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A detailed understanding of how extensively animals move through the landscape, and the habitat features upon which they rely, can identify conservation priorities and thus inform management planning. For many endangered species, information on habitat use either is sparse, or is based upon studies from a small part of the species’ range. The broad-headed snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides) is restricted to a specialized habitat (sandstone outcrops and nearby forests) within a small geographic range in south-eastern Australia. Previous research on this endangered taxon was done at a single site in the extreme south of the species’ geographic range. We captured and radio-tracked 9 adult broad-headed snakes at sites in the northern part of the species’ distribution, to evaluate the generality of results from prior studies, and to identify critical habitat components for this northern population. Snakes spent most of winter beneath sun-warmed rocks then shifted to tree hollows in summer. Thermal regimes within retreat-sites support the hypothesis that this shift is thermally driven. Intervals between successive displacements were longer than in the southern snakes but dispersal distances per move and home ranges were similar. Our snakes showed non-random preferences both in terms of macrohabitat (e.g., avoidance of some vegetation types) and microhabitat (e.g., frequent use of hollow-bearing trees). Despite many consistencies, the ecology of this species differs enough between southern and northern extremes of its range that managers need to incorporate information on local features to most effectively conserve this threatened reptile.  相似文献   

Abstract Stephens' Banded Snakes (Hoplocephalus stephensii Krefft 1869) are large (to 1 m), highly arboreal elapid snakes, restricted to mesic forested areas along the eastern coast of Australia. Radiotelemetric monitoring of 16 individuals at Whian Whian State Forest in north‐eastern New South Wales over 25 months provided the first data on spatial ecology of this threatened taxon. Two major influences on movements by Stephens' Banded Snakes were identified: the distribution of large hollow‐bearing trees, and the avoidance of conspecifics. Radiotracked snakes were sedentary inside tree hollows for extended periods (mean = 8 days) during their active season, interrupted by occasional long (mean = 124 m) nocturnal movements to another shelter tree. Snakes travelled on the ground rather than within the canopy, and thus were potentially exposed to terrestrial predators. Although the home ranges of the radiotracked snakes overlapped substantially (mean = 27%), simultaneous occupancy of ‘shared’ shelter trees was less common than expected by chance. Hence, we conclude that adult Stephens' Banded Snakes generally avoid the presence of conspecifics. Snakes used from five to 30 shelter trees and home ranges of male snakes were larger than those of females (mean = 20.2 vs 5.4 ha). The large spatial scale of these movements, and limited overlap among individuals, means that a viable population of this taxon requires a large area of contiguous forest. This requirement may explain why the species has not persisted in small forest fragments.  相似文献   

A total of 15 microsatellite primers pairs were developed for the Australian small‐eyed snake Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens. Five primers were used to screen 93 individuals of R. nigrescens and were also tested against eight species of the closely related genus Suta. Allelic diversity in R. nigrescens was high in three loci (12–27) and there was high heterozygosity (0.58–0.82). Observed heterozygosity did not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg expectations for the five loci tested. These primers will be useful in studies of population genetics and mating systems of small‐eyed snakes and related species.  相似文献   

Echinotriton chinhaiensis is a critically endangered salamander and its distribution is restricted to Ningbo, Zhejiang Province of China. In this study, we developed and characterized fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci for E. ehinhaiensis from dinucleotide- and tetranucleotide- enriched library. The number of alleles ranges from 4 to 12 with an average of 7.27 alleles per locus. The observed and expected heterozygosities values were from 0.250 to 0.844 and 0.511 to 0.872 with an average value of 0.596 and 0.722; respectively. The polymorphic microsatellite loci described in this paper are useful in the further study on genetic diversity and gene flow, which would be helpful to formulate effective conservation strategies for the E. chinhaiensis.  相似文献   

Most mobile organisms respond to multiple cues when selecting habitat types,and laboratory experiments that manipulate only single cues may fail to reveal the true complexity of habitat-selection behaviour.In south-eastern Australia,broad-headed snakes Hoplocephalus bungaroides(Elapidae)lie in wait under sun-warmed rocks to ambush velvet geckos Oedura leseuerii(Gekkonidae).Previous laboratory work has shown that both the geckos and the snakes actively select hotter rather than colder rocks,and that the snak...  相似文献   

