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Summary I compare the relationship between bill size (depth) and body size among different taxa of seed-eating finches to test the hypothesis (Schluter, 1988a) that in habitats where seed-eating finches are vulnerable to predators, finches have larger bodies relative to their bill size. In support of this hypothesis, ground-foraging finches on continents (Emberizidae, Passeridae, Fringillidae), where predators are more common, have larger bodies relative to their bill sizes than do ground-foraging finches on islands (Emberizidae, Fringillidae). Ground-feeding finches on continents may also be more vulnerable to predators than tree- and shrub-foraging finches. As predicted, in North America, ground-feeding finches (Emberizinae) have larger bodies relative to their bill size than do tree- and shrub-foraging finches (Carduelinae). As a consequence of increased body size relative to bill size, both the range of possible bill sizes and potential seed sizes that can be eaten are reduced. Moreover, increased metabolic demands caused by larger body size may lessen the ability to specialize on a few seed types. These two factors reduce the potential for seed size partitioning. Consequently, vulnerability to predators may limit, and is inversely correlated with, seed size partitioning in seed-eating finch communities. The extent to which predation has influenced other bird communities may be considerable, and the patterns found by Schluter (1988a) and in this study indicate that future ecomorphological studies, especially on species that spend much of the day foraging, might profit by considering predator vulnerability as well as foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

  • 1 Patterns of activity at a large nesting aggregation and at foraging sites are described for females of the solitary bee Anthophora plumipes (Pallas). Changes in the quality and quantity of the resource collected by females provisioning cells are related to variation in female body mass and microclimate.
  • 2 Activity at the nest site demonstrated relationships with aspects of the thermal environment experienced by A.plumipes. Measures of temperature showing significant relationships differed for females in different stages in the nesting cycle exhibiting characteristically different behaviour patterns.
  • 3 Larger females emerged from nest tunnels earlier in the morning and provisioned cells at lower ambient temperatures than smaller individuals. Body size therefore predicts reproductive success at low ambient temperatures.
  • 4 Pollen and nectar loads carried by females increased with ambient temperature. Because only one cell is completed per day and the size of offspring is determined by the quality and quantity of resource provided by the mother, the body size of individuals emerging in the following season will depend on interactions between climate and body size, in addition to any heritable component.
  • 5 Variation in activity levels at foraging sites is attributed not only to thermal considerations, but also to variation in the quality of rewards available at different floral sources.

Yom-Tov Y  Geffen E 《Oecologia》2006,148(2):213-218
Latitudinal trends in body size have been explained as a response to temperature- or water-related factors, which are predictors of primary production. We used the first principal component calculated from three body parameters (weight, body length and the greatest length of the skull) of a sample of mammals from Israel and Sinai to determine those species that vary in size geographically, and whether such variation is related to annual rainfall, average minimum January temperature and average maximum August temperature. We used a conservative approach to discern the effects of precipitation and temperature by applying sequential regression. Variable priorities were assigned according to their bivariate correlation with body size, except for rainfall and its interactions that entered into the model last. Eleven species (Acomys cahirinus, Apodemus mystacinus, Canis lupus, Crocidura suaveolens, Gerbillus dasyurus, Hyaena hyaena, Lepus capensis, Meles meles, Meriones tristrami, Rousettus aegyptius and Vulpes vulpes) of the 17 species examined varied in size geographically. In five of them, rainfall was positively related to body size, while in one species it was negatively related to it. Contrary to the prediction of Bergmann’s rule, mean minimum January temperature was positively related to body size in five species and negatively related to body size in two species (C. suaveolens and G. dasyurus). As predicted by Bergmann’s rule, maximum June temperature was negatively related to body size in three species, and positively so in one (L. capensis). Primary production, particularly in desert and semi-desert areas, is determined mainly by precipitation. The above results indicate that, in our sample, primary production has an important effect on body size of several species of mammals. This is evident from the considerable proportion of the variability in body size explained by rain. However, low ambient temperatures may slow down and even inhibit photosynthesis. Hence, the observed positive relationships between average minimum January temperature and body size in four of the six species influenced by rain further support this conclusion.  相似文献   

