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The possibility of regulating endospore formation by changing cultivation conditions was for the first time shown in acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacteria Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans type strain 1269 and the thermotolerant strain K1 formerly described as S. thermosulfidooxidans subsp. thermotolerans. Suppression of sporulation occurred when these strains were cultured in Manning's liquid medium with yeast extract. This medium was optimized by gradually reducing the concentrations of ferrous iron salts (the source of energy), phosphorous, nitrogen, and yeast extract and simultaneously increasing the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and manganese (the elements important for sporogenesis) to attain higher yields of endospores by strains 1269 and K1. As a result, a new medium A was proposed, in which, under aeration, the life cycle of the strains studied culminated in sporulation at a level of 45 and 60%, respectively, of the total cell number. In a series of additional tests, the growth temperature and medium pH were adjusted to obtain the maximum yield of endospores. The optimal ranges found were 40–50°C and pH 1.8–2.2 for strain 1269 and 35–40°C and pH 2.5–2.7 for strain K1. An even higher yield of endospores, amounting to 55 and 75% for strains 1269 and K1, respectively, was obtained when the above growth conditions were combined (growth on medium A at optimal temperatures and pH under static conditions). Our results suggest a new approach to optimizing sporulation by acidophilic chemolithotrophs, which consists in limiting the energy and nutrient sources and using temperature and pH values within the tolerance bounds of these cultures but outside their growth optimum ranges.  相似文献   

Pyrrolnitrin, at low concentrations, uncouples oxidative phosphorylation in Neurospora mitochondria. At higher concentrations, pyrrolnitrin inhibits electron transport both in the flavine region and through cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

The reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidative pathway of a halophilic bacterium was found to contain a light-sensitive (360 nm) compound, menaquinone-8, which serves as a cofactor in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide+-linked pathway.  相似文献   

几种理化因子对海洋硝化细菌去除氨氮效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究pH、温度、供氧状况、投菌量、氨氮初始浓度等理化因子对海洋硝化细菌去除氨氮效果的影响。结果表明,各种理化因子对硝化细菌去除氨氮效果均有明显影响,海洋硝化细菌的最佳作用条件是pH 8.5,25℃,好氧,对氨氮的去除效果随着投菌量的增加而增强。在适宜条件下,海洋硝化细菌对海水中氨氮具有较好的去除效果。研究海洋硝化细菌在去除氨氮过程中D IN之间相互转化关系发现,在处理系统中随着NH4 -N含量的降低,NO2--N、NO3--N含量持续增加,大约有66.57%的D IN在海洋硝化细菌作用过程中以其他形式脱离了处理系统。  相似文献   

Moisture may limit microbial activity in a wide range of environments including salt water, food, wood, biofilms, and soils. Low water availability can inhibit microbial activity by lowering intracellular water potential and thus reducing hydration and activity of enzymes. In solid matrices, low water content may also reduce microbial activity by restricting substrate supply. As pores within solid matrices drain and water films coating surfaces become thinner, diffusion path lengths become more tortuous, and the rate of substrate diffusion to microbial cells declines. We used two independent techniques to evaluate the relative importance of cytoplasmic dehydration versus diffusional limitations in controlling rates of nitrification in soil. Nitrification rates in shaken soil slurries, in which NH(inf4)(sup+) was maintained at high concentrations and osmotic potential was controlled by the addition of K(inf2)SO(inf4), were compared with rates in moist soil incubations, in which substrate supply was controlled by the addition of NH(inf3) gas. Comparison of results from these techniques demonstrated that diffusional limitation of substrate supply and adverse physiologic effects associated with cell dehydration can explain all of the decline in activity of nitrifying bacteria at low soil water content. However, the relative importance of substrate limitation and dehydration changes at different water potentials. For the soil-microbial system we worked with, substrate limitation was the major inhibiting factor when soil water potentials were greater than -0.6 MPa, whereas adverse physiological effects associated with cell dehydration were more inhibiting at water potentials of less than -0.6 MPa.  相似文献   

