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The administration of C3H/He spleen cells into allogeneic BALB/c mice via portal venous (p.v.) route resulted in C3H/He alloantigen-specific tolerance for delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. When serum from these tolerant BALB/c mice were transferred into naive syngeneic BALB/c mice, the recipient mice lost the capability of generating DTH responses as induced by s.c. immunization with C3H/He cells. Tolerance was transferred only by serum from BALB/c mice inoculated p.v. with C3H/He cells, but not by serum from C3H/He mice inoculated p.v. with C3H/He cells, or BALB/c mice inoculated i.v. with C3H/He cells. This tolerogenic activity in serum from p.v. inoculated BALB/c mice was C3H/He alloantigen specific, because the transfer of the serum did not interfere with the development of anti-C57BL/6 DTH responses in recipient BALB/c mice. Such a serum factor(s) was inducible as early as 1 wk after the inoculation of C3H/He cells into BALB/c mice and not associated with anti-C3H/He alloantibody activity. Moreover, anti-C3H/He or C57BL/6-specific tolerogenic factor(s) prepared in the respective BALB/c or C3H/He mice was successfully transferred into totally allogeneic recipient mice, indicating no requirement of H-2, as well as non-H-2 restriction for the function of serum tolerogenic factor(s). Thus this study demonstrates that p.v. inoculation of allogeneic cells generates serum factor(s) able to transfer in H-2 and non-H-2-unrestricted manners the in vivo tolerance of the alloreactivity specific for alloantigens used for p.v. inoculation.  相似文献   

