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Various cytokines are thought to play a role in muscle regeneration, however, the interaction and mechanisms of action of these cytokines remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the role of HGF, IGF-I, and IGF-II during myogenesis using the regeneration model of skeletal muscle as well as myoblast culture. RT-PCR analysis revealed that HGF and IGF-I expressions were markedly upregulated, in regenerating muscle. In contrast, there was no significant difference in IGF-II expression between normal and regenerating muscle. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that HGF was expressed mostly by myocytes during the early stages of muscle regeneration. Additionally, HGF inhibited the formation of myotubes by myoblasts, but promoted cellular proliferation. Otherwise, IGF-I and IGF-II were expressed by myocytes through the early to middle stages of muscle regeneration. The addition of HGF to myoblast growing in vitro significantly increased the number of cells. These findings indicate that these three cytokines have pleiotropic effects in regenerating skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The developmentalexpression of tissue-specific isoforms ofcytochrome-c oxidase(COX) subunit VIII [heart (COX VIII-H) and liver (COXVIII-L)] and the influence of innervation were examined inregenerating fast [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] andslow (soleus) muscles. In adult muscles, COX VIII-H was the predominant isoform. The COX VIII-L mRNA was expressed 3 days after induction ofregeneration, and it progressively decreased after 7, 10, 14, and 30 days of regeneration in both muscles. In contrast, the expression ofCOX VIII-H mRNA accumulated as myogenesis proceeded to the myotubestage between 7 and 10 days of regeneration and progressively increasedto near control levels by 30 days. The influence of innervation on theexpression of COX VIII and -actin isoforms wasexamined in control, innervated, and denervatedregenerating muscles at 3 and 10 days. The relative expression of COXVIII-L mRNA in denervated regenerating EDL muscles was significantly greater, while that of COX VIII-H was significantlyless than in innervated regenerating EDL muscles after 10 days ofregeneration. Similarly, cardiac -actin mRNA levelswere elevated in denervated regenerating EDL muscles after 10 days ofregeneration. In conclusion, motor innervation influences thetransition from the COX VIII-L to COX VIII-H isoform during myogenesisin regenerating muscles.


The patterns of expression of dystrophin were investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and by immunoblotting in developing, adult and regenerating tail skeletal muscle of newts Pleurodeles waltl and Notophthalmus viridescens. In this study, a monoclonal antibody H-5A3 directed against the C-terminal region (residues 3357-3660) and a polyclonal antibody raised to the central domain (residues 1173-1738) of the chicken skeletal muscle dystrophin were used. Western blot analysis showed that these antibodies recognized a 400 kDa band of dystrophin (and may be of dystrophin-related protein) in the adult muscle tissues and in newt tail regenerates. During skeletal muscle differentiation or epimorphic regeneration (blastema), anti-dystrophin immunoreactivity gradually accumulated over the periphery of the myofibers. Dystrophin and laminin were first and concomitantly observed at the ends of the newly formed myotubes where they were anchored on connective tissue septa or bone processes by dystrophin-rich myotendinous structures. It is noteworthy that neuromuscular junctions, which most probably also contain dystrophin, are established in urodeles near the ends of the myofibers as shown by histochemical localization of AChE activity or fluorescent bungarotoxin detection of AChRs. In the stump transition zone close to the tail amputation level where tissue regeneration of injured muscle fibers took place, dystrophin staining located on the cytoplasmic surface of myofibers progressively disappeared during the dedifferentiation process which seemed to occur during muscle regeneration as suggested by electron microscopy. Furthermore, double labeling experiments using anti-dystrophin and anti-laminin antibodies showed a good correlation between the remodeling processes of the muscle fiber basal lamina and the loss of dystrophin along the sarcolemma of damaged and presumably dedifferentiating muscle cells.  相似文献   

