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Although the pili of Gram‐positive bacteria are putative virulence factors, little is known about their structure. Here we describe the molecular architecture of pilus‐1 of Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. One major (RrgB) and two minor components (RrgA and RrgC) assemble into the pilus. Results from TEM and scanning transmission EM show that the native pili are approximately 6 nm wide, flexible filaments that can be over 1 μm long. They are formed by a single string of RrgB monomers and have a polarity defined by nose‐like protrusions. These protrusions correlate to the shape of monomeric RrgB–His, which like RrgA–His and RrgC–His has an elongated, multi‐domain structure. RrgA and RrgC are only present at the opposite ends of the pilus shaft, compatible with their putative roles as adhesin and anchor to the cell wall surface, respectively. Our structural analyses provide the first direct experimental evidence that the native S. pneumoniae pilus shaft is composed exclusively of covalently linked monomeric RrgB subunits oriented head‐to‐tail.  相似文献   

Chen M  Chen LL  Zou Y  Xue M  Liang M  Jin L  Guan WY  Shen J  Wang W  Wang L  Liu J  Wang PG 《Carbohydrate research》2011,(15):2421-2425
Galactokinases (GALK) have attracted significant research attention for their potential application in the enzymatic synthesis of unique sugar phosphates. The galactokinase (GalKSpe4) cloned from Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 had a temperature optimum of 45 °C, and a pH optimum of 8.0. The substrate specificity and kinetics studies revealed that GalKSpe4 had moderate activity toward glucose, in contrast with very low or no activity observed in other previously reported GALKs. Most interestingly, GalKSpe4 exhibited activity for GalNAc, which had never been recorded in other GALKs found by now. This is the first time to report that bacterial GALK can recognize GalNAc.  相似文献   

The whooping cough agent Bordetella pertussis is closely related to Bordetella bronchiseptica, which is responsible for chronic respiratory infections in various mammals and is occasionally found in humans, and to Bordetella parapertussis, one lineage of which causes mild whooping cough in humans and the other ovine respiratory infections. All three species produce similar sets of virulence factors that are co-regulated by the two-component system BvgAS. We characterized the molecular diversity of BvgAS in Bordetella by sequencing the two genes from a large number of diverse isolates. The response regulator BvgA is virtually invariant, indicating strong functional constraints. In contrast, the multi-domain sensor kinase BvgS has evolved into two different types. The pertussis type is found in B. pertussis and in a lineage of essentially human-associated B. bronchiseptica, while the bronchiseptica type is associated with the majority of B. bronchiseptica and both ovine and human B. parapertussis. BvgS is monomorphic in B. pertussis, suggesting optimal adaptation or a recent population bottleneck. The degree of diversity of the bronchiseptica type BvgS is markedly different between domains, indicating distinct evolutionary pressures. Thus, absolute conservation of the putative solute-binding cavities of the two periplasmic Venus Fly Trap (VFT) domains suggests that common signals are perceived in all three species, while the external surfaces of these domains vary more extensively. Co-evolution of the surfaces of the two VFT domains in each type and domain swapping experiments indicate that signal transduction in the periplasmic region may be type-specific. The two distinct evolutionary solutions for BvgS confirm that B. pertussis has emerged from a specific B. bronchiseptica lineage. The invariant regions of BvgS point to essential parts for its molecular mechanism, while the variable regions may indicate adaptations to different lifestyles. The repertoire of BvgS sequences will pave the way for functional analyses of this prototypic system.  相似文献   



Misfolded proteins accumulating outside the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane can interfere with the secretory machinery, hence the existence of quality factors to eliminate these misfolded proteins is of capital importance in bacteria that are efficient producers of secretory proteins. These bacteria normally use a specific two-component system to respond to the stress produced by the accumulation of the misfolded proteins, by activating the expression of HtrA-like proteases to specifically eliminate the incorrectly folded proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Overproduction of alpha-amylase in S. lividans causing secretion stress permitted the identification of a two-component system (SCO4156-SCO4155) that regulates three HtrA-like proteases which appear to be involved in secretion stress response. Mutants in each of the genes forming part of the two-genes operon that encodes the sensor and regulator protein components accumulated misfolded proteins outside the cell, strongly suggesting the involvement of this two-component system in the S. lividans secretion stress response.


