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This study was conducted to investigate the sex pheromone composition of Palpita (=Diaphania) indica (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Korea. Two sex pheromone components, E11-16:Al and E,E-10,12-16:Al, were identified by GC and GC-EAD analysis of sex pheromone gland extracts. The mean ratios of the two components, E11-16:Al and E,E-10,12-16:Al, were about 6.5:3.5 and 7.5:2.5 in gland extracts and in SPME collection, respectively. In field bioassays, maximum attraction occurred in traps baited with a 7:3 ratio of E11-16:Al and E,E-10,12-16:Al. The head extracts of P. indica stimulated the sex pheromone production of P. indica, as well as Hez-PBAN and PssPT, indicating that a PBAN-like substance exists in the head extracts of P. indica. Whole-mount immunocytochemistry showed that three groups of neurosecretory cells showed PBAN-like immunoreactivity in the SEG of P. indica. The PBAN-like immunoreactivity connected to the Corpora Cardiaca, a neurohemal organ. Also, PBAN-like immunoreactivity was found in the brain and in the thoracic and third/fourth abdominal ganglia. The addition of sex pheromone components of Peridroma saucia to the sex pheromone of P. indica greatly improved the attraction of P. indica males. The mixing of the sex pheromone components of S. exigua did not significantly increase the catches of P. indica, while the sex pheromone of H. armigera completely inhibited the attractiveness.  相似文献   

Insecticide control is the major measure for suppression of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) damage, and a few insecticides used for long time have proved to fail to control this pest in China. Several new chemicals have been introduced for control of C. medinalis. However, there was no baseline susceptibility data of C. medinalis to insecticides used or will be in use. In this study, a seedling dipping method was developed for bioassay of insecticide susceptibility of C. medinalis. Dose responses of C. medinalis to 11 insecticides were tested. Interpopulation sensitivity to insecticides was compared. Based on LC50 values, C. medinalis was most susceptible to antibiotic insecticides (abamectin, emamectin benzoate, and spinosad) and least sensitive to monosultap and a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) product. Chlorantraniliprole and insect growth regulator (IGR) insecticides (tebufenozide and hexaflumuron) exhibited great efficacy against C. medinalis. No susceptibility difference was observed for antibiotic insecticide and IGR insecticides among three populations. Narrow variation in tolerant level was detected for organophosphates insecticides, chlorantraniliprole, monosultap, and Bt. The results in this study provided baseline susceptibility data of C. medinalis to 11 insecticides and also offered useful information for choice of alternative insecticide and for integrated resistance management of C. medinalis.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone components of the female Crocidolomia binotalis, an insect pest of cabbages in Indonesia, were identified from the ovipositor tip extract of virgin females by analyzing with chromatographic fractionation and capillary GC/MS. In an EAG response and attractivity test with a wind tunnel system, a mixture of synthetic compounds, (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z-9- TDA) and (Z)-l 1-hexadecenyl acetate (Z-ll-HDA), in the ratio of 1:7—1:60 and an amount of 1 ~ 50 ng on a filter paper, showed strong activities comparable to the activity of the ovipositor tip extract, which contained the two compounds at a ratio of c. 1:10 (Z-9-TDA : Z-l 1-HDA). The mixture of these two compounds might be the sex pheromone of C. binotalis.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of trap design, trapping location, type of pheromone dispenser, and trap color on the capture of Palpita unionalis (Hübner) males, in olive groves. The experiments were carried out in two regions, Alexandria (northern Greece) and Oropos (central Greece), where olives are cultivated. In both regions, the majority of the males (> 70% of the total) were caught from late autumn to early winter, whereas < 1% was caught during July and August. Among the trap types used, the Funnel was significantly more attractive than Delta, Pherocon 1C, and Pherocon II traps. More males were caught in traps placed at the periphery of the groves than those placed in the center. Among the four colored traps tested, white traps were the most effective. However, a significant difference in trap catches was found between white and brown traps. Traps baited with red rubber septa captured more males than those baited with the white one. The use of these parameters in monitoring and managing P. unionalis is discussed.  相似文献   

