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Much concern has been raised about how multifactor global change has affected food security and carbon sequestration capacity in China. By using a process‐based ecosystem model, the Dynamic Land Ecosystem Model (DLEM), in conjunction with the newly developed driving information on multiple environmental factors (climate, atmospheric CO2, tropospheric ozone, nitrogen deposition, and land cover/land use change), we quantified spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production (NPP) and soil organic carbon storage (SOC) across China's croplands during 1980–2005 and investigated the underlying mechanisms. Simulated results showed that both crop NPP and SOC increased from 1980 to 2005, and the highest annual NPP occurred in the Southeast (SE) region (0.32 Pg C yr?1, 35.4% of the total NPP) whereas the largest annual SOC (2.29 Pg C yr?1, 35.4% of the total SOC) was found in the Northeast (NE) region. Land management practices, particularly nitrogen fertilizer application, appear to be the most important factor in stimulating increase in NPP and SOC. However, tropospheric ozone pollution and climate change led to NPP reduction and SOC loss. Our results suggest that China's crop productivity and soil carbon storage could be enhanced through minimizing tropospheric ozone pollution and improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency.  相似文献   

To address the need for a high quality data set based upon field observations suitable for parameterization, calibration, and validation of terrestrial biosphere models, we have developed a comprehensive global database on net primary productivity (NPP). We have compiled field measurements of biomass and associated environmental data for multiple study sites in major grassland types worldwide. Where sufficient data were available, we compared aboveground and total NPP estimated by six computational methods (algorithms) for 31 grassland sites. As has been found previously, NPP estimates were 2–5 times higher using methods which accounted for the dynamics of dead matter, compared with what is still the most commonly applied estimate of NPP (maximum peak live biomass). It is suggested that assumptions such as the use of peak biomass as an indicator of NPP in grasslands may apply only within certain subbiomes, e.g. temperate steppe grasslands. Additional data on belowground dynamics, or other reliable estimates of belowground productivity, are required if grasslands are to be fully appreciated for their role in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

东北森林净第一性生产力与碳收支对气候变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以东北地区(38.43'N~53.34'N,115.37'E~135.5'E)为研究对象,利用当前气候状况和不同气候情景下的气象数据驱动基于个体生长过程的中国森林生态系统碳收支模型FORCCHN,模拟了气候变化对东北森林生态系统净第一性生产力(NPP)和碳收支(NEP)的影响.结果表明:1981~2002年期间,东北森林NPP总量位于0.27~0.40 pgc·a-1之间,平均值为0.34 pgc·a-1;土壤呼吸总量在0.11~0.27 PgC·a-1,平均为0.19 PgC·a-1;NEP总量位于0.11~0.18 PgC·a-1之间,且近20多年来该区森林起着CO2汇的作用,平均每年吸收0.15 Pg C的CO2;该区森林NPP和NEP对温度升高比对降雨变化的反应更为敏感;综合降雨增加(20%)和气温增加(3℃)的情况,该区各点森林的NPP和NEP增加的幅度最大;温度不变、降水增加(不变)情景下最小.  相似文献   

Zeng H Q  Liu Q J  Feng Z W  Wang X K  Ma Z Q 《农业工程》2008,28(11):5314-5321
In this study, the BIOME-BGC model, a biogeochemical model, was used and validated to estimate GPP (Gross Primary Productivity) and NPP (Net Primary Productivity) of Pinus elliottii forest in red soil hilly region and their responses to inter-annual climate variability during the period of 1993–2004 and climate change scenarios in the future. Results showed that the average total GPP and NPP were 1941 g C m?2a?1 and 695 g C m?2a?1, and GPP and NPP showed an increasing trend during the study period. The precipitation was the key factor controlling the GPP and NPP variation. Scenario analysis showed that doubled CO2 concentration would not benefit for GPP and NPP with less than 1.5% decrease. When CO2 concentration fixed, GPP responded positively to precipitation change only, and temperature increase by 1.5°C with precipitation increase, while NPP responded positively to precipitation change only. When CO2 concentration was doubled and climate was changed, GPP and NPP responded positively to precipitation change, and GPP also responded positively to temperature increase by 1.5°C with precipitation change.  相似文献   