To our knowledge this is the first time that a specific secretion stress response two-component system is found to control the expression of three HtrA-like protease genes in S. lividans, a bacterium that has been repeatedly used as a host for the synthesis of homologous and heterologous secretory proteins of industrial application.  相似文献   

P. aeruginosa and S. pneumoniae are major bacterial causes of corneal ulcers in industrialized and in developing countries. The current study examined host innate immune responses at the site of infection, and also expression of bacterial virulence factors in clinical isolates from patients in south India. Corneal ulcer material was obtained from 49 patients with confirmed P. aeruginosa and 27 patients with S. pneumoniae, and gene expression of Toll Like Receptors (TLR), cytokines and inflammasome proteins was measured by quantitative PCR. Expression of P. aeruginosa type III secretion exotoxins and S. pneumoniae pneumolysin was detected by western blot analysis. We found that neutrophils comprised >90% cells in corneal ulcers, and that there was elevated expression of TLR2, TLR4, TLR5 and TLR9, the NLRP3 and NLRC4 inflammasomes and the ASC adaptor molecule. IL-1α IL-1β and IFN-γ expression was also elevated; however, there was no significant difference in expression of any of these genes between corneal ulcers from P. aeruginosa and S. pneumoniae infected patients. We also show that 41/49 (84%) of P. aeruginosa clinical isolates expressed ExoS and ExoT, whereas 5/49 (10%) of isolates expressed ExoS, ExoT and ExoU with only 2/49 isolates expressing ExoT and ExoU. In contrast, all 27 S. pneumoniae clinical isolates produced pneumolysin. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that ExoS/T expressing P. aeruginosa and pneumolysin expressing S. pneumoniae predominate in bacterial keratitis. While P. aeruginosa strains expressing both ExoU and ExoS are usually rare, these strains actually outnumbered strains expressing only ExoU in the current study. Further, as neutrophils are the predominant cell type in these corneal ulcers, they are the likely source of cytokines and of the increased TLR and inflammasome expression.  相似文献   

Galactokinases (GalKs) have attracted significant research attention for their potential applications in the enzymatic synthesis of unique sugar phosphates. The galactokinase (GalKSpe4) cloned from Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 presents a remarkably broad substrate range including 14 diverse natural and unnatural sugars. TLC and MS studies revealed that GalKSpe4 had relaxed activity towards galactose derivatives with modifications on the C-6, 4- or 2-positions. Additionally, GalKSpe4 can also tolerate glucose while glucose derivatives with modifications on the C-6, 4- or 2-positions were unacceptable. More interestingly, GalKSpe4 can phosphorylate L-mannose in moderate yield (43%), while other L-sugars such as L-Gal cannot be recognized by this enzyme. These results are very significant because there is rarely enzyme reported that can phosphorylate such uncommon substrates as l-mannose.  相似文献   