水生鳞翅类——螟蛾科水螟亚科   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
尤平 《昆虫知识》2005,42(5):595-598
从成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹及生物学等方面介绍了鳞翅目的主要水生类群———螟蛾科水螟亚科Nymphulinae的主要特征及其幼虫的主要生活类型。水螟幼虫的生活型可分为Nymphula型、Parapoynx型、Potamomusa型、Eoophyla型和Nymphicula型。各生活型的主要类群及生活特征也予以说明。目的是为了使读者对该类群有正确的认识,以引起人们的重视。  相似文献   

杀菌剂丙环唑对斜纹夜蛾的毒性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在研究比较了11种农药对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura细胞(简称SL细胞)的毒杀活性基础上,选择毒杀活性最高的杀菌剂丙环唑,对其毒理学机理进行进一步研究。结果表明,丙环唑的细胞毒力最高,在100 μg/mL浓度下处理后48 h,SL细胞的死亡率为98.08%。处理后36 h,丙环唑对SL细胞的LC50值为20.31 μg/mL。丙环唑能明显降低SL细胞的蛋白质含量。以0.5 μg/头的丙环唑注射斜纹夜蛾4龄幼虫,处理后72 h,试虫血淋巴总含量及血细胞数分别下降了26.80%和25.26%;在1.0 μg/头的剂量下,则分别下降了37.67%和36.32%。以0.5 μg/头和1.0 μg/头的丙环唑注射处理后,斜纹夜蛾幼虫体重显著降低。此外,丙环唑能降低斜纹夜蛾幼虫血淋巴含糖量及血淋巴蛋白质含量。在注射处理后96 h和120 h,丙环唑对斜纹夜蛾4龄幼虫的LD50值分别为0.59 μg/头和0.45 μg/头。丙环唑对SL细胞和斜纹夜蛾幼虫均具有较好的毒杀活性,显示出丙环唑类似物控制害虫的可能性。  相似文献   

Bruchid beetle larvae cause major losses in grain legume crops throughout the world. Some bruchid species, such as the cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) and the Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfasciatus), are pests that damage stored seeds. The Mediterranean flour moth (Anagasta kuehniella) is of major economic importance as a flour and grain feeder; it is often a severe pest in flour mills. Plant lectins have been implicated as antibiosis factors against insects. Bauhinia monandra leaf lectin (BmoLL) was tested for anti-insect activity against C. maculatus, Z. subfasciatus and A. kuehniella larvae. BmoLL produced ca. 50% mortality to Z. subfaciatus and C. maculatus when incorporated into an artificial diet at a level of 0.5% and 0.3% (w/w), respectively. BmoLL up to 1% did not significantly decrease the survival of A. kuehniella larvae, but produced a decrease of 40% in weight. Affinity chromatography showed that BmoLL bound to midgut proteins of the insect C. maculatus. 33 kDa subunit BmoLL was not digested by midgut preparations of these bruchids. BmoLL-fed C. maculatus larvae increased the digestion of potato starch by 25% compared with the control. The transformation of the genes coding for this lectin could be useful in the development of insect resistance in important agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Annona coriacea lectin (ACLEC) was tested for insecticidal activity against larvae of two pyralid moths, Anagasta kuehniella and Corcyra cephalonica. ACLEC produced approximately 50% mortality and mass loss in A. kuehniella larvae when incorporated into an artificial diet at levels of 1.5% and 1.0% (w/w), respectively. In contrast, the inclusion of up to 2% ACLEC in the diet did not significantly decrease the survival or weight of C. cephalonica larvae. The nutritional indices for A. kuehniella and C. cephalonica suggested that ACLEC had a multi-mechanistic mode of action and was an antifeedant for both insects. The toxicity in A. kuehniella apparently resulted from a change in the gut membrane environment and consequent disruption of digestive enzyme recycling mechanisms. Affinity chromatography showed that ACLEC bound to midgut proteins of A. kuehniella and C. cephalonica. However, the 14 kDa subunit of ACLEC was not digested by midgut proteases of A. kuehniella, but was degraded by the corresponding C. cephalonica proteases within a few hours. These findings suggest the possibility of using ACLEC to engineer crop plants.  相似文献   

豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟对豚草的联合控制作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
豚草卷蛾Epiblema strenuana是我国引进用于控制豚草Ambrosia artemisiifolia的重要天敌昆虫,苍耳螟Ostrinia orientalis是取食苍耳和豚草的本地种。为了全面评价释放的豚草卷蛾与苍耳螟共存系统中的竞争与控制作用, 作者采用三因子二次正交旋转组合设计的方法,选用豚草的生育期(以主茎近基部直径表示)、豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟虫量为参试因子,分别以豚草的地上部生物量(鲜重)、种子量和株高作为观测目标,分析了豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟对豚草的综合控制效应。结果表明,两种天敌对寄主的生物量、种子量和株高均有明显的抑制作用。各处理组合中,具有最大控制效果的处理组合及其防效分别为:当主茎直径为1.0 cm,单株分别接入豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟63头和8头时,对生物量的控制效果达到94.3%;当主茎直径为1.0 cm,分别接入豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟17头和8头时,对株高的防效为31.7%;当接虫主茎直径为0.7 cm时,单株分别接入豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟40头和5头时,对种子量的防效达到99.3%。而当主茎直径达到2.1cm时,分别接入豚草卷蛾和苍耳螟40头和5头,两种天敌对寄主生物量、种子量和株高的防效仅分别为2.0%、6.1%和-2.4%,抑制效果最低。两种天敌的控制效果随寄主生长和补偿能力的增强而减弱。当寄主处于生长前期(主茎直径小于0.7 cm)时,两种虫量的作用效应大于植株的补偿作用;而长成的寄主植物其补偿效应则大于两种天敌的虫量作用。3种因子间的作用方式相互独立,两种天敌之间不存在明显的竞争干扰现象,属于可利用的有效天敌。综合平均效应表明,寄主的生育期(补偿能力)要大于两种虫量的影响,豚草卷蛾对寄主种子量的影响大于苍耳螟,而苍耳螟对寄主的生物量和植株高度的影响要大于豚草卷蛾。在两种天敌的应用中,为了提高防治效果建议及早在豚草的生长前期释放或扩增天敌种群数量。  相似文献   

The pyralid moth Eldana saccharina Walker is an indigenous insect widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Studies have shown that populations from West Africa have distinct behavioural differences compared to populations from East and southern Africa. In addition, the parasitoid guilds attacking populations in these different regions are markedly different. This marked geographical variation evoked a hypothesis of genetic differentiation. To evaluate this hypothesis a molecular analysis was conducted on populations of E. saccharina from throughout much of the species’ range, using the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) region of the mitochondrial genome. A minimum spanning network and a maximum parsimony tree separated the 21 specimens into three distinct groups. Results revealed the presence of substantial genetic differentiation that is related to geographic variation.  相似文献   

Cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the most damaging polyphagous pests worldwide, which has developed high levels of resistance to commonly applied insecticides. Mitochondrial P-glycoprotein (Pgp) was detected in the insecticide-resistant strain of H. armigera using C219 antibodies, and its possible role was demonstrated in the efflux of xenobiotic compounds using spectrofluorometer. The TMR accumulated in mitochondria in the absence of ATP, and effluxed out in presence of ATP; the process of efflux was inhibited in the presence of ortho-vandate, an inhibitor of Pgp, in insecticide-resistant larvae of H. armigera. The mitochondria isolated from insecticide-resistant larvae were resistant to insecticide-induced inhibition of oxygen consumption and cytochrome c release. Membrane potential decreased in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of higher concentration of insecticides (>50 µM) in mitochondria of insecticide-resistant larvae. In conclusion, mitochondrial Pgp ATPase detected in the insecticide-resistant larvae influenced the efflux of xenobiotic compounds. Pgp might be involved in protecting the mitochondrial DNA and the components of the electron transport chain from damage due to insecticides, and contributing to the resistance to the deleterious effects of insecticides on the growth of insecticide-resistant H. armigera larvae.  相似文献   


