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Cheater detection plays a crucial role in biologial and psychological theories of the evolution of cooperation and reciprocity. Here it is argued that cheater detection plays a broader role in social coordination as a fundamental, primitive cognitive adaptation to dominance hierarchies. In functional terms, dominance means that certain individuals have priority of access to resources in competitive situations. In cognitive terms, dominance hierarchies constitute a set of social norms that reflect which behaviors are permitted, prohibited, or obligated given one's rank. In order to maintain priority of access to resources, dominant individuals monitor the behavior of subordinates and aggress against those who “cheat” (violate social norms). An implication of this analysis is that higher-ranking individuals should be more likely to detect cheating in lower-ranking individuals than vice versa. Two experiments are described that support this prediction. In the first experiment, people were far more likely to look for cheaters when monitoring compliance of lower-ranking individuals on a social norm reasoning task than higher- or equal-ranking individuals. In the second, the same result obtained when reasoners were required to switch perspectives: More cheater detection was observed when reasoners adopted a high-ranking than a low-ranking perspective.  相似文献   

A motif in a network is a connected graph that occurs significantly more frequently as an induced subgraph than would be expected in a similar randomized network. By virtue of being atypical, it is thought that motifs might play a more important role than arbitrary subgraphs. Recently, a flurry of advances in the study of network motifs has created demand for faster computational means for identifying motifs in increasingly larger networks. Motif detection is typically performed by enumerating subgraphs in an input network and in an ensemble of comparison networks; this poses a significant computational problem. Classifying the subgraphs encountered, for instance, is typically performed using a graph canonical labeling package, such as Nauty, and will typically be called billions of times. In this article, we describe an implementation of a network motif detection package, which we call NetMODE. NetMODE can only perform motif detection for -node subgraphs when , but does so without the use of Nauty. To avoid using Nauty, NetMODE has an initial pretreatment phase, where -node graph data is stored in memory (). For we take a novel approach, which relates to the Reconstruction Conjecture for directed graphs. We find that NetMODE can perform up to around times faster than its predecessors when and up to around times faster when (the exact improvement varies considerably). NetMODE also (a) includes a method for generating comparison graphs uniformly at random, (b) can interface with external packages (e.g. R), and (c) can utilize multi-core architectures. NetMODE is available from netmode.sf.net.  相似文献   

Abstract: We assessed the detection and accuracy rates of detection dogs trained to locate scats from free-ranging black bears (Ursus americanus), fishers (Martes pennanti), and bobcats (Lynx rufus). During the summers of 2003-2004, 5 detection teams located 1,565 scats (747 putative black bear, 665 putative fisher, and 153 putative bobcat) at 168 survey sites throughout Vermont, USA. Of 347 scats genetically analyzed for species identification, 179 (51.6%) yielded a positive identification, 131 (37.8%) failed to yield DNA information, and 37 (10.7%) yielded DNA but provided no species confirmation. For 70 survey sites where confirmation of a putative target species' scat was not possible, we assessed the probability that ≤1 of the scats collected at the site was deposited by the target species (probability of correct identification; PID). Based on species confirmations or PID values, we detected bears at 57.1% (96) of sites, fishers at 61.3% (103) of sites, and bobcats at 12.5% (21) of sites. We estimated that the mean probability of detecting the target species (when present) during a single visit to a site was 0.86 for black bears, 0.95 for fishers, and 0.40 for bobcats. The probability of detecting black bears was largely unaffected by site- or visit-specific covariates, but the probability of detecting fishers varied by detection team. We found little or no effect of topographic ruggedness, vegetation density, or local weather (e.g., temp, humidity) on detection probability for fishers or black bears (data were insufficient for bobcat analyses). Detection dogs were highly effective at locating scats from forest carnivores and provided an efficient and accurate method for collecting detection-nondetection data on multiple species.  相似文献   

Detection of microsatellite polymorphisms without cloning.   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文

为建立转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片检测方法,根据已公布的转基因玉米Bt176外源插入基因CaMV35S启动子序列,外源基因3’端与玉米基因组DNA连接区序列,同时以玉米特异Zein内源基因序列为参照,利用Primer Premier5.0等软件设计特异性引物和探针。将探针与荧光编码微球偶联后,与PCR产物杂交反应,用液相芯片检测仪(Bio-plex 200)检测荧光信号。检测结果显示,该方法具有高特异性及灵敏度,各条探针之间无交叉反应,最低检测限可达0.01%。初步建立了检测转基因玉米Bt176的液相芯片技术,为其他转基因作物的快速高通量检测提供了借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

