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The ryanodine receptor (RyR)/Ca2+ release channel is an essential component of excitation–contraction coupling in striated muscle cells. To study the function and regulation of the Ca2+ release channel, we tested the effect of caffeine on the full-length and carboxyl-terminal portion of skeletal muscle RyR expressed in a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line. Caffeine induced openings of the full length RyR channels in a concentration-dependent manner, but it had no effect on the carboxyl-terminal RyR channels. CHO cells expressing the carboxyl-terminal RyR proteins displayed spontaneous changes of intracellular [Ca2+]. Unlike the native RyR channels in muscle cells, which display localized Ca2+ release events (i.e., “Ca2+ sparks” in cardiac muscle and “local release events” in skeletal muscle), CHO cells expressing the full length RyR proteins did not exhibit detectable spontaneous or caffeine-induced local Ca2+ release events. Our data suggest that the binding site for caffeine is likely to reside within the amino-terminal portion of RyR, and the localized Ca2+ release events observed in muscle cells may involve gating of a group of Ca2+ release channels and/or interaction of RyR with muscle-specific proteins.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor/Ca2+-release channels (RyRs) of skeletal and cardiac muscle are essential for Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum that mediates excitation-contraction coupling. It has been shown that RyR activity is regulated by dynamic post-translational modifications of Cys residues, in particular S-nitrosylation and S-oxidation. Here we show that the predominant form of RyR in skeletal muscle, RyR1, is subject to Cys-directed modification by S-palmitoylation. S-Palmitoylation targets 18 Cys within the N-terminal, cytoplasmic region of RyR1, which are clustered in multiple functional domains including those implicated in the activity-governing protein-protein interactions of RyR1 with the L-type Ca2+ channel CaV1.1, calmodulin, and the FK506-binding protein FKBP12, as well as in “hot spot” regions containing sites of mutations implicated in malignant hyperthermia and central core disease. Eight of these Cys have been identified previously as subject to physiological S-nitrosylation or S-oxidation. Diminishing S-palmitoylation directly suppresses RyR1 activity as well as stimulus-coupled Ca2+ release through RyR1. These findings demonstrate functional regulation of RyR1 by a previously unreported post-translational modification and indicate the potential for extensive Cys-based signaling cross-talk. In addition, we identify the sarco/endoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase 1A and the α1S subunit of the L-type Ca2+ channel CaV1.1 as S-palmitoylated proteins, indicating that S-palmitoylation may regulate all principal governors of Ca2+ flux in skeletal muscle that mediates excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Imaizumi  Yuji  Ohi  Yoshiaki  Yamamura  Hisao  Morimura  Kozo  Muraki  Katsuhiko 《Neurophysiology》2003,35(3-4):169-174
The contribution of the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) mechanism in excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling and the tightness of the coupling between Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ release are still controversial in smooth muscle cells (SMC). In SMC isolated from the guinea-pig vas deferens or urinary bladder, a depolarizing stimulus initially induced spot-like increases in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ), called “Ca2+ hot spots,” at several superficial areas in the cell. When a weak stimulus (a small or a short depolarizing step) was applied, only a few Ca2+ hot spots appeared transiently in the superficial area but did not spread into other regions, to trigger global [Ca2+] i rise. Such depolarization-evoked local Ca2+ transients were distinctive from spontaneous Ca2+ sparks, since the former were susceptible to Ca2+ blockers, ryanodine, and inhibitors of the Ca2+ pump in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), suggesting pivotal roles of Ca2+ influx through voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC) and Ca2+ release from the SR through ryanodine receptors (RyR) for the activation of Ca2+ spots. Frequently discharging Ca2+ spark sites (FDS) under resting conditions were located exactly in the same areas as Ca2+ hot spots evoked by depolarization, indicating the existence of distinct local junction sites for tight coupling between VDCC in the plasmalemma and RyR in the SR. Co-localization of clusters of RyR and large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels was also suggested. The fast and tight coupling for CICR in these junctional sites was triggered also by an action potential, whereas a slower spread of Ca2+ wave to the whole-cell areas suggests the loose coupling in propagating CICR to other cell areas. It can therefore be postulated that CICR may occur in two steps upon depolarization; the initial CICR in distinct junctional sites shows tight coupling between Ca2+ influx and release, and the following CICR may propagate slow Ca2+ waves to other areas. Ryanodine receptors form a multiprotein complex with molecules such as calsequestrin, junctin, triadin, junctophilins, and FK506-binding proteins, which directly or indirectly regulate the RyR activity and the tight coupling. Moreover, an evoked Ca2+ spot may enhance Ca2+ uptake by neighboring mitochondria and their ATP production to increase energy supply to the Ca2+ pump of the SR in the microdomain.  相似文献   