T_RFLP技术及其在硝化细菌群落分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T_RFLP是建立在PCR基础上的,一种不依赖于传统培养方法的微生物生态学的研究方法.具有快速、灵敏的特点.自1997年首次被报道以来,T_RFLP技术已广泛应用于菌种鉴定、群落对比分析、群落中系统发育种群多样性的评估等领域,并成为环境微生物群落结构分析的强有力工具之一.目前T_RFLP在国内的应用较少,硝化细菌的群落分析上还未见报道.但作为一种研究微生物群落结构特征的理想方法,将会得到广泛地应用.本文主要介绍了T_RFLP的基本原理,概括了在微生物群落分析上的应用,阐述了硝化细菌传统研究的局限性及T_RFLP在硝化细菌群落结构分析上的应用前景.  相似文献   

T_RFLP是建立在PCR基础上的, 一种不依赖于传统培养方法的微生物生态学的研究方法。具有快速、灵敏的特点。自1997年首次被报道以来, T_RFLP技术已广泛应用于菌种鉴定、群落对比分析、群落中系统发育种群多样性的评估等领域, 并成为环境微生物群落结构分析的强有力工具之一。目前T_RFLP在国内的应用较少, 硝化细菌的群落分析上还未见报道。但作为一种研究微生物群落结构特征的理想方法, 将会得到广泛地应用。本文主要介绍了T_RFLP的基本原理, 概括了在微生物群落分析上的应用, 阐述了硝化细菌传统研究的局限性及T_RFLP在硝化细菌群落结构分析上的应用前景。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether a planted mesocosm mimics a natural habitat in terms of N2O and CH4 fluxes, soil characteristics and potential nitrification and denitrification activities. We compared mesocosms in unchambered open-field plots and in open-top chambers with nonfiltered ambient air with three natural meadows that had similar soil characteristics and species composition. The N2O fluxes in the mesocosms were very similar to the fluxes in the three natural meadows. There were no marked differences in potential nitrification and denitrification activities between the mesocosms and the natural meadows, either. Only the CH4 fluxes differed slightly between the mesocosms and some of the natural meadows. Therefore, it seems that the mesocosms compared rather well to natural habitats. The open-top chambers modified only the soil water content, the values being higher in the unchambered plots than in the chambered plots. These results thus suggest that the open-top chamber experiment enables estimates of greenhouse gas and potential activities of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in unfertilized Finnish meadows, in spite of the chamber effects on the soil water content.  相似文献   

A problem currently encountered by government agencies concerned with environmental health and safety is the determination of the methane content of soil in and around sanitary landfills. The feasibility of using methanol-oxidizing bacteria (methylotrophs) as an index of the methane content of soils from sanitary landfills was tested in this study. A statistically significant correlation was shown to exist between the methane content of soil and the number of methanol-oxidizing bacteria in soil.  相似文献   

Storm events resulted in a marked reduction in the benthic nitrifying activity of a stream receiving geothermal inputs of ammonium. Subsequently, nitrifying activity demonstrated a logarithmic increase until a stable activity was reached 10 to 12 days after the storm event. The rate of increase of poststorm nitrifying activity was used to calculate the nitrifier growth rate in situ (0.0075 to 0.0116 h−1) which was lower than the growth rates observed for laboratory cultures of nitrifying bacteria isolated from the sediments (0.0233 to 0.0990 h−1).  相似文献   

The effect of various anions on photosystem I (PSI)-mediatedelectron transport was studied in control and heat-treated chloroplasts.Results show that heat treatment exposes not only some of thereduced dichlorophenolindophenol binding sites, but also certainanion binding sites. Moreover, the site of action of anionsis at two places in the electron transport chain: one site isbetween the DCMU binding site and the HgCl2, binding site (onplastocyanin) and the other is on the P700 itself. Key words: Anions, chloroplasts, electron transport, heat-treatment, photosystem I, spinach  相似文献   

Izawa S  Good NE 《Plant physiology》1966,41(3):544-552
Spinach chloroplasts isolated in media containing salts and the rare chloroplasts which are still within their envelopes alike retain grana similar to those seen in chloroplasts in situ.

