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Trypsinization of intact Moloney murine leukemia virus resulted in cleavage of p15(E) and Pr15(E) at a site near the middle of the molecule, producing a 9,000-dalton amino-terminal fragment which contains the disulfide linkage site to gp70 and which carries p15(E) epitopes b and c, but not epitope a. After solubilization of the viral membrane, trypsinization occurred at a second site within 1,000 daltons of the carboxy end of p15(E). This site is not exposed in intact virions, indicating that p15(E) and Pr15(E) are transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

A preparative method for isolating pure viral envelopes from a type-C RNA tumor virus, Rauscher murine leukemia virus, is described. Fractionation of virions of Rauscher murine leukemia virus was studied after disruption of the virions with the detergents sodium dodecyl sulfate of Nonidet P-40 in combination with ether. Fractionation was performed through flotation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient and, as appeared from electron microscopic examination, a pure viral envelope fraction was obtained in this way. By use of sensitive competition radioimmunoassays or sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after immunoprecipitation with polyvalent and monospecific antisera directed against Rauscher murine leukemia virus proteins, the amount of the gag and env gene-encoded structural polypeptides in the virions and the isolated envelope fraction was compared. The predominant viral structural polypeptides in the purified envelope fraction were the env gene-encoded polypeptides gp70, p15(E), and p12(E), whereas, except for p15, there was only a relatively small amount of the gag gene-encoded structural polypeptides in this fraction.  相似文献   

We constructed recombinant feline herpesviruses (FHVs) expressing the envelope (env) and gag genes of feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Expression cassettes, utilizing the human cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter, were inserted within the thymidine kinase gene of FHV. The FeLV env glycoprotein expressed by recombinant FHV was processed and transported to the cell surface much as in FeLV infection, with the exception that proteolytic processing to yield the mature gp70 and p15E proteins was less efficient in the context of herpesvirus infection. Glycosylation of the env protein was not affected; modification continued in the absence of efficient proteolytic processing to generate terminally glycosylated gp85 and gp70 proteins. A recombinant FHV containing the FeLV gag and protease genes expressed both gag and gag-protease precursor proteins. Functional protease was produced which mediated the proteolytic maturation of the FeLV gag proteins as in authentic FeLV infection. Use of these recombinant FHVs as live-virus vaccines may provide insight as to the role of specific retroviral proteins in protective immunity. The current use of conventional attenuated FHV vaccines speaks to the wider potential of recombinant FHVs for vaccination in cats.  相似文献   

Interactions between the protease (PR) encoded by the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus and a number of potential inhibitors have been investigated by biochemical and structural techniques. It was observed that several inhibitors used clinically against HIV PR exhibit nanomolar or even subnanomolar values of K(i) , depending on the exact experimental conditions. Both TL-3, a universal inhibitor of retroviral PRs, and some inhibitors originally shown to inhibit plasmepsins were also quite potent, whereas inhibition by pepstatin A was considerably weaker. Crystal structures of the complexes of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus PR with TL-3, amprenavir and pepstatin A were solved at high resolution and compared with the structures of complexes of these inhibitors with other retropepsins. Whereas TL-3 and amprenavir bound in a predictable manner, spanning the substrate-binding site of the enzyme, two molecules of pepstatin A bound simultaneously in an unprecedented manner, leaving the catalytic water molecule in place.  相似文献   

The surface glycoprotein (SU) of murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) comprises two domains connected by a proline-rich hinge. The interaction of MuLV particles with subgroup-specific cell surface receptors depends primarily on two variable regions (VRA and VRB) located in the amino-terminal domain. To delineate the minimal receptor-binding domains, we examined the capacity of soluble envelope fragments to compete with the entry of virus particles. Amphotropic, ecotropic, polytropic, and xenotropic truncated SUs were produced by inserting stop codons in the env gene of the 4070A, Friend, MCF247 and NZB MuLVs, respectively. These fragments, as well as full-length envelope glycoproteins, were stably expressed in cells bearing the corresponding receptor. Synthesis, posttranslational modifications, transport, and secretion of the env gene products were monitored by immunoprecipitation. Cells expressing the modified SUs or naive cells preincubated with SU-containing conditioned media were infected with different pseudotypes of a retroviral vector carrying a beta-galactosidase marker gene. Reduction of cell susceptibility to infection in the presence of SU was used as a measure of receptor occupancy. The results indicated that the amphotropic and ecotropic envelope amino-terminal domains contain all of the determinants required for receptor binding. In contrast, additional sequences in the proline-rich region were needed for efficient interaction of the polytropic and xenotropic amino-terminal domains with the receptors.  相似文献   