Net Primary Productivity (NPP) is one of the most important parameters in describing the functioning of any ecosystem and yet it arguably remains a poorly quantified and understood component of carbon cycling in tropical forests, especially outside of the Americas. We provide the first comprehensive analysis of NPP and its carbon allocation to woody, canopy and root growth components at contrasting lowland West African forests spanning a rainfall gradient. Using a standardized methodology to study evergreen (EF), semi‐deciduous (SDF), dry forests (DF) and woody savanna (WS), we find that (i) climate is more closely related with above and belowground C stocks than with NPP (ii) total NPP is highest in the SDF site, then the EF followed by the DF and WS and that (iii) different forest types have distinct carbon allocation patterns whereby SDF allocate in excess of 50% to canopy production and the DF and WS sites allocate 40%–50% to woody production. Furthermore, we find that (iv) compared with canopy and root growth rates the woody growth rate of these forests is a poor proxy for their overall productivity and that (v) residence time is the primary driver in the productivity‐allocation‐turnover chain for the observed spatial differences in woody, leaf and root biomass across the rainfall gradient. Through a systematic assessment of forest productivity we demonstrate the importance of directly measuring the main components of above and belowground NPP and encourage the establishment of more permanent carbon intensive monitoring plots across the tropics.  相似文献   

Carbon allocation in forest ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Carbon allocation plays a critical role in forest ecosystem carbon cycling. We reviewed existing literature and compiled annual carbon budgets for forest ecosystems to test a series of hypotheses addressing the patterns, plasticity, and limits of three components of allocation: biomass, the amount of material present; flux, the flow of carbon to a component per unit time; and partitioning, the fraction of gross primary productivity (GPP) used by a component. Can annual carbon flux and partitioning be inferred from biomass? Our survey revealed that biomass was poorly related to carbon flux and to partitioning of photosynthetically derived carbon, and should not be used to infer either. Are component fluxes correlated? Carbon fluxes to foliage, wood, and belowground production and respiration all increased linearly with increasing GPP (a rising tide lifts all boats). Autotrophic respiration was strongly linked to production for foliage, wood and roots, and aboveground net primary productivity and total belowground carbon flux (TBCF) were positively correlated across a broad productivity gradient. How does carbon partitioning respond to variability in resources and environment? Within sites, partitioning to aboveground wood production and TBCF responded to changes in stand age and resource availability, but not to competition (tree density). Increasing resource supply and stand age, with one exception, resulted in increased partitioning to aboveground wood production and decreased partitioning to TBCF. Partitioning to foliage production was much less sensitive to changes in resources and environment. Overall, changes in partitioning within a site in response to resource supply and age were small (<15% of GPP), but much greater than those inferred from global relationships. Across all sites, foliage production plus respiration, and total autotrophic respiration appear to use relatively constant fractions of GPP – partitioning to both was conservative across a broad range of GPP – but values did vary across sites. Partitioning to aboveground wood production and to TBCF were the most variable – conditions that favored high GPP increased partitioning to aboveground wood production and decreased partitioning to TBCF. Do priorities exist for the products of photosynthesis? The available data do not support the concept of priorities for the products of photosynthesis, because increasing GPP increased all fluxes. All facets of carbon allocation are important to understanding carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystem models require information on partitioning, yet we found few studies that measured all components of the carbon budget to allow estimation of partitioning coefficients. Future studies that measure complete annual carbon budgets contribute the most to understanding carbon allocation.  相似文献   

