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A significant improvement in the production of l-ribulose from inexpensive and commercially available starting materials, l-arabinose and sodium aluminate, is demonstrated. This has facilitated expeditious access to gram-scale quantities of l-ribulofuranoside derivatives.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributory roles of extracellular vs. intracellular l-arginine (ARG) toward cellular activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in human endothelial cells. EA.hy926 human endothelial cells were incubated with different concentrations of 15N4-ARG, ARG, or l-arginine ethyl ester (ARG-EE) for 2 h. To modulate ARG transport, siRNA for ARG transporter (CAT-1) vs. sham siRNA were transfected into cells. ARG transport activity was assessed by cellular fluxes of ARG, 15N4-ARG, dimethylarginines, and l-citrulline by an LC–MS/MS assay. eNOS activity was determined by nitrite/nitrate accumulation, either via a fluorometric assay or by15N-nitrite or estimated 15N3-citrulline concentrations when 15N4-ARG was used to challenge the cells. We found that ARG-EE incubation increased cellular ARG concentration but no increase in nitrite/nitrate was observed, while ARG incubation increased both cellular ARG concentration and nitrite accumulation. Cellular nitrite/nitrate production did not correlate with cellular total ARG concentration. Reduced 15N4-ARG cellular uptake in CAT-1 siRNA transfected cells vs. control was accompanied by reduced eNOS activity, as determined by 15N-nitrite, total nitrite and 15N3-citrulline formation. Our data suggest that extracellular ARG, not intracellular ARG, is the major determinant of NO production in endothelial cells. It is likely that once transported inside the cell, ARG can no longer gain access to the membrane-bound eNOS. These observations indicate that the “l-arginine paradox” should not consider intracellular ARG concentration as a reference point.  相似文献   

Methods with which to simply and rapidly assay l-aspartate (l-Asp) and d-aspartate (d-Asp) would be highly useful for physiological research and for nutritional and clinical analyses. Levels of l- and d-Asp in food and cell extracts are currently determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. However, this method is time-consuming and expensive. Here we describe a simple and specific method for using an l-aspartate dehydrogenase (l-AspDH) system to colorimetrically assay l-Asp and a system of three hyperthermophilic enzymes—aspartate racemase (AspR), l-AspDH, and l-aspartate oxidase (l-AO)—to assay d-Asp. In the former, the reaction rate of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent l-AspDH was measured based on increases in the absorbance at 438 nm, reflecting formation of formazan from water-soluble tetrazolium-1 (WST-1), using 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinum methyl sulfate (mPMS) as a redox mediator. In the latter, d-Asp was measured after first removing l-Asp in the sample solution with l-AO. The remaining d-Asp was then changed to l-Asp using racemase, and the newly formed l-Asp was assayed calorimetrically using NAD+-dependent aspartate dehydrogenase as described above. This method enables simple and rapid spectrophotometric determination of 1 to 100 μM l- and d-Asp in the assay systems. In addition, methods were applicable to the l- and d-Asp determinations in some living cells and foods.  相似文献   

N-Nitroso-l-arginine was described as one of the products of l-arginine metabolism in biological media. A simple and rapid method to determine its concentration in rat brain was developed. Capillary electrophoresis with a photodiode-array detector was used at 254 nm, permitting the quantification of N-nitroso-l-arginine. The detection limit in biological solution was 1 μg/ml.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously shown that resistance to the -lactam mecillinam in Escherichia coli can be brought about by a high ppGpp pool, as observed under conditions of partial amino acid starvation and ReIA-dependent induction of the stringent response. We show here that our E. coli wild-type strain, which is sensitive to mecillinam on minimal glucose plates, becomes resistant in the presence of lleucine or L-serine (or cysteine, which inactivates the antibiotic). The resistance, which is not a transient effect and does not depend on the physiological state of the cells when plated, is specific for mecillinam and is reversed by the presence of isoleucine and valine in the medium. At least in the case of serine, the resistance is ReIA-dependent. We conclude that the presence of leucine and serine in the growth medium cause partial starvation for isoleucine/valine, leading to induction of the stringent response and concomitant resistance to mecillinam.  相似文献   