A 94 kDa large subunit thiol-protease, as identified by anti-calpain antibodies, has been isolated from skeletal muscle junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This protease cleaves specifically the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR)/Ca2+ release channel at one site resulting in the 375 kDa and 150 kDa fragments. The 94 kDa thiol-protease degrades neither other SR proteins nor the ryanodine receptor of cardiac nor brain membranes. The partially purified 94 kDa protease, like the SR associated protease, had an optimal pH of about 7.0, was absolutely dependent on the presence of thiol reducing reagents, and was completely inhibited by HgCl2, leupeptin and the specific calpain I inhibitor. However, while the SR membrane-associated protease requires Ca2+ at a submicromolar concentration, the isolated thiol-protease has lost the Ca2+ requirement. The 94 kDa thiol-protease had no effect on ryanodine binding but modified the channel activity of RyR reconstituted into planar lipid bilayer: in a time-dependent manner, the channel activity decreases and within several minutes the channel is converted into a subconducting state. The protease-modified channel activity is still Ca2+-dependent and ryanodine sensitive. This 94 kDa thiol-protease cross react with anti-calpain antibodies thus, may represent the novel large subunit of the skeletal muscle specific calpain p94. Received: 10 December 1996/Revised: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

The NH2-terminal region (residues 1–543) of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) harbors a large number of mutations associated with cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies. Functional studies have revealed that the NH2-terminal region is involved in the activation and termination of Ca2+ release. The three-dimensional structure of the NH2-terminal region has recently been solved. It is composed of three domains (A, B, and C). However, the roles of these individual domains in Ca2+ release activation and termination are largely unknown. To understand the functional significance of each of these NH2-terminal domains, we systematically deleted these domains and assessed their impact on caffeine- or Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and store overload-induced Ca2+ release (SOICR) in HEK293 cells. We found that all deletion mutants were capable of forming caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive functional channels, indicating that the NH2-terminal region is not essential for channel gating. Ca2+ release measurements revealed that deleting domain A markedly reduced the threshold for SOICR termination but had no effect on caffeine or Ca2+ activation or the threshold for SOICR activation, whereas deleting domain B substantially enhanced caffeine and Ca2+ activation and lowered the threshold for SOICR activation and termination. Conversely, deleting domain C suppressed caffeine activation, abolished Ca2+ activation and SOICR, and diminished protein expression. These results suggest that domain A is involved in channel termination, domain B is involved in channel suppression, and domain C is critical for channel activation and expression. Our data shed new insights into the structure-function relationship of the NH2-terminal domains of RyR2 and the action of NH2-terminal disease mutations.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle activities are regulated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-mediated increases in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c). Local Ca2+ release from an InsP3 receptor (InsP3R) cluster present on the sarcoplasmic reticulum is termed a Ca2+ puff. Ca2+ released via InsP3R may diffuse to adjacent clusters to trigger further release and generate a cell-wide (global) Ca2+ rise. In smooth muscle, mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake maintains global InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release by preventing a negative feedback effect of high [Ca2+] on InsP3R. Mitochondria may regulate InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals by operating between or within InsP3R clusters. In the former mitochondria could regulate only global Ca2+ signals, whereas in the latter both local and global signals would be affected. Here whether mitochondria maintain InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release by operating within (local) or between (global) InsP3R clusters has been addressed. Ca2+ puffs evoked by localized photolysis of InsP3 in single voltage-clamped colonic smooth muscle cells had amplitudes of 0.5–4.0 F/F0, durations of ∼112 ms at half-maximum amplitude, and were abolished by the InsP3R inhibitor 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate. The protonophore carbonyl cyanide 3-chloropheylhydrazone and complex I inhibitor rotenone each depolarized ΔΨM to prevent mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and attenuated Ca2+ puffs by ∼66 or ∼60%, respectively. The mitochondrial uniporter inhibitor, RU360, attenuated Ca2+ puffs by ∼62%. The “fast” Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid acted like mitochondria to prolong InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release suggesting that mitochondrial influence is via their Ca2+ uptake facility. These results indicate Ca2+ uptake occurs quickly enough to influence InsP3R communication at the intra-cluster level and that mitochondria regulate both local and global InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals.  相似文献   

