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The purpose of the present study was to develop an optimized gastric floating drug delivery system (GFDDS) containing metoprolol tartrate (MT) as a model drug by the optimization technique. A 23 factorial design was employed in formulating the GFDDS with total polymer content-to-drug ratio (X1), polymer-to-polymer ratio (X2), and different viscosity grades of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) (X3) as independent variables. Four dependent variables were considered: percentage of MT release at 8 hours, T50%, diffusion coefficient, and floating time. The main effect and interaction terms were quantitatively evaluated using a mathematical model. The results indicate that X1 and X2 significantly affected the floating time and release properties, but the effect of different viscosity grades of HPMC (K4M and K10M) was nonsignificant. Regression analysis and numerical optimization were performed to identify the best formulation. Fickian release transport was confirmed as the release mechanism from the optimized formulation. The predicted values agreed well with the experimental values, and the results demonstrate the feasibility of the model in the development of GFDDS.  相似文献   

This research studied the influence of buffer composition, pH, and ionic strength on the release of diltiazem hydrochloride from a complex of the drug with lambda carrageenan. Two viscosity grades of carrageenan were also compared. A factorial analysis was used to evaluate the influence of individual variables and their interactions. Both the complex solubility, measured as the drug concentration in equilibrium with the solid complex, and the drug release rate from constant surface area were considered. The increase of ionic strength significantly increased complex solubility in all the buffer systems. A significant effect of polymer grade on complex solubility was evidenced only in phosphate buffer with a pH of 6.8, indicating lower solubility of the complex when higher polymer molecular weight was involved. In most cases, drug release rate decreased when high polymer grade was involved in the complex. Ionic strength did not always have a significant effect on drug release rate and was quantitatively less important than for solubility lonic strength especially affected the drug release profiles. At higher ionic strength drug release was no longer constant, but decreased with time, probably because of lower polymer solubility.  相似文献   

The effects of dimethylsulfoxide, propranolol and chlorpromazine on the partial reactions of the ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum were investigated. When analyzed according to a reaction scheme in which the ADP-sensitive (E1P) and ADP-insensitive (E2P) phosphoenzymes occur sequentially and Pi is derived from the latter, dimethylsulfoxide decreased the rate of E2P hydrolysis whereas it stimulated the rate of the E1P to E2P conversion. Propranolol increased the rate of E2P hydrolysis while it decreased the rate of the E1P to E2P conversion. Propranolol exerted an additional effect, presumably inhibition of the phosphoenzyme formation. These effects of dimethylsulfoxide and propranolol can account for both the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of these drugs on the overall rate of ATP hydrolysis observed in the presence and absence of added alkali metal salts.

Chlorpromazine accelerated E2P hydrolysis whereas it appeared to inhibit the E1P to E2P conversion. These effects of chlorpromazine appear able to account for its stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the overall rate of ATP hydrolysis in the presence and absence of alkali metal salts. In the presence of chlorpromazine, however, the rate of Pi liberation during the steady state ATP hydrolysis was found to be greater than the hydrolysis rate of E2P. This finding suggests that under these conditions Pi is derived not only from E2P but also from source(s) other than E2P.  相似文献   

Propranolol, at concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 mM, inhibits the calmodulin-activated Ca2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes. In the same concentration range it is without effect on the basal Ca2+-ATPase. The inhibition is competitive and appears to be due to membrane binding, rather than to combination with cytoplasmic calmodulin as is the case for phenothiazines. This effect of propranolol may explain its ability to open the calcium-gated potassium channel, and could also be related to its action as a β-adrenergic blocker. Nadolol, another β-adrenergic blocker, is also an inhibitor of calmodulin-activated Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Two liquid chromatography (LC) methods with fluorimetric detection have been developed to measure atenolol and propranolol in human plasma. The same 5 μm Nucleosil RP-18 column, extraction procedure and mobile phase (containing acetonitrile, water, triethylamine and phosphoric acid, pH 3) were used. The linearity ranges were 25–800 ng/ml for atenolol and 3.13–100 ng/ml for propranolol. The coefficients of variation for validation assays were lower than 15% at the concentration assayed. The functions of the analytical error were linear: SD (ng/ml)=7.698+0.037C for atenolol and SD (ng/ml)=0.126+0.036C for propranolol.  相似文献   