Lu CW  Roth MJ 《Journal of virology》2001,75(9):4357-4366
The function of the N terminus of the murine leukemia virus (MuLV) surface (SU) protein was examined. A series of five chimeric envelope proteins (Env) were generated in which the N terminus of amphotropic 4070A was replaced by equivalent sequences from ecotropic Moloney MuLV (M-MuLV). Viral titers of these chimeras indicate that exchange with homologous sequences could be tolerated, up to V17eco/T15ampho (crossover III). Constructs encoding the first 28 amino acids (aa) of ecotropic M-MuLV resulted in Env expression and binding to the receptor; however, the virus titer was reduced 5- to 45-fold, indicating a postbinding block. Additional exchange beyond the first 28 aa of ecotropic MuLV Env resulted in defective protein expression. These N-terminal chimeras were also introduced into the AE4 chimeric Env backbone containing the amphotropic receptor binding domain joined at the hinge region to the ecotropic SU C terminus. In this backbone, introduction of the first 17 aa of the ecotropic Env protein significantly increased the titer compared to that of its parental chimera AE4, implying a functional coordination between the N terminus of SU and the C terminus of the SU and/or transmembrane proteins. These data functionally dissect the N-terminal sequence of the MuLV Env protein and identify differential effects on receptor-mediated entry.  相似文献   

The glycosylated env gene precurosr (Pr80env) of Moloney murine leukemia virus has been isolated by selective immunoprecipitation. Use of the drug tunicamycin to inhibit nascent glycosylation or specific cleavage with endoglycosidase H demonstrated that the precursor contained an apoprotein with a molecular weight of 60,000. The finished virion glycoprotein (gp70) was largely resistant to the action of endoglycosidase H. Chromatography of the glycopeptides of Pr80env in conjunction with endoglycosidase H digestion studies suggested that the precursor contained two distinct major glycosylation sites. Analysis of partial proteolytic cleavage fragments of Pr80env before and after endoglycosidase H treatment placed the two glycosylation sites within a 30,000-dalton region of the apoprotein sequence. Kinetic experiments showed that carbohydrate processing as well as proteolytic cleavage are late steps in the maturation of Pr80env.  相似文献   

C S Tailor  D Kabat 《Journal of virology》1997,71(12):9383-9391
The surface (SU) envelope glycoproteins of feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B) and amphotropic murine leukemia virus (A-MLV) are highly related, even in the variable regions VRA and VRB that have been shown to be required for receptor recognition. However, FeLV-B and A-MLV use different sodium-dependent phosphate symporters, Pit1 and Pit2, respectively, as receptors for infection. Pit1 and Pit2 are predicted to have 10 membrane-spanning domains and five extracellular loops. The close relationship of the retroviral envelopes enabled us to generate pseudotype virions carrying chimeric FeLV-B/A-MLV envelope glycoproteins. We found that some of the pseudotype viruses could not use Pit1 or Pit2 proteins but could efficiently utilize specific chimeric Pit1/Pit2 proteins as receptors. By studying Mus dunni tail fibroblasts expressing chimeric Pit1/Pit2 proteins and pseudotype virions carrying chimeric FeLV-B/A-MLV envelopes, we show that FeLV-B and A-MLV VRA and VRB interact in a modular manner with specific receptor domains. Our results suggest that FeLV-B VRA interacts with Pit1 extracellular loops 4 and 5 and that residues Phe-60 and Pro-61 of FeLV-B VRA are essential for receptor choice. However, this interaction is insufficient for infection, and an additional interaction between FeLV-B VRB and Pit1 loop 2 is essential. Similarly, A-MLV infection requires interaction of A-MLV VRA with Pit2 loops 4 and 5 and VRB with Pit2 loop 2, with residues Tyr-60 and Val-61 of A-MLV VRA being critical for receptor recognition. Together, our results suggest that FeLV-B and A-MLV infections require two major discrete interactions between the viral SU envelope glycoproteins and their respective receptors. We propose a common two-step mechanism for interaction between retroviral envelope glycoproteins and cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

