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Among 97 fungal strains isolated from soil collected in the arctic tundra (Spitsbergen), Penicillium chrysogenum 9 was found to be the best lipase producer. The maximum lipase activity was 68 units mL–1 culture medium on the fifth day of incubation at pH 6.0 and 20°C. Therefore, P. chrysogenum 9 was classified as a psychrotrophic microorganism. The non-specific extracellular lipase showed a maximum activity at 30°C and pH 5.0 for natural oils or at pH 7.0 for synthetic substrates. Tributyrin was found to be the best substrate for lipase, among those tested. The Km and Vmax were calculated to be 2.33 mM and 22.1 units mL–1, respectively, with tributyrin as substrate. The enzyme was inhibited more by EDTA than by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and was reactivated by Ca2+. The P. chrysogenum 9 lipase was very stable in the presence of hexane and 1,4-dioxane at a concentration of 50%, whereas it was unstable in presence of xylene.  相似文献   

Production of α-amylase from local isolate, Penicillium chrysogenum, under solid-state fermentation (SSF) was carried out in this study. Different agricultural by-products, such as wheat bran (WB), sunflower oil meal (SOM), and sugar beet oil cake (SBOC), were used as individual substrate for the enzyme production. WB showed the highest enzyme activity (750 U/gds). Combination of WB, SOM, and SBOC (1:3:1 w/w/w) resulted in a higher enzyme yield (845 U/gds) in comparison with the use of the individual substrate. This combination was used as mixed solid substrate for the production of α-amylase from P. chrysogenum by SSF. Fermentation conditions were optimized. Maximum enzyme yield (891 U/gds) was obtained when SSF was carried out using WB + SOM + SBOC (1:3:1 w/w/w), having initial moisture of 75%, inoculum level of 20%, incubation period of 7 days at 30°C. Galactose (1% w/w), urea and peptone (1% w/w), as additives, caused increase in the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The in vivo rate of sulfate activation in Penicillium chrysogenum (wild-type strain ATCC 24791) was determined to be 0.19 +/- 0.09 mumol g(-1) (dry weight) min(-1) by the following methods. (i) The maximum growth of the organism in synthetic medium was a linear function of the initial Na(2)SO(4) concentration between 0 and 8 x 10(-4) Na(2)SO(4). The growth yield was 1.64 x 10(-2) g (dry weight) of mycelium per mumol of added sulfate, corresponding to a minimum sulfur requirement of 61 mumol/g (dry weight). Under these conditions (limiting sulfate) the minimum doubling time of P. chrysogenum in submerged culture was about 3.8 h, corresponding to a maximum exponential growth rate constant of 3.0 x 10(-3) min(-1). If all the sulfur in this mycelium passed through adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate, the rate of sulfate activation in vivo must have been 0.183 mumol min(-1) g(-1) (dry weight). (ii) In the presence of excess (35)SO(4) (2-), the total organic (35)S produced varied with the mycelial growth rate. However, until the culture approached maximum density, the product of [(growth rate constant) x (organic (35)S content)] was nearly constant at 0.24 to 0.28 mumol min(-1) g(-1) (dry weight). (iii) A sulfur-starved mycelium pulsed with 10(-4) M (35)SO(4) (2-) produced organic (35)S at a rate of about 0.10 mumol min(-1) g(-1) (dry weight) under conditions where the internal concentrations of ATP and sulfate would permit ATP sulfurylase to operate at about 70% of its V(max). Cell-free extracts of P. chrysogenum growing rapidly on excess sulfate contained 0.22 U of ATP sulfurylase per g (dry weight). Thus, in spite of the relatively low specific activity of homogeneous ATP sulfurylase (0.13 U/mg of protein, corresponding to an active site turnover of 7.15 min(-1)), the mycelial content of the enzyme was sufficient to account for the observed growth rate of the organism on inorganic sulfate as the sole sulfur source.  相似文献   

This study established a method of regenerating Spathiphyllum ??Supreme?? through direct somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryos occurred in leaf and petiole explants cultured in the dark on a Murashige and Skoog basal medium supplemented with 2.27, 4.54, or 9.08???M N-phenyl-N??-1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-ylurea (TDZ) in combination with 1.08???M ??-naphthalene acetic acid or 2.26???M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Explants with somatic embryos were transferred to fresh medium containing the same concentrations of growth regulators under lighted conditions for embryo conversion. The highest frequencies of leaf explants with somatic embryos and embryo conversion were both 84.4?%, which were induced by 9.08???M TDZ with 2.26???M 2,4-D. The frequencies for somatic embryo induction and embryo conversion were both 100?% when petiole explants were induced by 4.54???M TDZ with 2.26???M 2,4-D. The number of plantlets produced per leaf explant and petiole explant were as high as 67.4 and 74.4, respectively. Plantlets after transplanting to a soilless substrate grew vigorously in a shaded greenhouse. Liners were stable without phenotypic variation. Flow cytometry analysis of randomly selected plants showed that they all had a single identical peak. The mean nuclear DNA index for ??Supreme?? was 1.568, and the nuclear DNA content was 14.222?pg 2C?1. The estimated genome size for ??Supreme?? was 6,954.5?Mbp 1C?1 with a CV at 4.008?%. The results suggest that the regenerated plants have a stable ploidy level and this established regeneration method can be used for highly effective propagation of uniform Spathiphyllum ??Supreme??.  相似文献   

