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The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is an anadromous species that migrates from freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW) relatively early in its life history, although the ages and sizes of juveniles at SW entry are not known. Developmental constraints of osmoregulatory organs may either prohibit (i.e., due to salinity tolerance limits) or minimize (i.e., due to substantial osmoregulatory or ionoregulatory energetic costs) SW entry in small fish. Interestingly, larger green sturgeon are often encountered in brackish water (BW) estuaries, perhaps due to an energetic advantage in occupying these near-isosmotic environments. To test hypotheses concerning fish-size effects on the energetic costs of occupying habitats of different salinities, we measured oxygen consumption rates in green sturgeon representing three age groups (100, 170, and 533 days post hatch; dph), which were acclimated for 5 weeks to one of three salinities (FW, <3‰; BW, 10‰; or SW, 33‰). Also, after 7 weeks, final wet masses were compared and blood and muscle tissue samples were taken to assess osmoregulatory abilities. There were no differences in body-mass-adjusted oxygen consumption rates between any salinities or ages, indicating that the energetic costs were not prohibitively high to occupy any of these salinities. The only mortalities occurred in the 100 dph SW group, where 23% of the fish died, from apparent starvation. Final wet masses were comparable between FW and BW for each age group and with the 533 dph SW group, but were lower in SW groups at 100 and 170 dph. Similarly, osmoregulatory abilities, in terms of plasma osmolality, Na+, K+, lactate, and protein concentrations, and muscle water content, were comparable in FW and BW groups at all ages, and with the SW group at 533 dph. These results indicated an age/body size effect in hyperosmotic adaptability, and that juvenile green sturgeon may be found in FW or BW at any age, but only have the ability to enter SW by 1.5 years (75 cm, 1.5 kg) of age.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, are one of a few species of cartilaginous fishes that complete their life cycle entirely in freshwater. Sturgeons maintain very low concentrations of circulating calcium (Ca2+) compared with other vertebrates, and therefore, face unique challenges in regard to Ca2+ regulation, which are likely to be magnified during vitellogenic stages of the reproductive cycle. In the present study, Ca2+ concentrations and associated hormones of female and male lake sturgeon were examined in two wild populations, and were related to reproductive stage. In both populations, free, bound and total Ca2+ were low, peaking in mid-late vitellogenic females. Internal Ca2+ and phosphate (PO43−) concentrations were inversely related to environmental concentrations, suggesting that these ions are preferentially retained and that mechanisms for mobilization are up-regulated under diminished environmental concentrations. Plasma 17β-estradiol, 11-ketotestosterone and testosterone, peaked in mid-late vitellogenic females, while the androgens peaked in spawning males. Urine Ca2+ was more tightly regulated than other divalent ions and decreased in spawning fish. Therefore, the increases in free plasma Ca2+, the very low circulating concentrations of free and total Ca2+, and the increase in PO43− and bound Ca2+ in low Ca2+ environments indicate unique adaptations to Ca2+ regulation in the lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

The Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, is a euryhaline teleost which has important ecological roles in the brackish-water marshes of its native range as well as commercial value as live bait for saltwater anglers. Effects of osmoregulation on growth, survival, and body condition at 0.5, 5.0, 8.0 and 12.0‰ salinity were studied in F. grandis juveniles during a 12-week trial. Relative expression of genes encoding the ion transport proteins Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter(NKCC1), and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl channel was analyzed. At 0.5‰, F. grandis showed depressed growth, body condition, and survival relative to higher salinities. NKA relative expression was elevated at 7 days post-transfer but decreased at later time points in fish held at 0.5‰ while other salinities produced no such increase. NKCC1, the isoform associated with expulsion of ions in saltwater, was downregulated from week 1 to week 3 at 0.5‰ while CFTR relative expression produced no significant results across time or salinity. Our results suggest that Gulf killifish have physiological difficulties with osmoregulation at a salinity of 0.5‰ and that this leads to reduced growth performance and survival while salinities in the 5.0-12.0‰ are adequate for normal function.  相似文献   