In mammalian skeletal muscle, Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) through the ryanodine receptor/Ca2+-release channel RyR1 can be enhanced by S-oxidation or S-nitrosylation of separate Cys residues, which are allosterically linked. S-Oxidation of RyR1 is coupled to muscle oxygen tension (pO2) through O2-dependent production of hydrogen peroxide by SR-resident NADPH oxidase 4. In isolated SR (SR vesicles), an average of six to eight Cys thiols/RyR1 monomer are reversibly oxidized at high (21% O2) versus low pO2 (1% O2), but their identity among the 100 Cys residues/RyR1 monomer is unknown. Here we use isotope-coded affinity tag labeling and mass spectrometry (yielding 93% coverage of RyR1 Cys residues) to identify 13 Cys residues subject to pO2-coupled S-oxidation in SR vesicles. Eight additional Cys residues are oxidized at high versus low pO2 only when NADPH levels are supplemented to enhance NADPH oxidase 4 activity. pO2-sensitive Cys residues were largely non-overlapping with those identified previously as hyperreactive by administration of exogenous reagents (three of 21) or as S-nitrosylated. Cys residues subject to pO2-coupled oxidation are distributed widely within the cytoplasmic domain of RyR1 in multiple functional domains implicated in RyR1 activity-regulating interactions with the L-type Ca2+ channel (dihydropyridine receptor) and FK506-binding protein 12 as well as in “hot spot” regions containing sites of mutation implicated in malignant hyperthermia and central core disease. pO2-coupled disulfide formation was identified, whereas neither S-glutathionylated nor sulfenamide-modified Cys residues were observed. Thus, physiological redox regulation of RyR1 by endogenously generated hydrogen peroxide is exerted through dynamic disulfide formation involving multiple Cys residues.  相似文献   

Single-channel and [3H]ryanodine binding experiments were carried out to examine the effects of imperatoxin activator (IpTxa), a 33 amino acid peptide isolated from the venom of the African scorpion Pandinus imperator, on rabbit skeletal and canine cardiac muscle Ca2+ release channels (CRCs). Single channel currents from purified CRCs incorporated into planar lipid bilayers were recorded in 250 mM KCl media. Addition of IpTxa in nanomolar concentration to the cytosolic (cis) side, but not to the lumenal (trans) side, induced substates in both ryanodine receptor isoforms. The substates displayed a slightly rectifying current–voltage relationship. The chord conductance at −40 mV was ∼43% of the full conductance, whereas it was ∼28% at a holding potential of +40 mV. The substate formation by IpTxa was voltage and concentration dependent. Analysis of voltage and concentration dependence and kinetics of substate formation suggested that IpTxa reversibly binds to the CRC at a single site in the voltage drop across the channel. The rate constant for IpTxa binding to the skeletal muscle CRC increased e-fold per +53 mV and the rate constant of dissociation decreased e-fold per +25 mV applied holding potential. The effective valence of the reaction leading to the substate was ∼1.5. The IpTxa binding site was calculated to be located at ∼23% of the voltage drop from the cytosolic side. IpTxa induced substates in the ryanodine-modified skeletal CRC and increased or reduced [3H]ryanodine binding to sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles depending on the level of channel activation. These results suggest that IpTxa induces subconductance states in skeletal and cardiac muscle Ca2+ release channels by binding to a single, cytosolically accessible site different from the ryanodine binding site.  相似文献   

Single channel and [3H]ryanodine binding measurements were performed to test for a direct functional interaction between 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime (BDM) and the skeletal and cardiac muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channels (ryanodine receptors). Single channel measurements were carried out in symmetric 0.25 m KCl media using the planar lipid bilayer method. BDM (1–10 mm) activated suboptimally Ca2+-activated (0.5–1 μm free Ca2+) single, purified and native cardiac and skeletal release channels in a concentration-dependent manner by increasing the number of channel events without a change of single channel conductances. BDM activated the two channel isoforms when added to either side of the bilayer. At a maximally activating cytosolic Ca2+ concentration of 20 μm, BDM was without effect on the cardiac channel, whereas it inhibited skeletal channel activities with IC50≈ 2.5 mm. In agreement with single channel measurements, high-affinity [3H]ryanodine binding to the two channel isoforms was increased in a concentration-dependent manner at ≤1 μm Ca2+. BDM was without a noticeable effect at low (≤0.01 μm) Ca2+ concentrations. At 20 μm Ca2+, BDM inhibited the skeletal but not cardiac channel. These results suggest that BDM regulates the Ca2+ release channels from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal and cardiac muscle in a concentration, Ca2+ and tissue-dependent manner. Received: 31 December 1998/Revised: 9 March 1999  相似文献   

