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We consider the problem of estimating the basic reproduction number R0 from data on prevalence dynamics at the beginning of a disease outbreak. We derive discrete and continuous time models, some coefficients of which are to be fitted from data. We show that prevalence of the disease is sufficient to determine R0. We apply this method to chronic wasting disease spread in Alberta determining a range of possible R0 and their sensitivity to the probability of deer annual survival.  相似文献   

Andalusia (Southern Spain) is considered one of the main routes of introduction of bluetongue virus (BTV) into Europe, evidenced by a devastating epidemic caused by BTV-1 in 2007. Understanding the pattern and the drivers of BTV-1 spread in Andalusia is critical for effective detection and control of future epidemics. A long-standing metric for quantifying the behaviour of infectious diseases is the case-reproduction ratio (Rt), defined as the average number of secondary cases arising from a single infected case at time t (for t>0). Here we apply a method using epidemic trees to estimate the between-herd case reproduction ratio directly from epidemic data allowing the spatial and temporal variability in transmission to be described. We then relate this variability to predictors describing the hosts, vectors and the environment to better understand why the epidemic spread more quickly in some regions or periods. The Rt value for the BTV-1 epidemic in Andalusia peaked in July at 4.6, at the start of the epidemic, then decreased to 2.2 by August, dropped below 1 by September (0.8), and by October it had decreased to 0.02. BTV spread was the consequence of both local transmission within established disease foci and BTV expansion to distant new areas (i.e. new foci), which resulted in a high variability in BTV transmission, not only among different areas, but particularly through time, which suggests that general control measures applied at broad spatial scales are unlikely to be effective. This high variability through time was probably due to the impact of temperature on BTV transmission, as evidenced by a reduction in the value of Rt by 0.0041 for every unit increase (day) in the extrinsic incubation period (EIP), which is itself directly dependent on temperature. Moreover, within the range of values at which BTV-1 transmission occurred in Andalusia (20.6°C to 29.5°C) there was a positive correlation between temperature and Rt values, although the relationship was not linear, probably as a result of the complex relationship between temperature and the different parameters affecting BTV transmission. Rt values for BTV-1 in Andalusia fell below the threshold of 1 when temperatures dropped below 21°C, a much higher threshold than that reported in other BTV outbreaks, such as the BTV-8 epidemic in Northern Europe. This divergence may be explained by differences in the adaptation to temperature of the main vectors of the BTV-1 epidemic in Andalusia (Culicoides imicola) compared those of the BTV-8 epidemic in Northern Europe (Culicoides obsoletus). Importantly, we found that BTV transmission (Rt value) increased significantly in areas with higher densities of sheep. Our analysis also established that control of BTV-1 in Andalusia was complicated by the simultaneous establishment of several distant foci at the start of the epidemic, which may have been caused by several independent introductions of infected vectors from the North of Africa. We discuss the implications of these findings for BTV surveillance and control in this region of Europe.  相似文献   

Mononchoides changi Goodrich, Hechler, and Taylor reproduces by amphimixis. The female has 14 chromosomes, the male 13. Sperm cells have 6 or 7 chromosomes. During oogenesis three polar nuclei and the egg pronucleus are formed. Fusion of sperm and egg pronuclei was not observed, but in one egg at metaphase I, two chromosome groups, one larger than the other, were seen aligned side by side and were presumed to be from male and female pronuclei. Non-fertilized eggs are laid, but these disintegrate without cleaving.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus gattii is a basidiomycetous human fungal pathogen that typically causes infection in tropical and subtropical regions and is responsible for an ongoing outbreak in immunocompetent individuals on Vancouver Island and in the Pacific Northwest of the US. Pathogenesis of this species may be linked to its sexual cycle that generates infectious propagules called basidiospores. A marked predominance of only one mating type (α) in clinical and environmental isolates suggests that a-α opposite-sex reproduction may be infrequent or geographically restricted, raising the possibility of an alternative unisexual cycle involving cells of only α mating type, as discovered previously in the related pathogenic species Cryptococcus neoformans. Here we report observation of hallmark features of unisexual reproduction in a clinical isolate of C. gattii (isolate 97/433) and describe genetic and environmental factors conducive to this sexual cycle. Our results are consistent with population genetic evidence of recombination in the largely unisexual populations of C. gattii and provide a useful genetic model for understanding how novel modes of sexual reproduction may contribute to evolution and virulence in this species.  相似文献   

