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Some studies have found that prospective memory (PM) cues which are emotionally valenced influence age effects in prospective remembering, but it remains unclear whether this effect reflects the operation of processes implemented at encoding or retrieval. In addition, none of the prior ageing studies of valence on PM function have examined potential costs of engaging in different valence conditions, or resource allocation trade-offs between the PM and the ongoing task. In the present study, younger, young-old and old-old adults completed a PM task in which the valence of the cues varied systematically (positive, negative or neutral) at encoding, but was kept constant (neutral) at retrieval. The results indicated that PM accuracy did not vary as a function of affect at encoding, and that this effect did not interact with age group. There was also no main or interaction effect of valence on PM reaction time in PM cue trials, indicating that valence costs across the three encoding conditions were equivalent. Old-old adults’ PM accuracy was reduced relative to both young-old and younger adults. Prospective remembering incurred dual-task costs for all three groups. Analyses of reaction time data suggested that for both young-old and old-old, these costs were greater, implying differential resource allocation cost trade-offs. However, when reaction time data were expressed as a proportional change that adjusted for the general slowing of the older adults, costs did not differ as a function of group.  相似文献   

大脑采集感觉信息、整合认知和控制行为过程,这些任务的实现依赖于神经细胞及其环路的信息储存与编程.澄清神经信息编程与储存的原理是研制拟脑计算机的基础.本文将基于神经细胞的模拟-数字信号转换、数字信号兼容式输出以及新信息储存与提取等方面的研究揭示脑认知原理.  相似文献   

创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)是极为常见的外伤性疾病,致死率和致残率很高。存活者伴随的空间认知功能障碍,给患者家庭和社会造成了极大的负担。目前,对TBI造成的空间记忆障碍缺乏系统研究。脑损伤后海马组织与记忆有关的分子以及组成神经元骨架的分子如何变化研究甚少。本研究采用Wistar大鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为假手术(sham)组和创伤性脑损伤(TBI)组。TBI组再按致伤后时间长短分为6 h、12 h、24 h、72 h、15 d五个亚组。TBI组应用PinPointTM颅脑撞击器撞击而致伤,sham组不撞击。采用Morris水迷宫评价实验动物空间记忆能力;干湿重法测定脑含水量,评估脑水肿与海马水通道蛋白4(aquaporin-4,AQP-4)的相关性;海马神经元特异性核蛋白(neuron specific nuclear protein,NeuN)标记和免疫荧光检测评估TBI致大鼠神经元丢失情况;通过Western印迹检测TBI致海马骨架相关蛋白质和记忆相关蛋白质含量变化。本研究证实,与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠潜伏期明显增加[(61.98±12.82) s vs.(28.32±8.52) s,n=5,P<0.01,day 15],探索时间明显缩短[(36.98±0.37) s vs. (73.68±5.09) s,n=5,P<0.01,day15],表明脑创伤损害了动物的空间参考记忆能力和空间工作记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马AQP-4在蛋白质水平上的表达和脑含水量持续升高,15 d恢复正常;在12 h[(3.78±0.74),(83.78±0.35)%]和72 h[(3.49±0.85),(82.28±0.63)%]均形成两个波峰,n=5,P均<0.01,表明继发性脑损伤与持续脑水肿和海马AQP-4在蛋白质上的高表达有关。与sham组相比,NeuN标记和免疫荧光检测发现,TBI后24 h 致大鼠海马神经元丢失严重[(198.2±8.002) vs.(297.2±6.866) cells/mm2, n=5,P<0.01],表明TBI动物的海马功能受损。与sham相比,TBI组海马神经元树突标志物微管结合蛋白2(microtubule associated proein 2,MAP2)和突触前终末特异性标记物突触素(synaptophysin,SYN)在蛋白质水平均伤后逐步降低(n=5,P均<0.01),72 h[(0.55±0.05) vs.(1.27±0.08), (0.52±0.14) vs.(1.06±0.16), n=5,P均<0.01]降低最明显;TBI组形成神经元纤维缠结主要成分的过度磷酸化tau(ser404),伤后逐步升高,72 h[(1.25±0.11)vs. (0.33±0.07), n=5,P<0.01]升高最明显。 MAP2、SYN和过度磷酸化的tau(ser404)检测指标的改变,表明脑损伤致神经元受损,神经元生长和损伤修复能力减弱,最终导致神经元骨架破环,TBI损害了动物的海马空间记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马环磷酸腺苷反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)和磷酸化CREB ser133(phosphorylated CREB Ser133, pCREB Ser133)含量降低明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马的存储记忆能力减弱;TBI组大鼠海马一般调控阻遏蛋白激酶2(general control nonderepressible 2 kinase,GCN2)蛋白质升高明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马将新信息转化成长期记忆能力下降。本研究提示,创伤性脑损伤可使大鼠海马神经元骨架破坏,进而导致在学习记忆过程中起重要作用的分子蛋白质下调,抑制记忆储存的蛋白质(GCN2)上调,促使学习记忆功能障碍。  相似文献   

