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Strong and predictable environmental variability can reward flexible behaviors among animals. We used long-term records of activity data that cover several lunar cycles to investigate whether behavior at-sea of swallow-tailed gulls Creagrus furcatus, a nocturnal pelagic seabird, varied with lunar phase in the Galápagos Islands. A Bayesian hierarchical model showed that nighttime at-sea activity of 37 breeding swallow-tailed gulls was clearly associated with changes in moon phase. Proportion of nighttime spent on water was highest during darker periods of the lunar cycle, coinciding with the cycle of the diel vertical migration (DVM) that brings prey to the sea surface at night. Our data show that at-sea behavior of a tropical seabird can vary with environmental changes, including lunar phase.  相似文献   

Blue-green algae control their buoyancy depending upon the surrounding conditions. This process is essential for Cyanobacteria development and can account for their dominance in eutrophic waters in summer. In order to determine the main regulating factors of those movements, we developed a mechanistic and deterministic model, based on differential equations, that simulates the vertical migration of Microcystis sp. In Microcystis, buoyancy regulation results from the dynamics of the carbohydrate reserve metabolism during photosynthesis. These fundamental processes are modelled daily by this vertical 1-D model named Yoyo. It describes the movement of colonies with different sizes in response to variations of environmental conditions. This paper presents the model sensitivity analysis. We individually investigated the role of light and temperature upon algal migration with colonies of two different diameters. Under a daily light cycle and a temperature of 20 degrees C, the model described vertical migration on a 48 h rhythm in colonies with a 300-micron diameter.  相似文献   

Complex nature of foraging behaviour of zooplankton makes it difficult to describe adequately zooplankton grazing in models with vertical space. In mean-field models (based on systems of PDEs or coupled ODEs), zooplankton feeding at a given depth is normally computed as the product of the local functional response and the zooplankton density at this depth. Such simplification is often at odds with field observations which show the absence of clear relationship between intake rates of organisms and the ambient food density. The observed discrepancy is generic and is often caused by fast non-synchronous vertical migration of organisms with different nutrition status. In this paper, we suggest a simple way of incorporating unsynchronized short-term vertical migration of zooplankton into the mean-field modelling framework. We compute grazing of zooplankton in each layer depending on feeding activity of organisms in the layer. We take into account grazing impact of animals which are in the active phase of foraging cycle at the given moment of time but neglect the impact of animals which are in the non-active phase of the cycle (e.g. digesting food). Unsynchronized vertical migration determines the vertical distribution of actively feeding animals in layers depending on vertical distribution of food. In this paper, we compare two generic plankton models: (i) a model based on ‘classical’ grazing approach and (ii) a model incorporating food-mediated unsynchronized vertical migration of zooplankton. We show that including unsynchronized food-mediated migration would make the behaviour of a plankton model more realistic. This would imply a significant enhancement of ecosystem's stability and some additional mechanisms of regulation of algal blooms. In the system with food-mediated unsynchronized vertical migration, the control of phytoplankton by herbivorous becomes possible even for very large concentrations of nutrients in the water (formally, when the system's carrying capacity tends to infinity).  相似文献   

