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Both chlorophyll a and b and polypeptides of the photosynthetic apparatus are found in gymnosperm seedlings. germinated and grown in absolute darkness. The photosystem II (PSII) activity is, however, limited, probably due to an inactive oxygen evolving system. In the present study dark-grown seedlings of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) were transferred to light and changes in antenna size and the activation process of PSII were investigated using fluorescence measurements and quantitative western blotting. It was found that the activation process is rapid, requires very little light and that strong light inhibits the process. It takes place without any changes in the primary reactions of PSII. Furthermore, all polypeptides except the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b -binding protein complex of PSII (LHCII) were present in dark-grown seedlings in amounts comparable to the light treated control. The dark-grown seedlings had the same LHCII polypeptide composition as light treated seedlings, and the LHCII present seemed to be fully connected to the reaction centre. The results indicate that activation of PSII in dark-grown conifer seedlings resembles the photoactivation process of angiosperms. This implies that the fundamental processes in the assembly of the photosystem II complex is the same in all plants, but that the regulation differs between different taxa.  相似文献   

For transformation and somatic hybridisation of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), it is necessary to develop an efficient and reliable system for routne plant regeneration from protoplasts. Freshly-isolated cell suspension-derived protoplasts were treated with both rectangular and exponential electric pulses with the aim of increasing plating efficiency as well as to stimulate regenerative capacity. Suspensions were initiated from callus from immature embryos of barley (cv. Dissa). Increasing field strength, capicitance, or number of applied pulses resulted in a decreased protoplast viability and plating efficency. However, the regeneration of albino leaves and albino plantlets from electro-treated protoplasts was stimulated in comparison with controls.  相似文献   

The major constituents of the epi- and intracuticular lipids of primary leaves of 8 cultivars of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) have been studied together with cuticular transpiration rates. The total amount of analysed cuticular lipids ranged from 9.6 to 13.4 μg cm−2 and was dominated by the epicuticular fraction, which made up 73–84% of the total. There were variations in the percentages of the analysed lipid classes, alkanes, esters, aldehydes, β-diketones and alcohols, between epi- and intracuticular lipids among individual cultivars, but no clear tendency in these variations, except for the aldehydes, was found. The epicuticular lipids were richer in aldehydes than the intracuticular lipids. The cuticular transpiration rates were poorly correlated with the levels or composition of epi-, intra- or total cuticular lipids. The cuticular transpiration rates were considerably altered as a response to a water stress treatment, but these changes could not be correlated with any changes in amount or composition of the cuticular lipids. From these results it is concluded that some property other than amount or composition of cuticular lipids is the most important in regulation of water diffusion through the cuticle.  相似文献   

Structural and functional characteristics of photosystem II (PSII) were examined in leaves of 4-, 7-, and 11-day-old barley seedlings exposed to high temperature (40°C, 3 h) and water deficit (replacement of nutrient medium with 3% PEG 6000 solution, 45 h). In young seedlings, the effective quantum yield of PSII photochemical reactions decreased upon heat treatment but did not change after dehydration. Both stressful factors diminished the Q B-reducing capacity of PSII in 4- and 7-day-old plants. This was caused by the increase in the reduction level of plastoquinone and by the impairment of the Q B-binding site of the D1 protein. The increase in the content of plastoquinol after the heat shock was due to the impaired oxidizing capacity of cytochrome f (Cyt f). The dehydration did not alter the content of functionally active Cyt f but elevated the microviscosity of the lipid bilayer in thylakoid membranes, which presumably impeded the lateral diffusion of plastoquinones and reduced their reoxidation rate. The heating and dehydration of old leaves reduced the amount of -type PSII reaction centers, thereby inhibiting the linear electron transport. It is concluded that PSII responses to heat treatment and water deficit are subject to variations depending on leaf age. Measurements of the redox potentials for plastoquinones, Cyt f, and cytochrome b 559 upon senescence, hyperthermia, and water deficit allowed us to propose that heat and water stresses activate cyclic electron transport around PSII.  相似文献   

Starch branching enzyme (SBE, EC activity was followed in developing barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) caryopses during a period of one month after anthesis. Caryopses with the highest specific activity, and corresponding to a fresh weight of around 60 mg per caryopsis, were homogenized and the soluble extract used for branching enzyme purification by FPLC chromatography. Four branching enzyme activity fractions were resolved. From one of these fractions, which exhibited high activity in both the phosphorylation stimulation and amylose branching assays, a branching enzyme preparation containing two related polypeptides of 51 and 50 kDa was obtained. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel filtration showed that the 51/50-kDa polypeptide is monomeric. A combination of phosphorylation stimulation and amylose branching gel assays, SDS-PAGE, and TLC was used to demonstrate the branching activity of the 51/50-kDa polypeptide. The activity was further confirmed by spectroscopic analyses of iodine-glucan complexes. SBEs from four different plant species were compared using the phosphorylation stimulation gel assay.  相似文献   