创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)是极为常见的外伤性疾病,致死率和致残率很高。存活者伴随的空间认知功能障碍,给患者家庭和社会造成了极大的负担。目前,对TBI造成的空间记忆障碍缺乏系统研究。脑损伤后海马组织与记忆有关的分子以及组成神经元骨架的分子如何变化研究甚少。本研究采用Wistar大鼠为研究对象,并随机将其分为假手术(sham)组和创伤性脑损伤(TBI)组。TBI组再按致伤后时间长短分为6 h、12 h、24 h、72 h、15 d五个亚组。TBI组应用PinPointTM颅脑撞击器撞击而致伤,sham组不撞击。采用Morris水迷宫评价实验动物空间记忆能力;干湿重法测定脑含水量,评估脑水肿与海马水通道蛋白4(aquaporin-4,AQP-4)的相关性;海马神经元特异性核蛋白(neuron specific nuclear protein,NeuN)标记和免疫荧光检测评估TBI致大鼠神经元丢失情况;通过Western印迹检测TBI致海马骨架相关蛋白质和记忆相关蛋白质含量变化。本研究证实,与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠潜伏期明显增加[(61.98±12.82) s vs.(28.32±8.52) s,n=5,P<0.01,day 15],探索时间明显缩短[(36.98±0.37) s vs. (73.68±5.09) s,n=5,P<0.01,day15],表明脑创伤损害了动物的空间参考记忆能力和空间工作记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马AQP-4在蛋白质水平上的表达和脑含水量持续升高,15 d恢复正常;在12 h[(3.78±0.74),(83.78±0.35)%]和72 h[(3.49±0.85),(82.28±0.63)%]均形成两个波峰,n=5,P均<0.01,表明继发性脑损伤与持续脑水肿和海马AQP-4在蛋白质上的高表达有关。与sham组相比,NeuN标记和免疫荧光检测发现,TBI后24 h 致大鼠海马神经元丢失严重[(198.2±8.002) vs.(297.2±6.866) cells/mm2, n=5,P<0.01],表明TBI动物的海马功能受损。与sham相比,TBI组海马神经元树突标志物微管结合蛋白2(microtubule associated proein 2,MAP2)和突触前终末特异性标记物突触素(synaptophysin,SYN)在蛋白质水平均伤后逐步降低(n=5,P均<0.01),72 h[(0.55±0.05) vs.(1.27±0.08), (0.52±0.14) vs.(1.06±0.16), n=5,P均<0.01]降低最明显;TBI组形成神经元纤维缠结主要成分的过度磷酸化tau(ser404),伤后逐步升高,72 h[(1.25±0.11)vs. (0.33±0.07), n=5,P<0.01]升高最明显。 MAP2、SYN和过度磷酸化的tau(ser404)检测指标的改变,表明脑损伤致神经元受损,神经元生长和损伤修复能力减弱,最终导致神经元骨架破环,TBI损害了动物的海马空间记忆能力。与sham组相比,TBI组大鼠海马环磷酸腺苷反应元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)和磷酸化CREB ser133(phosphorylated CREB Ser133, pCREB Ser133)含量降低明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马的存储记忆能力减弱;TBI组大鼠海马一般调控阻遏蛋白激酶2(general control nonderepressible 2 kinase,GCN2)蛋白质升高明显(n=5,P均<0.05),表明脑损伤动物海马将新信息转化成长期记忆能力下降。本研究提示,创伤性脑损伤可使大鼠海马神经元骨架破坏,进而导致在学习记忆过程中起重要作用的分子蛋白质下调,抑制记忆储存的蛋白质(GCN2)上调,促使学习记忆功能障碍。  相似文献   