The presence of a large hyaenoid (Hiperhyaena sic leakeyi) from the Late Miocene (Vallesian equivalent) deposits at Nakali, Kenya, was first recorded in 1974, but the fossil on which the announcement was based was not described or figured, nor was a type specimen or type species nominated. The generic and specific names are thus nomina nuda. Howell and Petter (1985) described Hyperhyaena leakeyi, and credited the generic and specific names alternatively to Aguirre and Leakey (1974) and Aguirre and Crusafont in 1974 (the latter paper was never published). Howell and Petter are in fact the authors of both the generic and the specific names. Later in the same paper, Howell and Petter (1985) rejected the name Hyperhyaena and classified the species leakeyi in Allohyaena (Dinocrocuta). The purpose of this paper is to provide more information about the fossil and to discuss its relationships to other percrocutids. It is concluded that it belongs to the genus Percrocuta Kretzoi, 1938, being morphologically similar to the type species Percrocuta carnifex (Pilgrim, 1913) from the Siwaliks of Pakistan.  相似文献   

The timing of desertification of the Sahara Desert is poorly understood, with recent estimates indicating an onset of hyper-aridity during the Latest Miocene. Field work in Egypt in 2005 has led to the discovery of evidence that indicates that 11–10 Ma the Western Desert was covered in woodland. Fossiliferous cave breccia at Sheikh Abdallah, Western Desert, Egypt, has yielded a Late Miocene (11–10 Ma) microvertebrate fauna, which contains Galagidae, Microchiroptera, Macroscelididae, Soricidae, Erinaceidae, and Rodentia. The locality also yielded the remains of frogs, snakes, lizards, and birds. The fauna indicates a mean annual rainfall in excess of 500 mm and perhaps as much as 1,200 mm. This palaeoclimatic information is important because it reveals that the Sahara Desert, which is today the largest in the world, was either considerably smaller during the Late Miocene than it is today, or that it did not yet exist as a continuous hyper-arid belt right across the continent. This data accords with estimates of a Latest Miocene (8–7 Ma) increase in aridity in the Sahara. To cite this article: M. Pickford et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

Reproduction of Criconernoides simile, Paratylenchus projectus, and Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus, alone and in certain combinations, was characterized during 50 days on the soybean cultivars Custer and Hood. Custer was the more suitable host for all three nematodes and C. simile was the most vigorous parasite on both cultivars. C. simile and H. pseudorobustus reproduced as well in combination as they did alone; addition of P. projectus to this combination did not alter results. Reproduction by P. projectus was repressed on both cultivars when it was combined with C. simile and H. pseudorobustus. The relative importance of time was assessed, as it relates both to the establishment of parasitism by applied nematodes and to the rate of development of larvae in the various host-parasite combinations. The necessity of characterizing as well as enumerating populations when evaluating population development of ectoparasitic nematodes was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The species Rhoptrocentruspiceus Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was reared from the larvae of the xylophagous beetle Psacotheahilarishilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), an exotic pest of Ficus and Morus species native to eastern Asia. It was recorded in the north of Italy in September 2005. This discovery is the first report of this species as parasitoids of the yellow spotted longicorn beetle all over the world.  相似文献   

Temperature was an important factor in growth, development and reproduction of Meloidogyne hapla in lettuce. Growth, as measured by increase in diameter of females, was not appreciably different at the intermediate (21.1 C night and 26.7 C day) and high (26.7 C night and 32.2 C day) temperature regimes, but was considerably less at the low temperature regime (15.5 C night and 21.1 C day) than at the two higher temperature regimes. Second-stage female larvae developed into adults 14 days after inoculation at the high, 18 days at the intermediate and 34 days at the low temperature regime. Eggs were observed 20 days after inoculation at the high, 26 days at the intermediate and 54 days at the low temperature regime. Number of eggs and larvae after 6 weeks was greater at the high than at the intermediate temperature regime and no eggs or larvae occurred at the low temperature regime during the observed 6 weeks.  相似文献   