Intravenous presensitization of C57BL/6 (B6) mice with class I H-2-disparate B6-C-H-2bm1 (bm1) whole spleen cells and class II H-2-disparate B6-C-H-2bm12 (bm12) spleen cells depleted of APC resulted in almost complete elimination of the respective anti-bm1 and anti-bm12 reactivities. However, the reduced alloreactivities as assessed by Th cell capacities (proliferative responses and IL-2 production) were recovered around 8 wk after the i.v. presensitization in euthymic B6 mice. In contrast, background levels of bm1- or bm12-specific reactivities were revealed to last more than 12 wk after the presensitization in B6 mice which had been thymectomized prior to the i.v. presensitization. Such a reduced alloreactivity was also observed in the capacity to reject bm1 or bm12 skin grafts, and prolongation of graft survival was strikingly enhanced in the thymectomized group compared to that induced in the nonthymectomized group. However, there was an important difference in such prolongation in the thymectomized hosts between bm1 and bm12 grafts; a considerable percentage (greater than 80%) of bm12 skin grafts continued to take more than 5 mo, whereas about 90% of bm1 grafts were rejected by around 5 mo along with the emergence of weak, but detectable anti-bm1 Th and cytotoxic T cell activities. These results indicate that 1) i.v. presensitization regimen is capable of eliminating in vitro and in vivo alloreactive capabilities but these alloreactivities can be recovered in euthymic hosts with T cell repopulating potential and 2) there are differential requirements of the thymus for repopulating anti-bm1 (Lyt-2+) and anti-bm12 (L3T4+) T cell activities.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice receiving allogeneic C3H/He or C57BL/6 spleen cells via portal venous (p.v.) route or a single administration of cyclophosphamide (Cy) were capable of rejecting the respective allogeneic C3H/He- or C57BL/6-derived tumor cells. In contrast, the combined treatment of p.v. inoculation with allogeneic lymphocytes and Cy administration abrogated the capability of rejecting allogeneic tumor cells. Such abrogation of alloreactivity was alloantigen-specific and associated with the suppression of potentials to generate delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses to alloantigens. This was further substantiated by the inhibition of molecular mechanisms underlying anti-allo-DTH and -CTL responses. Thus, the above combined treatment led to the decreased production of lymphokines such as macrophage-activating factor (MAF) and interleukin 2 (IL2) following the stimulation with the relevant alloantigens. These results demonstrate that p.v. inoculation of allogeneic cells followed by a single administration of Cy results in the effective elimination of alloreactivity as verified by the suppression of cellular and molecular mechanisms of alloreactive responses.  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were inoculated with normal C3H/He spleen cells via the portal venous (p.v.) route. Intravenous injection of serum from these BALB/c mice into naive syngeneic mice resulted in almost complete abrogation of their ability to generate anti-C3H/He delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses as induced by s.c. immunization with C3H/He cells. Since a portion of the same serum did not inhibit the development of anti-C57BL/6 DTH responses, the suppressive effect of the transferred serum was alloantigen-specific. Such serum factor(s) was produced in normal but not in nude mice and the suppressive activity was transferred in H-2- or immunoglobulin allotype-incompatible combinations. Immunochemical analyses of this serum suppressive factor have revealed that its m.w. was approximately 150,000, corresponding to the size of immunoglobulin (Ig)G, and that the activity was trapped by protein A or by an anti-immunoglobulin column. Although the absorption of the serum from anti-C3H/He-tolerant BALB/c mice with C3H/He target spleen cells did not abrogate the suppressive activity, the additional absorption with spleen cells from anti-C3H/He hyperimmune BALB/c mice almost completely eliminated the suppressive potential. Moreover, pretreatment of BALB/c anti-C3H/He DTH effector spleen cells with the above serum from tolerant mice induced the inhibition of anti-C3H/He DTH responses. Taken together, these results indicate that a single injection of allogeneic cells via the p.v. route results in the production of antibody capable of inhibiting the capacity of DTH effector cells specific for alloantigens used for the p.v. presensitization.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of portal venous (p.v.) administration of allogeneic cells on the capacity of delayed-type-hypersensitivity (DTH) reactivity to alloantigens. BALB/c mice were inoculated with C3H/He spleen cells via intravenous (i.v.) or p.v. route. Intravenous injection of C3H/He spleen cells into BALB/c mice resulted in appreciable DTH responses to C3H/He alloantigens. In contrast, p.v. inoculation of the same number of C3H/He cells not only failed to induce any significant anti-C3H/He DTH responses but also abolished the capability of the animals to develop DTH responses as induced by subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization with C3H/He spleen cells. Such suppression was alloantigen-specific, since p.v. inoculation of C3H/He spleen cells resulted in selective inhibition of anti-C3H/He DTH potential without suppressing DTH responses to C57BL/6 alloantigens. This tolerance was rapidly inducible and long-lasting. When spleen cells from tolerant mice were transferred i.v. into 600 R X-irradiated syngeneic recipient mice alone or together with normal BALB/c spleen cells, these tolerant spleen cells themselves failed to induce DTH responses but did not exhibit any suppressive effect on the generation of DTH responses induced by normal spleen cells co-transferred. These results indicate that tolerance was not necessarily associated with the induction of suppressor cell activity but rather was associated with the elimination or functional impairment of clones specific for alloantigens. The results are discussed in the context of a) the role of the liver in immune responses, b) cellular mechanisms underlying the tolerance induction, and c) potential application of this approach to the future transplantation immunology.  相似文献   

The influence of thymectomy (Tx) on induction of tolerance of delayed type hypersensitivity effectors (DHE) was examined. Tx did not interfere with induction of tolerance to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) achieved with combined injections of the massive dose of the antigen and cyclophosphamide (Cy). Tx resulted in prolongation of unresponsiveness. The injection of mice with the massive dose of SRBC alone also resulted in tolerance formation. However, this type of tolghtly depressed formation of DHE in intact but not in Cy treated mice. The results obtained are in agreement with the idea of the existence of diverse mechanisms of tolerance induction (clonic-deficient and suppressor). These data also suggest the existence of two subpopulations differing in susceptibility to Cy and Tx in DHE effectors and their precursors.  相似文献   

The influence of senescence on the functional activity of lymphocytes and macrophages in the induction of sensitivity to tuberculosis has been studied in experiments on 226 CBA mice. The study has revealed that after the injection of BCG old animals exhibit decreased capacity for the formation of delayed hypersensitivity, and their lymphocytes, transplanted to recipients, induce a lower level of hypersensitivity. Joint incubation of lymphocytes and macrophages from animals of different ages has shown that immunological defect appearing with age is localized in lymphocytes, while the antigen-presenting function of macrophages remains basically unchanged.  相似文献   

