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As a new member of the glucose-phosphorylating enzymes, the ATP-dependent hexokinase from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii was purified, identified, and characterized. Our results revealed that the enzyme differs from other known enzymes in primary structure and its broad substrate specificity for both phosphoryl donors and acceptors.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the highly thermostable l-aspartate oxidase (LAO) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii was determined at a 2.09 A resolution. The factors contributing to the thermostability of the enzyme were analyzed by comparing its structure to that of Escherichia coli LAO. Like E. coli LAO, the S. tokodaii enzyme consists of three domains: an FAD-binding domain, an alpha+beta capping domain, and a C-terminal three-helix bundle. However, the situation of the linker between the FAD-binding domain and C-terminal three-helix bundle in S. tokodaii LAO is completely different from that in E. coli LAO, where the linker is situated near the FAD-binding domain and has virtually no interaction with the rest of the protein. In S. tokodaii LAO, this linker is situated near the C-terminal three-helix bundle and contains a beta-strand that runs parallel to the C-terminal strand. This results in the formation of an additional beta-sheet, which appears to reduce the flexibility of the C-terminal region. Furthermore, the displacement of the linker enables formation of a 5-residue ion-pair network between the FAD-binding and C-terminal domains, which strengthens the interdomain interactions. These features might be the main factors contributing to the high thermostability of S. tokodaii LAO.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a hypothetical protein ST2348 (GI: 47118305) from the hyperthermophilic bacteria Sulfolobus tokodaii has been determined using X-ray crystallography. The protein consists of two CBS (cystathione β synthase) domains, whose function has been analyzed and reported here. PSI-BLAST shows a conservation of this domain in about 100 proteins in various species. However, none of the close homologs of ST2348 have been functionally characterized so far. Structure and sequence comparison of ST2348 with human AMP-kinase γ1 subunit and the CBS domain pair of bacterial IMP dehydrogenase is suggestive of its binding to AMP and ATP. A highly conserved residue Asp118, located in a negatively charged patch near the ligand binding cleft, could serve as a site for phosphorylation similar to that found in the chemotatic signal protein CheY and thereby ST2348 can function as a signal transduction molecule.  相似文献   

Biotin protein ligase (BPL) is an enzyme mediating biotinylation of a specific lysine residue of the carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) of biotin-dependent enzymes. We recently found that the substrate specificity of BPL from archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii is totally different from those of many other organisms, in reflection of a difference in the local sequence of BCCP surrounding the canonical lysine residue. There is a conserved glycine residue in the biotin-binding site of Escherichia coli BPL, but this residue is replaced with alanine in S. tokodaii BPL. To test the notion that this substitution dictates the substrate specificity of the latter enzyme, this residue, Ala-43, was converted to glycine. The K(m) values of the resulting mutant, A43G, for substrates, were smaller than those of the wild type, suggesting that the residue in position 43 of BPL plays an important role in substrate binding.  相似文献   

【目的】克隆表达嗜热古菌Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7中的ST0929基因,并测定其酶活性。【方法】根据ST0929基因设计引物进行PCR扩增,将这段基因克隆到p ET-15b质粒上,重组质粒导入大肠杆菌BL21细胞中表达。亲和层析纯化酶蛋白,并测定其酶活性。【结果】SDS-PAGE分析表明其分子量大约为83 k D。酶学性质研究表明该酶的最适温度为75°C,最适p H为5.0,具有很强的热稳定性和p H稳定性。该酶还能对多种金属离子和有机溶剂具有一定的耐受性。底物特异性研究发现该酶能够利用麦芽糊精作底物,而不能利用壳寡糖、麦芽糖等。【结论】通过以上酶学性质的研究,说明这种来源于超嗜热古菌的麦芽寡糖基海藻糖合酶在工业生产海藻糖领域具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