Plasma and erythrocyte solute properties were examined in freshwater (FW) acclimated juvenile Carcharhinus leucas following acute transfer to 75% seawater (SW), and 100% SW. Blood samples were taken at 0, 12 and 96 h following transfer to 75% SW and 24 and 72 h after transfer to 100% SW. A control group in FW was subjected to the same sampling regime. Upon transfer of C. leucas to 75% and 100% SW, plasma Na+, Cl, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, urea and TMAO concentrations all increased significantly but disproportionately. Plasma Na+ and Cl increased immediately, followed by an increase in plasma urea. Erythrocyte urea and TMAO concentrations increased significantly following transfer to 75% and 100% SW; however, changes in erythrocyte inorganic ion concentrations were insignificant. Haematocrit, haemoglobin and mean cell haematocrit did not differ significantly after transfer to seawater; however, plasma water was slightly reduced after 24 and 72 h in 100% SW. Red blood cell (RBC) water content was elevated 24 h after transfer to 100% SW but returned to FW levels after 72 h. These results demonstrate that the transfer from 75% to 100% SW presents C. leucas with a greater osmoregulatory challenge than transfer from FW to 75% SW, despite the larger concentration gradient in the latter. In summary, C. leucas tolerate rapid and significant increases in salinity by rapidly increasing plasma osmolality to be hyperosmotic to the environment whilst maintaining a tight regulation of their intracellular fluid environment.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of osmoregulation and salinity tolerance were investigated throughout the larval development of two congeneric species of sesarmid crab, Armases ricordi (H. Milne Edwards) and A. roberti (H. Milne Edwards), and compared with previous observations from two further congeners, A. miersii (Rathbun) and A. angustipes (Dana). In the semiterrestrial coastal species A. ricordi, the zoeal stages were only at moderately reduced salinities (17-25.5‰) capable of hyper-osmoregulation, being osmoconformers at higher concentrations. The megalopa was the first ontogenetic stage of this species, which exhibited significant hyper-osmoregulation at further reduced salinities (≥ 5‰), as well as a moderately developed function of hypo-regulation at high concentrations (32-44‰). The riverine species A. roberti showed similar overall patterns in the ontogeny of osmoregulation, however, also some striking differences. In particular, its first zoeal stage showed already at hatching a strong capability of hyper-osmoregulation in salinities down to 5‰. Interestingly, this early expressed function became significantly weaker in the subsequent zoeal stages, where survival and capabilities of hyper-osmoregulation were observed only at salinities down to 10‰. The function of hyper-regulation in strongly dilute media re-appeared later, in the megalopa stage, which tolerated even an exposure to freshwater (0.2‰). Differential species- and stage-specific patterns of osmoregulation were compared with contrasting life styles, reproductive behaviours, and life-history strategies. In A. ricordi, the larvae are released into coastal marine waters, where salinities are high, and thus, no strong hyper-osmoregulation is needed throughout the zoeal phase. The megalopa stage of this species, by contrast, may invade brackish mangrove habitats, where osmoregulatory capabilities are required. Strong hyper-osmoregulation occurring in both the initial and final larval stages (but not in the intermediate zoeal stages) of A. roberti correspond to patterns of ontogenetic migration in this species, including hatching in freshwater, larval downstream transport, later zoeal development in estuarine waters, and final re-immigration of megalopae and juvenile crabs into limnic habitats, where the conspecific adults live. Similar developmental changes in the ecology and physiology of early life-history stages seem to occur also in A. angustipes. A. miersii differs from all other species, showing an early expression and a gradual subsequent increase of the function of hyper-osmoregulation. This ontogenetic pattern corresponds with an unusual reproductive biology of this species, which breeds in supratidal (i.e. land-locked) rock pools, where variations in salinity are high and unpredictable. Matching patterns in the ontogeny of osmoregulation and life-history strategies indicate a crucial adaptive role of osmoregulation for invasions of (by origin marine) crabs into brackish, limnic and terrestrial environments.  相似文献   