Water-soluble multimeric complexes of Friend leukemia virus envelope glycoprotein gp85 bind specifically to C57BL/6 mouse spleen leukocytes. Such complexes were used to isolate cell surface receptors for the virus, using an immunoprecipitation technique. The putative rceptor has a molecular weight of 14,000. Mouse H-2 histocompatibility antigens, which are receptors for Semliki Forest virus, are not receptors for Friend leukemia virus.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal DNA obtained from mink cells acutely infected with the Snyder-Theilen (ST) strain of feline sarcoma virus (feline leukemia virus) [FeSV(FeLV)] was fractionated electrophoretically, and samples enriched for FeLV and FeSV linear intermediates were digested with EcoRI and cloned in lambda phage. Hybrid phages were isolated containing either FeSV or FeLV DNA "inserts" and were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis, R-looping with purified 26 to 32S viral RNA, and heteroduplex formation. The recombinant phages (designated lambda FeSV and lambda FeLV) contain all of the genetic information represented in FeSV and FeLV RNA genomes but lack one extended terminally redundant sequence of 750 bases which appears once at each end of parental linear DNA intermediates. Restriction enzyme and heteroduplex analyses confirmed that sequences unique to FeSV (src sequences) are located at the center of the FeSV genome and are approximately 1.5 kilobase pairs in length. With respect to the 5'-3' orientation of genes in viral RNA, the order of genes in the FeSV genome is 5'-gag-src-env-c region-3'; only 0.9 kilobase pairs of gag and 0.6 kilobase pairs of env-derived FeLV sequences are represented in ST FeSV. Heteroduplex analyses between lambda FeSV or lambda FeLV DNA and Moloney murine sarcoma virus DNA (strain m1) were performed under conditions of reduced stringency to demonstrate limited regions of base pair homology. Two such regions were identified: the first occurs at the extreme 5' end of the leukemia and both sarcoma viral genomes, whereas the second corresponds to a 5' segment of leukemia virus "env" sequences conserved in both sarcoma viruses. The latter sequences are localized at the 3' end of FeSV src and at the 5' end of murine sarcoma virus src and could possibly correspond to regions of helper virus genomes that are required for retroviral transforming functions.  相似文献   

