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Determination of avidin and streptavidin by a modified Bradford method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Underestimation of avidin and streptavidin by the Bradford method can be alleviated by carrying out the reaction at 100 degrees C for 10-15 min, and the protein values thus obtained match very well with those of biotin-binding assays. "Thermal modification" is applicable to "standard" and "micro" versions of the method and has no effect on the spectral and stability characteristics of the protein-dye complexes.  相似文献   

Radioionated avidin and streptavidin were characterized for their biodistribution and tissue association in Balb/c mice, in comparison to their interaction with cells in vitro. Binding of avidin to spleen and bone-marrow cells in vitro was up to 20-fold higher than that of streptavidin, but when tested in vivo avidin clearance from blood and tissues was considerably faster than that of streptavidin. Levels of avidin at 24 h after an intravenous injection were below 1% (of the injected dose/mass tissue) in most organs. Non-glycosylated avidin was similar in its biodistribution to native avidin. Native streptavidin exhibited higher and prolonged tissue association with 5-10% levels in lung, liver, spleen, kidney and blood, whereas its truncated form showed low tissue levels (1-3%) but a remarkably high affinity to the kidney (80%). Exogenous biotin did not affect streptavidin distribution in vivo but caused a 2-7-fold increase in the retention of avidin (but not non-glycodylated avidin) in some of the organs.  相似文献   

The screening of ligands against proteins plays important role in drug discovery and biological research. Using a dye labelled Streptavidin binding aptamer (SBA) as a competitive reporter probe, we found that adenosine bound to streptavidin specifically. Fluorescence spectral analysis showed that adenosine bound to both avidin and streptavidin with the Kds in the range of 0.1–0.2 mM, and these bindings can be blocked by biotin. Although streptavidin and avidin are well-known and widely used in bioanalysis, their biological role is still a riddle so far. Since adenosine is a ubiquitous physiological regulator present in cells, our finding provides new clues for the understanding of the functions of both proteins.  相似文献   

In the present study, a novel molecular biosensor system model was designed by using a couple of the fluorescent unnatural mutant streptavidin and the carbazole‐labeled biotin. BODIPY‐FL‐aminophenylalanine (BFLAF), a fluorescent unnatural amino acid was position‐specifically incorporated into Trp120 position of streptavidin by four‐base codon method. On the other hand, carbazole‐labeled biotin was synthesized as a quencher for the fluorescent Trp120BFLAF mutant streptavidin. The fluorescence of fluorescent Trp120BFLAF mutant streptavidin was decreased as we expected when carbazole‐labeled biotin was added into the mutant streptavidin solution. Furthermore, the fluorescence decrease of Trp120BFLAF mutant streptavidin with carbazole‐labeled biotin (100 nM) was recovered by the competitive addition of natural biotin. This result demonstrated that by measuring the fluorescence quenching and recovery, a couple of the fluorescent Trp120BFLAF mutant streptavidin and the carbazole‐labeled biotin were successfully applicable for quantification of free biotin as a molecular biosensor system. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A polarization fluorescence immunoassay (PFIA) for gentamicin with using a set of reagents made in this country was developed. One ml of fluorescein-labeled gentamicin (50 nM) and 100 microliters of antiserum are added to 50 microliters of the sample and the fluorescence polarization is measured. The time of the assay is 10 to 15 minutes, the range of the measurable concentrations is 0 to 800 ng/ml, the sensitivity of the method is 5 ng/ml and the accuracy is 5.8-10.3 per cent. A fluorescence quenching immunoassay (FQIA) for gentamicin was also developed. Determination of gentamicin by the FQIA does not require the use of a specific polarization fluorimeter. Its linear calibrating dependence is more convenient. However, its accuracy and sensitivity are 3 times lower than those of the PFIA.  相似文献   

