagen rods, and photonic band structure methods are used to solve Maxwell's equations exactly for these models, a procedure that automatically effectively includes all orders of multiple scattering. These calculations show that the dispersion relation for the cornea is linear in the visible range, implying that the cornea is transparent. We show that the transmissivity is approximately 97% by using an effective medium approximation derived from the photonic band structure results and applicable in the visible region. In contrast, the dispersion relation for the model in the sclera is not linear in the visible region, and there are band gaps in this region that could play an important role in the transmission of light in the sclera.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of soft tissues are important for the control of motion in many invertebrates. Pressurized cylindrical animals such as worms have circumferential reinforcement of the body wall; however, no experimental characterization of comparable anisotropy has been reported for climbing larvae such as caterpillars. Using uniaxial, real-time fluorescence extensometry on millimeter scale cuticle specimens we have quantified differences in the mechanical properties of cuticle to circumferentially and longitudinally applied forces. Based on these results and the composite matrix-fiber structure of cuticle, a pseudo-elastic transversely isotropic constitutive material model was constructed with circumferential reinforcement realized as a Horgan-Saccomandi strain energy function. This model was then used numerically to describe the anisotropic material properties of Manduca cuticle. The constitutive material model will be used in a detailed finite-element analysis to improve our understanding of the mechanics of caterpillar crawling.  相似文献   

Constitutive models describing the arterial mechanical behavior are important in the development of catheterization products, to be used in arteries with a specific radius. To prove the possible existence of a constitutive model that, provided with a generic set of material and geometric parameters, is able to predict the radius-specific mechanical behavior of a coronary artery, the passive pressure–inner radius (Pr i ) and pressure–axial force change (P–ΔF z ) relations of seven porcine left anterior descending coronary arteries were measured in an in-vitro set-up and fitted with the model of Driessen et al. in J Biomech Eng 127(3):494–503 (2005), Biomech Model Mechanobiol 7(2):93–103 (2008). Additionally, the collagen volume fraction, physiological axial pre-stretch, and wall thickness to inner radius ratio at physiological loading were determined for each artery. From this, two generic parameter sets, each comprising four material and three geometric parameters, were obtained. These generic sets were used to compute the deformation of each tested artery using a single radius measurement at physiological loading as an artery-specific input. Artery-specific Pr i and P–ΔF z relations were predicted with an accuracy of 32 μm (2.3%) and 6 mN (29% relative to ΔF z -range) on average compared to the relations measured in-vitro. It was concluded that the constitutive model provided with the generic parameters found in this study can well predict artery-specific mechanical behavior.  相似文献   

Axial velocities were measured in an enlarged, two-dimensional, rigid model of the carotid artery bifurcation by means of a laser-Doppler anemometer, under both steady and unsteady flow conditions. Also a numerical model was developed, based on the finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. From this study it appeared that the numerically predicted velocities agree well with the experimentally obtained values. Besides, the bifurcation hardly influenced the upstream flow in the main branch (common carotid artery), high velocity gradients were observed at the divider walls of the daughter branches (internal and external carotid arteries) and large zones with reversed flow were present near the nondivider walls of these branches. For steady flow the maximal diameter of this zone at the entrance of the internal carotid artery (carotid sinus) was about 25% of the local diameter of this branch. For unsteady flow this zone was absent during the initial phase of flow acceleration and maximal at the end of flow deceleration with a maximal diameter of about 50% of the local diameter of the carotid sinus.  相似文献   

A variational constitutive model for soft biological tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a fully variational constitutive model of soft biological tissues is formulated in the finite strain regime. The model includes Ogden-type hyperelasticity, finite viscosity, deviatoric and volumetric plasticity, rate and microinertia effects. Variational updates are obtained via time discretization and pre-minimization of a suitable objective function with respect to internal variables. Genetic algorithms are used for model parameter identification due to their suitability for non-convex, high dimensional optimization problems. The material behavior predicted by the model is compared to available tests on swine and human brain tissue. The ability of the model to predict a wide range of experimentally observed behavior, including hysteresis, cyclic softening, rate effects, and plastic deformation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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