Mitochondrial calcium handling and its relation with calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in muscle tissue are subject of lively debate. In this study we aimed to clarify how the SR determines mitochondrial calcium handling using dCASQ-null mice which lack both isoforms of the major Ca2+-binding protein inside SR, calsequestrin. Mitochondrial free Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]mito) was determined by means of a genetically targeted ratiometric FRET-based probe. Electron microscopy revealed a highly significant increase in intermyofibrillar mitochondria (+55%) and augmented coupling (+12%) between Ca2+ release units of the SR and mitochondria in dCASQ-null vs. WT fibers. Significant differences in the baseline [Ca2+]mito were observed between quiescent WT and dCASQ-null fibers, but not in the resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. The rise in [Ca2+]mito during electrical stimulation occurred in 20−30 ms, while the decline during and after stimulation was governed by 4 rate constants of approximately 40, 1.6, 0.2 and 0.03 s−1. Accordingly, frequency-dependent increase in [Ca2+]mito occurred during sustained contractions. In dCASQ-null fibers the increases in [Ca2+]mito were less pronounced than in WT fibers and even lower when extracellular calcium was removed. The amplitude and duration of [Ca2+]mito transients were increased by inhibition of mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (mNCX). These results provide direct evidence for fast Ca2+ accumulation inside the mitochondria, involvement of the mNCX in mitochondrial Ca2+-handling and a dependence of mitochondrial Ca2+-handling on intracellular (SR) and external Ca2+ stores in fast skeletal muscle fibers. dCASQ-null mice represent a model for malignant hyperthermia. The differences in structure and in mitochondrial function observed relative to WT may represent compensatory mechanisms for the disease-related reduction of calcium storage capacity of the SR and/or SR Ca2+-leakage.  相似文献   

Combined patch-clamp and Fura-2 measurements were performed on chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells co-expressing two channel proteins involved in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, the ryanodine receptor (RyR)-Ca2+ release channel (in the membrane of internal Ca2+ stores) and the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR)-Ca2+ channel (in the plasma membrane). To ensure expression of functional L-type Ca2+ channels, we expressed α2, β, and γ DHPR subunits and a chimeric DHPR α1 subunit in which the putative cytoplasmic loop between repeats II and III is of skeletal origin and the remainder is cardiac. There was no clear indication of skeletal-type coupling between the DHPR and the RyR; depolarization failed to induce a Ca2+ transient (CaT) in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o). However, in the presence of [Ca2+]o, depolarization evoked CaTs with a bell-shaped voltage dependence. About 30% of the cells tested exhibited two kinetic components: a fast transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) (the first component; reaching 95% of its peak <0.6 s after depolarization) followed by a second increase in [Ca2+]i which lasted for 5–10 s (the second component). Our results suggest that the first component primarily reflected Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ channels, whereas the second component resulted from Ca2+ release through the RyR expressed in the membrane of internal Ca2+ stores. However, the onset and the rate of Ca2+ release appeared to be much slower than in native cardiac myocytes, despite a similar activation rate of Ca2+ current. These results suggest that the skeletal muscle RyR isoform supports Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release but that the distance between the DHPRs and the RyRs is, on average, much larger in the cotransfected CHO cells than in cardiac myocytes. We conclude that morphological properties of T-tubules and/or proteins other than the DHPR and the RyR are required for functional “close coupling” like that observed in skeletal or cardiac muscle. Nevertheless, some of our results imply that these two channels are potentially able to directly interact with each other.  相似文献   