Some motile phytoplankton have the capability to exploit deepsources of nutrients in a vertical migration cycle: photosynthesisin the near-surface layer, transit to depth, uptake of the limitingnutrient and transit back to the surface layer. If all foursteps can be completed within 24 h, then migrations can be synchronizedto the day/night cycle to maximize photosynthetic efficiency.Alternatively, if physiological, behavioral or environmentalfactors make it impossible for the cycle to be completed in24 h, then migration may be asynchronous. Many observationsof phytoplankton reveal bimodal vertical distributions of organisms,with maxima near the surface and the nutricline. We demonstratehow bimodal vertical distributions of phytoplankton may be symptomaticof asynchronous vertical migration using a Lagrangian Ensemblenumerical model. We simulate vertical migration of the dinoflagellateAlexandrium fundyense in conditions similar to those in theGulf of Maine, where bimodal distributions of A. fundyense havebeen observed. Migration is regulated by internal nutritionalstate—organisms swim down toward the nitracline when depletedof nitrogen, and return to the surface after nutrient uptake.We test the sensitivity of the results to growth rate, nitrogenuptake rate and swimming speed, and find that organism distributionscan be bimodal or unimodal depending on conditions. Finally,we develop an analytical estimate for population distributionbased on organism characteristics and nutricline depth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Persistence by longevity has been rarely considered as an alternative to regeneration by seeding for plants showing multiple demographic strategies. We propose a conceptual model of multiple demographic strategies for long‐lived plants in stable habitats, shifting from regeneration by seeding to persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction, along gradients of abiotic stress or interspecific competition. Regeneration by seeding would be promoted under low abiotic stress or under low competition, whereas persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction would predominate at high levels of abiotic stress or competition. We test this model with two threatened species of the Mediterranean region, the shrub Juniperus communis, a widely distributed species which maintains relict populations in the Mediterranean mountains thanks to great adult longevity and Pinguicula vallisneriifolia, a palaeo‐endemic herb relying on a perennial habit and vegetative reproduction under drought imposed stress or high competition at late successional phases. As a main consequence, multiple demographic strategies enhance a plant's ability to exploit environmental heterogeneity at different spatial (patches, localities, regions within the species’ distribution area) and temporal (individual life span, glacial‐interglacial cycles) scales. The potential of multiple demographic dynamics based on persistence and regeneration must be considered as a major ecological trait determining the long‐term viability of peripheral populations of relict species as well as the inertia against extinction of many threatened endemisms, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the high plant diversity characterizing the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The nudA1 mutation in the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain gene inhibits nuclear migration, colony growth and asexual sporulation (conidiation) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. It also alters the location of the first cell division event (septation) and prevents nucleation of tip cells. We showed previously that a suppressor of nudA1, snaD290, partially reversed the nuclear migration defect and partially restored colony growth. We have now demonstrated that the snaD290 mutation also delays septation and restores the septum to its normal position, allowing tip cells to be nucleated. Although snaD290 does not affect nuclear migration or vegetative hyphal growth, it almost completely inhibits conidiation. We propose that the SNAD protein participates in septation, and is essential for asexual spore formation. SnaD encodes a novel 76-kDa coiled-coil protein (SNAD) that is located at the spindle pole body throughout the cell cycle. Therefore, our results suggest that proteins at the spindle pole body are likely to be involved in temporal regulation of septation in A. nidulans. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

Alexandrium taylori Balech is a phototrophic marine dinoflagellate. It produced recurrent blooms during the summer months (July and August) of 1994 to 1997 in La Fosca beach (NW Mediterranean). In addition to a motile vegetative form, A. taylori had two benthic forms: temporary cysts and resting cysts. Temporary cysts were a temporally quiescent stage produced from the ecdysis of the vegetative cell in both natural populations and laboratory cultures. Temporary cysts may divide to form motile cells. Resting cysts had a thicker wall than the temporary cysts and had a red accumulation body. Gametes and planozygotes were also observed in laboratory cultures. Alexandrium taylori showed in situ diurnal vertical migration with an increase of vegetative cells in the water column in the morning through midday, with concentrations peaking in the afternoon followed by lower levels at night. Most vegetative cells lost their thecae and flagella, and with them their motility, turning into temporary cysts that settled in the early evening. The number of temporary cysts in the water column rose in the evening and at night. The temporary cysts gave rise to motile cells the following morning. Synthesis of DNA occurred in vegetative cells at night, and a preferential period of cell division occurred at sunrise. The estimated division rate in the field was 0.4–0.5 vegetative cells·day−1. Temporary cysts had twice the DNA of a G1 vegetative cell. The minimum in situ division rate of the temporary cysts was 0.14 day−1. The role of the resting and temporary cyst population in the annual recurrence and maintenance of the A. taylori bloom is discussed.  相似文献   