Metoprolol and acebutolol, two supposedly cardio-selective beta-adrenergic recptor blocking agents, were tested in healthy volunteers against propranolol, a non-selective drug, for their effect on blood glucose levels during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. There was not significant difference between propranolol and metoprolol, which both potentiated the initial hypoglycaemic action of the insulin and delayed the return to normoglycaemia. Acebutolol, even though potentiating the initial hypoglycaemia, did not possess a significant delaying effect. A similar trial should be undertaken in diabetics to determine with certainty the safety of such drugs in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Twenty-two hypertensive diabetic patients were admitted to a double-blind, within-patient study, and treated with propranolol 80 mg and metoprolol 100 mg twice daily for 4 weeks according to a cross-over design. Dosages of the two drugs such as to induce comparable cardiovascular effects, did not induce relevant changes of fasting blood glucose levels in patients receiving the oral hypoglycaemic agent glibenclamide (group 1), insulin (group 2) or diet alone (group 3). Glucose tolerance, assessed with a 75 g oral load, was however decreased by propranolol, and not by metoprolol in the glibenclamide-treated group. Glucose-induced insulin secretion was reduced by propranolol and not by metoprolol both in the group treated by diet alone and in the glibenclamide-treated group. It is concluded that cardioselective metoprolol seems to be more suitable than the non-selective propranolol in the treatment of arterial hypertension in diabetic subjects, particularly when sulfonylureas are being used as hypoglycaemic agents.  相似文献   

Nine uraemic patients not being treated by dialysis received intravenous propranolol 1 microgram/kg/min for 85 minutes after a priming dose of 1 mg. Fifteen days later, six of them received intravenous metoprolol 1.2 microgram/kg/min after a priming dose of 1.2 mg. Plasma concentrations of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin fell significantly after propranolol but not after metoprolol, whereas no change in plasma concentrations of ionised calcium and phosphate occurred with either drug. Heart rate fell similarly with both drugs. The fact that propranolol acutely suppressed PTH and calcitonin secretion in uraemic patients indicates that further studies are warranted to assess the long-term effects of the drug on the secretion of these hormones and on renal osteodystrophy. The contrast between the responses to propranolol and metoprolol supports the concept that PTH and calcitonin secretion is modulated through specific beta 2-receptors.  相似文献   

Increased supply of trytophan to the liver, resulting from the lipolytic action of ethanol, is suggested to be responsible for the increased activity of liver tryptophan oxygenase after ingestion of a single large dose of ethanol. This hypothesis was tested using an antilipolytic drug, propranolol, prior to ethanol treatment. It was found that, while propronolol did inhibit the ethanol-induced increase in blood unesterified fatty acids and free tryptophan concentrations it did not prevent the activation of tryptophan oxygenase by ethanol. In another experiment, where cycloheximide was used to block protein synthesis, it was found that increased protein synthesis rather than decreased protein degradation is probably responsible for the accumulation of liver tryptophan oxygenase after ethanol ingestion.  相似文献   

A sensitive and stereoselective high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for the determination of the enantiomers of metoprolol (R- and S-) and the diastereoisomers of α-hydroxymetoprolol (IIA, IIB) in plasma is reported. Chromatography involved direct separation of enantiomers using a Chirobiotic T bonded phase column (250×4.6 mm) and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile–methanol–methylene chloride–glacial acetic acid–triethylamine (56:30:14:2:2, v/v). Solid-phase extraction using silica bonded with ethyl group (C2) was used to extract the compounds of interest from plasma and atenolol was used as the internal standard. The column effluent was monitored using fluorescence detection with excitation and emission wavelengths of 225 and 310 nm, respectively. S-Metoprolol,R-metoprolol, IIB and IIA eluted at about 5.9, 6.7, 7.3 and 8.2 min without any interfering peaks. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 0.5 to 100 ng/ml for each isomer of metoprolol and 1 to 100 ng/ml for each isomer of α-hydroxymetoprolol (IIA & IIB). The mean intra-run accuracies were in the range of 96.2 to 114% for R-metoprolol, 94.0 to 111% for S-metoprolol, 90.2 to 110% for IIA, and 94.6 to 106% for IIB. The mean intra-run precisions were all in the range of 2.2 to 12.0% for R-metoprolol, 2.1 to 11.1% for S-metoprolol, 1.9 to 14.5% for IIA, and 3.2 to 11.0% for IIB. The lowest level of quantitation for the enantiomers of metoprolol was 0.5 ng/ml and 1.0 ng/ml for α-hydroxymetoprolol (IIA and IIB). The absolute recoveries for each analyte was ≥95%. The validated method accurately quantitated the enantiomers of parent drug and metabolite after a single dose of an extended release metoprolol formulation.  相似文献   