Millettia pachycarpa (Bentham), a perennial climbing tree, found endemic in north-east India used by tribes for treating various ailments. To ascertain the potential of M. pachycarpa for pest management, the present investigation was formulated against a polyphagous pest, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). Growth inhibitory activity of various extracts and extract fractions was evaluated against third instar larvae of S. litura through topical as well as diet incorporation method. It was observed that dichloromethane extract showed very good growth inhibition in both topical (GI50 7.77?ppm) and diet incorporation methods (GI50< 5?ppm). The growth inhibitory potential of this plant is also demonstrated by the presence of various abnormalities and reduction in larval and pupal weight.  相似文献   

Abstract The angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), is one of the most serious stored grain pests around the world. In attempts to reduce the losses caused by the moth and to suppress its populations, the fumigant activities, behavioral influence and ovipositional inhibition of garlic (Allium sativum) essential oil and its two major components, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, were investigated against the adult grain moth. Their effects on reduction in survival of first instar larvae to adult emergence were also evaluated. Results showed that these three materials (garlic essential oil, diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide) had significant fumigant activity with 50% lethal concentration values at 1.33, 0.99, and 1.02 μL/L air space, respectively; meanwhile, the three materials possessed high behavioral deterrent activities against adults in the Y‐tube olfactometer. When applied to rice grains, these materials reduced adult longevity and inhibited oviposition, with ovipositional inhibition above 70% at a concentration of 1.5 μL/25 g in either no‐choice or two‐choice tests. In short, the study showed that both diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, like garlic essential oil, acted as fumigants, produced behavioral deterrence and inhibited oviposition against angoumois grain moth. Our work here indicates that diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide may serve as potential alternatives for grain protectants since both of them can be prepared easily from readily available chemicals.  相似文献   

The lilac pyralid, Palpita nigropunctalis Bremer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a common pest of Oleaceae plants. A crude extract of the female sex pheromone glands was examined by gas chromatography-electroantennogram detection (GC-EAD) and GC coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC/MS). The GC-EAD analysis revealed three EAG-active components (IIII) in a ratio of 1:0.2:0.01 (I: II: III). GC/MS analysis successfully recorded the mass spectra of I and II. For I, ions at m/z 238 (M+) and 220 ([M-18]+) indicated the structure of a monoenyl aldehyde with a 16-carbon chain. For II, M+ was not detected, but ions at m/z 222 ([M-60]+) and 61 ([AcOH+1]+) suggested that II was a monoenyl acetate with a 16-carbon chain. Further GC/MS analysis of the extract treated with dimethyl disulfide revealed that the double bonds in both I and II are located at the same position of 11th-carbon. In addition, the pheromone extract was examined by GC/Fourier transform-infrared spectrophotometer (GC/FT-IR). An IR spectrum of I showed characteristic absorption at 1716 and 966?cm?1, indicating a formyl group and E configuration of the double bond, respectively. In the case of II, absorption at 1745 and 968?cm?1 indicated an ester carbonyl and E configuration, respectively. Taken together and by comparison with authentic standards, I and II were confirmed as (E)-11-hexadecenal and (E)-11-hexadecenyl acetate, respectively; while III was speculated as (E)-11-hexadecen-1-ol. The synthetic I, II and III all coincided well with those of the natural components in chemical data, and elicited strong electroantennographic activity in male P. nigropunctalis.  相似文献   