四川植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
胥晓 《生态学杂志》2004,23(6):19-24
根据全球气候变化的趋势 ,利用生态信息系统 (EIS)技术 ,采用植被净第一性生产力模型 ,并结合海拔因素 ,模拟了四川植被净第一性生产力在未来气候 5种水热条件下空间分布格局的变化趋势。结果表明 ,当前四川植被的净第一性生产力 (NPP)从总体上沿东南向西北呈逐渐递减趋势。植被净第一性生产力与降水量呈明显正相关关系 ,二者曲线比较近似。与可能蒸散率呈明显负相关关系 ,与海拔关系比较复杂。在盆地内 ,NPP值主要取决于降水量的多少。在盆地向高原过渡地区和高山高原地区 ,植被净第一性生产力主要取决于可能蒸散率的大小。随着全球气候的变化 ,四川省的植被净第一性生产力将沿东南至西北方向发生面积和值的推移。当温度升高 2 5℃ ,降水量增加 10 %时 ,四川省的植被净第一性生产力将增加13 76 % ,随着降水量增加到 2 0 % ,其值将进一步升高 ,达到 10 92 2TDM·hm-2 ·年 -1。当温度升高 4℃ ,降水量增加 10 %时 ,四川省的植被净第一性生产力将增加 18 2 9% ,随着降水量减少到P 10 %时 ,其值将逐渐减少到 9 5 30TDM·hm-2 ·年-1。  相似文献   

Aim To develop and test a simple climate‐based ecophysiological model of above‐ground biomass – an approach that can be applied directly to predicting the effects of climate change on forest carbon stores. Location Humid lowland forests world‐wide. Methods We developed a new approach to modelling the aboveground biomass of old‐growth forest (AGBmax) based on the influences of temperature on gross primary productivity (GPP) and what we call total maintenance cost (TMC), which includes autotrophic respiration as well as leaf, stem and other plant construction required to maintain biomass. We parameterized the models with measured carbon fluxes and tested them by comparing predicted AGBmax with measured AGB for another 109 old‐growth sites. Results Our models explained 57% of the variation in GPP across 95 sites and 79% of the variation in TMC across 17 sites. According to the best‐fit models, the ratio of GPP to maintenance cost per unit biomass (MCB) peaks at 16.5 °C, indicating that this is the air temperature leading to the highest possible AGBmax when temperatures are constant. Seasonal temperature variation generally reduces predicted AGBmax, and thus maritime temperate climates are predicted to have the highest AGBmax. The shift in temperatures from temperate maritime to tropical climates increases MCB more than GPP, and thus decreases AGBmax. Overall, our model explains exactly 50% of the variation in AGB among humid lowland old‐growth forests. Main conclusions Temperature plays an important role in explaining global variation in biomass among humid lowland old‐growth forests, a role that can be understood in terms of the dual effects of temperature on GPP and TMC. Our simple model captures these influences, and could be an important tool for predicting the effects of climate change on forest carbon stores.  相似文献   

The majority of northern peatlands were initiated during the Holocene. Owing to their mass imbalance, they have sequestered huge amounts of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Although recent syntheses have filled some knowledge gaps, the extent and remoteness of many peatlands pose challenges to developing reliable regional carbon accumulation estimates from observations. In this work, we employed an individual‐ and patch‐based dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ‐GUESS) with peatland and permafrost functionality to quantify long‐term carbon accumulation rates in northern peatlands and to assess the effects of historical and projected future climate change on peatland carbon balance. We combined published datasets of peat basal age to form an up‐to‐date peat inception surface for the pan‐Arctic region which we then used to constrain the model. We divided our analysis into two parts, with a focus both on the carbon accumulation changes detected within the observed peatland boundary and at pan‐Arctic scale under two contrasting warming scenarios (representative concentration pathway—RCP8.5 and RCP2.6). We found that peatlands continue to act as carbon sinks under both warming scenarios, but their sink capacity will be substantially reduced under the high‐warming (RCP8.5) scenario after 2050. Areas where peat production was initially hampered by permafrost and low productivity were found to accumulate more carbon because of the initial warming and moisture‐rich environment due to permafrost thaw, higher precipitation and elevated CO2 levels. On the other hand, we project that areas which will experience reduced precipitation rates and those without permafrost will lose more carbon in the near future, particularly peatlands located in the European region and between 45 and 55°N latitude. Overall, we found that rapid global warming could reduce the carbon sink capacity of the northern peatlands in the coming decades.  相似文献   