Summary An autoradiographic study was performed on the effects of hydrocortisone, reserpine, propranolol and phentolamine on the uptake of tritiated amines by adrenal medullary cells of the mouse. Oral feeding of hydrocortisone had no significant effect on the normal uptake pattern of dopamine, noradrenaline or adrenaline by medullary cells of different type (A cells or NA cells) or location (marginal or central), although the overall amounts taken up were markedly reduced. Handling the animals led to similar reductions in the uptake of all three amines and was thus clearly shown to be the important factor in this effect. Reserpine reduced the uptake of [3H] noradrenaline to 25 % of the control value although the relative distribution remained unchanged. Propranolol and phentolamine had no observed effect on [3H] noradrenaline uptake. These results are discussed in the light of the previously reported action of ACTH in reversing the effects of hypophysectomy on medullary amine uptake (Hirano and Kobayashi 1978), and it is concluded that ACTH must exert this effect directly on the adrenal medulla rather than through the secretion of adrenal corticosteroids. It is also suggested that reserpine acts, as in neurons, by blocking amine uptake into intracellular granules rather than by blocking uptake into the cell itself.  相似文献   

以2-丁基-3-(4-羟基苯甲酰基)-5-硝基苯并呋喃为原料,通过醚化、还原、磺酰胺化、N-烃化、成盐等反应合成盐酸决奈达隆,总收率为57.8%,产物经‘H NMR和MS等谱图确证.该工艺原料易得,条件温和,产率较高,适合工业化生产.  相似文献   

《Journal of thermal biology》1999,24(5-6):433-437
The exposure to cold (6 h; 6°C) induced a significant decrease in both hypothalamic and brain stem CuZn-superoxide dismutase as well as an increase in Mn-superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in Wistar male rats, acclimated to 6±1°C as compared to those acclimated to 22±2°C. If the rats were administered with propranolol (15 mg/kg), which is a β-adrenoceptor blocker, there were no significant differences in the enzyme activities in any of the brain regions of the two groups studied. It was concluded that acute exposure to cold induces changes in the hypothalamic and brain stem antioxidant enzyme activities dependent on the previous acclimation to different ambient temperatures and propranolol administration.  相似文献   

Wang X  Wang XJ  Ching CB 《Chirality》2002,14(4):318-324
Characterization of the racemic species, which can be a racemic compound, a racemic conglomerate, or a pseudoracemate (solid solution), is a prerequisite for the design of crystallization resolution processes. It is useful to determine the solid/liquid equilibrium solubility of the enantiomer mixtures for crystallization operation. For the beta-blocker drug propranolol hydrochloride, Gibbs free energy of formation of racemic compound and entropy of mixing of the (R)- and (S)- enantiomers in the liquid state for racemic conglomerate were calculated. The structural differences between (R, S)-propranolol hydrochloride and its (S)-enantiomer were further investigated by powder X-ray diffraction patterns, infrared spectra, and solid-state NMR spectra. The solubility and metastable zone width of (R, S)- propranolol hydrochloride in a mixed solvent of methanol and acetone were determined by cooling crystallization over the temperature range 3.5-42.5 degrees C. The ternary solubility diagram of (R)-, (S)-propranolol hydrochloride was constructed using the same mixed solvent. The diagram will be useful as a guide for choosing crystallization operation conditions to produce pure enantiomers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of input rate on the stereoselective and nonstereoselective pharmacokinetics of metoprolol, alpha-hydroxymetoprolol, and its acid metabolite. Extended release formulations (100 mg) of metoprolol with varying release rates (e.g., slow (S), moderate (M), and fast (F)) and an oral solution (OS, 50 mg) were administered to normal, healthy extensive metabolizers. Serial blood samples were collected over 48 h, plasma was obtained, and subsequently analyzed by a validated HPLC method with fluorescence detection. The mean T(max) of metoprolol after the S, M, F (4.43, 4.00, 3.14 h, respectively) was found to be different ( P < 0.05) as compared to the OS (2.07 h). The ratio of alpha-hydroxymetoprolol/metoprolol was higher for the OS (1.26) vs. the S, M, and F (1.02, 0.96, 0.99). The S/R enantiomer ratios of the concentration for metoprolol, ACMB, and alpha-hydroxmetoprolol were calculated at each time point and showed a significant difference ( P < 0.05) in the absorption phase (1-4 h) vs. terminal phase (8-16 h) for fast input (solution and fast extended release formulations). Based on these results, it would appear that input rate influences the pharmacokinetics of metoprolol, its metabolites, and their enantiomers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess whether angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition reduces proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy more than blood pressure reduction with other antihypertensive treatment. DESIGN--Prospective, open randomised study lasting eight weeks in patients with diabetic nephropathy. SETTING--Outpatient nephrology clinics. PATIENTS--40 Patients with type I diabetes and diabetic nephropathy with reduced renal function. INTERVENTION--Antihypertensive treatment with enalapril or metoprolol, usually combined with frusemide. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Arterial blood pressure and urinary excretion of albumin and protein. RESULTS--Arterial blood pressure after eight weeks was 135/82 (SD 13/7) mm Hg in the group given enalapril and 136/86 (16/12) mm Hg in the group given metoprolol. Proteinuria and albuminuria were similar in both groups before randomisation. After eight weeks'' treatment, the geometric mean albumin excretion was 0.7 (95% confidence interval 0.5 to 1.2) g/24 h in the patients given enalapril and 1.6 (1.1 to 2.5) g/24 h in the patients given metoprolol (p less than 0.02). The proteinuria was 1.1 (0.7 to 1.7) and 2.4 (1.6 to 3.6) g/24 h respectively (p less than 0.02). CONCLUSIONS--Antihypertensive treatment with enalapril reduced proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy more than an equally effective antihypertensive treatment with metoprolol. This points to a specific antiproteinuric effect of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor independent of the effect on systemic blood pressure.  相似文献   