The effect of biotin binding on the thermal stability of streptavidin (STV) and avidin (AVD) was evaluated using differential scanning calorimetry. Biotin binding increases the midpoint of temperature Tm of thermally induced denaturation of STV and AVD in phosphate buffer from 75 and 83 degrees C to 112 and 117 degrees C at full biotin saturation, respectively. This thermostability is the highest reported for proteins coming from either mesophilic or thermophilic organisms. In both proteins, biotin also increases the calorimetric enthalpy and the cooperativity of the unfolding. Thermal stability of STV was also evaluated in the presence of high concentrations of urea or guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl). In 6 M GuHCl, STV remains as a tetramer and the Tm of the STV-biotin complex is centered at 108 degrees C, a few degrees below the value obtained in phosphate buffer. On the contrary, STV under fully saturating condition remains mainly in its dimeric form in 8 M urea and the thermogram shows two endotherms. The main endotherm at a lower temperature has been ascribed to the dimeric liganded state with a Tm of 87 degrees C, and the higher temperature endotherm to the tetrameric liganded form with a Tm of 106 degrees C. As the thermostability of unliganded protein in the presence of urea is unchanged upon binding we related the extremely high thermal stability of this protein to both an increase in structural ordering and compactness with the preservation of the tetramer integrity.  相似文献   

Two biotin-binding proteins, avidin and streptavidin, were found to be insecticidal to the larvae of four species of Lepidoptera – light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (fam. Tortricidae), green-headed leaf-roller, Planotortrix octo (Dugdale) (fam. Tortricidae), brown-headed leaf-roller, Ctenopseustis obliquana (Walker) (fam. Tortricidae) and potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (fam. Gelechiidae). Mortality occurred in all species, but there was a wide range in susceptibility. P. operculella larvae were the most susceptible with an LC50 of respectively, 2.3 g ml–1 for avidin and 1.4 g ml–1 for streptavidin after 9 days. E. postvittana larvae had an LC50 of 43.4 g ml–1 for avidin after 21 days, and C. obliquana larvae of 45.7 g ml–1 for avidin after 28 days. Although significant mortality occurred in P.octo at the highest doses of avidin, there was no sufficient dose-mortality response to calculate an LC50 for this species. For all species mortality curves were steep over a close range of doses followed by a plateau where mortality did not increase significantly with dose and did not reach 100%. Mortality was significantly affected by the amount of biotin in the diet on which the parental generation had been reared. Where this was rich in biotin, significant mortality of the offspring was much lower: larval offspring of a colony of E. postvittana, reared for five generations on a biotin-free diet had an LC50 of 5.1 g ml–1 after 14 days compared with 76.7 g ml–1 for larvae from a colony reared on general purpose diet. The implications for use of these proteins to confer insect resistance on transgenic plants are discussed.  相似文献   

A sensitive enzyme assay for biotin, avidin, and streptavidin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Reciprocal enzyme assays are described for the vitamin biotin and for the biotin-binding proteins avidin and streptavidin. The assays are based on the following steps: (a) biotinylated bovine serum albumin is adsorbed onto microtiter plates; (b) streptavidin (or avidin) is bound to the biotin-coated plates; (c) biotinylated enzyme (in this case alkaline phosphatase) is then interacted with the free biotin-binding sites on the immobilized protein. For biotin assay, competition between the free vitamin and the biotinylated enzyme is carried out between steps (b) and (c). The method takes advantage of the four biotin-binding sites which characterize both avidin and streptavidin. The method is extremely versatile and accurate over a concentration range exceeding three orders of magnitude. The lower limits of detection are approximately 2 pg/ml (0.2 pg/sample) for biotin and less than 100 ng/ml (10 ng/sample) for either avidin or streptavidin.  相似文献   

The free energy of binding of a ligand to a macromolecule is here formally decomposed into the (effective) energy of interaction, reorganization energy of the ligand and the macromolecule, conformational entropy change of the ligand and the macromolecule, and translational and rotational entropy loss of the ligand. Molecular dynamics simulations with implicit solvation are used to evaluate these contributions in the binding of biotin, biotin analogs, and two peptides to avidin and streptavidin. We find that the largest contribution opposing binding is the protein reorganization energy, which is calculated to be from 10 to 30 kcal/mol for the ligands considered here. The ligand reorganization energy is also significant for flexible ligands. The translational/rotational entropy is 4.5-6 kcal/mol at 1 M standard state and room temperature. The calculated binding free energies are in the correct range, but the large statistical uncertainty in the protein reorganization energy precludes precise predictions. For some complexes, the simulations show multiple binding modes, different from the one observed in the crystal structure. This finding is probably due to deficiencies in the force field but may also reflect considerable ligand flexibility.  相似文献   