Light and nutrient availability change throughout dinoflagellate diel vertical migration (DVM) and/or with sub-population location in the water column along the west Florida shelf. Typically, the vertical depth of the shelf is greater than the distance a sub-population can vertically migrate during a diel cycle, limiting the ability of a sub-population to photosynthetically fix carbon toward the surface and access nutrients sub-surface. This project investigated changes of Karenia brevis (C.C. Davis) G. Hansen et Moestrup intracellular carbon, nitrogen, internal nitrate (iNO3), free amino acid (FAA), and total lipid concentrations in high-light, nitrate-replete (960 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, 80 μM NO3), and high-light, nitrate-reduced (960 μmol quanta m−2 s−1, <5 μM NO3) mesocosms. The nitrate-reduced mesocosm had a slowed cell division rate when compared to the nitrate-replete mesocosm. Minimum intracellular carbon, nitrogen, iNO3, FAA, and total lipid concentrations during the largest surface sub-population aggregations led to the conclusion that daughter cells resulting from cell division received unequal shares of the parental resources and that this inequality influenced migration behavior. Nutrient reduced daughter cells were more strongly influenced by light and phototaxis for carbon production than their replete same cell division sister cells during vertical migration thus rapidly increasing the fulfillment of constituents through photosynthesis. Vertical migration was consistent with an optimization scheme based on threshold limits through utilization or formation of photosynthate. We propose a simplified conceptual model describing how K. brevis is transported along the benthos of the west Florida shelf from off-shore to on-shore. Dynamic carbon thresholds are also suggested for future DVM modeling efforts on K. brevis populations transported between nitrogen replete and nitrogen reduced environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We report results of a field test of the predator avoidance hypothesis as an explanation of the adaptive significance of diel vertical migration in zooplankton. We determined the vertical distribution and diel migration of the planktonic copepod Acartia hudsonica, concurrently with the abundance of pelagic fish, transparency and thermal stratification of the water column, on six cruises over a one year period in a temperate marine lagoon (Jakles Lagoon, San Juan Island, Washington, USA). Striking seasonal variability was observed in all biological and environmental variables. Linear regressions of the strength of diel vertical migration in A. hudsonica on these environmental variables resulted in only one statistically significant relationship, that between copepod diel vertical migration and predator abundance. These results, together with those of previous studies, point to diel vertical migration as a widespread behavioral response of planktonic prey to the presence of their predators.  相似文献   

Nostoc punctiforme is a phenotypically complex, filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, whose vegetative cells can mature in four developmental directions. The particular developmental direction is determined by environmental signals. The vegetative cell cycle is maintained when nutrients are sufficient. Limitation for combined nitrogen induces the terminal differentiation of heterocysts, cells specialized for nitrogen fixation in an oxic environment. A number of unique regulatory events and genes have been identified and integrated into a working model of heterocyst differentiation. Phosphate limitation induces the transient differentiation of akinetes, spore-like cells resistant to cold and desiccation. A variety of environmental changes, both positive and negative for growth, induce the transient differentiation of hormogonia, motile filaments that function in dispersal. Initiation of the differentiation of heterocysts, akinetes and hormogonia are hypothesized to depart from the vegetative cell cycle, following separate and distinct events. N. punctiforme also forms nitrogen-fixing symbiotic associations; its plant partners influence the differentiation and behavior of hormogonia and heterocysts. N. punctiforme is genetically tractable and its genome sequence is nearly complete. Thus, the regulatory circuits of three cellular differentiation events and symbiotic interactions of N. punctiforme can be experimentally analyzed by functional genomics.  相似文献   