目的:探讨琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片与美托洛尔片对慢性心力衰竭患者的心功能的影响。方法:选取慢性充血性心衰患者182例临床患者资料,排除67例不符合入选标准病例后,按照服用美托洛尔剂型(缓释片、平片)分为两组,两组均为常规利尿剂ACEI等治疗。美托洛尔组患者服用每日服用25mg-50mg的美托洛尔治疗,均分2次服用。琥珀酸美托洛尔组每日服用23.75-95mg琥珀酸美托洛尔缓释片进行治疗。评价治疗前和治疗12个月后的相关指标,包括:一日5次的平均心率(晨起前,8时,12时,16时,夜间休息前共5次平均心率)、LVDd、EF、BUN、Crea。结果:治疗12个月后,两组患者心率均下降.琥珀酸美托洛尔组与美托洛尔组相比下降更明显(64.0±5.4VS69.5±7.6,P〈0.05)、LVDd、EF、BUN、Crea等指标在两组之间没有差别。结论:慢性充血性心衰患者应用琥珀酸美托洛尔较美托洛尔平片相比可明显降低平均心率。但对于心功能肾功能的影响。琥珀酸关托洛尔较美托洛尔平片相比无明显差异。  相似文献   

Imamura Y  Wu X  Noda A  Noda H 《Life sciences》2002,70(22):2687-2697
We examined the metabolism of N-desisopropylpropranolol (NDP), which is generated from propranolol (PL) by side-chain N-desisopropylation, to naphthoxylactic acid (NLA) in rat liver. S(-)-NDP (S-NDP) and R(+)-NDP (R-NDP) were enantioselectively metabolized to NLA in isolated rat hepatocytes and in an enzyme reaction system of rat liver mitochondria with cofactor NAD+. Furthermore, the clearance profiles of NDP enantiomers were examined in an enzyme reaction system of rat liver mitochondria without NAD+. The amounts of S-NDP remaining in the incubation medium were similar to those of R-NDP, suggesting that monoamine oxidase (MAO) catalyzes the deamination of NDP to the aldehyde intermediate, but fails to deaminate enantioselectively S-NDP or R-NDP. Cyanamide, a potent inhibitor of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), markedly decreased the formation of NLA from racemic NDP in the enzyme reaction system of rat liver mitochondria with NAD+. When rat liver cytosol and microsomes were added to this enzyme reaction system, no significant alterations were observed in the amount of NLA generated from racemic NDP. We concluded that MAO deaminates NDP to an aldehyde intermediate, and that mitochondrial ALDH subsequently catalyzes the enantioselective metabolism of the aldehyde intermediate to NLA in rat liver.  相似文献   

Today, vanadium compounds are frequently included in nutritional supplements and are also being developed for therapeutic use in diabetes mellitus. Previously, tissue uptake of vanadium from bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV) was shown to be increased compared to its uptake from vanadyl sulfate (VS). Our primary objective was to test the hypothesis that complexation increases vanadium uptake and that this effect is independent of oxidation state. A secondary objective was to compare the effects of vanadium complexation and oxidation state on tissue iron, copper, and zinc. Wistar rats were fed either ammonium metavanadate (AMV), VS, or BMOV (1.2 mM each in the drinking water). Tissue uptake of V following 12 wk of BMOV or AMV was higher than that from VS (p<0.05). BMOV led to decreased tissue Zn and increased bone Fe content. The same three compounds were compared in a cellular model of absorption (Caco-2 cells). Vanadium uptake from VS was higher than that from BMOV or AMV at 10 min, but from BMOV (250 μM only, 60 min), uptake was far greater than from AMV or VS. These results show that neither complexation nor oxidation state alone are adequate predictors of relative absorption, tissue accumulation, or trace element interactions.  相似文献   

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