Abstract Although forested habitats in eastern Australia have attracted significant conservation‐related research, this work has focused strongly on endothermic vertebrates. Threatened reptile taxa have received less attention, but information on their habitat requirements should be central to management planning. The arboreal elapid snake Hoplocephalus stephensii is largely restricted to remnant forests in eastern Australia, and is listed as a threatened species under wildlife legislation. We collated 84 records of the current New South Wales geographical distribution of H. stephensii, and compared attributes of these locations to those of randomly chosen points within the same forests, in adjacent forests, in timber plantations and on freehold land across the geographical range of the taxon. Data on climatic and topographic characteristics of these sites were obtained from Geographic Information Systems databases and entered into a principal components analysis. Unsurprisingly, locations where snakes were recorded differed from the random sites in several respects (e.g. rainfall, elevation, seasonality of precipitation). Within a given forest, H. stephensii was generally found in areas similar to randomly chosen points. Comparison of vegetation communities used with those available within forests provided no evidence for active habitat selection. Comparisons of Geographic Information Systems‐derived data for snake‐collection localities along roads versus those within the forest revealed significant biases, and we warn that such methodological errors could generate spurious conclusions about non‐random habitat use by threatened species. In combination with previous data from radio‐tracking, we conclude that although H. stephensii is highly specialized in its arboreality and dependence upon hollow trees, its broad tolerance with respect to other factors (climatic conditions, vegetation communities, food types, etc.) allows populations to persist so long as large areas of forest with high numbers of hollow‐bearing trees are available. These requirements are similar to those of many other components of the Australian forest fauna. Thus, the findings of this study support the idea that the same kinds of management programmes can effectively conserve a wide range of taxa, if such programmes protect critical habitat components at suitable spatial scales.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 12 microsatellite loci from the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). The loci exhibited a variable number of alleles that ranged from three to 14 with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.70 (SD 0.18) across 40 hawksbill turtles from the Caribbean. The polymorphism exhibited individually and in combination makes them suitable for fine-scale genetic studies. In particular, the low probability of identity and high paternity exclusion of these markers makes them highly useful for parentage and relatedness studies. These new markers greatly increase the power of genetic studies directed towards the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

Prochilodus magdalenae is an endemic freshwater fish that occurs in the Magdalena, Sinú and Atrato hydrographic basins. It has an important economic role and is a food resource for the artisanal fishing communities. Its socioeconomic importance contrasts with the current status of its fisheries, where stocks are being depleted. Considering its importance and lack of information on its genetic structure, we used seven microsatellite markers to assess the genetic structure of wild populations of P. magdalenae. The genetic diversity was assessed and the population genetic structure was estimated through Fst, analysis of molecular variance and Bayesian analysis. A total of 290 alleles were found in all loci throughout all population. The high polymorphism contrasts with the levels of observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.276), which are the lowest values recorded for the family. We found three populations of bocachico coexisting throughout the studied system, contradicting the hypothesis that freshwater migratory fish form panmictic populations. These results on the genetic structure of P. magdalenae constitute tools for a better understanding of the behavior and biology of this species, contributing to fish management and conservation programs.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish present unique challenges when one attempts to understand the factors that determine the structure of their populations. Habitat fragmentation is a leading cause of population decline that threatens ecosystems worldwide. In this study, we investigated the conservation status of genetic variability in the Neotropical catfish (Pimelodus maculatus). Specifically, we examined the structure and genetic diversity of this species in a region of the Upper Uruguay River fragmented by natural barriers and dams. There was no genetic structure among the four sites analyzed, indicating the existence of only one population group. A combination of environmental management and genetic monitoring should be used to minimize the impact of impoundment on panmitic populations of migratory fish species.  相似文献   

Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) is a tall tree of high commercial value of the moist semi‐deciduous African forests. As a result of decades of logging it is now considered as threatened and listed on the IUCN Red List and CITES Appendix II, even though essential biological parameters controlling its population dynamics remain unknown. This study aims at improving the knowledge of the species' ecological parameters, and at assessing the impact of selective logging on its populations in an 118,052 ha forest in Cameroon. After inventorying the species in 1432 ha, mortality and growth were assessed over continuous 5‐ and 2‐yr periods in unlogged and logged areas, respectively. Phenology was monitored in the unlogged forest during 5 yr. The population structure shows high relative abundance of trees in medium size categories. Mean annual diameter increments in both environments did not differ significantly between unlogged and logged areas. P. elata is a deciduous species that flowers at the end of the main dry season. The minimum reproduction and effective flowering diameters were 32 and 37 cm, respectively. Fruit maturation took place during 7 mo. With a minimum logging diameter of 90 cm, the recovery rate computed over a 30‐yr period was > 100 percent. Selective logging harvested only 12.1 percent of the total number of seed trees and had little influence on the species' biological parameters. Securing sufficient regeneration as a post‐logging action is probably the most important consideration for achieving long‐term sustainability.  相似文献   

Vertebral and cranial remains of elapid snakes have been collected from fossil assemblages at Riversleigh, north-west Queensland, Australia; most are Miocene but one may be late Oligocene and another as young as Pliocene. The oldest specimen (probably the oldest elapid yet known anywhere) is a vertebra that can be referred provisionally to the extant taxon Laticauda (Hydrophiinae, sensu Slowinski and Keogh, 2000), implying that the basal divergences among Australasian hydrophiine lineages had occurred by the early Miocene, in contrast to most previous estimates for the age of this geographically isolated adaptive radiation. Associated vertebrae and jaw elements from a Late Miocene deposit are described as Incongruelaps iteratus nov. gen. et sp., which has a unique combination of unusual derived characters otherwise found separately in several extant hydrophiine taxa that are only distantly related. Associated vertebrae from other sites, and two parietals from a possibly Pliocene deposit, suggest the presence of several other taxa distinct from extant forms, but the amount of material (and knowledge of variation in extant taxa) is currently insufficient to diagnose these forms. The Tertiary elapids of Riversleigh thus appear to be relatively diverse taxonomically, but low in abundance and, with one exception, not referable to extant taxa below the level of Hydrophiinae. This implies that the present diversity of hydrophiine elapids (31 recognized terrestrial genera, and approximately 16 marine) represents the result of substantial extinction as well as the “cone of increasing diversity” that could be inferred from phylogenetic studies on extant forms.  相似文献   

There have been no molecular genetic examinations of mating systems in the Australian varanid lizards (genus Varanus) despite their high species diversity, the abundance of some species and difficulties with direct observation of behaviourally cryptic species in the field. We developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and assessed their utility in a range of varanid species. Observed heterozygosities in the three species assessed ranged from 30% to 100%. These loci should be useful for investigation of population structure, gene flow and mating systems in Varanus acanthurus, V. baritji and V. tristis and may also be of use in other varanid species.  相似文献   

Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are designated as critically endangered and wild populations are dramatically declining as a result of habitat destruction, fragmentation, diseases (e.g., Ebola) and the illegal bushmeat trade. As wild populations continue to decline, the genetic management of the North American captive western lowland gorilla population will be an important component of the long‐term conservation of the species. We genotyped 26 individuals from the North American captive gorilla collection at 11 autosomal microsatellite loci in order to compare levels of genetic diversity to wild populations, investigate genetic signatures of a population bottleneck and identify the genetic structure of the captive‐born population. Captive gorillas had significantly higher levels of allelic diversity (t7 = 4.49, = 0.002) and heterozygosity (t7 = 4.15, = 0.004) than comparative wild populations, yet the population has lost significant allelic diversity while in captivity when compared to founders (t7 = 2.44, = 0.04). Analyses suggested no genetic evidence for a population bottleneck of the captive population. Genetic structure results supported the management of North American captive gorillas as a single population. Our results highlight the utility of genetic management approaches for endangered nonhuman primate species.  相似文献   