The observed variability in vegetation structure within landscapes was used as the basis for model estimates of the range of annual productivity of landscape patches at four sites along a moisture gradient in southern Africa ranging from 879 to 365 mm mean annual rainfall. Principal components of patch‐scale variability in leaf area, woody biomass and vertical leaf profiles were derived from intensive characterization of the small‐scale spatial structure of woody vegetation at each site. For each site, the mean and extremes of the principal component distribution parameterized an ecophysiology model of vegetation productivity. Vegetation was most heterogeneous at intermediate locations along the rainfall gradient. Variability in vegetation structure led to a range of annual productivity within one site (600 mm) that accounted for 68% of the total range in mean productivity across all sites. Patch‐scale estimates of tree productivity were found to be primarily correlated to annual rainfall (r2=0.66, P=0.001) and not woody leaf area (r2=0.01, P=0.75), while grass productivity was found to be related to values of woody leaf area (r2=0.77, P<0.001) and not annual rainfall (r2=0.11, P=0.29). This result indicates that life‐form interactions have a significant role in controlling vegetation productivity across the rainfall gradient. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of considering heterogeneity rather than mean structure when modeling productivity, particularly when considering dynamic vegetation structure, where differences between landscape patches may not be well represented in the mean structure.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems sequester 2.1 Pg of atmospheric carbon annually. A large amount of the terrestrial sink is realized by forests. However, considerable uncertainties remain regarding the fate of this carbon over both short and long timescales. Relevant data to address these uncertainties are being collected at many sites around the world, but syntheses of these data are still sparse. To facilitate future synthesis activities, we have assembled a comprehensive global database for forest ecosystems, which includes carbon budget variables (fluxes and stocks), ecosystem traits (e.g. leaf area index, age), as well as ancillary site information such as management regime, climate, and soil characteristics. This publicly available database can be used to quantify global, regional or biome‐specific carbon budgets; to re‐examine established relationships; to test emerging hypotheses about ecosystem functioning [e.g. a constant net ecosystem production (NEP) to gross primary production (GPP) ratio]; and as benchmarks for model evaluations. In this paper, we present the first analysis of this database. We discuss the climatic influences on GPP, net primary production (NPP) and NEP and present the CO2 balances for boreal, temperate, and tropical forest biomes based on micrometeorological, ecophysiological, and biometric flux and inventory estimates. Globally, GPP of forests benefited from higher temperatures and precipitation whereas NPP saturated above either a threshold of 1500 mm precipitation or a mean annual temperature of 10 °C. The global pattern in NEP was insensitive to climate and is hypothesized to be mainly determined by nonclimatic conditions such as successional stage, management, site history, and site disturbance. In all biomes, closing the CO2 balance required the introduction of substantial biome‐specific closure terms. Nonclosure was taken as an indication that respiratory processes, advection, and non‐CO2 carbon fluxes are not presently being adequately accounted for.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data have indicated a general ‘greening’ trend in the arctic tundra biome. However, the observed changes based on remote sensing are the result of multiple environmental drivers, and the effects of individual controls such as warming, herbivory, and other disturbances on changes in vegetation biomass, community structure, and ecosystem function remain unclear. We apply ArcVeg, an arctic tundra vegetation dynamics model, to estimate potential changes in vegetation biomass and net primary production (NPP) at the plant community and functional type levels. ArcVeg is driven by soil nitrogen output from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model, existing densities of Rangifer populations, and projected summer temperature changes by the NCAR CCSM4.0 general circulation model across the Arctic. We quantified the changes in aboveground biomass and NPP resulting from (i) observed herbivory only; (ii) projected climate change only; and (iii) coupled effects of projected climate change and herbivory. We evaluated model outputs of the absolute and relative differences in biomass and NPP by country, bioclimate subzone, and floristic province. Estimated potential biomass increases resulting from temperature increase only are approximately 5% greater than the biomass modeled due to coupled warming and herbivory. Such potential increases are greater in areas currently occupied by large or dense Rangifer herds such as the Nenets‐occupied regions in Russia (27% greater vegetation increase without herbivores). In addition, herbivory modulates shifts in plant community structure caused by warming. Plant functional types such as shrubs and mosses were affected to a greater degree than other functional types by either warming or herbivory or coupled effects of the two.  相似文献   