Streptococcus sanguinis is an important cause of infective endocarditis. Previous studies have identified lipoproteins as virulence determinants in other streptococcal species. Using a bioinformatic approach, we identified 52 putative lipoprotein genes in S. sanguinis strain SK36 as well as genes encoding the lipoprotein-processing enzymes prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (lgt) and signal peptidase II (lspA). We employed a directed signature-tagged mutagenesis approach to systematically disrupt these genes and screen each mutant for the loss of virulence in an animal model of endocarditis. All mutants were viable. In competitive index assays, mutation of a putative phosphate transporter reduced in vivo competitiveness by 14-fold but also reduced in vitro viability by more than 20-fold. Mutations in lgt, lspA, or an uncharacterized lipoprotein gene reduced competitiveness by two- to threefold in the animal model and in broth culture. Mutation of ssaB, encoding a putative metal transporter, produced a similar effect in culture but reduced in vivo competiveness by >1,000-fold. [3H]palmitate labeling and Western blot analysis confirmed that the lgt mutant failed to acylate lipoproteins, that the lspA mutant had a general defect in lipoprotein cleavage, and that SsaB was processed differently in both mutants. These results indicate that the loss of a single lipoprotein, SsaB, dramatically reduces endocarditis virulence, whereas the loss of most other lipoproteins or of normal lipoprotein processing has no more than a minor effect on virulence.Streptococcus sanguinis is a member of the viridans group of streptococci and is a primary colonizer of teeth (8). The viridans species and, in particular, S. sanguinis (15, 18) are a leading cause of infective endocarditis, a serious infection of the valves or lining of the heart (48). Damage to the heart resulting from rheumatic fever or certain congenital heart defects dramatically increases the risk of developing endocarditis (48, 71). The damage is thought to result in the formation of sterile cardiac “vegetations” composed of platelets and fibrin (48) that can be colonized by certain bacteria during periods of bacteremia. This view is supported by animal studies in which formation of sterile vegetation by cardiac catheterization is required for the efficient establishment of streptococcal endocarditis (17). Prevention of infective endocarditis currently relies upon prophylactic administration of antibiotics prior to dental or other surgical procedures that are likely to produce bacteremia. The growing realization that oral bacteria such as S. sanguinis can enter the bloodstream through routine daily activities such as eating has led the American Heart Association (71) and others (57) to question the value of using antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures. Clearly, a better understanding of the bacterial virulence factors that contribute to endocarditis could lead to better preventive measures, such as a vaccine that could potentially afford continuous protection to high-risk patients (71).In a previous study, we used the signature-tagged mutagenesis (STM) technique to search for endocarditis virulence factors of S. sanguinis in a rabbit model (53). This study identified a number of housekeeping enzymes that contribute to endocarditis. Because these proteins are not likely to be surface localized, they hold little promise as vaccine candidates. One class of streptococcal surface proteins that is rich in both virulence factors (4, 7, 25, 33, 38, 60) and promising vaccine candidates (6, 39, 42, 51, 70) is the lipoproteins. Lipoprotein activities that have been suggested to contribute to streptococcal virulence include adhesion (4, 7, 63), posttranslational modification (25, 29, 51), and ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-mediated transport (33, 52, 60). In the last instance, lipoproteins anchored to the cell membrane by their lipid tails appear to serve the same transport function as the periplasmic substrate-binding proteins of gram-negative bacteria (66). STM studies performed with Streptococcus pneumoniae (26, 41, 55) and Streptococcus agalactiae (34) have identified multiple lipoprotein mutants among collections of reduced virulence mutants. In an attempt to determine the cumulative contribution of streptococcal lipoproteins to virulence, some investigators have created mutations in the lgt or lspA genes, encoding lipoprotein-processing enzymes (12, 25, 27, 36). The lgt gene encodes prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase, which catalyzes the transfer of a diacylglycerol lipid unit to a cysteine in the conserved N-terminal “lipobox” of lipoproteins, while lspA encodes the signal peptidase II enzyme that cleaves the signal peptide of the prolipoprotein just prior to the conserved cysteine (59, 65). While mutation of these genes has been shown to be lethal in gram-negative bacteria (21, 73), many gram-positive bacterial species have been shown to tolerate such mutations, often with only minor effects on growth (3, 12, 13, 25, 27, 36, 54). Some of these studies indicated a deleterious effect on the virulence of the lgt (25, 54) or lspA (36) mutation, but others found no effect (12) or an enhancement of virulence (27). It is clear from these and other studies (3, 13) that neither the loss of acylation due to lgt inactivation nor the loss of signal peptidase II-mediated cleavage completely eliminates lipoprotein function, necessitating alternative approaches for assessing the global contribution of lipoproteins to virulence.We have used bioinformatic approaches to identify every putative lipoprotein encoded by S. sanguinis strain SK36. To determine the contribution of these lipoproteins to the endocarditis virulence of S. sanguinis, we have systematically mutagenized each of these genes, as well as the lgt and lspA genes, and evaluated these mutants for virulence by using STM in an animal model. Selected mutants were further examined for virulence in competitive index (CI) assays. A strain with a disrupted ssaB gene, which encodes a putative metal transport protein, was found to exhibit a profound defect in virulence that was far greater than that of any other strain tested, including the lgt or lspA mutant.  相似文献   

The study of the virulence of 352 S. pneumoniae strains isolated from patients with inflammatory lung diseases revealed that their virulence depended, to a certain extent, on the state of the polysaccharide capsule of streptococci, as among 299 typed cultures 38.1% were virulent, while out of 53 nontypable strains of these bacteria only 8 strains (15.1%) proved to be highly pathogenic for white mice and all S. pneumoniae R-forms proved to be avirulent. All 11 S. pneumoniae strains under study belonging to serovars 1 and 2 and 87% of the cultures belonging to serovar 3, isolated from patients with inflammatory lung diseases in Leningrad, were highly virulent. The characteristic feature of S. pneumoniae cultures of other serotypes was their wide spectrum of pathogenicity. S. pneumoniae cultures isolated from the spinal fluid of patients with pneumococcal meningitis also differed in their pathogenicity levels but strains highly pathogenic for mice prevailed.  相似文献   