FeLV-FAIDS, an immunodeficiency-inducing isolate of feline leukemia virus, is composed of a pathogenic but replication-defective genome (molecular clone 61C) and a replication-competent but non-immunodeficiency-inducing variant genome (molecular clone 61E). The chimeric virus EECC, composed of the 5' gag-pol of 61E fused to the env-3' LTR of 61C, also induces immunodeficiency. The 61C (or EECC) gp80 can be distinguished from that of 61E on the basis of antigenic recognition, size, and rate of posttranslational processing. We found that the nascent precursor polypeptides of the two viruses were the same size; however, the 61E gp80 rapidly shifted to a smaller size and was subsequently cleaved to gp70, whereas EECC gp80 maintained its nascent size and was cleaved to gp70 only after a prolonged time. Endo-beta-N-acetyl glucosaminidase H and N-glycanase digestions of newly formed glycoproteins resulted in a similar banding pattern for both viruses, indicating that both contained the same number of oligosaccharide side chains and that all of these were high mannose sugars. The metabolic inhibitors of glycosylation, castanospermine or N-methyldeoxynojirimycin, prevented both the rapid trimming of 61E gp80 and its cleavage to gp70. Treatment with mannosidase inhibitors, however, did not affect 61E gp80 processing or size, suggesting that retention of glucose residues on EECC was responsible for these distinguishing properties of the glycoprotein. The pathological consequence of aberrant viral glycoprotein processing was evaluated in feline 3201 T lymphocytes, which are infectable by both 61E and EECC but are killed only by EECC. As in fibroblasts, the EECC glycoprotein produced in lymphocytes was larger, antigenically distinct, and processed more slowly than was the glycoprotein of 61E. Castanospermine treatment of 61E-infected 3201 T cells, however, not only abrogated the antigenic differences between the 61E and EECC glycoproteins but also resulted in a cytopathic effect. Our results suggest that (i) intracellular accumulation of EECC envelope glycoprotein may occur consequent to retention of glucose residues on carbohydrate side chains and (ii) a strong correlation exists between delayed glycoprotein processing and cytopathicity in FeLV-FAIDS-infected T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The murine leukemia virus envelope protein is synthesized as a precursor molecule, Pr85env, which is proteolytically cleaved at an arginine residue to produce two mature envelope proteins, gp70 and p15(E). The results presented here indicate that mutation to lysine of the arginine found at the envelope precursor cleavage site results in a precursor which is cleaved with an efficiency at least 10-fold lower than the efficiency with which the wild-type protein is cleaved. This mutation has been used to investigate the requirement for envelope protein processing in various aspects of retroviral infection. Viruses produced by cells transfected with mutant proviral clones are approximately 10-fold less infectious than wild-type viruses. Mutant viruses are incapable of inducing XC cell syncytium formation and are 100-fold less efficient than wild-type viruses at rendering cells resistant to superinfection. Envelope glycoproteins bearing the lysine mutation are found in reduced amounts on the surface of infected cells, and as a result mutant virions contain significantly less envelope protein than do wild-type virions. The phenotypic effects of the processing mutation described here are most likely the result of this paucity of envelope glycoproteins in virions carrying the mutation.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane preparations from KA31 (mouse) cells contained receptors for the binding of Rauscher murine leukemia virus (R-MuLV) envelope glycoprotein, gp70. This binding was demonstrated by gel filtration of a mixture of the microsomal fraction of the cells and 125I-labeled gp70. A rapid and convenient assay was developed to measure the complex formation between the membrane receptors and gp70 involving specific precipitation of the complex by 3 to 4% polyethylene glycol. The complex formation was responsive to the concentrations of both the receptor and gp70 and also to changes in temperature and pH. The gp70 binding was a noncooperative, saturable process, and an association constant of 3.5 X 10(8) M-1 was estimated from the binding data. The complex formation was reversible and a near-total exchange of 125I-labeled gp70 in the complex was achieved by incubation with excess of unlabeled gp70. The complex formation was inhibited by protein denaturing agents, guanidine-hydrochloride and urea. Pretreatment of the membrane fractions with either chymotrypsin or phospholipase C led to a loss of the membrane-associated receptor activity, indicating that a lipoprotein structure was important for the receptor function, consistent with the observation that nonionic detergents strongly inhibited the complex formation.  相似文献   

Assembly of type C retroviruses such as Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) ordinarily occurs at the plasma membranes of infected cells and absolutely requires the particle core precursor protein, Pr65gag. Previously we have shown that Pr65gag is membrane associated and that at least a portion of intracellular Pr65gag protein appears to be routed to the plasma membrane by a vesicular transport pathway. Here we show that intracellular particle formation can occur in M-MuLV-infected cells. M-MuLV immature particles were observed by electron microscopy budding into and within rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and vacuolar compartments. Biochemical fractionation studies indicated that intracellular Pr65gag was present in nonionic detergent-resistant complexes of greater than 150S. Additionally, viral RNA and polymerase functions appeared to be associated with intracellular particles, as were Gag-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins which have the capacity to be incorporated into virions. Immature intracellular particles in postnuclear lysates could be proteolytically processed in vitro to mature forms, while extracellular immature M-MuLV particles remained immature as long as 10 h during incubations. The occurrence of M-MuLV-derived intracellular particles demonstrates that Pr65gag can associate with intracellular membranes and indicates that if a plasma membrane Pr65gag receptor exists, it also can be found in other membrane compartments. These results support the hypothesis that intracellular particles may serve as a virus reservoir during in vivo infections.  相似文献   