Chloroplasts isolated in low-salt media lose their grana without losing any chlorophyll. These grana-free chloroplasts are considerably swollen and consist almost entirely of continuous sheets of paired-membrane structures. These double structures, the lamellae, are only loosely held together, primarily at the edges, by tenuous material which does not react with permanganate.

Addition of salts (methylamine hydrochloride, NaCl, MgCl2) to the grana-free low-salt chloroplasts provide strong interlamellar attractions. These attractions result in a stacking of the lamellae which is sometimes almost random but sometimes results in regular structures indistinguishable from the original grana.

The phosphorylation-uncoupler atebrin causes further swelling of the chloroplasts in the absence of electron transport by increasing the space between the paired membranes of the lamellae.

The rapid electron transport (Hill reaction) made possible by atebrin-uncoupling is associated with a great decrease in chloroplast volume. This decrease results from a collapsing together of the widely separated lamellar membrane pairs. The pairs approach each other so closely that they usually appear as a single membrane when viewed with the electron microscope. The much slower electron transport which occurs in the absence of uncouplers is associated with a similar but smaller decrease in the space between the lamellar membrane pairs.

Chloroplasts swell during the rapid electron transport made possible by the phosphorylation-uncoupler methylamine. This swelling is accompanied by a degree of membrane distortion which precludes an interpretation of the mechanism. As with atebrin-faciliated electron transport, obviously paired membranes disappear but it is not yet clear whether this is by association or dissociation of the pairs.


本文以大麦叶片为实验材料,研究了盐酸胍修饰对类囊体膜能量分配及电子传递的影响。结果表明:盐酸胍处理类囊体膜,室温下F685荧光强度,随着盐酸胍浓度的增加而逐渐下降。盐酸胍处理导致类囊体膜在低温(77K)下F685/F786比值下降,并随着盐酸胍浓度的增加而加剧。盐酸胍处理抑制类囊体膜以H2O为电子供体的DCIP光还原速度和Chla诱导荧光产率,这种抑制作用可分别为加入PSII的人工电子供体DPC和  相似文献   

Venkataramanaiah  V.  Sudhir  P.  Murthy  S.D.S. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(3):331-334
The activities of photosystem 2 (PS2) and whole chain electron transport declined in high temperature treated cells at the room temperature beyond 35 °C, while photosystem 1 (PS1) showed increased activity. Thylakoid membrane studies did not exhibit increase in PS1 activity indicating that the enhancement of PS1 activity is due to permeability change of cell membranes. However, the electron transport activity measured from reduced duroquinone to methylviologen which involves intersystem electron transport was extremely sensitive to high temperature. The activity of PS2 at different irradiance, which was accompanied by alterations in absorption and fluorescence emission properties, indicated changes in the energy transfer processes within phycobilisomes. Thus high temperature has multiple target sites in photosynthetic electron transport system of Spirulina platensis.  相似文献   

10μmol/的clotrimazole不仅抑制光合磷酸化活力,而且抑制各种类型的电子传递,是一个典型的电子传递抑制剂。经过它对叶绿体放氧,荧光和毫秒延迟发光影响的比较研究表明:clotri—mazole在光合电子传递链上的作用部位在Q与PQ之间,即与DGMU的作用部位相同或相近。  相似文献   