Researchers examining the mechanisms of ichthyotoxicity of Pfiesteria shumwayae have come to different conclusions about the role of toxin in this process. Some attribute fish mortality solely to direct attack by these pedunculate dinoflagellates on exposed fish tissue while others have provided evidence for a role of a soluble toxin. Detection of toxin, especially in low concentrations, is a function of the sensitivity of the selected bioassay methods and the various groups addressing this question have utilized different methods. One notable difference in fish bioassay methods utilized to detect Pfiesteria-associated toxin (PfTx) is the species of fish tested. Studies that have not detected PfTx in bioassays generally have used Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow) as the test fish while those that have detected toxin generally used Oreochromis spp. (Tilapia). In this study response of these two fish species was compared to determine their relative sensitivity to physical attack by P. shumwayae and to PfTx. The results indicate that Oreochromis niloticus is more susceptible to P. shumwayae and its associated toxin than C. variegatus and implicate differences in the ability these species to osmoregulate as a contributing factor for this phenomenon. Salinity stress enhanced susceptibility of O. niloticus to PfTx and thus improved the sensitivity of the bioassay. The observation that salinity stress enhances toxicity to O. niloticus provides additional information regarding the mechanism of PfTx toxicity although the conditions utilized are not representative of the natural habitat of these freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry was used to assess habitat features utilized by 36 endangered juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the lower 120 km of the Kootenai River of Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada during the summer and early fall of 1999 and 2000. All 36 fish were initially captured in pools using gillnets and released there, but most of the subsequent telemetry contacts were in glides, indicating these fish moved freely between the two macro-habitats. The low electivity indices indicated little preference between glides and pools. Most contacts were in glides, in the outside bend of the river channel (50), and in or near a visually defined thalweg. Contacts were most often associated with sand substrates and no cover. Physical habitat characteristics (nose [bottom] water velocity, depth, substrate, and cover) were recorded at 168 contact locations. The combination of significantly greater velocities and depths at contact sites vs. non-contact sites (p < 0.01) indicated these fish actively found and used areas of higher velocity and greater depth within the Kootenai River. There was little cover found for fish in the river other than large sand dunes and depth. The combination of depth and nose velocity data supported the idea that large sand dunes are providing refugia in the form of velocity breaks.  相似文献   

Nymphs of Paragnetina media were able to tolerate a range of salinities in the external media up 1.1% NaCl (~ 354 mOsm/l.) Nymphs maintained in distilled water showed excellent osmoregulation by producing hyposmotic urine. In a range of salinities, 0.4–0.95% NaCl, nymphs maintained their baemolymph concentration hyperosmotic to the external media. A breakdown in osmotic regulation occurred at 1.1% NaCl. There was no significant change (P > 0.01) in the oxygen consumption, indicating that metabolic energy demand for the osmoregulation was not affected.  相似文献   

以不同浓度的NaCl、KCl、MgCl2、CaCl2溶液和葡萄糖溶液作为授精介质,研究了中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)的受精效果.结果显示,适量的阳离子和葡萄糖作为激活授精介质时中华鲟卵受精率都有所提高.在实验设置浓度范围内25 mmol/L NaCI溶液、0.1 mmol/L KCl溶液、1 mmol/L MgCl2溶液、1 mmol/LCaCh溶液和50 mmol/L葡萄糖溶液浓度下,受精率分别可达到最高值,依次为87.72%、86.82%、82.24%、89.76%、80.92%.随着实验浓度继续增加,受精率反而呈下降趋势.结果显示,作为人工配制的中华鲟精子授精一激活介质,最适NaCI溶液浓度在25 mmol/L附近,最适葡萄糖溶液浓度在25 mmol/L附近,最适KCI溶液浓度≤0.1 mmol/L,最适MgCl2溶液浓度≤1 mol/L,最适CaCh溶液浓度≤1 mmol/L.  相似文献   