Incorporation of human foamy virus (HFV) envelope proteins into murine leukemia virus (MuLV) particles was studied in a transient transfection packaging cell system. We report here that wild-type HFV envelope protein can pseudotype MuLV particles, albeit at low efficiency. Complete or partial removal of the HFV cytoplasmic tail resulted in an abolishment or reduction of HFV-mediated infectivity, implicating a role of the HFV envelope cytoplasmic tail in the pseudotyping of MuLV particles. Mutation of the endoplasmic reticulum retention signal present in the HFV envelope cytoplasmic tail did not result in a higher relative infectivity of pseudotyped retroviral vectors. However, a chimeric envelope protein, containing an unprocessed MuLV envelope cytoplasmic domain fused to a truncated HFV envelope protein, showed an enhanced HFV specific infectivity as a result of an increased incorporation of chimeric envelope proteins into MuLV particles.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (gp70) of a molecularly cloned, replication-defective feline leukemia virus (FeLV-FAIDS clone 61C) carries determinants for induction of fatal immunodeficiency disease, whereas the gp70 of its companion replication-competent, probably parent virus (clone 61E) does not. Immunoprecipitation analysis of the extracellular glycoproteins of 61E and EECC, a replication-competent viral construct composed of the 61C env and 3' long terminal repeat fused to the 61E gag-pol genes, demonstrated that the gp70 of EECC could be distinguished from that of 61E by both feline immune serum and a murine monoclonal antibody. Molecular weights of both the envelope precursor polyprotein (gp80) and the mature extracellular glycoprotein (gp70) of 61E were smaller than the corresponding proteins from the pathogenic EECC. Both the molecular weight disparity and monoclonal antibody discrimination of the two gp80s were abolished by inhibition of envelope protein glycosylation with tunicamycin, whereas the apparent gp70 size differences were resolved by enzymatic removal of N-linked oligosaccharides. Pulse-chase studies in EECC-infected cells demonstrated that processing of gp80 to gp70 was delayed and that this retardation of envelope glycoprotein processing could be simulated in 61E-infected cells by treatment with the glucosidase inhibitor N-methyldeoxynojirimycin, a compound that causes retention of oligosaccharides in the high-mannose form. The resultant 61E gp70 then could be recognized by sera from EECC-immunized cats. The presence of a higher content of sialic acid on the apathogenic 61E gp70 indicated that oligosaccharides of 61E and EECC gp70 were processed differently. These data suggested that the unique biochemical properties which distinguish the envelope glycoproteins of the FeLV-FAIDS variant from its companion apathogenic parent virus were responsible for T-cell cytopathicity and induction of immunodeficiency disease. Further biochemical characterization of these glycoproteins should be useful in understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of immunodeficiency disease induced by retroviruses.  相似文献   

Ou W  Silver J 《Journal of virology》2006,80(24):11982-11990
Envelope glycoproteins (Envs) of retroviruses form trimers that mediate fusion between viral and cellular membranes and are the targets for neutralizing antibodies. Understanding in detail how Env trimers mediate membrane fusion, and how antibodies interfere with this process, is a fundamental problem in biology with practical implications for the development of antiviral drugs and vaccines. We investigated the stoichiometry of Env-mediated fusion and its inhibition by antibody by inserting an epitope from human immunodeficiency virus for a neutralizing antibody (2F5) into the surface (SU) or transmembrane (TM) protein of murine leukemia virus Env, along with point mutations that abrogate SU and TM function but complement one another. We transfected various combinations of these Env genes and investigated Env-mediated cell fusion and its inhibition by 2F5 antibody. Our results showed that heterotrimers with one functional SU molecule were fusion competent in complementation experiments and that one antibody molecule was sufficient to inactivate the fusion function of a trimer when its epitope was in functional SU or TM. 2F5 antibody could also neutralize trimers with the 2F5 epitope in nonfunctional SU or TM, but less efficiently.  相似文献   

Because Pr65gag is in part located in the nucleus and contains a putative bipartite nuclear targeting signal, we investigated the cellular location and structure of P55gag, a gag-encoded polyprotein known to lack the nucleocapsid (NC) protein NCp10. P55gag was found to be restricted to the cytoplasm of Moloney murine leukemia virus-infected cells. Of interest, P55gag was produced in cells infected by a viral protease deletion mutant and by a recombinant murine sarcoma virus known to lack the protease gene. Surprisingly, our structural and immunological studies indicated that P55gag also lacks carboxy-terminal residues of CAp30. During the course of studying P55gag, we detected a new viral protein within purified virus particles that contained NCp10 tryptic peptide sequences and a CAp30 tryptic peptide lacking in P55gag. This viral protein, which we have named nucleocapsid-related protein (NCRP), also contained antigenic epitopes present in CAp30 and NCp10. P55gag- and NCRP-like proteins were also observed in AKV murine leukemia virus and feline leukemia virus systems. The precise site of cleavage within Pr65gag that produces P55gag and NCRP is unknown but lies upstream of the CAp30-NCp10 junction within the carboxy-terminal domain of CAp30. The existence of a form of NCp10 containing carboxy-terminal CAp30 sequences raises interesting possibilities about its functional role in genomic RNA packaging and/or viral RNA dimerization.  相似文献   

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