The immunological specificity of T-suppressors obtained from mice after intravenous immunization with corpuscular antigen was shown. The splenocytes of such a mice suppressed DH to staphylococcal antigens, but not to sheep red blood cells. The suppressor cells under study were specifically adhesive to staphylococci.  相似文献   

An influence of a delayed hypersensitive reaction to a primary antigen on the induction of delayed hypersensitivity to a second unrelated antigen was observed in guinea pigs immunized with azobenzenearsonate-N-acetyl-L-tyrosine (ABAT), and injected intradermally 3 weeks later with a mixture of ABAT and secondary antigen. Animals so treated developed delayed hypersensitivity to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or Type II pneumococcal polysaccharide as secondary antigens, as measured by skin test reactivity and inhibition of macrophage migration, whereas ABAT unsensitized control groups did not. However, attempts to induce delayed reactivity to proteins as secondary antigens were unsuccessful. The injection of secondary antigen into a mineral oil-induced inflammatory lesion did not induce delayed hypersensitivity, suggesting that specific reactivity to ABAT is a prerequisite for heterologous induction. Possible mechanisms for the observed phenomenon, including a role for macrophages, are discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown, in this study, that the transfer of parental immunocompetent spleen cells to F1 hybrid mice interferes with the induction of tolerance to human gamma globulin (HGG) in the F1 recipients. The transfer of syngeneic spleen cells did not cause this interference, but the transfer of HGG-tolerant parental spleen cells was as effective as that of their normal counterparts. Hence, the interference with tolerance induction was attributed to the histoincompatibility of donor and host cells and, more specifically, to the graft-vs-host reaction. A mechanism of interference with the expression of tolerance by an antigen-specific T-cell bypass is discussed.  相似文献   

CBA females (H-2k) mated with DBA2 males (H-2d) exhibit a high rate of fetal resorption (30%) when compared with the CBA female BALB/c male, CBA female/CBA male, DBA2 female/CBA male, DBA2 female/DBA2 male combinations (6 to 8%). Preimmunization of CBA females with spleen cells from DBA2, BALB/c, or CBA males were performed in order to test their effects on CBA maternal tolerance of (CBA X DBA2)F1 fetuses. Only preimmunization with BALB/c male cells was effective in decreasing resorption; cells from BALB/c females had no effect. In order to further test 1) the role of non-MHC-encoded antigens present in the BALB/c male background, 2) the necessity of an additional H-2 difference, and 3) whether or not the phenomenon is H-2d restricted, preimmunizations were performed by using cells from congenic BALB/k (H-2k), BALB/b (H-2b), or BALB/c (H-2d). Only the latter treatment was efficient, which suggests that the paternal H-2d haplotype must be presented in synergy with some non-MHC-encoded antigens in the BALB/c male background. Immunogenetic studies with cells from nine recombinant inbred strains that reassorted DBA2 and BALB/c genomes showed that three of them behave like BALB/c and six like DBA2. This would suggest that the genetic determinism of this phenomenon is simple.  相似文献   

BALB/c or C3H/He mice were inoculated i.v. with allogeneic spleen cells untreated or treated with neuraminidase. Appreciable or potent anti-allo-delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses were observed when mice were inoculated i.v. with untreated allogeneic cells or inoculated i.v. with those cells followed by s.c. immunization with untreated allogeneic cells. In contrast, i.v. inoculation of neuraminidase-treated allogeneic cells (presensitization) not only failed to induce any significant anti-allo-DTH responses but also abolished the capability of the animals to develop DTH responses after s.c. immunization, indicating the tolerance induction. This tolerance was alloantigen-specific, and rapidly inducible and long lasting. The induction of suppressor cell activity was demonstrated in tolerant mice. However, this activity was associated only with the tolerant state around 4 to 7 days after the i.v. presensitization, but was no longer detected in mice more than 14 days after the presensitization, although these mice exhibited complete tolerant state. When spleen cells from such tolerant mice were transferred i.v. into 600 R x-irradiated syngeneic recipient mice alone or together with normal syngeneic spleen cells, these tolerant spleen cells themselves failed to induce DTH responses but did not exhibit suppressive effect on the generation of DTH responses induced by normal spleen cells co-transferred. These results indicate that i.v. administration of neuraminidase-treated allogeneic cells results in the induction of alloantigen-specific tolerance which is not always associated with the induction of suppressor cell activity but rather with the elimination or functional impairment of alloantigen-specific clones.  相似文献   