The analysis of the absorption spectra of the low-molecular-weight nitrogen-containing secondary metabolites—alkaloids—of four Penicillium chrysogenum strains and six P. expansum strains isolated on board the Mir space station showed that all these strains synthesize metabolites of alkaloid origin (roquefortine, 3,12-dihydroroquefortine, meleagrin, viridicatin, viridicatol, isorugulosuvin, rugulosuvin B, N acetyltryptamine, and a yellow metabolite containing the benzoquinone chromophore).  相似文献   

The basis of a bacterial pathogenic process consists in the change of a certain host structure to a completely different one. This is accomplished by binding of a bacterial protein product to the host structure. Streptococcal NAD+-nucleosidase was explored as to its binding to the host receptor represented by beef heart extract. The bacterial product was found to bind to the host structure until the available host structure was fully saturated. The similarity of the above flows of macromolecules with some models of morphogenesis indicates the existence of diseases associated with the flow of a protein to the undesirable site in the organism. In such a case therapy with low-molar-mass substances is wrong in principle.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess utilisation of the ratio of γ-H2AX in lymphocytes to that in granulocytes (RL/G of γ-H2AX) in blood as a rapid method for population triage and dose estimation during large-scale radiation emergencies. Blood samples from healthy volunteers exposed to 0–10 Gy of 60Co irradiation were collected. The samples were cultured for 0–24 h and then analysed using flow cytometry to measure the levels of γ-H2AX in lymphocytes and granulocytes. The basal RL/G levels of γ-H2AX in healthy human blood, the response of RL/G of γ-H2AX to ionising radiation and its relationship with doses, time intervals after exposure and individual differences were also analysed. The level of γ-H2AX in lymphocytes increased in a dose-dependent manner after irradiation, whereas the level in granulocytes was not affected. A linear dose–effect relationship with low inter-experimental and inter-individual variations was observed. The RL/G of γ-H2AX may be used as a biomarker for population triage and dose estimation during large-scale radiation emergencies if blood samples can be collected within 24 h.  相似文献   

MS/MS techniques are well customized now for proteomic analysis, even for non-sequenced organisms, since peptide sequences obtained by these methods can be matched with those found in databases from closely related sequenced organisms. We used this approach to characterize the protein content of the “Rovabio™ Excel”, an enzymatic cocktail produced by Penicillium funiculosum that is used as feed additive in animal nutrition. Protein separation by bi-dimensional electrophoresis yielded more than 100 spots, from which 37 proteins were unambiguously assigned from peptide sequences. By one-dimensional SDS-gel electrophoresis, 34 proteins were identified among which 8 were not found in the 2-DE analysis. A third method, termed ‘peptidic shotgun’, which consists in a direct treatment of the cocktail by trypsin followed by separation of the peptides on two-dimensional liquid chromatography, resulted in the identification of two additional proteins not found by the two other methods. Altogether, more than 50 proteins, among which several glycosylhydrolytic, hemicellulolytic and proteolytic enzymes, were identified by combining three separation methods in this enzymatic cocktail. This work confirmed the power of proteome analysis to explore the genome expression of a non-sequenced fungus by taking advantage of sequences from phylogenetically related filamentous fungi and pave the way for further functional analysis of P. funiculosum.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that the ancestral proto-eukaryote evolved from an ameboid prokarybte I propose the hypothesis that nuclear division of the proto-eukaryote was effected by the same system of contractile filaments it used for ameboid movement and cytosis. When the nuclear membranes evolved from the cell membrane, contractile filaments remained associated with them. The attachment site of the genome in the nuclear envelope was linked to the cell membrane by specialized contractile filaments. During protomitosis, i.e., nuclear and cell division of the proto-eukaryote, these filaments performed segregation of the chromosomes, whereas others constricted and cleaved the nucleus and the mother cell. When microtubules (MTs) had evolved in the cytoplasm, they also became engaged in nuclear division. Initially, an extranuolear bundle of MTs assisted chromosome segregation by establishing a defined axis. The evolutionary tendency then was towards an increasingly important role for MTs. Spindle pole bodies (SPBs) developed from the chromosomal attachment sites in the nuclear envelope and organized an extranuclear central spindle. The chromosomes remained attached to the SPBs during nuclear division. In a subsequent step the spindle became permanently lodged inside the nucleus. Chromosomes detached from the SPBs and acquired kinetochores and kinetochore-MTs. At first, this spindle segregated chromosomes by elongation, the kinetochore-MTs playing the role of static anchors. Later, spindle elongation was supplemented by poleward movement of the chromosomes. When dissolution of the nuclear envelope at the beginning of mitosis became a permanent feature, the open spindle of higher eukaryotes was born.  相似文献   