黄兴召  许崇华  徐俊  陶晓  徐小牛 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2274-2281
通过收集155篇644条杉木林生产力数据,利用结构方程模型,分析杉木林净初级生产力与年均降雨量、年均温度、林分密度和林龄之间的关系。结果表明:杉木林净生产力与年均降水量和年均温度呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.63和0.378。杉木林净生产力与林龄和林分密度呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.332和-0.408。结构方程模型较好的解析了杉木净初级生产力与环境因子和林分因子之间的关系。杉木林净生产力与年均降水量、年均温度、林龄、林分密度都有影响,其总通径系数分别为0.398(P0.01)、0.746(P0.01)、-0.321(P0.01)和-0.738(P0.01)。年均温度和林龄不仅直接影响杉木林净生产力,还通过影响年均降水量和林分密度间接影响林分净生产力。年均温度和林龄的直接通径系数分别为0.494(P0.01)和-0.700(P0.01);年均温度和林龄的间接通径系数分别为0.252(P0.05)和0.379(P0.05)。结构方程作为大尺度分析净初级生产力的方法,杉木林净初级生产力影响因素的62%来自年均降水量、年均温度、林龄和林分密度。  相似文献   

Fire is a major disturbance in the boreal forest, and has been shown to release significant amounts of carbon (C) to the atmosphere through combustion. However, less is known about the effects on ecosystems following fire, which include reduced productivity and changes in decomposition in the decade immediately following the disturbance. In this study, we assessed the impact of fire on net primary productivity (NPP) in the North American boreal forest using a 17‐year record of satellite NDVI observations at 8‐ km spatial resolution together with a light‐use efficiency model. We identified 61 fire scars in the satellite observations using digitized fire burn perimeters from a database of large fires. We studied the postfire response of NPP by analyzing the most impacted pixel within each burned area. NPP decreased in the year following the fire by 60–260 g C m?2 yr?1 (30–80%). By comparing pre‐ and postfire observations, we estimated a mean NPP recovery period for boreal forests of about 9 years, with substantial variability among fires. We incorporated this behavior into a carbon cycle model simulation to demonstrate these effects on net ecosystem production. The disturbance resulted in a release of C to the atmosphere during the first 8 years, followed by a small, but long‐lived, sink lasting 150 years. Postfire net emissions were three times as large as from a model run without changing NPP. However, only small differences in the C cycle occurred between runs after 8 years due to the rapid recovery of NPP. We conclude by discussing the effects of fire on the long‐term continental trends in satellite NDVI observed across boreal North America during the 1980s and 1990s.  相似文献   