Influenza A viral (IAV) fusion peptides are known for their important role in viral-cell fusion process and membrane destabilization potential which are compatible with those of antimicrobial peptides. Thus, by replacing the negatively or neutrally charged residues of FPs with positively charged lysines, we synthesized several potent antimicrobial peptides derived from the fusogenic peptides (FPs) of hemagglutinin glycoproteins (HAs) of IAV. The biological screening identified that in addition to the potent antibacterial activities, these positively charged fusion peptides (pFPs) effectively inhibited the replication of influenza A viruses including oseltamivir-resistant strain. By employing pseudovirus-based entry inhibition assays including H5N1 influenza A virus (IAV), and VSV-G, the mechanism study indicated that the antiviral activity may be associated with the interactions between the HA2 subunit and pFP, of which, the nascent pFP exerted a strong effect to interrupt the conformational changes of HA2, thereby blocking the entry of viruses into host cells. In addition to providing new peptide “entry blockers”, these data also demonstrate a useful strategy in designing potent antibacterial agents, as well as effective viral entry inhibitors. It would be meaningful in treatment of bacterial co-infection during influenza pandemic periods, as well as in our current war against those emerging pathogenic microorganisms such as IAV and HIV.  相似文献   

基于TDT神经电生理软硬件平台和Matlab软件环境,开发了专用于听觉电生理研究的实时分析软件。通过对神经元胞外记录信号的在线处理和分析,可以在实验过程中得到刺激后放电活动时间直方图、平均发放率、首次发放潜伏期等定量分析结果,以及刺激参数变化时神经元发放率的变化曲线,如发放率-刺激强度曲线等。此分析软件被用于大鼠下丘神经元听觉信息编码的研究中,观察到下丘神经元对于纯音和噪声刺激不同的时间响应模式,以及神经元发放率和首次发放潜伏期对声音刺激强度的编码。  相似文献   

目的研究APP5肽对糖尿病模型小鼠学习记忆能力及海马神经元蛋白表达的影响。方法用链脲佐菌素诱发小鼠糖尿病模型,应用APP5肽(0.0014 mg/kg)皮下注射治疗,5周后进行Morris水迷宫试验;小鼠脑组织海马做Akt、PI3K、P-CREB、Bcl-2、Bax、CytoC免疫组织化学染色;另一部分鼠脑海马,做Bcl-2、Bax抗体蛋白免疫印记。结果(1)水迷宫试验:糖尿病模型小鼠到达站台游动时间比正常对照组延长(P〈0.01);而APP5肽皮下注射治疗组较DM组动物分别缩短(P〈0.01)。(2)神经免疫组织化学实验和Western blot:给予APP5肽糖尿病小鼠与对照组小鼠海马组织内神经元表达细胞存活相关蛋白及抗凋亡相关蛋白PI3K、Akt、P-CREB、Bcl-2阳性细胞数相似,明显高于糖尿病小鼠(P〈0.01);APP5肽给予糖尿病小鼠与对照组小鼠表达凋亡蛋白Bax、cytoC阳性细胞数相似,明显少于糖尿病小鼠(P〈0.01)。Western blot结果相同。结论糖尿病小鼠海马神经元表达细胞存活相关蛋白下降,神经元表达细胞凋亡相关蛋白增加,导致其学习记忆能力下降。APP5肽应用可以使上述蛋白恢复到接近正常,从而改善糖尿病小鼠学习记忆能力。  相似文献   

In the last decades a standard model regarding the function of the hippocampus in memory formation has been established and tested computationally. It has been argued that the CA3 region works as an auto-associative memory and that its recurrent fibers are the actual storing place of the memories. Furthermore, to work properly CA3 requires memory patterns that are mutually uncorrelated. It has been suggested that the dentate gyrus orthogonalizes the patterns before storage, a process known as pattern separation. In this study we review the model when random input patterns are presented for storage and investigate whether it is capable of storing patterns of more realistic entorhinal grid cell input. Surprisingly, we find that an auto-associative CA3 net is redundant for random inputs up to moderate noise levels and is only beneficial at high noise levels. When grid cell input is presented, auto-association is even harmful for memory performance at all levels. Furthermore, we find that Hebbian learning in the dentate gyrus does not support its function as a pattern separator. These findings challenge the standard framework and support an alternative view where the simpler EC-CA1-EC network is sufficient for memory storage.  相似文献   

一种基于过敏性反应机制的抗植物病毒侵染策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于植物的过敏性反应机制,构建了PVY Nib基因和来自于细菌Bacillus amy—loliquefaciens的一类Rnase基因Barnase基因的融合基因的植物表达载体。在此表达载体内两基因的拼接处,保留了原来PVY蛋白酶识别PVYNIb和CP蛋白剪切位点的七肽保守序列。通过农杆菌介导获得此融台基因的转基因烟草植株。病毒侵染试验表明,转基因植物在病毒侵染后,发病症状被改变。少部分转融合基因的植株对病毒侵染表现局部抗性。  相似文献   