We explore the use of classical Linear Response Theory (LRT) as an alternative strategy to the use of Molecular Mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann strategies to compute the solvation free energy of macromolecules from molecular dynamics simulations using an explicit representation of solvent. The method reproduces well the free energy of solvation of standard amino acid side chains, small peptides, and proteins. The use of a fully discrete representation of solvent avoids the possible problems of continuum models to represent the solvation of systems containing tightly bound water molecules.  相似文献   

Summary The generally accepted concept that dorsoventral flatness and/or small size of benthic stream invertebrates staying on the surface of the bottom substratum allows a current-sheltered life in the boundary layer (Ambühl 1959) is checked by means of the new technique of Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). With LDA measurement of flow can be done nearly punctually without any mechanical disturbance. Mapping the current velocities around the body of Ecdyonurus cf. venosus (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) and Ancylus fluviatilis (Gastropoda) gives evidence that boundary layer separation occurs above the animals' bodies. Our results indicate that the velocities around the body of benthic stream invertebrates and probably the forces acting on them are much more complicate than is suggested by the currently accepted boundary layer concept.  相似文献   


Book review

Plant analysis — as a guide to the nutrient requirements of temperate and tropical cropsP. Martin-Prevel, J. Gagnard and P. Gautier (Eds.), [translated from the French by M.R.J. Holmes]. New York: Lavoisier Publishing Inc., 1987. xx + 722 pages. US$112. ISBN 2-85206-364-6  相似文献   

Nautilus is not suitable as a model organism to infer biological functions, embryonic development, or mode of life in ammonoids. A brief review of the available morphological data is given and molecular data are added to discuss the usefulness of Spirula as a biological proxy for ammonoids. Indeed, there are many morphological hints indicating that Spirula could be a useful model organism for approaching the embryonic development of ammonoids. The molecular data seem to support this hypothesis. However, a universal model character of Spirula cannot be detected as, e.g., the mode of feeding probably differs between Spirula and ammonoids.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) formation in the liver and blood of the mouse following intraperitoneal treatment with nitroglycerin (glycerol trinitrate, GTN) was determined using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. ESR signals of heme-NO complexes were detected at maximum levels within 5 min in the liver, but increased to a maximum level about 15–30 min later in the blood. GTN is not metabolized to release NO in vitro in the blood of the mouse. The hepatic microsomes which showed the heme-NO complexes ESR signals were incubated with mouse erythrocytes, with the result that a hemoglobin-NO signal was obtained from the erythrocytes. The activities of microsomal cytochrome P-450, the hepatic level of glutathione, and the reduction rate of nitroxide radicals in the in vivo liver, measured using L-band ESR spectroscopy, were temporarily decreased following GTN administration. In conclusion, NO in the liver could be scavenged by circulating erythrocytes, which might minimize NO-induced liver damage.  相似文献   

The stretching of native fibres from rat tail tendons (RTT) was monitored in time-resolved X-ray measurements using synchotron radiation, by registering one meridional small angle diffraction pattern every second. The time course of this dynamic molecular process was analyzed quantitatively with the help of model calculations based on the amino acid sequence. The results show that two mechanisms contribute to the elongation of fibrils, namely the stretching of the collagen triple helices and their sliding relative to each other (increase of the D stagger). The results further show that these two processes do not take place simultaneously. The first increase of the D period from 67.0 nm to about 67.6 nm is correlated with a stretching of the triple helices. The further increase of the D period is due to a continuous increase of the D stagger. This succession is independent of the age of the animals and also independent of the stretching velocity. The stretching process is shown to be reversible at the molecular level up to a D period of about 68.4 nm.  相似文献   

In this study, mesoporous silicate was applied as a matrix for the analysis of various molecules from small molecules to medium sized peptides in laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. In contrast with conventional matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), the proposed approach desorption/ionization on mesoporous silicate mass spectrometry (DIOM-MS), significantly reduces the problem of matrix interference in low mass region and can be applied to the analysis of versatile chemicals including amino acids, synthetic drugs, peptides and others. In addition, distinctive advantage of DIOM-MS showed higher salt tolerance and could be applied to identify the proteins from the analysis of tryptically digested peptides. DIOM-MS has several availabilities such as easy sample preparation, rapid analysis of small molecules without noise, peptide analysis without organic matrix, high salt tolerance, versatile coupling with other separation techniques, and high throughput manner.  相似文献   

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