Phenoloxidase (PO) activity in the albumen gland (AG) and egg masses (EM) ofBiomphalaria glabrata was assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography combined with electrochemical detection and colorimetric techniques. Both AG and EM extracts catalyzed the hydroxylation ofl-tyrosine (monophenol oxidase activity, MPO) and oxidation ofl-dopa (diphenol oxidase activity, DPO). However, no PO activity was found in the ovotestis. Both MPO and DPO activities in AG and EM were significantly inhibited by 1-phenyl-2-thiourea and inactivated by boiling. Approximately 35% of MPO and 44% of DPO activities were detected in the soluble fraction of homogenized EM, in contrast to that of homogenized AG, which contained about 5% and 12%, respectively, of MPO and DPO activities. N-acetyl-dopamine, a diphenolic compound, enhanced the hydroxylation of tyrosine by the PO. The presence of both MPO and DPO activities also was confirmed by the accelerated accumulation of dopachrome during incubation of EM extracts withl-tyrosine in the absence of ascorbate. Temperature and pH optima for this enzyme were 30°C and 7.5, respectively. The potential roles of PO in egg formation inB. glabrata are discussed.  相似文献   

5-Thio-l-fucopyranose tetraacetate was synthesized in 11 steps from or d-arabinose diethyl dithioacetal by one-carbon elongation at C-5. Highly diastereo-selective addition of MeLi in ether to a derivative was achieved to give the corresponding 6-deoxy-β-d-altrofuranose isomer in good yield. A sulfur atom was introduced at C-5 of 6-deoxy-d-altrofuranose derivatives via substitution of a 5-tosylate with KSAc in HMPA with inversion of configuration, giving 5-thio-l-fucopyranose. A derivative was also prepared from 6-deoxy-β-d-altrofuranose derivatives. 5-Thio-d-arabinopyranose tetraacetate, the 5-demethyl analog of 5-thio-l-fucose, was also synthesized from in 5 steps. 5-Thio-d-arabinose showed weak inhibitory activity against α-l-fucosidase from bovine kidney (Ki = 0.77 mM).  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of 3-nitro-l-tyrosine. Different detection methods, including UV, oxidative and redox electrochemistry, and postcolumn photolysis followed by electrochemical detection, have been optimized and compared in terms of analysis time, detection limit and dynamic range. It was demonstrated that liquid chromatography with postcolumn photolysis followed by electrochemical detection is the most effective method, with an analysis time of 5 min, detection limit of 0.01 pmol, and a linear dynamic range from 2 nM to 100 μM.  相似文献   

The O-specific polysaccharide (OPS) obtained by mild-acid degradation of the lipopolysaccharide isolated from Mesorhizobium huakuii strain S-52 was studied by sugar and ethylation analyses along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. It was concluded that the OPS was composed of trisaccharide repeating units containing two residues of 6-deoxy-l-talose (6dTal) and one l-rhamnose (Rha), whose sequence in the OPS was determined by NOESY and HMBC experiments. The minor 3-O-acetylation (about 10%) of 6-deoxytalose glycosidically substituted at position-2 was judged by relative signal intensities of corresponding O-acetylated and non-acetylated 6dTal residues. Moreover, it was found that the non-reducing end of the OPS repeating unit was occupied by 3-O-methyl-d-fucose, which terminated the O-chain as a cap-residue. These data defined the structure of the OPS as:α-3-OMe-d-Fucp-(1→[2)-α-l-6dTalp-(1→3)-α-l-6dTalp-(1→2)-α-l-Rhap-(1→]n  相似文献   