A feeding-growth experiment was conducted in the laboratory on 114 young southern catfish ( Silurus meridionalis Chen) with initial weights of 8.71–127.9g at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. The experiment consisted of eight weight-temperature groups, with five ration levels ranging from starvation to satiation in each group. A multiple regression equation fitted to the experimental data was developed to describe the relation between specific growth rate (SGR) and the three factors, ration level (RL), body weight ( W ) and temperature ( T ): SGR = 0.471 + 0.172ln W −0.0443 T +0.0682 T ln(RL + l). This predicts that with increasing temperature the specific growth rate decreases at lower ration levels and increases at higher ration levels. The equation, SGR = a + b ln(RL + l), may be considered as the basic growth model where a is the maintenance metabolism exponent and b is the conversion exponent of the net energy; body weight and temperature influence the two parameters. With this relationship the two antagonistic effects of temperature on growth can be understood, increasing temperature imposes a negative effect on growth due to increment in energy cost for maintenance metabolism, and a positive effect due to higher efficiency of transforming food energy into net energy; the positive effect will increase at higher ration levels. This could also explain why at a restricted ration level relationships between growth and temperature are different in different species.  相似文献   

Feeding performance (handling time, capture success) in numerous animal species is well known to be influenced by a variety of ecological, functional, and physiological factors. Nonetheless, few studies have tested which factors are the strongest determinants of animal feeding performance in the wild. Using a field-based experiment, we examined the relationships among a number of functionally important variables and the predatory behaviour of free-ranging pit-vipers ( Ovophis okinavensis ) from Okinawa Island, Japan. Our main findings were: (1) strike latency was negatively related to snake body temperature and, hence, hotter snakes struck at frogs more readily than colder snakes; (2) initial bite position was correlated with ingestion direction (headfirst versus hindfirst) but ingestion direction was not correlated with ingestion duration; and (3) both snake head length and body temperature were negatively related with ingestion duration and, thus, snakes with longer heads and higher body temperatures had shorter ingestion durations. In O. okinavensis , head size and body temperature are therefore likely to have direct ecological consequences in terms of its feeding rate on explosively breeding frogs. More generally, however, this field-based study adds to the growing body of literature demonstrating that temperature has a pervasive influence on the feeding performance of ectotherms in general.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 53–62.  相似文献   

We investigated pineal function as well as reproductive and energetic characteristics in male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) that differentially respond to short photoperiod with full, partial or no gonadal regression. In mice at both high (23 °C) and low temperature (1 °C), these phenotypic differences in reproductive responses to short days were not reflected by differences in urinary excretion of 6-sulphatoxy-melatonin, the main metabolite of pineal melatonin. Neither duration nor amplitude or phase-angle of nocturnal peaks in 6-sulphatoxymelatonin significantly differed between reproductive phenotypes at either temperature. Differences in testis size were, however, associated with different energy requirements. In gonadally regressed males only, food intake and body weight were significantly (P < 0.01) reduced by up to 29% and 13% respectively. Chronic cold exposure (5 °C) had no effect on the proportion of males undergoing testicular regression under short days, but caused a general elevation in body weights among all mice (P < 0.05). Phenotypic differences in body weight and food intake were maintained in the cold. Together, these results suggest that within-population variation of reproductive responses in male deer mice is based on post-pineal differences in the regulation of gonadal function, and that phenotypic characteristics in reproductive and energetic responses to short days are largely unaffected by ambient temperature. Accepted: 2 October 1995  相似文献   

Summary The water balance of three different sized coexisting species of heteromyid rodents (Dipodomys merriami ca. 39 g;Perognathus fallax ca. 23 g;Perognathus longimembris ca. 9 g) was assessed while consuming two different diets (either wheat or hulled sunflower) at ambient temperatures of 15–30°C. The metabolism of wheat as the sole food source was calculated to provide a greater metabolic water production (MWP) than the consumption of sunflower seed because of their different composition. The state of water balance was assessed by measuring urine concentrations and body weight maintenance on each diet at each temperature. Both measures showed that (i) all species were able to maintain a more positive water on the higher MWP seed, (ii) for all species there was an ambient temperature above which water balance could no longer be maintained, (iii) that this temperature was higher with the higher MWP food source and (iv) water regulatory efficiency was negatively correlated with body mass.Dipodomys showed a reduced digestive efficiency compared toPerognathus. When presented with both seedsDipodomys showed no preference for either seed irrespective of the state of water balance whilst thePerognathus species showed a tendency for an increased preference for the high MWP food source at the higher ambient temperatures. The ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Huge breeding aggregations of red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at overwintering dens in Manitoba provide a unique opportunity to identify sources of mortality and to clarify factors that influence a snake's vulnerability to these factors. Comparisons of sexes, body sizes, and body condition of more than 1000 dead snakes versus live animals sampled at the same time reveal significant biases. Three primary sources of mortality were identified. Predation by crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos (590 snakes killed), was focussed mostly on small snakes of both sexes. Crows generally removed the snake's liver and left the carcass, but very small snakes were sometimes brought back to the nest. Suffocation beneath massive piles of other snakes within the den (301 dead animals) involved mostly small males and (to a lesser extent) large females; snakes in poor body condition were particularly vulnerable. Many emaciated snakes (n = 142, mostly females) also died without overt injuries, probably due to depleted energy reserves. These biases in vulnerability are readily interpretable from information on behavioral ecology of the snakes. For example, sex biases in mortality reflect differences in postemergence behavior and locomotor capacity, the greater attractiveness of larger females to males, and the high energy costs of reproduction for females.  相似文献   