Fetal rat skeletal muscles express a troponin T (TnT) isoform similar to the TnT isoform expressed in the embryonic heart with respect to electrophoretic mobility and immunoreactivity with cardiac TnT-specific monoclonal antibodies. Immunoblotting analyses reveal that both the embryonic and the adult isoforms of cardiac TnT are transiently expressed during the neonatal stages. In addition, other TnT species, different from both cardiac TnTs and from the TnT isoforms expressed in adult muscles, are present in skeletal muscles during the first two postnatal weeks. By immunocytochemistry, cardiac TnT is detectable at the somitic stage and throughout embryonic and fetal development, and disappears during the first weeks after birth, persisting exclusively in the bag fibers of the muscle spindles. Cardiac TnT is re-expressed in regenerating muscle fibers following a cold injury and in mature muscle fibers after denervation. Developmental regulation of this TnT variant is not coordinated with that of the embryonic myosin heavy chain with respect to timing of disappearance and cellular distribution. No obligatory correlation between the two proteins is likewise found in regenerating and denervated muscles.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle regenerates following grafting, but little is known about protein synthesis and its regulation during regeneration. We determined the sequence of changes in protein synthesis in rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle by the measurement of phenylalanine (Phe) incorporation into muscle protein at various times after grafting. Compared with control EDL, Phe incorporation in grafts doubled in 1 day, was four- to eight-fold greater from days 2 to 10 after grafting, and then subsided. Tissue mass (wet weight) increased rapidly from days 7 to 20 in EDL grafts. The maximal increase in protein synthesis occurred 7-10 days after grafting, whether or not the nerve was left intact. Autoradiography indicated that incorporated radioactivity was associated with regenerating muscle fibers on day 10. Deficiencies of insulin, pituitary or testicular hormones, or chronic in vivo administration of insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, or tri-iodothyronine did not substantially alter the elevation in incorporation of the Phe into muscle protein 10 days after grafting. The breakdown of EDL protein, measured in vitro simultaneously with protein synthesis, was increased five-fold, and overall protein degradation was elevated six-fold 10 days after grafting. These findings indicate that Phe incorporation is rapidly elevated following grafting of the EDL, and that by days 7-10 reflects synthesis in regenerating muscle fibers. The increase in protein synthesis associated with muscle regeneration at this time appears to be independent of innervation and anabolic hormones.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue development is observed in some muscle pathologies, however, mechanisms that induce accumulation of this tissue as well as its cellular origin are unknown. The adipogenicity of cells from bupivacaine hydrochloride (BPVC)-treated and untreated muscle was compared in vitro. Culturing cells from both BPVC-treated and untreated muscles in adipogenic differentiation medium (ADM) for 10 days resulted in the appearance of mature adipocytes, but their number was 3.5-fold higher in cells from BPVC-treated muscle. Temporal expressions of PPARgamma and the presence of lipid droplets during adipogenic differentiation were examined. On day 2 of culture in ADM, only cells from BPVC-treated muscle were positive both for PPARgamma and lipid droplets. Pref-1 was expressed in cells from untreated muscle, whereas its expression was absent in cells from BPVC-treated muscle. In ADM, the presence of insulin, which negates an inhibitory effect of Pref-1 on adipogenic differentiation, was required for PPARgamma2 expression in cells from untreated muscle, but not for cells from BPVC-treated muscle. These results indicate that BPVC-induced degenerative/regenerative changes in muscle lead to increased adipogenicity of cells, and suggest that this increased adipogenicity not only involves an increase in the number of cells having adipogenic potential, but also contributes to the progression of these cells toward adipogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of the intermediate filament protein, vimentin, was studied in skeletal muscle during a cycle of degeneration and regeneration. Venom from the Australian tiger snake,Notechis scutatus scutatus, was used to initiate the breakdown of the soleus muscle of young, mature ratsin vivo. Cryosections and Western blots of muscle samples were labelled using antibodies to vimentin, and examined at fixed time points after venom injection. Vimentin was absent in control adult muscle fibres, but was identified in activated satellite cells 12 h after venom assault. The amount of this protein rose during the early stages of regeneration, reaching its peak at 2–3 days. At this time, the expression of muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, desmin, began. As the abundance of desmin increased with the maturation of the regenerating myofibres, the abundance of vimentin declined until it was no longer detectable in mature regenerated fibres. It is suggested that vimentin plays an important role during satellite cell activation in the early stages of regeneration, and that the expression of vimentin may act as a stimulus for the expression of desmin at later stages of regeneration.  相似文献   

Stimulating the beta-adrenoceptor (beta-AR) signaling pathway can enhance the functional repair of skeletal muscle after injury, but long-term use of beta-AR agonists causes beta-AR downregulation, which may limit their therapeutic effectiveness. The aim was to examine beta-AR signaling during early regeneration in rat fast-twitch [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] and slow-twitch (soleus) muscles after bupivacaine injury and test the hypothesis that, during regeneration, beta-agonist administration does not cause beta-AR desensitization. Rats received either the beta-AR agonist fenoterol (1.4 mgxkg(-1)xday(-1) ip) or saline for 7 days postinjury. Fenoterol reduced beta-AR density in regenerating soleus muscles by 42%. Regenerating EDL muscles showed a threefold increase in beta-AR density, and, again, these values were 43% lower with fenoterol treatment. An amplified adenylate cyclase (AC) response to isoproterenol was observed in cell membrane fragments from EDL and soleus muscles 7 days postinjury. Fenoterol attenuated this increase in regenerating EDL muscles but not soleus muscles. beta-AR signaling mechanisms were assessed using AC stimulants (NaF, forskolin, and Mn(2+)). Although beta-agonist treatment reduces beta-AR density in regenerating muscles, these muscles can produce large cAMP responses relative to healthy (uninjured) muscles. Desensitization of beta-AR signaling in regenerating muscles is prevented by altered rates of beta-AR synthesis and/or degradation, changes in G protein populations and coupling efficiency, and altered AC activity. These mechanisms have important therapeutic implications for modulating beta-AR signaling to enhance muscle repair after injury.  相似文献   