Data on the concentrations of some blood constituents of captive Adriatic sturgeon, Acipenser naccarii, a primitive bony fish, are reported. Serum osmolality, Na+, K+, Cl, Ca2+, cortisol, glucose and total protein concentrations were measured. The effects of anaesthesia, temperature, crowding and prolonged handling stress were tested on a group of 12 4-year-old sturgeons sampled repeatedly. The anaesthetic dose of MS 222 (140 mg l−1) induced significant osmolality elevation in the sturgeon. After exposure to colder temperature (17 versus 25°C), cortisol and Cl concentrations significantly decreased. The cultured sturgeon did not seem susceptible to crowding and prolonged handling stress, since neither the serum cortisol and glucose levels nor the other blood parameters were affected by these stressors. Results are compared with the few available data on other chondrostean fish and with those on teleosts.  相似文献   

The shore crab, Carcinus maenas L. (Portunidae), is a coastal and estuarine species, which can live and reproduce under brackish water conditions; freshly hatched larvae have been observed in the field at salinities below 15‰. In the present laboratory study, the tolerance of hypo-osmotic stress was experimentally investigated in early larvae of a marine (North Sea) population of C. maenas reared at four different salinities (15, 20, 25, 32‰). Two and 4 days after hatching, the Zoea I larvae were moult-staged microscopically, and their rates of respiration and growth (changes in dry weight, W, carbon, C, nitrogen, N, and hydrogen, H) were measured. Survival and development were monitored until the megalopa was reached: 15‰ did not allow for development beyond the first zoeal stage, while metamorphosis to the megalopa was reached at salinities ≥20‰. At 20‰, development was significantly delayed and mortality enhanced as compared with 25 and 32‰. Rates of growth and respiration decreased during exposure to reduced salinities ≤25‰. Hence, the suppression of growth could not be explained as a consequence of enhanced metabolic losses per larva. Instead, a partial C budget indicates that the Zoea I larvae suffered from decreased capabilities of assimilating ingested and subsequently converting assimilated matter to tissue growth. Net growth efficiency (K2, C-based) was at 25 and 32‰ initially high (>60% during the postmoult and intermoult stages of the Zoea I moult cycle), but decreased during the later stages (down to ≤30% in premoult). An inverse pattern of C partitioning was observed at ≤20‰, with initially low K2 values (≤21% during the first 2 days of the moult cycle), and a later increase (up to ≥46% in premoult). Thus, larval growth was initially suppressed under conditions of reduced salinity, but this was later (during premoult) partially compensated for by an increase in C assimilation and K2. Our observations indicate that Zoea I shore crab larvae react during the late stages of their moulting cycle less sensitively against reduced salinities than during postmoult and intermoult. This suggests that the transition between moult cycle stages C and D0 may be a critical point for effects of hypo-osmotic stress, similarly as already known in relation to effects of nutritional stress. Negative effects were found also when freshly hatched Zoea I shore crab larvae were exposed only transitorily (for 24–72 h) to 20‰, with significantly lower rates of survival, development, growth, respiration, and K2. These effects increased with increasing duration of initial exposure to reduced salinity.  相似文献   

In this study, we have developed a SYBR Green™ I-based real-time multiplexed PCR assay for the detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Gulf of Mexico water (gulf water), artificially seeded and natural oysters targeting three hemolysin genes, tlh, tdh and trh in a single reaction. Post-amplification melt-temperature analysis confirmed the amplification of all three targeted genes with high specificity. The detection sensitivity was 10 cfu (initial inoculum) in 1 ml of gulf water or oyster tissue homogenate, following 5 h enrichment. The results showed 58% of the oysters to be positive for tlh, indicating the presence of V. parahaemolyticus; of which 21% were positive for tdh; and 0.7% for trh, signifying the presence of pathogenic strains. The C t values showed that oyster tissue matrix had some level of inhibition, whereas the gulf water had negligible effect on PCR amplification. The assay was rapid (~8 h), specific and sensitive, meeting the ISSC guidelines. Rapid detection using real-time multiplexed PCR will help reduce V. parahaemolyticus-related disease outbreaks, thereby increasing consumer confidence and economic success of the seafood industry.  相似文献   