The enhanced mineralization of organic nitrogen by bacteriophagous protozoa is thought to favor the nitrification process in soils, in which nitrifying bacteria have to compete with heterotrophic bacteria for the available ammonium. To obtain more insight into this process, the influence of grazing by the bacteriovorous flagellate Adriamonas peritocrescens on the competition for limiting amounts of ammonium between the ammonium-oxidizing species Nitrosomonas europaea and the heterotrophic species Arthrobacter globiformis was studied in the presence of Nitrobacter winogradskyi in continuous cultures at dilution rates of 0.004 and 0.01 h-1. The ammonium concentration in the reservoir was maintained at 2 mM, whereas the glucose concentration was increased stepwise from 0 to 7 mM. A. globiformis won the competition for limiting amounts of ammonium when the glucose concentration in the reservoirs increased, in agreement with previously described experiments in which the flagellates were not included. The numbers of nitrifying bacteria decreased as the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria rose with increasing glucose concentrations. Critical C/N ratios, i.e., ratios between glucose and ammonium in the reservoirs at which no nitrate was found in the culture vessels, of 12.5 and 10.5 were determined at dilution rates of 0.004 and 0.01 h-1, respectively. Below these critical values, coexistence of the competing species was found. The numbers of nitrifying bacteria decreased more in the presence of flagellates than in their absence, presumably by selective predation on the nitrifying bacteria, either in the liquid culture or on the glass wall of the culture vessels. Despite this, the rate of nitrate production did not decrease more in the presence of flagellates than in their absence. This demonstrates that no correlation has to be expected between numbers of nitrifying bacteria and their activity and that a constant nitrification rate per cell cannot be assumed for nitrifying bacteria. Above the critical C/N ratios, low numbers of nitrifying bacteria were still found in the culture vessels, probably because of attachment of the nitrifying bacteria to the glass wall of the culture vessels. Like the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria, the numbers of flagellates increased when the glucose concentrations in the reservoirs increased. Numbers of 2 × 105 and 12 × 105 flagellates ml-1 were found at 7 mM glucose at dilution rates of 0.004 and 0.01 h-1, respectively. It was concluded that the critical C/N ratios were practically unaffected by the presence of protozoa. Although nitrate production rates were equal in the presence and absence of flagellates, the numbers of nitrifying bacteria decreased more strongly in their presence. This indicates a higher activity per nitrifying cell in the presence of flagellates.  相似文献   

Vasopressin increases the net transport of sodium across the isolated urinary bladder of the toad by increasing the mobility of sodium ion within the tissue. This change is reflected in a decreased DC resistance of the bladder; identification of the permeability barrier which is affected localizes the site of action of vasopressin on sodium transport. Cells of the epithelial layer were impaled from the mucosal side with glass micropipettes while current pulses were passed through the bladder. The resulting voltage deflections across the bladder and between the micropipette and mucosal reference solution were proportional to the resistance across the entire bladder and across the mucosal or apical permeability barrier, respectively. The position of the exploring micropipette was not changed and vasopressin was added to the serosal medium. In 10 successful impalements, the apical permeability barrier contributed 54% of the initial total transbladder resistance, but 98% of the total resistance change following vasopressin occurred at this site. This finding provides direct evidence that vasopressin acts to increase ionic mobility selectively across the apical permeability barrier of the transporting cells of the toad bladder.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the current knowledge of unsaturated organic acids in their role as terminal electron acceptors for reductase chains of anaerobic bacteria. The mechanisms and enzyme systems involved in the reduction of fumarate by Escherichia coli, Wolinella succinogenes, and some species of the genus Shewanella are considered. Particular attention is given to reduction of the double bond of the unnatural compound methacrylate by the δ-proteobacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens AM-1. Soluble periplasmic flavocytochromes c, found in bacteria of the genera Shewanella and Geobacter, are involved in the hydrogenation of fumarate (in Shewanella species) and methacrylate (in G. sulfurreducens AM-1). In E. coli and W. succinogenes, fumarate is reduced in cytosol by membrane-bound fumarate reductases. The prospects for research into organic acid reduction at double bonds in bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

水分胁迫降低了甘薯叶肉细胞的光合能力。在有解偶联剂存在时,水分胁迫对叶肉细胞的光合电子传递没有影响,但在无解偶联剂存在下,水分胁迫促进了甘薯叶肉细胞的光合电子传递,表现出明显的解偶联效应。水分胁迫伤害了甘薯叶绿体偶联因子结构,使ATP合成受阻,叶肉细胞的光合滞后期加长。  相似文献   

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