Two systems for l-glutamate transport were found in Salmonella typhimurium LT-2 GltU+ (glutamate utilization) mutants. The first one is similar to the glt system previously described in Escherichia coli; by transductional analysis the structural gene, gltS, coding for the transport protein was located at minute 80 of the chromosome as part of the operon gltC-gltS, and its regulator, the gltR gene, near minute 90; the gltS gene product transports both l-glutamate and l-aspartate, is sodium independent, and is -hydroxyaspartate sensitive. The second transport system, whose structural gene was called gltF and is located at minute 0, was l-glutamate specific, sodium independent, and -methylglutamate sensitive. Two aspartase activities occurred in S. typhimurium LT-2: the first one was present only in the GltU+ mutants, had a pH 6.4 optimum, was essential for both l-glutamate and l-aspartate metabolism, and mapped at minute 94, close to the ampC gene. The second one had a pH 7.2 optimum, could be induced by several amino acids, and thus may have a general role in nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

An immobilized d-hydantoinase was characterized and employed to produce n-carbamoyl-d-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (CpHPG) in a repeated batch process. The Vmax and Km of the immobilized d-hydantoinase at 50°C were 6.28 mm min−1 g−1 biocatalyst and 71.6 mm, respectively. The product CpHPG did not inhibit the activity of d-hydantoinase. Optimal reaction temperature was 60°C. A decrease in activity of immobilized d-hydantoinase due to thermal inactivation could be described as first-order decay; the deactivation energy was 23.97Kcal mol−1. Under process conditions (50°C, 10% w/v substrate, and pH 8.5), the half-life of the immobilized d-hydantoinase was eight batches. The attrition of immobilized d-hydantoinase particles with a large amount of insoluble substrate particles during stirring resulted in fine biocatalyst particles. In addition to the thermal inactivation, the loss of fine biocatalyst particles during the recovery step contributed to the low operational stability.  相似文献   