Larvae of the widespread dragonfly, Libellula quadrimaculata, were adapted to a series of salt solutions, and the osmotic pressure, and sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations in the haemolymph measured. The regulation of potassium is extremely efficient over the range 0–50 m-mole/l. external concentration. Above this, larvae die. Sodium and chloride are regulated to a lesser extent, the larvae being able to withstand considerable changes in the concentration of these ions in the haemolymph. However, at higher external concentrations, the haemolymph concentration of these ions is maintained below that of the external medium. The osmotic pressure is regulated in parallel with sodium concentration over most of the range tested. However, in higher salinities, the osmotic pressure of the haemolymph does not fall below that of the external medium. This is seen as a strategy to limit the amount of drinking in saline media. Overall, the osmoregulatory system of L. quadrimaculata resembles that of brackish-water insects, rather than that of the more strictly freshwater dragonflies that have been studied.  相似文献   

The brevetoxin producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, is the target of several monitoring and research programs in the Gulf of Mexico, where it forms extensive and frequently long-lived annual blooms that can cause human intoxication and fish kills, as well as severe economic losses to coastal communities. Rapid, reliable methods for the detection and enumeration of K. brevis cells, as well as their discrimination from morphologically similar species, are valuable tools for managers and scientists alike. Our aim was to produce a species-specific molecular probe that would serve as a tool to facilitate the efficient and reliable detection of K. brevis in the Gulf of Mexico. We sequenced a fragment of the large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) from five K. brevis cultures isolated from the Texas Gulf coast, the Florida Gulf coast, and the Atlantic coast of Florida, and detected no differences among these isolates. A consensus sequence was thus compiled and compared to a previously published sequence from Karenia mikimotoi, the closest known phylogenetic relative to K. brevis, for the purpose of identifying unique K. brevis signature sequences. Fluorescently-labeled (FITC) oligonucleotide probes targeting these regions of the K. brevis LSU rRNA were designed to include at least two base pair differences, as compared to K. mikimotoi. Among seven probes designed, one uniquely identified all K. brevis isolates to the exclusion of all other species tested (Kbprobe-7), including a Gulf of Mexico K. mikimotoi isolate (Sarasota, FL) and several additional Gymnodinium species, as well as other dinoflagellate, diatom, and raphidophyte taxa. Importantly, K. brevis cells in samples taken during a 2001 bloom, fixed with a mixture of modified saline ethanol and 10% formalin, and stored at 4 °C for 7 months were successfully labeled with Kbprobe-7. In addition, preliminary analysis of labeled cells by flow cytometry revealed that K. brevis could be distinguished from K. mikimotoi in solution, suggesting other potential applications of this probe.  相似文献   

Thermotolerance (CTMax) was determined in L. vannamei in three salinities and five acclimation temperatures 20, 23, 26, 29 and 32 °C. In white shrimp, the CTMax was not significantly affected by salinity (P>0.05). A direct relationship was obtained between CTMax and acclimation temperature. The end point of the CTMax in L. vannamei exposed to different combinations of temperature and salinity was defined as the loss of the righting response (LRR). The acclimation response ratio (ARR) for the juveniles of white shrimp ranged from 0.42 to 0.49; values in agreement with other crustaceans from tropical and sub tropical climates. The osmotic pressure of the hemolymph was measured in control organisms and in organisms exposed to CTMax; significant differences were found in organisms maintained in 10 and 40 psu, but there were no significant differences in hemolymph osmotic pressure in those that were acclimated to 26 psu.  相似文献   

Clearance of polyethylene glycol (PEG), inulin, or dextran that had been injected into the hemolymph of the mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, was measured in animals acclimated to pondwater (PW) or 10% seawater (SW). In addition, we measured the clearance of PEG from mussels acutely transferred into 10% SW and following return to PW after acclimation to 10% SW. Clearance values calculated for PW-acclimated mussels ranged from 2.0 to 3.3 ml (g dry tissue ċ h)-1 and declined to 0.28 ml (g dry tissue ċ h)-1 in 10% SW-acclimated animals. Transferring mussels into 10% SW resulted in a reduction in PEG clearance from the blood, coincident with the reduction of osmotic gradient. When 10% SW-acclimated mussels were returned to PW the clearance of PEG increased to rates observed in PW-acclimated animals within 1 h. The PEG clearance remained constant during the re-acclimation to PW even though the osmotic gradient declined from about 100 to 30 mosmol kg-1. Clearance of the solutes used in this study was likely to be a measurement of renal filtration rate. The clearance values appeared to be maximal when the animals were in PW. The limited capacity to increase clearance in the face of an osmotic challenge may be a critical factor in restricting D. polymorpha to freshwater or lower salinity environments with small ranges in salinity.  相似文献   