The detection of epistatic interactive effects of multiple genetic variants on the susceptibility of human complex diseases is a great challenge in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Although methods have been proposed to identify such interactions, the lack of an explicit definition of epistatic effects, together with computational difficulties, makes the development of new methods indispensable. In this paper, we introduce epistatic modules to describe epistatic interactive effects of multiple loci on diseases. On the basis of this notion, we put forward a Bayesian marker partition model to explain observed case-control data, and we develop a Gibbs sampling strategy to facilitate the detection of epistatic modules. Comparisons of the proposed approach with three existing methods on seven simulated disease models demonstrate the superior performance of our approach. When applied to a genome-wide case-control data set for Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the proposed approach successfully identifies two known susceptible loci and suggests that a combination of two other loci—one in the gene SGCD and the other in SCAPER—is associated with the disease. Further functional analysis supports the speculation that the interaction of these two genetic variants may be responsible for the susceptibility of AMD. When applied to a genome-wide case-control data set for Parkinson's disease, the proposed method identifies seven suspicious loci that may contribute independently to the disease.  相似文献   

It has previously been argued (a) that automatic evaluative stimulus processing is critically dependent upon feature-specific attention allocation and (b) that evaluative priming effects can arise in the absence of dimensional overlap between the prime set and the response set. In line with both claims, research conducted at our lab revealed that the evaluative priming effect replicates in the valent/non-valent categorization task. This research was criticized, however, because non-automatic, strategic processes may have contributed to the emergence of this effect. We now report the results of a replication study in which the operation of non-automatic, strategic processes was controlled for. A clear-cut evaluative priming effect emerged, thus supporting initial claims concerning feature-specific attention allocation and dimensional overlap.  相似文献   



Precursors to 1/3 of colorectal cancer (CRC), serrated polyps have been under-detected by screening due to their inconspicuous, non-hemorrhagic, and proximal nature. A new multi-target stool DNA test (multi-target sDNA) shows high sensitivity for both CRC and advanced adenomas. Screen detection of serrated polyps by this approach requires further validation. We sought to assess and compare noninvasive detection of sessile serrated polyps (SSP) ≥1 cm by sDNA and an occult blood fecal immunochemical test (FIT).


In a blinded prospective study, a single stool sample used for both tests was collected from 456 asymptomatic adults prior to screening or surveillance colonoscopy (criterion standard). All 29 patients with SSP≥1 cm were included as cases and all 232 with no neoplastic findings as controls. Buffered stool samples were processed and frozen on receipt; Exact Sciences performed sDNA in batches using optimized analytical methods. The sDNA multi-marker panel targets methylated BMP3 (mBMP3) and NDRG4, mutant KRAS, β-actin, and hemoglobin. FIT (Polymedco OC-FIT Check) was performed in separate lab ≤2 days post defecation and evaluated at cutoffs of 50 (FIT-50) and 100 ng/ml (FIT-100).


Median ages: cases 61 (range 57–77), controls 62 (52–70), p = NS. Women comprised 59% and 51%, p = NS, respectively. SSP median size was 1.2 cm (1–3 cm), 93% were proximal, and 64% had synchronous diminutive polyps. Among multi-target sDNA markers, mBMP3 proved highly discriminant for detection of SSP≥1 cm (AUC = 0.87, p<0.00001); other DNA markers provided no incremental sensitivity. Hemoglobin alone showed no discrimination (AUC = 0.50, p = NS). At matched specificities, detection of SSP≥1 cm by stool mBMP3 was significantly greater than by FIT-50 (66% vs 10%, p = 0.0003) or FIT-100 (63% vs 0%, p<0.0001).


In a screening and surveillance setting, SSP≥1 cm can be detected noninvasively by stool assay of exfoliated DNA markers, especially mBMP3. FIT appears to have no value in SSP detection.  相似文献   

According to the Conceptual Metaphor Theory, people understand abstract concepts depending on the activation of more concrete concepts, but not vice versa. The present research aims to investigate the role of directionality and automaticity regarding the activation of the conceptual metaphor “good is up”. Experiment 1 tested the automaticity of the spatial-to-valence metaphoric congruency effect by having participants judge the valence of a positive or negative word that appeared either at the top or at the bottom of the screen. They performed the task concurrently with a 6-digit verbal rehearsal task in the working-memory-load (WML) blocks and without this task in the non-WML blocks. The spatial-to-valence metaphoric congruency effect occurred for the positive words in the non-WML blocks (i.e., positive words are judged more quickly when they appeared at the top than at the bottom of the screen), but not in the WML blocks, suggesting that this metaphoric association might not be activated automatically. Experiments 2-6 investigated the valence-to-spatial metaphoric association and its automaticity. Participants processed a positive or negative prime, which appeared at the center of the screen, and then identified a letter (p/q) that subsequently appeared at the top or bottom of the screen. The valence-to-spatial metaphoric congruency effect did not occur in the WML (6-digit verbal rehearsal) or non-WML blocks, whether response modality to the prime was key-press or vocal, or whether the prime was a word or a picture. The effect only unexpectedly occurred when the task was simultaneously performed with a 4-dot-position visuospatial rehearsal task. Nevertheless, the data collapsed across multiple experiments showed a null valence-to-spatial metaphoric congruency effect, suggesting the absence of the valence-to-spatial metaphoric association in general. The implications of the current findings for the Conceptual Metaphor Theory and its alternatives are discussed.  相似文献   