N-Acetyl-L-glutamate (NAG), the activator of mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS), is demonstrated by several methods, including a new HPLC assay, in the brain of mammals and of chicken. The brain levels of NAG are 200–300 times lower than the levels of N-acetyl-l-aspartate (NAA), and are similar to the levels of NAG in rat liver. The NAG levels in chicken liver are very low. Although NAG is mitochondrial in the liver, it is cytosolic in brain. Using enzyme activity and immuno assays we did not detect CPS in brain (detection limit, 12.5 g/g brain), excluding that brain NAG is involved in citrullinogenesis. The regional distribution of brain NAG differs from that of NAA and resembles that of N-acetyl-l-aspartyl-l-glutamate (NAAG), suggesting that NAG and NAAG are related. NAG might be involved in the modulation of NAAG degradation.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Santiago Grisolía  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is considered as an important virulence factor of Helicobacter pylori, and contributes to infection persistence and disease severity. ADP-l-glycero-d-manno-heptose-6-epimerase is an enzyme essential for LPS synthesis and understanding of its biochemistry is critical for drug development. We cloned one putative ortholog of Escherichia colirfaD, HP0859, from H. pylori 26695. Determination of the native molecular weight of the recombinant HP0859 protein suggests that the protein is likely a hexamer. NADP+, instead of NAD+, was proved to be the physiological cofactor for HP0859 protein. Circular dichroism spectrum analysis demonstrated that the secondary structure of this protein is significantly altered when the cofactor is removed. We also constructed an HP0859 knockout mutant and examined its phenotypic properties. The HP0859 knockout mutant exhibited a severe truncation of LPS, a decreased growth rate, and a higher susceptibility to novobiocin. Disruption of HP0859 also reduced the adhesive capacity of H. pylori to AGS cells, and the infected cells failed to display the classic hummingbird phenotype. Complementation of the HP0859 knockout mutation restored these phenotypes completely. In conclusion, we demonstrate that HP0859 codes for a protein essential for the LPS inner core biosynthesis in H. pylori and an intact LPS structure contributes to the adherence ability of this bacterium.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure has been developed for the determination of [d-Ala2, d-Leu5]enkephalin (DADLE) and the fragments containing d-leucine in rat blood. The procedure was applied to the determination of blood levels of [3H-d-Leu5]DADLE and the C-terminal fragments after intravenous administration of [3H-d-Leu5]DADLE to a rat. Unlabelled DADLE and the C-terminal fragments were spiked as carriers to rat blood samples and the blood samples were extracted with 1% trifluoroacetic acid in methanol. The recoveries from rat blood were quantitative for all compounds. DADLE and the C-terminal four fragments were well separated on a reversed-phase column with gradient elution using a mobile phase composed of 0.14% HClO4 and acetonitrile.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this study to examine the potential regulatory effects of a long-term low dietary protein supply on the transport capacity of the jejunal brush-border membrane for amino acids. For this purpose, we used the neutral amino acids L-alanine (representative for nonessential amino acids) and L-leucine (representative for essential amino acids) as model substances. Ten sheep lambs, 8 weeks of age and 19-27 kg body weight, were allotted to two dietary regimes with either adequate or reduced protein supply which was achieved by 17.9% and 9.7% of crude protein in the concentrated feed, respectively. The feeding periods were 4-6 weeks in length. Similarly, eight goat kids of 5-7 weeks of age and 8-14 kg body weight were allotted to either adequate (crude protein 20.1%, feeding period 9-12 weeks) or reduced protein supply (10.1%, feeding period 17-18 weeks). Dietary protein reduction in lambs caused a significant body weight loss of 0.6 +/- 0.7 kg, whereas the body weight in control animals increased by 1.9 +/- 0.7 kg (P<0.05). Plasma urea concentrations decreased significantly by 60% (low protein 2.3 +/- 0.1 versus control 5.7 +/- 0.2 mmol l(-1), P<0.001). In kids, reduction of dietary protein intake led to significant decreases of the daily weight gain by 48% from 181 +/- 8 g to 94 +/- 3 g (P<0.001) and daily dry matter intake by 27% from 568 +/- 13 g to 417 +/- 6 g (P<0.01). Respective urea concentrations in plasma were reduced by 77% from 5.2 +/- 0.4 to 1.2 +/- 0.2 mmol l(-1) (P<0.01). Kinetic analyses of the initial rates of alanine uptake into isolated jejunal brush-border membrane vesicles from sheep and goats as affected by low dietary protein supply yielded that the apparent Km was neither significantly different between the species nor significantly affected by the feeding regime thus ranging between 0.12 and 0.16 mmol.l(-1). Reduction of dietary protein, however, resulted in significantly decreased Vmax values of the transport system by 25-30%, irrespective of the species. Kinetic analyses of the initial rates of leucine uptake into jejunal brush-border membrane vesicles from sheep and goats yielded that leucine uptake was mediated by Na+-dependent as well as Na+-independent processes. Similar to alanine, apparent Km values of leucine uptake were neither different between the species nor affected due to low dietary protein and ranged between 0.08 and 0.15 mmol l(-1). In contrast to the alanine transport mechanism, dietary protein reduction resulted in increased Vmax values of Na+-dependent leucine transport by 53% in sheep and 230% in goats. Similarly, Na+-independent leucine uptake was stimulated by 85% and 200% in sheep and in goats, respectively. This study shows adaptation of amino acid absorption at the brush-border membrane level of jejunal enterocytes of small ruminants due to dietary protein reduction. Whereas the transport capacity for the nonessential amino acid alanine was reduced due to low dietary protein, the transport capacity for the essential amino acid leucine was markedly stimulated. From this, the involvement of rather different feedback mechanisms in adaptation of intestinal amino acid transport mechanisms has to be discussed.  相似文献   