A cathepsin D-like aspartic proteinase (EC 3.4.23) is abundant in ungerminated barley ( Hordeum vulgare ) seed while a 30 kDa cysteine endoproteinase (EC 3.4.22) is one of the proteinases synthesized de novo in the germinating seed. In this work, the localization of these two acid proteinases was studied at both the tissue and subcellular levels by immunomicroscopy. The results confirm that they have completely different functions. The aspartic proteinase was present in the ungerminated seed and, during germination, it appeared in all the living tissues of the grain, including the shoot and root. Contrary to previous suggestions, it was not observed in the starchy endosperm. By immunoblotting, the high molecular mass form of the enzyme (32 + 16 kDa) was found in all the living tissues, whereas the low molecular mass form (29 + 11 kDa) was not present in the shoot or root, indicating that the two enzyme forms have different physiological roles. The aspartic proteinase was localized first in the scutellar protein bodies of germinating seed, and later in the vacuoles which are formed by fusion of the protein bodies. In contrast to the aspartic proteinase, the expression of the 30 kDa cysteine proteinase began during the first germination day, and it was secreted into the starchy endosperm; first from the scutellum and later from the aleurone layer. It was not found in either shoots or roots. The 30 kDa cysteine proteinase was detected in the Golgi apparatus and in the putative secretory vesicles of the scutellar epithelium. These results suggest that the aspartic proteinase functions only in the living tissues of the grain, as opposed to the 30 kDa cysteine proteinase which is apparently one of the proteases initiating the hydrolysis of storage proteins in the starchy endosperm.  相似文献   

Exogenously applied D-tryptophan (D-Trp) was more effective than L-Trp in inducing elongation of coleoptile segments of a normal barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Akashinriki) strain and a semi-dwarf strain with lower endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) level. D-cycloserine, an inhibitor of D-aminotransferase, completely inhibited both the D- and L-Trp-induced elongation of both strains. Addition of D-Trp increased IAA levels in both strains 4-fold over endogenous levels. The increase in IAA level was completely inhibited by D-cycloserine. The endogenous L-Trp level of semi-dwarf coleoptiles was similar to that of normal ones. These results suggested that IAA is synthesized by the conversion of L-Trp to indole-3-pyruvic acid via D-Trp in both strains, and that the lower IAA level of the semi-dwarf strain probably is a result of the impeded IAA biosynthesis involved in D-Trp.  相似文献   

RFLP mapping of BaYMV resistance gene rym3 in barley (Hordeum vulgare)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rym3 (formerly designated ym3) gene conferring resistance to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) is effective against all strains of the virus but up to now has not been mapped to any chromosome. We performed a linkage analysis, using DNA extracted from individually harvested mature leaves of 153 F2 plants derived from a cross between BaYMV-resistant cv ’Ishuku Shirazu’ carrying rym3 and susceptible cv ’Ko A’. Additionally, the F3 lines derived from F2 plants were grown in the BaYMV-infested field and examined for their reaction to BaYMV. Our results indicated that rym3 is located on the short arm of chromosome 5H and flanked by RFLP markers MWG28and ABG705A at distances of 7.2 and 11.7 cM, respectively. The chromosomal configuration estimated by DNA markers around rym3 and the utilization of these molecular markers for pyramiding with the BaYMV resistance genes in barley breeding programs are discussed. Received: 24 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 January 1999<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by F. Salamini  相似文献   