We provide details of seven microsatellite loci (out of 20 primer pairs designed) that exhibited the cleanest and strongest banding patterns for the Eastern tiger snake Notechis scutatus. These loci were used to screen 76 individuals from across the geographical range of N. scutatus and a further 14 individuals of the closely related and endangered broadheaded snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. We observed large numbers of alleles per locus (14–52) and relatively high levels of heterozygosity (0.270–0.696) within the N. scutatus sample. These markers are also likely to be informative for work on H. bungaroides.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is one of the top 10 biodiversity hotspots in the world and acts as a modern harbour for many rare species because of its relatively pristine state. In this article, we report a landscape genetic study on the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus bieti ), a primate endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. DNA was extracted from blood, tissue and fecal samples of 135 wild individuals representing 11 out of 15 extant monkey groups. Ten microsatellite loci were used to characterize patterns of genetic diversity. The most striking feature of the population structure is the presence of five subpopulations with distinct genetic backgrounds and unique spatial regions. The population structure of R. bieti appears to be shaped by anthropogenic landscape features as gene flow between subpopulations is strongly impeded by arable land, highways and human habitation. A partial Mantel test showed that 36.23% ( r  =   0.51, P  =   0.01) of the genetic distance was explained by habitat gaps after controlling for the effect of geographical distance. Only 4.92% of the genetic distance was explained by geographical distance in the partial Mantel test, and no significant correlation was found. Estimation of population structure history indicates that environmental change during the last glacial maximum and human impacts since the Holocene, or a combination of both, have shaped the observed population structure of R. bieti . Increasing human activity on the Plateau, especially that resulting in habitat fragmentation, is becoming an important factor in shaping the genetic structure and evolutionary potential of species inhabiting this key ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hanabusaya asiatica (Nakai) Nakai (Campanulaceae), a bee- pollinated, perennial herb, is restricted to the mountainous regions of the eastern-central Korean peninsula. Allozyme analyses for 348 individuals assessed the levels of genetic diversity for five populations. Spatial autocorrelation statistics were also used to examine the spatial distribution of allozyme polymorphisms. The species maintains high levels of allozyme diversity ( H eS = 0.217) and it exhibits low allozyme differentiation among populations ( G ST = 0.132) compared with other endemics (mean H e = 0.096, G ST = 0.248). There is an apparent pattern of isolation by distance among populations. These results suggest that H. asiatica is at a genetic equilibrium. A considerable deficit in numbers of heterozygotes suggests mating among relatives in populations. At least three populations of H. asiatica should be sampled or conserved to capture or maintain > 99 % of the genetic diversity in the species as a whole. Within local populations, individuals are distributed in a structured, isolation by distance, manner. Approximate genetic patch width in the populations of H. asiatica examined is 5 - 8 m. For conservation purposes, it is suggested that, in general, the sampling of H. asiatica should be conducted at intervals in order to efficiently sample the genetic diversity across an entire population.  相似文献   