Recent mass mortalities of bats, birds and even humans highlight the substantial threats that rising global temperatures pose for endotherms. Although less dramatic, sublethal fitness costs of high temperatures may be considerable and result in changing population demographics. Endothermic animals exposed to high environmental temperatures can adjust their behaviour (e.g. reducing activity) or physiology (e.g. elevating rates of evaporative water loss) to maintain body temperatures within tolerable limits. The fitness consequences of these adjustments, in terms of the ability to balance water and energy budgets and therefore maintain body condition, are poorly known. We investigated the effects of daily maximum temperature on foraging and thermoregulatory behaviour as well as maintenance of body condition in a wild, habituated population of Southern Pied Babblers Turdoides bicolor. These birds inhabit a hot, arid area of southern Africa where they commonly experience environmental temperatures exceeding optimal body temperatures. Repeated measurements of individual behaviour and body mass were taken across days varying in maximum air temperature. Contrary to expectations, foraging effort was unaffected by daily maximum temperature. Foraging efficiency, however, was lower on hotter days and this was reflected in a drop in body mass on hotter days. When maximum air temperatures exceeded 35.5 °C, individuals no longer gained sufficient weight to counter typical overnight weight loss. This reduction in foraging efficiency is likely driven, in part, by a trade‐off with the need to engage in heat‐dissipation behaviours. When we controlled for temperature, individuals that actively dissipated heat while continuing to forage experienced a dramatic decrease in their foraging efficiency. This study demonstrates the value of investigations of temperature‐dependent behaviour in the context of impacts on body condition, and suggests that increasingly high temperatures will have negative implications for the fitness of these arid‐zone birds.  相似文献   

The lipid deposition of juvenile sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria was examined, in particular, the changes in allocation over time. Growth rates of early juveniles (initial size 36–50 mm total length, LT) were manipulated using two temperatures (10 and 20° C) and two rations (ad libitum and 3–4% body mass day?1). Fish LT, mass and lipid content were measured every 3 weeks for 15 weeks. Irrespective of treatment, the relationship of total lipid content with body size was clearly hyperallometric; small juveniles allocated relatively more energy to growth and less to lipid storage than large juveniles. After adjusting for the influence of body size, temperature and ration significantly influenced body composition but these effects varied over the course of the experiment. In the first 3 week time period, fish on the high ration, high temperature treatment had reduced lipid storage relative to other treatments, but in all subsequent time periods their lipid concentrations were similar to or higher than those of fish on other treatments. In contrast, fish held at low rations and low temperatures initially had average levels of lipid concentration, but after 6 weeks their levels were lower than other treatments. Estimation of allocation to lipid storage over time (proportion of dry mass increase comprised of lipid) suggested that fish in all of the treatments were approaching an asymptotic level of lipid concentration (c. 50–60% of dry mass) but with different rates of lipid increase. Within a treatment, it was predicted that individual differences in allocation would result in trade‐offs between somatic growth and storage. This trade‐off was evident only for fish held on low rations at low temperatures. In contrast, fish held on high rations at high temperatures exhibited the opposite pattern of a positive correlation between somatic growth and storage. These results suggest that lipostatic regulation of appetite is unlikely in juvenile sablefish. When resources are unlimited, this species appears to adopt a maximizing strategy for both somatic growth and lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Two superficially similar species of Microbembex, M.monodonta (Say) and M.cubana Bohart (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Nyssoninae), occur syntopically on Staniel Cay, a small Bahamian island (15 km2).
2. Nesting (female) and territorial (male) aggregations of M.cubana were smaller and more numerous than those of M.monodonta in the study site and on the island as a whole.
3. Both species had regular patterns of daily activities that required them to use a variety of microhabitats in the study area.
4. Males of both species defended territories from c. 09.00 to 12.00 hours EST (in May) and the left to feed on nectar until they retired to sleeping burrows, typically from 13.00 to 15.00 hours. Male M.monodonta were active longer each day and intermixed feeding and territorial defence more than did male M.cubana.
5. Females of both species were active for longer each day, from c. 08.30 to 15.30 hours, and intermixed their respective activities – hunting for provisions, feeding, and nest digging and maintenance – during each day more than did males. Female M.monodonta were active longer each day, rising earlier and retiring later, than female M.cubana.
6. In M.monodonta , females were larger (length, X =11.00 mm) than males (10.5 mm). In M.cubana , males were larger (11.1 mm) than females (10.4 mm). Although mean differences were small, they were highly significant ( F =22.42; P <10−4) for the species-sex interaction.
7. Differences in activity budgets, habitat use, and sexual size dimorphism appear to be related. A combination of factors, particularly thermal constraints, possible competition, and different mating systems, could explain these patterns.  相似文献   