The existence of a large-biomass carbon (C) sink in Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical ecosystems (NHee) is well-established, but the relative contribution of different potential drivers remains highly uncertain. Here we isolated the historical role of carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization by integrating estimates from 24 CO2-enrichment experiments, an ensemble of 10 dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) and two observation-based biomass datasets. Application of the emergent constraint technique revealed that DGVMs underestimated the historical response of plant biomass to increasing [CO2] in forests ( β Forest Mod ) but overestimated the response in grasslands ( β Grass Mod ) since the 1850s. Combining the constrained β Forest Mod (0.86 ± 0.28 kg C m−2 [100 ppm]−1) with observed forest biomass changes derived from inventories and satellites, we identified that CO2 fertilization alone accounted for more than half (54 ± 18% and 64 ± 21%, respectively) of the increase in biomass C storage since the 1990s. Our results indicate that CO2 fertilization dominated the forest biomass C sink over the past decades, and provide an essential step toward better understanding the key role of forests in land-based policies for mitigating climate change.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated how ozone pollution and climate change/variability have interactively affected net primary productivity (NPP) and net carbon exchange (NCE) across China's forest ecosystem in the past half century. Location Continental China. Methods Using the dynamic land ecosystem model (DLEM) in conjunction with 10‐km‐resolution gridded historical data sets (tropospheric O3 concentrations, climate variability/change, and other environmental factors such as land‐cover/land‐use change (LCLUC), increasing CO2 and nitrogen deposition), we conducted nine simulation experiments to: (1) investigate the temporo‐spatial patterns of NPP and NCE in China's forest ecosystems from 1961–2005; and (2) quantify the effects of tropospheric O3 pollution alone or in combination with climate variability and other environmental stresses on forests' NPP and NCE. Results China's forests acted as a carbon sink during 1961–2005 as a result of the combined effects of O3, climate, CO2, nitrogen deposition and LCLUC. However, simulated results indicated that elevated O3 caused a 7.7% decrease in national carbon storage, with O3‐induced reductions in NCE (Pg C year?1) ranging from 0.4–43.1% among different forest types. Sensitivity experiments showed that climate change was the dominant factor in controlling changes in temporo‐spatial patterns of annual NPP. The combined negative effects of O3 pollution and climate change on NPP and NCE could be largely offset by the positive fertilization effects of nitrogen deposition and CO2. Main conclusions In the future, tropospheric O3 should be taken into account in order to fully understand the variations of carbon sequestration capacity of forests and assess the vulnerability of forest ecosystems to climate change and air pollution. Reducing air pollution in China is likely to increase the resilience of forests to climate change. This paper offers the first estimate of how prevention of air pollution can help to increase forest productivity and carbon sequestration in China's forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

土壤是生态系统中不可或缺的组成部分,同时也是植物生长与发育的依托。土壤含水量直接影响土壤-植被生态系统中的水分和养分循环,从而决定植物的生长状态。因此,植被的生长状况与土壤含水量之间存在密切的关联。为了深入了解这种关系,本研究选取昭苏县3种优质牧草(冷蒿草、牛筋草和高羊茅)的地面实测高光谱数据作为研究对象,运用倒数、导数、对数等14种光谱变换方法,通过相关性分析找出与土壤含水量高度相关的特征波段,进行植被高光谱的土壤含水量建模预测,目的是要筛选敏感波长和最佳的反演模型。同时,利用CASA模型计算草地实际净初级生产力(ANPP),以分析土壤含水量与植被生产力的关联程度。结果表明:(1)昭苏县3种优质牧草在可见光波段光谱反射特征相似,而近红外波段差异较大,并且除25%-30%土壤含水量区间外,随着土壤水分增加,植被光谱反射率呈现明显下降趋势。(2)经过14种光谱变换后,昭苏县3种优质牧草的光谱反射率与土壤含水量间的相关性得到提高,尤其在R″、(1/R)''、(log R)''、(log 1/R)''、(R1/2)″ 等光谱变换形式下,相关性较高,且特征波段数量较多。(3)在(1/R)''、(1/R)″、(log 1/R)″、(R1/2)″等8种高光谱变换形式中,(R1/2)″和(log 1/R)″变换下土壤含水量估算模型精度较好。(4)在过去20年间,昭苏县草地ANPP呈明显下降趋势,草地退化主要集中在平原地带,而植被生产力的减少是多因素作用的结果,土壤含水量只是一个微弱的影响因子。总之,本研究为土壤含水量反演及其与植被生产力关系研究中提供新思路,为土地可持续利用和管理策略的指定提供重要参考。  相似文献   

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