春季城区道路不同绿地配置模式对大气颗粒物的削减作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨貌  张志强  陈立欣  刘辰明  邹瑞 《生态学报》2016,36(7):2076-2083
研究城市道路不同绿地类型对大气颗粒物的吸附削减作用,是提高城市绿地大气污染治理功能绿地配置模式优化的重要基础。以位于北京市海淀区的3条典型主干道道路为对象,选取乔木、灌木、草本、乔-灌、乔-草、乔-灌-草6种典型绿地配置模式,在大气颗粒物污染严重以及城市植被发芽、开花、展叶完成的春季(3月中旬至4月上旬),采用Dustmate便携式颗粒物采样器和NK4500手持自动气象仪分1.5m和3m两个高度同步测定距污染源不同位置的大气颗粒物浓度与小气候因子,分析不同绿地配置模式对颗粒物削减能力的差异及其主要影响因素。研究结果表明:复合配置模式比单一配置模式下空气颗粒物浓度稳定程度高,其主要受风速与空气相对湿度的影响;大气颗粒物粒径越大绿地对其削减作用越强;地表覆盖程度是影响不同绿地配置模式对大气颗粒物垂直削减的关键因素,地表覆盖越好垂直削减效果越好,且垂直削减率与温度成正相关关系;草本、灌木对大气颗粒物的垂直削减作用比其他4种配置模式更好;由于受植被郁闭度、疏透度以及配置种类的综合影响,乔-草、灌木绿地配置对大气颗粒物的水平削减作用比其他4种模式更好。  相似文献   

Ciliates of the genus Euplotes rely on the autocrine (self) and paracrine (non-self) activities of their water-borne protein pheromones to control the two fundamental phenomena of their life cycle, i.e. vegetative (mitotic) growth and sex manifested as cell union in mating pairs. We observed that cell aging determines the synthesis of increasing concentrations of pheromones that are oxidized at the level of methionine residues which are more exposed on the molecular surface. The oxidized form of the E. raikovi pheromone Er-1 was purified and its interactions with its source cells were shown no longer to be of autocrine type directed to promote cell growth, but changed to interactions of the paracrine type directed to induce cell unions in mating pairs of the selfing type (i.e. involving genetically identical cells). These pairs generate viable offspring, like pairs formed between genetically different cells. It was therefore concluded that aging cells may paradoxically gain beneficial effects from the synthesis of oxidized forms of their pheromones. By undergoing mating in response to the interactions with these forms, they can re-initiate a new life cycle and, in fact, rejuvenate.  相似文献   

We develop a mechanistic life‐cycle model for endospore‐forming bacteria (EFB) and test the model with experiments with a Bacillus mixed culture. The model integrates and quantifies how sporulation and germination are triggered by depletion or presence of a limiting substrate, while both substrates affect the rate of vegetative growth by a multiplicative model. Kinetic experiments show the accumulation of small spherical spores after the triggering substrate is depleted, substantially more rapid decay during sporulation than for normal decay of vegetative cells, and a higher specific substrate utilization rate for the germinating cells than that for growth of vegetative cells. Model simulations capture all of these experimental trends. According to model predictions, when a batch reactor is started, seeding with EFB spores instead of active EFB delays the onset of rapid chemical oxygen demand (COD) utilization and biomass growth, but the end points are the same. Simulated results with low aeration intensity show that germination can consume some substrate without dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 1012–1024. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

韩希福  王荣  王军萍 《生态学报》2001,21(5):820-826
用最优化适合度种群生态模型模拟研究了中华哲水蚤和小拟哲水蚤种群在渤海生态系统中的垂直移动模式。生命周期、世代时间、繁殖力和产卵量是决定这两种桡足类垂直移动的主要因素。在中华哲水蚤生活史类型中,无水平流动或水平流动速率很小时,昼夜的垂直移动能使其获得最优的生态适合度。水流的增加或方向的改变会使其在底层的停留时间增加。在小拟哲水蚤生活史类型中,随着水流的增加及其随之而来的损失率增高,其垂直移动的倾向逐步提高。  相似文献   

At temperate latitudes the synoptic patterns of bird migration are strongly structured by the presence of cyclones and anticyclones, both in the horizontal and altitudinal dimensions. In certain synoptic conditions, birds may efficiently cross regions with opposing surface wind by choosing a higher flight altitude with more favourable wind. We observed migratory passerines at mid-latitudes that selected high altitude wind optima on particular nights, leading to the formation of structured migration layers at varying altitude up to 3 km. Using long-term vertical profiling of bird migration by C-band Doppler radar in the Netherlands, we find that such migration layers occur nearly exclusively during spring migration in the presence of a high-pressure system. A conceptual analytic framework providing insight into the synoptic patterns of wind assistance for migrants that includes the altitudinal dimension has so far been lacking. We present a simple model for a baroclinic atmosphere that relates vertical profiles of wind assistance to the pressure and temperature patterns occurring at temperate latitudes. We show how the magnitude and direction of the large scale horizontal temperature gradient affects the relative gain in wind assistance that migrants obtain through ascending. Temperature gradients typical for northerly high-pressure systems in spring are shown to cause high altitude wind optima in the easterly sectors of anticyclones, thereby explaining the frequent observations of high altitude migration in these synoptic conditions. Given the recurring synoptic arrangements of pressure systems across temperate continents, the opportunities for exploiting high altitude wind will differ between flyways, for example between easterly and westerly oceanic coasts.  相似文献   

Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Hada (Raphidophyceae) causes red tides in Osaka Bay (Japan). A clonal culture of the alga was grown in a 2 m tall culture tank on a 12: 12 LD cycle to determine patterns of vertical migration and cell division. A specific growth rate of 0.43 ln unit · day−1 was obtained during complete mixing conditions. Under weakly stratified conditions (≈ΔT = 3–4°C/1.5 m), H. akashiwo in the tank grew and showed a similar pattern of vertical migration to that observed in the field for at least 6 days. Cell concentration, mean cell volume, and photosynthetic capacity, estimated by DCMU-induced fluorescence increase of H. akashiwo, were monitored in the stratified tank at 2-h intervals over 24 h at three levels in the water column. Cell ascent began shortly before the light period and vertically swimming cells were smaller in size than those sampled near the bottom of the tank. The cell division cycle and the pattern of vertical migration were phased individually by the light regime and were well synchronized with each other. This synchrony must be due to the interrelation between these two processes or the existence of a clock which controlled endogenous rhythms of both processes and was entrained by a light: dark cycle. The relative increase of fluorescence with DCMU was higher for migrating cells than for non-migrating cells.  相似文献   

Although in vitro studies have been previously conducted to determine the biological effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation, it has not yet been determined whether or not RF radiation poses a potential hazard. This study was conducted to determine whether RF radiation exposure exerts detectable effects on cell cycle distribution, cellular invasion, and migration. NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts were exposed to 849 MHz of RF radiation at average SAR values of 2 or 10 W/kg for either 1 h, or for 1 h per day for 3 days. During the exposure period, the temperature in the exposure chamber was maintained isothermally by circulating water throughout the cavity. Cell cycle distribution was analyzed at 24 and 48 h after exposure, by flow cytometry. We detected no statistically significant differences between the sham-exposed and RF radiation-exposed cells. Cellular invasion and migration were assessed by in vitro Matrigel invasion and Transwell migration assays. The RF radiation-exposed groups evidenced no significant changes in motility and invasiveness compared to the sham-exposed group. However, the ionizing radiation-exposed cells, used as a positive control group, manifested dramatic alterations in their cell cycle distribution, cellular invasiveness, and migration characteristics. Our results show that 849 MHz RF radiation exposure exerts no detectable effects on cell cycle distribution, cellular migration, or invasion at average SAR values of 2 or 10 W/kg.  相似文献   

Long-distance animal migrations are complex, population-level phenomena that emerge in seasonal landscapes as a result of the interplay between environmental influences (e.g., resources, predators) and social interactions among conspecifics. When landscapes change with respect to phenology or connectivity, the dynamics of migratory species can abruptly shift, in many cases leading to a cessation of migration and dramatic decreases in population size. We develop a difference equation modeling framework to explore how the social transfer of knowledge from informed “leader” individuals enhances the performance of seasonally migratory versus resident populations. The model permits a wide range of population-level behaviors including alternative stable states, partial migration equilibria, and complex dynamics, but we focus our efforts on investigations of migration collapse mediated by a lack of informed leaders that can arise from changes in landscape structure, survivorship, reproduction, and/or social learning. Migration collapse is a hysteretic phenomenon in this model and results either in extinction of the population or purely resident behavior. The hysteretic nature of migration failure, which hinges on cultural transmission of knowledge, highlights a potentially critical role for behavior and social learning in aspects of spatial ecology and conservation biology.  相似文献   

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