Understanding how stimulant drugs affect memory is important for understanding their addictive potential. Here we examined the effects of acute d-methamphetamine (METH), administered either before (encoding phase) or immediately after (consolidation phase) study on memory for emotional and neutral images in healthy humans. Young adult volunteers (N = 60) were randomly assigned to either an encoding group (N = 29) or a consolidation group (N = 31). Across three experimental sessions, they received placebo and two doses of METH (10, 20 mg) either 45 min before (encoding) or immediately after (consolidation) viewing pictures of emotionally positive, neutral, and negative scenes. Memory for the pictures was tested two days later, under drug-free conditions. Half of the sample reported sleep disturbances following the high dose of METH, which affected their memory performance. Therefore, participants were classified as poor sleepers (less than 6 hours; n = 29) or adequate sleepers (6 or more hours; n = 31) prior to analyses. For adequate sleepers, METH (20 mg) administered before encoding significantly improved memory accuracy relative to placebo, especially for emotional (positive and negative), compared to neutral, stimuli. For poor sleepers in the encoding group, METH impaired memory. METH did not affect memory in the consolidation group regardless of sleep quality. These results extend previous findings showing that METH can enhance memory for salient emotional stimuli but only if it is present at the time of study, where it can affect both encoding and consolidation. METH does not appear to facilitate consolidation if administered after encoding. The study also demonstrates the important role of sleep in memory studies.  相似文献   

When the natural lignan hydroxymatairesinol ( 1 ) was treated with an alkaline aqueous solution, it partially rearranged to isomeric forms of a lariciresinol-type butyrolactone lignan. The two major diastereomers formed (2 and 3) were isolated by column and medium-pressure chromatography, and their structures were elucidated by MS and NMR techniques. These previously unknown butyrolactone lignans were identified as naturally occurring in spruce knotwood by GC, GC-MS, and HPLC-ESI MS/MS analyses. The formation of isohydroxymatairesinol (2) and epi-isohydroxymatairesinol (3) from hydroxymatalresinol ( 1 ), and their detection in rat urine after administration of 1, is discussed.  相似文献   

This study estimates global warming impact (GWI) of E85 fuel needed to run a small passenger car for its average lifetime, i.e., 241,402 km (150,000 miles). The ethanol needed for the production of E85 fuel was derived from an intensively managed slash pine (Pinus elliottii) plantation in the southern USA. We assumed that only pulpwood and harvesting residues obtained at the time of harvesting were used for ethanol production. A suitable system boundary was defined and a detailed life-cycle assessment was undertaken to determine GWI of all the steps present within the system boundary. Results indicate that the overall GWI of the E85 fuel was about 76% less than an equivalent amount of gasoline needed to run a small passenger car for its average lifetime. Within the system boundary, the GWI of the ethanol production stage was highest followed by the stage of E85 fuel consumption in a small passenger car. A need exists to evaluate impacts of utilizing forest biomass for E85 fuel production on forest ecology and traditional forest biomass-based industries.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists were administered by retrograde microdialysis into either the medial septum/vertical limb of the diagonal band (MS/vDB), or hippocampus, and the output of acetylcholine (ACh) was measured in the hippocampus by using intracerebral microdialysis. Perfusion with N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) and ( S )-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) in the MS/vDB caused an increase in ACh output in the hippocampus. This increase was completely blocked by coadministration of their respective antagonists d (−)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid ( d -AP5) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX). Perfusion in the MS/vDB with kainic acid also caused an increase in ACh output, but coadministration of CNQX attenuated the increase only partially. Perfusion with d -AP5 or CNQX alone in the septal probe did not affect ACh output from the hippocampus. In contrast to the results of septal administration of NMDA and AMPA, local perfusion with the same drugs in the hippocampus caused a decrease in ACh output. Whereas the results of septal administration of drugs indicate that septal cholinergic neurons probably receive excitatory glutamatergic innervation, the decrease in ACh output caused by administration of NMDA and AMPA in the hippocampus is poorly understood.  相似文献   