L-Glutamine transport into porcine jejunal enterocyte brush border membrane vesicles was studied. Uptake was mediated by a Na(+)-dependent and a Na(+)-independent pathway as well as by diffusion. The initial rates of glutamine uptake over a range of concentrations is both Na(+)-gradient and Na(+)-free conditions were analyzed and kinetic parameters were obtained. Na(+)-dependent glutamine transport had a K(m) of 0.77 +/- 0.16 mM and a Jmax of 70.7 +/- 5.8 pmol mg protein-1 s-1; Na(+)-independent glutamine transport had a K(m) of 3.55 +/- 0.78 mM and a Jmax of 55.1 +/- 6.6 pmol mg protein-1 s-1. The non-saturable component measured with HgCl2-poisoned brush border membrane vesicles in the Na(+)-free condition contained passive diffusion and non-specific membrane binding and was defined to be apparent glutamine diffusion and the glutamine permeability coefficient (Kdiff) was estimated to be Kdiff = 3.78 +/- 0.06 pmol 1 mg protein-1 mmol-1 s-1. Results of inhibition experiments showed that Na(+)-dependent glutamine uptake occurred primarily through the brush border system-B degree transporters, whereas Na(+)-independent glutamine uptake occurred via the system-L transporters. Furthermore, the kinetics of L-leucine and L-cysteine inhibition of L-glutamine uptake demonstrated that neutral amino acids sharing the same brush border transporters can effectively inhibit each other in their transport.  相似文献   

Summary A cluster of three genes involved in d-xylose catabolism (viz. xylose genes) in Lactobacillus pentosus has been cloned in Escherichia coli and characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis. The deduced gene products show considerable sequence similarity to a repressor protein involved in the regulation of expression of xylose genes in Bacillus subtilis (58%), to E. coli and B. subtilis d-xylose isomerase (68% and 77%, respectively), and to E. coli d-xylulose kinase (58%). The cloned genes represent functional xylose genes since they are able to complement the inability of a L. casei strain to ferment d-xylose. NMR analysis confirmed that 13C-xylose was converted into 13C-acetate in L. casei cells transformed with L. pentosus xylose genes but not in untransformed L. casei cells. Comparison with the aligned amino acid sequences of d-xylose isomerases of different bacteria suggests that L. pentosus d-xylose isomerase belongs to the same similarity group as B. subtilis and E. coli d-xylose isomerase and not to a second similarity group comprising d-xylose isomerases of Streptomyces violaceoniger, Ampullariella sp. and Actinoplanes. The organization of the L. pentosus xylose genes, 5-xylR (1167 bp, repressor) — xylA (1350 bp, D-xylose isomerase) — xylB (1506 bp, d-xylulose kinase) — 3 is similar to that in B. subtilis. In contrast to B. subtilis xylR, L. pentosus xylR is transcribed in the same direction as xylA and xylB.  相似文献   

l-threo-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS) is a chiral unnatural β-hydroxy amino acid used for the treatment of Parkinson disease. We developed a continuous bioconversion system for DOPS production that uses whole-cell biocatalyst of recombinant Escherichia coli expressing l-threonine aldolase (l-TA) genes cloned from Streptomyces avelmitilis MA-4680. Maximum conversion rates were observed at 2 M glycine, 145 mM 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, 0.75% Triton-X, 5 g E. coli cells/l, pH 6.5 and 10°C. In the optimized condition, overall productivity was 8 g/l, which represents 40 times the synthesis yield possible with no optimization of conditions.  相似文献   

The transport of l-leucine, l-phenylalanine and l-alanine by the perfused lactating rat mammary gland has been examined using a rapid, paired-tracer dilution technique. The clearances of all three amino acids by the mammary gland consisted of a rising phase followed by a rapid fall-off, respectively, reflecting influx and efflux of the radiotracers. The peak clearance of l-leucine was inhibited by BCH (65%) and d-leucine (58%) but not by l-proline. The inhibition of l-leucine clearance by BCH and d-leucine was not additive. l-leucine inhibited the peak clearance of radiolabelled l-leucine by 78%. BCH also inhibited the peak clearance of l-phenylalanine (66%) and l-alanine (33%) by the perfused mammary gland. Lactating rat mammary tissue was found to express both LAT1 and LAT2 mRNA. The results suggest that system L is situated in the basolateral aspect of the lactating rat mammary epithelium and thus probably plays a central role in neutral amino acid uptake from blood. The finding that l-alanine uptake by the gland was inhibited by BCH suggests that LAT2 may make a significant contribution to neutral amino acid uptake by the mammary epithelium.  相似文献   

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