The biotin-binding tetrameric proteins, streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii and chicken egg white avidin, are excellent models for the study of subunit-subunit interactions of a multimeric protein. Efforts are thus being made to prepare mutated forms of streptavidin and avidin, which would form monomers or dimers, in order to examine their effect on quaternary structure and assembly. In the present communication, we compared the crystal structures of binding site W-->K mutations in streptavidin and avidin. In solution, both mutant proteins are known to form dimers, but upon crystallization, both formed tetramers with the same parameters as the native proteins. All of the intersubunit bonds were conserved, except for the hydrophobic interaction between biotin and the tryptophan that was replaced by lysine. In the crystal structure, the binding site of the mutated apo-avidin contains 3 molecules of structured water instead of the 5 contained in the native protein. The lysine side chain extends in a direction opposite that of the native tryptophan, the void being partially filled by an adjacent lysine residue. Nevertheless, the binding-site conformation observed for the mutant tetramer is an artificial consequence of crystal packing that would not be maintained in the solution-phase dimer. It appears that the dimer-tetramer transition may be concentration dependent, and the interaction among subunits obeys the law of mass action.  相似文献   

1. The optical-rotatory-dispersion and circular-dichroism curves of avidin showed positive Cotton effects centred at 228mmu and 280mmu, close to the ultraviolet-absorption bands of tryptophan. These effects disappeared when avidin was dissociated into sub-units in guanidine hydrochloride. 2. Binding of biotin had only a small effect on the optical-rotatory-dispersion curve of avidin. 3. The absence of negative circular dichroism at wavelengths above 216mmu showed that there was little or no alpha-helix present in avidin. This interpretation was confirmed by Moffitt-Yang plots of the partial rotation due to the peptide bonds in the visible region of the spectrum. The calculated dispersion constants were remarkably similar to those of gamma-globulin and suggested the presence of peptide conformations other than alpha-helix and random coil. 4. The far-ultraviolet spectrum was also similar to that of gamma-globulin, the mean extinction coefficient of the peptide chromophore being much lower than the experimental value for a random-coil structure. 5. Streptavidin resembled avidin in showing two positive Cotton effects, but the negative dichroism below 220mmu suggested the presence of more alpha-helix than was found in avidin. Formation of the complex with biotin was accompanied by changes in rotation that were rather larger than those observed with avidin.  相似文献   

We applied the protein photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-c.i.d.n.p.) method to explore the conformation of the side chains of tyrosine, tryptophan and histidine residues in three biotin-binding proteins. The c.i.d.n.p. spectra of avidin, streptavidin and 'core' streptavidin were compared with those of their complexes with biotin and its derivatives. The data indicate that the single tyrosine residue (Tyr-33) of avidin is clearly inaccessible to the triplet flavin photo-c.i.d.n.p. probe. The same holds for all tryptophan and histidine side chains. Although the analogous Tyr-43 residue of streptavidin is also buried, at least three of the other tyrosine residues of this protein are exposed. The same conclusions apply to the truncated form of the protein, core streptavidin. As judged by the photo-c.i.d.n.p. results, complexing of avidin and streptavidin with biotin, N-epsilon-biotinyl-L-lysine (biocytin) or biotinyltyrosine has little or no effect on tyrosine accessibility in these proteins. Biotinyltyrosine can be used to probe the depth of the corresponding binding site. The accessibility of the tyrosine side chain of biotinyltyrosine in the complex demonstrates the exquisite fit of the biotin-binding cleft of avidin: only the biotin moiety appears to be accommodated, leaving the tyrosine side chain exposed.  相似文献   

The valency of quantum dot nanoparticles conjugated with biomolecules is closely related to their performance in cell tagging, tracking, and imaging experiments. Commercially available streptavidin conjugates (SAv QDs) are the most commonly used tool for preparing QD-biomolecule conjugates. The fluorescence quenching of biotin-4-fluorscein (B4F) provides a straightforward assay to quantify the number of biotin binding sites per SAv QD. The utility of this method was demonstrated by quantitatively characterizing the biotin binding capacity of commercially available amphiphilic poly(acrylic acid) Qdot ITK SAv conjugates and poly(ethylene glycol) modified Qdot PEG SAv conjugates with emission wavelengths of 525, 545, 565, 585, 605, 625, 655, 705, and 800 nm. Results showed that 5- to 30-fold more biotin binding sites are available on ITK SAv QDs compared to PEG SAv QDs of the same color with no systematic variation of biotin binding capacity with size.  相似文献   