A polyvalent OH conjugate for Salmonella O groups A through I, K, L, and O was prepared and tested against pure cultures of salmonellae, nonsalmonellae, and a variety of food, fecal, and environmental specimens. Examination of pure cultures revealed that the conjugate gave negligible staining with representative strains of Shigella, Proteus, Providence, Serratia, and Pseudomonas. However, it stained 12% of the Escherichia coli and Citrobacter freundii strains and 36% of the Arizona strains. Over 1,200 specimens of various types were examined by both fluorescent-antibody (FA) and cultural procedures. Results indicate that, when used with discretion, FA screening can be a useful tool for rapid presumptive indication of the presence of salmonellae. The need for careful selection of strains used for preparing antisera and the importance of adequate evaluation of Salmonella FA reagents are discussed.  相似文献   

The end of linear chromosomes forms a lasso-like structure called the t-loop. Such t-loops resemble a DNA recombination intermediate, where the single-stranded 3' overhang is arrested in a stretch of duplex DNA. Presumably, such a t-loop can also be deleted via a recombination process. This would result in the occurrence of circular extrachromosomal telomeric DNA (t-circles), which are known to be abundantly present in immortal cells engaging the recombination-based alternative lengthening of telomeres pathway (ALT pathway). Little is known about the basic mechanism of telomeric recombination in these cells and what ultimately causes the generation of such t-circles. Current standard procedures for detecting these molecules involve 2D gel electrophoresis or electron microscopy. However, both methods are labor intense and sophisticated to perform. Here, we present a simpler, faster, and equally sensitive method for detecting t-circles. Our approach is a telomere restriction fragment assay that involves the enzymatic preservation of circular DNA with Klenow enzyme followed by Bal31 degradation of the remaining linear DNA molecules. We show that with this approach t-circles can be detected in ALT cell lines, whereas no t-circles are present in telomerase-positive cell lines. We consider our approach a valid method in which t-circle generation is the experimental readout.  相似文献   

The objective of this module is to inform you on issues of concern for Research Ethics Committee members and investigators during the review process. The many guidelines on research ethics, including those from the South African Department of Health and the World Health Organisation, will be referred to extensively to educate you on the requirements of Research Ethics Committees. The evolution of the review process in South Africa will be detailed.  相似文献   

Despite numerous intervention strategies, including the direct observed short-course treatment strategy and improved diagnostic methods, the incidence of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) continues to rise globally. Many treatment policies are based on the model that acquisition of drug resistance in already infected individuals drives the drug-resistant TB epidemic, hence the focus on drug-resistance testing of retreatment cases. However, molecular epidemiology and mathematical modeling suggest that the majority of multidrug-resistant TB cases are due to ongoing transmission of multidrug-resistant strains. This is most likely the result of diagnostic delay, thereby emphasizing the need for rapid diagnostics and comprehensive contact tracing, as well as active case finding. Current diagnosis of TB in low-income, high-burden regions relies on smear microscopy and clinical signs and symptoms. However, this smear-centered approach has many pitfalls, including low sensitivity in HIV patients and children, the inability of smear to reveal drug-resistance patterns, and the need for sampling on consecutive days. In order to address these limitations, efforts have been made to expand access to Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture and drug susceptibility testing. However, the slow growth rate of the causative agent, M. tuberculosis, contributes to significant diagnostic delay. Molecular-based diagnostic methods, targeting mutations that are known to confirm drug resistance, are capable of significantly reducing diagnostic delay. Two such methods, the line-probe assay and the real-time PCR-based Xpert? MTB/RIF assay, have been described. The latter test shows particular promise for smear-negative and extrapulmonary specimens. This may prove especially useful in settings where co-infection rates with HIV are high. However, since most research focuses on the performance of both of these assays, further investigations need to be done regarding the impact of the routine implementation of these assays on TB control programs and the cost effectiveness thereof.  相似文献   