Gao LZ 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(14):4287-4297
Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt. is an agriculturally important but seriously endangered species of wild rice. To obtain more accurate estimates of population structure for improved conservation planning of the species, genetic variability at 14 microsatellite DNA loci was examined in population samples covering most of the species' range in China. Considerable genetic variability (overall Na = 1.886, P = 62%, HO = 0.056, HE = 0.216, and HS = 0.277) was detected at the 14 loci in 442 individuals of the 18 natural populations. The evaluation of partitioning of genetic variability (FST = 0.442) suggested high genetic differentiation among the Chinese O. officinalis populations. An overall value of Nm = 0.316 suggested limited gene flow occurred among the sampled populations. Most of the populations showed heterozygote deficits in tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and significantly positive FIS values. This could be due to some inbreeding occurring in this predominantly outcrossing species. For effective in situ conservation and restoration genetics, maintenance of significant historical processes is particularly important, including high outbreeding, considerable gene flow, and large population effective sizes. The high FST values detected among populations in this study are instructive for adopting a conservation plan that includes representative populations with the greatest genetic variation for either in situ conservation management or germplasm collection expeditions.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses on noninvasively collected samples have revolutionized how populations are monitored. Most noninvasive monitoring studies have used hair or scat for individual identification of elusive mammals, but here we utilize naturally shed feathers. The Eastern imperial eagle (EIE) is a species of conservation concern throughout Central Asia and, like most raptors, EIEs are inherently challenging to study because adults are difficult to capture and band using conventional techniques. Over 6 years, we noninvasively collected hundreds of adult feathers and directly sampled EIE chicks at a national nature reserve in Kazakhstan. All samples were genetically sexed and genotyped at a suite of microsatellite loci. Genetically profiled adult feathers identified and monitored the presence of individual eagles over time, enabling us to address a variety of issues related to the biology, demography, and conservation of EIEs. Specifically, we characterized (i) the genetic mating system, (ii) relatedness among mated pairs, (iii) chick sex ratios, and (iv) annual turnover in an adult breeding population. We show that EIEs are genetically monogamous and furthermore, there is no apparent relatedness-based system of mate choice (e.g. inbreeding avoidance). Results indicate that annual adult EIE survivorship (84%) is lower than expected for a long-lived raptor, but initial analyses suggest the current reproductive rate at our study site is sufficient to maintain a stable breeding population. The pristine habitat at our study site supports an EIE population that is probably the most demographically robust in the world; thus, our results caution that populations in marginal habitats may not be self-sustaining.  相似文献   

The muriqui or woolly spider monkey (Brachyteles arachnoids) is an endangered primate endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, <5% of which remains. The known muriqui population consists of <700 individuals separated into approximately 15 geographically isolated forest fragments. I present data on the distribution of genetic variation within and between two such remnant populations (FE and FBR) and summarize the implications of these results for long-range management of species genetic diversity. Eleven of 32 allozyme loci were polymorphic, representing an overall level of polymorphism of 34.4% and a mean heterozygosity per locus of 11%. Both values are among the highest reported for New World monkeys. Genetic differentiation between the two localities is highly significant (FST = 0.413, p < 0.001). Genetic distance between them is an order of magnitude greater than that between other populations of platyrrhine subspecies, but this could be an artifact of the small sample size from FBR. High levels of genetic diversity apparently characteristic of this species persist because (1) fragmentation and size reduction of muriqui populations has occurred very rapidly relative to the muriqui life span—although both polymorphism and heterozygosity were lost between generations in the largest population, the high genetic diversity present in the parent population was still in evidence; and (2) genetic diversity before population fragmentation by human activity was not distributed uniformly throughout the species' historic distribution. Thus, remnant muriqui populations are important genetic reservoirs of alleles that are unique or rare in the species gene pool as a whole. These results emphasize the need for the integration of conservation management efforts throughout the species range.  相似文献   

Sex-biased dispersal is common in many animals, with male-biased dispersal often found in studies of mammals and reptiles, including interpretations of spatial genetic structure, ostensibly as a result of male–male competition and a lack of male parental care. Few studies of sex-biased dispersal have been conducted in turtles, but a handful of studies, in saltwater turtles and in terrestrial turtles, have detected male-biased dispersal as expected. We tested for sex-biased dispersal in the endangered freshwater turtle, the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) by investigating fine-scale genetic spatial structure of males and females. We found significant spatial genetic structure in both sexes, but the patterns mimicked each other. Both males and females typically had higher than expected relatedness at distances <25 km, and in many distance classes greater than 25 km, less than expected relatedness. Similar patterns were apparent whether we used only loci in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (n = 7) or also included loci with potential null alleles (n = 5). We conclude that, contrary to expectations, sex-biased dispersal is not occurring in this species, possibly related to the reverse sexual dimorphism in this species, with females having brighter colors. We did, however, detect significant spatial genetic structure in males and females, separate and combined, showing philopatry within a genetic patch size of <25 km in C. guttata, which is concerning for an endangered species whose populations are often separated by distances greater than the genetic patch size.  相似文献   

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