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An understanding of the structural transitions that an alpha-helix undergoes will help to elucidate such motions in proteins and their role in protein folding. We present the results of molecular dynamics simulations to investigate these transitions in a short polyalanine peptide (13 residues) both in vacuo and in the presence of solvent. The denaturation of this peptide was monitored as a function of temperature (ranging from 5 to 200 degrees C). In vacuo, the helical state predominated at all temperatures, whereas in solution the helix melted with increasing temperature. The peptide was predominantly helical at low temperature in solution, while at intermediate temperatures the peptide spent the bulk of the time fluctuating between different conformations with intermediate amounts of helix, e.g. not completely helical nor entirely non-helical. Many of these conformations consisted of short helical segments with intervening non-helical residues. At high temperature the peptide unfolded and adopted various collapsed unstructured states. The intrahelical hydrogen bonds that break at high temperature were not fully compensated by hydrogen bonds with water molecules in the partially unfolded forms of the peptide. Increases in temperature disrupted both the helical structure and the peptide-water interactions. Water played a major but indirect role in facilitating unfolding, as opposed to specifically competing for the intrapeptide hydrogen bonds. The implications of our results to protein folding are discussed.  相似文献   

Simulations of an RNA hairpin containing a GNRA tetraloop were conducted to allow the characterization of its secondary structure formation and dynamics. Ten 10 ns trajectories of the folded hairpin 5'-GGGC[GCAA]GCCU-3' were generated using stochastic dynamics and the GB/SA implicit solvent model at 300 K. Overall, we find the stem to be a very stable subunit of this molecule, whereas multiple loop conformations and transitions between them were observed. These trajectories strongly suggest that extension of the C6 base away from the loop occurs cooperatively with an N-type-->S-type sugar pucker conversion in that residue and that similar pucker transitions are necessary to stabilize other looped-out bases. In addition, a short-lived conformer with an extended fourth loop residue (A8) lacking this stabilizing 2'-endo pucker mode was observed. Results of thermal perturbation at 400 K support this model of loop dynamics. Unfolding trajectories were produced using this same methodology at temperatures of 500 to 700 K. The observed unfolding events display three-state behavior kinetically (including native, globular, and unfolded populations) and, based on these observations, we propose a folding mechanism that consists of three distinct events: (i) collapse of the random unfolded structure and sampling of the globular state; (ii) passage into the folded region of configurational space as stem base-pairs form and gain helicity; and (iii) attainment of proper loop geometry and organization of loop pairing and stacking interactions. These results are considered in the context of current experimental knowledge of this and similar nucleic acid hairpins.  相似文献   

Three unrestrained stochastic dynamics simulations have been carried out on the RNA hairpin GGAC[UUCG] GUCC, using the AMBER94 force field (Cornell et al., 1995. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117:5179-5197) in MacroModel 5.5 (Mohamadi et al., 1990. J. Comp. Chem. 11:440-467) and either the GB/SA continuum solvation model (Still et al., 1990. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112:6127-6129) or a linear distance-dependent dielectric (1/R) treatment. The linear distance-dependent treatment results in severe distortion of the nucleic acid structure, restriction of all hydroxyl dihedrals, and collapse of the counterion atmosphere over the course of a 5-ns simulation. An additional vacuum simulation without counterions shows somewhat improved behavior. In contrast, the two GB/SA simulations (1.149 and 3.060 ns in length) give average structures within 1.2 A of the initial NMR structure and in excellent agreement with results of an earlier explicit solvent simulation (Miller and Kollman, 1997. J. Mol. Biol. 270:436-450). In a 3-ns GB/SA simulation starting with the incorrect UUCG tetraloop structure (Cheong et al., 1990. Nature. 346:680-682), this loop conformation converts to the correct loop geometry (Allain and Varani, 1995. J. Mol. Biol. 250:333-353), suggesting enhanced sampling relative to the previous explicit solvent simulation. Thermodynamic effects of 2'-deoxyribose substitutions of loop nucleotides were experimentally determined and are found to correlate with the fraction of time the ribose 2'-OH is hydrogen bonded and the distribution of the hydroxyl dihedral is observed in the GB/SA simulations. The GB/SA simulations thus appear to faithfully represent structural features of the RNA without the computational expense of explicit solvent.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Zhu Y  Shi Y 《Biophysical chemistry》2001,89(2-3):145-162
Molecular dynamics simulations of the S-peptide analogue AETAAAKFLREHMDS in water at 278 and 358 K, and in 8 M urea at 278 K were performed. The results show agreement with experiments. The helix is stable at low temperature (278 K), while at 358 K, unfolding is observed. The effects of urea on protein stability have been studied. The data support a model in which urea denatures proteins by: (1) diminishing the hydrophobic effect by displacing water molecules from the solvent shell around nonpolar groups; and (2) binding directly to amide units (NH and CO groups) via hydrogen bonds. The results of cluster analysis and essential dynamics analysis suggest that the mechanism of urea and thermal-induced denaturation may not be the same.  相似文献   

