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Dietary orotic acid has been shown to inhibit secretion of plasma lipoproteins from the liver and to cause the accumulation of lipoprotein apoproteins within the liver. Comparison of the carbohydrate composition of plasma apoproteins and corresponding apoproteins isolated from orotic acid induced fatty livers indicates that the latter are deficient in N-acetyl glucosamine, galactose, and N-acetyl neuraminic acid. These differences can be explained by a lack of exposure of liver apoproteins to glycosylating enzymes present in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

L-Threonine dehydratase preparations were isolated from liver of intact, treated with hydrocortisone and adrenalectomized rats. These preparations had different properties in stability, sensitivity to proteases and kinetic patterns. The preparations possessed also serine dehydratase activity, and the ratio threonine: serine activities was modified during the procedure of enzyme purification. It appears that the hormones affect not only the amount of enzyme proteins, but the qualitative properties of these proteins.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase activity together with the activities of DNA polymerase were detected in a form tightly associated with rat liver nuclear matrices. DNA polymerase activities were solubilized from the nuclear matrices of regenerating rat livers by sonic treatment followed by extraction of these activities with detergent and salt. The predominant activity was mainly α-polymerase as judged from the size determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. However, only β-polymerase activity was detected in the matrix of normal rat livers. DNA topoisomerase activity, detected in both regenerating and normal liver nuclear matrices, showed a molecular size of about 4 S in sucrose gradient, and was active in the presence of EDTA. These results suggest that this enzyme belongs to type I topoisomerase.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes (PM) were isolated from island-forming types of rat ascites hepatoma (AH 130, AH 602, and AH 7974) and from their free-cell sublines (AH 130FN and AH 7974F), and were characterized in terms of electron-microscopic morphology, marker enzyme activities, and lipid contents. The results were compared with those of the PM isolated in a similar way from newborn, regenerating, and adult livers. The marker enzyme activities, such as Na+, K+-insensitive Mg2+-ATPase [EC] (Mg2+-ATPase) and 5'-nucleotidase [EC], as well as the phospholipid composition of the PM isolated from hepatomas by Wallach's nitrogen gas cavitation method were similar to those obtained with the PM isolated by a modification of Emmelot's method, although the former method gave a much lower yield in terms of protein than the latter. Based on the modified Emmelot method, sufficiently pure PM preparations could be obtained from the hepatomas in the form of large membrane sheets without any contamination by other identifiable components, as determined with an electron microscope, and with high specific activities of the marker enzymes, such as Na+, K+-sensitive ATPase [EC] (Na+, K+ -ATPase), Mg2+ -ATPase, and 5'-nucleotidase. As for the characteristics of the hepatoma PM, lower specific activity of 5'-nucleotidase and higher fatty aldehyde molar percentages in total phospholipids were noted in all the PM from the hepatomas in comparison with normal liver PM of various origins. The PM from the hepatomas showed an increased amount of cholesterol (mumole per mg protein), whereas actively growing newborn and regenerating livers gave rather lower amounts in comparison with that of normal adult liver.  相似文献   

1. At 1h after operation livers from partially hepatectomized rats showed a 60-100% increase in the capacity to concentrate (3)H radioactivity from orotate, thymidine or uridine with respect to the radioactivity in plasma. Uptake of [(3)H]cytidine into liver was unaffected, as was entry of any precursor studied into any tissue other than liver. 2. This increase in intracellular radioactivity was detectable 10min after operation with both orotate and thymidine. With orotate the augmentation had disappeared by 3 days, but with thymidine it was still evident 8 days after partial hepatectomy, when [(3)H]thymidine incorporation into DNA was no longer increased. Competition studies established that orotate was not entering the liver by the same mechanism as thymidine. 3. In the soluble fraction of the liver all the (3)H radioactivity from orotate was present as uridine nucleotides. Thymidine was not phosphorylated, and was believed to be catabolized.  相似文献   

1. Liver cell fractions were prepared by non-aqueous procedures and nuclei were also obtained in a hyperosmotic sucrose medium. Histone phosphokinase activity, assayed with histone F1 as substrate, was present in the soluble fraction of the cytoplasm and also bound on to the chromatin fraction of the nucleus. 2. The activity of the enzyme increased sixfold in nuclei from regenerating livers 22h after partial hepatectomy. 3. The enzyme bound in the nucleus was only marginally activated by 1mum-3':5'-cyclic AMP which stimulated the cytoplasmic soluble enzyme fourfold. 4. Nuclei prepared by the non-aqueous technique were also able to phosphorylate histones F2a and F3 and showed histone phosphatase activity with histone F1 phosphate as substrate.  相似文献   

The changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i) of hepatocytes induced by certain bile acids are biphasic: an initial increase is followed by a more gradual decrease. This latter decline in [Ca2+]i may be due to an efflux of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane. This hypothesis was tested by studying the effect of different bile acids on the efflux of 45Ca from preloaded rat hepatocytes and isolated perfused rat livers. The following bile acids were studied: cholic (C), ursodeoxycholic (UDC), chenodeoxycholic (CDC), and deoxycholic (DC) acids; their taurine (T) conjugates (TC, TUDC, TCDC, and TDC); and the taurine, sulfate (S), and glucuronide (Glu) derivatives of lithocholic acid (TLC, LS, TLS, and LGlu, respectively). At 0.3 mM, all bile acids except C, TC, TCDC, UDC, and TUDC significantly increased 45Ca efflux from preloaded hepatocytes without affecting cell viability. Dose-response studies revealed that the minimum effective concentration needed to induce 45Ca efflux was 0.06 mM for LS, 0.8 mM for TCDC, and 10 mM for TC. Efflux of 86Rb from preloaded hepatocytes was not significantly altered by 0.1 mM LS, indicating relative specificity for calcium. TDC and DC, but not TC, increased 45Ca efflux from preloaded perfused rat livers. These results showed that bile acids known to increase [Ca2+]i (CDC, DC, TDC, and TLC) also increased 45Ca efflux from hepatocytes and perfused livers and that efflux was also stimulated by LS, TLS, and LGlu. The extent of this efflux was related to the hydrophobicity of the steroid nucleus of the bile acid. It is speculated that bile acid-induced increases in [Ca2+]i activate the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump resulting in increased Ca2+ efflux.  相似文献   

There is a marked increase in the concentration of putrescine during the first ten hours following partial hepatectomy in rats. The concentration of spermidine also increases but to a smaller degree. Putrescine levels return to normal between 10 and 24 hours after the operation, whereas the increased spermidine level is maintained. The production of putrescine and spermidine appears to be initiated by the induction of ornithine decarboxylase which shows a single peak of activity at four hours after hepatectomy. The activity of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase shows little change following hepatectomy. The changes in polyamine levels and the activities of the enzymes of polyamine metabolism are not affected by thyroparathyroidectomy 72 hours prior to hepatectomy. Thus although these hypocalcemic conditions considerably reduce and delay DNA synthesis and mitosis, the prereplicative changes in polyamine metabolism still occur. These data suggest that the hepatocytes in hypocalcemic animals have become activated and moved to an advanced stage of prereplicative development before being blocked.  相似文献   

The average decay rates (half-lives) of mixed glycoproteins were measured using double isotopes of fucose and glucosamine and compared to those of mixed overall proteins measured with leucine and NaH14CO3 in whole homogenates and plasma membranes from normal and regenerating rat livers. A large reutilization of leucine was observed under both normal and regenerating conditions. Fucose seems to be recycling most predominantly in regenerating liver, whereas glucosamine was found to be very little if not at all reutilized under both conditions. Comparison of the results obtained with NaH14CO3 and glucosamine demonstrated that glycoproteins from normal liver homogenate are degraded at a faster rate than mixed proteins. Contrary to that of mixed proteins, the half-life of glycoproteins remains unchanged during liver regeneration, and the use of glucosamine revealed that the degradation of plasma membrane glycoproteins is identical to that found in whole homogenate under both normal and regenerating conditions. Finally, the relative degradation rates of fractionated plasma membrane proteins and glycoproteins were evaluated under the same conditions. During liver regeneration some readjustments are observed in the relative degradation rates of individual species which suggest that the synthesis and degradation of the various surface membrane glycoproteins proceed at rates that are controlled independently.  相似文献   

The composition of the segregated content of rat prolactin granules was investigated taking advantage of the fact that these organelles, isolated as a pure fraction, retain their structural organization after solubilization of their limiting membrane by mild detergent treatment. We found that these membraneless granules contain not only the hormone, but also a number of minor macromolecular components including sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which are labeled when pituitary slices are incubated in vitro with [35S] sulfate. In order to characterize the latter components, the isolated radioactive granules were solubilized (by treatment with either a high ionic strength solution orNaOH) and 35S-labeled acidic glycosaminoglycans precipitated by complexing with cetylpirydinium chloride. A high degree of heterogeneity was observed when the ensuing precipitates were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis: different components were found to co-migrate with authentic heparin and chondroitin sulfate A and C standards. Another component, which accounts for approx. 50% of the glycosaminoglycan-bound radioactivity, might be heparin sulfate. These acidic glycosaminoglycans are linked to peptide moieties to form proteoglycans.  相似文献   

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