For many HLA-associated diseases, multiple alleles-- and, in some cases, multiple loci--have been suggested as the causative agents. The haplotype method for identifying disease-predisposing amino acids in a genetic region is a stratification analysis. We show that, for each haplotype combination containing all the amino acid sites involved in the disease process, the relative frequencies of amino acid variants at sites not involved in disease but in linkage disequilibrium with the disease-predisposing sites are expected to be the same in patients and controls. The haplotype method is robust to mode of inheritance and penetrance of the disease and can be used to determine unequivocally whether all amino acid sites involved in the disease have not been identified. Using a resampling technique, we developed a statistical test that takes account of the nonindependence of the sites sampled. Further, when multiple sites in the genetic region are involved in disease, the test statistic gives a closer fit to the null expectation when some--compared with none--of the true predisposing factors are included in the haplotype analysis. Although the haplotype method cannot distinguish between very highly correlated sites in one population, ethnic comparisons may help identify the true predisposing factors. The haplotype method was applied to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) HLA class II DQA1-DQB1 data from Caucasian, African, and Japanese populations. Our results indicate that the combination DQA1#52 (Arg predisposing) DQB1#57 (Asp protective), which has been proposed as an important IDDM agent, does not include all the predisposing elements. With rheumatoid arthritis HLA class II DRB1 data, the results were consistent with the shared-epitope hypothesis.  相似文献   

目的:对实时荧光核酸恒温扩增技术(SAT)和液体培养法检测解脲脲体(UU)的结果进行评估,以选择更为快速、准确、实用的临床检测方法.方法:共采集180例疑似泌尿生殖道感染患者的尿液及2份拭子样本,一份拭子样本用液体培养,另一份拭子和尿液样本用 SAT 检测.结果:液体培养和尿液 SAT 检测阳性率均为61.1%,拭子SAT 检测阳性率为63.3%,其中16例拭子培养和拭子 SAT 检测结果不一致,18例拭子培养和尿液 SAT 结果不一致,但与拭子培养比较,拭子和尿液 SAT 结果均无统计学意义(P>0.05,kappa>0.75).结论:SAT 检测 UU 可以尿液为样本,检测效能与液体培养和拭子 SAT 基本相当,但尿液 SAT 法取样方便,检测快速,适临床实验室对 UU 的检测.  相似文献   

Heliotropic leaf movement or leaf ‘solar tracking’ occurs for a wide variety of plants, including many desert species and some crops. This has an important effect on the canopy spectral reflectance as measured from satellites. For this reason, monitoring systems based on spectral vegetation indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), should account for heliotropic movements when evaluating the health condition of such species. In the hyper-arid Atacama Desert, Northern Chile, we studied seasonal and diurnal variations of MODIS and Landsat NDVI time series of plantation stands of the endemic species Prosopis tamarugo Phil., subject to different levels of groundwater depletion. As solar irradiation increased during the day and also during the summer, the paraheliotropic leaves of Tamarugo moved to an erectophile position (parallel to the sun rays) making the NDVI signal to drop. This way, Tamarugo stands with no water stress showed a positive NDVI difference between morning and midday (ΔNDVImo-mi) and between winter and summer (ΔNDVIW-S). In this paper, we showed that the ΔNDVImo-mi of Tamarugo stands can be detected using MODIS Terra and Aqua images, and the ΔNDVIW-S using Landsat or MODIS Terra images. Because pulvinar movement is triggered by changes in cell turgor, the effects of water stress caused by groundwater depletion can be assessed and monitored using ΔNDVImo-mi and ΔNDVIW-S. For an 11-year time series without rainfall events, Landsat ΔNDVIW-S of Tamarugo stands showed a positive linear relationship with cumulative groundwater depletion. We conclude that both ΔNDVImo-mi and ΔNDVIW-S have potential to detect early water stress of paraheliotropic vegetation.  相似文献   



Identifying coevolving positions in protein sequences has myriad applications, ranging from understanding and predicting the structure of single molecules to generating proteome-wide predictions of interactions. Algorithms for detecting coevolving positions can be classified into two categories: tree-aware, which incorporate knowledge of phylogeny, and tree-ignorant, which do not. Tree-ignorant methods are frequently orders of magnitude faster, but are widely held to be insufficiently accurate because of a confounding of shared ancestry with coevolution. We conjectured that by using a null distribution that appropriately controls for the shared-ancestry signal, tree-ignorant methods would exhibit equivalent statistical power to tree-aware methods. Using a novel t-test transformation of coevolution metrics, we systematically compared four tree-aware and five tree-ignorant coevolution algorithms, applying them to myoglobin and myosin. We further considered the influence of sequence recoding using reduced-state amino acid alphabets, a common tactic employed in coevolutionary analyses to improve both statistical and computational performance.  相似文献   

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