You DJ  Chon H  Koga Y  Takano K  Kanaya S 《Biochemistry》2007,46(41):11494-11503
The crystal structure of ribonuclease HI from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii (Sto-RNase HI) was determined at 1.6 A resolution. Sto-RNase HI exhibits not only RNase H activity but also double-stranded RNA-dependent ribonuclease (dsRNase) activity. The main-chain fold and steric configurations of the four acidic active-site residues of Sto-RNase HI are very similar to those of other type 1 RNases H. However, Arg118 of Sto-RNase HI is located at the position in which His124 of E. coli RNase HI, His539 of HIV-1 RNase H, and Glu188 of Bacillus halodurans RNase H are located. The mutation of this residue to Ala considerably reduced both the RNase H and dsRNase activities without seriously affecting substrate binding, suggesting that Arg118 is involved in catalytic function. This residue may promote product release by perturbing the coordination of the metal ion A as proposed for Glu188 of B. halodurans RNase H. In addition, the extreme C-terminal region of Sto-RNase HI is anchored to its core region by one disulfide bond and several hydrogen bonds. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements indicated that Sto-RNase HI is a hyperstable protein with a melting temperature of 102 degrees C. The mutations of the cysteine residues forming disulfide bond or elimination of the extreme C-terminal region greatly destabilized the protein, indicating that anchoring of the C-terminal tail is responsible for hyperstabilization of Sto-RNase HI.  相似文献   

A GGG(A)X-type esterase (Est0071) from an archaeon catalyzes asymmetric hydrolysis of prochiral bulky malonic diesters in good enantioselectivity. The selectivity of Est0071 was for the opposite enantiomer to that previously shown for pig liver esterase, and the resulting enantiomeric excess of the products was higher. Est0071 could also catalyze the hydrolysis of various acetates of secondary alcohols, and showed moderate enantioselectivity in these reactions.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is a widely distributed enzyme in nature. Although many ALDHs have been reported until now, the detailed enzymatic properties of ALDH from Archaea remain elusive. Herein, we describe the characterization of an ALDH from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii. The enzyme (stALDH) could utilize various aldehydes as substrates, and maximal activity was found with acetaldehyde and the coenzyme NAD. The optimal temperature and pH were 80 °C and 8, respectively, and high thermostability was found with the half-life at 90 °C to be 4 h. The enzyme was considerably resistant to nitroglycerin (GTN) inhibition, which could be restored by reducing agent DTT or (±)-??-lipoic acid. Coenzyme NAD or NADP could regulate the enzymatic thermostability, as well as the esterase activity. Molecular modeling suggested that the enzyme harbored similar structural arrangement with its eukaryotic and bacterial counterparts. Sequence alignment showed the conserved catalytic residues E240 and C274 and cofactor interactive sites N142, K165, I168 and E370, the function of which were verified by site-directed mutagenesis analysis. This is the most thermostable ALDH reported until now and the unique property of this enzyme is potentially beneficial in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus grows optimally above 80 degrees C and utilizes an unusual, promiscuous, non-phosphorylative Entner-Doudoroff pathway to metabolize both glucose and galactose. The first enzyme in this pathway, glucose dehydrogenase, catalyzes the oxidation of glucose to gluconate, but has been shown to have activity with a broad range of sugar substrates, including glucose, galactose, xylose, and L-arabinose, with a requirement for the glucose stereo configuration at the C2 and C3 positions. Here we report the crystal structure of the apo form of glucose dehydrogenase to a resolution of 1.8 A and a complex with its required cofactor, NADP+, to a resolution of 2.3 A. A T41A mutation was engineered to enable the trapping of substrate in the crystal. Complexes of the enzyme with D-glucose and D-xylose are presented to resolutions of 1.6 and 1.5 A, respectively, that provide evidence of selectivity for the beta-anomeric, pyranose form of the substrate, and indicate that this is the productive substrate form. The nature of the promiscuity of glucose dehydrogenase is also elucidated, and a physiological role for this enzyme in xylose metabolism is suggested. Finally, the structure suggests that the mechanism of sugar oxidation by this enzyme may be similar to that described for human sorbitol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

A beta-glycosidase gene homolog of Pyrococcus horikoshii (BGPh) was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme was localized in a membrane fraction and solubilized with 2.5% Triton X-100 at 85 degrees C for 15 min. The optimum pH was 6.0 and the optimum temperature was over 100 degrees C, respectively. BGPh stability was dependent on the presence of Triton X-100, the enzyme's half-life at 90 degrees C (pH 6.0) was 15 h. BGPh has a novel substrate specificity with k(cat)/K(m) values high enough for hydrolysis of beta-D-Glcp derivatives with long alkyl chain at the reducing end and low enough for the hydrolysis of beta-linked glucose dimer more hydrophilic than aryl- or alkyl-beta-D-Glcp.  相似文献   