V J Chen  F Wold 《Biochemistry》1986,25(4):939-944
Neoglycoproteins in which the oligosaccharide moieties are attached noncovalently to the protein through a high-affinity ligand have been prepared from biotinylated oligosaccharides and avidin or the nonglycosylated microbial analogue streptavidin. One of the asparagine-oligosaccharides purified from Pronase-digested ovalbumin (Man6-GlcNAc2-Asn) was reacted with an excess of the hydroxysuccinimide ester of biotin or, for the purpose of quantitation, [3H]biotin. Derivatives were also prepared with an extension "arm", a 6-aminohexanoyl group, between biotin and asparagine. When the purified biotinyl-Asn-oligosaccharide was added to avidin or streptavidin, a complex was formed containing 3 mol of oligosaccharide/mol of protein. The complexes were stable at neutral pH in the absence of biotin and could be dialyzed for 2 weeks without any significant loss of ligand. In the presence of biotin, or under denaturing conditions, the oligosaccharide derivative was released and could be quantitatively recovered. To assess the influence of the protein matrix on the reactivity of the oligosaccharide units, free biotinyl-Asn-oligosaccharide and the corresponding avidin and streptavidin complexes were exposed to alpha-mannosidase in parallel experiments. The rate of hydrolysis of the free derivative was severalfold faster than that of the two protein complexes, and at the time when about 90% of the free derivative had all five alpha-mannosyl residues removed, the majority of the protein-bound derivatives contained two to four undigested alpha-mannosyl residues and also had a significant amount of undigested starting material. The ease of preparation and the properties of these neoglycoproteins suggest that they should be excellent models for the study of glycoprotein-receptor binding and glycoprotein processing.  相似文献   

A colorimetric competitive inhibition assay for avidin, streptavidin and biotin was developed. The method for avidin or streptavidin was based on the competitive binding between avidin or streptavidin and a streptavidin-enzyme conjugate for biotinylated dextrin immobilized on the surface of a microtitre plate. For biotin quantitation the competition is between free biotin and the immobilized biotin for the streptavidin-enzyme conjugate. The limits of detection which was determined as the concentration of competitor required to give 90% of maximal absorbency (100% inhibition) was approximately 20 ng/100 microl per assay for avidin and streptavidin and 0.4 pg/100 microl per assay for biotin. The methods are simple, rapid, highly sensitive and adaptable to high throughput analysis.  相似文献   

We report on the control of the emission from a fluorophore fixed on DNA using the methylcytosine-selective addition of an osmium-bipyridine complex. We have synthesized DNA modified by a microenvironment-sensitive fluorophore, 2-dimethylamino-6-acyl-naphthalene. The emission from the fluorophore tethered to a probe DNA was effectively quenched by a methylcytosine glycol-osmium-bipyridine triad, which was located in the immediate neighborhood of the fluorophore. The discrimination of the cytosine methylation status at a methylation hot spot in the p53 gene was also executed using a well-designed fluorescent DNA probe.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of fluorescence quenching of aromatic chromophores by water are reviewed. The mechanisms include polarity of chromophore environment, proton or electron transfer between the excited chromophore and water. A hypothesis is proposed that the quenching can be a result of chromophore-solvent hydrogen bond breaking in the excited state.  相似文献   

Rapid and specific determination of the RNA gene of hepatitis C virus (HCV), which had been multiplied by NASBA, was performed using a fluorescence polarization assay. The polarization of the probe DNA in the presence of HCV positive sample, amplified by NASBA, was obviously different from those in the presence of negative control samples. The total time for the gene amplification and detection was about 90 min, while the polarization detection was completed within 10 min. The slight increase of polarization was also confirmed with the hybridization between probe oligo-DNA 25-mers and the synthesized complementary oligo-RNA 25-mers. The polarization of positive and negative samples showed excellent agreement with the results obtained from electrophoresis and dot-blot hybridization.  相似文献   

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