The structure of the contact network between individuals has a profound effect on the transmission of infectious disease. Using a novel technology – proximity sensing radio collars – we described the contact network in a population of Tasmanian devils. This largest surviving marsupial carnivore is threatened by a novel infectious cancer. All devils were connected in a single giant component, which would permit disease to spread throughout the network from any single infected individual. Unlike the contact networks for many human diseases, the degree distribution was not highly aggregated. Nevertheless, the empirically derived networks differed from random networks. Contact networks differed between the mating and non-mating seasons, with more extended male–female associations in the mating season and a greater frequency of female–female associations outside the mating season. Our results suggest that there is limited potential to control the disease by targeting highly connected age or sex classes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes can be assembled readily from shotgun‐sequenced DNA mixtures of mass‐trapped arthropods (“mitochondrial metagenomics”), speeding up the taxonomic characterization. Bulk sequencing was conducted on some 800 individuals of Diptera obtained by canopy fogging of a single tree in Borneo dominated by small (<1.5 mm) individuals. Specimens were split into five body size classes for DNA extraction, to equalize read numbers across specimens and to study how body size, a key ecological trait, interacts with species and phylogenetic diversity. Genome assembly produced 304 orthologous mitochondrial contigs presumed to each represent a different species. The small‐bodied fraction was the by far most species‐rich (187 contigs). Identification of contigs was through phylogenetic analysis together with 56 reference mitogenomes, which placed most of the Bornean community into seven clades of small‐bodied species, indicating phylogenetic conservation of body size. Mapping of shotgun reads against the mitogenomes showed wide ranges of read abundances within each size class. Ranked read abundance plots were largely log‐linear, indicating a uniformly filled abundance spectrum, especially for small‐bodied species. Small‐bodied species differed greatly from other size classes in neutral metacommunity parameters, exhibiting greater levels of immigration, besides greater total community size. We suggest that the established uses of mitochondrial metagenomics for analysis of species and phylogenetic diversity can be extended to parameterize recent theories of community ecology and biodiversity, and by focusing on the number mitochondria, rather than individuals, a new theoretical framework for analysis of mitochondrial abundance spectra can be developed that incorporates metabolic activity approximated by the count of mitochondria.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic diet shifts are a widespread phenomenon among vertebrates, although their relationships with life history traits are poorly known. We analyzed the relative importance of body size, age and maturity stage as determinants of the diet of a marine top predator, the copper shark, Carcharhinus brachyurus, by examining stomach contents using a multiple-hypothesis modeling approach. Copper sharks shifted their diet as size and age increased and as they became sexually mature, incorporated larger prey as they grew, and had a discrete shift in diet with body size, with only individuals larger than ≈200 cm total length able to prey on chondrichthyans. Body size was the most important trait explaining the consumption of chondrichthyans, while age determined the consumption of pelagic teleosts. Pelagic teleosts were consumed mostly by medium-aged sharks, a result, probably, of a risk-reducing feeding strategy at young ages coupled with either a senescence-related decline in performance or a change in sensory capabilities as sharks age. Copper sharks of all sizes were able to cut prey in pieces, implying that gape limitation (i.e., the impossibility of eating prey larger than a predator’s mouth) did not play a role in producing the diet shift. Our results suggest that, contrary to the current practice of setting minimum but not maximum size limits in catches, any plan to conserve or restore the ecological function of sharks, through their predatory control of large prey, should aim to maintain the largest individuals.  相似文献   

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