In this study, salt tolerance was investigated in Odyssea paucinervis Staph, an ecologically important C4 grass that is widely distributed in saline and arid areas of southern Africa. Plants were subjected to 0.2%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% sea water dilutions (or 0.076, 3.8, 7.6, 15.2, 22.8, and 30.4 parts per thousand) for 11 weeks. Increase in salinity from 0.2% to 20% sea water had no effect on total dry biomass accumulation, while further increase in salinity to 80% sea water significantly decreased biomass by over 50%. Morphological changes induced by salinity included reductions in the number of culms, leaves and internodes as well as decreases in internode length and leaf length:leaf width ratios. Carbon dioxide exchange, leaf conductance and transpiration decreased at salinities of 40% and higher, while quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), electron transport rate (ETR) through PSII and intrinsic photosynthetic efficiency generally decreased at salinities of 60% and higher compared to 0.2% sea water. Concentrations of Na+ and Cl increased significantly with salinity increase in both roots and shoots. Na+/K+ ratios in the roots and shoots ranged from 0.66 to 3.28 and increased with increase in substrate salinity. The maximal rate of secretion at 80% sea water was 415 nmol cm−2 d−1 for Na+ and 763 nmol m−2 d−1 for Cl with high selectivity for these two ions. Predawn and midday ψ decreased with increase in salinity and were more negative than those of the treatment solutions. The concentration of proline increased with increase in salinity in both roots and shoots. The data clearly indicated that O. paucinervis is a highly salt-tolerant species that is morphologically and physiologically adapted to a saline environment.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out under glasshouse conditions with melon (Cucumis melo) cv. “Tempo F1” in a mixture of peat, perlite and sand (1:1:1) to investigate the effects of external proline and potassium nitrate applications to salinity-treated (150 mM) plants with respect to fruit yield, plant growth, some physiological parameters and ion uptake. Treatments were—(i) control (C): plants receiving nutrient solution, (ii) salinity treatment, as for control plus 150 mM NaCl. Salinity treatment was combined with or without either 5 mM supplementary KNO3 or 10 mM proline. The salt treatment (150 mM NaCl) led to significant decreases in plant growth, fruit yield, relative water content (RWC), stomatal density, uptake of Ca2+, K+ and N, and chlorophyll a and b contents, accompanied by significant increases in Na+ uptake, proline concentration and membrane permeability. Supplementary KNO3 and proline treatments significantly ameliorated the adverse effects of salinity on plant growth, fruit yield and the physiological parameters examined. This could be attributed to the effects of all the external supplements in maintaining membrane permeability, and increasing concentrations of Ca2+, N and K+ in the leaves of plants subjected to salt stress.  相似文献   

Lourdes Morquecho   《Harmful algae》2008,7(5):664-670
The morphology of Pyrodinium bahamense south of Isla San José in the Gulf of California, Mexico was described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Morphological and dimensional examination of whole cells and thecal patterns were conducted to discriminate between P. bahamense var. compressum and P. bahamense var. bahamense. Microscopic examinations confirmed that specimens of P. bahamense from Isla San José are closely related to P. bahamense var. bahamense. The main average dimensions were: cells 41.9 μm long, 43.8 μm wide, 55.6 μm amplitude, apical horn 7.2 μm long, and the left antapical spine 19.5 μm long. The highest cell concentration was 240 cells l−1 and occurred with a bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. The presence of this dinoflagellate off the east coast of the Baja California Peninsula had not been previously reported. Recently, P. bahamense from Florida tested positive for saxitoxins. Paralytic shellfish poisoning from this species has occurred in Mexican waters. Here, significant aspects of taxonomy, toxicology, life cycle, and ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

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