The impact of snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin, GNA) expressed in transgenic sugarcane on life history parameters of Mexican rice borer [Eoreuma loftini (Dyar)] and sugarcane borer [Diatraea saccharalis (F.)] (both Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was evaluated. In the laboratory, lyophilized sugarcane leaf sheath tissue was incorporated in a meridic diet resulting in a GNA concentration of 0.47% of total protein, and used for insect bioassays over two successive generations. Deleterious effects of GNA were not observed on survival, weight, and developmental periods of larvae and pupae, nor on adult fecundity and egg viability of D. saccharalis. Moreover, in the first generation, addition of transgenic sugarcane tissue to the diet enhanced larval growth in D. saccharalis resulting in higher larval and pupal weight compared with diet with nontransgenic sugarcane, but this effect was not observed in the second generation. In contrast, larval survival, percent adult emergence, and female fecundity of E. loftini were significantly reduced when fed transgenic sugarcane diet compared with nontransgenic sugarcane diet. In addition, a substantial reduction of female pupal weight of E. loftini was observed in the second generation. For both species, the only consistent effect of GNA in both generations was a reduction in adult female longevity. Life table parameters showed that GNA at the level found in the transgenic diet negatively affected development and reproduction of E. loftini, whereas it had a nil to positive effect on development and reproduction of D. saccharalis.  相似文献   

金龟子绿僵菌及其粗毒素对樟巢螟幼虫的致病性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了筛选感染樟巢螟Orthaga achatina幼虫的高致病力金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae菌株,并研究绿僵菌粗毒素对幼虫的毒力和取食粗毒素后幼虫的血淋巴细胞免疫反应。【方法】以死亡率 时间几率值法和TDM模型分析绿僵菌及其粗毒素对樟巢螟幼虫的致病力,并显微观察处理幼虫的血淋巴细胞的变化。【结果】绿僵菌菌株Ma1291-2对樟巢螟幼虫有较强的致病力,以浓度(1.0±0.5)×108个孢子/mL的孢子悬液接菌11 d后,幼虫的校正死亡率和僵虫率分别为99.8%±2.6%和86.9%±1.3%,LT50为6.29 d。各菌株产粗毒素水平与其对幼虫的校正死亡率和LT50呈显著相关。通过时间-剂量-死亡率模型参数估算,Ma1291-2菌株及其粗毒素对幼虫致死效应较强的时间段分别为接菌后6-7 d和3-4.5 d。幼虫取食绿僵菌粗毒素后2 d,总血细胞、浆血细胞、珠血细胞和类绛血细胞浓度上升到最高值,而后下降;粒血细胞浓度2 d后开始极显著上升,第3天达到最高值后急速下降;原血细胞前3 d未发现有明显的数量变化,第4天显著下降。幼虫取食粗毒素3~4 d后,浆血细胞和粒血细胞有破裂,珠血细胞和类绛血细胞有黑化现象,原血细胞病态变化不明显。【结论】樟巢螟幼虫取食绿僵菌粗毒素后2-3 d,幼虫血淋巴细胞对粗毒素的免疫反应最强烈,且粗毒素对血细胞有毒害和破坏作用。本研究为该害虫的生物防治提供了一定的理论与应用基础。  相似文献   

The present study relates to a methanol extract of the seed coat of Ginkgo biloba, and tested particularly on the third instar larvae of Spodoptera exigua. The extract was found to have an inhibitory effect on the growth of the larvae besides bringing a change in the nutrient reserves in the body of the insect. Topical application of five different doses of the methanol extract resulted in a mortal effect to third instar larvae of S. exigua that is very much dependent on the dose as well as duration of exposure. Lower doses revealed lower mortality after 24 h of application. At doses of 1.00, 2.00, 4.00, 8.00 and 16.00 ng/larva, mortalities were 9.25, 26.07, 50.32, 56.28 and 92.44%, respectively. The dose for 50% mortality (LD50) of methanol extracts by applied by a topical method with 1 µL of acetone solution was 1.92 ng/larva. Nutrient reserves like protein, glycogen and lipid are known to regulate pupation and adult emergence. These reserves have been found to be lower in treated larvae, indicating the insecticidal role of methanol extracts from G. biloba against third instar larvae of S. exigua.  相似文献   

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