Identity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) was essential for successful transfer of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. The regions of the MHC involved differed according to the antigen used for sensitization. In the case of fowl gamma globulin (FGG), identity atI-A was necessary, whereas with dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), identity at theK, I, orD region was sufficient. These different genetic constraints probably reflect differences in the mechanisms by which antigens are presented to T lymphocytes. Cells from sensitized (CBA×C57BL)F1 mice transferred DTH to FGG into parental-strain mice, but transfer was more effective in C57BL than in CBA with the same cell dose. This phenomenon is governed by the MHC, since there was better transfer intoH-2 b than intoH-2 k mice, regardless of their backgrounds. It may reflect the activity of an Ir gene-dependent process. Cells of one genotype (e.g., CBA), sensitized in chimeric mice derived from two MHC-incompatible strains (CBAC57BL), transferred DTH to both strains. These results do not support the notion that the genetic constraint observed in DTH transfer may be a result of the necessity for sensitized T and stimulator cells to match an identical MHC-coded cell interaction molecule. Rather, they favor the hypothesis that T cells recognize antigen, not as a naked determinant, but in close association with products of genes of the MHC.  相似文献   

Mice (C57BL) infected with the intestinal nematode Nematospiroides dubius showed depressed delayed type hypersensitivity responses to ovalbumin administered subcutaneously in Freund's complete adjuvant. IgG and IgM responses to this inoculum were unaffected. It is unlikely that the depression arose from impairment of the ear test response because responses to an extract of the adult parasite were measurable and ear testing with lipopolysaccharide yielded normal responses in infected mice. Furthermore, mice immunized on the day of infection responded normally, whilst long term infected mice ear challenged with antigen pulsed macrophages gave depressed responses. The in vitro proliferative responses of cells from the spleens and from the lymph nodes draining the site of immunization were enhanced marginally by N. dubius infection. Furthermore, these cells induced normal or elevated adoptive delayed-type hypersensitivity and IgG responses in irradiated recipients. These findings suggest that N. dubius does not compromise the development of ovalbumin specific T cells involved in a delayed type hypersensitivity response. Evidence for the induction of suppressor cells by N. dubius is discussed, and the findings are compared with results obtained with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, a parasite which is rejected rapidly from the mouse.  相似文献   

We have been studying delayed hypersensitivity (DH) to herpes simplex virus (HSV) in order to examine the role of this response in host defense against acute and recurrent HSV infections. In previous reports the basic parameters of DH to HSV have been characterized by using a murine ear swelling model, and also the regulation of DH to HSV induced by i.v. injection of the virus. In this paper, we describe a murine protection system and our use of the ability to specifically regulate DH to HSV to examine the correlation between T cells that transfer DH (TDH) and cells that transfer protection from acute HSV infection. Both DH and protection can be transferred with lymph node cells from mice immunized subcutaneously 4 days previously. The effector cell appears to be a T cell, because serum from these donors confers no protection and treatment of immune cells with anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement reduced their ability to protect. Tolerance of DH to HSV was induced by i.v. injection 7 days before subcutaneous immunization. Tolerized mice were unable to generate protective cells. Furthermore, tolerized mice contained suppressor T cells that suppressed not only DH but also the development of protective cells. Regulation of protective cells was shown to be virus specific, because mice tolerized with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) were not impaired in their ability to generate T cells that protected from HSV infection. The correlation between the TDH cell and cells that transfer protection from acute HSV infection is discussed.  相似文献   

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