sn-Glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase is responsible for the formation of sn-glycerol-1-phosphate, the backbone of membrane phospholipids of Archaea. This activity had never been detected in cell-free extract of Sulfolobus sp. Here we report the detection of this activity on the thermostable ST0344 protein of Sulfolobus tokodaii expressed in Escherichia coli, which was predicted from genomic information on S. tokodaii. This is another line of evidence for the general mechanism of sn-glycerol-1-phosphate formation by the enzyme.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of the thermophilic beta-glycosidase (lacS) from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (SSbetaG), a member of the glycohydrolase family 1, has been analysed at a molecular level using predictions from known protein sequences and structures and through site-directed mutagenesis. Three critical residues were identified and mutated to create catalysts with altered and broadened specificities for use in glycoside synthesis. The wild-type (WT) and mutated sequences were expressed as recombinant fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, with an added His(6)-tag to allow one-step chromatographic purification. Consistent with side-chain orientation towards OH-6, the single Met439-->Cys mutation enhances D-xylosidase specificity 4.7-fold and decreases D-fucosidase activity 2-fold without greatly altering its activity towards other D-glycoside substrates. Glu432-->Cys and Trp433-->Cys mutations directed towards OH-4 and -3, respectively, more dramatically impair glucose (Glc), galactose (Gal), fucose specificity than for other glycosides, resulting in two glycosidases with greatly broadened substrate specificities. These include the first examples of stereospecificity tailoring in glycosidases (e.g. WT-->W433C, k(cat)/K(M) (Gal):k(cat)/K(M) (mannose (Man))=29.4:1-->1.2:1). The robustness and high utility of these broad specificity SSbetaG mutants in parallel synthesis were demonstrated by the formation of libraries of beta-glycosides of Glc, Gal, xylose, Man in one-pot preparations at 50 degrees C in the presence of organic solvents, that could not be performed by SSbetaG-WT.  相似文献   

Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase) is a model enzyme for understanding allosteric effects. The dodecameric complex exists in two main states (T and R) that differ substantially in their quaternary structure and their affinity for various ligands. Many hypotheses have resulted from the structure of the Escherichia coli ATCase, but so far other crystal structures to test these have been lacking. Here, we present the tertiary and quaternary structure of the T state ATCase of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (SaATC(T)), determined by X-ray crystallography to 2.6A resolution. The quaternary structure differs from the E.coli ATCase, by having altered interfaces between the catalytic (C) and regulatory (R) subunits, and the presence of a novel C1-R2 type interface. Conformational differences in the 240 s loop region of the C chain and the C-terminal region of the R chain affect intersubunit and interdomain interfaces implicated previously in the allosteric behavior of E.coli ATCase. The allosteric-zinc binding domain interface is strengthened at the expense of a weakened R1-C4 type interface. The increased hydrophobicity of the C1-R1 type interface may stabilize the quaternary structure. Catalytic trimers of the S.acidocaldarius ATCase are unstable due to a drastic weakening of the C1-C2 interface. The hyperthermophilic ATCase presents an interesting example of how an allosteric enzyme can adapt to higher temperatures. The structural rearrangement of this thermophilic ATCase may well promote its thermal stability at the expense of changes in the allosteric behavior.  相似文献   

We have characterized an esterase expressed from the putative esterase gene (ST0071) selected from the total genome analysis from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7. The ORF was cloned and expressed as a fusion protein in Escherichia coli. The protein was purified with heat treatment, affinity column chromatography, and size exclusion filtration. The optimum activity for ester cleavage against p-nitrophenyl esters was observed at around 70 degrees C and pH 7.5-8.0. The enzyme exhibited high thermostability and also showed activity in a mixture of a buffer and water-miscible organic solvents, such as acetonitrile and dimethyl sulfoxide. From the kinetic analysis, p-nitrophenyl butyrate was found to be a better substrate than caproate and caprylate.  相似文献   