The Streptococcus pneumoniae LytC lysozyme is responsible for autolysis at 30 degrees C (a temperature close to that of the upper respiratory tract), promotes DNA release in competent cultures, and participates in nasopharyngeal colonization. We show that the virulent pneumococcal TIGR4 strain encodes an active LytC enzyme, in contrast with genome-based predictions.  相似文献   



Inflammation in infective endocarditis (IE) is a complex network including interactions of inflammatory cytokines and other components of host response. Certainly, any variation in this network could influence susceptibility or disease progression of IE. In this study, 14 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in genes coding for interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, toll–like receptor-4, tumor necrosis factor-α, selectin E and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 were analyzed for an association with susceptibility to IE and correlated with disease-related laboratory parameters. Furthermore, the occurrence of SNVs was examined to elucidate pathogen-dependent associations.

Methods and Results

The distribution of SNVs was determined in IE-patients and healthy blood donors by RFLP analysis. White blood cells (WBC) were counted using flow cytometry, concentration of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin was measured immunologically. Interleukin-6 c.471+870G>A genotypes differed significantly between IE patients and controls. The frequency of the heterozygote genotype GA was considerably higher in the patient group (68.9% vs. 43.8%, Pc<0.0003). Interleukin-6 c.-237 minor allele frequency was increased in patients, although not statistically significant. Additionally, we detected a potential relation between interleukin-1β c.315C>T and IE. Pathogen-dependent analysis showed no significantly associated subgroup in relation to IE susceptibility, but gave hints towards alterations regarding Enterococcus-caused IE cases. Patients with genotype selectin-E c.-19 GT tend to have higher preoperative WBC counts than patients with genotype GG. We further showed an association between two interleukin-1β SNVs and laboratory biomarkers.


This study shows genetic predispositions for the establishment of IE. Furthermore, correlation of SNVs with disease-related biomarkers suggests a role of genetic variants regarding the inflammatory response in IE.  相似文献   

Increases in colonization with serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae not contained within the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) have been reported among children following introduction. Serotype 6C has emerged as prevalent in nasopharyngeal colonization and acute otitis media (AOM), though it is uncommonly recovered from children with invasive pneumococcal disease. Vaccine serotypes within PCV7 have been replaced by nonvaccine serotypes without significant changes in the overall carriage rate. We hypothesize 1) that serotypes vary in their ability to evade host defenses and establish AOM following colonization and 2) the observed reduction in pneumococcal otitis results from a reduced disease potential by some ‘replacement serotypes’. We compared the capacity of S. pneumoniae serotypes 6C and 19A to produce experimental otitis media (EOM) in a chinchilla model. The proportion of chinchillas that developed culture positive EOM and density of middle ear infection was evaluated. EOM was found in 28/82 (34%) ears challenged with 6C compared to 13/18(72.2%) with 19A [p = 0.0003]. When disease due to 6C did occur, it was characterized by low-density infection. Our findings demonstrate that challenge with serotype 6C results in EOM less frequently than 19A. These data support the need for greater knowledge regarding differences among serotypes to produce AOM.  相似文献   

The polysaccharide capsule is a major virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae as it confers resistance to phagocytosis. The encapsulated serotype 4 TIGR4 strain was shown to be efficiently phagocytosed by the mouse microglial cell line BV2, whereas the type 3 HB565 strain resisted phagocytosis. Comparing survival after uptake of TIGR4 or its unencapsulated derivative FP23 in gentamicin protection and phagolysosome maturation assays, it was shown that TIGR4 was protected from intracellular killing. Pneumococcal capsular genes were up-regulated in intracellular TIGR4 bacteria recovered from microglial cells. Actual presence of bacteria inside BV2 cells was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for both TIGR4 and FP23 strains, but typical phagosomes/phagolysosomes were detected only in cells infected with the unencapsulated strain. In a mouse model of meningitis based on intracranic inoculation of pneumococci, TIGR4 caused lethal meningitis with an LD50 of 2 × 102 CFU, whereas the LD50 for the unencapsulated FP23 was greater than 107 CFU. Phagocytosis of TIGR4 by microglia was also demonstrated by TEM and immunohistochemistry on brain samples from infected mice. The results indicate that encapsulation does not protect the TIGR4 strain from phagocytosis by microglia, while it affords resistance to intracellular killing.  相似文献   