Summary Two different aspects of tritiated thymidine (3H-Tdr) reutilisation in skeletal muscle were examined. Injection of a high dose (7 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr into mice prior to crush injury of skeletal muscle resulted in heavy labelling (grain counts) of myotube nuclei 9 d later. In contrast, myotube nuclei were essentially unlabelled when a low dose (1 Ci/g) of 3H-Tdr was injected at similar times with respect to injury. It was concluded that labelling seen after the high dose was due to reutilisation of 3H-Tdr. (Such 3H-Tdr reutilisation can account for the results of Sloper et al. (1970) which previously supported the concept of a circulating muscle precursor cell.) When replicating muscle precursors were labelled directly with 3H-Tdr 48 h after injury, the percentages of labelled myotube nuclei and the distribution of nuclear grain counts were similar with either high or low dose.We also investigated whether the light labelling seen in regenerated myotube nuclei after 9 d, when 3H-Tdr had been injected before the onset of myogenesis (as found by McGeachie and Grounds 1987), was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation or, alternatively, to proliferation of local cells in the wound which subsequently gave rise to muscle precursors. Labelling of myotube nuclei was compared in mice injected with 3H-Tdr either 2 h before, or 2 h after injury. In another experiment, mice were injected 12 h after injury and lesions sampled 1, 12 or 36 h later, to see whether local cells were replicating 12 h after injury, and what labelled cells subsequently entered to wound. No difference was found in myotube labelling between mice injected before or after injury, and no cells replicating locally in the wound at 12 h after injury were observed. The results clearly show that the light labelling was due to 3H-Tdr reutilisation.  相似文献   

Many stress conditions are accompanied by skeletal muscle dysfunction and regeneration, which is essentially a recapitulation of the embryonic development. However, regeneration usually occurs under conditions of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal gland axis activation and therefore increased glucocorticoid (GC) levels. Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the main determinant of cellular responsiveness to GCs, exists in two isoforms (GRalpha and GRbeta) in humans. While the role of GRalpha is well characterized, GRbeta remains an elusive player in GC signalling. To elucidate basic characteristics of GC signalling in the regenerating human skeletal muscle we assessed GRalpha and GRbeta expression pattern in cultured human myoblasts and myotubes and their response to 24-hour dexamethasone (DEX) treatment. There was no difference in GRalpha mRNA and protein expression or DEX-mediated GRalpha down-regulation in myoblasts and myotubes. GRbeta mRNA level was very low in myoblasts and remained unaffected by differentiation and/or DEX. GRbeta protein could not be detected. These results indicate that response to GCs is established very early during human skeletal muscle regeneration and that it remains practically unchanged before innervation is established. Very low GRbeta mRNA expression and inability to detect GRbeta protein suggests that GRbeta is not a major player in the early stages of human skeletal muscle regeneration.  相似文献   

In fish, the structural and functional characteristics of insulinand IGF-I receptors have been well studied. Current evidenceindicates that all gnatostome animals, from fish to mammals,contain separate insulin and IGF-I molecules and specific receptorsfor insulin and IGF-I. However, qualitative differences in thefunctional aspects of insulin and IGF-I receptors among vertebratespecies can account for variations in the biological activityof insulin and IGF-I. In this paper we will focus on the functionalevolution of the insulin and IGF-I receptors in vertebratesand on the appearance of the unrelated IGF-II receptors.  相似文献   

Localized infusion of IGF-I results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) peptidelevels have been shown to increase in overloaded skeletal muscles (G. R. Adams and F. Haddad. J. Appl.Physiol. 81: 2509-2516, 1996). In that study, theincrease in IGF-I was found to precede measurable increases in muscleprotein and was correlated with an increase in muscle DNA content. Thepresent study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that direct IGF-Iinfusion would result in an increase in muscle DNA as well as invarious measurements of muscle size. Either 0.9% saline or nonsystemicdoses of IGF-I were infused directly into a non-weight-bearing muscleof rats, the tibialis anterior (TA), via a fenestrated catheterattached to a subcutaneous miniosmotic pump. Saline infusion had noeffect on the mass, protein content, or DNA content of TA muscles.Local IGF-I infusion had no effect on body or heart weight. Theabsolute weight of the infused TA muscles was ~9% greater(P < 0.05) than that of thecontralateral TA muscles. IGF-I infusion resulted in significantincreases in the total protein and DNA content of TA muscles(P < 0.05). As a result of thesecoordinated changes, the DNA-to-protein ratio of the hypertrophiedTA was similar to that of the contralateral muscles. These resultssuggest that IGF-I may be acting to directly stimulate processes suchas protein synthesis and satellite cell proliferation, which result inskeletal muscle hypertrophy.


Stem cells hold a great potential for the regeneration of damaged tissues in cardiovascular or musculoskeletal diseases. Unfortunately, problems such as limited availability, control of cell fate, and allograft rejection need to be addressed before therapeutic applications may become feasible. Generation of multipotent progenitors from adult differentiated cells could be a very attractive alternative to the limited in vitro self-renewal of several types of stem cells. In this direction, a recently synthesized unnatural purine, named reversine, has been proposed to induce reversion of adult cells to a multipotent state, which could be then converted into other cell types under appropriate stimuli. Our study suggests that reversine treatment transforms primary murine and human dermal fibroblasts into myogenic-competent cells both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, this is the first study to demonstrate that plasticity changes arise in primary mouse and human cells following reversine exposure.  相似文献   

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