The gene (open reading frame (ORF) Tm1469, glk) encoding ATP-dependent ROK (repressors, ORFs, sugar kinases) glucokinase (ATP-GLK, EC of the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima was cloned and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant enzyme is a homodimer with an apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa composed of 36-kDa subunits. Rate dependence (at 80 degrees C) on glucose and ATP followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with apparent Km values of 1.0 and 0.36 mM, respectively; apparent Vmax values were about 370 U mg(-1). The enzyme was highly specific for glucose as phosphoryl acceptor. Besides glucose only 2-deoxyglucose was phosphorylated to some extent, whereas mannose and fructose were not used. With a temperature optimum of 93 degrees C the enzyme is the most thermoactive bacterial ATP-GLK described.  相似文献   

To study how oligomerization may contribute to the thermostability of archaeon proteins, we focused on a hexameric protein, protein L-isoaspartyl-O-methyltransferase from Sulfolobus tokodaii (StoPIMT). The crystal structure shows that StoPIMT has a distinctive hexameric structure composed of monomers consisting of two domains: an S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase fold domain and a C-terminal alpha-helical domain. The hexameric structure includes three interfacial contact regions: major, minor, and coiled-coil. Several C-terminal deletion mutants were constructed and characterized. The hexameric structure and thermostability were retained when the C-terminal alpha-helical domain (Tyr(206)-Thr(231)) was deleted, suggesting that oligomerization via coiled-coil association using the C-terminal alpha-helical domains did not contribute critically to hexamerization or to the increased thermostability of the protein. Deletion of three additional residues located in the major contact region, Tyr(203)-Asp(204)-Asp(205), led to a significant decrease in hexamer stability and chemico/thermostability. Although replacement of Thr(146) and Asp(204), which form two hydrogen bonds in the interface in the major contact region, with Ala did not affect hexamer formation, these mutations led to a significant decrease in thermostability, suggesting that two residues in the major contact region make significant contributions to the increase in stability of the protein via hexamerization. These results suggest that cooperative hexamerization occurs via interactions of "hot spot" residues and that a couple of interfacial hot spot residues are responsible for enhancing thermostability via oligomerization.  相似文献   

Sulfolobus solfataricus is an aerobic crenarchaeon that thrives in acidic volcanic pools. In this study, we have purified and characterized a thermostable alpha-galactosidase from cell extracts of S. solfataricus P2 grown on the trisaccharide raffinose. The enzyme, designated GalS, is highly specific for alpha-linked galactosides, which are optimally hydrolyzed at pH 5 and 90 degrees C. The protein consists of 74.7-kDa subunits and has been identified as the gene product of open reading frame Sso3127. Its primary sequence is most related to plant enzymes of glycoside hydrolase family 36, which are involved in the synthesis and degradation of raffinose and stachyose. Both the galS gene from S. solfataricus P2 and an orthologous gene from Sulfolobus tokodaii have been cloned and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, and their activity was confirmed. At present, these Sulfolobus enzymes not only constitute a distinct type of thermostable alpha-galactosidases within glycoside hydrolase clan D but also represent the first members from the Archaea.  相似文献   

A gene (ST1218) encoding a d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH; EC homolog was found in the genome of Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 by screening a database of enzymes likely to contribute to l-serine biosynthesis in hyperthermophilic archaea. After expressing the gene in Escherichia coli, the PGDH activity of the recombinant enzyme was assessed. Homogeneous PGDH was obtained using conventional chromatography steps, though during the purification an unexpected decline in enzyme activity was observed if the enzyme was stored in plastic tubes, but not in glass ones. The purified enzyme was a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of about 35 kDa and was highly thermostable. It preferably acted as an NAD-dependent d-3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) dehydrogenase. Although NADP had no activity as the electron acceptor, both NADPH and NADH acted as electron donors. Kinetic analyses indicated that the enzyme reaction proceeds via a Theorell-Chance Bi-Bi mechanism. Unlike E. coli PGDH, the S. tokodaii enzyme was not inhibited by l-serine. In addition, both the NAD-dependent 3PGA oxidation and the reverse reaction were enhanced by phosphate and sulfate ions, while NADPH-dependent 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate (PHP) reduction was inhibited. Thus S. tokodaii PGDH appears to be subject to a novel regulatory mechanism not seen elsewhere. A database analysis showed that ST1218 gene forms a cluster with ST1217 gene, and a functional analysis of the ST1217 product expressed in E. coli revealed that it possesses l-glutamate-PHP aminotransferase activity. Taken together, our findings represent the first example of a phosphorylated serine pathway in a hyperthermophilic archaeon.  相似文献   

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