2-Benzoxazolinone (BOA), a well-known allelochemical with strong phytotoxicity, is a potential herbicidal candidate. The aim of the present study was to determine whether phytotoxicity of BOA is due to induction of oxidative stress caused by generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the changes in levels of antioxidant enzymes induced in response to BOA. Effect of BOA was studied on electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation (LP), hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) generation, proline (PRO) accumulation, and activities of antioxidant enzymes-superoxide dismutase (SOD,, ascorbate peroxidase (APX,, guaiacol peroxidase (GPX,, catalase (CAT, and glutathione reductase (GR, in Phaseolus aureus (mung bean). BOA significantly enhanced malondialdehyde (MDA) content, a product of LP, in both leaves and roots of mung bean. The amount of H(2)O(2), a product of oxidative stress, and endogenous PRO increased many-fold in response to BOA. Accumulation of PRO, MDA and H(2)O(2) indicates the cellular damage in the target tissue caused by ROS generated by BOA. In response to BOA, there was a significant increase in the activities of scavenging enzymes SOD, APX, GPX, CAT, and GR in root and leaf tissue of mung bean. At 5 mM BOA, GR activity in roots showed a nearly 22-fold increase over that in control. The present study concludes that BOA induces oxidative stress in mung bean through generation of ROS and upregulation of activities of various scavenging enzymes.  相似文献   

Effects of soil type, particle size, temperature, and moisture on the reproduction of Belonolaimus longicaudatus were investigated under greenhouse conditions. Nematode increases occurred only in soils with a minimum of 80% sand and a maximum of 10% clay. Optimum soil particle size for reproduction of the Tarboro, N.C. and Tifton, Ga. populations of the nematode was near that of 120-370 μm (65-mesh) silica sand. Reproduction was greatest at 25-30 C. Some reproduction by the Tifton, Ga. population occurred at 35 C, whereas the Tarboro, N.C. population declined, as compared to the initial inoculum. Both populations reproduced slightly at 20 C. Nematode reproduction was greater at a moisture level of 7% than at a high of 30% or a low of 2%. Reproduction occurred at the high moisture level only when the nutrient solution was aerated.  相似文献   

Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and IR spectrum of {[MnII(Im)6] · 2(2-IC) · 2(NC) · 2(DMSO)} (Im = imidazole, 2-HIC = indole-2-carboxylic acid, NC = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline, DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide) are reported. The manganese(II) ion has octahedral geometry with a MnN6 core. The crystal structure is completed by two NC, two 2-IC and two DMSO solvate molecules. The individual cations are linked into chains running parallel to the a axis by four intermolecular hydrogen bonding involving two 2-ICsolvate. Moreover, these chains are connected by π-π stacking interactions which occur between neocuproine molecules related through inversion center. In IR spectroscopy, the compound spectrum is roughly similar to the imidazole one: (i) above 1800 cm−1, the bands are broad, but when focussing on some of them a doublet structure can be found; (ii) below 1800 cm−1, the bands are sharp and it is then possible to point out the modification of S-O band when this later is involved in bifurcated hydrogen bonding to a second solvate 2-IC. The compound catalyses the disproportionation of H2O2; moreover an additional quantity of imidazole increases the reaction rate.  相似文献   

The hesionid polychaete genera Oxydromus Grube, 1855 and Ophiodromus Sars, 1862 have been regarded as synonyms with the former considered as invalid since it was thought to be a junior homonym of Oxydromus Schlegel, 1854. However, Schlegel’s name is an incorrect subsequent spelling for Ocydromus Wagler, 1830 (Aves, Gruiformes, Rallidae) and is not an available name. Consequently, Oxydromus Grube, 1855 must be reinstated for this hesionid polychaete genus. A check-list of valid species of Oxydromus including 30 new combinations is provided.  相似文献   

The enigmatic, cleptoparasitic bee genera Brachymelecta Linsley and Sinomelecta Baker (Apinae: Melectini) are redescribed, each represented by a single species which has not been reencountered since capture of the type series ca. 1878 and 1900, respectively. Both genera are the only melectines to possess two submarginal cells in the forewing but are otherwise wholly dissimilar. Brachymelecta mucida (Cresson), a species known only from the male holotype collected in “Nevada”, is newly described and figured, including the first account of the hidden sterna and genitalia. Sinomelecta oreina Baker is similarly described and figured based on the holotype male and paratype female, apparently collected from the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Both genera are valid and from the available data do not appear to represent merely autapomorphic forms of Melecta Latreille. Indeed, the terminalia of Sinomelecta oreina are in some respects more similar to those of species of Thyreus Panzer.  相似文献   

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