Understanding the growth of bacterial pathogens in a micronutrient restricted host environment can identify potential virulence proteins that help overcome this nutritional barrier to productive infection. In this study, we investigated the pneumococcal protein expression response to iron limitation using an in vitro model. We identified S. pneumoniae TIGR4 proteins by 2-D LC ESI MS/MS and determined significant changes in protein expression in response to iron restriction using computer-intensive random resampling methods. Differential protein expression was studied in the context of a S. pneumoniae TIGR4 protein interaction network using Pathway Studio. Our analysis showed that pneumococcal iron restriction response was marked by increased expression of known virulence factors like PsaA. It involved changes in the expression of stress response, and phase variation and biofilm formation proteins. The net effect of changes in all these biological processes could increase the virulence of S. pneumoniae TIGR4 during in vivo infection.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is an important zoonotic pathogen causing severe infections in pigs and humans. The pathogenesis of S. suis 2 infections, however, is still poorly understood. Spx proteins are a group of global regulators involved in stress tolerance and virulence. In this study, we characterized two orthologs of the Spx regulator, SpxA1 and SpxA2 in S. suis 2. Two mutant strains (ΔspxA1 and ΔspxA2) lacking the spx genes were constructed. The ΔspxA1 and ΔspxA2 mutants displayed different phenotypes. ΔspxA1 exhibited impaired growth in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, while ΔspxA2 exhibited impaired growth in the presence of SDS and NaCl. Both mutants were defective in medium lacking newborn bovine serum. Using a murine infection model, we demonstrated that the abilities of the mutant strains to colonize the tissues were significantly reduced compared to that of the wild-type strain. The mutant strains also showed a decreased level of survival in pig blood. Microarray analysis revealed a global regulatory role for SpxA1 and SpxA2. Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time that Spx is involved in triggering the host inflammatory response. Collectively, our data suggest that SpxA1 and SpxA2 are global regulators that are implicated in stress tolerance and virulence in S. suis 2.  相似文献   

The LiaSR two-component signal transduction system regulates cellular responses to several environmental stresses, including those that induce cell envelope damages. Downstream regulons of the LiaSR system have been implicated in tolerance to acid, antibiotics and detergents. In the dental pathogen Streptococcus mutans, the LiaSR system is necessary for tolerance against acid, antibiotics, and cell wall damaging stresses during growth in the oral cavity. To understand the molecular mechanisms by which LiaSR regulates gene expression, we created a mutant LiaR in which the conserved aspartic acid residue (the phosphorylation site), was changed to alanine residue (D58A). As expected, the LiaR-D58A variant was unable to acquire the phosphate group and bind to target promoters. We also noted that the predicted LiaR-binding motif upstream of the lia operon does not appear to be well conserved. Consistent with this observation, we found that LiaR was unable to bind to the promoter region of lia; however, we showed that LiaR was able to bind to the promoters of SMU.753, SMU.2084 and SMU.1727. Based on sequence analysis and DNA binding studies we proposed a new 25-bp conserved motif essential for LiaR binding. Introducing alterations at fully conserved positions in the 25-bp motif affected LiaR binding, and the binding was dependent on the combination of positions that were altered. By scanning the S. mutans genome for the occurrence of the newly defined LiaR binding motif, we identified the promoter of hrcA (encoding a key regulator of the heat shock response) that contains a LiaR binding motif, and we showed that hrcA is negatively regulated by the LiaSR system. Taken together our results suggest a putative role of the LiaSR system in heat shock responses of S. mutans.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli Pst system belongs to the family of ABC transporters. It is part of a phosphate (PHO) regulon which is regulated by extracellular phosphate. Under conditions of phosphate limitation, the response regulator PhoB is phosphorylated by the histidine kinase PhoR and binds to promoters that share a consensus PHO box. Under conditions of phosphate excess, PhoR, Pst, and PhoU downregulate the PHO regulon. Screening of a library of pneumococcal mutants with defects in exported proteins revealed a putative two-component regulatory system, PnpR-PnpS, and a downstream ABC transporter, similar to the Pst system in E. coli including a gene encoding a PhoU protein. Similar to E. coli, mutagenesis of the ATP-binding cassette gene, pstB, resulted in decreased uptake of phosphate. The effects of the loss of the pneumococcal Pst system extended to decreased transformation and lysis. Withdrawal of phosphate led to transformation deficiency in the parent strain R6x but not to penicillin tolerance, suggesting that reduced bacterial death was independent of phosphate. None of these phenotypes was observed in the pneumococcal loss-of-function mutant phoU. By using a lacZ reporter construct, it was demonstrated that expression of the two-component regulatory system PnpR-PnpS was not influenced by different concentrations of phosphate. These results suggest a more complex role of the Pst system in pneumococcal physiology than in that of E. coli.  相似文献   

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