The intracellular Ca2+ sensor calmodulin (CaM) regulates the cardiac Ca2+ release channel/ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2), and mutations in CaM cause arrhythmias such as catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and long QT syndrome. Here, we investigated the effect of CaM mutations causing CPVT (N53I), long QT syndrome (D95V and D129G), or both (CaM N97S) on RyR2-mediated Ca2+ release. All mutations increased Ca2+ release and rendered RyR2 more susceptible to store overload-induced Ca2+ release (SOICR) by lowering the threshold of store Ca2+ content at which SOICR occurred and the threshold at which SOICR terminated. To obtain mechanistic insights, we investigated the Ca2+ binding of the N- and C-terminal domains (N- and C-domain) of CaM in the presence of a peptide corresponding to the CaM-binding domain of RyR2. The N53I mutation decreased the affinity of Ca2+ binding to the N-domain of CaM, relative to CaM WT, but did not affect the C-domain. Conversely, mutations N97S, D95V, and D129G had little or no effect on Ca2+ binding to the N-domain but markedly decreased the affinity of the C-domain for Ca2+. These results suggest that mutations D95V, N97S, and D129G alter the interaction between CaM and the CaMBD and thus RyR2 regulation. Because the N53I mutation minimally affected Ca2+ binding to the C-domain, it must cause aberrant regulation via a different mechanism. These results support aberrant RyR2 regulation as the disease mechanism for CPVT associated with CaM mutations and shows that CaM mutations not associated with CPVT can also affect RyR2. A model for the CaM-RyR2 interaction, where the Ca2+-saturated C-domain is constitutively bound to RyR2 and the N-domain senses increases in Ca2+ concentration, is proposed.  相似文献   

Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via ryanodine receptor type 2 (RYR2) is the key determinant of cardiac contractility. Although activity of RYR2 channels is primary controlled by Ca2+ entry through the plasma membrane, there is growing evidence that Ca2+ in the lumen of the SR can also be effectively involved in the regulation of RYR2 channel function. In the present study, we investigated the effect of luminal Ca2+ on the response of RYR2 channels reconstituted into a planar lipid membrane to caffeine and Ca2+ added to the cytosolic side of the channel. We performed two sets of experiments when the channel was exposed to either luminal Ba2+ or Ca2+. The given ion served also as a charge carrier. Luminal Ca2+ effectively shifted the EC50 for caffeine sensitivity to a lower concentration but did not modify the response of RYR2 channels to cytosolic Ca2+. Importantly, luminal Ca2+ exerted an effect on channel gating kinetics. Both the open and closed dwell times were considerably prolonged over the whole range (response to caffeine) or the partial range (response to cytosolic Ca2+) of open probability. Our results provide strong evidence that an alteration of the gating kinetics is the result of the interaction of luminal Ca2+ with the luminally located Ca2+ regulatory sites on the RYR2 channel complex.  相似文献   

Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are a family of Ca2+ channel proteins that mediate the massive release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasma. In the present study, we manipulated the incorporation of RyR1 into RBC membrane and investigated its influences on the intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]in) level and the biomechanical properties in RBCs. The incorporation of RyR1 into RBC membranes was demonstrated by both immunofluorescent staining and the change of [Ca2+]in of RBCs. In the presence of RyR1, [Ca2+]in showed biphasic changes, i.e., it increased with the extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]ex) up to 5 μM and then decreased with the further increase of [Ca2+]ex. However, [Ca2+]in remained constant in the absence of the RyR1. The results of biomechanical measurements on RBCs, including deformability, osmotic fragility, and membrane microviscosity, reflected similar biphasic changes of [Ca2+]in mediated by RyR1 with the increases of [Ca2+]ex. Therefore, it is believed that RyR1 can incorporate into RBC membrane in vitro, and mediate Ca2+ influx, and then regulate RBC biomechanical properties. This information suggests that RBCs may serve as a model to study the function of RyR1 as a Ca2+ release channel.  相似文献   

In the present study we studied platelet-activating factor (PAF)-, and ATP-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using RAW 264.7 macrophages filled with fura-2/AM and imaged with fluorescence video microscopy. We found that the prevalence of detectable [Ca2+]i responses to PAF application was significantly higher in the presence of dantrolene. Dantrolene itself significantly decreased basal [Ca2+]i of macrophages compared to control cases after a 20-min incubation period. In the dantrolene-treated cells even the peak [Ca2+]i in response to PAF (as an average of all cells) was below the baseline of control suggesting that decreased [Ca2+]i plays a permissive role in the Ca2+ rise induced by PAF in macrophages. In contrast to the effect of PAF, neither the amplitude of response to ATP nor the frequency of responding cells changed significantly during dantrolene treatment in our experiments. These cells were able to respond to a standard immune stimulus as well: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was able to increase [Ca2+]i. Our data indicate that the effectiveness of PAF to increase [Ca2+]i in RAW 264.7 macrophages depends on the resting [Ca2+]i. It has also been shown in this study that PAF and ATP differently regulate Ca2+ homeostasis in macrophages during inflammatory response and therefore they possibly differently modulate cytokine production by macrophages.  相似文献   