One hundred and forty six barley doubled-haploid lines (DH lines) were tested for variation in grain yield, yield components, plant height, and heading date after artificial infection with a German isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV-Braunschweig). Of these 146 lines 76 were derived from the cross of the barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) tolerant cultivar ’Post’ to cv ’Vixen’ (Ryd2) and 70 from the cross of Post to cv ’Nixe’. Phenotypic measurements were gathered on both non-infected plants and plants artificially inoculated with BYDV-PAV by viruliferous aphids in pot and field experiments for three years at two locations. For all traits a continuous variation was observed suggesting a quantitative mode of inheritance for tolerance against BYDV-PAV. Using skeleton maps constructed using SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs, two QTLs for relative grain yield per plant after BYDV infection, explaining about 47% of the phenotypic variance, were identified in Post × Vixen at the telomeric region of chromosome 2HL and at a region containing the Ryd2 gene on chromosome 3HL. In Post × Nixe, a QTL was found in exactly the same chromosome 2HL marker interval. In this cross, additional QTL were mapped on chromosomes 7H and 4H and together these explained about 40% of the phenotypic variance. QTL for effects of BYDV infection on yield components, plant height, and heading date generally mapped to the same marker intervals, or in the vicinity of the QTL for relative grain yield, on chromosomes 2HL and 3HL, suggesting that these regions are of special importance for tolerance to the Braunschweig isolate of BYDV-PAV. Possible applications of marker-assisted selection for BYDV tolerance based on these results are discussed. Received: 1 December 2000 / Accepted: 9 March 2001  相似文献   

The age of the stock plants was important for the barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Perth) protoplast viability. Light conditions under which the stock plants were grown also affected the viability of the protoplasts. Greenhouse-grown plants yielded much higher number of protoplasts than dark-grown plants, but protoplast viability was better when protoplasts were isolated from etiolated plants. Light supplied during protoplast culture affected protoplast viability within the first 24 h of culture. Cellulase R-10 (Onozuka) was better than Cellulysin (Calbiochem) and Cellulase + Macerozyme R-10 (Onozuka) for barley mesophyll protoplast isolation. Cellulase R-10 (Onozuka) was fractionated on a G-75 Sephadex column. The eluted fractions were tested for their ability to release barley mesophyll protoplasts and for their toxicity towards the protoplasts. Only a small part of the Cellulase R-10 was necessary for protoplast isolation from barley leaves. When the fractionated cellulase was analysed by isoelectric focusing, this part of the cellolase appeared as a single band.  相似文献   

 In order to identify sequence-tagged sites (STSs) appropriate for recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of barley cultivars ‘Azumamugi’ × ‘Kanto Nakate Gold’, a total of 43 STS primer pairs were generated on the basis of the terminal sequences of barley restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) clones. Forty one of the 43 primer pairs amplified PCR products in Azumamugi, Kanto Nakate Gold, or both. Of these, two showed a length polymorphism and two showed the presence or absence of polymorphism between the parents. PCR products of the remaining 37 primers were digested with 46 restriction endonucleases, and polymorphisms were detected for 15 primers. A 383.6-cM linkage map of RILs of Azumamugi×Kanto Nakate Gold was constructed from the 19 polymorphic STS primer pairs (20 loci) developed in this study, 45 previously developed STS primer pairs (47 loci), and two morphological loci. Linkage analysis and analysis of wheat-barley chromosome addition lines showed that with three exceptions, the chromosome locations of the STS markers were identical with those of the RFLP markers. Received: 4 August 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

Leaf senescence is the final developmental stage of a leaf. The progression of barley primary leaf senescence was followed by measuring the senescence-specific decrease in chlorophyll content and photosystem II efficiency. In order to isolate novel factors involved in leaf senescence, a differential display approach with mRNA populations from young and senescing primary barley leaves was applied. In this approach, 90 senescence up-regulated cDNAs were identified. Nine of these clones were, after sequence analyses, further characterized. The senescence-associated expression was confirmed by Northern analyses or quantitative RealTime-PCR. In addition, involvement of the phytohormones ethylene and abscisic acid in regulation of these nine novel senescence-induced cDNA fragments was investigated. Two cDNA clones showed homologies to genes with a putative regulatory function. Two clones possessed high homologies to barley retroelements, and five clones may be involved in degradation or transport processes. One of these genes was further analysed. It encodes an ADP ribosylation factor 1-like protein (HvARF1) and includes sequence motifs representing a myristoylation site and four typical and well conserved ARF-like protein domains. The localization of the protein was investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy of onion epidermal cells after particle bombardment with chimeric HvARF1-GFP constructs. Possible physiological roles of these nine novel SAGs during barley leaf senescence are discussed.  相似文献   

Spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) was grown at different nitrate supply rates, controlled by using the relative addition rate technique, in order to elucidate the relationship between nitrate-N supply and root and shoot levels of abscisic acid (ABA). The plants were maintained as (1) standard cultures where nitrate was supplied at relative addition rates (RAs) of 0.03, 0.09 and 0.18 day−1, and (2) split-root cultures at RA 0.09 day−1 but with the nitrate distributed between the two root parts in ratios of 100:0, 80:20 and 60:40. Time-dependent changes in root and shoot concentrations of ABA (determined by radioimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody) were observed in both standard and split-root cultures during 12 days of acclimation to the different nitrate regimes. However, the ABA responses were similar at all nitrate supply rates. Further experiments were performed with split-root cultures where the distribution of nitrate between the two root parts was reversed from 80:20 to 20:80 so that short-term effects to local perturbations of nitrate supply could be studied without altering whole-plant N absorption. Transient increases in ABA concentrations (maximum of 25 to 40% after 3 to 4 h) were observed in both subroot parts, as well as in xylem sap and shoot tissue. By pruning the root system it was demonstrated that the change in ABA had its origin in the subroot part receiving the increased nitrate supply (i.e. switched from 20 to 80% of the total nitrate supply). The data indicate that ABA responses are easily transmitted between different organs, including transmission from one set of seminal roots to another via the shoot. The data do not provide any indication that long-term nitrate supplies or general nitrogen status of barley plants affect, or are otherwise related to, the average tissue ABA concentrations of roots and shoots.  相似文献   

Soluble starch synthase (SSS, EC catalyzes formation of the α-1,4 bonds of amylopectin. It occurs in multiple isozymes which are either type I, primer-independent in the presence of citrate, or type II. always primer-dependent. To analyze the enzyme. a sensitive native gel assay was developed, monitoring ADP-[14C]glucose incorporation into insoluble α-glucan in the presence of either sodium citrate or glycogen primer or both. Using this system, we observed multiple type I and type II forms in developing grains of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) cv. Bomi, the relative activities of which vary with seed development. At least one form comigrates in native gels with starch branching enzyme. Assays of the shx mutant, which is severely reduced in starch accumulation and in type I SSS activity, indicate that one type I isozyme becomes primer-dependent.  相似文献   

This study reports on investigations into the effect of long-term growth at reduced temperatures on cell elongation and cell division in the wild type and a temperature-insensitive ( slender ) mutant of barley. Plants were grown under two temperature regimes (20 and 5 °C) and the mitotic index, cell doubling time and cell lengths over the division and elongation zone were monitored at several stages of development in the second leaf. Leaf length and leaf growth rates were characteristically greater in the slender mutant than in the wild type and this was greatly exaggerated by growth at low temperature. Cell length and the length of the division zone were also greater in the slender mutant than in the wild type, and growing the plants at reduced temperature (5 °C) shortened cell lengths only in the wild type. The slender mutant had a higher mitotic index than the wild type, although in neither genotype was change in the mitotic index observed following growth at reduced temperature. Cell doubling time, on the other hand, was reduced by growth at reduced temperature in the wild type but not in the slender mutant. Thus, the data suggest very different growth responses to low temperature in the two genotypes. The results are discussed in terms of the ability of plants to sense their environment and optimize their metabolism for future growth.  相似文献   

Ortel  B.  Atzorn  R.  Hause  B.  Feussner  I.  Miersch  O.  Wasternack  C. 《Plant Growth Regulation》1999,29(1-2):113-122
In barley leaves a group of genes is expressed in response to treatment with jasmonates and abscisic acid (ABA) [21]. One of these genes coding for a jasmonate-induced protein of 23 kDa (JIP-23) was analyzed to find out the link between ABA and jasmonates by recording its expression upon modulating independently, the endogenous level of both of them. By use of inhibitors of JA synthesis and ABA degradation, and the ABA-deficient mutant Az34, as well as of cultivar-specific differences, it was shown that endogenous jasmonate increases are necessary and sufficient for expression of this gene. The endogenous rise of ABA did not induce synthesis of JIP-23, whereas exogenous ABA did not act via jasmonates. Different signalling pathways are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) chitinases (EC were found to be distributed and induced in highly tissue specific patterns. Out of 6 chitinases investigated 3 were present in leaves and only a class II chitinase (molecular mass 24 846 ± 5 Da, pI≥9.8) was markedly induced in leaves heavily infected with powdery mildew ( Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei ). The class II chitinase and a novel class III chitinase (molecular mass 30 kDa, pI≥9.8) were found in intercellular washing fluid of leaves, suggesting extracellular deposition. Neither of these two proteins were induced after infiltration of sodium salicylate (2 m M , pH 6.5) or nickel chloride (2 m M ). The class III chitinase showed exochitinase activity in addition to endochitinase activity. No grain specific chitinases were found in leaves after any of the stresses applied. In contrast, 3 grain specific chitinases and one of the leaf chitinases were found in in vitro cultures.  相似文献   

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