Conformational equilibrium within the ubiquitous GNRA tetraloop motif was simulated at the ensemble level, including 10 000 independent all-atom molecular dynamics trajectories totaling over 110 µs of simulation time. This robust sampling reveals a highly dynamic structure comprised of 15 conformational microstates. We assemble a Markov model that includes transitions ranging from the nanosecond to microsecond timescales and is dominated by six key loop conformations that contribute to fluctuations around the native state. Mining of the Protein Data Bank provides an abundance of structures in which GNRA tetraloops participate in tertiary contact formation. Most predominantly observed in the experimental data are interactions of the native loop structure within the minor groove of adjacent helical regions. Additionally, a second trend is observed in which the tetraloop assumes non-native conformations while participating in multiple tertiary contacts, in some cases involving multiple possible loop conformations. This tetraloop flexibility can act to counterbalance the energetic penalty associated with assuming non-native loop structures in forming tertiary contacts. The GNRA motif has thus evolved not only to readily participate in simple tertiary interactions involving native loop structure, but also to easily adapt tetraloop secondary conformation in order to participate in larger, more complex tertiary interactions.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of the RNA tetraloop 5'-CGCUUUUGCG-3' with high melting temperature and significant conformational heterogeneity in explicit water solvent are presented and compared to NMR studies. The NMR data allow for a detailed test of the theoretical model, including the quality of the force field and the conformational sampling. Due to the conformational heterogeneity of the tetraloop, high temperature (350 K) and locally enhanced sampling simulations need to be invoked. The Amber98 force field leads to a good overall agreement with experimental data. Based on NMR data and a principal component analysis of the 350 K trajectory, the dynamic structure of the tetraloop is revealed. The principal component free energy surface exhibits four minima, which correspond to well-defined conformational structures that differ mainly by their base stacking in the loop region. No correlation between the motion of the sugar rings and the stacking dynamics of the loop bases is found.  相似文献   

RNA molecules are now known to be involved in the processing of genetic information at all levels, taking on a wide variety of central roles in the cell. Understanding how RNA molecules carry out their biological functions will require an understanding of structure and dynamics at the atomistic level, which can be significantly improved by combining computational simulation with experiment. This review provides a critical survey of the state of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of RNA, including a discussion of important current limitations of the technique and examples of its successful application. Several types of simulations are discussed in detail, including those of structured RNA molecules and their interactions with the surrounding solvent and ions, catalytic RNAs, and RNA-small molecule and RNA-protein complexes. Increased cooperation between theorists and experimentalists will allow expanded judicious use of MD simulations to complement conceptually related single molecule experiments. Such cooperation will open the door to a fundamental understanding of the structure-function relationships in diverse and complex RNA molecules. .  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have become a standard tool for the investigation of biomolecules. Simulations are performed of ever bigger systems using more realistic boundary conditions and better sampling due to longer sampling times. Recently, realistic simulations of systems as complex as transmembrane channels have become feasible. Simulations aid our understanding of biochemical processes and give a dynamic dimension to structural data; for example, the transformation of harmless prion protein into the disease-causing agent has been modeled.  相似文献   

Explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out for three RNA kissing–loop complexes. The theoretical structure of two base pairs (2 bp) complex of H3 stem–loop of Moloney murine leukemia virus agrees with the NMR structure with modest violations of few NMR restraints comparable to violations present in the NMR structure. In contrast to the NMR structure, however, MD shows relaxed intermolecular G-C base pairs. The core region of the kissing complex forms a cation-binding pocket with highly negative electrostatic potential. The pocket shows nanosecond-scale breathing motions coupled with oscillations of the whole molecule. Additional simulations were carried out for 6 bp kissing complexes of the DIS HIV-1 subtypes A and B. The simulated structures agree well with the X-ray data. The subtype B forms a novel four-base stack of bulged-out adenines. Both 6 bp kissing complexes have extended cation-binding pockets in their central parts. While the pocket of subtype A interacts with two hexacoordinated Mg2+ ions and one sodium ion, pocket of subtype B is filled with a string of three delocalized Na+ ions with residency times of individual cations 1–2 ns. The 6 bp complexes show breathing motions of the cation-binding pockets and loop major grooves.  相似文献   

The human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) protomer, with or without the antiviral compound WIN 52084s, was simulated using molecular dynamics and rotational symmetry boundary conditions to model the effect of the entire icosahedral capsid. The protein asymmetrical unit, comprising four capsid proteins (VP1, VP2, VP3, and VP4) and two calcium ions, was solvated both on the exterior and the interior to fill the inside of the capsid. The stability of the simulations of this large system (~800 residues and 6,650 water molecules) is comparable to more conventional globular protein simulations. The influence of the antiviral compound on compressibility and positional fluctuations is reported. The compressibility, estimated from the density fluctuations in the region of the binding pocket, was found to be greater with WIN 52084s bound than without the drug, substantiating previous computations on reduced viral systems. An increase in compressibility correlates with an entropically more favorable system. In contrast to the increase in density fluctuations and compressibility, the positional fluctuations decreased dramatically for the external loops of VP1 and the N-terminus of VP3 when WIN 52084s is bound. Most of these VP1 and VP3 loops are found near the fivefold axis, a region whose mobility was not considered in reduced systems, but can be observed with this simulation of the full viral protomer. Altered loop flexibility is consistent with changes in proteolytic sensitivity observed experimentally. Moreover, decreased flexibility in these intraprotomeric loops is noteworthy since the externalization of VP4, part of VP1, and RNA during the uncoating process is thought to involve areas near the fivefold axis. Both the decrease in positional fluctuations at the fivefold axis and the increase in compressibility near the WIN pocket are discussed in relationship to the antiviral activity of stabilizing the virus against uncoating.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to model the motions and conformational behavior of the whey protein bovine beta-lactoglobulin. Simulations were performed for the protein by itself and complexed to a single retinol ligand located in a putative interior binding pocket. In the absence of the retinol ligand, the backbone loops around the opening of this interior pocket shifted inward to partially close off this cavity, similar to the shifts observed in previously reported molecular dynamics simulations of the uncomplexed form of the homologous retinol binding protein. The protein complexed with retinol does not exhibit the same conformational shifts. Conformational changes of this type could serve as a recognition signal allowing in vivo discrimination between the free and retinol complexed forms of the beta-lactoglobulin molecule. The unusual bending of the single alpha-helix observed in the simulations of retinol binding protein were not observed in the present calculations.  相似文献   