PB1-F2 is a viral protein that is encoded by the PB1 gene of influenza A virus by alternative translation. It varies in length and sequence context among different strains. The present study examines the functions of PB1-F2 proteins derived from various human and avian viruses. While H1N1 PB1-F2 was found to target mitochondria and enhance apoptosis, H5N1 PB1-F2, surprisingly, did not localize specifically to mitochondria and displayed no ability to enhance apoptosis. Introducing Leu into positions 69 (Q69L) and 75 (H75L) in the C terminus of H5N1 PB1-F2 drove 40.7% of the protein to localize to mitochondria compared with the level of mitochondrial localization of wild-type H5N1 PB1-F2, suggesting that a Leu-rich sequence in the C terminus is important for targeting of mitochondria. However, H5N1 PB1-F2 contributes to viral RNP activity, which is responsible for viral RNA replication. Lastly, although the swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) contained a truncated form of PB1-F2 (12 amino acids [aa]), potential mutation in the future may enable it to contain a full-length product. Therefore, the functions of this putative S-OIV PB1-F2 (87 aa) were also investigated. Although this PB1-F2 from the mutated S-OIV shares only 54% amino acid sequence identity with that of seasonal H1N1 virus, it also increased viral RNP activity. The plaque size and growth curve of the viruses with and without S-OIV PB1-F2 differed greatly. The PB1-F2 protein has various lengths, amino acid sequences, cellular localizations, and functions in different strains, which result in strain-specific pathogenicity. Such genetic and functional diversities make it flexible and adaptable in maintaining the optimal replication efficiency and virulence for various strains of influenza A virus.Influenza A viruses contain eight negative-stranded RNA segments that encode 11 known viral proteins. The 11th viral protein was originally found in a search for unknown peptides during influenza A virus infection recognized by CD8+ T cells. It was termed PB1-F2 and is the second protein that is alternatively translated by the same PB1 gene (8). PB1-F2 can be encoded in a large number of influenza A viruses that are isolated from various hosts, including human and avian hosts. The size of PB1-F2 ranges from 57 to 101 amino acids (aa) (41). While strain PR8 (H1N1) contains a PB1-F2 with a length of 87 aa, PB1-F2 is terminated at amino acid position 57 in most human H1N1 viruses and is thus a truncated form compared with the length in PR8. Human H3N2 and most avian influenza A viruses encode a full-length PB1-F2 protein, which is at least 87 aa (7). Many cellular functions of the PB1-F2 protein, and especially the protein of the PR8 strain, have been reported (11, 25). For example, PR8 PB1-F2 localizes to mitochondria in infected and transfected cells (8, 15, 38, 39), suggesting that PB1-F2 enhances influenza A virus-mediated apoptosis in human monocytes (8). The phosphorylation of the PR8 PB1-F2 protein has been suggested to be one of the crucial causes of the promotion of apoptosis (30).The rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions in the PB1-F2 gene are higher than those in the PB1 gene (7, 20, 21, 37, 42). Recent work has shown that both PR8 PB1-F2 and H5N1 PB1-F2 are important regulators of influenza A virus virulence (1). Additionally, the expression of the 1918 influenza A virus (H1N1) PB1-F2 increases the incidence of secondary bacterial pneumonia (10, 28). However, PB1-F2 is not essential for viral replication because the knockout of PB1-F2 in strain PR8 has no effect on the viral titer (40), suggesting that PB1-F2 may have cellular functions other than those that were originally thought (29).PB1-F2 was translated from the same RNA segment as the PB1 protein, whose function is strongly related to virus RNP activity, which is responsible for RNA chain elongation and which exhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity (2, 5) and endonuclease activity (9, 16, 26). Previous research has already proved that the knockout of PR8 PB1-F2 reduced virus RNP activity, revealing that PR8 PB1-F2 contributes to virus RNP activity (27), even though PB1-F2 has no effect on the virus growth rate (40). In the present study, not only PR8 PB1-F2 but also H5N1 PB1-F2 and putative full-length swine-origin influenza A virus (S-OIV) PB1-F2 contributed to virus RNP activity. However, PR8 PB1-F2 and H5N1 PB1-F2 exhibit different biological behaviors, including different levels of expression, cellular localizations, and apoptosis enhancements. The molecular determinants of the different localizations were also addressed. The function of the putative PB1-F2 derived from S-OIV was also studied. The investigation described here reveals that PB1-F2 proteins derived from various viral strains exhibited distinct functions, possibly contributing to the variation in the virulence of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Two forms of memory are known: short-term (operative, fresh, dynamic) and long-term (stable, permanent) (1-3). The first form involves memorization for brief time intervals, short-term retention of traces that "fade out" within a few minutes. The second form of memory is engaged in prolonged retention of traces that can still be reproduced after a long lapse of time, such as several hours, days, or weeks.  相似文献   

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