The global disparity in cancer incidence remains a major public health problem. We focused on prostate cancer since microscopic disease in men is common, but the incidence of clinical disease varies more than 100 fold worldwide. Ca2+ signaling is a central regulator of cell proliferation, but has received little attention in cancer prevention. We and others have reported a strong dose-dependent reduction in the incidence of prostate and lung cancer within populations exposed to boron (B) in drinking water and food; and in tumor and cell proliferation in animal and cell culture models.

Methods/Principal Findings

We examined the impact of B on Ca2+ stores using cancer and non-cancer human prostate cell lines, Ca2+ indicators Rhod-2 AM and Indo-1 AM and confocal microscopy. In DU-145 cells, inhibition of Ca2+ release was apparent following treatment with Ringers containing RyR agonists cADPR, 4CmC or caffeine and respective levels of BA (50 µM), (1, 10 µM) or (10, 20, 50,150 µM). Less aggressive LNCaP cancer cells required 20 µM BA and the non-tumor cell line PWR1E required 150 µM BA to significantly inhibit caffeine stimulated Ca2+ release. BA (10 µM) and the RyR antagonist dantroline (10 µM) were equivalent in their ability to inhibit ER Ca2+ loss. Flow cytometry and confocal microscopy analysis showed exposure of DU-145 cells to 50 µM BA for 1 hr decreased stored [Ca2+] by 32%.


We show B causes a dose dependent decrease of Ca2+ release from ryanodine receptor sensitive stores. This occurred at BA concentrations present in blood of geographically disparate populations. Our results suggest higher BA blood levels lower the risk of prostate cancer by reducing intracellular Ca2+ signals and storage.  相似文献   



While ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1) critically contributes to skeletal muscle contraction abilities by mediating Ca2+ion oscillation between sarcoplasmatic and myofibrillar compartments, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) senses contraction-induced energetic stress by phosphorylation at Thr172. Phosphorylation of RyR1 at serine2843 (pRyR1Ser2843) results in leaky RyR1 channels and impaired Ca2+homeostasis. Because acute resistance exercise exerts decreased contraction performance in skeletal muscle, preceded by high rates of Ca2+-oscillation and energetic stress, intense myofiber contractions may induce increased RyR1 and AMPK phosphorylation. However, no data are available regarding the time-course and magnitude of early RyR1 and AMPK phosphorylation in human myofibers in response to acute resistance exercise.


Determine the effects and early time-course of resistance exercise on pRyR1Ser2843 and pAMPKThr172 in type I and II myofibers.


7 male subjects (age 23±2 years, height: 185±7 cm, weight: 82±5 kg) performed 3 sets of 8 repetitions of maximum eccentric knee extensions. Muscle biopsies were taken at rest, 15, 30 and 60 min post exercise. pRyR1Ser2843 and pAMPKThr172 levels were determined by western blot and semi-quantitative immunohistochemistry techniques.


While total RyR1 and total AMPK levels remained unchanged, RyR1 was significantly more abundant in type II than type I myofibers. pRyR1Ser2843 increased 15 min and peaked 30 min (p<0.01) post exercise in both myofiber types. Type I fibers showed relatively higher increases in pRyR1Ser2843 levels than type II myofibers and remained elevated up to 60 min post resistance exercise (p<0.05). pAMPKThr172 also increased 15 to 30 min post exercise (p<0.01) in type I and II myofibers and in whole skeletal muscle.


Resistance exercise induces acutely increased pRyR1Ser2843 and concomitantly pAMPKThr172 levels for up to 30 min in resistance exercised myofibers. This provides a time-course by which pRyR1Ser2843 can mechanistically impact Ca2+handling properties and consequently induce reduced myofiber contractility beyond immediate fatiguing mechanisms.  相似文献   

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