Hughes SJ  Tanner JA  Miller AD  Gould IR 《Proteins》2006,62(3):649-662
We report molecular dynamics simulations of the Escherichia coli Lysyl-tRNA synthetase LysU isoform carried out as a benchmark for mutant simulations in in silico protein engineering efforts. Unlike previous studies of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, LysU is modelled in its full dimeric form with explicit solvent. While developing a suitable simulation protocol, we observed an asymmetry that persists despite improvements to the model. This prediction has directly led to experiments that establish a functional asymmetry in nucleotide binding by LysU. The development of a simulation protocol and validation of the model are presented here. The observed asymmetry is described and the role of protein flexibility in developing the asymmetry is discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of partial agonism at N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors is an unresolved issue, especially with respect to the role of protein dynamics. We have performed multiple molecular dynamics simulations (7 x 20 ns) to examine the behavior of the ligand-binding core of the NR1 subunit with a series of ligands. Our results show that water plays an important role in stabilizing different conformations of the core and how a closed cleft conformation of the protein might be stabilized in the absence of ligands. In the case of ligand-bound simulations with both full and partial agonists, we observed that ligands within the binding cleft may undergo distinct conformational changes, without grossly influencing the degree of cleft closure within the ligand-binding domain. In agreement with recently published crystallographic data, we also observe similar changes in backbone torsions corresponding to the hinge region between the two lobes for the partial agonist, D-cycloserine. This observation rationalizes the classification of D-cycloserine as a partial agonist and should provide a basis with which to predict partial agonism in this class of receptor by analyzing the behavior of these torsions with other potential ligands.  相似文献   

xDNA is a modified DNA, which contains natural as well as expanded bases. Expanded bases are generated by the addition of a benzene spacer to the natural bases. A set of AMBER force‐field parameters were derived for the expanded bases and the structural dynamics of the xDNA decamer ( xT5 ′ G xT A xC xG C xA xG T3′ ) · ( xA5′ C T xG C G xT A xC A3′) was explored using a 22 ns molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent. During the simulation, the duplex retained its Watson‐Crick base‐pairing and double helical structure, with deviations from the starting B‐form geometry towards A‐form; the deviations are mainly in the backbone torsion angles and in the helical parameters. The sugar pucker of the residues were distributed among a variety of modes; C2′ endo, C1′ exo, O4′ endo, C4′ exo, C2′ exo, and C3′ endo. The enhanced stacking interactions on account of the modification in the bases could help to retain the duplex nature of the helix with minor deviations from the ideal geometry. In our simulation, the xDNA showed a reduced minor groove width and an enlarged major groove width in comparison with the NMR structure. Both the grooves are larger than that of standard B‐DNA, but major groove width is larger than that of A‐DNA with almost equal minor groove width. The enlarged groove widths and the possibility of additional hydration in the grooves makes xDNA a potential molecule for various applications. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 351–360, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

K. Ueda  J. W. Brady 《Biopolymers》1997,41(3):323-330
Molecular mechanics calculations have been performed for the disaccharide carrabiose, one of the repeat units of β-carrageenan, as a general model for the (1→4)-linkage in the carrageenans. An adiabatic conformational energy map for this unsulfated molecule was prepared by constrained energy minimization and compared to a previously reported rigid-residue energy map for the sulfated molecule and to a similar adiabatic map for neocarrabiose, the related (1→3)-linked dimer repeat unit of β-carrageenan. Molecular dynamics simulations of this molecule in vacuo and in an aqueous (TIP3P) solution were calculated, and the observed motions were found to be generally consistent with the vacuum adiabatic energy map. Unlike the case observed in previous simulations of neocarrabiose, little salvation shift in the molecular conformation was observed for carrabiose. From the dynamics, the linkage was observed to be relatively flexible, as has been inferred from experiment on sulfated carrageenan polymers. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are now commonly applied to metalloproteins, despite the challenges introduced by the presence of metal ions. Force field parameters are nowadays available also for these 'exotic' atoms and several biological systems have been successfully studied. Some of the most relevant results and methodological advancements are reviewed.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

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